Government of Andhra Pradesh

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Public Services – Disciplinary Cases – Completion of inquires – to adhere to the time

schedule – Instructions – Reiterated.


G.O. Ms. No.679 Dated:01-11-2008.

Read the following

1. Circular Memo. No. 35676/Ser-C/98, G.A.(Ser-C) Dept., Dt.01-07-1998

2. Memo No. 51883/Ser-C/2002-2, G.A. (Ser-C), Dept., Dt.19-04-2002
3. Circular Memo No. 36500/Ser-C/05, G.A. (Ser-C), Dept., Dt.19-04-2006


On allegations made against the Government employees disciplinary cases are

initiated in accordance with the rules in force, and wherever necessary inquiring
authorities are appointed to inquire into articles of charge against such employees.
Instructions were issued for expeditious completion of the inquiries and normal time
of 3 months and 6 months is allowed in simple and complicated cases, respectively.
Where the inquiries are not completed as per the allowed time, the Secretary to
Government of the administrative Department concerned at Government level shall
review all the disciplinary cases against employees in respect of Head of the
Departments under his control and also at the field level and shall submit a note to the
Chief Secretary to Government duly recording the reasons for non-completion of the
enquiries and to circulate the same to the Hon’ble Chief Minister. It is also the
responsibility of the inquiring authority to complete the inquiry within the allowed
time, otherwise, such inquiring authority shall be held responsible for the delay,
which deserves penal action.

2.Several representations have been received from employees associations that there
are abnormal delays in completion of inquiries and this is causing lot of frustration
among the employees. Government have reviewed the issue and decided to issue
further instructions in the matter.

3. Government direct that the disciplinary cases initiated against the Government
employees shall be completed as expeditiously as possible and the existing
instructions read above shall be adhered to. The Departments of Secretariat shall
review the status position of the pending disciplinary cases against all the employees
with which they are concerned and submit a note to the Chief Secretary to
Government as per the instructions in force. It is also the responsibility of the
inquiring authorities to complete the inquiry as per the allowed time. The Competent
Authority, after receipt of the inquiry report shall conclude the disciplinary
proceedings within 6 months of its initiation and in case of abnormal delay in
conducting the disciplinary proceedings; action shall be initiated against concerned
inquiring authority.

4. All the Departments of secretariat, Head of Departments and District Collectors

should follow the above instructions scrupulously and bring it to the notice of all the
concerned for strict implementation of the above orders.

(By order and in the name of the Governor of A.P)

P Ramakanth Reddy
Chief Secretary to Government

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