Opamp Design
Opamp Design
Opamp Design
Mini Project 1
PART 1: gm/ID Design Charts
PART 2: OTA Design
Sizing of input pair (M0, M1)
Justify why you used NMOS or PMOS input pair for each stage.
In the first stage we used PMOS because we want CMIR close to the
Choosing NMOS transistor for 2nd stage input to match the first stage
current mirror Load and 2nd stage load PMOS to match the first stage
tail current source.
Information about M3,M4
W L Vgs V* Vdsat gm gm/id id
2.14 um 450 nm 775 mV 153.8 127.2 65.01 13 V^-1 5 uA
mV mV uS
Information about M2
W L Vgs V* Vdsat gm gm/id id
63.82 640 nm 819.2 119.3 85.28 167.7 17 V^-1 10 uA
um mV mV mV uS
We will do a sweep on the width of the NMOS load first stage to make
Note: we will make some fine tuning for the Cc,Rz,W of the second
stage input to adjust phase margin and slew rate.
Rz=1.6kΩ 1.8kΩ
Cc=2pF 1.7pF
W=34.38um 45um
A table showing W, L, 𝑔𝑚, 𝐼𝑑, 𝑔𝑚/𝐼𝑑 , 𝑉𝑑𝑠𝑎𝑡, 𝑉𝑜𝑣= 𝑉𝑔𝑠−𝑉𝑡ℎ , and 𝑉
∗=2*𝑔𝑚/𝐼𝑑 of all transistors (as calculated from gm/ID curves).
𝑰𝑫 5 uA 5 uA 10 uA 37.5 uA 37.5 uA
𝒈𝒎 17 20 17 17 17
𝑽∗ 119.9mv 102.3mv 119.3mv 119.3mv 118.4mv
Note: Vov in the NMOS transistors have no meaning because they are
in the subsresthold.
PART 3: Open-Loop OTA Simulation
Schematic of the OTA and bias circuit with DC node voltages clearly annotated.
OTA Schematic
Hand analysis
Hand Analysis
From the plot, what is the value of Vout at VID = 0. Compare it with the value you
obtained in DC OP.
Vout At Vid=0 = 900.65mV, Vout (DC OP) = 900.6mV approximately equal.
Is the peak less than the value of Avd obtained from ac analysis? Why?
No, because in DC analysis I used a very small step 45 uV.
CM large signal ccs (region vs VICM):
Plot “region” OP parameter vs VICM for the input pair and the tail current source.
Hand Analysis
Plot the results overlaid on the results of the previous method (region parameter).
Annotate the CM input range. Calculate the input range as the range over which
the GBW is within 90% of the max GBW
CM input range=888.67mV
PART 4: Closed-Loop OTA Simulation
Schematic of the OTA
Are the DC voltages at the input terminals of the op-amp exactly equal? Why?
No, because of the mismatch because there is negative feedback which leads to static
error it is very small because Aol is very high but not infinite.
Is the DC voltage at the output of the first stage exactly equal to the value in the open-
loop simulation? Why?
No, because there is negative feedback which leads to mismatch.
Is the current (and gm) in the input pair exactly equal? Why?
No, because there is negative feedback which leads to mismatch.
Loop gain
Plot loop gain in dB and phase vs frequency.
Simulator Results
Compare DC gain, fu, and GBW with those obtained from open-loop simulation.
Avd BW (kHz) GBW(MHz) Fu
Open loop 3.042k 2.444 7.434 7.085
(69.7 dB)
Closed loop 2.924k 2.539 7.442 7.082
Hand Analysis
Compare simulation results with hand calculations in a table.
Avd BW (kHz) GBW(MHz) Fu
Closed loop 2.924k 2.539 7.442 7.082
Hand 2935.34 2.65 7.78 7.77
analysis (69.35dB)
Slew rate:
Report Vin and Vout overlaid.
when I runned first time the Slew rate was 4.763 I think this because parasitic capacitance and
current on tail equal 9.679 uA not exact 10 uA
Since slew rate = ( I tail / Cc+Cparasitic ) To achieve )SR=5) I will decrease the Cc slightly But phase
margin will affected so I will increase Rz slightly to achieve PM > 70 degree
This increase in Rz will make ZERO go to Wpnd so I will check graph with this fine tuning
SR= =5.31
Hand analysis
Vout vs Vin
Plot the results overlaid on the results of the previous method (region parameter).