GR - 12 Q2 - Module 1 Students
GR - 12 Q2 - Module 1 Students
GR - 12 Q2 - Module 1 Students
Quarter 2 – Module
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the nature of Caregiving. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can
be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
n People With Special
1 Needs
What is It
Knowing and understanding a person with special needs will help in early
detection of the disability. This will help the family in making decisions and seek
professional help at an early stage. As defined by CDC, disability is the condition of
the body or mind that affects the capacity of the person to do certain activities.
Some of the disabilities are hidden or not easy to see. Impairment on the other
hand is the absence or the structure of the person is different.
For easy classification, disabilities were grouped into four major types. The types are
physical, developmental, behavioral/emotional and sensory impaired.
Disability Descriptio
Epilepsy Is a disorder of the brain that is
sometimes called seizure disorder. The
main sign of epilepsy is seizure. There
are many types of seizure but the most
common are shaking and blank stares.
Goal for treatment is to stop and lessen
seizure. Note: Prolonged and
uncontrolled epilepsy can cause brain
damage thus early
detection is necessary.
Cerebral This condition is a group of disorders
Palsy that affects the ability to control his or
her muscles. The cause of cerebral palsy
is due to abnormal brain development.
Cerebral means relating to brain and
Palsy means weakness or problems in
using the muscles. There are many types
of cerebral palsy. Some of the early
signs of cerebral palsy are stiffness,
floppy, the child can’t bring her hands
together. Cerebral Palsy
has no cure yet but early detection is
very important for proper intervention
and help the person reach their full
potential. Treatment includes medicine,
surgery, braces, physical and speech
Amputations Is a condition that relates to a loss of
limb. Removal may be due to injury,
disease or surgery. One of the common
reasons for amputation, is trauma
(injury) due to accidents. Rehabilitation
is essential after amputation. The main
goal of rehabilitation is to let the person
with amputation return to his highest
level of functioning. Most common
concern for amputated limbs are
phantom pain. Phantom pain is a pain
felt by the amputated person on the part
of the body that is no longer there. Some
studies say that it is a psychological
behavior but treatment still included
medications partnered with non-
medication treatments
such as massage of the residual limb.
A person who's had an arm or a leg surgically
removed is an amputee.
Note: There are more conditions that are not included in the table above.