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RPG Session Zero

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We all want to have fun but I will warn you once, and only once, if you are breaking

the game. I
am easily a pushover and you can just ignore me asking you to hold back but by then I will go
one of two ways, either I have to make the game harder just to give you a challenge and make it
worse for other players, or I make it easier and just check out.

I ran a campaign where a power gamer made it impossible for me to hurt them and when I tried
to raise the stakes to give him a fight it upset the other players who were not munchkins.
Then the next campaign the players only fought CR 1/4 goblins but over the course of months
never noticed because they loved the power fantasy. They were having fun but by then I was so
bored I stopped trying to push the game forward and the players just messed around for the
majority of the time, great for hanging out but left some frustrated.

Pre-Session Zero Player Questionnaire

1. What level should the campaign start/end?
2. How likely will people die
○ Easy (Almost never)
○ Challenging (Some may die)
○ Hard (TPK’s possible)
3. How hard are the challenges?
○ Players almost never fail checks if they roll average
○ Players usually fail half the time or more if they roll average
○ Players need to roll high to succeed most checks
4. Death
○ What are the consequences of death?
■ New Character
■ Pay some gold to resurrect
■ Complete a small puzzle
■ No consequences
5. Mythic Creatures in the world
○ Myths (boss fights or major enemies/allies)
○ Appear rarely and shunned/worshiped (significant enemies/allies)
○ Are a subspecies/race treated as outsiders (kinda like drow)
○ Are a subspecies known to live in major settlements (Centaur are as reclusive as
○ Are part of most places (minotaurs are as plentiful as dwarves)
○ Are common (satyr are as common as half-elf)
6. How much magic is there in the world?
○ Legends only (names magical items)
○ Rare (Magic sold in large cities to nobility)
○ Uncommon (Magic for sale in cities and some towns)
○ Common (small villages use/sell magic in everyday life)
7. Adventures and Guild
○ Myths (Names heroes only)
○ Rare (Major players only)
○ Uncommon (Adventures guilds in cities)
○ Common (Every town has at least one party)
8. Technology (when adding magical advances)
○ Greek/EarlyRoman Iron Age
○ Ancient Age Rome
○ Medieval
○ Renaissance
9. Days Available
○ Please provide Days Available
10. Ability Score Generation
○ Point-Buy
○ Dice Roll
○ Mercy Dice Roll [Minimum Ability Score Values for low rolls]
○ 2d6+6
○ Player’s Choice
11. System
● Pathfinder
● D&D 5e
● Mutants and Masterminds 3e
● Other

Session Zero
● Get to know each other
○ What do you like about D&D
○ What did you want to do?
○ I am not fond of (Tortles, Kenku) can we work something out
○ What is the minimum number of players to play / what will get us to stop playing
○ While I may add some homebrew rules this does not mean I will allow anything in
the game.
○ If one player becomes too powerful in comparison to the other players it can
break the balance of the game, I will try to talk to you about it but if you refuse to
change I will either have to keep to the level of the other players making it no
challenge for you or too challenging for the rest of the party. This has happened
twice before both ways, in one it ended the game because the other players got
DM Questions
1. What level are we starting at?
2. Is multiclassing allowed?
3. Do I roll my hit points or take average?
4. Are we using point buy, standard array, or random number generation for ability scores?
5. What official books can we use?
6. Is homebrew allowed?
7. Can I make my character a race that flies/climbs?
8. If by any chance I play ranger, could I know what the most common enemy in your world
9. What’s the plot hook for the game?
10. What’s the current date in-world when we start?
11. What kind of religions do people in-world follow?
12. How about the theme? Horror, comedy, thriller?
13. Can we grab feats instead of ability score improvements?
14. How long do you think each session will be?
15. How many sessions will the campaign be?
16. What kind of dungeon master are you? Should I expect a lot of roleplay, combat, or a
mixture of both?
17. Who are the other players in the game? What are they like? Do I know any of them? Are
they friends of yours?
18. Any trigger warnings I should know about, or any that you’d like to know I have?
19. Is there a chance our characters will get some downtime?
20. How fast will our characters level up?
21. Speaking of leveling up, are we using XP or milestones?
22. What’s the environment like in the world? Mostly water, sand, or grass?
23. Would you be against me playing an evil character?
24. Do you happen to use flanking mechanics?
25. How about variant encumbrance?
26. Are inspiration points going to be given out often?
27. Is this a high magic / high gold world?
28. Can I PVP with the other player characters at the table?
29. Probably should have asked this one first, but is this game free to play?
30. If not, how much are we looking at in terms of cash, and where do you want it sent?
31. This game taking place IRL or online?
32. Where are we meeting up at?
33. What times and days do the games tend to start?
34. How much character backstory should I write?
35. Will anything that I write actually matter?
36. Does the party care about team composition, and if so what are they missing?

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