Unit Plan Grade One 1st Term 2020 2021
Unit Plan Grade One 1st Term 2020 2021
Unit Plan Grade One 1st Term 2020 2021
Ministry of Education
ELT General Supervision
(Grade 1)
Learning Unit plans
Based on the new Curriculum
Modified Fun with English
2020 - 2021
Grade One
Modified Fun with English
(1 A)
Unit (1) Number of teaching periods ( 12 )
Standards to be achieved
Specific Competences
Unit title
to be developed
by the end of unit one pupils are Suggested Learning Activities Resources Assessment tools
expected to
1.1 Listening to and recognising 1.1 Recognise words ,phrases, • Using TPR “Total Physical Response - Materials/
simple words, phrases, instructions heard from natural “activities e.g. (Please, stand up! Sit Resources (visual Assignments
sentences as well as oral sources (e.g. different persons’ down! Open please your notebooks!).
and audio aids etc.)
instructions heard in everyday
speech, recorded material) ICT tools
life situations • Discriminate English letters from other
1.2.2. Following simple instructions 1.2.2. Listen to and follow simple shapes and symbols using worksheets
given by the teacher in the instructions related to classroom or IPads
classroom routines
• Pre-writing exercises: e.g.
1.3. Listening respectfully to the 1.3.Listen attentively and respond
Draw and colour shapes; trace and
speaker politely to speakers in different draw zigzag lines; copy, draw and
1.4 Identifying numbers from 1- situations close shapes from left to right.
20 in a listening text 1.4 Identify numbers from 1 to 20 and
reproduce them in digits
2.2 Responding to simple
communicative situations 2.2 Use simple language related to
in mini dialogues related to everyday topics communicatively in
every day topics
mini dialogues
3.2 Reading and viewing
illustrations, pictures and 3.2 Read illustrations, pictures, signs and
signs in order to recognise words in written and visual materials.
common and unique
characteristics of different
written and visual materials
3.3 Handling books respectfully
and appropriately 3.3 Handle books appropriately holding
them right-side-up and turning pages
4.2 Staying on topic while writing one at a time from front to back
words and drawing pictures 4.2 Stay on topic while performing
related to an assigned topic writing tasks related to a given topic.
with the support of the teacher
4.3. Following a simple written
pattern and handling project 4.3. Follow a simple written pattern and
tools neatly with teacher’s handle project tools neatly and in an
support and guidance organized manner on their own
( pencils , papers, colours, glue,
plastic scissors, pictures)
Grade One
Modified Fun with English
(1 A)
Unit (2) Number of teaching periods ( 11 )
Standards to be achieved
Specific Competences Suggested Learning Assessment
Unit title
to be developed
by the end of unit two pupils are Resources
Activities tools
expected to
1.1 Listening to and recognising 1.1 Recognise words, phrases, • Students (Sts) raise their hands - Materials/
simple words, phrases, instructions when they hear initial/ final Resources (visual Assignments
sentences as well as oral heard from natural sources (e.g. sounds in simple words “3-4 and audio aids etc.)
instructions heard in everyday different persons’ speech recorded letters" said by the teacher. ICT tools
life situations material) • Some pictures of body parts are
1.2.2. Following simple instructions 1.2.2. Listen to and follow simple distributed among groups. Parts of
given by the teacher in the instructions related to classroom the body are cut into pieces and
classroom routines Sts are asked to collect the parts
1.4 Identifying numbers from 1-20 1.4 Identify numbers from 1 to 20 and and name them
in a listening text reproduce them in digits • Recognise letters of English in a
2.1. Using simple words, expressions 2.1 Use appropriate simple vocabulary to picture with different shapes , they
and sentences to express indicate / name objects , people and circle just the letters and read
My body
themselves about self , family, places, food items and other things in them
food and other items in short short conversations or individual • pupils write first initial missing
conversations or individual speech letters in words under pictures
provided by the teacher
3.2 Read illustrations, pictures, signs and
3.2 Reading and viewing illustrations, words in written and visual
pictures and signs in order to materials.
recognise common and unique
characteristics of different
written and visual materials
4.2. Staying on topic while writing 4.2. Stay on topic while performing
words and drawing pictures writing tasks related to a given topic
related to an assigned topic with
the support of the teacher
Grade One
Modified Fun with English
(1 A)
Unit (3) Number of teaching periods ( 10 )
Standards to be achieved
Specific Competences Assessment
Unit title by the end of unit three pupils Suggested Learning Activities Resources
to be developed tools
are expected to
1.2.2. Following simple instructions 1.2.2. Listen to and follow simple • Sts raise their hands when they hear - Materials/
given by the teacher in the instructions related to classroom certain sounds in words “ c” in camera Resources (visual
classroom routines • Distribute some pictures of family and audio aids
1.3 Listening respectfully to the 1.3.Listen attentively and respond members among groups, name “father etc.)
speaker politely to speakers in different group”, brother group” etc... say the ICT tools
situations name of the family member and groups
1.4 Identifying numbers from 1-20 1.4 Identify numbers from 1 to 20 with the member raise their hands saying
in a listening text and reproduce them in digits the name “ father”
• Sts in pairs ask “ who is this “ holding
2.1. Using simple words, 2.1 Use appropriate simple
pictures , this is my mother" –
expressions and sentences to vocabulary to indicate / name
classroom objects, people and • Holding picture of a family and asking
express themselves about
places, food items and other “How many brothers, sisters...etc..?
self, family, food and other
things in short conversations or • Sts draw and colour shapes , trace and
items in short conversations
My family