Recollection ST Jude Thaddeus Catholic School Alijis
Recollection ST Jude Thaddeus Catholic School Alijis
Recollection ST Jude Thaddeus Catholic School Alijis
We all seek happiness, but sometimes we forget its true source. God created
us to experience joy and to connect with others on a deep level. When we
focus only on ourselves, we risk losing our way and blaming God for our
struggles. However, Christ is always there to guide us back onto the right
path. As we journey through life, let's be mindful of the footprints we leave
behind, and strive to follow in Christ's footsteps. With perseverance and faith,
we can find true happiness and fulfillment.
“There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as
a father carries his son, all the way you went until you
reached this place.”
1. Please be on time. The process of the recollection must be given with the
highest importance.
2. Please inform our students to procure the necessary materials needed in
the recollection.
3. Students will bring a pen for reflection, sharing, and journal writing.
4. Expect that Cellphones and other gadgets will be surrendered until they
finish the recollection process in the afternoon.
5. House Rules will be reminded all the time. Negative Attitude and Behavior
must be controlled.
6. There will be some instances that the flow of the program will be flexibly
modified in accordance of the Holy Spirit’s calling.