PeoplePleasing Workbook
PeoplePleasing Workbook
PeoplePleasing Workbook
People Pleasing
End the internal struggle of people pleasing with awareness,
compassion , an d tellin g th e lovin g, truth !
Welcome to my favorite topic! This entire I will cover each point of people pleasing in its
workbook is about lies and manipulation. entirety, beginning with the process of first
telling the truth with love. Then acknowledging
When we aren’t telling ourselves or other how your thinking and underlying beliefs may
people, we are not doing anyone a service. not be right. Finally, setting boundaries for
yourself, and giving with love and no
People pleasing is ingrained in our lives expectation for anything in return.
starting from a very early age.
When you learn to accept yourselves, the
You are taught you shouldn’t hurt other good and the bad, you give everyone else the
people’s feelings. same space of love and acceptance!
You shouldn’t be selfish. You show up whole and healthy in the world.
Think of others before yourself. You evolve into your authentic, loving,
fabulous self!
Thinking in this manner sounds altruistic and
very loving, but it isn’t, and it isn’t every single When you can be in the presence of your
time. thoughts and not judge yourself, you will get
to know who you are.
Immediately our minds go to the opposite of
people pleasing. You think that you would You understand that if you choose to give, it
become selfish and that selfishness is wrong! will be with abundance.
You may think IF you are selfish, you will turn The opposite is giving out of obligation and
into a very "me, me, I, I, and myself" type of duty. Giving out of fear, obligation, or guilt is
person! the people-pleasing type of giving, which is
I am not referring to this type of mentality in
the least.
You are offering to others to fill the void of All of us have heard this and taught it to our kids
emptiness in yourself. So much of the time what as well.
you are giving others you desperately want
yourself. You think, "If I just keep doing giving As a child, your emotional brain emotionally
what you want the people you love they will under-developed. The problem is what if 'Sally'
eventually do this for me." was your much-needed boundaries?
2. Society
Now what.
Here comes the rage!
You can only change your future if you forgive and let go of the past.
Use the anger fuel to make a fierce commitment to protect yourself and stand up for yourself from this
moment forward.
Use the anger fuel to draw a line in the sand & end the lying!
"I will not do this to myself ever, ever, ever again!"
How will you stay strong to avoid going back into the "safety" of people pleasing?
Are you willing to feel super uncomfortable on purpose? Are you ready to tell the truth?
What does a recovered people pleaser look like and what is the process of getting to
the place of self-compassion?
It's a complete sentence. You have permission to go after what you
Love yourself madly through that discomfort!
Saying no will feel like dying. It's terrifying. You
In the beginning, this is extremely hard, and the will feel like your doing it all wrong.
guilt is intense!
Stay strong, keep going, your on the right track!
Stay strong and say, NO!
You will feel alone at first.
Feel the guilt, knowing it will be a very
uncomfortable vibration. Then your truth will appear.
You do not need everyone's support and What or who you genuinely like and don't like.
You will soon realize it's so amazing to give and
Your job is to support and approve of yourself! serve when you've taken care of your needs
Commitment of the day:
W h e n i t g e t s u n c o m f o r t a b l e , d o I s m o o t h t h e s i t u a t i o n o v e r, a n d p e o p l e p l e a s e o r s t i c k
to my commitment?