JMP Solid Product Cooling
JMP Solid Product Cooling
JMP Solid Product Cooling
1. Open the data and make a plot (Analyze / Fit Y by X) of Temperature (Y) by time (x)
2. Use Rows / Color or Mark by Column to color code the data by Process
T versus Time
Fit Y by X Plot
d. To enter the formula (T – Ta)/(T0 - Ta), double-click on the T_degC column name to use that column’s
values. Type a minus sign, 23 and Enter. This creates the numerator
e. Once the numerator is entered, click on the bigger rectangle surrounding the equation to select it (blue
highlight) and type a slash “/” or the divide-by operator
f. Type “50.0”, Enter, “23.0”, Enter to input the denominator
è è
g. Click OK twice to apply the formula. Notice that, because Theta is a calculated column, JMP prohibits
manual changes to its values
4. Add a “-ln(Theta)” column to calculate the negtive log of dimensionless Temperature, Theta.
a. Add another new column and select Formula / Edit Formula in its Col Info as before
b. The “ln” function is under the Transcendental grouping in the formula entry dialog
c. Use the “+/-“ button at the top of the formula entry to flip the equation’s sign to minus
d. Remember to “select the whole equation by clicking on the outer shaded rectangle (blue highlight) so
that you end up with - ln(Theta) and not ln(-Theta)
5. Plot -ln(Theta) versus time. Based on the theory, we expect this to be linear for each process –except for the
initial times where the center of the product has not yet started to cool.
6. Before doing the linear fit, we need to do two actions:
a. Lasso and exclude points in the initial “induction” period where the data are not linear. It is a judgement
call how many to exclude, but the cooling appears to reach steady state below q ≈ 0.97
b. Tell JMP that we want to use Process as a Group By variable. This selection is under the plot’s red
triangle menu as shown1
Note that an alternate way to “Group” is to assign the Process variable to the Fit Y by X dialog’s “By” listbox when making the plot.
This will result in separate plots for Lab and Process, and you can then perform the linear fit for each.
-ln(Theta) versus time
Fit Y by X Plot
7. Fit lines to the data by choosing Fit Line from the Plot’s red triangle menu. The result in a good linear fit: R2 =
0.995 for Lab and 0.992 for Plant
9. What do you suggest changing about the lab process to reduce tc to more closely match the Plant cooling
Background Theory
The raw, cooling data are not linear. We could just fit a non-linear model to the data, but that will not simplify things or
give us a single number to use to quantify what each process is doing.
Two, limiting cases help guide on how to transform the data based on heat transfer theory2:
1. What if the product and its packaging have no (or negligible) conduction resistance relative to the
convection rate? This would be the case if the product and package were made of a high conduction solid
such as copper, silver or gold.
• In this case, all heat removed by the cooling instantly shows up at the center of the product in the form
of reduced temperature.
• There is a first-order, ordinary differential equation solution for that unsteady state problem
• The time constant, tC, is a function of the solid’s mass, heat capacity, surface area and the convection
heat transfer coefficient, so it is a constant for a given solid in a given cooling environment
- ln q =
2. What if the product and package are a homogeneous sphere, and the convection to conduction ratio (Biot
number) is relatively high?
• There is an infinite series solution for time-dependent conduction in an ideal solid
• The infinite series solution captures initial behavior where there is a time lag before heat transferred
to the outside of the solid shows up as temperature change at the center. The first term captures
the temperature change at the center following this induction period
- ln q 0 = - lnC1 + [z 1
k rC pr 2 t
• The bracketed quantity is a constant based on the solid’s properties and the cooling process (e.g.
convection rate)
• C1 and z1 are functions of Biot number aka ratio of convection rate and properties of the solid
• Additional infinite series terms serve to “round off” dog leg but don’t change the fundamental shape
of the –ln(q) versus time graph.
These limiting cases both guide to plotting -ln(q) versus time and treating the inverse slope as a characteristic time
constant for the product + process combination. The limiting cases suggest using a dimensionless temperature.
D.P. DeWitt and F. P. Incropera, Introduction to Heat Transfer (3rd Edition), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996, pp. 225-236