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EX 0042 Well Intervention English SI Formula Sheet

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English SI Formula Sheet


Abbreviation Term
ID inside diameter
kg kilogram
kPa kilopascal
kPa/m kilopascal per metre
m metres
m3 cubic metre
m3/m cubic metres per metre
m3/min cubic metres per minute
MD measured depth
mm millimetres
kg/m3 kilogram per cubic metre
OD outside diameter
P pressure
SICHP shut-in casing head pressure
SITHP shut-in tubing head pressure
TVD true vertical depth
V volume

Constant factors
Constant factor pressure 0.00981
Constant factor capacity (using mm) 0.0000007854


1. Pressure gradient (kPa/m)

fluid density (kg/m3) × 0.00981

2. Fluid density (kg/m3)

hydrostatic pressure (kPa) ÷ TVD (m) ÷ 0.00981


hydrostatic pressure (kPa)

TVD(m) × 0.00981

3. Hydrostatic pressure (kPa)

fluid density (kg/m3) × 0.00981 × TVD (m) or pressure gradient (kPa/m) × TVD (m)

4. Formation pressure (kPa)

SITHP (kPa) + hydrostatic column pressure to the top perforation (kPa)

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English SI Formula Sheet

5. Kill weight gradient (kPa/m)

(well fluid gradient (kPa/m) ×TVD to point of circulation (m)) + SITHP (kPa) + overbalance* (kPa)
TVD to point of circulation (m)

*Overbalance is variable and will be stated

6. Tubing capacity (m3/m)

tubing ID2 (mm) × 0.0000007854

7. Annulus capacity (m3/m)

(casing ID2 (mm) - tubing OD2 (mm)) × 0.0000007854

8. Volume (m3)

capacity (m3/m) × MD (m)

9. Time to pump/displace (minutes)

capacity (m3/m) x MD (m) volume (m3)

pump rate (m3/min) pump rate (m3/min)

10. Area of a circle (mm2)

0.785 × diameter2 (mm)

11. Force (kg force)

area (mm2) × (applied pressure (kPa) ÷ 9807)

12. New pump/circulating pressure (kPa)

new pump rate (m3/min)
pump pressure (kPa) × � �
old pump rate (m3/min)

13. Basic gas law

P1 × V1 = P2 × V2

P2 × V2 P2 × V2 P1 × V1 P1 × V1
P1 = V1 = P2 = V2 =
V1 P1 V2 P2

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