EX 0042 Well Intervention English SI Formula Sheet
EX 0042 Well Intervention English SI Formula Sheet
EX 0042 Well Intervention English SI Formula Sheet
Abbreviation Term
ID inside diameter
kg kilogram
kPa kilopascal
kPa/m kilopascal per metre
m metres
m3 cubic metre
m3/m cubic metres per metre
m3/min cubic metres per minute
MD measured depth
mm millimetres
kg/m3 kilogram per cubic metre
OD outside diameter
P pressure
SICHP shut-in casing head pressure
SITHP shut-in tubing head pressure
TVD true vertical depth
V volume
Constant factors
Constant factor pressure 0.00981
Constant factor capacity (using mm) 0.0000007854
fluid density (kg/m3) × 0.00981 × TVD (m) or pressure gradient (kPa/m) × TVD (m)
(well fluid gradient (kPa/m) ×TVD to point of circulation (m)) + SITHP (kPa) + overbalance* (kPa)
TVD to point of circulation (m)
8. Volume (m3)
new pump rate (m3/min)
pump pressure (kPa) × � �
old pump rate (m3/min)
P1 × V1 = P2 × V2
P2 × V2 P2 × V2 P1 × V1 P1 × V1
P1 = V1 = P2 = V2 =
V1 P1 V2 P2