Semiotic Trial
Semiotic Trial
Semiotic Trial
Fathurohman, Irfai
Noor Ahsin,Muhammad
Kanzunnudin, Mohammad
Roysa, Mila
Abstract: Song lyrics are an imaginary literary work from the author which is expressed using beautiful words and
using harmony. However, song lyrics often contain many hidden meanings. Poets and musicians often base their
songs on personal experiences. Therefore, semantics describes how connotative meaning (meaning related to
associations) is used to express the message or emotion of the song lyrics that is necessary to understand what is
happening. Fiersa Besari's album Conspiracy of the Universe by Fiersa Besari contains 16 song titles, but in this
article the researcher only examined 7 song titles, namely, Conspiracy of the Universe, Kau, Second Place, Frontier
Line, Without Because, Epilogue and Kelana. Data analysis methods used in the research This is a qualit ative
descriptive method. The data collection technique in this research uses listening techniques followed by note -taking
techniques. Data analysis techniques using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, in Barthes' theory it is said that
connotative meaning is defined as meaning that can be attributed to an image beyond the level of clear denotation. .
The primary data source used in this research is the album Conspiracy of the Universe by Fiersa Besari. The data is
the 16 songs on the cassette and the lata lyrics are the 16 songs on the cassette. Secondary data sources used in this
research include literature in the form of writings related to the research object in the form of journals as well as a
book entitled Elements of semiology written by Roland Barthes The results of the data found in this research mean
connotation, there are 28 data containing connotation meaning consisting of 19 phrases and 9 words.
Keywords: Song Lyrics, Connotations, Semiotics Roland Barthes
1. Introduction
Literary works are the result of language arts created by an author. Literature is a field that can be categorized as art and
science. In the realm of literary arts, there are various forms of expression, such as painting, dance, drama and music.
According to Sari, et al (2021), literary works themselves can be divided into three main types, namely prose, poetry and
drama. The art of music, including song lyrics, can be considered a form of literary work because it has similarities to
According to Harfina, R.A., Kanzunudin, M., & Nugraheni, L. (2021) Literary works are the embodiment of life
resulting from the writer's observations of the life around him. The author creates a literary work that can be enjoyed by
the wider community whose experience is gained through the realities of life in society which commonly occur in
everyday life. The reality of life in literary works, such as characterization, is created by the author based on imagination
According to another article, Literary works are the result of human expression originating from experiences,
thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs in the form of depictions of life conditions that can encourage creativity with
imaginative and emotional language tools that are describ ed in written form.
According to Rodli, R., Nughraheni, L, & Ediyono, S. (2019) Literary works are human creations that express
thoughts, ideas, understanding and respond to the creator's feelings about the nature of life using imaginative and
emotional language. As an imaginative product, literature also functions as enjoyable entertainment, and is also useful
for increasing the inner experience of the reader
According to Wati, M.L.K., Kanzunnudin, M., Fathurohman, I. (2022) Literature is a literary work that contains
elements of art, an expression of the soul is also said to be literature that is able to give a feeling of beauty and create a
sense of admiration for everyone who enjoys it, but often Also, a literary work cannot be fully enjoyed by some people.
Literature also has functions such as a reflection of life that reflects the values used in society, especially individuals. Or
a group of people. Literature and life are a perfect combination, both of which complement each other, therefore literature
is considered to live in the soul of a human being who needs his thoughts.
According to Saputri, F., Fathurohman, I., & Ahsin, M.N. (2021) Literature is a form and result of creative arts
work whose object is humans and their lives using language as the medium. Research on literary works is important to
determine the relevance of literary works to the reality that exists in society. The values contained in literary works
basically reflect social reality and have an influence on society. Therefore, literary works can be used as a medium to
understand social reality which is processed creatively by the author.
According to Aisyah, D.N., Ahsin, M.N., & Roysa, M. (2021) A song is a collection of lyrics, notes and rhythm
that are sung. The song contains elements of entertainment, so the song was created to change the mood to be more
positive. Through songs a person can express his soul and thoughts. Apart from that, songs are also protected by law.
Because songs have someone's copyright so they cannot be plagiarized or recognized as ownership by someone else.
Song lyrics are a work of art created in beautiful and im aginative language and sung with a tune so that it becomes a
song. The preparation of song lyrics must be proportional, accuracy in choosing language has an influence on the song.
Using the right language style can make the song come alive and have maximum aesthetic value. Song lyrics are an
expression of a person's soul in channeling their inner thoughts towards something they are experiencing and what is
happening around them. Therefore, the song lyrics are presented in the form of songs.
In the opinion of the experts above, the researchers concluded that song lyrics are music that contains the singer's
outpouring of emotions arranged in words. Often lyricists create their own experiences or what they have experienced
into music lyrics. In order for a musical poem to produce poetry that has aesthetic value, it is necessary to apply figurative
language, lyrics in the form of a song can express the heart story of the songwriter himself and describe something else,
such as a phenomenon that is happening at one time. The expression of a meaning is written explicitly or even implicitly
in the lyrics of a song.
According to previous articles, Indonesians, especially learning to paraphrase poetry into prose. The reason for the
observation was to analyze what difficulties students experienced in writing poetry into prose. Many students do not
understand and tend to be confused when paraphrasing. This cannot be separated from the teacher's knowledge and
motivation for writing paraphrases. Before making observations regarding the analysis of the difficulties that occur in
students when appreciating literary works of poetry into prose, observations that are relevant to these observations have
been made.
According to Ahsin, M.N., Ristiyani. (2019) in this context, it is necessary that learning to write literary works,
especially learning to write short stories, can be directed towards writing multicultural themes. With the hope that students
will better understand the differences and pluralism that exist in Indonesia to minimize national divisions. Students need
to have literary writing skills, especially writing short stories. Especially for students who take language and literature.
Having short story writing skills will certainly become an important skill in the future to support you when you become
a teacher of Indonesian language and literature.
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (2020) p. 74 -83
Song lyrics can also be studied using the same theories and methods as poetry. Song lyrics are written in
straightforward language but contain a certain meaning. The language used in song lyrics is almost the same as poetry in
emotional and rhythmic langua ge, for example figuratively, artistically and full of feeling. The choice of words that have
emotional value and figurative language is closely related to the writing of song lyrics which contain connotative
meaning. According to Adriatik, A.M., Kanzunnudim, M., & Nugraheni, L. (2022) With poetry, a poet is able to express
his thoughts in rhythmic word expressions and serves to give an interesting impression to the reader. Connotative meaning
is the meaning of words that contain a feeling or value. additio nal feelings, while denotational meaning is the actual
meaning in writing with reality.
According to Ahsin, M.N., Widyanto, E. (2020) In everyday life, there is a lot of discourse in society, both in the
form of oral discourse and written discourse. People generally understand discourse as a conversation related to a certain
topic or theme. In that sense, the understanding of discourse between one person and another can sometimes be different.
Different understandings are a normal thing to happen.
According to Fathurohman, I. (2023) Literary works, as a product of art, cannot stand alone without paying attention
to the world around them. Therefore, in the world of literature there are four things that must be considered, namely the
author, the literary work, the reader, and the natural environment (universe). These four things are a unity that cannot be
separated. Literary works exist because they were created by their authors. The author is a creature who inte racts with
humans and the social community around him.
Fathurohman et al (2022) say that literary works in general cannot be separated from the authors who create and
create them. Literary works are works of art that express the existence of humanity in all its variations and twists and
turns and create creatively and imaginatively using aesthetic language as a medium.
According to previous studies, Indonesian language learning has been a process through various eras or epochs.
Indonesian as a communication tool has developed over time. The development of the Indonesian language goes hand in
hand with the development of human civilization and technological advances. The problem that is currently developing
is that during the creative industry the use of Indonesian is decreasing. Children understand the use of terms in foreign
languages, especially English, more than Indonesian.
According to Amelia (2020), words are said to have a connotative meaning if they have a positive or negative
"feeling" value. If there is no taste value, then it could be said that there is no connotative meaning. Connotative meaning
is the meaning that arises as a result of social attitudes, personal attitudes and additional criteria imposed on a conceptual
meaning (Sari, et al: 2021)
According to Yusuf, M.M., Roysa, M., & Fathurohman, I. (2021) Every literary work always offers meaning related
to the noble qualities of humanity, fighting for human rights and dignity.. Meaning in literary works can be seen as a
message. Song lyrics that contain moral values are short stories whose stories concern aspects of social life, contain
teachings about good behavior, they will be easily accepted in society, because short stories provide space for people to
think about accepting or rejecting the m essage conveyed.
The meaning of the song can be analyzed using various approaches, one of which is using semantic studies which
connect denotational meaning and connotative meaning. According to Nuha (2022) Language as a communication tool
plays a role in conveying messages from the speaker to the listener. Forensic linguistics is the study of science that plays
a role in problems that occur in society, from small, minor, to large and serious problems
Songwriters often create songs with different melodies and lyrics. Meaning can be understood as an effort to give
meaning to something so that it forms its own concept. The meaning contained in the song is the musician's way of
expressing the contents of his thoughts through unique language that represents the soul and personality of the lyricist.
. According to Tansilo (2021) In the era of modernization, especially in Indonesia, the music industry is more
focused on creating songs that only rely on developments in rhythm and trends. Currently, songwriting often does not
pay attention to the meaning that can convey positive and negative messages to listeners. Therefore, currently there are
not many songs that contain meaning that can move the hearts of listeners. Among the many musicians who have emerged
to make the world of Indonesian music even more vibrant and colorful, there are musicians who are strong in the Malay
genre, and there are also those who are strong in the Malay genre. elements of rock metal, thanks to which the Indonesian
music market is increasingly developing. Developing various th ings with their own characteristics, but in terms of
musicians who are role models and inspirations for the writer himself, Fiersa Besari, almost all the songs he wrote, some
of which actually happened in the writer's real life. Every lyric contained in th e song that was created gives the writer
confidence that this musician has truly been an inspiration in the writer's real life. The title of the song that first made the
writer like or idolize this musician is Nadir, Piggy Bank Rindu, Garis Terpangan and m any more songs another.
Fiersa Besari is a solo musician and folk genre musician. After going through a long and deliberative process, Bung
Fiersa Besari finally decided to pursue a solo career and began carrying out the entire process of composing and releasing
songs manually. This musician, born in Bandung on March 3 1984, is a foreign language graduate of the Yapari Foreign
Language Academy (STBA Yapari ABA) Bandung, West Java. Because he is more interested in expressing his work by
writing and creating songs in a beautiful literary style, only a few people know that he is the founder of the book lover
community Fiersa founded a community called "Bookaholics".
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (202 3) p. 74-83
Fiersa released the music album Conspiracy of the Universe, released in 2015 and finally recorded in 2017. This
music album contains 16 songs, namely, Conspiracy of the Universe, You, Second Place, A Pair of Climbers, House,
Bandung, Amazing Friends, Sole Feet, Frontier, Nadir, Until This Breath Runs Out, Without Because, Lembayung,
Epilogue, Kelana and Goodbye which were all released in 2015. According to a related article, phrases can also be divided
into several types. Here is another type of phrase; nom inal phrases, verbal phrases, adjectival phrases, prepositional
phrases, adverbial phrases, numeral phrases, and pronoun phrases. In a sentence, phrases function as objects, as subjects,
as predicates, as adverbs, and as complements. Sentences without phra ses cannot be good sentences. Modifying noun
phrases are phrases whose upstream is a noun or noun (mention).
This research uses relevant research that has been researched by researchers entitled "Analysis of the Meaning of
Connotation and Denotation in the lyrics of the song "Celengan Rindu" by Fiersa Besari, Yanti Claudia Sinaga, Suci
Cyntia, Siti Komariah, Frinawaty Lestarina Barus (2021), this research discusses the meaning of connotation and
denotation in the lyrics of the song "Celengan Rindu" by Fiersa Besari. What this research has in common with this
research is the analysis of the meaning of connotation and denotation in song lyrics, while the difference between this
research and this research lies in the research object. The strength of this research lies in the object researched by the
author. The object researched by Yanti Claudia Sinaga was only one song title, whereas this research used an album by
Fiersa Besari.
Then the researcher also used relevant research "Analysis of the Meaning of Connotation in the Lyrics of the Song
Bertaut by Nadin Amizah" which was researched by Itika Purnama Sari, Fira Febriyanti, Triana Ayuningsih Ujung,
Frinawaty Lestarina Barus (2021), this research discusses the analysis of the meaning of the connotation in the lyrics of
the song "Bertaut" Nadin Amizah's work. What Itika Purnama Sari, Fira Febriyanti, Triana Ayuningsih Ujung, Frinawaty
Lestarina Barus' research has in common with this research is "Denotative, Connotative and Myth Analysis of the Song
"Lathi" by Weird Genius. What Tamia Rindi Antika researched in 2020. The similarity between this research and the
research that the author researched is a semantic study of the meaning of denotation and connotation, while the difference
lies in the object that the researcher studied. The advantage of this research compared to previous research is that the
research conducted by the researcher was more specific in using denotative and connot ative meaning analysis.
According to Kurniawati (2022), Barthes' focus was more on the idea of two orders of signification. As a science
of signs, semiotics divides aspects of signs into signifiers and signifieds with an understanding of signifiers as formal
forms that mark signifieds, understood as something that is signified by the signifier.
A similar analysis was also researched by Hikma Tansilo in 2021 in the Bastrando journal entitled "Analysis of the
Meaning and Inner Expression of the Lyrics of the Song "Gajah" by Muhammad Tulus. The similarity with the
researcher's study lies in the analysis of connotative and denotative meaning, while the difference lies in the subject,
namely the sweet song "Gajah" by Muhammad Tulus. The advantage of the author's research with Hikma is that the topic
only analyzes one song lyric.
2. Methodology
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a naturalistic approach. This research uses descriptive methods,
literature study methods, qualitative methods, and hermeneutic reading. The descriptive method is carried out by
describing data objects precisely. The literature study method is a method carried out by examining the data in this
research in the form of literary songs and other literary data relating to the problems discussed in the research. Then a
qualitative method is used to describe and study the object by collecting data. Meanwhile, hermeneutic reading is carried
out by interpreting the words in the song lyrics in the universe conspiracy album by Fiersa Besari. Based on the source,
the research data is classified into two parts, nam ely primary data and secondary data.
a. Primary data
Primary data is the main data source that will be studied or analyzed. The primary data in this research are the song lyrics
on the universe conspiracy album by Fiersa Besari.
b. Secondary Data
Secondary data from this research are reference books, scientific papers related to research. Secondary data in this
research are books and journals
The data sources in this research come from the lyrics contained in the universe conspiracy song album by Fiersa Besari
and additional data in the form of books, journals related to research and several articles that can support the validity of
the research data.
a. The primary data source used in this research is the album Conspiracy of the Universe by Fiersa Besari. The data is
the 16 songs contained in the cassette and the lata lyrics are the 16 songs contained in the cassette as well as the song
lyrics contained in the CD Album Conspiracy of the Universe by Fiersa Besari
b. Secondary data sources used in this research include literature in the form of writings relating to research objects in
the form of books, one of which is Semiotics written by Roland Barthes
In this research, the data collection method used was the listening method and continued with the note -taking
technique. This listening technique was used because the object to be studied in this research was song lyrics in the
universe conspiracy album. Then proceed with the note-taking technique, namely by recording the data in a data
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (2020) p. 74 -83
tabulation with a writing tool or certain instruments. The data analysis technique used by researchers is Roland Barthes'
semiotics, because Roland Barthes divided semiotics into 2 systems which are usually called two orders of signification.
Roland Barthes' two orders of signification are connotation as a second analysis system.
Kepakkan sayapmu
Bawa aku terbang
Luka yang tersisa
Luruh dalam dekapmu
(Besari, 2015)
In the quote from the lyrics of the song in the first line, Flap your wings, the phrase is from the words flap and wings,
which actually means spread your wings, but in the context of the phrase it has a new meaning or an incorrect meaning
which means Flapping your wings is the figure of me asking your figure to prepare to help treat his sick feelings. In the
second line of the phrase Take me to fly, the word fly in its connotation means forgetting the incident that made one
feel sick.
In this quote, the second line of the phrase your soul is burning, your body is melting, which in its true meaning means a
soul burned by a burning fire, a body destroyed by something, but in the context, it has a new meaning, an untrue meaning,
namely your soul is burning, has a meaning. a soul that really wants to have my figure, your body melts, meaning a body
that is unable to hold back its feelings of love for my figure.
According to the results of the analysis of the lyrics of the song Conspiracy of the Universe, there are 2 phrases and
1 word that contain denotational meaning. For example, in the second stanza, the first line of Flapping your wings is the
figure of me asking your figure to be ready to help treat his sick feelings. In the second line of the phrase Take me to fly,
the word fly in its connotation means forgetting the incident that made one feel sick.
Ku titip rindu
Di sela malam
Berharap esok pagi kau ambil
Di sudut langit
(Besari, 2015)
In the song quote, the second line, the third line, "Hopefully tomorrow you will take it," the word take, in its truest
meaning has the meaning of holding it and then carrying it. However, in the context of this line, it has a new meaning
or the connotation meaning of the word take, which has the meaning of knowing. Fourth line: At the corner of the sky,
in the true sense, the corner of the sky, is the corner of the sky itself. However, in the context of the lyrics of the song
Dicorner of the Sky, it has meaning in the hope of my figure.
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (202 3) p. 74-83
Menaruh angan
Dalam warna mu
Tak hendak ku lepaskan kenangan
Yang merantai ku
(Fiersa Besari, 2015)
In the song quote, the second line is In your color, the words In your color, in their true meaning have meaning in your
style. However, in the context of this line, it has a new meaning or the connotation meaning of the phrase In your color,
it has the meaning of your life. The fourth line of the phrase The one who chains me, in the true sense The one who chains
me, is the one who binds me with chains. However, in the context of the lyrics of the song Yang Chained Me, it has a
meaning that is always there and cannot be forgotten by the person I am
Berlari lah
Ku kan mengejarmu
Ku kan temukanmu
(Besari, 2015)
In the song quote, the first line of the words run, the word run, actually means someone's running activity. However, in
the context of this line, it has a new meaning or the connotation meaning of the word Run, which means Get away or
avoid the life of my figure. The second line of the phrase I will chase you, in the actual meaning I will chase you, is what
follows by running fast. However, in the context of the lyrics of the song I'm chasing you, it means the figure I will try
to have your figure. The third line Hide, in the true meaning of the word Hide, has the meaning of taking refuge
somewhere. However, in the context of the song's lyrics, the words Hide, have a meaning that is not true, a new meaning
called the connotation meaning, namely trying to be what the figure I did not choose. The third line, I will find you, has
real meaning, I will find your figure. However, in the context of the song's lyrics, it has a new meaning or what is called
a connotative meaning, namely the figure I will still choose the figure you.
Ku kan menunggumu,luluh
Karena ku tau
Kau yang pantas untuk hatiku
(Fiersa Besari, 2015)
In the song excerpt, the first line of the words Membekulah, the word Membekulah, in its truest sense means to be frozen
or solid. However, in the context of this line, it has a new meaning or the connotation meaning of the phrase Be frozen,
which means being cynical or arrogant. The fourth line of the phrase I'll wait for you to melt, the word Luluh in its true
meaning, means breaking down into small pieces. However, in the context of the song lyrics, the word Luluh has the
meaning of wanting my figure or having feelings of love with my figure
Based on the results of research on the meaning of connotations, there are 5 phrases and 5 words. For example, in the
second stanza, the first line of the words Mengkulah, the word Mengkulah, in its true meaning has the meaning of being
frozen or solid. However, in the context of this line, it has a new meaning or the connotation meaning of the phrase Be
frozen, which means being cynical or arrogant. The fourth line of the phrase I'll wait for you to melt, the word Luluh in
its true meaning, means breaking down into small pieces. However, in the context of the song lyrics, the word Luluh has
the meaning of wanting my figure or having feelings of love with my figure
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (2020) p. 74 -83
In the song quote, the third line, please stay intact because, the phrase Stay intact, the word Settle in its true meaning has
the meaning of staying, the word Whole in its true meaning has the meaning of not changing. However, in the context of
this line, it has a new meaning or the connotation meaning of the phrase "Remaining intact" has the meaning of belonging
to my figure completely
4.Results of Analysis of the Connotational Meaning of the lyrics of the song Frontier Line
The song explains the song of the figure of me who is always there for the figure of you/him who always hopes for the
figure of me who hopes to have the figure of me. In the lyrics of the song Frontier Line there are 4 stanzas, the first stanza
has 5 lines of song lyrics, the second stanza has 4 lines of song lyrics. , the third stanza contains 4 lines of song lyrics,
the fourth stanza contains 6 lines of song lyrics. The researcher analyzed the meaning of the connotations contained in
the lyrics of the song Frontier Line:
In this stanza, in the third line, you will definitely find me at the forefront of the phrase. The phrase at the forefront in its
true meaning means the very front line. However, in the context of the lyrics, the phrase Frontier Line has the meaning
of a figure who is always there in difficult times and in good times.
Kumendambakanmu mendambakanku
Bila kau butuh telinga tuk mendengar
Bahu tuk bersandar raga tuk berlindung
Akulah orang yang selalu ada untukmu
Meski hanya sebatas teman
Yakin kau temukanku di garis terdepan
Bertepuk dengan sebelah tangan.
(Besari, 2015)
In this stanza, the second line "If you need ears to hear" in its true meaning has the meaning of "if you need ears to listen ".
However, in the context of the lyrics, If you need an ear to listen, it means that the figure I need someone to share stories
with. Third row: Shoulders for the body to lean on for protection, in the true sense of having shoulders to support the
body and the body to protect it. However, in the context of this line, a shoulder to lean on for protection has a new
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (202 3) p. 74-83
meaning or connotation, namely a helper in times of difficulty. The seventh line: Clapping with one hand, in its true sense
means clapping with one hand. However, in the context of the song's lyrics, it has the meaning of a feeling of requited
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, the connotative meanings contained in the lyrics of the
song Frontier contain 4 phrases. For example, in the second line, if you need ears to hear, the real meaning is if your
figure needs ears to listen. However, in the context of the lyrics, If you need an ear to listen, it means that the figure I
need someone to share stories with. Rows of shoulders to lean on for protection, in the true sense of having shoulders to
support the body and a body to protect it. However, in the context of this line, a shoulder to lean on for protection has a
new meaning or connotation, namely a helper in times of difficulty. The line "Clap with one hand" actually means
clapping with one hand. However, in the context of the song's lyrics, it has the meaning of a feeling of requited love.
5. Results of Analysis of the Connotation Meaning of the Song Lyrics Tanpa Karena
This song explains the song of the figure of me who loves the figure of you/him without reason. The lyrics of the song
Without Because have 8 stanzas, the first verse has 4 lines of song lyrics, the second verse has 2 lines of song lyrics, the
third verse has 5 lines of song lyrics, the fourth verse has 5 lines of song lyrics. Fifth, there are 5 lines of song lyrics. The
sixth verse contains 5 verses of song lyrics. Seventh verse 5 lines of song lyrics. Eighth verse 4 song lyrics. Researchers
analyze the meaning of the connotations contained in the song lyrics Tanpa Karena:
In this stanza, the line You are too great to be defeated by pain, the word Agung, in its true sense has a meaning, namely
great. However, in the context of these lyrics, you are too great to be defeated by pain, the word Agung has a new meaning
or connotation, namely too strong.
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (2020) p. 74 -83
In the third line of this stanza, happiness never goes away. The word go actually means leaving. However, in the context
of these lyrics, Happiness never goes away, the word go has a new meaning or the connotation of never ending. Fourth
line: You may be looking in the wrong direction, the words Wrong direction actually mean the wrong direction. However,
in the context of the song's lyrics, you may be looking in the wrong direction, the words Wrong Direction, have a new
meaning or connotation meaning, namely a direction that your figure finds painful.
In the first line, learn to walk again even though your steps are weak, the real meaning is learn to walk again even
though your steps are not strong. However, in the context of the lyrics, Learn to walk again even though your steps are
fragile, has a new meaning or connotation of learning to accept the reality of life even though living a difficult or
difficult life.
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, the connotative meaning contained in the Bandung
song lyrics amounts to 1 word and 3 phrases. For example, in the first line, Learn to walk again even though your steps
are weak, the real meaning is learn to walk again even though your steps are not strong. However, in the context of the
lyrics, Learn to walk again even though your steps are fragile, has a new meaning or connotation of learning to accept
the reality of life even though living a difficult or difficult life.
In this stanza, the first line, don’t burn with lara or suspicion, Burn, the real meaning is not to be burned with fire.
However, in the context of the lyrics, don’t burn, or feel suspicious, Burn has a new meaning or the meaning of not having
to have deep feelings of hurt.
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, the connotative meaning contained in the lyrics of the
Kelana song is 2 words. The line Don't burn or feel suspicious, Don't Burn, the real meaning is don't burn with fire.
However, in the context of the lyrics, don’t burn, don't burn or feel suspicious, Don't Burn has a new meaning or the
meaning of not having to have deep feelings of hurt.
There are 29 data in the connotation meaning of this research. The results of this research show that the results of the
denotation meaning of the denotation are 75 lyrics to the song Conspiracy of the Universe, 12 phrases and 7 words, the
lyrics to the song Kau are 11 phrases. Second place song lyrics 23 phrases, front line song lyrics 17 phrases, epilogue
song lyrics 11 phrases kelana song lyrics 12 phrases.
Fathurohman et al., ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 (202 3) p. 74-83
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