Lea2 Module
Lea2 Module
Lea2 Module
- refers to a body of civil authority, which is tasked to maintain peace and order, enforce the law, protect lived and properties
and ensure public safety.
Police Organization- a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of
goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the
laws and the prevention of crimes.
Law Enforcement Agency- pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the law.
-collective term for professionals who are dedicated to upholding and enforcing the laws and statutes that are currently in
force in a given jurisdiction.
a. Suppression of brigandage by patrolling unsettled areas:
b. Detection of local or petty uprising by spyinh upon the work and movements of the people: and
c. The enforcement tax collection including church revenues.
- is the degree of likeness and unlikeness of two police models
- is a complex whole consisting of interdependent parts whose operations are directed towards goals and which are
influenced by the environment within which they function.
- oriented policing not only strengthens the bond between police and the community but also enhances the public
confidence and community cooperation and effectiveness and eficiency of police and other law enforcement agencies to
protect life, properties and human rights.
2. Criminal Justice
- a machinery used by a democratic government to protect the society against crime and disorder.
4. People's Power
- the greates source of power to wage war against crime and other threats to society lies among the people.
COPS is a philosophy of full service, personalized policing where the same patrol officers works in the same area on a
permanent basis, drom a decentralized place, working in a proactive partnership with the citizens to identify and solve
1. Philosophy- the present and future crime and other disorder requires the police to provide full service policing and
problem solving with the active participation and support of the community.
2. Personalized- officers should have person to person contract with the members of the community.
3. Patrol- officers must work and patrol their defined beat or AOR as often as possible.
5. Place- the AOR should be divided/sectorized into dintinct neighborhoods in urban areas and clusters of barangays in
rural areas.
6. Proactive- shall have proactive focus of pre-empting, preventing, suppressing, and deterring crimes. Anticipate or at least
detect as early as possible the occurrence of crimes.
*Solve problems- improved relations with citizens is a welcome by-product.
*Line Function: Regular contract of ofdice with citizens.
*Citizens nominate problems and cooperate in setting police agenda.
*Police accountability is insured by the citizens receiving the service.
*Meaningful organizational change and departmental restructuring, ranging from officer selection to training, evaluation and
*A department-widr philosophy and acceptance.
*Influence is from "the bottom up" Citizens receiving service help set priorities and influence police policy.
*Officer is continually accessiblr in person o by telephone recorder in a decentralized office.
*Officer encourages citizens to solve many of their own problems and volunteer to assist neighbors.
Success is determined by the reduction in citizen fear, neighborhood disorder, and crime.
*Change attitudes and project positive image-improved relations with citizens is main focus.
*Staff Function: Irregular contact of officer with citizens.
*Blue Ribbon" committees identify the problems and preach" to police.
*Police accountability is insured by civilian review boards and formal police supervision.
*Traditional organizational stays intact with "new programs periodically added, no fundamental organizational change.
*Isolated acceptance often localized to PCR Unit.
*Influence is from "the top down" - those who know best" have input and make decisions.
*Intermittent contract with the public because of city wide responsibility central headquarters.
*Citizens ate encouraged to volunteer but are told to request and expect more government (including law enforcement)
Sucess is determined by traditional measures. i.e crime rates and citizen satisfaction with the police.
Problem-oriented policing- This is an approach to policing in which discrete pieces of police business (each consisting of a
cluster of similar incidents, whether crime or acts of disorder, that the police are expected to handle) are subject to
microscopic examinatipn (drawing on the especially honed skills of crime analysts and the acgumulated experience of
operating field personnel) in hopes that whst is freshly learned about each problem will lead to discovering a new and more
effective strategy for dealing with it.
1. A problem is the basic unit of police work rather than a crime, a case, calls, or incidents.
2. A problem is something that concern of causes harm to citizens, not judt the police.
3. Addressing problems menas more than quick fixes: it means dealing with conditions that create problems.
4. Police Officers must routinely and sytematically analyze problems before trying to solve them. just as they routinely and
systematically investigate crimes before making an arrest.
5. The analysis of problems must be thorough even though it may not need to be complicated.
6. Problems must be described precisely and accurately and broken down into specific aspects of the problem. Problems
often are not what they first appear to be.
7. Problems must be understood in terms of the various interests at stake. Individuals and groups of people are affected in
different ways by a problem and have different ideas about what should be done about the problem.
8. The way the problem is currently being handled must be understlid and the limits of effectiveness must be openly
acknowledged in order to come up with a better response.
10. The police must pro-actively try to solve problems rather than just react to the harmful consequences of problems.
11. The police department must increase police officers' freedom to make or participate in important decisions. At the same
time, officers must be accountable for their decision-making.
PULLING LEVERS POLICING - in its simplest form, the approach consists of:
1. Selecting a particular crime problem such gang homicide: convening an inter-agency working group of law enforcement
prosecution other justice agency officials, local government, social service, a community-based practitioners:
6. Third Party Policing- describes police efforts to pursuade or coerce third parties, such as landlords, parents, local
government and other regulators,and business owners, to take some responsibility for preventing crime or reducing crime
problems. Prosecutors, individual citizen, community groups and regulatory agencies are all potential initiators of third party
crime control practices.
7. Hot Spot Policing- is a popular policing strategy thst addresses crime by assigning police resources to areas where
crimes are more highly concentrated.
8. Compstat Policing- short for "Conputer Conparison Statistics" is a multifaceted system of managing police operations. It
is a strategic control system" designed for the collection and feedback of information on crime and related quality of life
issues. The CompStst process can br summarized in one simple statement: Collect, analyze, and map crime data and other
essential police performance measures on a regular basis, and hold police managers accountable for their performance as
measured by these data.
9. Evidence-Based Policing (EBP)- means that the best available evidence is used to inform and challenge policing
policies, practices and decisions.
The concept of evidence-based policing simply says that police practices should be based upon scientific evidence about
what works best. It suggests that best evidence should be used to guide practice and evaluate the police.
It is simply the routine and systematic application of the best available knowledge in order to identify and choose the
optomal approach in policy, management, and other applied settings.
GLOBALIZATION- The process of crating transnational markets, politics, and legal systems in an effort to form and sustain
a global economy. It is a package of transnational flows of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority.
2. Civil Law Systems- distinguished by strong inquisitorial system where less right is granted to the accused and the written
law is taken as gospel and subject to little interpretation.
- also known as "Continental Justice or Romano-Germanic Justice"
4. Islamic System= based more on the concept of natural justice or customary law or tribal traditions.
1. Continental- is the theory of police service which maintains that police officers are servants of higher authorities. This
theory prevails in the continental countries like France, Italy and Spain.
2. Home Rule- the theory of police service which states that police officers are servants of the community or the people.
This theory prevails in England and United States.
1. Old Police Service- states that the yardstick of police efficiency relies on the number of arrest made.
2. Modern Police Service- states that the yardstick of police efficiency relies on the absence of crime.
Praetorian guards- military bodies who serve as guardians of peace in acienr Rome in which the idea of policing said to
have originated
Officer de la Paix- a French term which claimed to be the origin of the term Police Officer.
About 700 AD, the people living in England is small rural towns used the Anglo-Saxon System. Ten families ina town (tun)
equaled a tithing elected a leader who was known as the Tithingman. Since 10 tithings amounted to 1p0, the leader of the
100 families was named the reeve. Both the tithingman and reeve were elected officials. They possessed judicial power as
well as police authority.
C. Trial by Ordeal
A judicial practice where in the guilt or innocence of the accused is determined by subjecting him to an unpleasant, usually
dangerous, experience. (In present terminologies, it would mean an employment of a 3rd degree) The word "ordeal" was
derived from the Medieval Latin word "Dei Indicum" whixh means " a miraculous decision"
A. Shire-Rieve
Shire-Rieve was a policing System during the Norman Period when England was divided into fifty-five (55) military areas,
each headed by a ruler called the Rieve (head-man or lieutenant of the army). The fifty-five (55) military divisions in England
are called shires. The shire-rieve had absolute powers that no one could questions his or her actions.
- A judge selected to hear cases which were formerly being judged by the Shire-Rieve and tasked to travel through
and hear criminal cases. This was the first instance of the division of the police and judicial powers.
- An act that was enacted during this period with following features:
- Offenses were classified as against the king and individuals
- The police and the citizens have the broad power to arrest. It introduced the system called “citizen arrest”
- Grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the law. A system which made inquisition onto the facts of a crime
and eliminate the “Anglo-Saxon Trial or trial by ordeal system.
Frankpledge System
A system of policing whereby a group of ten neighboring male residents to guard the town to preserve peace and protect
the lives and properties of the police.
Statute of 1295
The law that marks the beginning of the curfew hours which demanded the closing of the gates of London during sundown.
- No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, banished or exiled except by legal judgement of his peers.
- No person shall be tried for murder unless there is proof of the body of the victim.
- A group of men organized by Henry Fielding and named by his brother John Fielding task to catch thieves and
- Identified by carrying a Tipstaff with the Royal Crown
- Made up of eight constable who also investigated crimes handed over to them by the volunteer constable and
1798- Marine Police Force was established, salaried constable were being paid by local magistrates. Preventing the theft
of cargo- widely regarded as being the first modern police force in the world, in the sense that they were not government
controlled and were responsible for the prevention of crime.
Sir ROBERT PEEL- appointed as HOME SECRETARY in 1822
METROPOLITAN POLICE FORCE (MPF) - organized in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel under the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829
- The largest of the police services that operate in greater London (the others include the City of London Police and
the British Transport Police)
- Finest police force around the world.
1833- Cold bath fields Riot (grays Inn road). A major crowd disturbance dealt with by the Metropolitan Police with
controversial use of force.
1836- The metropolitan police absorb the Bow street horse Patrol into its control.
1838- Incorporates Marine Police and Bow Street Runners into Metropolitan Police and the disbandment of the Bow Street
Office and other Offices. These where all agreed and put into effect.
The NPSC controls the National Police Agency (NPA) with respect to:
a. Police training
b. Communications
c. Criminal statistics
d. Equipment
e. Other police administration and
f. Matters of police operations affecting national public safety.
The NPSC has the power to appoint or dismiss the Commissioner- General of the National Police Agency with the approval
of the Prime Minister.
Appointments and dismissals of Chiefs of Prefectural Police Headquarters are also made by the NPSC with the consent of
the Prefectural Public Safety Commission.
For the Chief (superintendent- General) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the further approval of the Prime
Minister and the consent of the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission are required.
NPA Regional Bureaus- exercise control and supervision over regional police offices and provides support with the
prefectural police.
There are seven (7) Regional Police Bureaus established as local police officers of the NPA whose jurisdiction extends to all
districts except in the areas of Tokyo Prefecture and Hkkaido.