Police Community Relations
Police Community Relations
Police Community Relations
Learning Objectives
For a common cause, the following basic steps may be implemented to attract the citizens to join police community activities;
1. Forging relationships. Establishing relations, either personal or professional, is a key factor that establishes credibility and
confidence so that the information intended to be conveyed to the other party can be trusted and relied upon.
2.Use of information. Public information is a vital tool to raise awareness and knowledge that creates an impression over certain
3. Shaping perceptions and influencing their thoughts. When the use of information is properly done, then the educative and
illuminative process of injecting information to the consciousness of the receiver becomes the dominant and the controlling factor
that affects the decision-making process of the receiver of the information.
4. Community organization and mobilization. The visible indromurs that community perceptions have been shaped in favor of
law enforcement action are the reduced resistance or non-resistance of the members of the community towards any forms of
policing actions. This makes them willing to be organized and form groups for the welfare of the community and harmony of its 5
3. Community Interaction. It is an indispensable tool in bringing the police closer to the people.
This requires the police to be visible in the community and make its presence physically felt .
.Area Visit
1 2. House Visit
The community or area visit is It is an interpersonal
conducted for several specific purposes interaction that brings the police
and is designed to attain the following closer to the communities,
objectives using an 8-man team
composition; connects the police with the
public, inform the community of
• Police visibility to neutralize or drive
out a larger group of insurgents or various matters that affect their
criminal gangs in the community. lives. This starts from issues
• Conduct peripheral visit and forge involving peace and order, laws
relationships with the people in the area that affect their daily activities
by conducting interpersonal dialogue, (FAs, Anti-fencing, Anti-Illegal
establish rapport and offer friendship. drug, and human trafficking. etc.),
• Educate the people in the community economics, social and cultural
about the recent news that may capture issues, health, social inventions, to
their interest and important laws that as odd as lives of celebrities.
may affect their lives. 8
1. Prevention of crime is the basic mission of the police
The primary mission of the police is to prevent crime and ensure a
peaceful and orderly community interaction without the necessity of
resulting in a military intervention to repress crime and severity of
legal punishment. The need, therefore, to enforce laws and ordinances,
protect lives and properties and maintain peace and order, are
preconditions that limit the formation of conflict in the environment
and therefore ensure Public order and safety. When the police are
already in crime deterrence and control function, then it is
approximating a failure to perform its primary mission.
7. The police are the public, and the public are the police
The police at all times should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the
historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police. The police are the
only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent
on every citizen in the intent of the community welfare.
The Philippine National Police (PP) recognizes the role of the Barangay Tanods, Bantay,, Civilian Volunteer
OrganizationS, Barangay Auxiliaries, Non-Government Organizations and other people's Organization that can be utilized
as force multipliers in the fight against criminality, insurgency, and terrorism. These organizations are also able partners in
the development of the community.
Executive Order No. 546 authorizes the PNP to deputize the Barangay Tanods as a force multiplier in the implementation of
the peace and order plan subject to the concurrence of the appropriate local Chief Executive through the Local Peace and
Order Council (LPOC).
Doctrine of Reciprocal Responsibility
-This requires that the PNP and the public work together towards the attainment of a
healthy and peaceful environment. The police on their own cannot effectively prevent
and control crimes. The participation and support of the citizenry in their anti-crime
campaign is indispensable.To ensure the success of COPS, the community must be
viewed as the stakeholder. Ideally, crime is everybody's business. However, some
citizens are not aware Of this responsibility.
The community must help in eradicating the causes of criminality as föllows:
• Ignorance
•Injustices/ abuses
• Soft state/indiscipline
• Fear
• Lost family values
• Violence
• Urban migration
• Overpopulation
• Unemployment
1. Patrol the beat -During patrolling, the team checks alleys, abandoned houses, abnormalities in the surrounding,
communicates with people. They can also ask information about anything that may affect peace and order, stop and
frisk anybody suspected of concealing weapons or suspiciously loitering around to victimize people.
2. Conduct of house visit -The main purpose of house visit is forging a relationship and getting information about
the status of the household (profiling) and its occupants, their problems in the community and find out how the police
can assist them. The veteran member usually undertakes the questioning while the rookie serves as the security for
the PCR operator and at the same time learns how the interpersonal conversation is conducted.
3. Organize and Mobilize people -Every area and house visits conducted by PR teams should have a distinctive
purpose connected to organizational works intended for community mobilization and intervention. The
organizational works conducted by PCR teams are all part of community policing.
The Attributes of a PCR Man
The PCR man is the role model in the community. The community
looks upon him with respect, learns from him how to respect the laws,
and cooperates with him because what he is doing is for the good of the
community. He renders impartial enforcement of the law because the
community knows that he represents the law. By his mere presence, the
community is assured of the absence of crime and disorder. To command
this kind of perception and earn the respect of the community, he must,
therefore, display the following attributes:
He is the father of all the kids. The PCR operator should show Concern for the kids he meets
in the street as every father does. He asks the kids how well they are, how they fared in school,
guide them not to cut classes, study their lessons, be courteous to elderly and their teachers,
offers assistance to intervene when abused by their parents or siblings. In short, when the kids
can't find somebody to ally with him, it is not the peers or the destructive gangs in the street
that the kids should seek support. The police should intervene in this dysfunction before a child
seeks somebody else for support.
He is a friend to the working adults. The police in the neighborhood is a dependable ally of
the working sector of the community who leaves their homes unattended and at the mercy of
burglars and brigands. The police make a round and check homes if they are properly secured
if kids or elderly were left alone and sees if they may need some help from the appropriate
He is the loving son of the elderly. He is a policeman in the neighborhood who visits the
elderly who normally need some attention. He visits the sick elderly and those living alone and
sees that the appropriate agencies in the government like the DSWD are attending to their
needs. He takes conscious efforts to bring food when needed during the visit or takes time to
bring the visited elderly for a medical check-up to a government hospital, run errand to call the
attention of the nearest kin, or takes the elderly for a joy ride or walk in a public park.
The Area Visit
The area visit is a form of a patrol to be conducted jointly by a two-person team from
concerned police stations with a team from
RPSB Or PPSC or by maneuver units. Its purpose is not only to ensure the protection of
the barangay or community and its households being visited but also to check on the
Familiarity with the names, faces, children, vehicles and living habits of people in the neighborhood
increases security. The police discourage the people from prying on the private affairs of their neighbors
unwarrantedly. Instead, they are encouraged to have a general idea of the daily routine of their immediate
neighbors and occurrences in their neighborhood. In so doing, one is more likely to notice a stranger
loitering in the neighborhood area or somebody with suspicious/criminal intent.
Police officers will knock on doors and introduce themselves to residents to ask if they have problems with
crime or anti-social behavior.
The officers and members from the police community support team will also tell people what they are
doing to make their local area safer and provide crime prevention advice.
Neighbors or every resident will be given a chance to speak directly to the police on issues that
concern them. Any information gathered from the community would be used to determine the crime-
solving priorities for the local police teams.
Purposes of Neighborhood Partnerships
• Improve trust and confidence in the police, council and other partners;
• Encourage people to tell about the issues that affect them, report crimes, and
provide sensitive information;
Most people can identify a police officer by the official police uniform. Mired and stuck on a busy street and in
need of help, the mere Sight of the police officer in a distinctive uniform is a sigh of relief for most citizens. Most, if
not all, drivers willingly submit and obey to the hand directions of a police officer in proper uniform. Criminals
usually curb their unlawful behavior when they spot a uniformed police officer in the area. A police officer wearing a
snappy uniform while performing his/her duty commands awesome respect and obedience from the citizens.
For practical and safety reasons, police officers are encouraged to wear civilian attire while riding public transport.
This will also dispel a bad impression or notion that the Police Officer is riding for free Badge
or Tsapa system).
Off-Duty Attire -There is no defined dress code for a police officer while off-duty, but it is most encouraged for
him/her to wear clothes or attire appropriately as dictated by the occasion, Every police officer shall bear in mind that
"The clothes make the man.
Office Dress Code -All PNP personnel shall wear the prescribed uniform while on duty as required by the situation.
PNP's Public Information efforts provide the internal and external audience with accurate information about
agency's programs and projects and in some instances, clarify issues relevant to the PNP. It also addresses the need
for information to the community and the police.
The term Public Information refers to information collected and held by various-levels of the government that
are available to public inspection by its nature, or at the request of individuals. In the context of the police operation
and community relations, public information is used largely to educate the public and clarify issues that may provide
vague meanings, and partly to help enlighten the public about police work. In most instances, it is this information
that generates perceptions that may or may not result in good public cooperation and support. It is in this regard that
various organizations conceptualized a management tool to sway public perception towards the organization.
The PNP media relations activity is consistent with the policy of the
rational transparency in all police activities and up holding the rights of the people
to be informed of matters in public interest . It seeks to establish specific
guidelines on how every member of the Philippine National Police (PNP) should
deal with members of the media especially in releasing public information.
This also aims to re-orient and further motivate every PNP personnel to be
mindful of the importance of a good working relationship with media as a vital
component of the organizations over all police community relations police
program but with full awareness of the limits of disclosure of information.
Information that may be released in connection with an investigation of an event or crime includes:
1. The type or nature of an event or crime;
2. The location, date and time, injuries sustained, damages and the general description of how the incident occurred;
3. Type and quantity of property taken;
4.The identity and approximate address of a victim except for sex crime victims, and in other cases where reprisals.
or intimidation may be employed.
5. Requests for aid in locating evidence, a complainant or a suspect;
6. Numbers of officers or people involved in an event or investigation, and the length of the investigation; and,
7. Name of the Investigator-on-Case, his supervisor and division or unit assignment (exception: the name of any
undercover officer will be released).
On the other hand, Information that may not be released in connection with an investigation of an event or crime,
unless authorized include:
1. The identity of a suspect before arrest unless such information would aid in apprehending the suspect or serve to
warn the public of potential danger;
2. The identity of the victim of a sex crime or any related information which, if divulged, could lead to the victim's
3. The identity of victims or witnesses if such disclosure would prejudice an investigation to any significant degree,
or if it would place the victim in personal danger;
4. The identity of any juvenile who is a suspect or defendant in a case subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile
6. The results of any investigative procedure such as lineups, polygraph tests,
fingerprint comparison, ballistic test or other procedures;
1. Accept without rancor (or false hope of changing) the adversarial relationship which exists between the press and
law enforcement agencies.
3. Protect the credibility of the PIO or unit's /department's spokesperson (and through them the organization) by
alerting them to the bad news before it appears in the press.
4. Allow the PIO/spokesperson the latitude to limit the badness of the news.
5. Specifically: Authorize the PIO to reveal the bad news, along with the good.
6. Adopt a defensive attitude by responding to queries only, or, worse yet, simply ignoring a problem and hoping it
will go away is a leadership failure. It usually doesn't go away.
1. Community Organizing. A process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest with the
end goal of building a changed community by empowering its community members with the knowledge and skills.
2. Mobilization. Training and mobilization of the chosen core group should immediately be done to enhance their
capabilities and skills in handling not only the problems of the people but of resisting the odds as well.
3. Community Intervention. It is generally a combination of efforts of the Community Organizers and some local
individuals resulting from continuous communication and evaluation process to prevent dysfunction and promote
well-being among the residents. This is where various intervention programs are conducted for healing processes. If
a problem is perceived as a community crisis, then it would require community solution focusing on community
development, capacity building, empowerment and the provision of increased livelihood programs.
4. Community Safety & Security Assistance. It refers to the measures/ actions to be undertaken to ensure the safety
and security of the residents in a certain locality. It is a collaboration of efforts among individuals aiming to make
their daily lives and social choices without feeling unsafe or fear of becoming a victim of crime. It also involves
community leaders and various agencies working together to address persistent crime problems and disorder
affecting the people in the area.
The Information Operations (I0) as part of the Police Community Relations of the PNP is
relatively new. While some aspects of it had been practiced and continued to be practiced by
some units and police managers, it has not been truly formalized as a comprehensive tool to
further police operations. However, recent experiences in the Philippine setting (to include
BALIKATAN) had shown the importance of 10 to the success of field operations including
law-enforcement. There is a need, therefore, to awaken more awareness to use I0 as a tool in
police operations. This is to say that each police must imbibe the attitude, skills, and
knowledge to pursue an IO effort.
Fundamentals in Information Operation
A favorable measure of gain has been observed with the current efforts of the Public
Information Division of Directorate for Police Community Relations in feeding out some
propaganda, materials thru the Internet and print broadsheets including the fight against
insurgency. Recently, issues have been exploited that undermine the (PP's organizational,
political, and ideological activities, plans, united front efforts as well as its protracted armed
struggle to seize political power. On another front, the Information Operation and Research
Center of the Directorate (IOC) assists in shortlisting the seemingly endless line of syndicated
crimes with the current organizational efforts to institutionalize these approaches.
Information Operation encompasses attacking command and control systems of any anti-
government organizations or groups while protecting friendly command and control systems from
any adverse disruptions whether criminal or subversive. Effective responses will combine the
effects of offensive and defensive IO to produce information superiority at crucial points of either
police or political confrontation under the current situation of global terrorism and neo-subversive
strategy and tactics in which the enemies of the State have become adept at exploiting
institutional structures and modern governance methods.
Information Operation Defined
1. Offensive IO. To destroy, degrade, disrupt, deny, deceive, exploit, and influence adversary
decision-makers who can affect the success of the friendly operation. It is the integrated use
of assigned and supporting capabilities and activities, mutually supported by intelligence, to
affect enemy decision-makers or to influence others to promote specific objectives.
2. Defensive IO. To protect and defend friendly information command and control. Effective
IO requires integrating information related activities such as public affairs and CMO.
1. Undertake close monitoring, networking and liaising activities with Muslim communities in addressing terrorism and
lawless violence in their respective areas to ensure respect of cultural diversity and cooperation;
2. Conduct training, seminars and continuing education to the Muslim and Non-Muslim PNP personnel in terms of
counter radicalization and deradicalization efforts of the PNP to include Muslim elders, Ulama, and Muslim scholars;
3. Conduct information dissemination about Muslim beliefs, culture, and traditions to Non-Muslim PNP personnel,
students from different levels and the tri-media thru dialogues, radio guesting, school visitations and fyers distribution to
promote harmony and awareness;
4. Serves as coordinating body among the regular PNP operating units, different Salaam Police Offices in the ground,
and AFP units in the conduct of police operations against Muslim personalities or in Muslim communities including
arrest, investigation, and filing of cases to safeguard the proper implementation of law and observance of human rights;
5. Enhance linkages with the National Commission on Muslim. Filipinos and the Muslim-Christian communities to
ensure effective community partnership in addressing terrorist threats and violence;
6. Strengthening of the Salaam Police Center to operate with autonomy as a separate unit, similar to the setup of HRAO
and WCPC, with appropriate personnel, logistical, and financial capability;
7. Allow the Muslim police officers to wear veil or Hijab, long skirts and pants as well as male police officers to wear
jogging pants during athletics, to hide their aura (private parts;
8. Increase the number of police personnel assigned at the Salaam Police Center to be more effective in their basic
police service, and encouraging the assignment of recruits to the Salaam Police Center after basic training with the
permanency of assignment depending on their performance;
9. Formulate specific PNP policy raising the consciousness of its personnel in the religious, social, cultural aspects of
the Muslims which are sensitive to Islam faith and which could build significant development in the peace process; and
10. Close coordination with the Office of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos for the Muslim PN personnel to
participate on the Hajj mission subject to availability of funds.
Counter Radicalization and Deradicalization Aspects
The mission of the BPAT is to conduct peacekeeping activities in association with the
various sectors of the community and ensure their continuous support towards the
maintenance of peace and order and safety .
The problem on internal security has continued to persist which has resulted in serious socio-
economic consequences. In its efforts to curb insurgency, the government outlined an approach
to solve the problem where the AFP, PNP and other government instrumentalities have
currently cued with the "all of government approach" and designed its strategy towards
winning the peace. The PNP now rides with the thrust through its PNP ISO Plan Samahan 2011
and put a new vigor in addressing the three-decade-long insurgency problem.
The PCR approach aims to soften the ground as the PNP march forward to advance the level of
security and safety of every Filipino people into another dimension, and smoothen rough edges
when the stronger arm of the law created some imperfections in shaping the environment
towards safer communities.
MOBILIZE. Community interventions that target risk factors and introduce protective
factors to prevent anti-social behavior
1. Area Visit -A form of Patrol to be conducted by RPSB /PPSCs alone or jointly with a two-person team from the concerned
police station. Its purpose is not only to ensure the protection of the barangay and the household being visited but also to check on
the following as provided in the following campaign plans;
• Presence of the anti-government movement's armed component (Campaign Plan Sandugo)
•Presence of Organized Gangs (Campaign Plan Sandigan)
• Indicators of clandestine laboratory (Sangbanat)
• Indicators of flood and erosion potentials (Saklolo)
• Illegal logging and poaching of wild animals (Sangyaman)
• Presence of threat groups and PAGs (Sang-Ingat)
2. House Visits -House visits for the conduct of interpersonal interaction is an effective tool of forging a relationship with the
communities, connect with them and inform them of various matters that affect their lives. This starts from issues involving peace
and order, laws that affect their lives (FAs, illegal logging, fencing, drug abuse, human trafficking, etc.) economics, social and
cultural issues, health, social inventions to as odd as talking about lives of celebrities.
3. Community Profiling -Knowing every bit of information about the community makes the job of the police in community
policing easier. It involves the following;
3.1. Community mapping -The road network and access to a community and between communities should be profiled in
standard format with names of street, roads, drives, avenues, and highways indicated, and with important access between
households such as alleys, walkways, catwalks, bridges, and trails. This is to ensure that that navigation by police elements and
other government agencies responding to emergencies or just plainly conducting patrols can be expeditiously facilitated.
3.2. Household Profiling -The house profiling shall be undertaken by PC operators during house visits which involve getting the
identities, age profiles, job profile, religious profile, educational profile and economic profile of the occupants. The profiling may
include the number of occupants in the house, including the identities of the transients, employees, household helpers, and drivers.
Extra care should be observed to avoid accusations of infringement of the right to privacy of the citizen by the police.