Role Responsibilities of Stakeholders of The Institute

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(Approved by AICTE & Permanently Affiliated to JNTUH)
Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, Hyderabad-501 401
Phone: +91- 9248727210, Email: , Website:


(Approved by AICTE & Permanently Affiliated to JNTUH)
Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, Hyderabad-501 401
Phone: +91- 9248727210, Email: , Website:

Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

S.No Stake Holders Pg. No
1 Management 1
2 Governing Body 2
3 Academic Council 2
4 Principal 3
5 Board of Studies 6
6 Finance Committee 6
7 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 6
8 Dean (Academics) 6
9 Dean (Planning & Development) 7
10 Dean (Research & Development) 8
11 Head, Research & Development (R&D) 9
12 Head, Centre for Engineering Education Research (CEER) 9
13 Head, Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE) 10
14 Head, Industry Institute interaction Cell (IIIC) 10
15 Dean (Examinations & Evaluation) 11
16 Controller of Examinations 11
17 Additional Controller of Examinations-I 12
18 Additional Controller of Examinations-II 12
19 Additional Controller of Examinations-III 12
20 Dean (Faculty & Students Affairs) 13
21 Dean (Training & Placement) 13
22 Heads of the Departments 14
23 Administrative Officer 15
24 Accounts Officer 16
25 Librarian 17
26 Physical Director 18
27 Academic In charge 18
28 Class Coordinator 19
29 Mentors 20
30 Faculty 20
Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

1. Roles & Responsibilities of Management:

Management (Chairman, and Secretary) of the institute are responsible for the following
functions of the institute.
1. Visionary
2. Regulations
3. Leadership
4. Development

1. Accountable to have a commitment to the overall development of the Institute.
2. Contributing availability of resources for students to develop national and
international level quality perspectives for overall growth.
3. Delegates their authority to the Principal for establishing a college-wide vision of
commitment to high standards for the success of all students.

1. Design policies to address the issues particularly relevant to students, faculty,
parents, staff, and social affairs practices.
2. Implementation of university standards upon academic regulations among students
for the successful completion of their education.
3. Provide support to department heads to design course curriculum in align with the
corporate trends.
4. Encourage heads of departments to implement policies across academic practices in
view of institution growth.
5. Internal audit to control the risk management and ensure to take adequate right
decisions ethically.

1. Guide the behaviors of professionals to meet academic standards.
2. Perform a high level of competencies towards their duties in advising students,
faculty, staff and other stakeholders.
3. Identify, design, evaluate and control future opportunities and risks within and
outside the institution and allocate responsibilities to the authorized persons for
controlling mechanisms.
4. Working with heads of department within the institute for wide structures to
establish, manage and enhance academic and welfare support for students.
5. Adhere to the principal decisions to bring rigorous learning practices among
students and faculty for the wellbeing of social growth.
6. Engage Principal work as a responsibility towards parents and other outsiders
related to the college community for assessments.
7. Give a handful of support for the Principal in developing an atmosphere of caring
and trust.
8. Bring faculty on board to do what’s necessary to meet academic standards in terms
of student development.
9. Lead, manage, and develop competencies of all faculties to ensure the institute
achieves the highest possible standards of excellence in all its activities.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

1. Be accountable for the comprehensive education of students, advancing knowledge
of student’s development through promoting the effectiveness of institutional
programs, services as a whole benefit to all the stakeholders of the institute.
2. Ensure adequate training and resources available for the enhancement of
knowledge among students and faculty to build competencies.
3. Collaborate with students for their initiatives towards higher education standards.
4. Encourage students towards corporate training for better placements.
5. Helping students for their overall competency development during their education
6. Be Committed towards Principal's advice to build the quality of technical and
management knowledge portfolio in terms of gaining and sharing knowledge
among faculty and students.
7. Give free hand to select adequate equipment to their respective departments which
helps students to develop their practical skills.
8. Allow the heads in engaging projects and consulting activities in appropriate fields.

2. Functions of the Governing Body:

Subject to the existing provision in the bye-laws of respective college and rules laid
down by the state government/parent university, the Governing Body shall:

1. Guide the college while fulfilling the objectives for which the college has been
granted autonomous status.
2. Institute scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals, prizes and certificates on
the recommendations of the Academic Council
3. Approve new programmes of study leading to degrees and/or diplomas.
4. All recruitments of Teaching Faculty/Principal shall be made by the Governing
Body/state government as applicable in accordance with the policies laid down by
the UGC and State Government from time to time.
5. To approve annual budget of the college before submitting the same at the UGC.
6. Perform such other functions and institute committees, as may be necessary and
deemed fit for the proper development of the college

3. Functions of the Academic Council:

The Academic Council shall have powers to:

1. Scrutinize and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of
Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and
modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures
relevant thereto etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on any


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

proposal, it shall have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of
Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
2. Make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of
study in the college keeping in view the policy of the Government.
3. Make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and
functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
4. Recommend to the Governing Body proposals for institution of new programmes of
5. Recommend to the Governing Body institution of scholarships, studentships,
fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
6. Advise the Governing Body on suggestions(s) pertaining to academic affairs made by
7. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body.

4. Roles & Responsibilities of Principal:

Responsibilities include:
Reporting only to the top Management (Chairman, and Secretary) of the institute and
assisting them in the following functions of the institute.
1. Regulation / Monitoring
2. Development
3. Leadership
4. Visionary

Regulation / Monitoring
One of the important responsibilities of a Principal is regulation of academic & general
administration and monitoring the systems, policies, procedures and functioning of the
institution so as to fulfil the expectations of the governmental monitoring bodies such
as All India Council for Technical Education, Department of Technical Education and
the University; along with the expectations of the top management; students and their

The following are some of the important responsibilities coming under this category.

1. To monitor the functioning of the academic and administrative staff and to see that
they fulfil all their prescribed responsibilities.
2. To monitor the conduct of both administrative and academic staff in terms of their
regularity, discipline, and conduct.
3. To oversee the discipline and conduct of students, which includes monitoring their
attendance and to maintain the dignity and decorum of the institution.
4. To monitor the teaching that needs to abide by the prescribed curriculum and as per
the teaching/institutional methodology suggested by the University/AICTE/


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

5. To scrutinize the procedures in the administrative office regarding admission, fee

collection, attendance, recruitment, payment of salaries, purchases and procurements,
accounts and audit and any such other matter related to the administration of the
6. To keep abreast of all liaison activities with governmental, corporate and other
academic bodies/institutions.
7. Monitoring the liaison of activities with departments within the college and most
importantly with the top management of the College.
8. Monitoring the conduct of meetings on behalf of the institution which include the
meetings of staff, Deans, HoDs, Coordinators, College Academic Council, and the
Governing Body.
9. To scrutinize and monitor the procurement and purchase of the entire necessary
infrastructure like furniture & fittings, lab equipment, books and any such other
requirement for the institution as per the prescribed procedures.
10. Monitoring the auditing and inspections of the institution conducted by the regulatory
bodies such as AICTE, government, and university apart from the ones conducted by
the top management.
11. To maintain the infrastructure of the institution with the assistance of the staff
concerned and care for the life and property of all those connected with the institution.
12. To sustain the cordial relations with all the stakeholders i.e. the staff, students, and
parents and with all those connected to the institution both directly and indirectly.

Developmental Functions
The principal is also required to take-up developmental functions which are very important for
the development of the institution. The following are some of the developmental functions to
be taken up by the Principal.

1. The Principal needs to locate, contact, attract and recruit suitable faculty members
keeping in view the future needs of the institution.
2. Nurturing and facilitating the faculty and giving all the necessary guidance and
3. Identifying the core competencies of the incitation either existing or probabilistic and
projecting these core competencies.
4. Focusing on building an image for the institution at an overall level or in terms of a
particular strength either in terms of a department or activities.
5. Developing the working and learning culture in the institution.
6. Developing the necessary infrastructure most importantly the library, laboratory with
good ambiance.

Strategic Functions
The principal needs to shoulder various strategic functions that are aimed at developing a
network and develop alliances that pay rich dividends in the long run. The following are some
Of the strategic functions.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

1. Developing a strong association with industry, research and consultancy

establishments and signing Memorandums of Understanding aimed at improving
specific strengths of the college.
2. Developing strong industry support and getting the industrialists and business people
on the governing council and other advisory bodies of the college.
3. Contributing to various governmental and non-governmental agencies resources from
the side of the institution so as to gain long term association and commitment from
these bodies.

Leadership Functions
The most critical functions of a Principal of an academic institution, in fact, are the
Leadership functions. While fulfilling these functions the Principal will exhibit the true
qualities of a leader and also be an exemplary role model to his/her colleagues.
Some of the leadership functions are as follows.

1. To prove oneself as an excellent teacher and prove as one of the best among all his/her
2. To take up research, publication, consultancy & training and establish appropriate
academic credentials of international standard and gain acceptability among all the
faculty members as a true academic leader.
3. To set high standards of discipline, commitment, and involvement in work patterns.
4. To inspire all his / her colleagues towards the achievement of the goals of the
organization and leading them from the forefront.
5. To exhibit a sacrificial attitude and be a role model for all the staff.
6. Work with the staff at the ground level and understanding the problems and concerns
of all the colleagues and taking care of their requirements.

Visionary Functions
The ultimate functions of a Principal are the visionary functions, which are as follows.

1. Developing a long term model for the institution and working for realizing this vision
in close association with the top management.
2. Taking regular steps towards realizing the vision.
3. To establish the systems, procedures, policies that are necessary to facilitate in
realizing the vision.
4. The Principal could take up more functions as and when the needs arise in the

The Principal requires preparing a specific long term and short term plan and presenting it to
the top management.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

5. Functions of Board of Studies:

The Board of Studies of a Department in the college shall:

1. Prepare syllabi for various courses keeping in view the objectives of the college,
interest of the stakeholders and national requirement for consideration and approval of
the Academic Council;
2. Suggest methodologies for innovative teaching and evaluation techniques;
3. Suggest panel of names to the Academic Council for appointment of examiners; and
4. Coordinate research, teaching, extension and other academic activities in the

6. Functions of the Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee shall act as an advisory body to the Governing Body, to consider:
1. Budget estimates relating to the grant received/receivable from UGC, and income
from fees, etc. collected for the activities to undertake the scheme of autonomy; and
2. Audited accounts for the above.

7. Functions of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC):

1. Development and application of quality benchmarks
2. Parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution;
3. Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality
education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for
participatory teaching and learning process;
4. Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related
institutional processes;
5. Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders;
6. Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related
themes and promotion of quality circles;
7. Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
8. Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities,
including adoption and dissemination of best practices;
9. Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose
of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
10. Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up
11. Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per
guidelines and parameters of NAAC.

8. Roles & Responsibilities of Dean (Academics):

The Dean Academics is responsible for Plan, design, monitor, lead and controls the
academic activities of programs to ensure the achievement of highest standards. To design
and establish academic regulations aligning with university norms. To monitor procedures
and fundamental protection of academic integrity for achieving the academic mission.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

1. The Dean of an academic is the designated head responsible for the effective and
efficient operation of the college within the policies, directions, and plans of the
institution as a whole.
2. Is expected to establish and maintain a mutually understanding work climate,
cooperatively leading the academic programs towards improved services,
3. Is accountable for ensuring the academic integrity and curricular consistency of all
programs embraced within it.
4. Responsible for coordinating the implementation and development of Institution
vision and Objectives.
5. Accountable to take initiations for curriculum development considering corporate
strategic trends.
6. Should supervise, evaluate and support all departments to meet their excellence to
instruct, innovate teaching pedagogy and services at the institution.
7. Responsible to suggest recommendations for the betterment of academic practices.
8. Develop, lead and motivate faculty towards academic programs.
9. Is the public spokesperson for all academic programs, internal and external to the
institution, and shall exercise the authority proportionate with the specific
10. Responsible for monitoring personnel database of all faculty to maintain
consistency growth in their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
11. Accountable to execute institutions academic policies and regulations.
12. Should perform the duty by evaluating faculty performance during the appraisal of
all departments.
13. Is responsible for planning, designing and monitoring equivalent performance
standards among faculty.
14. Accountable to do career counselling for faculty to maintain consistent morale
towards performance.
15. Responsible for handling problems effectively and balances the reducing of
Grievances among faculty.
16. Create and implement a faculty development plan which contains a systematic
design to improve classroom teaching skills.
17. Should serve as the mediator in resolving problems arising among faculty and their
department chairs or program coordinators, faculty and staff or faculty, staff and

9. Roles & Responsibilities of Dean (Planning & Development):

Dean Planning & Development (P&D) is responsible for planning, maintenance, monitoring,
formulating, coordinating and control all development functions to the institution.

1. Responsible to plan institution expansion/growth for the benefit of all stakeholders

through network development.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

2. Accountable to maintain required data convert into useful information and knowledge
to represent external authorities/agencies.
3. To Monitor and utilize funds in respect of new initiations of institutions and prepare
relevant documents for submission of reports.
4. To initiate and formulate a proposal for new courses in collaboration with department
heads, faculty members and external experts for this purpose in this regard.
5. To be responsible for efforts to expand and monitor the activities of consultancy and
training projects.
6. To be accountable for coordinating the formulation of consistent education extension
7. Initiate to provide the required information for the budget and new estimates & plans
to the Building & Works to Principal.

10. Roles & Responsibilities of Dean (Research & Development):

1. To play a major role to collaborate with all the departments or monitor research
programs and administer research affairs of the institution.
2. Responsible for planning research activities, projects by utilizing resources for
institution development.
3. Responsible for enhancing the interest of faculty in their research contributions and
develop intellectual practices in their teaching pedagogy.
4. To take the initiation to share information about research opportunities to the Faculty
5. Accountable to identify opportunities for funding projects to all disciplines in the
6. To take an active role in end to end process in funding R&D projects from applying
proposal to till sanction of projects.
7. Insisted to maintain confidence and coordinate with faculty towards research
8. Accountable to lead, direct and encourage all the Engineering & Management
Departments for innovation and creativity perspectives.
9. Responsible for budget preparation related to research and innovation initiations.
10. To manage, monitor and control Research and Innovation plan and practices with
collaboration with all the department's heads.
11. Responsible to report Principal on the progress of R & D activities, the status of
research proposals and update of planned target performance.
12. Will get approval from authorities on the required resources to perform research and
innovation actions.
13. To initiate MOU with organizations for enhancing competencies for the institution.
14. To ensure adequate technology and equipment are present optimally in relation to
innovative activities.
15. To initiate a committee in collaboration with faculty and industry representatives to
address the issues or potential needs of the research and innovation.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

11. Roles & Responsibilities of Head (Research & Development):

1. Institute has a number of high end research centres to strengthen the research
activities, teaching learning facilities and employability for UG and PG students.
2. To identify and inform faculty and students about the suitable funded/sponsored
research opportunities notified by different research, academic, industry or
government & non-government organizations.
3. To provide support to the faculty research efforts and to encourage student
research as part of the curriculum.
4. To promote multidisciplinary research and set up methodologies for undertaking
and preparing collaborative research projects covering different domains of
knowledge as well as policies or involving external experts/agencies in such
research projects.
5. To encourage and promote faculty & student research publication of their research
work/projects in ostensible academic Scopus Indexed Journals
6. To create awareness about Intellectual Property Rights and Patents, encourage
Innovation and motivate them to apply for IPR/Patents.

12. Roles & Responsibilities of Head (Centre for Engineering Education

Research (CEER)):
1. To drive the faculty towards Research in Engineering Education.
2. Provide the platform for
a. The improvement of Engineering Education,
b. Assisting each other to collaborate
c. For increasing the knowledge and skills in Engineering Education
3. Need to identify the competent faculty members to handle the service based and
problem solving aspects.
4. Provides the facilities/ resources to train the faculty members in
a. Multidisciplinary aspects
b. Critical thinking and design thinking aspects
5. Provides the resources for effective and smooth functioning of the course work.
6. Find Out the genuine NGO partners for continuous interaction and support in
promoting service based learning.
7. Interact with official of nearby villages/ communities for community visits and
continuous interaction.

13. Roles & Responsibilities of Head (Centre for Innovation &

Entrepreneurship (CIE)):
1. To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem. Start-up supporting Mechanism in
all the Departments. Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on
Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) Framework. CIE will involve activities around


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

building start-up ecosystem like identifying areas of focus and market relevance,
building investor relations, business partnerships, leveraging government
programmes and accelerating initiatives.
2. To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed
by the CIE in time bounded fashion.
3. Establish function Ecosystem for Scouting Ideas and Pre-Incubation of Ideas.
4. To develop better cognitive ability amongst technology students.
5. Organize periodic Ideation Day/Workshops/Seminars/Interactions with
Entrepreneurs, Investors, Professionals, and create a mentor pool for student
6. Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organisations.
7. Organize Hackathons, Idea Competitions, Mini-Challenges, etc., with the
involvement of the Industries.
8. Identify and reward innovations and share success stories through MHRD’s
Institute Innovation Cell.

14. Roles & Responsibilities of Head (Industry Institute Interaction

Centre (IIIC)):
1. Sole aim to understand industrial requirements of the region and act as bridge
between academia and Industry.
2. To give industrial exposure to Faculty members and students, thus enabling them
to tune their knowledge to cope with the industrial culture.
3. To coordinate/ identify industrial partners for proposing ‘Centre for Excellence’.
4. To assist departments in organizing workshops, conferences and symposia with
joint participation of the faculty and the industries.
5. B.Tech. and M.Tech. Projects/dissertation work in industries under joint guidance
of the faculty and experts from industry.
6. To encourage Faculty members to use their expertise in solving the problems faced
by the industries, thus creating opportunity for consultancy.
7. To organize in-plant training for the students.

15. Roles & Responsibilities of Dean (Examinations & Evaluation):

The Dean (Examinations & Evaluation) performs the following duties-
1. To be responsible for effective functioning of Examination branch and will report
to the Principal.
2. Prepare Regulations and rules relating to examinations for approval by the
appropriate authority.
3. Plan well in advance and arrange for conduct of Examinations, evaluation and
declaration of results.
4. Delegate responsibilities to all the personnel working in the Examination branch.
5. Coordinate and supervise the activities of personnel of the Examination Branch.
6. Coordinate with HODs for smooth functioning of examination system.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

7. Adhere to the Academic Regulations and Academic Calendars.

8. Ensure the confidentiality of matters related to examinations.
9. The entire data of examinations to be secured with a backup in the server.
10. Ensure that the malpractice cases should be dealt with as per the laid down
11. Arrange for timely issue of Grade Cards to the candidates.
12. All the financial transactions are to be documented.
13. Deal with matter connected with reforms of examinations.
14. Be responsible for safe custody of all important Examination registers and records
concerning the examinations.
15. Arrange for meetings of Results committee to facilitate timely declaration of the
16. Results should be declared within 2-4 weeks of completion of examinations.
17. Perform such other duties as may be allotted by the Principal/ Chief

16. Roles & Responsibilities of Controller of Examinations:

The Controller of Examinations performs the following duties
1. Assist Dean (Examinations & Evaluation) for smooth functioning of the
Examination Branch.
2. Ensure that the Academic Regulations are correctly followed.
3. Examinations are conducted as per the academic calendar.
4. Admit eligible candidates to various examinations as per rules regulations.
5. Prepare the list of detained candidates.
6. Arrange for conduct of Examinations, evaluation and declaration of results.
7. Arrange for issuing Grade Cards to the candidates.
8. Deal with the malpractice cases as per the laid down procedure.
9. Be responsible for safe custody of all important Examination registers and records
concerning the examinations.
10. Perform such other duties as may be allotted by the Dean (Examinations &
Evaluation)/Chief Superintendent.

17. Roles & Responsibilities of Additional Controller of Examinations-I

(Systems & Question Papers):
1. Student Profiles
2. Online registration
3. Printing of OMR Sheets
4. Stitching of OMR with answer scripts
5. Hall Tickets Printing
6. Results Processing
7. Preparation of Grade Sheets
8. Maintenance of hard copies and soft copies of each file etc.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

Question Papers:
Mid and assignment marks
Internal & external labs etc.,
1. Maintain the details of Paper setters.
2. Identify the Question Paper setters in consultation with the Controller of
3. Communicate with question paper setters to obtain the question papers as per
the schedule.
4. Maintain absolute confidentiality of the question papers.
5. Maintaining the stock required for the examinations.
6. Remuneration Bills preparation for question paper setters, moderators, key
preparation etc.
7. And any other work assigned by Chief Superintendent or Dean (Examinations
& Evaluation) or Controller of Examinations.

18. Roles & Responsibilities of Additional Controller of Examinations-II

(Examinations Conduction):
1. Prepare Seating Plans
2. Allotment of invigilators
3. Observer duties
4. Scrutiny of question papers by the moderators
5. Question paper printing and distribution
6. Answer scripts distribution and collection (proper logs maintenance)
7. Log tables distribution and collection
8. Report the cases of malpractice to the Controller of Examinations for
appropriate disposal.
9. D-forms and absentees Statement.
10. Prepare absentees Statements
11. Arrangement of answer scripts
12. Packing and handover of collected answer scripts to valuation section (Proper
logs should maintained)
13. Bills preparation for invigilators (proper log should be maintained) etc.,
14. And any other work assigned by Chief Superintendent or Dean (Examinations
& Evaluation) or Controller of Examinations.
19. Roles & Responsibilities of Additional Controller of Examinations-III
(Evaluation, Student registration, Services and Finance):
1. Evaluation
2. Collection of evaluation process of each subject and labs
3. Collection of D-forms and answer scripts from exam conduction section
4. Verification
5. Answer scripts OMR part-I cutting, scanning, digitalization, packing and


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

6. Coding and bundling process

7. Procuring Keys and scheme of evaluation and making them available to the
8. Coding files maintenance etc.
9. Collecting of examiners details, sending request, appointment
10. Valuation and revaluation
11. External marks statements handover to ACE-I (Systems) for results processing
12. Revaluation and marks
13. Bills preparation of payment to evaluators etc.
14. And any other work assigned by Chief Superintendent or Dean (Examinations
& Evaluation) or Controller of Examinations

20. Roles & Responsibilities of Dean (Faculty & Students Affairs):

Dean Faculty & Students Affairs (F&SA) is responsible to function the below duties and
1. To organize student counselling and to play the role of liaison officer between
students and other stakeholders
2. Will be accountable to maintain, monitor and control disciplinary policy
related to students and faculty.
3. Will recommend to students for various opportunities by the institution for
fellowship, scholarship, studentship, medals and prizes and making
Regulations for their award.
4. Will assist in maintaining the discipline and work ethos among the various
departments and between the faculty members and will supervise over faculty
discipline, integrity and commitment.
5. Coordinating with presidents of student societies/clubs regarding the extra-
curricular activities of the students.
6. Coordinating with the counsellors for SC/ST students regarding their problems.
7. Coordinating with NCC, NSS, anti-ragging squad, Grievance Redressal Cell,
Student exchange program Cell and Equal opportunity Cell.
8. To implement and support the goals determined by the Principal and
9. Any other activity assigned by the principal from time to time.

21. Roles & Responsibilities of Dean (Training & Placement):

1. Will be responsible to play an active role in liaison officer between Industries
and Institutions.
2. Will take the initiation to do training need assessment considering the
requirement of corporate companies.
3. Responsible to plan, monitor and control overall Group institution campus


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

4. Accountable to prepare annual Training and Placement budget and get

approval for the proposed budget.
5. To play an active role by gathering a database of core companies with all
details of concern person to support students for placements.
6. Responsible to motivate all students to improve their career growth and help
them through counselling by setting their strategic long term goals.
7. Will advise students in the selection of their career path for the benefit of
future career advancement.
8. Accountable for college placement progress consistently year by year.
9. To plan their training/internship/placement schedules according to the
academic curriculum.
10. Responsible to collaborate with all department heads, faculty coordinators to
integrate their curriculum with T&P programs.
11. To initiate presentations representing institutes' core competencies to get better
placements with competitive packages for students.
12. Will compile and monitor the database with the help of a training officer,
placement officer, Alumni associate, and department faculty coordinators.
13. Responsible to prepare an updated placement brochure with recent student
profiles to approach companies.
14. Responsible to direct department heads on curriculum development by sharing
technical skills requirements of corporate companies.
15. Support department heads in advising the right resource persons for organizing
workshops/conferences to assist the career planning process.
16. Actively associate among students, alumni, and industry representatives.
17. Accountable to update the current trends towards skillsets associated with the
expectations of the industries.
18. Volunteer to interact with students to create awareness on career options
available to them in the present competitive corporate world.
19. Responsible to assist end to end recruiting, selection and placement processes
for all the departments.
20. Responsible to promote potential students profiles to the employers for the
enhancement of opportunities.

22. Roles & Responsibilities of Heads of the Departments:

The Heads of the Departments are responsible for Plan, design, monitor, lead and
control the activities of the department to ensure the achievement of highest standards.

They are responsible for:

1. Actively assisting the head of the institute in ensuring the ethical practices,
maintaining teaching standards, and promoting healthy human relations among
faculty and students in the department.
2. Involve in recruitment, selection process and orientation of new faculty and
affirmative actions towards giving awareness on their roles and duties.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

3. Advising and contributing to curriculum development and guidance for the

faculty to follow systems and procedures.
4. Co-ordinating and monitoring examinations moderations, marking schemes,
and assessments.
5. Preparing budget requirement subject-specific teaching tools and equipment,
including laboratory equipment.
6. Leading regular department meetings and maintaining minutes of the meeting.
7. Encouraging faculty for their competency development through participating in
conferences, Faculty development Programmes and many other activities
which result in career growth.
8. Facilitating faculty towards their research development, sharing research ideas
and suggesting funding sources.
9. Involving faculty to take accountability in department administrative affairs.
10. Monitoring and advising faculty on a continuous basis in the areas of teaching,
research and consultancy with adequate recommendations for their department
11. Initiating innovative decisions to introduce new practices for student
development with the help of faculty members.
12. Making confidential decisions like faculty promotion, annual salary increments
and so on which will be intended to serve the best interest of the department as
a whole.
13. Providing information between and among the faculty and the other
administration related affairs.
14. HOD is accountable to share the right information about institution policies to
faculty and students.
15. Self-competency development in order to be a role model for faculty and
16. Address departmental issues in order to ensure peaceful operational practices
within the department.
17. Protecting faculty rights and privileges in front of institute authorities.
18. Motivate collaborative teamwork among faculty, students to meet their
responsibilities for better department effectiveness.
19. Coordinate with administrative staff to handle department budget, programs,
organize guest lectures and many activities.

23. Roles & Responsibilities of Administrative Officer:

Administrative officer (AO) is responsible for over-all administrative functions, Campus
maintenance, Public relations, among others.
The precise roles and responsibilities are as follows:

1. To be responsible for day-to-day administrative functions and execution of

policies, procedures, and practices of administrative activities.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

2. Accountable for records, filing of important documents, storage and safety of

the institutional credential documents.
3. To supervise and monitor the transport operations with the coordination of
transport-in-charge and ensure all the set guidelines are followed in the
transportation system.
4. To support with proper guidance for adequate operations of canteen, security
services, and other services as and when required to meet institutional
5. To perform additional support for arrangements of logistics on Orientation day,
Parents Teacher meeting, Graduation Day, Traditional Day, Conferences,
Industrial visits, Academic Council meetings and other events.
6. To be a liaison with college architects for physical developments of the
building blocks.
7. Responsible to co-ordinate with non-teaching staff and workers for
infrastructure maintenance and monitoring.
8. Accountable to monitor and audit campus infrastructure, office equipment,
laboratories, electrical & electronic systems, furniture and so on.
9. To ensure campus security and safety of personnel through administering the
security service providers and compliance with the instructions issued by the
institution from time to time.
10. To be responsible for Monitoring CC TV monitors and other surveillance
11. To serve as the main point of contact and liaison with state government
departments, authorities, and other stakeholders for administrative information
about the institution.
12. To be responsible to resolve individual problems and disputes involving with
students, staff, faculty, or members of the institution as they arise.
13. To monitor the distribution of incoming mails and dispatch of outgoing mails.
14. Responsible to recruit contingency staff as and when required to complete
specific tasks.
15. Accountable to monitor and controls repairs and maintenance expenses
towards vehicles, furniture, sanitary fittings, plumbing work, etc.
16. To review all administrative systems like transportation system, canteen
maintenance, infrastructure auditing and provide suggestions to respective
members as and when required.
17. Accountable to perform other functions assigned by the Management/Principal
from time to time.

24. Roles & Responsibilities of Accounts Officer:

The Accounts Officer shall be responsible for planning & presenting the annual budget,
statement of accounts and audit reports, to the Management, Principal and other authorized


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

The duties of the Accounts Officer shall be

1. To be responsible for general supervision over the Institution Fund and monitors as
2. Accountable to manage funds adequately and suggested by the institution authorities.
3. To ensure the working capital monitoring and fixed recurring and non-recurring
expenditure for the financial year as allocated in the budget plan.
4. To keep a control of the state of the cash and bank balance.
5. To analyze the progress of the collection of revenue and update the status of fee
payments to the respective department heads.
6. Represent an institution for financial auditing periodically.
7. To ensure the registers of buildings, land, equipment, and machinery are maintained
8. Accountable to explain expenditure or other financial irregularities from any academic
member of the university.
9. Will be a liaison for the procurement of institution material and infrastructure.

25. Roles & Responsibilities of the Librarian:

1. Responsible to facilitate the students, faculty, and staff with all the literature that may
be needed for their academic activities.
2. Accountable to manage library as well as the digital library of the college.
3. To prepare and monitor the library budget relating to the library/Digital library.
4. Initiate to encourage widespread usage of available information by providing access
5. Continuously take feedback or information from the students and faculty to understand
and analyze their needs of Books/Journals/Magazines/CDs etc. and pass on to the
Dean, Academics about the same for procurement.
6. To ensure the procurement of books, CD-ROMs, Software, Journals, etc., which are
essential and/or recommended by the faculty.
7. Librarian is responsible to dispose of weeded out material
8. To establish specialized search facilities for faculty’s teaching and research needs.
9. Accountable to establish a repository of cases and keeps adding new cases on a
continuous basis.
10. To provide adequate access and borrowing facilities to faculty pursuing Doctoral
11. To perform any other work related to the library that may be assigned from time to
12. Coordinate with departments’ library in-charge for smooth functioning of
department’s library
13. To provide all statistical information pertaining to the library.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

26. Roles & Responsibilities of the Physical Director:

Physical Director of Institution is responsible to perform the following roles and duties in
CMR College of Engineering & Technology:

1. Responsible to encourage students to participate in sports.

2. Accountable for the smooth conduct of sports regularly to all batches of students.
3. Coordinate with Accounts officer to purchase sports material and facilities.
4. Responsible to report for Dean Students & Faculty Affairs regarding issues relates to
5. Accountable to circulate information regarding sports competitions to all students.
6. To ensure for preparation of the annual budget for sports.
7. To Organize NCC training camps, if any, and facilitates students to involve in NSS
activities and report the same to the office of Dean, Students, Affairs with a copy
forwarded to Principal on monthly basis.
8. Will take initiation to help the organization of various events in the college.

27. Roles & Responsibilities of Academic In charge:

1. Ensure that SMS is sent to the mobiles of the parent of the students who are absent on
a particular day.
2. Ensure that the class coordinator speak to the parent of the students who are absent on
a particular day.
3. Checking the correctness of mobile numbers of parents.
4. Ensure that the register post letters are sent every month to the parent of the student
whose cumulative attendance is less than 75%
5. Ensure that the normal post letters are sent every month to the parent of the student
whose cumulative attendance is greater than 75%
6. Ensure that the signatures are obtained of students whose cumulative attendance is less
than 75%, in consolidated attendance sheet and getting them counseled by HOD
7. Ensure that the undertaking from the students is taken whose cumulative attendance is
less than 75% and ensure that the same is that filled in the respective folder of the
8. Ensure that the undertaking is taken from the student whose cumulative attendance is
less than 75% that they are not eligible for fee reimbursement as per policy of Govt of
Telangana or Govt of AP and ensure that the same is filled in the respective folder of
the student. [Only applicable to fee reimbursement students].
9. Ensure that the cumulative attendance sheet of every section under your charge is
generated monthly.
10. Ensure that the cumulative attendance sheet is displayed in notice board.
11. Ensure forwarding of cumulative attendance sheet to exam branch as and when
12. Checking whether classes\Labs are running smoothly.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

13. Ensure that the feedback is taken from students as and when required by HOD.
14. Ensure that the feedback is taken from the class representatives as and when required
by HOD.
15. Checking the attendance registers and signing.
16. Ensure that all the students’ registration is done, of the sections under your charge, in
the start of semester and also ensure that the undertaking of fee reimbursement [For
applicable students only] is taken.
17. Follow up of students who are irregular and calling of their parents to the college, and
gets the students counseled by HOD in front of parents. Take undertaking in respect of
attendance and fee reimbursement [If applicable] from the parent and student and
ensure that the same is filled in the student folder.
18. Ensure that message to the student\parent is sent regarding bandh\holiday declared at
very short notice.
19. Ensuring that no student is roaming \movie around in the campus unnecessarily.
20. Collection of internal marks if HOD desires.
21. Collection of internal and assignment scripts after the semester and handover the same
to HOD.
22. Checking the course file of the faculty who are taking classes for the section which are
under your charge.
23. Any other work as assigned by HOD/PRINCIPAL.

28. Roles & Responsibilities of Class Coordinator:

1. Sending SMS to then parent of the student who is absent.
2. Speaking to the parent of the student who is absent.
3. Checking the correctness of mobile numbers of parents.
4. Sending the register post letters every month to the parent of the student whose
cumulative attendance is less than 75%.
5. Sending the normal post letters every month to the parent of the student whose
cumulative attendance is greater than 75%.
6. Taking signature of student whose cumulative attendance is less than 75% in
consolidated attendance sheet and getting them counseled by HOD.
7. Taking undertaking from the students whose cumulative attendance is less than 75%
and files the same in the respective folder of the student.
8. Taking undertaking from the students whose cumulative attendance is less than 75%
that they are not eligible for fee reimbursement as per policy of Govt of Telangana or
Govt of AP and files the same in the respective folder of the student.( Only applicable
to Fees reimbursement students).
9. Monthly generation of cumulative attendance sheet.
10. Getting the cumulative attendance sheet displayed in notice board.
11. Forwarding cumulative attendance sheet to exam branch as when required.
12. Registration of students in the start of semester and taking the undertaking of fee
reimbursement (for applicable students only).
13. Follow up of students who are irregular.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

14. Calling of parents to the college who is irregular and gets the student counseled be
HOD in front of parent. Take undertaking in respect of attendance and fees
reimbursement (if applicable) from the parent and student.
15. Collection of any amount from the student as directed by the college authorities.
16. Sending message to the student/ parent regarding bandh/ holiday declared at very short
17. Make a whatsapp group and send any important messages in the group. You may add
other faculty who are teaching that section.
18. Any other work as assigned by HOD/ principal.

29. Roles & Responsibilities of Mentors:

1. Mentor should introduce and discuss the concept of Mentor-Mentee system with the
assigned mentees
2. Mentor should update mentees data sheet regularly
3. Mentor should meet the students at least once in a month and as and when required.
4. Mentor should maintain semester-wise Course Registration form of the students
5. Mentor should keep track of mentees attendance, academic performance and career
6. Mentor should intimate the parents about the student attendance and academic
performance regularly
7. Mentor should check the attendance of mentees, if anybody’s attendance is below the
requirement then he should find out the problem and take necessary actions to reform
and the same should be communicated to the parents and HOD.
8. Mentor should identify talents (sports, cultural, coding, innovation, interests) of their
students and encourage them to organize and participate in the events.
9. Mentor should support mentees academically and emotionally.
10. Mentor should ensure that their students following instructions given by college or
11. Roles & Responsibilities of Faculty:
1. Faculty of the Institute shall be devoted to his/her duty and shall maintain absolute
integrity, honesty, discipline, impartiality and a sense of propriety.
2. Faculty of the Institute shall not behave in a manner which is unbecoming of such a
faculty or which is derogatory to the prestige of the Institute.
3. Faculty of the Institute shall not act in a manner which will place his/her official
position under any kind of embarrassment.
4. Faculty must deal with the students, parents and colleagues in a courteous manner.
5. Faculty of the Institute shall not, in his/her official dealings with the public and
students, adopt dilatory tactics or wilfully cause delays in disposal of work assigned to
6. Faculty of the Institute shall not participate in any strike or similar activities including
absence from duty without permission, hunger strike, etc; against the Institute.
7. Faculty of the institute while on duty shall no be in the state of intoxication or
inebriated condition under the influence of such drinks or drugs.
8. Obey all the orders, duties assigned by the Academic Incharge, Head of the
Department, Deans, Principal, and Secretary from time to time.
9. Observe institute timings from 9:10 AM to 04:00 PM.


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

10. .Do not sit in canteen for a long time and involve in unnecessary gossip.
11. Salary bill will be made based on the biometric report of JNTUH and signature in
the College attendance register.
12. Follow dress code i.e. formal dress with In-shirt and shoe for Male and Saree /
Punjabi dress for Female on all working days. No T Shirt and Jeans to be worn by
13. Wear ID card all the time and also insist the students to follow the same.
14. Always apply Leave in advance with proper alternate arrangement.
15. Engage Theory and Lab classes as per the time-table and strictly adhere to the
16. Avoid dictation of content from the textbook or from power point presentation during
the classes; make sure of explanation of the topic with suitable examples. Make use of
Technology of digital class room for power point presentation, NPTEL Video
Lectures, any other source of videos or audios for better explanation and
understanding of the topic.
17. Follow the medium of instruction which is English .Avoid speaking in Telugu in the
class or lab.
18. Before commencement of class ensure that the students occupy front benches
uniformly. Have proper control of class and maintain proper student-faculty, faculty-
faculty relation.
19. Attendance must be taken at the beginning of the class and post it in college
Automation Software immediately after the class and forward the same to
Examination Branch of the College at the end of month.
20. Avoid overwriting/modifications of Attendance Registers while marking the
attendance ‘Please do not apply whitener in the Attendance Registers'
21. Attendance registers should always be kept ready for inspection by the Principal
HODI Academic In-charge/ College Academic Audit Cell'
22. Faculty is required to get their Attendance registers duly verified and signed by their
respective HOD every fort night and with the Principal every month. The safe custody
of the attendance register is the sole responsibility of the faculty'
23. If a student is falling shortage of attendance or is continuously absent he/she should be
warned. And if this continuous, further it should be brought to the notice of his/her
parents/guardian, the concern Academic In-charge, HOD and the Principal.
24. Do not mark absent/send out any student for want of disciplinary action. If the student
is creating problem and disturbing the class, the same may be brought to the concerned
25. Conduct the assignment in the class before the mid examination. Please do not give
them questions to write the assignment at home.
26. Please insist the student to complete the Record every week and verify the same every
week and award marks/grade based on the performance only.
27. Prepare viva-voce questions of concern laboratory and make them available to the
students. Ask the viva-voce questions to the students every week in the lab.
28. Please check your official mail every day and go through the circulars and take prompt


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

29. Prepare and Maintain course File of the subject handling.

30. Prepare Lecture Schedule, Tutorial Sheets and Assignments, make it available to the
students in advance and submit a copy of the same in HOD office.
31. Review the coverage of Syllabus periodically and complete all the units before
scheduled mid/university examinations. In case of any difficulty in completion of
syllabus, please approach the HOD for additional classes.
32. Attend all Department Association meets and encourage student participation in the
Association meets and also encourage the students to participate in the club activities.
33. Should feel responsible and actively involved in the development of the Department
and Institute. Please come on time for the meetings of the departments/Institute/Any
other meetings called for.
34. It is your duty to observe the students in the campus for any act of indiscipline
irrespective of their department and please bring it to the notice of the concern HOD.
35. Upload latest information of the department and post assignments, tutorial sheets,
viva-voce questions, objective questions, circulars, notices etc., in forums, College
Management Software on college website www.cmrcet ac in for sharing the
information among staff and students.
36. All the correspondence of staff and students must be routed through proper channel
37. The faculty must qualify NET/SET examination for consideration of lectureship at the
National State level. Hence faculty is advised to write the NET/SET exam and clear
the same (Faculty of Humanities & Sciences only). Other faculty is also encouraged to
clear NET/SET and take admission for Ph.D.
38. Encourage and suggest Students regarding higher studies and motivate them to write
exams like GATE, CAT, TOEFL, GRE etc.
39. Avoid use of mobile phones during the class and lab hours and instruct the students to
40. Become a member of Professional bodies like IEEE, IETE, CSI, IE, ISTE, etc.
41. The faculty is expected to publish at least one research article in an academic year in
the national or international conferences/journals in their respective domain.
42. The sanction of OD will be at the discretion of HOD/Principal. The total no. of ODs
should not exceed one week in a semester to attend Workshops, Seminars,
Conferences, FDPs, Symposiums, and Exam Duties etc. However it may be reviewed
from case to case.
43. Faculty members should submit a soft copy of Question Bank to the HOD consisting
of at least 6 unique questions (Part A & B) from each unit of the concerned subject.
44. Invigilation duties must be carried out with utmost care and responsibility, Avoid late
reporting, carelessness and casual approach towards Invigilation duty. Carrying of
mobile phone to the examination halt is strictly prohibited.
45. Evaluation must be fair, impartial, unbiased and fans parent.
46. The project guide is completely responsible for the execution of the project carried out
in-house or outside and at least one paper should be published at the level of national
conference of both UG & PG (This is apart from mentioned in Clause 41).


Roles & Responsibilities of Stakeholders of the Institute

47. Do not encourage unethical practices. Please help the institute in maintaining
congenial environment for learning.
48. Please complete assessment of course outcomes (COs) for the Theory & Laboratory
courses engaged by an Individual and submit the same to the HOD by the end of the
49. It is mandatory to be part of JNTUH Affiliation Process/AICTE Approval Process/
NBA and NAAC Accreditation Process teams to help the department in preparing the
required files for the inspection.
50. Prepare Question Bank and map the questions with the Co’s and submit as of copy of
the same to the HOD and in Exam Section.
51. Please perform the duties assigned as part of various committees strictly.
52. Please be available on your cell phones after working hours for any possible urgent
interaction by college authorities. Respond to such calls at the earliest.
53. Please use the college WhatsApp group with utmost care. Do not post any messages
which may hurt the sentiment of others.


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