MVR Aministration Manual
MVR Aministration Manual
MVR Aministration Manual
In fulfillment of their obligations to the teaching profession, teachers will strive to:
Advance the interests of the teaching profession through responsible ethical practices.
Treat colleagues and associates with respect, working with them in a very congenial
Assist newcomers to the profession, disclosure is required by the law or serves compelling
professional purpose,
Ladies : Saree
1.3. ID CARD:
It is Mandatory for staff to wear ID cards at all times when they are In the campus
Faculty should not summon parents to the Institute under any circumstances. Faculty
should always intouch with Parents regarding progress of student. If anyone absent it is
the responsibility of the faculty (Mentor) to communicate with parents. Parents shall be
invited to the campus only on the recommendation of the College Discipline Committee.
Ever teacher must maintain a course diary for each subject offered during semester/year.
It shall have following details: However a teacher should prepare his lesson plan and notes
before 15 days from the commencement of class work otherwise HODs should not assign him
Academic Calendar
Lecture Plan
Curriculum Development.
Students Counselling.
own field.
Out of the weekly working hours, the minimum contact hours of a teacher (teaching load) should
As per the rules of the institute staff members must adjust their classes before one day and
show the consent of the substitute teacher to the HOD before going on leave.
All the staff members are advised to strictly follow the above procedure; failing which the
As per the service rules of the Institute, faculty members intending to resign are required to
give 1 month notice (Both sides) however any faculty member should not be relieved in the
10th or equivalent
Institute reserves the right to relieve the staff at any time during notice period.
criminal case / has failed to do his duty leading to moral turpitude / based on student
However every academic year staff member should give undertaking for continuation of
Teachers can avail Twelve days of casual leave during Academic year i.e. June to May for
the candidates having less than two years experience in the Institute. However a teacher is
having more than two years experience in the institute or outside of the institute can avail
This leave can be availed only on pro-rata basis i.e. @ one day per month (for twelve days).
C.L. can be availed only on prior sanction. In case of emergencies, the employee can be
absent from duty and the leave reported on resuming duty after the C.L. is availed. This is
Leave availed during any month shall not exceed three days.
A Teacher is eligible to avail Five Days of special leave during a calendar year for
Special leave cannot be prefixed or suffixed to holidays. Both are not permitted.
Teaching & Non-Teaching Faculties are eligible for any compensatory leave at the
This is considered when long leave is required on health or specific personal reasons.
No salary is paid during this period and this period will not be considered for increment or
Teaching Staff who have completed one year of service from the date of Joining in
Maximum of three weeks in a year can be given to the teaching staff depending on
Staff has to obtain prior sanction before proceeding on vacation. However, staff
has to attend essential duties during vacation as and when called for.
Maternity leave can be granted to married female teaching staff who have completed
three years of service from the date of joining in this institution for a period of not
exceeding 45 days at a time during her confinement (both pre-natal and post natal
periods put together and only for one occasion in the entire period of her service in the
institution. The payment for the maternity leave shall be restricted to half-pay for a
period of one month only. The remaining 15 (fifteen) days leave out of 45 days shall
be on loss of pay. For remaining female faculty leave will be sanctioned for 45 days
1.9G. ON DUTY:
Examinations (Spot Valuations), Observer and other College or Institute work shall
be deemed to be as “On Duty” or on terms specified by the Principal from time to time.
The Staff members visiting places /Companies/Organizations with in the city and its
Actual auto fare if some luggage has to be carried which cannot be taken in a bus
For Travel outside the city suburbs, i.e., outside the station T.A. will be paid for the
Actual charges
Any other mode of transport-Actual limited to the maximum of eligible rail fare.
The pay scales of teaching faculty shall be fixed by the Selection Committee as
per the scales promulgated by the AICTE from time to time. Currently, the
following are the scales as per the Sixth Pay commission prescribed by the
AICTE. Every year Ratification will be conducted for the faculty members in
the University.
Rs. 6000
1. Assistant Professor Rs.15600 – 39100
Rs. 7000
2. Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) R s . 1 5 6 0 0 – 39100
Rs. 8000
3. Assistant Professor Rs.15600 - 39100
Rs. 10000
5. Professor Rs.37400 - 67000
Annual increment of 6 to 10% of Net pay for every year based on date of joining
qualifications. These promotions are need based i.e. to fulfill the cadre ratio
Staff belonging to Basic Sciences & Humanities and Management Science with 10
While promoting staff to higher cadre, due weightage shall be given to feedback,
For Research papers presentations (National & International Levels) within the country, the
Institute will sanctioned on duty for travelling period on presentation day. In addition to
For conferences sponsored by IIT / NIT / IIIT / IIM / IEEE / springer / elsewher and
Faculty will be sanctioned on duty for attending workshops and symposia for the
For universities and higher learning institutes (IITs, NITs) on duty as well as
The Institute will bear half of the registration charges for publishing research
For Research papers presentations (National & International Levels) outside of the
country, the Institute will sanctioned on duty for travelling period on presentation
For the faculty who is having 2 to 5 lakhs R&D funding will be given Rs.10000 as a
For the faculty who is having 5 to 10 lakhs R&D funding will be given Rs.15000 as
a incentive.
For the faculty who is having above 10 lakhs R&D funding will be given Rs.20000
as a incentive.
For the faculty who is having above 25 lakhs R&D funding will be given Rs.25000
as a incentive.
In addition to FUTURE VACATION, they can avail O.D. for interacting with their
guides, without disrupting the class-work. To avail this facility, faculty has to submit
For every department semester wise highest pass percentage obtained faculty will be
For every department year wise based on pass percentage, R&D Work, Contribution to
All the faculty working from 3 years will be honored by providing 3 ELs and special
allowances of Rs.5,000/- (January) and more than 3 years will be honored by providing 5
ELs and special allowances of Rs.10,000/- per year(January). However, above 5 years
Administrative Officer.
Office Superintendent
Finance Manager
Senior Assistant
Junior Assistant
All administrative staff are eligible to avail only 12 days for academic year except
All the Non Teaching staff and scavengers must reach the college by 8am and leave
Lab Assistants / Technicians should be punctual to the college and should sign the
Lab Assistants / Technicians are responsible for the lab equipment and should
Lab Assistants / Technicians will have to periodically maintain / repair the lab
Lab Assistants / Technicians have to ensure the cleanliness and neatness of the lab.
If applying for CL/CCL, besides obtaining the approval of the HOD, the concerned
lab faculty member should be informed, so that he is aware of the alternate lab
assistant arrangement.
The CL/CCL should be applied keeping in view the timetable of the labs.
The Lab Assistants / Technicians should keep the HOD informed, if they are
A pleasing and good conduct is to be maintained in the college. The Lab Assistants
consumables etc. preferably before the beginning of the semester and give the same
All maintenance works must be carried out & recorded as per the schedules given
Issue register for tools issued to the students must be maintained for each and every
Ensure all procurements are recorded properly in stock registers and maintain
To ensure the availability & proper maintenance of “first aid facilities & fire
fighting equipments”.
Avoid other activities during Lab hours unless assigned by the senior Management.
Adjust Lab work to a technician, who is familiar with that Lab, incase of your
Ensure that the Machine is in proper working condition & then allow the students to
do the Job.
Prepare a plan of maintenance schedule at the beginning of the semester and make
Lab-In charge should take necessary steps to procure additional equipment / other
Technical Seminars
Cultural Activities
Guest Lectures
2.2. ID CARD:
It is Mandatory for students to wear ID cards at all times when they are In the
Staff will take ID cards from students when they are involved in undesirable
After noting the details of student, ID card must be returned to the student
Students should absent to the college with prior permission from parents duly
Any student absent without intimation should be allowed to the college if he/she
If this is continued twice in a semester he/she may be suspended from the college
authorized mobile phones only. However, the institution is not responsible if parent
and student changes their address and mobile numbers without intimation.
Staff members must take attendance within first 5 minutes of starting the period.
Latecomers should not be denied admission into the classes for being late.
Trouble makers in the class rooms must be reported to the HOD/Principal /Director
Students violating dress code must not be allowed to attend the lecture classes,
laboratories and Library. Faculty members must report such cases to HOD for
If any student find irregular and having more backlogs, finds if he/she indiscipline
However, HOD should identify the list of the detained students before one month of
Students are not allowed to the classes if they are coming late however they are
allowed into the departments, separate class work will be planned for them.
If they are regularly late HOD/Class mentor should identify such students
Students are not permitted to visit the canteen or sports grounds during class
timings. Parents of such students shall be intimated about the absence of their
Students should not be denied admission into the classrooms / Labs when they
report late for the classes. However, such students shall automatically lose
misbehavior in the classrooms. However they can warn such students or report to
Principal level as such teachers should not threaten the students in the name of marks
College Discipline
1 Ragging As per Govt. Orders
Committee (CDC)
phones etc)
3 making noise (use of cell Suspension from the class Any faculty member
phones etc.)
Punishment as decided by
4 Insubordination CDC
reported to the CDC for deciding the nature and quantum of punishment. Faculty members
are advised not to condone indiscipline activities or award punishments, which are not
It is Mandatory for students to display ID cards at all times when they are in
Usage of cell phones with cameras is strictly prohibited in the campus. Such cell
Students must surrender their cell phones to the invigilators during Internal /
Students using the cell phones during regular class hours (including sending SMS)
will be suspended for one week. Cell phones will be confiscated for one sem in
such cases.
Every year department wise best student will be awarded Rs.3,000/- cash prize.
If a student secures more than 80% he/she will be awarded with cash prize of
Students are encouraged to participate National level sports, University level sports,
District level sports. However, for participation University level and National level
1st, 2nd prize winner in National and University level will be awarded Rs.1,500/- and
The work will be distributed as given below and administrative officer will monitor the
work, the progress of work will be communicated to principal and management regularly.
7. Liaison with Police / Panchayat / Labour dept. /other Govt. and private agencies as
Waste Management
4. All the outside work related to purchase & other administrative works.
5. Campus Maintenance
Account Books.
14. Collection of Students & Staff Certificates as per Norms and Maintenance
16. Maintaining all original certificates of Teaching Faculty & Non Teaching.
2. Faculty / Staff vacation details: Maintaining of Teaching & Non – Teaching staff
other Correspondence
6. Books, Uniforms, Lab Coats and calculator for First Year UG Students.
6. Maintenance of stock register and updating it regularly (Admin office / Exam Cell)
8. Course Completion / Bonafide / Conduct / Fee details Certificate / RTC Bus Passes
Chief Superintendent
Online in-charge
All the examiners will be paid remuneration as per the University Norms immediately after
commencement of the Examination. Ensure that the candidate should not carry any
material except Hall ticket, ID card and non-programmable calculator into the
examination halls. Programmable Calculators, Cell Phones and Pagers are not
There are four question papers with set number (1, 2, 3 and 4) for each subject.
Ensure that the relevant question papers are given for distribution in the hall.
Distribute the question papers starting with the correct set number from the first
Ask the candidates to enter the set number of question paper received by him / her
in the two blocks on the first page of “Main Answer Book” and verify the signature
affixed by the candidate. You have to sign on the title page of “Main Answer
Book” after checking the Hall Ticket Number and set number of question paper
issued to him.
Every candidate has to enter Serial No. of the “Main Answer Book” and the
she has to put his/her signature. Fill up the entries at the bottom of this sheet
Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall until 30 minutes from the
Please ensure to collect the answer book from the candidates before they leave the
examination hall.
Please enter the set number of the question paper issued to each candidate in the
“Seating Arrangement”. If the candidate is “absent” put a cross mark across the
At the end of examination collect the answer scripts from the candidates and
arrange them as per question paper set number (1,2,3,4) separately in theincreasing
Any correction in the Hall Ticket Number on the first page of “Main Answer Book”
Drawing sheets should be folded to the size of main answer book and the stamp
showing the Hall Ticket Number should be visible on the top after folding.
If any candidate strikes off all answers in his/her main and additional answer books,
immediately. Invigilators should not take the liberty of condoning the defaulters by
Both the examiners (Internal and External) have to asses the students for 50% of
marks assigned for practicals. Internal examiners have to brief the external
Marks must be noted on the answer sheets clearly indicating the marks awarded for
Both the examiners must sign on the Answer Sheets as well as on the award lists.
1. Training and placement of the students in the industry/ other user system.
4. To arrange for the placement of the students through campus interviews during
5. To arrange for expert lecturers to update the students and the staff regarding
3. Every staff / student of the college is eligible for membership of the Library,
4. The Library can be utilized by the students and staff from 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. on
working days.
5. All students should sign the entry register of the Library, before entering.
9. Books are to be handled very carefully. If a book is lost by the student, he/she shall
replace the book (same title, author and edition) or shall pay double the cost of the
book as fine.
10. Members before leaving the issue counter must satisfy themselves as to whether
the books which they intend to borrow are in good condition and any damage
should be immediately. Reported to the Librarian or library staff, failing which the
11. Members are not permitted to underline, write in, folding / tearing of pages or
12. The borrowed book should be returned on or before due date, If not, overdue charge
13. If the due date falls on holidays, return can be done on the following working day
without fine.
14. Misbehavior in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and serious
disciplinary action.
15. A member who has lost borrower’s token shall make a written report to the
librarian, then original or duplicate library token will be issued on payment of Rs.
16. The members will be responsible for any loss or non return of books issued against
17. All final year students should return their library token and library book based on
library circular and obtain “NO DUE CERTIFICATE” from the library for getting
Hall ticket.
18. Similarly the staff members who intend to leave the college should settle all the
respective college and rules laid down by the state government, the governing body of the
A. Fix the fees and other charges payable by the students of the college on the
D. Perform such other functions and institute committees, as may be necessary and
deemed fit for the proper development, and fulfill the objectives for which the
focus, in tune with the regulations of the higher bodies like University, AICTE,
D. Feel the pulse of the organization through appropriate feedback for mid course
Organizational members.
Class Teachers
Subject Teachers
Self-discipline is desirable and all members in the environment adhering to rules and
regulations is an ideal situation. Any aberrations in this regard are to be referred to the
Discipline Committee, who should dispose of the case expeditiously. All discipline matters
of students and matters related to Teaching and non-Teaching staff are to be referred to
Physical Director
Member staff/student
Anti -ragging teams are to be formed to prevent ragging. Any cases of ragging observed to
A. Create awareness on equal opportunity for women which will ultimately lead to
B. Bring about attitudinal and behavioural change in adolescent youth of the female
A. Principal
5. Timetable committee:
The following are the major points and their order for consideration in preparing a
Successful schedule.
B. Finalise the laboratories as per current syllabi. Consider for the whole year, this will
result in more than one semester duration and also overlap for various years of
C. Finalise the time table for labs/drawing/workshop, i.e. all those which require
duration of three hours/three periods at a stretch Make sure that same labs or not put
continuously i.e. at least some theory is covered between two consecutive labs and
with the list of subjects, faculty for the subjects, along with the existing load of
faculty and their preferences (like inabilities for some medical reasons etc.)
E. Time Table should be finalized giving preference to HOD, senior faculty and to
F. Always arrange classes diagonally so that time of the day is evenly distributed,
some in the beginning of the day, some in the middle and some a the end of the day.
Where ever possible give at least one day as free day to all the faculty.
A. Chairman
C. Branch/Department
Programmes in the region for the benefit of Science and Technology students.
project reports, obtaining, project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of
D. To organize guest lectures, TV & Radio talks, Seminars, etc, for promotion and
H. To provide testing, Calibration, quality assurance, design, tool room pilot plant and
MVR’s management has established the following quality objectives as the institutional
C. To provide adequate and well qualified staff who will contribute effectively to
Well formed Quality teams as per the periodicity carry out the checks so that the
A. Teacher-Student Learning
B. Department Services
C. File Administration
D. Lab Support
Quality Terms:
A. Atleast once in 4 months for all departments and as and when necessary for any
specific department.
C. The team after the Audit should submit a report to the Principal asper the format
Follow Up:
Principal/ HOD should initiate appropriate remedial action based on the audit report and
A. Principal
D. Administrative Officer
8. NSS Events
Apart from these workshops, conferences, guest lectures and industrial tours are
arranged in the department level, a separate news letter will be prepared yearly.
Principal he shall advise the Management and the Director in all educational, financial and
In addition he shall:
Be responsible for human resource planning for teaching and non-teaching staff for
Liaison and coordinate with JNTUH, AICTE, and other professional bodies,
Work to develop the institute in all areas for an al-round growth of the institute
Arrange and organize the various faculty and staff development programmes
Advise the HODs and faculty in various academic and administrative matters
Represent the institute in various State and regional level bodies, societies, councils
as required.
Conduct regular meetings of the various committees for better liaison and
Monitor smooth running of the classes & ensure timely completion of syllabus
Consolidate the weekly activities and sending MIS reports ( Academic) to the
Conduct weekly meetings to the staff to know the difficulties if any and progress
Interact with students to know their academic problems and take necessary
Complete the Academic audit ( Twice in a month ) and prepare necessary reports
Based on the reports, take corrective actions if any for the timely completion of
Make sure that the time tables are ready before opening the academic sessions
Maintain Lesson plan, Question bank, Lab Manual & Tutorial Question of all
Analysis of University Exam / Mid Exam / Class Test results – Preventive Action
Maintain all attendance / mid exam papers / Internal marks as per JNTU
Activity Follow up
Encourage the faculty & Student to attend the Conference / FDP etc
Faculty Recruitment
Office Automation
Interaction with all counselors and address the issues ( Twice in a month )
environment and promoting the departmental activities to achieve its objectives and in turn,
Responsible for the overall discipline of the students and staff of the department
Should assist in the preparation of time tables (class room) and monitor it through
Daily attendance
Mid examinations
(v) Subject
Encourage faculty to develop new teaching aids, tutorials, Lab exercises extension
to syllabus specified.
Dean of Academic Affairs (DAA) is responsible for the efficient conduct of all
(Class, Room).
Preparation and Circulation of mid –term examination timetables before the start of
ii. Taking Student Feedback for each Subject (Two times in a Semester-First
iii. Taking Suitable action on the feedback received from the parents,
Conduct Workshops at the Institute and encourage the Faculty to attend workshops
Dean of Discipline (DD) is responsible for promoting the overall discipline of the
To ensure that all matters pertaining to discipline which are referred to him should
To suggest any timely measures to improve the quality of discipline and good order
in MVR College.
Avoidance: Enforce measure to avoid contact between first years and seniors by
staggering timings of first year activities, formation of anti ragging squads and
Dean of Student Affairs (DSA) is overall responsible for efficient conduct of co and
committee, in that:
To provide inputs for the academic calendar for various co and extracurricular
Cooperative store
Recreational Facilities
To redress any suggestion / complaint from the students through respective In-
To liaise with Dean of Academic Affairs for preparation of mid exam and end Lab
exam schedules.
To ensure that mid exam papers as per the norms in sufficient copies as per the
strength of the class along with attendance sheets should reach the departments
To preserve the Question papers of Mid exams and End exams for future review.
To preserve the evaluated Mid exams and Lab answer sheets, End exam answer
sheets branch wise, year wise for a period of one academic year and have them
Any change in schedule due to valid but unavoidable reason duly approved by the
development with respect to teaching and learning through programming and consultation;
research the needs and effectiveness of faculty development and seek funds to support
Affairs, HODs & Principal and the many collaborating units and faculty members, in that:
sustain and advance a research mission in the College, among its faculty and students, and
Develop and promote the integration of research programs and research initiatives
Lead the quest to establish Centers of Excellence via facilitating research creativity
engineering industries.
Establish research programs in the college in accord to the HOD’s and faculty’s
within the college and throughout its collaborative partnerships in academics and
Build relationships with local, national and international foundations and facilitate
Advise and assist faculty on research proposals, patenting, research contracts and
Assist faculty members in identifying and securing the resources necessary for
successful extramural
To facilitate the Training and Placement Officer in carrying out the following activities.
Collection of data in the prescribed proforma during III Year II Semester from
Preparation of latest bio-data of MVR College students discipline wise for selecting
event of any ON/OFF Campus tests, providing the required information to the
Structure etc and giving it to companies with the information to know about
MVR College.
Co-ordinating with various companies for MVR College students carrying out final
The Laboratory Incharge (Lab I/C) is responsible for the safety, upkeep of all the
Organization Chart
Complaint Register
Lab Manuals
List of Experiments
The Lab I/C should ensure proper discipline at laboratories by ensuring the
Room and equipment are maintained neat and clean at all times
Lab I/C should be conversant with all the lab experiments and exercises.
Lab I/C should be conversant with the key, location, locking procedure of the room,
The Subject Teacher for Laboratory, in consultation with Subject Teacher for the
corresponding theory subject and teachers for the same subject but for other
concept understanding.
The problems should be made known to the students well in advance for their
Ensure attendance is taken as per the procedure and seating is done as per the order.
Teacher should make sure that observation book is maintained by every student.
At periodic intervals, teacher should ensure that the records are maintained neatly
Internal assessment is done as per JNTU regulations. This may include continuous
Sessional marks are handed over to the respective departments by due date.
As an Internal Examiner, assist the External Examiner for the conduct of university
lab exam.
Assist External Examiner to conduct the Final Lab Exam .,if detailed as Internal
Is responsible for Monitoring the proper utilization and upkeep of Lab Equipment.
The class coordinator has to ensure about maintenance of student list and their
B. Ensure that the sheet is handed over to class representative before the classes get
C. Ensure that the filled in sheet is returned to the Attendance Data Entry Operator
Problems regarding the class room (or) with the teaching aids should be addressed
By periodic meetings with the students verify about any difficulties of subject (or)
Is responsible for collecting & maintaining the student feedback of teachers twice a
semester as follows :
Has to ensure, through class counsellors, updating of the Proctorial Sheets, assisting
The Mentor is responsible for the batch of students assigned for the entire
academic year and is answerable to the respective HOD of the students while carrying the
following duties:
Should maintain the record of the students in the pink sheets and GCAP, the
Meet them at least once a month for the counseling sessions and record it.
Know the physical, mental, emotional status of the student and provide assistance
Emphasis should be made on attitudes, value systems, hard work, career planning in
He has to liaise with local authorities for uninterrupted supply of municipal and
bore water as per the requirement of the college, steady as well as peak loads.
He has to direct with maintenance team for prompt repairs such as leaks and
He has to liaise with horticulture advisor for the upkeep of college lawns, pathways,
He should periodically inspect the condition of water bowser, coolers and ensure
He should periodically inspect the canteen premises, wash areas for safe upkeep.
He should liaise with the security in charge for the overall safely of the college.
He should carry out surprise visits to ensure the movement of personnel and
He should periodically inspect to ensure that premises are locked with power
may also conduct surprise checks. In addition to that library verification carried
Apart from surprise checks, annual verification has to be carried out by the staff
members deputed by the Principal from other Departments before the end of the
academic year.
Chairman: He is vested with full financial autonomy and enjoys unlimited powers:
A. To appoint as per the norms and fix the remuneration / salary to the teaching / non-
C. To make investment decisions and also arrange for resource mobilization to meet
D. To authorise the payment of purchase bills and to confirm the oral sanction given if
any to Principal / Dean / HODs, etc., over and above the delegated powers.
All the departments including the Library, Transport should critically analyse their
requirements taking into account the syllabus, technology, upgradation, quality / quantity,
etc. and prepare the budget estimates for next academic year before the beginning of
financial year.
format given in Annexure-A and B. This is to be done separately for recurring and
nonrecurring. Each department should consolidate the same and review in the
Departmental Development and Monitoring Committee before submitting for the Institute
Quotations from the Vendors who have the capacity and capability, financial
soundness and reputed standing. The quotations will be called by the Head of the
ascertained from the market reports; discrete enquires which will form the basis for final
principal. The same will be forwarded to Management for approval. Once it is approved
PO will be placed for the vendor as per the quotations given. The equipment receiving is
The purchases can be made in case of emergency and by cash on the unit cost of the
item to avoid undue delay. The departments are expected to maintain for each laboratory.
Finance Officer is responsible for all cash and bank transactions. He has to maintain the
following documents
B. Reconciliations details at least once in two months with all the banks with which
Pay bill has to be prepared on 1st of every month taking into consideration the leaves
Fee should be collected at the beginning of the year(odd semester) through bank giving 15
11.6. Computerization:
11.7. Audit:
Records of MVR are to be submitted in time to the college accounts section and audited by
a chartered accountant. The audited reports to be placed before the Governing Body for its
Academic counselling :
(List the names of students counseled)
Date Name of the Branch / Nature of Process Outcome
Student Section problem initiated
Governing Body
Teaching Non-Teaching