Castles and Chateaux
Castles and Chateaux
Castles and Chateaux
and chateaux
Contents Landštejn ................................................. 46
Lednice ..................................................... 47 Castles
Bečov nad Teplou ...................................... 2
Bezděz ........................................................ 3
Bítov ............................................................ 4
Lipnice nad Sázavou ................................ 50
Litomyšl .................................................... 51
Loket ......................................................... 52
and chateaux
Blatná ......................................................... 5 Manětín .................................................... 53
Boskovice ................................................... 6 the Czech Republic’s tastes and practically unlimited financial
Mělník ...................................................... 54
Bouzov ........................................................ 7 Mikulov .................................................... 55 “family silver” resources of their bygone owners.
Buchlov ....................................................... 8 Milotice .................................................... 56 You will see a vast variety of collections
Buchlovice .................................................. 9 Mnichovo Hradiště .................................. 57 The most valuable things Czechs have and art works amassed with love
Častolovice................................................ 10 Náchod ..................................................... 58 inherited from their ancestors and pride by generations of noble
Červená Lhota ........................................... 11 Náměšť na Hané ...................................... 59 are historical monuments. Anyone families. You will climb towers affording
Český Krumlov ......................................... 12 Náměšť nad Oslavou ................................ 60 who visits the Czech Republic outstanding views of the surrounding
Český Šternberk ....................................... 14 Nelahozeves .............................................. 61
Cheb .......................................................... 15 for the first time is surprised countryside, lose yourself
Nové Město nad Metují ........................... 62
Dětenice .................................................... 16 Olomouc ................................................... 63 by their abundance and their state in the mysterious labyrinths
Dobříš ....................................................... 17 Opočno ..................................................... 64 of preservation, how impressively they of subterranean corridors, and inhale the
Duchcov .................................................... 18 Orlík .......................................................... 65 are set in the surrounding landscape, fresh scent of ancient parks and lush,
Frýdlant .................................................... 19 Pernštejn .................................................. 66 the splendid design of the buildings, perfectly groomed historical gardens.
Hluboká nad Vltavou ............................... 20 Ploskovice ................................................. 67 the variety of architectural styles,
Horšovský Týn ......................................... 21 Prague – Prague Castle ............................ 68 and their excellent operation. Visitors Czech castles and chateaux are not just
Hořovice ................................................... 22 Prague – Troja Chateau ........................... 70
Hradec nad Moravicí ............................... 23 are charmed by the special energy they sleepy museums where time has stood
Prague – Vyšehrad ................................... 71
Hrádek u Nechanic .................................. 24 Rabí .......................................................... 72 radiate, the unique atmosphere which still. They also offer historical festivals
Hukvaldy .................................................. 25 Ratibořice ................................................. 73 greets them as they step inside. and markets, night-time tours,
Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou ....................... 26 Rožmberk ................................................. 74 And those who are already familiar costumed guides, displays of trained
Javorník – Jánský Vrch ........................... 27 Slavkov (Austerlitz) .................................. 75 with this from previous visits know that birds of prey, demonstrations of ancient
Jindřichův Hradec ................................... 28 Sychrov ..................................................... 76 the multitude of places worth visiting, crafts,
Kačina ...................................................... 29 Špilberk (Brno)......................................... 77 photographing and enthusiastically and tastings of traditional Czech
Kámen ...................................................... 30 Šternberk .................................................. 78
Karlova Koruna ........................................ 31 telling friends about is almost delicacies, as well as theatre and opera
Švihov ....................................................... 79
Karlštejn ................................................... 32 Telč ........................................................... 80 inexhaustible – and the experience performances, fencing matches, concerts,
Kašperk .................................................... 33 Točník and Žebrák ................................... 82 is always powerful and wondrous … art festivals, exhibitions and workshops
Klášterec nad Ohří ................................... 34 Trosky ....................................................... 83 – all announced in advance on their
Kokořín ..................................................... 35 Třeboň ...................................................... 84 More than a millennium of Czech history individual websites. And if that is not
Konopiště ................................................. 36 Valtice ....................................................... 85 has produced some two thousand enough, you can experience a taste
Kost ........................................................... 37 Velhartice ................................................. 86 castles, chateaux, fortresses, and of castle life for yourself: Almost
Krásný Dvůr ............................................. 38 Velké Březno ............................................ 87
Kratochvíle ............................................... 39 their ruins. We invite you to come all of these monuments rent out their
Velké Losiny ............................................ 88
Kroměříž .................................................. 40 Vizovice .................................................... 89 explore their remarkable stories and most attractive historical rooms
Křivoklát ................................................... 41 Vranov nad Dyjí ....................................... 90 secrets. for special occasions such as wedding
Kuks .......................................................... 42 Zákupy ...................................................... 91 In this book we present a selection ceremonies. So please step inside …
Kunětická hora ......................................... 43 Zvíkov ....................................................... 92 of the most beautiful places that are
Kunín ........................................................ 44 Žďár nad Sázavou .................................... 93 made accessible to the public by their
Kynžvart ................................................... 45 Žleby ......................................................... 94 current owners. Guides will be on hand
to tell you all about the fascinating fates
Hotel Restaurant UNESCO of individual castles and chateaux
Opening hours Special offer Suitable for children and their inhabitants over the centuries.
Let your imagination be swept away
Hire of premises for cultural Weddings Chateau garden by these stories. You will tour sumptuous
and social events Tours Chateau park interiors, furnished with the refined
Bečov Bezděz
in occupied Czechoslovakia. They buried death become a prison for his 7-year-old
the Reliquary of St. Maurus under son Wenceslas (Václav) and his widowed
The castle has some 140 suites, many The imperial diplomat Count
Reason to visit of which are richly furnished with This typical Renaissance chateau Maximilian Trauttmansdorff
the Schwarzenberg family collections from the 16th century, which was the main organizer of the peace
White brickwork, battlements, loopholes, and are accessible to the public. has remained almost unmodified, negotiations that led to the end
towers and turrets, oriel and pointed- is one of the most accessible monuments of the Thirty Years’ War. In the castle
arch windows, a mazelike floor plan VII–VIII daily, in the Czech Republic: In high season library are rare documents relating
– all of this brings to mind the romantic I–VI and IX–XII Tuesday–Sunday. it offers visitors five different tour circuits to it and also a richly decorated goose
rural atmosphere of the English kings with a total time of over five hours! quill with which he personally signed
of Windsor. It was precisely on this the Peace of Westphalia in 1648
model that the entire Hluboká complex Of historical interest on behalf of the Habsburg monarchy.
and the surrounding land was rebuilt.
After a terrible fire in the medieval V–IX Tuesday–Sunday,
Of historical interest castle in the middle of the 16th century, IV, X weekends and public holidays.
a comfortable chateau was built from
Originally a royal sentry castle, it had the ruins. The estate was confiscated from
a succession of important owners. Bezručova 142 its owners, the famous Czech Lobkowicz Náměstí Republiky 1
The Schwarzenberg family lived here 373 41 Hluboká nad Vltavou family, because of their participation 346 01 Horšovský Týn
for a full three hundred years before in an uprising against the Habsburgs.
the Second World War, when the castle It was sold for a negligible sum
Hořovice Hradec
V–IX Tuesday–Sunday, hosted many musical greats,
IV, X weekends. such as Beethoven, Paganini and
nad Ohří Habsburg rule. The Thirty Years’ War, After the Thirty Years’ War,
however, affected them, too: Swedish Reason to visit the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand rated
troops twice plundered and devastated the abandoned medieval residence
Reason to visit the chateau. It required costly rebuilding, The castle, set in a picturesque as a “cursed castle” that was not worthy
this time in the Baroque style. region of sandstone rocks, lakes of repair. It became a refuge for robber
When at the end of the 18th century and half-forgotten villages, is located barons and highwaymen, who threatened
the castle administrator J. N. Weber The way in which contemporary just 40 kilometres from Prague. the surrounding area. The romantic
experimented with the kaolin that had tastes were reflected in the design When in the late 19th century it was 19th-century ruins were “discovered”
just been discovered in the area, of porcelain products is evidenced bought by Prague businessman by young patriots, and many writers
he could not have known that porcelain by a large exhibition devoted to the Václav Špaček, it had long been and artists have drawn inspiration here.
from Klášterec would become famous development of Czech porcelain. an abandoned ruin. Under the super-
throughout the world. His first primitive A walk in the park is enlivened by vision of four leading art historians, The castle walkways and massive
creations were a far cry from the snow- the sculptures of Jan Brokoff, he thoroughly reconstructed it and made cylindrical tower offer magnificent
white, translucent porcelain produced such as his statues of the continents. it accessible to the public. In the valley views of the Kokořínsko Protected
Asia. He overcame these setbacks Australia, however, is missing – it had below the castle he built a swimming Landscape Area.
with sustained effort, and in 1794 not yet been discovered at the time. pool and tennis courts, thereby making
he founded the Thun factory, named the Kokořínsko region a popular V–IX Tuesday–Sunday,
for the owners of the chateau. It has been IIV–IX daily, X–III Friday–Sunday. recreation and tourist destination. IV, X weekends.
in continuous operation since that time.
Konopiště his collection. His assassination not conquer the castle because its walls VII–VIII daily, IV and X Wednesday–
defeated this aim. were as hard as bone (kost in Czech), Sunday, V–VI and IX Tuesday–Sunday.
and he withdrew disappointed. The truth
Reason to visit A popular attraction with children is a bit different: The castle simply was Children can draw a picture
– bears – have a long tradition at the overlooked by his troops because, unlike of the castle during a visit and hand
In the romanticizing reconstruction chateau. They have reportedly been other medieval palaces, it does not stand it in at the cashier. If the owner
of the palatial residence of the heir to kept here since the 18th century. atop a hill, but in the valley. of the castle likes the picture,
the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinand the child will receive a diploma and
d’Este, nothing was left to chance. 25–31 III daily, IV–X Tuesday – Tip: A 10-kilometre route leads the picture will be displayed in a place
The chateau was equipped with all Sunday, XI weekends. from below Kost Castle through of honour in the castle and on its
the creature comforts of the time – the picturesque Plakánek valley website.
flushing toilets, a lift, central heating to Humprecht Castle near Sobotka.
and electricity generated by its own
hydroelectric plant. The archduke lived The exhibition presents the Kinský
there happily family in the Czech lands, to whom
with his family, at arm’s length from the well-run castle still belongs.
the outside world. The idyll ended In the cellar you can visit a medieval
with his assassination in Sarajevo torture chamber with illustrative
in 1914, where he died along with examples of “interrogation methods”
his beloved wife. Konopiště 1 which reliably brought about Podkost 1–8
256 01 Benešov a confession. 507 45 Mladějov v Čechách
Valtice 3 hours from Prague
for half a century. After the First World
War, the Czechoslovak Hiking Club
purchased it for 100 crowns,
and its gradual recovery continues till
the present.
Lipnice Litomyšl
An unguided tour of the monu- Two tour circuits include
mental and rugged medieval castle the representational rooms with
I–XII daily.
Of historical interest
The chateau’s founder, the prominent
Protestant politician, writer and patriot
Václav Budovec, was executed in
Of historical interest
Prague – and the count had hopes of playing host An unguided walk through
to Emperor Leopold I and his hunting Vyšehrad is the oldest Czech royal Vyšehrad with a stop at notable sights
Nearly 3 kilometres of ramparts What was the story with Žižka’s The educated, independent and attrac- A tour through the salons
and walls encircle the largest Czech eye? What kind of view does the castle tive Katharina Wilhelmine, Duchess of the chateau vies successfully with
castle ruin, which boasted one of the tower offer? Is the well in the courtyard of Sagan (in Czech Kateřina Zaháňská), a walk through its park and adjacent
most sophisticated defence systems really bottomless? You will learn with her charm and wit was for years “Grandmother’s Valley”, where
in Europe in its time. The attractive the answers to these questions a darling of Europe’s highest social everything is connected with
medieval environment is beloved by and more on two guided tours. circles, enchanting prominent men the famous Czech novel Grandmother
filmmakers shooting fairy tales and of the early 19th century, from by the popular 19th-century writer
historical narratives. It was here in 1967 V–IX Tuesday–Sunday, the Russian czar to the Austrian Božena Němcová.
that the director František Vláčil filmed IV and X weekends chancellor Metternich. She travelled
the famous Czech art film Markéta and public holidays. throughout Europe and was in her V, VI and IX Tuesday–Sunday,
Lazarová. element at the Viennese court, VII and VIII daily,
but she considered her real home IV and X weekends and public
Of historical interest to be her summer residence holidays.
in the beautiful countryside of East
The most famous event in the extremely Bohemia.
rich history of the castle was the siege
by Hussite troops in 1421. The legendary Of historical interest
military commander and folk hero
Jan Žižka lost his one healthy eye here, Státní hrad Rabí The Hall of the Three Emperors Státní zámek Ratibořice
apparently with an arrow shot by one 342 01 Sušice is a reminder that in 1813 the duchess’ 552 03 Česká Skalice
of the defenders of the castle. This scene elegant mansion was the site of secret
was once carved on the castle gate, meetings among Austria, Russia
Of historical interest
A portrait of the famous White The chateau enjoyed the peak to this site, with the notable
Lady is the highlight of the Rožmberk of its fame in the second half of the Art Nouveau memorial called
Hall on the first tour circuit, which 18th century under Wenzel Anton, the Cairn of Peace, with the chateau
Reason to visit takes visitors back to the time Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg, a member administration, or you can visit on your
of the last Rožmberks, Vilém and Petr of the old Moravian family which had own at any time of year.
The best view of the monumental Vok. The Buquoy family, which owned owned the estate for four centuries.
medieval castle and romantic landscape the castle from 1620 until the end of The prince moved in the highest Rooms with rich artistic decoration
of South Bohemia opens up before the Second World War, is presented imperial circles and helped to form and a unique gallery of Baroque
you from the English Tower. However, mainly on a second tour circuit of the policy for the Habsburg monarchy, paintings present an Italian concept
it requires a climb of almost 200 steps. private family rooms on the castle’s frequently welcoming Empress of aristocratic life. In the main oval hall,
second floor. Maria Theresa to his magnificent home. European history was written: After the
Of historical interest He was a lover of art and books, famous Battle of the Three Emperors,
I–XII Tuesday–Sunday and, despite censorship, he ordered the armistice between France and
This castle from the mid-13th century and public holidays. the latest “subversive” books Austria was concluded right in this
is one of the oldest castles belonging on the Enlightenment and new room. The key moments of the historic
to the Vítkovci, the predecessors A summer tradition is costumed revolutionary currents directly event are recapitulated by a virtual
of one of the most important Czech noble evening tours, when historical figures from France. Battle of Slavkov, which is presented
families – the Rožmberks (Rosenbergs), guide visitors through the castle in the form of a projection.
to whom the king used to give the most (VII–VIII). Tip: Every year in early December
powerful offices in the land. Despite a re-enactment of the battle IV–XI Tuesday–Sunday,
the plethora of educated and enterprising in which Napoleon Bonaparte VI–VIII daily.
family members, probably the most defeated the numerically
popular figure is Perchta of Rožmberk, superior allied army led by
who after her death, according Státní hrad Rožmberk the Austrian emperor Palackého náměstí 1
to legend, began appearing in the 382 18 Rožmberk nad Vltavou and the Russian czar takes place 684 01 Slavkov u Brna
ancestral residences as on the Slavkov battlefield.
a mournful ghost. You can organize a visit
Zvíkov and the royal palace allows you Mountain), and the cemetery with The energetic owners
to soak up its romantic atmosphere. a ground plan in the shape of a skull of the chateau, members of the old
The most beautiful place is the chapel, – all gems of the original artistic style aristocratic family Kinský,
Reason to visit built in the 13th century to celebrate known as the Baroque Gothic. have opened the former monastery
the greatness and power of Ottokar II, and its outbuildings to the public.
The core of the fortifications of this called the “Iron and Golden King”. Of historical interest You can explore the most beautiful
royal castle is a massive residential interiors, which contain a number
tower with a highly unusual structure. Royal Palace: V–IX Tuesday– In the beginning, a group of Cistercian of permanent exhibitions, including
The tower’s 3-metre-thick walls made Sunday, IV and X weekends and public monks built a log cabin in the wild one on the development of books,
of blocks of black stone were reinforced holidays. forest near the Sázava River in the printing and book culture;
with a sharp edge to repel projectiles, 13th century, little by little constructing one of Baroque art from the
which slid down without doing any a modest monastery with their own collections of the National Gallery; the
serious damage to the masonry. The hands. Five centuries later, its extensive Kinský Gallery; one featuring historical
castle was never conquered, not even Baroque reconstruction was one pianos; an exhibition on the life of the
in medieval times or during the Thirty of the most expensive building projects architect Santini-Aichel; and a museum
Years’ War. Some claim that this is due of its time. The triumphant completion of the local fire brigade.
to mysterious protective symbols carved of the 30-year building effort was
in the bottom 11 rows of the tower’s stone celebrated in 1735. Just two years VII–VIII daily, IX–III Tuesday–
blocks. Although they do resemble runes, later the monastery burned down, Sunday.
historians view them as the marks and Vejmluva died the following year.
of the stonemasons who worked on the At the end of the 18th century,
royal buildings. But who knows for sure? Emperor Joseph II closed
the monastery, and its use became
residential and agricultural. Zámek 11
591 02 Žďár nad Sázavou 2
397 01 Písek
Ústí nad
Labem Liberec
Germany 87 91
18 76
3 57 37 83
34 35 73 58
Vary 54 42 27
38 16 Hradec 62
61 Králové 64
52 24
15 70 31
53 68 Praha 43 10
45 41
71 88
82 32 Pardubice
Plzeň 14 94 51 23 Ostrava
22 36
78 25
21 50 44
79 65 93 59
6 63
92 66
5 Jihlava
86 72
11 40 Zlín
33 20 28 80 60 Brno 89
České 75
39 26 77 8 9
Germany 56
12 4 90 55 47
74 85
In Pursuit of
Baroque Gems
by Train
Take a train ride and discover the most
beautiful Baroque sites in the Czech
by train from Prague in 2 hrs 5 min.