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ME421 Syllabus Fall2015

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Kuwait University

College of Engineering and Petroleum

Mechanical Engineering Department
ME 421– Heat Transfer, Fall 2015
Monday and Wednesday 11:00AM-12:15 PM KH-7, Room 202

Instructor: Dr. Alia H. Marafie

E-mail: alia.marafie@gmail.com
Phone: 2498-5884
14th KH building – Room 30

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 12:30-1:15 PM

Tuesday 9:30-11:30 AM, or by appointment

TA: Eng. Mujtaba Quadri

E-mail: mmaq65@gmail.com
Phone: 2498-5973
6th KH building – Groud floor, Room 11
Check the OCS for the TA office hours

Text: “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer” (F. P. Incropera and D. P. Dewitt, 7th
Edition, Wiley & Sons, NY, 2013)

Evaluation: The final grade will be based on the following criteria (subject to change):
Quizzes & Homework 10 %
3 Mid-term Exams: 45%
Final Exam: 35%
Projects 10%

Midterm and Final Exams:

Exam Date Time Location

Midterm I Monday 12-10-2015 5:00 – 7:00 PM TBA
Midterm II Wednesday 11-11-2015 5:00 – 7:00 PM TBA
Midterm III Wednesday 9-12-2015 5:00 – 7:00 PM TBA
Final Exam Monday 21-12-2015 11:00AM – 1:00 PM AM TBA

Online Course:
All course materials (lecture notes, handouts, ect.) will be available online through the OCS (online
course system) website: http://www.eng.kuniv.edu/ocs/. Also I will use this site to post
announcements, or schedule changes. You are responsible to follow up on any update.
1. You must first create a new account for yourself on the OCS website or activate your current
account. (All students registered in my course should have OCS account within the 1st two days
of classes).
2. After login into the system select “Core” then select:
[ME 421] Heat Transfer (Marafie)
3. Student registered in the course will be enrolled in the OCS course automatically.

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

1st Objective: Familiarize the students with the three basic forms of heat transfer (conduction,
convection, and radiation).

1st Outcome: Student should understand the three modes of heat transfer. This
knowledge will be demonstrated by having successfully worked
problems in all three areas of heat transfer.

2nd Objective: Develop a basic understanding of steady-state and transient heat conduction,
including simplified and numerical methods of computing conduction heat transfer.

2nd Outcome: Student should have a working knowledge of basic conduction

equations and processes. This knowledge will be demonstrated by
being able to compute 1-D heat transfer through composite wall
and cylindrical sections, perform numerical computations for 2-D
steady- state and transient heat conduction.

3rd Objective: Develop an understanding of convection heat transfer correlations for internal and
external flows, as well as free and forced convection, with some applications of heat

3rd Outcome: Student should understand the application of the many convection
correlations used for various shapes, fluids, and flow conditions.
This understanding will be demonstrated by being able to use
appropriate correlations for forced versus free convection, internal
versus external flows, and the use of the two commonly applied
procedures for designing heat exchangers.

4th Objective: Develop a basic understanding of radiation heat transfer applied to gray body
radiation exchange, including simple spectral analysis.

4th Outcome: Have a basic understanding of radiation heat transfer applied to

simple gray bodies. This understanding will be demonstrated by
the ability to compute heat transfer between a body totally
surrounded by a gray body, as well as radiation exchange between
multiple surfaces forming an enclosure.

1. Homework assignments will be posted on the course website a week before the due date.
Student must print out the assignment and attach it to his homework.
2. There will be no credits for late homework; you must turn in your homework in class. The
homework will be collected at the beginning of the class and before I start the lecture. However,
at least one homework –with the least score– will not be counted in your grade.
3. Your home work should be neat and consists of the following:
a. Using a word processor, you should print your name, student ID, homework number,
instructor’s name and section number on a blank cover page (white or colored).
b. Each problem should be solved in a separate blank white A4 sheet (write only on one
side of each page).
c. The assignment sheet should be stapled on the left top corner.

4. While students are encouraged to “work together” on solving homework, you must turn in your
own work (DIY: do it yourself). The university’s minimum penalty for cheating or plagiarism is
a failing grade for the course.

1. Quizzes may be given on the same homework submission day, in class, and 15 minutes before
the end of class time, a reminder will be posted on the course website.
2. Quizzes will not be repeated, even if absent with an excuse. However, at least one quiz –with
the least score– will not be counted in your grade.

1. All exams are open book and closed notes. Concept questions are both closed book and closed
notes. You should bring your own clean copy of the textbook for the exam. Do not write the
solution of any problem on the textbook.
2. No makeup exams will be given under any circumstances.

1. Students have to turn in two formal projects that consist of: cover page, problem description,
and solution (refer to section 1.4 for a description of the systematic procedure in problem
2. Late project submission is not accepted and will not be graded; you must turn in your project
in class on the specified due date and before I start the lecture.

Assigned Date Due Date Topic

1st Project Wednesday Monday Chapter 4
7-10-2015 26-10-2015
2nd Project Tuesday Thursday Chapter 5
21-10-2015 15-11-2015

Course Rules:
3. You are expected to show up on time for lectures. I have no tolerance for tardiness.
4. Your cell phones should be turned off before you enter the classroom.
5. You should bring a calculator and a pencil to every lecture. There will be no sharing of
calculators during exams and quizzes. Check the course website for a list of permitted
calculators to be used during quizzes and exams.
6. Quizzes and exams must be solved using pencils only.
7. The university’s minimum penalty for cheating or plagiarism is a failing grade for the course.
8. A digital copy of the class lecture notes will be available on the course website at least a day
before the class day, each student must bring in a hard copy to class.
9. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every lecture. Student must attend all course
lectures. University rule regarding attendance will be applied.
10. It is strongly advised to study the pervious lecture notes and read the appropriate sections
from the textbook before the scheduled lecture.
11. Class participation is highly encouraged and I welcome your ideas, comments, suggestions,
and questions.
12. No food, drinks, or chewing is allowed during class time.
13. Always remember; if you have a problem … I’m here to help you.

Course Outlines:

Week Date Topic Reading

1 Sep 7 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 – 1.2
Modes of Heat Transfer + Rate Equation
9 The Conservation of energy requirements 1.3 – 1.7
2 14 Chapter 2: Introduction to Conduction 2.1 – 2.3
Conduction Equation
16 Conduction Equation (B.C., I.C.) 2.4 – 2.5
3 21 Chapter 3: One-dimensional steady-state conduction 3.1 – 3.2
1-D Conduction Equation
23 Holiday (Arafat & Eid Al-Adha)
4 28 1-D Conduction Equation (Radial Systems) 3.3 – 3.4
30 1-D w/ Heat Generation + Fin Analysis 3.5 - 3.6
5 Oct 5 Chapter 4: Two-dimensional steady-state conduction 4.1 – 4.2
2-D Conduction Equation
7 Shape Factor + Finite Difference Equation 4.3 - 4.6
6 12 Chapter 5: Transient Conduction 5.1 – 5.3
Lumped Capacitance Method
 1st Midterm Exam (Chapters 1-3) 
(Monday 12-10-2015 / 5:00-7:00PM)
14 Holiday (Beginning of Hijra Year)
7 19 Spatial Effect (exact, approximate solutions) 4.4 - 4.6
Spatial Effect (Heisler charts) External
21 Semi-infinite solid + Finite-Difference Methods 5.7 – 5.11
8 26 Chapter 6: Introduction to convection 6.1 – 6.3
Convection Boundary Layer
28 Boundary Layer Equation/Normalization 6.4 – 6.9
9 Nov 2 Chapter 7: External Flow 7.1 – 7.3
External Flow- Flat Plate
4 External Flow- (Other Shapes + Across Banks of tubes) 7.4 – 7.9
10 9 Chapter 8: Internal Flow 8.1 – 8.5
Fully Developed Flow (Hydrodynamic + Thermal)
Laminar and Turbulent Flow in Circular Tubes
 2nd Midterm Exam (Chapters 4-7) 
(Wednesday 11-11-2015 / 5:00-7:00PM)
11 Noncircular tube, and Concentric Tube Annulus 8.6 – 8.10
11 16 Chapter 9: Free Convection 9.1 – 9.5
Free Convection- Vertical Plate
18 Free Convection- Other shapes 9.6 – 9.11
12 23 Chapter 11: Heat Exchangers 11.1 – 11.3
H.E. Types/H.E. Analysis (Log Mean Temp. Diff.)
25 H.E. Analysis (Effectiveness NTU Method) 11.4
13 30 H.E. Calculations/ Compact H.E. 11.5 – 11.7
Dec 2 Chapter 12: Radiation: Processes and Properties 12.1 – 12.4
Radiation Intensity, Blackbody Radiation, Surface Emission
14 7 Absorption, Reflection, and Transmission by Real Surfaces 12.4 – 12.7
Kirchhoff’s Law, and Gray surface
 3rd Midterm Exam (Chapters 8-11) 
(Wednesday 9-12-2015 / 5:00-7:00PM)
9 Chapter 13: Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces 13.1
View Factor
15 14 Radiation Exchange 13.2 - 13.2

Good luck 


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