The Circuit
The Circuit
The Circuit
a tale
three acts
The Circuit
Written By
Michael Chumbler
Lena Falkenhagen
Jan Hendrik Friedrich
Illustrations by
Elizabeth Lynn Blackson
Act One each level above Hard adding another 10%.
A second roll using the same skill will net
Scene One: A Cry for Help
passengers in the same amounts with the
“I reckon it’s possible to owe one person
same bonuses for rolling well. A failure nets
more, but I’ll be dipped if I know how. My
nothing and a Botch results in a
buddy saved me a dozen times over and if
confrontation with a group of toughs equal
not for their timely interventions ya’ll be
in number to the PCs.
talkin’ to someone other than me, ‘cause
I’d be buzzard bait.”
Developing a contact of their own requires
– Crew member’s recollections
a Formidable (15) INT + Influence /
Streetwise roll to find a real middle man,
This adventure can begin In Media Res with
one Otis Jenkins, than needs to move six
the PCs either en route between systems
large industrial-grade drilling derricks. The
with or without cargo, or resting up on
crates are large and take up 50% of the
ground depending on where they left off
ship’s cargo hold with the PC’s being paid
with their last adventure. If this is a new
the standard 50% up front and the other
set of characters, they start on planet while
half on delivery terms. However, this cargo
looking for a job. Regardless of starting
comes with the, as yet unknown, drawback
point, they receive a frantic wave GMs are
of a fixed delivery schedule of ten days.
encouraged to look at the player character’s
backgrounds for family member, army
Again, regardless of who the specific person
buddy, or other close friend to provide the
is that is placing the call, the message is
name for the person placing the wave.
the same. A one way wave reporting that
their small settlement is under attack. A
If the GM decides to play out the cargo
group moved in a day ago with fancy
search, the PCs can search for a go
promises for work on a new terraforming
between to pick up a job. There are a
project and once they had everyone’s guard
couple options for locating a cargo to
down, they swarmed over the town with
include using Friends in Low Places, a pre-
stun clubs and were grabbing up people for
planned hook for the PC’s next adventure,
Buddha knows what. As their friend speaks
canvassing the landing area like an old
they are interrupted by three burly
fashioned huckster, or locating a go
attackers and goes down swinging in a sea
between on their own.
of fists and stun batons. A HARD (11) INT
+ Piloting / Astrogation, will quickly figure
The huckster method consists of working
that even at Hard Burn they are fifteen
through the crowds at the port and smooth
hours from being able to reach their friend.
talking a cargo out of those present. The
PCs will have to make a Hard (11) WIL +
This is where the GM must exploit the
Influence / Persuasion roll to gain enough
relationship with the PC without mercy, this
cargo to fill 25% of their ship’s hold with
loved one has saved their life, helped them
through the worst part of their life, is the On arriving at Friend’s homestead, the find
reason they made it through school, or the obvious signs of a fight to include
whatever else the GM can think of to drive dozens of spent shell casings, blood trails,
home how much in debt the PC is to this and five bodies (Friend’s older brother and
person. four other settlers known to the PC(s).
While searching [Friend’s] make shift office,
If for some reason the PCs seem reluctant they find a manifest that shows the tiny
to help, they get a follow up wave from settlement only consisted of twenty odd
little Henry Yi, the son of one of the settlers people leaving seventeen are all missing.
that found the Cortex Com and hit 'redial',
reaching the PCs. He’ll plaintively ask: While sweeping through the settlement, an
"[Friend] said you'd put everything right Average (7) ALE + Perception / Hearing will
again. Are you gonna get Mommy and pick faint movement. The sound emanate
Daddy back?" from a large wooden crate (Armor 2 Life
Points 5). If the PCs hold their fire and
The boy is right about the cows needing
tending and the settlement will need some
prep work to leave unattended for any
length of time (animals wandering around,
screen doors banging in the wind, etc) An
Average (7) INT + Knowledge or INT +
Craft to secure the buildings and a Hard
(11) INT + Animal Handling to prepare the
animals to free range in the area.
Act Two It only takes a second to figure out that
their friend only has five days to live!
Scene One: Trash Talk
The ‘Verse-Wide Extreme Pit Fighting
A Formidable (15) INT + Technical
Championship is touted as the purest form
Engineering will trace enough of the signal
of one-on-one fighting known to man and
to know it came from Santo An Average (7)
for the past two years has taken the Cortex
INT + Piloting /Astrogation will calculate the
by storm. Reviled by religious groups for its
trip will use up 36 hours even at Hard Burn
brutality, the new ‘sport’ has non-the-less
of their 120 hours time limit.
continued to increase in ratings and renown
with the major competitors becoming house
Once on the planet, any skills used to try
hold names among their loyal fan base.
and pick up any information on “The
While not sanctioned by any Alliance
Circuit” leads no where and eventually an
regulated sports league, the fights are legal
encounter with some of the local street
and despite insistent calls for regulation by
thugs. The characters will face a number of
the government, the VWEPF continues to
thugs equal to the number of PCs. This
grow in popularity and fight cages for the
encounter will stay a fist fight, unless the
matches have begun cropping all over the
PCs draw weapons first. .
Border planets and demonstration bouts
have even been held in a select few Core
Tracking the pistol clue and using a plot
world venues.
point with Friends in Low Places, or rolling
– Op Ed article in the Sihnon Daily Register
an Average (7) INT + Streetwise or a Hard
(11) WIL + Fast talk will discover that sales
Momentarily stunned by the Carney barker
of the Pit Viper has been poorer than
loud ad, before they can shut off the noise,
expected and no more will be made.
they are shocked to see their friend in the
Getting more in depth information requires
background! As they focus in on what the
a Heroic (19) WIL + Influence / relevant
ad is about, they discover the ad is for a
specialty. However, 3 plot points with
brutal new sport sweeping the ‘Verse – Pit
Friends in Low Places will yield that only
Fighting. The announcer states they are
five units were sold to non Core World
starting a new program – Death Matches!
buyers with one each to the mayor and
Starting tonight and every night for the
sheriff on Boros, one a smuggler captain
entire week, the fresh meat – the camera
whose ship was destroyed by an Alliance
pans to the chain of prisoners, their friend
patrol, and a pair to the notorious slaver
is fifth in the chain, will fight in the order
“Ripper Rusinski.” Getting this name is a
they are chained to the death versus the
good step, but finding the elusive slaver will
“Grim Reaper” who is an up and coming
be a major challenge.
new competitor. Each fight will either end in
the death of the fresh meat or the Reaper.
If the crew has the drilling equipment as a
cargo, they have an additional problem with
Jenkins furious at any delays. Buying even Pit Fighting
a slight time extension requires a Based on the Earth-That-Was Ultimate Fighting
Challenge where two fighters enter a fighting
Formidable WIL + Influence / Persuasion to
cage and battle it out one-on-one with a variety
even get Jenkins to listen and an Opposed
of fighting styles and a minimum amount of
Roll of the same PC skills versus Jenkins’ restrictions.
WIL + Discipline. A success in both rolls The Serenity version is run as normal combat
buys an extra day and a Critical Success with the addition of ‘match’ points for cinematic
buys a two day extension. Failing either roll moves. A match point is earned for every “Called
Shot” that strikes its intended target. However,
earns a 10% per twelve hours late penalty
a Botch at any time causes the loss of a match
and a Botch gets a clear threat from
Jenkins that he knows people who like to Each match consists of three bouts that last
break two-timing punk’s legs. ten combat rounds. If an opponent is knocked
out before the end of the round, the fight is
over. If both opponents are still on their feet,
The crew will be faced with a tough choice
then the one that scored the most match points
at this point, if they help their friend they
wins the round with best two out of three
will not arrive in time before the penalty winning the bout if there is no knock out. A bout
costs them the entire second half of their can end in a tie if both fighters have the same
payment. The minimum delay is five days number of match points at the end of a bout.
If at the end of the three regular bouts there
and after a week without delivery, Jenkins
is a match point tie, there is a single round of
will contact his leg breaker friends. Namely,
“Sudden Death” in which the first fighter to
the Jinlian (Golden Lotus) Tong who will score a match point win’s the bout and the fight.
beat the crew senseless if they try and
deliver the cargo anywhere. If they try and
skip with the cargo or dump it in space, the
Tong will be out for blood and will be
gaining a new Deadly Enemy Complication
for the entire crew.
Act Two move alone anyway, they will require an
Average (7) INT + Influence/Streetwise or
Scene Two: Which Way is
a Hard (11) WIL + Discipline/Intimidation
Up? (Intimidatin’ Manner counts) to not run into
“A triumph of the art of terraforming, Santo three Bully Boys intent on cashing in on a
is a testament to Alliance engineering and new “worker.” Two people drop these rolls
the betterment of the ‘Verse for everyone, by one step and three or more drop them
which is the ultimate goal of your by two steps with any difficulty dropped
beneficent government. That is what the below Easy becoming no roll needed.
brochures once said about Santo, the Finding any information will take one of
situation has changed since the U-War. All three paths:
things considered, Santo got off light during
the war with no major fighting to damage Option One) Friends in Low Places and six
the infrastructure, but the disruption in plot points to encounter a buddy that
tourism was a serious setback to the brokers information as a go-between that
planet’s development that still hasn’t knows Ripper dropped off a load of fresh
managed to recover back to pre-war levels meat before heading out three days ago,
yet. destination unknown. A Hard (11) INT +
The casinos, resorts, and nightclubs are Influence or WIL + Discipline will get buddy
running again, but Santo has a darker side to spill that the fresh meat were herded
to it now and the traveler needs to be onto a non-descript old liner named the
aware that if they leave the confines of the “Oddessy”
tourist areas, they run the risk of
encounters with a well entrenched criminal Option Two) A Formidable (15) INT +
element and the alarming number of Influence/Streetwise will meet a spacer who
individuals who have disappeared while drinks and talks too much. However, this
vacationing on Santo is a closely guarded man has Heavy Tolerance and will take 50
secret in order to prevent the fragile Credits to get drunk enough to talk. Despite
recovery from coming to a screeching halt. being extremely drunk by that point, he is
– Standard boiler plate travel advisory still terrified of Ripper. The PCs will have to
disclaimer on all vacation package contracts roll HARD (11) WIL + Discipline to drink
enough to keep spacer lulled or else a Hard
Entering the domain of slavers is not just (11) AGL + Performance to seem to drink
asking for trouble, it is guarantying it, the enough to do the same. Once spacer is
first step being how to proceed. Strangers willing to talk, it will require a Hard (11)
walking around on Santo have been known WIL + Influence / Intimidation or
to disappear. An Easy (3) INT + Interrogation to get the spacer to reveal
Influence/Streetwise or an Average (7) INT the sale of slaves to the liner Oddessy.
+ Knowledge will realize that moving in
groups is essential. If any PC chooses to
Option Three) A Formidable (15) WIL + outside of the liner’s current maximum
Influence/Intimidation while making lots of distance. With nothing else to work with,
noise in the right quarters will rattle enough this moon is the most likely course of the
cages to draw the attention of what passes Oddessy.
as “law” on this world that they have an
encounter. The thugs will outnumber the The GM is more than welcome to flesh out
PCs 1.5 to 1 (rounded up) and they attack encounters on the ship to make the players
with fists and stun batons. However, if any sweat. They can encounter a curious guard
form of deadly weapon (knives included) or fellow gambler that presses their story
will result in gunplay. If PCs defeat thugs, a forcing them to have to win an Opposed roll
Hard (11) WIL + Influence/Intimidation will against INT + Influence / Persuade or Fast
get one of the thugs to mention the talk in order to slip past their questioner.
Another option is for the current super star
Now that PCs have the name of the ship, the Grim Reaper to make a make a short
they have to find her. Any Cortex access speech that plays up his callous regard for
only finds when the ship was built and the his opponents and how he will triumph once
now defunct spaceline she was built for again. The PCs could even get a chance to
twenty-five years ago. No information speak with him briefly setting a possible
newer than ten years old is available on the further encounter with this cruel evil man.
ship dating from when the ship was The real purpose of this encounter is to
renamed Oddessy from Odyssey. There is show the sort of person their friend will face
no authority on this planet to check a flight if and to add some further pressure on the
plan, so the only way to get a clue on the PCs for what will happen if they don’t get
ship’s probable course is to canvass the him freed in time.
spaceport. This is a Formidable (75)
Complex Action of INT +
Influence/Streetwise with each roll taking
20 minutes that will find that the liner is the
home of “The Circuit” and left two days
ago, destination unknown. A Hard (11) INT
+ Piloting / Astrogation to calculate how far
the liner could reach with it’s listed speed of
3. Only one planet falls inside that arc, but
a Formidable (15) INT + Knowledge is
aware that there is an Alliance naval base
on that planet. If this first roll is made, an
Average (7) INT + Knowledge to know
there is another moon, known to be a hub
for smuggling, that lies fifteen more hours
Act Three Average (7) INT + Technical Engineering /
Sensors detects that the liner has targeted
Scene One: Goin’ all in
the PC’s ship. The Oddessy will give the
Londinum has a new queen, better known
crew one warning to sheer off or they will
as the Odyssey and the flag ship of the
open fire immediately.
Odin line, making her first port call at
Halifax port and this new liner is the first
Another overt option is for the PCs to
word in luxury. Built in the Hangchow
pretend having a new pit fighter that
shipyard on Sihnon, the Odyssey is the
wishes to join the match. This option
standard bearer for how space liners will be
requires a PC in physical condition
judged. Sporting the finest in cabins,
prominently displayed via wave and the
amenities, service, and safety, the Odin
same rolls as above, but one-step easier if
lines has high hopes that this magnificent
the PCs have a plausible fighter figure to
ship will be the gateway to even greater
present. If no such an individual is
things in the coming decades.
available, then the rolls become two
– Initial Cortex travelogue commemorating
difficulty categories more difficult.
the launch of the space liner Odyssey.
Engineering / Vacc Suit or a Hard (11) AGL the option to warn the rest of the crew, but
+ Athletics to safely reach an airlock on the has to win an Opposed INT + Technical
Oddessy. Failing either of the space suit Engineering / Communications to avoid the
options leaves the PC floating in the Black. signal being detected. If it is detected, the
A second roll of either of those skills is escaping PCs on the ship will suffer a one-
required to return to their ship or risk being step penalty to all Stealth based skills used
left floating helplessly in space. The pilot to reach the escape ship.
can stop and pick up the ‘floater’ with an
Average (7) Ship’s AGL + Piloting roll,but Once the PCs on the Oddessy have reached
the approach to the Oddessy has to be their own ship, they have to avoid both the
started all over again and this time the roll liner and the second ship. Use the same
is INCREDIBLE (115) within the same 10 rules listed below, but the PC pilot must
turns. make Opposed rolls against the two other
ships, possible pulling away from one ship
If the pilot of the PC’s ship stays on board, and not the other. One up side to the
in order to give this player something to do, presence of the second ship is, if the liner is
the GM can add the following options to beating the crap out of the PC’s ship, the
liven things up: second ship will fire on the liner to allow the
PCs to escape for the simple reason they
First, if the PCs are carrying the drilling wish to prevent the cargo from being
equipment, whether the PCs docked destroyed.
covertly or approached openly and are
holding station near the ex-liner, have the The second ship will however, be in hot
pilot roll INT + Technical Engineering pursuit of the PCs and will fire on them to
against a Formidable difficulty to pick up an using extremely precise fire to disable the
odd blip on the radar. PC’s engines to keep them from escaping in
order to recover the cargo (Use the Border
If they success, they faintly pick up a barely Planet Bounty Hunter template).
detectable ship slowly approaching from the
liner’s wake. If the PC fails, the Oddessy If the PCs do not have the drilling
doesn’t and the PC automatically detects equipment, then the second ship is a
the liner launching a shuttle to investigate. bounty hunter (Use the High-Tech Bounty
The Pilot must now make an Opposed INT Hunter template) tracking any PC with a
+ Technical Engineering roll to remain Deadly Enemy complication.
hidden from the shuttle.
If neither of these applies, then the second
The pilot then picks up a tight beam ship is just a very stealthy yacht of a rich
communication from this unknown ship patron of The Circuit joining the Oddessy
stating that they represent Jenkins and to just in time to catch the fights.
heave to for cargo transfer. The pilot has
Act Three Average (7) INT + Performance / Acting to
be believable enough to be accepted as a
Scene Two: The Circuit
fighter. The advantage of using this ploy is
“Pit fighters? Hell that’s about as twisted a
that the “fighter” will be escorted directly to
bunch of hun dan1 as live in the ‘Verse! I
the contestant’s quarters. However, the
fess up doin’ my own share of fightin’ in my
involuntary contestants holding area is still
day, but jumpin’ into some cage thing to
off limits.
beat the tar out some other feller fer
money ain’t never been my idea of how to
Actually entering The Circuit as a fighter to
make coin. I seen waves of them old-time
buy time or earn money requires a PC to
fights they called boxin’ on Earth-That-Was
battle one of the lesser opening act fighters
and they was interestin’, but them pit
fighter types are just plain feng le2 iff’n ya
This fearsome brawler will be a serious
asked me, which ya didn’t, but seems plum
challenge for the PC, but not an
clear enough even if ya didn’t. I don’t know
insurmountable one. An example fighter is
who is more kuang zhe3 de, them as what
included in the NPCs, but the GM will have
does the fightin’ or them as what watches
to tailor the fighter to be slightly superior to
the fights.”
the PC involved in the fight.
– Pops McMurty itinerant spacer and long time
Rim resident
If the entry was clandestine, the PC(s) will
have to make a Hard (55) Complex Action
Once aboard the liner, the method of
using AGL + Covert / Stealth to reach the
boarding will drive the actions the PC needs
casino undetected and an Average (7) INT
to take next. An overt entry as a gambler
+ Performance / Acting to successfully
will require the use of a Hard (11) INT +
blend into the crowd of other patrons
Persuasion or an Average (7) INT +
without having been introduced. Again the
Performance / Acting to be escorted to the
use of 1,000 Credits gains High Roller
betting tables. Minimum bet is 100 Credits
status and the one-step bonus. While the
with 1,000 Credits being considered a “High
PC(s) head for the casino, failing the
Roller” which gains a one-step bonus to
Stealth roll results in the PC(s) running into
further rolls to maintain their charade. The
one of the ship’s space hands. This spacer
arena where the fights occur is simply
must be subdued within ten combat rounds
labeled “The Circuit” and is off limits before
or another spacer will arrive to sound an
matches as are the contestant’s quarters,
alarm. If the covert PC(s) reach the casino
to include the involuntary contestants.
undetected, but fail the Performance roll,
they do not blend in successfully and are
The overt entry as a contestant will require
detained by the ship’s keepers that quickly
the same Hard (11) INT + Fast Talk or an
discover they didn’t enter the ship
Jerks legitimately and now face some tough
Loopy in the head
3 questioning.
questioned briefly, mainly to figure out who
Working the crowd on the ship for contacts, they are and how they got on board. This is
information, side bets, or pick pocketing an Opposed WIL + Discipline / Relevant
each require the use of different skills. Specialty versus the questioner’s WIL +
Developing a useful contact is a Heroic (19) Discipline / Interrogation. Regardless if they
WIL + Influence / Persuasion roll. Getting win or loses these rolls they will find
any useful information or happenings in the themselves hustled to The Circuit to be a
‘Verse is a Formidable (15) INT + Influence side attraction prior to the main event in
/ Streetwise. Side bets are Opposed Rolls of tonight’s roster of events.
INT + Influence / Gambling and finally pick
pocketing is an Opposed Roll of AGL + The Circuit
Covert / Pick pocketing versus ALE + Designed to take the most violent aspects of Pit
Fighting to an extreme that even the most
callous of Alliance officials is unable to condone,
the concept of The Circuit was, from the
Reaching the closely monitored and heavily beginning, designed to take the bloodiest
guarded involuntary contestants holding elements of Pit Fighting and combine them with
area will be the most difficult part of the a bastardized mixture of a stylized Cortex
adventure. The holding area has a guard on entertainment vid and a severely twisted
nightmare of the Roman gladiators from Earth-
duty outside the hatch leading to the cells
at all times. The guard is armed with a stun
The only rule in The Circuit is to inflict as
baton and a pistol. The locked hatch much pain as possible while looking as flashy on
requires a set of electronic lockpicks and a camera as possible while doing it. There are no
Formidable (15) AGL + Covert / Lockpicking holds or punches barred and no referees. The
two fighters enter the cage and fight until one or
roll. And unbeknownst to the PCs, there is a
both are beaten senseless. There are no match
second guard inside the hatch as well. This
points or ‘tapping out’ in The Circuit, a fighter
guard is only armed with a stun baton. The either wins or is carried out of the fighting cage
actual holding area consists of twenty tiny broken, unconscious or, as is usually the case,
(8’ x 4’ x 6’) cells. The locks are mechanical both.
As form is more important than function, a
and require either the guard’s keys or a set
Circuit fighter will play for the camera as they
of standard lockpicks and a Hard (11) AGL
make their attacks, especially when an opponent
+ Covert / Lockpicking roll to unlock. This is staggered and not able to fully resist. If the
area is also monitored from the bridge, but fighter can make a Formidable (15) AGL +
not on a continuous basis. However, if the Performance / Acting and they can hit with a
Called Shot, they will earn a spot in the highlight
link goes out from using an optical bomb or
reel. These close ups are what gains a fighter
shooting the camera, this will be noticed
notoriety and a following and in turn, higher
and the bridge will contact the holding area rankings among the Circuit fighters.
guard within 2-5 rounds. The new Death Matches simply allows the
victor to continue to strike the losing fighter until
If any PC is captured, they are immediately able to inflict a fatal injury, specifically one
meant to be as gory as is physically possible.
thrown in one of the holding cells. They are
Act Three Depending on if the PCs took out the
camera that monitored the holding pens will
Scene Three: Beatin’ Feet
be a large factor in how much time the PCs
“Freedom is an illusion. Senseless hopes
have before some from the ship
that serve no purpose. The strong lead and
investigates. If the camera was disabled,
the weak serve, this is the way of things. If
after a short delay, the bridge makes a call
a servant deserves freedom he must earn
to the guard stationed inside the main
what he seeks from his master. His master
hatch. The PCs can try to bluff by using a
is obligated to allow the servant to earn his
Formidable (15) INT + Influence /
desire by placing him high above the
Persuasion or a Hard (11) Performance /
courtyard in a cage full of vipers, so that
Acting to fool the bridge that everything is
the servant’s illusion can be fulfilled by the
okay. If the roll fails or is not tried, the
tender mercies of the serpents.”
bridge will sound an alarm and a half a
– The annotated collected works of Shan Yu
dozen keepers will arrive in ten rounds
Volume Eight, Chapter Four, Celestial Publishing,
armed with stun batons, but two will have
Tenth Printing, Londinum, 2515
shotguns and wearing Ballistic Mesh body
On reaching the holding cells the PC(s) find
that fourteen of the cells are occupied, one
A Hard (11) INT + Knowledge or an
by their Friend, twelve by members of their
Average (7) ALE + Technical Engineering
Friend’s settlement, and one by a stranger.
will locate the main maintenance access
This disheveled young man can be just as
tunnel and allow the PCs and escapees to
he appears – a terrified innocent snagged
avoid detection long enough to reach the
up by slavers, a hook to another adventure,
boat deck. However, the captain has
a plant by the keepers to spy on the slaves,
keepers waiting in force (ten) at this
or just about anything the GM wants him to
obvious escape route. A Formidable (15)
INT + Knowledge or a Hard (11) INT +
Technical Engineering will find the bilge
Counting the four members of the
inspection tunnel that leads all the way to
settlement that have been killed in The
the main airlock. The PC’s ship was allowed
Circuit, this accounts for everyone taken in
to dock only long enough for PCs using one
the slaver’s raid. The Friend will not leave
of the overt options to board before having
without all the members of the settlement,
to take up position within 500 meters of the
which greatly complicates the escape for
Oddessy. The pilot will have to make a
everyone. The only hope for so many to
Heroic (19) Ship’s AGL + Piloting to dock
escape is via the lifeboats and a rendezvous
before the Oddessy can be deployed. If the
with the PC’s ship. Reaching the boat deck
boarding was covert, the PC’s ship will have
however, will be the problem.
to make the same two rolls to close in order
to dock undetected.
If the GM wants, the PCs can increase their Each turn, the pilots make opposed skill
escape chances by staging a diversion. A rolls. If the player character succeeds, the
Hard (11) INT + Covert / Sabotage will jury Crew’s vessel moves one Range Category
rig a short in an access panel that will set further away from Oddessy. On an
off a fire alarm in a different compartment extraordinary success, the ship moves two
of the ship to draw the crew away from the Range Categories further away. If the pilot
route the PCs and the rescued settlers are fails, Oddessy moves one Range Category
taking to escape, giving the PCs a one-step closer to the Crew’s ship. She’ll move two
bonus to all Stealth skills used to reach Range Categories closer if the Crew’s pilot
their escape ship.. botches the roll.
Once free of the liner, the PCs come under The chase ends either if the PC’s ship
intense fire from the enraged Oddessy. The moves beyond Extreme range and thus
PC’s start at Point Blank range and to effectively escapes pursuit, or if Oddessy’s
escape, they have to move beyond Short missiles destroys the PC’s ship as they are
range to get out of range of the liner’s not ship interested in survivors. However, if
weapons and beyond Extreme Range to the PC’s ship gets destroyed and they end
completely escape pursuit. up in shuttles or escape pods, they will
Escaping is a series of Opposed piloting quickly find themselves in the Oddessy’
rolls with both the pilot of the PC’s ship and holding cells and will soon be the newest
the Pilot of the Oddessy making a series of contestants in “The Circuit’s” next death
rolls using their vessel’s Agility and their match.
own + Pilot / Appropriate Specialty Skill. In
addition, depending on their ship’s current
Speed Class, they will receive a Skill bonus
or penalty to their skill roll.
1 -4 step 6 +1 step
2 -3 step 7 +2 step
3 -2 step 8 +3 step
4 -1 step 9 +4 step
Circuit Fighter
AGL d10 STR d10 VIT d6 ALE d8 INT d6 WIL d8 Initiative: d10 + d8, Life Points: 14
Traits: Two-Fisted (Major Asset), Mean Left Hook (Minor Asset), Branded (Minor
Complication), Sadistic (Major Complication)
Skills: Athletics d6/Dodge d10, Covert d6, Discipline d6/Intimidation d10/Persuasion d8,
Perception d6/d8 Sight, Performance d6/ Acting d8, Unarmed Combat d6/Brawling d10.
Description: A typical pit fighter raised in the back streets of any hard scrabble colony in
the ‘Verse. Groomed specifically to the role of the passion play that is the core of pit
fighting, this bare knuckle brawler is a formidable opponent not to be taken lightly.
AGL d6, STR d8, VIT d8, ALE d6, INT d6, WIL d8; Initiative: d6 + d6, Life Points: 16
Traits: Intimidatin’ Manner (Minor Asset), Loyal (Minor Complication).
Skills: Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Covert d6, Discipline d6/Intimidation d10, Guns d6/Pistol
d8, Influence d6, Perception d6, Melee Weapon Combat d6/Stun Baton d8, Unarmed
Combat d6/Brawling d10.
Description: Skilled at keeping order and the prisoners in line, these quasi-guards
officers are the backbone of the Oddessy’s internal security. Well paid, they are loyal
enough to not be susceptible to bribery or most other forms of subversion.
AGL d6, STR d10, VIT d10, ALE d6, INT d4, WIL d6; Initiative: d6 + d6, Life Points: 20
Traits: Tough as Nails (Major Asset), Greedy (Minor Complication), Chip on the Shoulder
(Minor Complication).
Skills: Athletics d4, Covert d6/Stealth d8, Guns d4, Influence d6/Intimidation d10/
Streetwise d10, Melee Weapon Combat d6/Knives d8/Clubs d8, Perception d6, Unarmed
Combat d6/Brawling d10.
Description: Not gifted with much in brainpower, but blessed with more brawn than the
average bear, this classic leg breaker is just the person you need to protect your territory of
to enforce a protection racket or anything not requiring much in the way of thinking
Drunken Spacer
AGL d6, STR d6, VIT d6, ALE d8, INT d8, WIL d6; Initiative: d6 + d8, Life Points: 12
Traits: Heavy Tolerance (minor Asset), Hooked (Minor Complication)
Skills: Athletics d4, Influence d4, Knowledge d6, Mechanical Engineering d6/Repairs d8,
Perception d6, Technical Engineering d6/Repairs d8, Unarmed Combat d4.
Description: A down in his luck crewman that knows more than he wants about the
workings of the ‘Verse and as a result seeks refuge in a bottle.
Henry Yi
AGL d6, STR d4, VIT d4, ALE d6, INT d4, WIL d4; Initiative: d6 + d6, Life Points: 8
Traits: Things go Smooth (Minor Asset), Weak Stomach (Minor Complication)
Skills: Animal Handling d4, Athletics d6, Covert d6/Stealth d10, Knowledge d4,
Perception d4, Ranged Weapon Combat d6/Sling shot d8, Survival d2
Description: The nimble, but traumatized young survivor of the raid on the settlement
Otis Jenkins
AGL d6, STR d6, VIT d6, ALE d8, INT d8, WIL d8; Initiative: d6 + d8, Life Points: 14
Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset), Stingy (Minor Complication).
Skills: Athletics d4, Covert d4, Influence d6/Negotiation d8/ Persuasion d8/Streetwise
d10, Knowledge d6/Business d8, Perception d6, Planetary Vehicles d6.
Description: The very antithesis of memorable, Jenkins plays his ability to remain
unnoticed to the hilt. Quick to pick up where opportunities exist, he is quite good at his
ability to make a deal. He is however, not known for parting with a single coin beyond what
he has to, he is absolutely the wrong person to attempt cheat in any manner.
The ship was converted into a quasi-bulk freight/colony ship and made a few runs out to the
Rim taking colonists to newly terraformed worlds, most notably three trips to the failed
Miranda colony before the planet was declared a “Black Rock” and abandoned. The increasing
upkeep on the aging liner was more than the owners were willing to pay and the ship
languished in a second hand ship dealer’s yard for a few years before being picked up by the
pit fighter promoter Jamison Meriwether. Refurbished and re-launched with a made up and
whimsical name of Oddessy, the once proud liner is now the home of the most vicious form of
pit fighting, the ship includes the enhanced dedicated Cortex source box necessary for
transmitting the illegal broadcast known as The Circuit.
Agi d8, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d6; Init d8+d8, Life 12
Traits: Cortex Specter (Major Asset), Gas Guzzler (Minor Complication), Memorable
(Minor Complication)
Skills: Aerial Transport Operations/Transport d2, Space Transport
Operations/Transport d2, Covert d6, Heavy Weapons d2, Perception d4.
Complexity: High
Maintenance costs: New €1,920 (€160 per month).
Description: The Sirocco may or may not have a role in this adventure as it depends
on whether the pilot of the PC’s ship stays onboard their ship or not. If it is the vessel of
the Tong or bounty hunter, the ship will be armed and equipped to carry four prisoners, if
it is a yacht, the ship will be unarmed and configured to carry four passengers in the lap
of luxury.