Rawlemon - The Spherical Solar Generator

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Technical Scientific Conference of Undergraduate, Master, PhD students, Technical University of Moldova


Loredana FLOREA
Technical University of Moldova, Faculty of Energy and Electrical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering Department, Class ISEM-211, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

Corresponding author: loredana.florea@ie.utm.md

Coordinator: Ala Jechiu, univ. assist., Departament of Foreign Languages, TUM

Summary. The prototype of the Rawlamon spherical solar generator is called beta.ray. This
innovative technology has the shape of a glass globe wich is filled with water. Indeed, Rawlemon can
convert both sunlight and light from the moon. This generator combines spherical geometry with a
two-axis solar tracking system. Spherical lenses are able to focus up the sun light to a small focal
point, that is connected to a photovoltaic panel. The photoelectric installation plays an important
role in reducing environmental pollution. The conversion of solar energy into electricity is based on
the internal photoelectric phenomenon. A spherical solar generator sounds like an imaginary idea
that can help the transition from fossil fuels to fully renewable energy.

Keywords: renewable energy, generator, glass globe, technology, sun power

Human being has always sought to improve the environment in which he lives. Solar energy
continues to convince a large number of users. Climate change and the potential depletion of fossil
fuel resources are major concerns for humanity. The solution that can solve these problems in the
long run is the use of renewable energy in electricity production. One of the basic solutions is focused
on the direct use of solar energy to produce electricity as a result of its conversion process. German
architect André Broessel revolutionized solar technology in 2012 by introducing Rawlemon's
spherical solar generators. Rawlemon design uses a spherical lens to concentrate sunlight and
moonlight at a small point in the photovoltaic panel, combining a dual-axis system that allows to
track the sun. Rawlemon has two basic concepts: Solar electricity, and solar thermal energy, which
provide high efficiency and low-cost energy, to provide humanity with transparent energy conversion
generators. Rawlemon has the goal of producing the cleanest technology on earth, and to make the
world a better place than we found it [1-4].

1. Solar radiation
The electromagnetic radiation transmitted by the sun to the Earth is divided according to the
wavelength, depending on this, the energy level also changes, which we can see in Tab. 1 [4].

Tabel 1
The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation [4]
Approximate wavelength range
Type of electromagnetic radiation Energy level
Cosmic radiation <10-14 Very large
Gamma radiation 10-14…10-12 High
X-rays 10-12…10-8 High
Ultraviolet 10-8…10-7 High
Ultraviolet 10-7…10-6 Relatively high
Visible light 0.38‧10-6…0.78‧10-6 Moderate
Infrared 10-5 Relatively low
Infrared 10 …10-3
Microwave 10-3…10-2 Low
Where TV 10-2…10-1 Very low
Radio waves 1 Very low

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, April 5-7, 2023, Vol. IV

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Conferinţa Tehnico-Ştiinţifică a Studenţilor, Masteranzilor și Doctoranzilor, Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei

2. Operating principales
The innovative technology Beta.ray is able to reflect the sunlight and the moonlight in a beam
that is aimed to a solar cell, due to its many optical fundamentals such as glass, mirrors and lenses.
Beta. rey has a surface with small photovoltaic panels, which are instaled on a double-axis
system that has the ability to travel with the sun so that the sun’s rays to fall perpendicular each time
in order to achieve an optimal use of solar energy [3].
The optimal angle below which photoelectric panels should be tilted each month of the year
to achieve greater efficiency are shown in Tab. 2. Thanks to this constant solar tracking system that
is not present in classical photovoltaic installations, this invention can double the efficiency of a
conventional panel with a much smaller area.

Tabel 2
Optimal angle of inclination of the panels [4]
Optimum angle Optimum angle
Month Month
[degrees] [degrees]
January 64 July 13
February 57 August 26
March 45 September 41
April 30 October 55
May 16 November 62
June 9 December 64
The mean value of the angle of inclination 35 degrees

In fact, due to the presence of water-filled acrylic polymer, which functions as a converging
lens, we can concentrate a larger number of light rays, which helps increase the yield.
There are several types of beta.ray, depending on the size of the diameter of the ball. The 1.8
m diameter prototype contains 3055 liters of water and can generate 560 Watt electrical data (220 W
/ square meter) and 890 Watt thermal data (350 W / square meter), at an average of 3.4 kW‧h per day.
A key point in increasing efficiency, which remains to be discussed by scientists, is the cooling
system of the photovoltaic panel.

3. The photovoltaic cell

The photoelectric cell is the smallest component of the solar energy conversion plant. It is
usually square in shape with a side of 12.5; 15 or 20 cm. Most of the time, there are plates made on
the basis of monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline or film. Photovoltaic cells are large surface
semiconductor diodes.The photovoltaic cell ensures the transformation of solar radiation energy into
electricity based on the internal photoelectric effect. The energy determined by the light radiation
allows the electrons to pass from the valence band into the conduction band and the appearance of
electric current in the external circuit (if closed), Fig.1.

Figure 1. The basic structure of a photovoltaic cell [4]

To increase the number of electrons that can pass from the valence band to the conduction
band, a material with less prohibited band width should be chosen. Calculations show that a 1.4 eV
extension of the prohibited zone provides maximum power. In Fig. 2, the components of a
photovoltaic cell are represented [4].

Chișinău, Republica Moldova, 5-7 aprilie 2023, Vol. IV

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Technical Scientific Conference of Undergraduate, Master, PhD students, Technical University of Moldova

Figure 2. Components of a photovoltaic cell:

a - protective layer; b - anti-reflective layer; c - contact layer (positive pole); d – silicon N; e – silicon P;
f – supporting layer (negative pole) [4]

4. Apllications
Instant impact and service can create and develop our interest in this modern technology.
Compared to classical photovoltaic panels that are located in open spaces, for a higher incidence angle
without shade, it can be combined by architects in different types of street or ecological design
projects. This technology can be implemented in stations that can charge electric cars,
windows that can produce green energy, autonomous power generators, etc. Rawlemon
promotes off-grid performance in buildings, on land, in the air and at sea [3-6].

Rawlemon focused on the idea of producing greater efficiency using modern technology, thus
developing the application of simple photovoltaic panels. Compared to classical photelectric panels,
Rawlemon shows an improvement in efficiency of 15% efficiency thanks to the spherical lens that
concentrates several solar rays [6].
Moreover, looking at the way of construction Rawlemon occupies at least 75% less surface
area for photovoltaic panels used to convert solar energy, with mostly small carbon footprints [6].
In the case of a typical panel, the protective layer of the cell, namely the glass heats up much faster
than the water in the globe, which generates less heat on the rawlemon panels making a higher
efficiency.So we noticed that beta.ray presents a new hope for the future of renewable energies,
offering much greater efficiency than simple panels due to its innovative construction.

1. Midmaping 2022 Rawlemon Solar Generator [online]. [accesat 05.02.2023]. Disponibil:
2. Rawlemon – The Spherical Solar Generator [online]. [accesat 25.02.2023].
Disponibil: https://eudaimon-ecp.org/rawlemon/
3. Spherical Sun Power Generator [online]. [accesat 28.02.2023].
Disponibil: http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2016/ph240/klassen2/
Renewable Renewable sources of electrical energy in the electrical system., Ch. 6 6
Photovoltaic installations. Connection to the electrical network. Editure Agir. Bucharest, 2015,
pp. 141-149.
5. Spherical glass solar energy generator by rawlemon [online]. [accesat 05.02.2023]. Disponibil:
https://www.designboom.com/technology/spherical -glass-solar-energy-generator-
6. Illuminating the dark fields [online]. [accesat 01.03.2023].
Disponibil: https://illuminatingthedarkfields.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/rawmelon-solar-

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