Kurà Experience Book February 2023

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Experience Book 2023

Curated Experiences
to Inspire the Explorer

From our rain forested mountains down to our sprawling Jurassic coastline,
Costa Rica’s south is a tropical playground for those seeking a taste of the
country’s true essence.
Discover the largest area of protected land in Costa Rica on our very doorstep. Or,
take to the waters for world-class snorkeling, surfing and up-close encounters
with extraordinary marine life. Experience it all from Kurà on any one of the
following tours, available as private experiences or in small groups.

Cancellation Policy
All of our activities require at least 24 hour notice in order to be cancelled without
the penalty of full price tour cost.
Please note that the Corcovado Nature Hike holds a stricter cancellation policy,
please refere to the tour page for details.
Beach Bible

The pristine beaches of the Marino

Ballena National Park in Uvita are all
within a 20 to 30 minute drive. They
include Uvita Beach, Arco Beach,
Ballena Beach and Chamán Beach.
A little further afield you’ll also find
Ventanas Beach, Hermosa Beach
and Dominical. During the week, you
may be pleasantly surprised to find
very few other visitors on these
stunning shores.
During your stay, we offer scheduled
transfers every day at low tide to
Uvita Beach for the Whale’s Tail. Let
us know the evening before if you
would like to visit the beach and we
will check the times for you. Any
time you hit the beach, we’ll provide
you with ice water and towels.

Check out a videao of our playas here.

Playa Uvita Playa Ventanas
Daily Complimentary Shuttle Transportation $40 each way
At low tide, walk out to the iconic Wonderfully scenic, this beach is
sandbar shaped like a whale’s tail. surrounded by mountains and gets
The reef that protects this remarkable its name from the ‘windows’ formed
formation from dangerous currents by vast rocky caves and tunnels right
and strong waves makes it a perfect at the water’s edge. At low tide, there
place to swim. The southern end of is much to explore. Tucked away and
the beach is also excellent for reminiscent of Jurassic Park,
amateur surfers. From Kurà it’s easy Ventanas is one of the best secluded
to underestimate the scale of this beaches in the area – and a perfect
beach – there are approximately 2km spot to try our traditional “Churchill”
between the entrance of the beach snow cones.
and the tip of the whale’s tail.

Playa Dominical
Playa Chamán Transportation $60 each way
Daily Complimentary Shuttle With waves for more experienced
This pretty pebble beach is great for surfers, this lively little village has an
swimming, especially on the south abundance of picturesque beachfront
side, and has received a Blue Flag bars and restaurants, as well as
(ecological award) for its excellent colorful stalls selling beachwear and
cleanliness, security and beauty. It's knick-knacks. Here is the spot to grab
also a picturesque spot to see the a bite or a board, and spend an hour
local fishermen in action, anchoring or two exploring.
their boats in the small tranquil bay.
Playa Hermosa Beach Hopping
Transportation $40 each way $300 per couple
The light grey sands of sprawling A 4 hours excursion to 4 beaches of
Hermosa (meaning ‘beautiful’ in your choice. Includes water, fresh
English) provide the perfect spot to fruit and wrap or sandwich.
catch a gorgeous sunset while
watching the local surfers and boogie
boarders. Grab an ‘agua de pipa’
(coconut water) and enjoy the

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Distance in minutes from Kurà to nearby beaches

National Parks &
Biological Preserves
For those who like their nature pristine, protected and bursting with biodiversity,
the following curated tours take you to the heart of Costa Rica’s most beloved
ecosystems, where the waters are warm, the wildlife is abundant and the
adventures are inspiring.
Talk with the Concierge about personalizing your experiences with a private guide
or tailoring your tours to suit your interests and agenda.

Waterfall Tour
Whale and Dolphin Watching
Marino Ballena Nature Walk
Mangrove Kayak or Paddle Board
Amphibians Tour
Corcovado Nature Hike
Snorkeling at Isla del Caño
Scuba Diving at Isla del Caño
Marino Ballena
National Park
Named after the Spanish for ‘whale’,
the Marino Ballena National Park
covers 100 hectares of beach and
rainforest – including the iconic
Whale’s Tail sandbar formation –
and stretches out some 5,375
hectares into the Pacific Ocean.
Every year, humpback whales
migrate from both hemispheres to
the warm tropical waters of Costa
Rica. They visit from mid-July
through October and Marino Ballena
National Park is their favorite spot.
Waterfall Tour Practical Info:

Guided tour of the Cascada verde Leave Kurà: 7:00 am

waterfall, where you can find a butterfly (recommended)
garden, a natural pool, a 3-meter-high
Tour duration: half-day
platform and a stone slide. Later you
will visit Playa Ventana with its Tour includes: Park entrance fee,
incredible stone caves, to culminate in bilingual naturalist guide, water, fruit,
the beautiful Pavón Waterfall. lunch and round trip trasnportation
What to bring: Comfortable shoes or
sandals, swimsuit, towel, dry bag,
change of clothes, sunscreen
Price: $175 pp.
* Prices include VAT
Whale and Dolphin
Watching Practical Info:

Explore our shores in search of Leave Kurà: 7:30am

breaching humpback whales
Tour duration: 4 hrs
(July-October) and two different
species of playful resident dolphin. Tour includes: Snacks before the
Other species occasionally spotted tour, park entrance fee, bilingual
include Bryde’s, pilot and false killer naturalist guide, snorkeling gear,
whales as well as whale sharks. Round bottled water and seasonal tropical
off your tour by snorkeling amongst the fruits and round trip transportation
coral and rocky reefs of the National What to bring: Sandals, bathing suit,
Park discovering the wonderfully hat, sunscreen, towel and camera
colorful marine life that thrives beneath
Price: $160 pp. regular tour
the surface.
(between 10 to 20 people)
$1180 per couple for the private tour
* Prices include VAT
Marino Ballena
Nature Walk Practical Info:

Explore the lush vegetation of the Leave Kurà: Depending on low tide
Ballena Marine National Park to as (please inquire with the Concierge)
you get into the trails in search of Tour duration: 2.5 hrs
birds and wildlife along the route.
With the help of a naturalist guide you Tour includes: Park entrance fee,
will be able to see from howlers to bilingual naturalist guide, bottled
white-faced monkeys, from bats even water, fruit, and round trip
raccoons and even crocodiles while transportation
exploring this area unique features, What to bring: Walking shoes, hat,
natural history and delicate comfortable clothing, swimsuit,
ecosystems. sunscreen, and camera
Price: $125 pp.
* Prices include VAT
Amphibians Tour Practical Info:

Night walk in the Sierpe primary forest , Leave Kurà: 4:00 pm

one of the places in Costa Rica with the
Tour duration: 3 hrs
greatest biodiversity. Perfect for those
who love amphibians (various types of Tour includes: Bilingual naturalist
frogs, snakes and lizards). guide, water, fruits and round trip
What to bring: Walking shoes, long
pants and long sleeve shirt, flashlight
and camera
Price: $470 per couple
* Prices include VAT
National Park
Despite our size, impressively, Costa
Rica is home to almost 5% of the
world’s biodiversity. And holding
some 3% of that biodiversity is
Corcovado, the largest area of
primary rainforest on the Pacific
coast. Located on the Osa
Peninsula, Corcovado National Park
has been described by National
Geographic as “the most biologically
intense place on Earth”.
Nature Hike Practical Info:

Speed over to Corcovado National Leave Kurà: 6:30 am

Park’s San Pedrillo ranger station by
Tour duration: 9 hrs
boat, taking in inspiring views of the
Osa coastline during the 1.5 hour Tour includes: Park entrance fee,
journey. At the park you’ll hike two bilingual naturalist guide, water,
different trails, the first around 3 hours picnic lunch, snacks, and round trip
long followed by lunch, and the second transportation
– leading to a waterfall – What to bring: Hiking shoes for the
approximately 1.5 hours long. Both park trails, sandals (optional), towel,
provide a fantastic opportunity to bathing suit, sunscreen, insect
encounter numerous mammals such repellent, camera
as howler, spider and white-faced
Price: $650 per couple
monkeys, sloths, coatis, raccoons and
(Ask for private tour options to our
tapirs, as well as a great variety of birds,
Front Desk Team)
plants, and endangered trees that have
been standing for centuries. * Prices include VAT
** Cancellation Policy: once the tour is booked,
a penalty of 25% is applied to any cancellation;
if the tour is cancelled less than 24 hours
prior, a penalty of 100% is applied .
Caño Island
Biological Reserve
This small island lies approximately
20 km offshore from the Osa
Peninsula at Drake Bay, and is
well-known for its beaches and coral
reefs which are home to 19 coral
species. Caño Island’s real
attraction is underwater, where its
rich sea life includes species from
white-tipped sharks to manta rays
and many colorful reef fish.
Formerly a pre-Columbian burial
ground, Caño Island is also a site of
great archaeological importance,
preserving an important part of
Costa Rican indigenous history.
at Caño Island Practical Info:

Take a scenic 1.5hr boat trip out to Leave Kurà: 6:30am

Caño Island, the paradisiacal setting for
Tour duration: 8 hrs
some of Costa Rica’s very best
snorkeling. Here you’ll explore the Tour includes: Reserve entrance fee,
island’s pristine coral reefs, observing a bilingual naturalist guide, equipment,
great variety of marine species – many bottled water, picnic lunch, snacks
of which are in danger of extinction – and round trip transportation
before heading over to Violines Island What to bring: Sandals, bathing suit,
for a picnic lunch and an afternoon of dry bag, sunscreen, towel, change of
beach relaxation on its picturesque clothes and camera
Price: $230 pp.
$1.150 pp. for the private tour
* Prices include VAT
Scuba Diving
at Caño Island Practical Info:

Hop over to Caño Island by boat to Leave Kurà: 6:30am

explore beyond the waves at some of
Tour duration: 8 hrs
the world’s best dive sites. The protect-
ed waters of this marine park are home Tour includes: Reserve entrance fee,
to an astounding variety of both pelagic bilingual naturalist guide, equipment,
and reef fish, meaning it’s not uncom- water, picnic lunch, snacks and
mon to swim beside large schools of round trip transportation
jacks and barracudas, sting and manta What to bring: Sandals, bathing suit,
rays, as well as sharks. With dive sites dry bag, change of clothes, towel,
ranging from 10-40m and great visibili- sunscreen and camera
ty year round, there’s plenty to discover
Price: $240 pp.
under the surface.
Option to get the PADI certification
PADI Certification required. $800 pp.
* Prices include VAT
Explore & Discover
For those who believe the greatest adventures are best experienced close to
nature, back pack on and binoculars at the ready, the following hand-picked tours
offer you the ultimate chance to indulge your inner explorer.
Talk with the Concierge about personalizing your experiences with a private guide
or tailoring your tours to suit your interests and agenda.

Nauyaca Waterfall Hike

Rancho La Merced Horseback Riding
Night Hike
Rainforest Birdwatching
Bird Watching by Boat
Boruca Indigenous Reserve Excursion
Waterfalls Hike Practical Info:

The spectacular natural wonder Leave Kurà: Flexible times, morning

known as Nauyaca comprises two hours are recommended
impressive waterfalls. Hike over a Transfer time: 45 min each way
4km route to reach the first which
stands at 45m in free fall, and a Tour duration: 3.5 hrs
second tiered fall standing at 20m. Tour includes: Round trip
Together they form a 1,000sqm pool transportation, private bilingual
perfect for swimming, and a number guide, entrance fee, water, towels
of smaller natural pools for paddling.
What to bring: Bathing suit, walking
shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent
and camera
Price: $370 per couple
* Prices include VAT
Rancho La Merced
Horseback Riding Practical Info:

With its scenic pasture land, beautiful Leave Kurà: 8:15 am or 1:15 pm
rainforest reserve, its mangroves and for waterfall horseback ride; low tide
its waterside setting, the vast hours for the beach ride
1250-acre Rancho La Merced Transfer time: 45 min each way
National Wildlife Refuge makes the
ideal spot for an adventure on Tour duration: 2.5 - 3 hrs
horseback. Explore the reserve with a Tour includes: Round trip
knowledgeable guide, passing by transportation, bilingual guide,
rivers and riding along the beach, equipment, snacks, bottled water
spotting birds and other tropical flora
What to bring: Long pants, closed
and fauna en route.
shoes, towel, sunscreen, insect
Rancho La Merced offers various repellent and camera
horse trails:
Price: $200 per couple
Day time waterfall horseback ride,
* Prices include VAT
9 am and 2 pm (dry season)
Beachfront horseback ride, daytime
or sunset (tide dependent)
Night Hike
around Kurà Practical Info:

When the sun starts to set, the Leave Kurà: 6:00pm

rainforest comes alive. Tune into the Tour duration: 2 hrs
impressive chorus of our noisy
nocturnal wildlife as you duck into the Tour includes: Bilingual naturalist
jungle after dark in search of the guide, flashlight, bottled water and
many creatures of the night. Discover non-alcoholic refreshing drink upon
red-eyed tree frogs and snakes, rare your return at Kurà
owls, eyelash vipers and more What to bring: Long pants, hiking
alongside your eagle-eyed naturalist shoes or sneakers, insect repellent
guide on this gentle yet thrilling and camera
Price: $105 pp.
* Prices include VAT
Birdwatching Tour Practical Info:

We offer you two exciting options for Leave Kurà: 6:00 am

the birdwatching tour Transfer time: 35 min each way
(Rainforest Tour option)
Monatin Rainforest Tour near Kurà
This tour will lead you to explore the Tour duration: 3 hrs
mountains around Kurà, enjoying the Back at Kurà: 10:00 am
peace of the misty morning and the
Tour includes: bilingual naturalist
embrace of the trees, scouting for the
guide, water, fresh fruit. The
native birds that inhabit the area.
Raiforest Birwatching tour includes
Coastal Rainforest Tour transportation
This tour takes place in the coastal What to bring: Hiking shoes for the
rainforest, where, with the help of a trails, sunscreen, insect repellent,
naturalist guide, will explore the binoculars and camera
various hiding places of our tropical
birdlife, spotting trogons, toucans,
woodpeckers, as well as many other $105 pp. for the Mountain Rainforest
species that inhabit the forest. Tour near Kurà
$375 p. couple for the Coastal
Rainforest Tour
* Prices include VAT
Bird Watching
by Boat Practical Info:

This private tour consists of a boat Leave Kurà: 6:30 am

trip through the Sierpe river, one of Tour duration: 4 hrs approx
the natural environments in Costa
Rica with the greatest biodiversity (it Tour includes: Park entrance fee,
has 13 main ecosystems ranging bilingual naturalist guide, round trip
from swamps to forests), during tranportation, water and lunch
which you will see nesting areas of What to bring: Sandals, hat, water,
different kinds of pelagic birds. sunblock, camera, binoculars
Price: $500 per couple
* Prices include VAT
Boruca Indigenous
Reserve Excursion Practical Info:

The Boruca culture has strongly Leave Kurà: 7:00 am

influenced the creation of the hotel in
Tour duration: 7 hrs approx
several aspects: from the name
"Kurà", which means jaguar in the Tour includes: Bilingual guide,
Boruca language, to the design of the traditional lunch, masks workshop
logo, to the decoration with the and textiles workshop, round trip
carved wooden masks that are the transportation
work of Boruca artisans.
What to bring: Comfortable shoes,
The tour begins with a hike to the bathing suit, hat, sunscreen, insect
waterfalls for a refreshing swim and repellent, binoculars, camera and
bird watching. After the visit to the money to buy handicrafts
town and the local museum, you will
participate in a mask-making Price: $550 per couple (private tour).
workshop where you will learn about * Prices include VAT
the entire process from materials,
design, carving, and painting.
After enjoying a delicious traditional
lunch, you will assist in a textile
workshop, where you will discover
how fabrics are dyed with natural
pigments, and how various textile
craft products are made.
For those who like their travel experiences fast and thrilling, wet and wild, the
following selection of exhilarating tours offer you the chance to find your fix of
adrenaline a stone’s throw from our peaceful haven.
Talk with the Concierge about personalizing your experiences with a private
guide or tailoring your tours to suit your interests and agenda.

Osa Canopy
Waterfall Rappelling
Uvita by ATV
Surf Lessons
Catch & Release Boat Fishing
White Water Rafting
Paradise Uvita
Canopy Practical Info:

Venture on a treetop tour of 5 or 6 zip Leave Kurà: 6:30am, 9:30am or

lines to experience the rainforest 1:00pm
from a different angle. Featuring 10 Transfer time: 45 min each way
platforms, rappelling at 50 foot tall
trees, and a rope descent into a Tour duration: 2.5 hrs
natural pool to end the adventure Back at Kurà: 12:00pm or 4:30pm
enjoying a waterfall with a natural
Tour includes: Bilingual guide, safety
stone slide, there are few jungle
equipment, traditional lunch, water
adventures more exciting than this.
and round trip tranportation
*Maximum weight limit: 260lbs
What to bring: Closed shoes, bathing
suit, comfortable clothes, change of
clothes, dry bag, sunscreen
Price: $120 pp. Night option: $195
* Prices include VAT
Rappelling Practical Info:

Harness up for a wet and wild Leave Kurà: 7:00am

adventure taking you through Uvita’s Tour duration: 3 hrs
hidden canyons and down five of its
dramatic waterfalls, the largest Tour includes: Bilingual guide,
standing at an impressive 25m, or rappelling equipment, snacks, fruit,
75ft. The final spills out into Uvita round trip transportation
River where you’ll be able to cool off, What to bring: Water shoes, bathing
relax and reflect in its pristine pools. suit, towel, change of clothes,
sunscreen and insect repellent
Price: $300 per couple
* Prices include VAT
Surf Lessons Practical Info:

From Dominical to Uvita and all the Leave Kurà: Depending on the tide
way down to Bahia Ballena, if you Tour duration: 2.5 hrs
want to learn to surf and return home
with some enviable new skills, you Tour includes: Surfboard, rashguard,
won’t find better waves than these. professional instructor, insurance,
Embrace the hip Costa Rican coastal snacks, drinks and round trip
culture and get up and riding with a transportation
pro instructor – standing guaranteed! What to bring: Swimsuit, towel and
Price: $120 pp.
* Prices include VAT
White Water
Rafting Practical Info:

You can choose to enjoy this adrenaline Leave Kurà: 6:00am or 7:00 am,
filled activity in rapid class II-III – IV+ (depending on your choice of river
along different rivers located in South adventure)
and Pacific central, depend on your
Transfer time: Depending on your
selection you could enjoy pristine deep
choice of river adventure
canyon, hike to a waterfall, pool drop
river and of course exciting descents Tour duration: Half day or full day
surrounded by tropical jungle. tours available
Tour includes: Bilingual guide, water,
snacks and round trip transportation
What to bring: Dry bag, water shoes,
bathing suit, towel, insect repellent,
sunscreen, change of clothes
Prices: From $140-$165 per person
depending on your choice of river
** Mandatory ability to swim
* Prices include VAT
Kayaking or SUP Practical Info:

We’re blessed with an impressive, Leave Kurà: Depending on high tide

pre-historic looking coastline, and what (please inquire with the Concierge)
better way to discover it than by kayak?
Tour duration: 2.5 hrs
Paddle into the mangroves to explore
the enigmatic ecosystem where the Tour includes: Park entrance fee,
rainforest meets the ocean. You'll spot bilingual naturalist guide, equipment,
crabs scuttling along the roots, catch a water, fruits and round trip
glimpse of marine birds tucked away tranportation
amongst the foliage and enjoy the What to bring: Water shoes, bathing
peace of these hidden waterways as suit, change of clothes, idry bag, hat,
you glide through the canals and weave towel, insect repellent, sunscreen
amongst the mangrove roots. After a and camera
short rest, we will paddle a scenic loop
Prices: $125 pp.
to Uvita beach. No previous kayak or
SUP experience is required. * Prices include VAT
Uvita by ATV Practical Info:

Ride across mountains and into the Leave Kurà: 8:15am

jungle on this exquisitely scenic and Tour duration: 4 hrs
easy-paced tour. You’ll pass through
several streams, coffee fincas and Tour includes: Bilingual guide,
banana plantations en route to the equipment, fruit, water, round trip
San Luis waterfall – one of the tallest transportation
in Costa Rica – then to a second What to bring: Comfortable shoes,
waterfall for a snack and a refreshing bathing suit, towel, sunscreen,
swim. camera, credit card and ID card
Enjoy the ride individually or share the Additional info: Bring a credit card
adventure on a side-by-side quad. and passport for insurance cover.
Full name and age of each
participant will be required.
Price: Single $250; side by side $455
Private tour option available, please
inqure with our front desk team
* Prices include VAT
Catch & Release
Boat Fishing Practical Info:

This tour is departing from the Leave Kurà: 6:00am (recommended)

beautiful Quepos Marina Pez Vela, on Transfer time: 1h each way
the Central Pacific Coast, home to
some of the country’s major fishing Tour duration: Half or full day
tournaments. Choosing between a Tour includes: Bilingual captain,
full day or half day tour, you will be snacks, non-alcoholic refreshments
able to experience the thrill of and water, round trip transportation.
catching (with a bit of luck!) some big
What to bring: Sandals, bathing suit,
fish such as dorado, a yellowfin tuna,
towel, sunscreen, camera and a small
marlin or swordfish, before releasing
dry bag and change of clothing
them to the deep ocean waters.
Half day: $1,300
Full day $1,950
* Prices include VAT

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