Crochet Poncho Cape Wrap Shawl

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Interwoven Cabled

Chic Shawl
Wrap yourself in a crochet shawl
that features stacked double
crochets and a gorgeous cable
border. Pattern also includes a
scarf option with narrow double
crochet section.

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LW5904 Interwoven Cabled Chic Shawl

Directions are for scarf; changes for
shawl are in parentheses.

Project measures: 15½ (28½)” [29.5,

72.5cm] in width, 78 (78)” [198 cm] in
length. Project shown in shawl size.
Designed by Rebecca Velasquez
Pattern Notes
Turning chains do not count as first stitch.
What you will need:
RED HEART® Chic Sheep by Marly Bird™:
Special Stitches
7 (11) balls of 5907 Sangria Stacked Double Crochet (stacked dc):
Sc in stitch indicated, insert hook behind
Susan Bates® Crochet Hook: 5mm [US H-8] leftmost vertical bar of sc just made and
pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2
Yarn needle, Stitch Markers
loops on hook.
GAUGE: 13 double crochet = 4" (10 cm); 8 rows
Front Post Double Crochet (fpdc): Yo,
= 4” (10cm). CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any insert hook from the front around post
size hook to obtain the gauge. of stitch indicated, yo and pull up a
loop, [yo and draw through 2 loops on
hook] twice.
BUY YARN Back Post Double Crochet (bpdc): Yo,
RED HEART® Chic Sheep by Marly
insert hook from the back around post
Bird™, Art. R170 100% Merino Wool of stitch indicated, yo and pull up a
available 3.5 oz (100 g), loop, [yo and draw through 2 loops on
186 yd (170 m) balls hook] twice.
Front Post Triple Treble Crochet
(fptrtr): Yo 4 times, insert hook from the
front around post of stitch indicated,
yo and pull up a loop, [yo and draw
through 2 loops on hook] 5 times.

Chain 66 (108).
Row 1 (RS): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and
in each ch across. Turn- 67 (107) sc.
Row 2: Stacked dc in first sc, dc in each
of next 3 sc, place marker (note: move
marker up with each row throughout),
dc in each of next 18(60) sc, [ch 3, skip
3 sc, dc in next 3 sc] 7 times, dc in last
sc. Turn.

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LW5904 Interwoven Cabled Chic Shawl

Row 3: Stacked dc in first dc, [fpdc in FINISHING

next 3 dc, ch 3, skip ch-3 space] 7 times, Weave in all loose ends. Soak project in
dc in each dc across to marker, fpdc in cool bath, wrap in towels and gently roll
next 3 dc, dc in last dc. Turn. out water. Lay project out to schematic
Row 4: Stacked dc in first dc, bpdc in size and pin in place to dry.
each of next 3 dc, dc in each dc across
to ch-space, [ch 3, bpdc in next 3 dc] 7 ABBREVIATIONS
times, dc in last dc. Turn. ch = chain; ch-sp = chain space; st(s) =
Row 5: Stacked dc in first dc, fpdc in stitch(es); sl st = slip stitch; sc = single
each of next 3 dc, *ch 3, skip next 3 crochet; dc = double crochet; tr = treble
dc, fptrtr in next 3 dc, ch 3, fptrtr in 3 crochet; RS = right side; WS = wrong
dc just skipped (note: place stitches in side; ( ) = work directions in parentheses
front of fptrtr just made) **, [ch 3, fpdc in same st; [ ] = work directions in
in next 3 dc] twice, repeat from * to **, brackets the number of times specified;
ch 3, dc in each dc across to marker, * = repeat whatever follows the * as
fpdc in next 3 dc, dc in last dc. Turn. indicated.
Row 6: Stacked dc in first dc, bpdc in
each of next 3 dc, dc in each dc across
to ch-space, *[ch 3, bpdc in next 3trtr]
twice**, [ch 3, bpdc in next 3 dc] twice; Note from Marly: I would like to thank my
repeat from * to **, ch 3, bpdc in each of constant cheerleader and fierce friend,
Rebecca Velasquez, for her contribution to
next 3 dc, dc in last dc. Turn.
the Chic Sheep by Marly Bird™ collection.
Row 7: Repeat row 3. Rebecca's passion for unique stitches coupled
Row 8: Repeat row 4. with wearable shapes made her the perfect
Row 9: Stacked dc in first dc, [fpdc in choice to design a wrap that showcased
each of next 3 dc, ch 3] 3 times, skip crochet cables that look as if they are floating
on a bed of chain stitches. This wrap is a
next 3 dc, fptrtr in each of next 3 dc, great layering piece for that chilly afternoon
ch 3, fptrtr in each of 3 dc just skipped out or just for wrapping up on the couch and
(note: place stitches behind fptrtr just enjoying a cup of tea. To learn more about
made), [ch 3, fpdc in each of next 3 Rebecca Velasquez and her designs visit
dc] twice, ch 3, dc in each dc across to
marker, fpdc in each of next 3 dc, dc in
last dc. Turn.
Row 10: Repeat row 4. See next 2 pages for stitch diagram
Row 11: Repeat row 3. and alternate photo
Row 12: Repeat row 4.
Rows 13-148: Repeat rows 5-12
Rows 149-155: Repeat rows 5-11
Row 156: Ch 1, sc in each dc and ch
across. Fasten off.

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Symbols Key
9 single crochet
8 double crochet
7 stacked
double crochet
back post
5 double crochet
4 front post
3 double crochet

2 front post
1 triple treble crochet

Interwoven Cable Stitch Diagram

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