6715 D Salt - Sheet1
6715 D Salt - Sheet1
6715 D Salt - Sheet1
Date: 10/17/24
Contact: Mercedes
Phone: 239-677-1749
Roadmax Brokerage Inc email: dispatch@roadmaxbrokerage.com
PO BOX 153062
Cape Coral, FL 33915
Load Information
Commodity: Salt
Carrier Contact Name Weight: 46,224 Lbs
Servisan USA LLC Tarp : No
Ref # 6715
Rate : $550.00
Special Information
By signing this rate confirmation or by accepting and picking up the subject load, carrier agress to and
accepts all provisions of such terms and condition. Roadmax Brokerage Inc agrees to pay the rate and
charges shown here on subject to set off freight claims and other sett-off rights at listed in the terms and
conditions .and no different tariff, rate or schedule of rate shall apply. Roadmax Brokerage Inc the right
to impose reasonable and industry accepted fees upon the carier for late pick up or late delivery.