5 Marks
5 Marks
5 Marks
5 marks
What is effect of solid waste on soli, air and water?
How the leachate moment is controlled?
Write a note on Indore method composting
What are the factors affecting composting?
Explain legal aspect of SWM
Volume Reduction of solid waste
What are the practices adopted for the reuse and recycling of Solid Waste?
What is composting? What are the factors affecting the composting process?
Explain with a neat sketch the working of municipal incinerator
Explain in brief various equipments used in separation of solid waste. What is the
importance of 3R principal in solid waste management?
Write a note on Bangalore method composting
What are the factors affecting landfill?
Explain trench method of landfill
Write a note on E-waste
Write a note on pyrolysis