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Fluid Mechanics

Practical Record

B. Tech. 3rd Semester

(Civil Engineering)

Name of Student:
Roll No: Batch:
University Enrolment No:

Department of Civil Engineering

This is to certify that this is the bonafide record of the practical work done
by Mr./Miss. bearing RollNo.
of B.Tech Third Semester of Civil Engineering Branch in
Fluid Mechanics Practical during the Academic session
His/her work is satisfactory and he/she is awarded grade considering
his/her performance during the practical sessions.

University Enrolment No:


Signature of Signature and stamp of

Lab Course Coordinator Head of Department

Index Sheet
Sr. Date of Date of Remark
Name of Experiment
No Performance Evaluation & Sign

1. To verify Bernoulli’s theorem.

2. To determine the Meta-centric

height of a floating body.

3. To calibrate Venturimeter and

determine its Practical utility.

4. To calibrate Rectangular
Notches and determine its
Practical utility.

5. To calibrate Orifice Meter and

determine its Practical Utility.

6. To determine Hydraulic
coefficients of an Orifice.

7. To determine Hydraulic
coefficients of an Mouthpiece.

8. To determine Impact of Jet

apparatus through momentum

Signature of Signature and stamp of

Lab Course Coordinator Head of Department

Date: __________________

AIM: To verify Bernoulli’s theorem (CO1)

APPARATUS: Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus, scale and stopwatch.


Figure: Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus


According to Bernoulli’s theorem, in a continuous fluid flow ,the total head at any Point
along the flow is the same. The sum of the pressure head (p/), velocity head (v2 / 2g)
and datum head (Z) is constant along the flow.

i.e. . (p/) + (v2 / 2g) + (Z) = constant

Applying the equation between points 1 and 2 along any streamline, we have

P1/ + v12 / 2g +Z1 = p2/ + v22 / 2g +Z2 = Constant

For horizontal flow Z 1 = Z2
p1/ + v12 / 2g +Z1 = p2/ + v22 / 2g +Z2 = Constant

Fluid Mechanics Page 1


1. Water is allowed into the supply tank by opening the regulating Valve.

2. The flow rate through the duct is adjusted, by operating the flow Control valve.

3. The pressure heads at various points is measured in the piezometer glass tubes.

4. Rate flow is measured into the collecting tank,by noting the time taken for 10 cm rise
of water.

5. The velocity flow (V) is calculated at all the sections (of the duct).

6. Six sets of readings are taken for different flow rates by adjusting the flow control valve.


A = Area of collecting tank

Sl. C.S.A of duct Time Dischar Velocity Velocity Pressure Total

No atdifferent taken ge flow head = v2 head p/ head p/
sections for 10 Q=AR/t V=Q/a /2g (m) ґ+
(cm2) cm rise m3/sec m/sec (m) (v2/2g)
of water (m)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1. 1.8x1.5=
2. 2.1x1.5=
3. 2.4x1.5=
4. 2.7x1.5=
5. 3.0x1.5=
6. 3.2x1.5=
7. 3.5x1.5=

Fluid Mechanics Page 2


1. Serial number of observation =

2. Cross-sectional area of duct

at one section , a = cm2

3. Time taken for 10 cm rise of water

Into the collecting tank = sec

4. Discharge, Q=AR/t = m3/sec

5. Velocity flow=Q/a = m/sec

6. Velocity head, V2 /2g = m

7. Pressure head, p/ = m

8. Total head, p/ґ + V2 /2g = m

RESULT: The Bernoulli’s theorem is verified (i.e the sum of the pressure head (p/),
velocity head (v2/2g) is found to be constant at all the sections)

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Que1. State the Bernoulli’s theorem.


Que2.Applications of Bernoulli’s equation.


Que3.Write down Formula of Bernoulli’s theorem


Signature of Faculty: ______________

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EXPERIMENT N0.02 Date: __________________

AIM : To Determine the Meta-centric height of a floating body. (CO2)

APPARATUS USED : Take tank 2/3 full of water, floating vessel or pontoon fitted with a
pointed pointer moving on a graduated scale, with weights adjusted on a horizontal beam.


Figure: Metacentric Height apparatus

THEORY : Consider a floating body which is partially immersed in the liquid, when such a body is
tilted, the center of buoyancy shifts from its original position ‘B’ to ‘B’ (The point of application of
buoyanant force or upward force is known as center of G which may be below or above the center of
buoyancy remain same and couple acts on the body. Due to this couple the body remains stable. At rest
both the points G and B also Fb x Wc act through the same vertical line but in opposite direction. For
small change (θ) B shifted to B.

The point of intersection M of original vertical line through B and G with the new vertical, line passing
through ‘B’ is known as metacentre. The distance between G and M is known as metacentre height
which is measure of static stability.


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Where: -

Wm is unbalanced mass or weight.

Wc is weight of pontoon or anybody.

Xd is the distance from the center of pointer to striper or unbalanced weight.

θ is angle of tilt or heel.


1. Note down the dimensions of the collecting tank, mass density of water.

2. Note down the water level when pontoon is outside the tank.

3. Note down the water level when pontoon is inside the tank and their difference.

4. Fix the strips at equal distance from the center.

5. Put the weight on one of the hanger which gives the unbalanced mass.

6. Take the reading of the distance from center and angle made by pointer on arc.

7. The procedure can be repeated for other positioned and values of unbalanced mass.


Length of the tank =

Width of the tank =

Area of the tank =

Initial level of the water without pontoon (X1) =

Final level of the water with pontoon (X2) =

Difference in height of water (X) = X2–X1 =

Fluid Mechanics Page 6

Height of Difference Weight of Unbalanced Q GM=Metacentric Xd (m)
water in in height pontoon mass Wm (M /Sec) Height (m)
tank with X=X2-X1 Wc=XAρ Kg


1. The reading taking carefully without parallax error.

2. Put the weight on the hanger one by one.

3. Wait for pontoon to be stable before taking readings.

4. Strips should be placed at equal distance from the centre.

RESULT: Meta centric height of the pontoon is measured with different positions and weights and
value is found to be .………….

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Que1. Define Buoyancy .


Que2. Define Meta-centre & Meta-centric Height.


Que3.Write down Formula of Meta-centric Height.


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EXPERIMENT NO.03 Date: _____________________

AIM : To Calibrate Venturimeter and determine its Practical utility. (CO3)

APPARATUS USED : Venturimeter fitted in a horizontal pipe line with means of
varying flow rate, U tube different manometer.


Figure : Venturimeter Apparatus

THEORY : The Venturimeter are devices used for measurement of rate of flow of fluid through a
pipe. The basis principle on which a Venturimeter work is that by reducing the cross sectional area of
flow passage, a pressure difference is created and the measurement of the pressure difference
enables the determination of the discharge through the pipe.

A Venturimeter consists of (1) an inlet section followed by a convergent cone, (2) a cylindrical
throat and (3) a gradually divergent cone. Since the cross-sectional area of the inlet section, the
velocity of flow at the throat will become greater than that at the inlet section, according to
continuity equation. The increase in the velocity of flow at the throat results in the decrease in the
pressure at this section. A pressure difference is created between the inlet section and throat
section which can be determined by connecting a different U-tube manometer between the
pressure tapes provided at these sections.


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1. Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter of pipeline, throat dia of

Venturimeter area of collecting tank, room temperature etc.

2. Pressure tapping Venturimeter is kept value.

3. The flow rate is adjusted to its maximum value.

4. By maintaining suitable amount of steady flow in the pipe circuit, there establishes a
steady no uniform flow in the conduit. Time is allowed to stabilize the levels in the
manometer tube.

5. The discharge flowing in the circuit is recorded together with the water levels in left
and right limbs of manometer tube.

6. The flow rate is reduced in stage by means of flow control value and the discharge &
reading of manometer are recorded.

7. This procedure is repeated by opening the pressure tapping of Venturimeter.



Diagram of main pipe line, D =

The ratio d/D =

Area of cross diction of throat section a =

Are of cross section of inlet section A =

Area of collecting tank

Sr Discharge Measurement Manometer Reading

No. Initial Final Time Discharge Rise in Rise in ∆h in terms of
3 left right limb water
(cm) (cm) (sec)
(cm / sec) Q h1(cm) h2(cm) head=12.6x( h1 -


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Que1. Define Venturimeter.


Que2. Define coefficient of Discharge & coefficient of Velocity.


Que3.Write down Formula of Actual Discharge.


Signature of Faculty: _________

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EXPERIMENT NO.04 Date: ______________

AIM: To Calibrate Rectangular Notches & determine its practical utility (CO4)

APPARATUS USED: A constant steady water supply tank (Notch tank) with
baffles wall, pointer gauge, collecting tank, and models.


Figure: Rectangular Notch

THEORY: Different types of models are available to find discharge in an open channel as
notch, venturimeter notch etc. for calibration of either rectangular notch, trapezoidal
notch some flow is allowed in the flume. Once the flow becomes steady and uniform
discharge coefficients can be for any mode.

In general, sharp crested notches are preferred where highly accurate discharge
measurement is required, for example in hydraulic laboratories, industries and irrigation
pilot schemes, which do not carry debris and sediments. Notches are those overflow
structure whose length of crest in the direction of flow is accurately shaped. There may
be rectangular, trapezoidal, V notch etc. the relationship between discharge and head
over the notch can be developed by making the following assumptions as to the flow


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PROCEDURE: The notch under test is positioned at the end of the tank, in a vertical plane,
and with the sharp edge on the upstream side.

1. The tank is filled with water up to crest level and subsequently note down the
crest levels of the notch by the help of a point down.
2. The flow regulating value is adjusted to give the maximum possible discharge
without flooding the notch.
3. Conditions are allowed to steady before the rate of discharge and head H were
4. The flow rate is reduced is stage and the reading of discharge and head H were taken.
5. The procedure is repeated for other type of notch.


Width of notch, B=
Crest level of notch H1 =
Area of collecting tank, a =

Sr. Discharge Final Head Q

No. (cm /sec) Q reading of over Cd
Discharge = 2

measurement 3
water notch √2gbh 2
level H=
above the H2-H1
Initial h1 notch H2 (cm)
Final Time
h1 h2 (sec)

Average CD =


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Que1. Define Notches.


Que2. Write Down Different Types of Notches Used in Practical Applications.


Que3.Write down Formula for Discharge of Rectangular Notch.


Signature of Faculty: _________

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EXPERIMENT NO.05 Date: ______________

AIM: To Calibrate Orifice Meter and determine its Practical Utility (CO5)

APPARATUS USED: Orifice meter fitted in a horizontal pipeline with means of

varying flow rate, U tube differential manometer.


Figure: Orifice Meter

THEORY: The Orificemeter are devices used for measurement of rate of flow of fluid
through a pipe. The basis principle, on which Orificemeter work is that by reducing the
cross sectional area of passage, a pressure difference is created and the measurement of
the pressure difference enables the determination of the discharge through the pipe. An
Orificemeter is a cheaper arrangement for measurement of discharge through pipes and
its installation requires a smaller length as compared with venturi meter. An Orificemeter
consists of a flat circular plate with a circular hole called orifice, which is concentric with
the pipe axis. The upstream face of the plate is beveled at an angle lying between 300 and
450 . The plate is clamped between the two pipe flanges with beveled surface facing
downstream. Two pressure tapes are provided, one on the upstream side of plate and
other on the downstream side of the orifice plate. A pressure difference exists between
two sections which can be measured by connecting a different manometer to the two
pressure tape. The discharge coefficient can be calculated using following formula.

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Where Cd is coefficient of orifice, a0 is cross-sectional area of orifice, a1 is cross sectional area of pipe,
g is the acceleration due to gravity and ∆h is the difference of head in terms of water.

Experimental Setup:
The experimental setup consists of a circuit through which the fluid is circulated
continuously having a Orifice meter of 25 mm dia and having a d/D=0.6. The Orificemeter
has two pressure tapings at upstream and downstream. A U tube mercury manometer
with common manifold is pressure the pressure difference between two sections. A
collecting tank is provided to find the actual discharge through the circuit.


1. Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter of pipeline, dia of orifice, area of
collecting tank, room temperature etc.
2. Pressure taping of Orificemeter is kept open.
3. The flow rate is adjusted to its maximum value.
4. By maintaining suitable amount of steady flow in the pipe circuit, there establishes a
steady no uniform flow in the conduit.Time is allowed to stabilize the levels in the
manometer tube.
5. The discharge flowing in the circuit is recorded together with the water levels in left
and right limbs of manometer tube.
6. The flow rate is reduces in steady by means of flow control value and the discharge &
reading of manometer are recorded.
7. This procedure is repeated by closing the pressure taping of Orificemeter.


Diameter of main pipe line (D) =

The ratio d/D = 0.6
Area of cross section of orifice (a0) =
Area of cross- section of inlet section (a1) =

Area of Collecting Tank

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Average CD =


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Que1. Define Orificemeter.


Que2. Write down different types of Orifices used in practical applications.


Que3.Write down Formula for Discharge through Orifice meter.


Signature of Faculty: ______________

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EXPERIMENT NO.06 Date: ______________

AIM : To determine Hydraulic coefficients of an Orifice (CO6)

APPARATUS USED: Supply tank with overflow arrangement and

provision of fitting of orifice or mouth piece installed in the
vertical plane of the tank side, scale and sliding apparatus with
hook gauge, orifice 10 mm dia.


Figure: Orifice Meter

THEORY: An orifice is an opening in the wall of the tank, while a mouth is a short pipe
fitted in the same opening. Orifice is used for discharge measurement. The jet
approaching the orifice continues beyond the orifice till the streamline becomes parallel.
This section is the jet approaching the orifice, continue to coverage beyond parallel. This
section of the jet approaching the orifice continue to coverage beyond the orifice till the

Fluid Mechanics Page 19

streamlines become parallel. This section of jet is then a section of minimum area and is
known as vena contracta.
If Vc is the true horizontal velocity at the vena contracta, then the properties of jet
trajectory gives the following relationship:

The theoretical velocity in the plane of the vena contracta V0 is given by:

Qth = 𝑋

In which h is the constant head in the supply tank and x and y are coordinates of jet with
respect to center of opening

The actual discharge Q when divided by a 2gh yields the coefficient of discharge Cd.
Here a is the area of cross section if the orifice and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
Once Cd and Cv are know, the coefficient Cc can be obtained by dividing Cd by Cv.

Cc= Cd/Cv

EXPERIMENTAl SET-UP: The experimental setup consists of a supply tank with

overflow arrangement and gauge glass tube for water level measurement in the tank.
There is also provision for fixing the various orifices and mouthpiece (interchangeable)
installed in a vertical plane of the tank side. Arrangement is made such that the water
passes only through this attached opening. Water comes out of the opening in the form
of jet.

A horizontal scale on which is mounted a vertical scale with a hook gauge, is attached to
the supply tank. This hook gauge can be moved as well as vertically in x and y direction
and its corresponding movement can be read on horizontal and vertical scale
respectively. A collecting tank is used to find the actual discharge of water through the


1) Note down the relevant dimensions as area of collecting tank and supply tank.

2) Attach an orifice and note down its diameter.

3) The apparatus is leveled.

Fluid Mechanics Page 20

4) The water supply was admitted to the supply tank and conditions are allowed steady,
to give a constant head.
5) The lowest point of the orifice is used as the datum for the measurement of h and y.
6) A series of reading of dimensions x and y was taken along the trajectory of the jet.
7) The procedure is repeated by means of flow control valve.


Area of cross section of

collecting tank
Size and shape of orifice =

Area of cross section of

orifice, =

Reading on the piezometer at the level on the center of orifice h0 =

(i) Determination of Cd

Sr ading on Value Cd =
No.Re of Discharge measurement
the h=a1-h0 Q
piezometer Initial Final(cm) Time discharge a 2gH
(cm) (sec.)
(qcm /Sec)

Average Cd=

(ii) Determination of Cv
Reading of horizontal scale at exit of orifice/mouthpiece x
0 =Reading of vertical scale at exit
of orifice/mouthpiece y0 =
Sr. No. H (cm) Reading on Scale X= x’-x0 Y=y’-y0 Cv = x
2 yH

Horizontal x’ Vertical Y’
(cm) (cm)


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Que1. Define Orificemeter.


Que2. What is Coefficient of Discharge .


Que3.What is Coeffiecient of Contraction.


Signature of Faculty: ____________________________

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EXPERIMENT NO.07 Date: _____________________
AIM : To determine Hydraulic coefficients of an Mouthpiece (CO7)

APPARATUS USED: Supply tank with overflow arrangement and provision of

fitting of mouth piece installed inthe vertical plane of the tank side, scale
and sliding apparatus with hook gauge, mouthpiece 10 mm dia.


THEORY: An Mouthpiece is an opening in the wall of the tank, while a mouth is a short
pipe fitted in the same opening. Mouthpiece is used for discharge measurement. The jet
approaching the mouthpiece continues beyond the mouthpiece till the streamline
becomes parallel. This section is the jet approaching the mouthpiece, continue to
coverage beyond parallel. This section of the jet approaching the orifice continue to
coverage beyond the orifice till the streamlines become parallel. This section of jet is then
a section of minimum area and is known as vena contracta.

EXPERIMENTAl SET-UP: The experimental setup consists of a supply tank with

overflow arrangement and gauge glass tube for water level measurement in the tank.
There is also provision for fixing the various orifices and mouthpiece (interchangeable)
installed in a vertical plane of the tank side. Arrangement is made such that the water
passes only through this attached opening. Water comes out of the opening in the form
of jet.

A horizontal scale on which is mounted a vertical scale with a hook gauge, is attached to
the supply tank. This hook gauge can be moved as well as vertically in x and y direction
and its corresponding movement can be read on horizontal and vertical scale
respectively. A collecting tank is used to find the actual discharge of water through the

Fluid Mechanics Page 23

1) Note down the relevant dimensions as area of collecting tank and supply tank.
2) Attach an orifice and note down its diameter.
3) The apparatus is leveled.
4) The water supply was admitted to the supply tank and conditions are allowed to
steady,for head
5) The lowest point of the orifice is used as the datum for the measurement of h and y.
6) A series of reading of dimensions x and y was taken along the trajectory of the jet.
7) The procedure is repeated by means of flow control valve.


Area of cross section of

collecting tank =

Size and shape of

mouthpiece =

Area of cross section of

mouthpiece, a =

Reading on the piezometer at the level on the center of mouthpiece h0 =

(i) Determination of Cd

Sr No. reading on Value of Cd =

the h=a1-h0 Discharge measurement Q
piezometer a1 Initial Final(cm) Time discharge a 2gH
(cm /Sec) q
(cm) (sec.)

Average Cd=

(ii) Determination of Cv
Reading of horizontal scale at exit of orifice/mouthpiece x

Reading of vertical scale at exit of orifice/mouthpiece


Fluid Mechanics Page 24

Sr. No. H (cm) Reading on Scale X= x’-x0 Y=y’-y0 Cv = x
2 yH

Horizontal x’ Vertical Y’
(cm) (cm)


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Que1. Define Mouthpiece.


Que2. What is Coefficient of Velocity .


Que3.What is Coeffiecient of Contraction.


Signature of Faculty: _________

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EXPERIMENT NO.08 Date: _______________
AIM: To determine Impact of Jet apparatus through momentum equation

APPARATUS USED: Impact of jet apparatus, weights and stop watch.


Fig: Impact of Jet

THEORY: The momentum equation based on Newton’s 2nd law of motion states that the
algebraic sum of external forces applied to control volume of fluid in any direction equal
to the rate of change of momentum in that direction. The external forces include the
component of the weight of the fluid and of the forces exerted externally upon the
boundary surface of control volume. If a vertical water jet moving with velocity ‘V’ made
to strike a target (Vane) which is free, to move in vertical direction, force will be exerted
on the target by the impact of jet.
For flat plate, Vz out= 0 Fz = ρQ (0-v) FZ = ρQv
For hemispherical curved plate, vz out= -v, vz in= v Fz = ρQ [v+ (-v)] FZ = 2 ρQv
Where Q= Discharge from the nozzle (Calculated by volumetric method)
V= Velocity of jet = (Q/A).

The set up primarily consists of a nozzle through which jet emerges vertically in such a
way that it may be conveniently observed through the transparent cylinder. It strikes the
target plate or disc positioned above it. An arrangement is made for the movement of the
plate under the action of the jet and also because of the weight placed on the loading pan.
A scale is provided to carry the plate to its original position i.e. as before the jet strikes
the plate. A collecting tank is utilized to find the actual discharge and velocity through

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i. Note down the relevant dimensions as area of collecting tank and diameter of nozzle.
ii. When jet is not running, note down the position of upper disc or plate.
iii. Admit water supply to the nozzle.
iv. As the jet strikes the disc, the disc moves upward, now place the weights to bring back
the upper disc to its original position.
v. At this position find out the discharge and note down the weights placed above the
vi. The procedure is repeated for different values of flow rate by reducing the water
supply in steps.

Diameter of nozzle (d) = 10 mm
Area of the nozzle (A) = πd2 /4
Mass density of water = 1gm/cm3
Area of collecting tank = 1200cm2
When jet is not running, position of upper disc =............................ cm



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Que1. Define Impact of jet .


Que2. What is Momentum equation .


Que3.Write down formula of Momentum Equation.


Signature of Faculty: _____________

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8. Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter of pipeline, throat dia of

Venturimeter area of collecting tank, room temperature etc.

9. Pressure tapping Venturimeter is kept value.

10. The flow rate is adjusted to its maximum value.

11. By maintaining suitable amount of steady flow in the pipe circuit, there establishes a
steady no uniform flow in the conduit. Time is allowed to stabilize the levels in the
manometer tube.

12. The discharge flowing in the circuit is recorded together with the water levels in left
and right limbs of manometer tube.

13. The flow rate is reduced in stage by means of flow control value and the discharge &
reading of manometer are recorded.

14. This procedure is repeated by opening the pressure tapping of Venturimeter.



Diagram of main pipe line, D =The

ratio d/D =

Area of cross diction of throat

section a =

Are of cross section of inlet section


Area of collecting tank

Sr Discharge Measurement Manometer Reading

No. Initial Final Time Discharge Rise in Rise in ∆h in terms of
(cm) (cm) (sec) left right limb water
(cm / sec) Q h1(cm) h2(cm) head=12.6x( h1 -

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