AGR 101 - Q.B. 14 - Agri Junction
AGR 101 - Q.B. 14 - Agri Junction
AGR 101 - Q.B. 14 - Agri Junction
Course Code & Title. AGR 101 Fundamental of Agronomy and Agricultural Heritage (1+1)
Sl.No. Lec 1. Agriculture - Definition - Importance and scope - Branches of agriculture - Evolution
of man and agriculture.
1. The term Agriculture is derived from
a. Latin b. English c. Tamil d. Greek
2. _______is an applied science which encompasses all aspects of crop production including
horticulture, livestock rearing, fisheries, forestry, etc
a. Apiculture b. Horticulture c. Forestry d. Agriculture
3. _______ is defined as an art, science and business of producing crops and livestock for
economic purposes.
a. Apiculture b. Horticulture c. Forestry d. Agriculture
4. _______ it embraces knowledge of the way to perform the operations of the farm in a skillful
a. As a art b. As a Business c. As a Science d. None of the
5. ______ utilizes all technologies developed on scientific principles such as crop breeding,
production techniques, crop protection, economics etc
a. As a art b. As a Business c. As a Science d. None of the
6. Introduction of new crops and varieties developed by hybridization as called is _______
a. As a art b. As a Business c. As a Science d. None of the
7. _______ As long as agriculture is the way of life of the rural population production is
ultimately bound to consumption
a. As a art b. As a Business c. As a Science d. None of the
8. GDP from Agriculture ______%
a. 16 b. 4 c. 6 d. 10
9. Agriculture sector is provide ______% of employment
a. 58 b. 40 c. 60 d. 90
10. White revolution is called _____
a. Milk production b. oil seeds c. Agriculture d. Fish production
production production
11. Yellow revolution is called _____
a. Milk production b. Oil seeds c. Agriculture d. Fish production
production production
12. Blue revolution is called _____
a. Milk production b. oil seeds c. Agriculture d. Fish production
production production
13. Green revolution is called _____
a. Milk production b. oil seeds c. Agriculture d. Fish production
production production
14. Round revolution is called _____
a. Onion production b. Pulses c. Fish d. Fertilizer
production production production
15. Silver revolution is called _____
a. Egg production b. Onion c. Fish d. Fertilizer
Production production production
16. Brown revolution is called _____
a. Egg production b. Onion c. Fish d. Fertilizer
Production production production
17. _______ Deals with the production of various crops which includes food crops, fodder crops,
fibre crops, sugar, oilseeds, etc
a. Agriculture b. Home Science c. Forestry d. Horticulture
18. _______ Deals with the production of fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, spices,
condiments and beverages
a. Agriculture b. Home c. Forestry d. Horticulture
19. ______ Deals with production of large scale cultivation of perennial trees for supplying wood,
timber, rubber, etc. and also raw materials for industries.
a. Agriculture b. Home Science c. Forestry d. Horticulture
20. _______– Deals with application and utilization of agricultural produces in a better manner in
order to provide nutritional security, including value addition and food preparation.
a. Agriculture b. Home Science c. Forestry d. Horticulture
Lec.2. Indian agriculture - Indian economy - National income - per capita income -
Agricultural income in GDP - Women in agriculture and empowerment.
1. Agriculture is the only means of living for almost _____% of the employed class in
A) 60 B) 40
C) 80 D) 70
2. Agriculture sector of India has occupied almost _____% of India's geographical area
A) 43 B) 42
C) 22 D) 33
A) 16 B) 13
C) 4 D) 8
4. Find the incorrect sentence of Green Revolution in the agriculture sector of Indian
5. Green Revolution was given importance for _____ and ______ crops
A) 1992 B) 2002
C) 1996 D) 1986
A) 1992 B) 2002
C) 1996 D) 1986
9. The Constitution of India guarantees to all Indian women equality ______ Article Number
12. equal pay for equal work for women _______ Article Number
13. Allows special provisions to be made by the State in favour of women and children _____
Article Number
14. renounces practices derogatory to the dignity of women _____ Article Number
15. humane conditions of work and for maternity relief of women_____ Article Number
A) Article 14 B) Article 42
16. In ______ year grants from foreign donor agencies enabled the formation of new women-
oriented NGOs
A) 1990s, B) 1970s
C) 1980s D) 1960s
17. The Government of India declared _________as the Year of Women's Empowerment
A) 2001 B) 2002
C) 2003 D) 2004
18. The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women came was passed in _____year
A) 2001 B) 2002
C) 2003 D) 2004
19. International Women's day was celebrated is ______
A) June 5 B) March 8
C) March 9 D) March 22
A) 33 B) 22
C) 32 D) 23
1. ______ refer to the values and traditional practices adopted in ancient India which are
more relevant for present day system
2. ________ is the inherited values carried from one generation to other generation
A) wood B) stone
5. Drainage was necessary to prevent the carrying off of land from the hillsides through
which the rivers ran was ________ period
A) Prehistoric Agriculture B) Roman Period
7. _______ end of the period settlements along the Nile, however, were more permanent,
because the river deposited fertile silt annually
C) 1600 BC D) 1000 BC
10. Historical period known through written and pictured materials ______
A) Regveda B) Brahnanas
12. On it was the large home of the holder given the title ‘’ . One or more villages
might be located on the manor
A) Patanjali B) Artheshastra
C) Amarakosha D) Mahabhasya
14. _________‘which reveals that ancient Indians had intimate knowledge on all agricultural
A) Puranas B) Regveda
C) Artheshastra D) Aranyakas
15. The four Vedas mention more than _____ number of plant species,
A) 75 B) 750
C) 25 D) 320
16. The oldest book ______ (4000 BC) mentions a large number of poisonous and non poisonous
aquatic and terrestrial, and domestic and wild creatures and animals
A) Rigveda B) Puranas
C) Aranyakas D) Artheshastra
A) 500 B) 750
C) 355 D) 320
18. Susruta (400 BC) records over______ number of medicinal plant species
A) 500 B) 750
C) 300 D) 320
19. _______deals with the treatment of livestock and another on treatment of trees.
A) Susruta B) Agnipurana
C) Aswashastra D) Garudapurana
A) Susruta B) Agnipurana
C) Aswashastra D) Garudapurana
A) Susruta B) Agnipurana
C) Aswashastra D) Garudapurana
22. ________ mentions that superintendent of forests had to collect forest produce through the
forest guards.
C) Aranyakas D) Amarakosha
A) China B) England
C) Europe D) Mesopotamia
A) England B) China
C) Mesopotamia D) Europe
A) England B) China
C) Mesopotamia D) Europe
A) England B) China
C) Mesopotamia D) Europe
A) Cauvery B) Ganga
C) Krishna D) Yamuna
31. ________ chola king was constructed Grand Anaicut across the river Cauvery
A) Sheep B) Goat
C) Dog D) Elephant
40. Salinity problem and water logging were noticed due to canal irrigation _____ age
A) Elephant B) Dog
C) Sheep D) Goat
A) Granaries B) Circa
C) Bin D) Pot
A) Circa B) Granaries
7. _______ empire categorized soils and made meteorological observation for agricultural
A) Mauryun B) Agbar
C) Gupta D) Megasthenes
A) Mauryun B) Akbar
C) Gupta D) Megasthenes
A) 1200-1757 CE B) 1757-1947 CE
A) 1757-1947 CE B) 1200-1757 CE
A) 1986-1990 B) 1966-67
C) 1970-1996 D) 1973-2002
A) 1986-1990 B) 1966-67
C) 1970-1996 D) 1973-2002
A) 1986-1990 B) 1966-67
C) 1970-1996 D) 1973-2002
A) 1966 B) 1960
C) 1970 D) 1947
20. National Agricultural Innovative Project (NAIP) was launched for End to end
approaches for soving problems in the year was
A) 1979 B) 2006
C) 1947 D) 1998
6. Development of scientific agriculture - National and International
Agricultural Research Institutes.
21. Who is considered as ‘Father of Agricultural chemistry’
A) 2,4,D B) Atrazine
C) Butacholar D) Pendimethalin
A) 1944 B) 1844
C) 1906 D) 1901
A) Wilcox B) Mitscherlitch
A) Coimbatore B) Trichy
C) Chennai D) Madurai
A) 1962 B) 1912
C) 1906 D) 1901
A) 1962 B) 1912
C) 1906 D) 1901
A) 1965-67 B) 1960-62
C) 1967-68 D) 1970-71
A) Jhansi B) Hyderabad
C) Lucknow D) Bangalore
37. IISR is located at
A) Jhansi B) Hyderabad
C) Lucknow D) Bangalore
38 IIPR is located at
A) Hyderabad B) Kanpur
C) Bangalore D) Lucknow
A) Hyderabad B) Jhansi
C) Bangalore D) Lucknow
A) Mexico B) Syria
C) Italy D) Philippines
A) Agronomy B) Horticulture
C) Agriculture D) Forestry
3. _____It is branch of agricultural science that deals with methods which provide
favorable environment to the crop for higher productively,
A) Agronomy B) Horticulture
C) Agriculture D) Forestry
4. Find the incorrect sentence – scope of Agronomy
5. Planning Commission of India (1989) based on agro-climatic zone India is divided into
A) 15 B) 21
C) 7 D) 25
A) 15 B) 21
C) 7 D) 25
A) Kanyakumari B) Salem
C) Dharmapuri D) Vellore
12. National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) under ICAR. Based on the rainfall
pattern, cropping pattern and administrative units, ______agro-climatic zones are
A) 127 B) 125
C) 160 D) 180
13. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS & LUP) of the ICAR
has delineated _____ No. of agro-ecological regions (AERs) in the country using the
FAO 1978 concept of superimposition of length of growing periods and bio-climate
maps on soil physiographic map
A) 20 B) 21
C) 15 D) 7
A) 136 B) 86
C) 120 D) 192
C) Panjab D) Kerala
A) 143 m ha B) 114 m ha
C) 328 m ha D) 13 m ha
A) 328 m ha B) 143 m ha
C) 13 m ha D) 114 m ha
A) 22 % B) 33 %
C) 11% D) 22%
20. Coimbatore district coming under ____ agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu
C) Sugarcane D) Coconut
24. They live for three or more years. They may be seed bearing or non-seed bearing
C) Maize D) Mustard
A) Coconut B) Rice
C) Cereals D) Onion
A) Groundnut B) Castor
32. ______ Oil is used for production of Vanaspathi and soap making
A) Groundnut B) Castor
C) Soya bean D) Gingelly
A) Groundnut B) Castor
34. _____ Oil is used for cooking purpose and oils contain more of unsaturated fatty acids
and used for heart patients.
A) Sunflower B) Groundnut
A) Cotton B) Agave
C) Kapok D) Mesta
A) Daincha B) Sunhemp
C) Agathi D) Mesta
Lecture No. 11. Tillage – Definition- objectives – types of tillage- modern concept of tillage –
main field preparation
1. Father of tillage
a) Jethrotull b) Liebig c) Wilcox d) Mitscherlich
2. Find the incorrect sentence
a) Preparatory tillage b) the tillage operation c) the tillage d) to break the hard pen
is deep ploughing and that is done after the operation that beneath the plough layer,
loosing of the soil harvest of crop to bring are performed special tillage operation is
the land under on the soil after reformed to increase
cultivation is known as primary tillage to compaction
primary tillage bring a good soil
tilth are kwon as
secondary tillage
3. Puddling is
a) it is create an b)ploughing the land c) this operation d) this operation not
impervious layer below with standing water destroy soil done in wet land
the surface to reduce structure
deep percolation
4. Dry tillage is
a) It is practiced in dry b) Dry tillage is done in c) It is suitable d) this tillage decrease
land condition a soil having sufficient for crops like water holding capacity of
moisture (21-23%) broadcasted rice the soil
jute and wheat
5. Find the incorrect sentence
a) Clean tillage b) Blind tillage done c) Wet tillage is d) Sub soiling is break the
practiced in entire field after seeding or done practiced hard pan beneath the
in such a way no living planting the crop either dry land plough layer, special
plant is left at the pre-emergence conditions. tillage operation is
undisturbed stage of the crop performed to reduce
plants compaction
6. It is not a primary tillage implements
a) Wooden plough b) Disc plough c) Chisel plough d) Cultivator
7. Wooden plough is
a) Multipurpose b) it is animal drawn c) Angle of d) It will cover 1 ha per
implement Country plough day
8. Find the primary tillage implements
a) Cultivator b) Rotavor c) Disc Harrow d) Chisel plough
9. Upland weeder is
a) Star type b) Peg type c) a&b d) Cono weeder
10. This not used for weeding purpose of wetland
a) peg type weeder b) Cono weeder c) Japanese d) Spade
rotary weeder
11. Find the correct sentence
a) tillage control the b) Raising crops in the c) tillage d) to plough soil optimum
weeds effectively same season or at the operation done soil moisture content for
onset of the crop for conditioning tillage is 40 % of field
season are known as the soil capacity
on season tillage suitability for the
main season
crop are called
off season tillage
12. Zero tillage first practiced country is
a) USA b) India c) Tami lNadu d) Israel
13. Zero tillage first practiced crop is
a). Wheat b). Rice c).Maize d). Ragi
14. It is not a principles of modern concepts of tillage
a). Minimum 30% crop b). Minimum c). Include the d). Conservation tillage
residue are left in the disturbance of soil pulses in reduce the soil fertility
field cropping system status
15 Plough sole depth is ____cm
a 25 b.30 c. 15 d.20
16 Moisture is required for plough for land Field capacity _____%
a. 60 b. 40 c. 30 d. 50
17 Fine tilth required for _____ types of crops
a. Maize b. Rice c. Sorghum d. Small grains
18 Tillage help to ____
a. Bed preparation b. breaking colds c. destroy the d. All the above
19 Modern concepts of tillage principles
a. Minimum b. at least 30% of c. Conserve the soil d. All the above
disturbance of soil crop residues in moisture
the soil
20 ____ tillage method recorded the highest germination percentage
a. Minimum tillage b. Chemical c. Conservation d. Cultural method of
tillage tillage tillage
Lecture 12 Seed –seed rate – sowing methods – germination – crop stand establishment –
planting geometry
13. Weed – definition – harmful and beneficial effects of weeds – crop weed competitions
and management of weeds -IWM
Lecture No. 14. Role of manure and fertilizer in crop production – agronomic interventions for
enhancing FUE – inter cultivation – thinning – Gap filling and other intercultural operations
Lec. 15. Irrigation – Time and methods – modern techniques of Irrigation- Drainage and its importance
Lec. 16. Cropping pattern and cropping system - Intensive cropping- Sustainable agriculture – IFS
1. The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and fallow on a given area.
Lecture 17. Organic / eco-friendly agriculture - Dry farming- concepts and principles