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Objective Weed Science - Second Edition

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Objective Weed Science

SS Rana, Sachin Kumar, Abha Sharma,

Bheem Pareek, Priyanka Kumari, Navjot Rana,
Tigangam P Gangmei and MC Rana


Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture

CSK himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur
176062, HP, India
Cover page photograph: Turmeric plant in flowering
Objective Weed Science

SS Rana, Ph. D
Sachin Kumar, M.Sc.
Abha Sharma, M.Sc.
Bheem Pareek, M.Sc.
Priyanka Kumari, M.Sc.
Navjot Rana, M.Sc.
Tigangam P Gangmei, M.Sc.
MC Rana, Ph. D

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture

CSK himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur
176062, HP, India

SS Rana, Sachin Kumar, Abha Sharma, Bheem Pareek, Priyanka Kumari, Navjot Rana, Tigan-
gam P Gangmei and MC Rana. 2018. Objective Weed Science Second Edition. Department of
Agronomy, College of Agriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur,
HP, India.

Computerization and edited by

Dr Surinder Singh Rana, Principal Scientist

September 2018
Second Edition

First Printing February 2018

Published by
Department of Agronomy, Forages and Grassland Management, CSK Himachal Pradesh
Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, HP, India


Head, Department of Agronomy, CSKHPKV, Palampur

Dean, College of Agriculture, CSKHPKV, Palampur
Directorate of Weed Science Research, Adhartal, Jabbalpur

The prosperity of a country depends upon the prosperity of its citizens. Food including drinking
water, clothing, shelter, health, education, security, electricity, transport and communication infra-
structure are the today’s basic needs. Farmers produce food. About 60% of Indian population is
engaged in farming. Therefore, prosperity of India would depend upon the prosperity of its farm-
ers. The Indian agricultural sector has got more importance these days and has led to the taking
in of experienced professionals’ of agriculture into many different departments of the Indian gov-
ernment. As the graduate level course in agriculture will comprise of topics from soil science to
agrometeorology, aspirants will have an innate knowledge about relevant fields of this area. Jobs
for students of B.Sc Agriculture can be got with banks, insurance companies and many other ar-
eas. Jobs for aspirants within the public sector are quite ample. There are many firms under the
aegis of the Indian government that offer aspirants with jobs of high profiles. With the right qualifi-
cation, a person can get employed as an Agricultural Research Scientist (ARS). Upon clearing
the NET qualification, aspirants can start their career as a lecturer. Aspirants can get employed
as teachers with well known institutions. Those who aspire to get jobs as lecturers shall need to
have a Postgraduate level degree in the relevant field along with NET or SET qualified. Besides
this, jobs are also available for aspirants as Agriculture Development Officers (ADO). To get this
job, it will be needed by applicants to write an admission test. Thus, students who have accom-
plished their education in agriculture can get many job opportunities.
Understanding the basics will be beneficial for all students. They also need to have a good knowl-
edge about the syllabus of these examinations. When studying, aspirants can divide their portions
and allocate specific time limits for each part. Doing this will ensure that they can finish all their
portions within that time limit. Besides this, aspirants also need to give more importance to those
portions that are weak for them. Stress must be laid to finish these parts quickly and more time
must be devoted exclusively for these parts. Guides can be referred and aspirants can attend
coaching classes as well. The coaching for these exams is provided at many well institutions.
The present attempt is an effort to prepare students of weed science to qualify various competi-
tive examinations. The first edition was brought about in February 2018. This is the second edi-
tion wherein more than 200 hundreds questions have been added. In the present context of com-
petitive world, all exams are based on multiple choice questions. It is thus important to have
readymade guide for the students as well as the paper setters for questions on weed manage-
ment. With varied aspects covered in the question bank, we hope this will fulfil the requirement of
a much needed standard help on weeds and weed science not only for the students but also for
the teachers, scientists and others involved in the field of weed management. The question bank
is not so exhaustive but a glimpse of several diverse fields of weed science. The correct choice is
highlighted in bold font. The authors would welcome suggestions from students and teachers to
improve the question bank.

September 2018 Authors

Kot ibagaaryaao KrtuAa saBaa ibagaarI kUr.
Bai@t ibagaarI laalacaI jyaaoM kosar maoM QaUr..
saMt kbaIr saaihba ≥sana\ 1398π1518¥.

Jethro Tull was thought to have first in giving the term weed for the unwanted plants. But the
above verse of Sant Kabir clearly indicating the concern of the unwanted vegetation (KrtuAa) in
crop fields. Sant Kabir was borne much ahead of Jethro Tull. Thus the Hindi equivalent
[Synonym] KrtuAa of the English term weed for unwanted vegetation has been originated from the
Indian subcontinent. We may also conclude that weeds have been associated since man started cul-
tivation of crops and have ever been the concern of farmers even if their citation is not available in
the recorded history. Jethro Tull (1674 – 21 February 1741) was an English agricultural pioneer
from Berkshire who helped bring about the British Agricultural Revolution. He perfected a horse-
drawn seed drill in 1700 that economically sowed the seeds in neat rows. He later developed a
horse-drawn hoe. Tull's methods were adopted by many great landowners and helped to provide
the basis for modern agriculture.
Q.1. Commelina benghalensis bearing short- of
lived blue coloured flowers is a a). Free floating
a). Monocot b). Rooted floating
b). Dicot c). Rooted submerged
c). Spermatophyte d). Emergent
Q.11. The partial root parasite
d). Pteridophyta
a). Cuscuta
Q.2. The most systematic method for classify- b). Loranthus
ing weeds is based on c). Striga
a). Morphology d). Orobanche
b). Life history Q.12. A weed with a funnel shaped corolla
c). Habitat a). Medicago denticulata
d). Phylogenetic b). Vicia sativa
Q.3. Simple perennials are reproduced by c). Convolvulus arvensis
a). Rhizomes d). Scirpus sp
b). Tubers Q.13. A sedge with rhizomes
c). Corms a). Commelina obliqua
d). Seeds b). Cyperus rotundus
Q.4. The first prominent instance of biochemi- c). Scirpus sp
cal mimicry based crop associated weed d). Eleocharis
under Indian perspective is Q.14. A lowland rice sedge
a). Saccharum spontaneous in sugarcane a). Cyperus iria
b). Phalaris minor in wheat b). Cyperus difformis
c). Wild rice (Oryza longistaninata) in rice c). Cyperus esculentus
d). Itch grass (Rottboellea cochinchinen- d). All
sis) in upland rice Q.15. The ‘condition influences’ directly plant
Q.5. A weed with a trailing stem ability in exploring resources
a).Convolvulus arvensis a). Soil density
b). Digitaria sanguinalis b). Soil CO2
c). Cuscuta sp c). Soil N
d). Cynodon sp d). Soil water
Q.6. A weed with a balloon structure for effec- Q.16. Hans Molish is associated with
tive dissemination a). Competition
a). Physalis minima b). Eutrophication
b). Avena fatua c). Allelomediation
c). Phalaris minor d). Allelopathy
d). Amaranthus viridis Q.17. The natural product explored as com-
Q.7. A weed having spines as adaptations mercial herbicide
that repel grazing a). glufosinate
a). Solanum nigrum b). dicamba
b). Solanum xanthocarpus c). cinmethylin
c). Parthenium d). all
d). Ageratum Q.18. Man associated with ‘Horse Hoeing
Q.8. Which of the following causes itching and Husbandry’
inflammation a). Zimdahl Robert L.
a). Ammannia baccifera b). Molish
b). Solanum nigrum c). Jethro Tull
c). Urtica sp d). Aspinall and Milthorpe
d). Lantana camara Q.19. Dryland weeds usually have
Q.9. Cultivation of water chestnut (Trapa a). deep root
bispinosa) is abandoned in India due to b). hairyness
a). Lantana camara c). Mucilaginous stem
b). Eichhornia d). all
c). Mikania micrantha Q.20. A weed poisonous to animals and hu-
d). Acacia mearnssi man beings
Q.10. Eichhornia crassips is a representative a). Datura metal

b). Ammannia baccifera Q.29. Flooding is an effective strategy to con-
c). Chenopodium trol
d). Urtica sp a). Avena ludoviciana
b). Sorghum halepense
Q.21. Successful weed management is based
c). Cynodon dactylon
d). All
a). Knowledge on weed biology
e). None
b). Survey on the nature of weed problem
Q.30. Bioagent for controlling Parthenium
c). Whole farm planning
d). Removal of weeds before flowering
a). Bactra verutana
i. a & b ii. b & d
iii. c & d iv. All b). Zygogramma bicolorata
c). Chrysolira
Q.22. A system approach based on whole
d). Flea beetle
land use planning
Q.31. The first rule of weed prevention
a). Weed eradication
b). Weed control a). Regular survey to identify new weeds
b). Destruction of weeds before they set
c). Weed prevention
d). None seed
c). Clean seed
Q.23. Weed control aims to putting down
d). Clean farm equipments and irrigation
weed infestation
a). Already present
b). a + future infestations Q.32. A companion crop
a). Hairy vetch
c). b + introduction from the adjacent
b). Winter rye
c). Cowpea
d). Combining the available techniques in
d). All
the optimum level
Q.33. A farming practice influencing weed flo-
Q.24. Eradication is possible in following
ristic diversity
weed situations
a). Ageratum conyzoides a). Fertility manipulation
b). Phalaris minor b). Crop rotation
c). Intercropping
c). Parthenium hysterophorus
d). All
d). Lantana
Q.25. Besides providing N Azolla is used for e). None
Q.34. Practices using direct radiant energy of
weed control in
the sun
a). Wheat
b). Rice a). Soil solarization
b). Micro-waves
c). Castor
c). Flaming
d). Linseed
Q.26. Azolla pinnata is d). All
a). a fern Q.35. Post-plant tillage helps in
a). Mixing of manures
b). an algae
b). Control of weeds
c). a gymnosperm
d). an angiosperm c). Soil and water conservation
d). None
Q.27.Spudding involving hand weeding/
e). All
hoeing added by a sharp edged sickle is
most common in Q.36. Flooding – a worldwide crop husbandry
method of controlling weeds in
a). Wheat
a). Maize
b). Sugarcane
c). Sesame b). Sugarcane
d). Rice c). Buckwheat
d). Rice
Q.28. Dredging is most effective treatment for
Q.37. Inter-culture with bullocks in standing
a). Parasitic weeds
b). Lantana a). Rice
c). Agrestals b). Sorghum
d). Aquatic weeds c). Pearlmillet

d). all b). Paraquat
Q.38.The first chemical shown to have herbi- c). 2,4-DB
cidal activity d). Fluchloralin
a). 2,4-D Q.48. A ‘Natural amongst the following
b). Bordeux mixture a). Devine
c). Paraquat b). Glyphosate
d). 2,4- DB c). Potassium chloride
Q.39. The herbicidal activity of 2,4-D at the
d). 2,4-D
first time was reported by
a). Hammer and Tukey (1944) Q.49. A mico-herbicide
b). Zimmernam and Hitchcock (1942) a). Bt
c). Nutman and Blackman (1945) b). Collago
d). None c). NPV
Q.40. a latest herbicide family d). Zygogramma
Q.50. Application of bio-herbicides
a). Triazines
a). Aerial sprays
b). Dinitroanilines b). Cut and paste
c). Sulfonyl ureas c). Soil application
d). Growth regulators d). All
Q.41. The effective control of morphological Q.51. Dab system is successful practical
similar Phalaris minor in wheat is strategy in limiting future weed infestation
achieved with in
a). 2,4-D a). Xerophytic environments
b). Glyphosate b). Rainfed areas
c). Metsulfuron - methyl c). Water-logged areas
d). Isoproturon d). Irrigated areas
Q.42. Which of the following gives effective Q.52. Flaming and steaming are successful
control of Phalaris minor in wheat practical weed control tools in
a). Hand weeding a). Asian countries
b). Inter-cultivation b). Western countries
c). Flaming c). African countries
d). Clodinafop-proparygyl d). Japan
Q.43. Integrated weed management practices Q.53. The practice that directly hit soil weed
that seed bank in minimizing future weed in-
a). Enhance crop competitive ability festation
b). Decrease weeds ability to reduce yield a). Microwave irradiation
c). Practices that eliminate weeds from an b). Soil solarization
area c). Stale seed bed
d). Both a and b d). All e). None
e). Both a and c Q.54. A practice where one or two flushes of
Q.44. The first phase of IWM as per Sheley weeds are destroyed before seeding a
a). Integrated use of different methods crop
b). Planning and implementation a). Cheeling
c). Inventorization b). Stale seed bed
d). Monitoring and evaluation c). Searing
Q.45. Selective post-emergence herbicide d). None
a). 2,4-D Q.55. A practice that does not necessarily in-
b). Glyphosate volve tillage
c). Paraquat a). Summer ploughing/hot weather culti-
d). All vation
Q.46. A non-selective contact herbicide b). Stale seed bed
a). Glyphosate c). Soil solarization
b). Paraquat d). None
c). 2,4-D Q.56. Soil solarization increases soil tempera-
d). None ture by
Q.47. A soil applied herbicide a). 10-12 °C
a). Glyphosate b). 3-4 °C

c). 15-16 °C d). Cell division inhibition
d). 20-22 °C Q.66. Foundation for phenomenal achieve-
Q.57. The condition intensifies the spread of ment in modern chemical weed manage-
perennial propagules of weeds after be- ment
ing exposed by tillage a). Safeners
a). Hot weather b). Adjuvants
b). Rainfall c). Selectivity
c). High light intensity d). Herbicide combinations
d). High wind e). None
Q.58. Which is the ‘odd one’ based on mim- Q.67. Which of the formulations has low leach
icry ability in soils
a). Wild rice in rice a). EC
b). Wild sorghum in sorghum b). WP
c). Wild sugarcane in sugarcane c). Granules
d). Itch grass in upland rice d). WSC
Q.59. C4 weed Q.68. An enzymatic beta-oxidation process
a). Avena fatua a). Conjugation
b). Lolium temulentum b). Reverse metabolism
c). Sorghum halepense c). Translocation
d). Phalaris minor d). Metabolism
Q.60. The environment friendly weed control Q.69. In case of combined application of her-
method bicides, application rate can be reduced
a). Biological in which of the following interaction
b). Physical a). Antagonistic
c). Chemical b). Synergistic
d). None c). Additive
Q.61. To devitalize weed seeds in manure, d). None
the composting temperature must be in Q.70. Mixture of glyphosate with 2,4-D on
which of the following range field bindweed had interaction of the type
a). 35-50 °C a). Synergistic
b). 50-65 °C b). Antagonistic
c). 65-90 °C c). Additive
d). Enhancement
d). 90-105 °C
Q71. The odd one amongst the following
Q.62. Paraquat is associated with inhibition of a). Adjuvants
which of the following b). Activators
a). PSI c). Spray modifiers
b). PSII d). Utility modifiers
c). PPO Q.72. The odd one amongst the following
d). HPPD a).Surfactants
Q.63. Symptoms where shoots/leaves are b). Activators
bleached white are caused due to c). Wetting agents
a). Atrazine d). Phytobland oils
b). Glufosinate Q.73. Physical removal/loss of herbicides
c). Tembotrione a). Adsorption
d). Fluazifop-p-butyl b). Hydrolysis
Q.64. Herbicides inhibiting Acetolactate Syn- c). Deamination
thase (ALS) associated with making of d). Dealkylation
leusine, isoleucine and valine Q.74. Deactivation of herbicides in the plant
a). Ureas system
b). Sulfonylureas a). Conjugation
c). Chloracitamides b). Accumulation
d). Bipyridilliums c). Secretion
Q.65. Mode of action of isoproturon d). All
a). PSII inhibition e). None
b). ACCase inhibition Q.75. In the development of transgenics, tol-
c). Glutamine synthatase inhibition erance to herbicide glufosinate is
conferred by which of the following Q.84.Competitive crops such as corn or soy-
a). bar bean require weed-free period of
b). CP4 a). 2 months
c). gox b). 3-4 weeks
c). 3 months
d). All
d). None of the above
e). None Q.85.Wheat and bajra have critical period of
Q.76. Striga densiflora and Orobanche aegyp- crop-weed competition
tica are the weeds of a).10-20 days
a). Rice and Wheat b).15-30 days
b). Sugarcane and Mustard c). 30-45 days
c). Wheat and Sugarcane d). 20-40 days
d). Oats and Rice Q.86.Percent reduction in grain yield of trans-
Q.77. Phalaris minor has developed resis- planted rice due to weeds is
tance to isoproturon in Punjab and Hary- a). 20-40
ana in b).10-30
a). Rice c).15-20
b). Wheat d).15-45
c). Sugarcane Q.87.Sugarcane takes about how much time
d). Cotton to complete its germination phase
Q.78.Which of the weed accumulates more a).10 days
phosphrous content of over 3%. b).15 days
a). Digitaria c). One month
b). Amaranthus d). 60 days
c). Chenopodium Q.88.Factors affecting weed-crop interference
d). Portuluca are
Q.79.Two or more species coexist in a place a). Period of weed growth
due to the reason b). Soil and climate influence
a). Different nutritional requirement c). Plant species effects
b). Different causes of mortality d). All
c). Different time demand for growth fac- Q.89.Deep germinating weed seeds are at
tors depth of
d). All a). Upto 5cm
Q.80.Consumptive use of Chenopodium al- b). 2.5 cm
bum is c). 15cm
a). 200 mm d). 1cm
b). 550 mm Q.90.Shallow germinating weed seeds are at
c). 750 mm depth
d). 1000 mm a). Upto 5cm
Q.81.Intra-specific competition is between b).10 cm
a). Plants of the cultivated species and c).15cm
weed species d).7.5cm
b). Plants of the same weed species Q.91.Surface germinating weed seeds are at
c). Plants of the different weed species depth
d). None of the above a). 1cm
Q.82.The producer usually is most concerned b). 2.5cm
about the c). 7.5cm
a). Competitive threshold d).15cm
b). Economic threshold Q.92.Consumptive use of wheat is
c). Both a and b a). 800 mm
d). None of the above b). 679 mm
Q.83. Noncompetitive crops such as onion or c). 979 mm
garlic require a weed-free period of d). 479 mm
a). 3 months or more
b). One month Q.93.Percent reduction in yield in case of on-
c).10 days ion due to weeds is
d). None of the above a). 20-30
b). 30-35 d). Active ingredient
c). 60-70 Q.103.Which of the following is used to re-
d).15-20 duce toxicity
Q.94.Production practices that influence weed a). Reductant
shift are b). Safener
a). Effectiveness of weed management c). Adsorbent
program d). Adjuvant
b). Speed of weed shift occurrence Q.104.Critical period of crop weed competi-
c). Interface areas tion in sugarcane is
d). All a). 30-40 days
Q.95.Test weight of Phalaris minor is b). 30-120 days
a).10 g c). 10-40 days
b).15 g d). 15-30 days
c). 7g Q.105.Generally weeds seeds are abundant
d). 2 g at a depth of
Q.96.One to two flushes of weeds are de- a). 1.0-1.5cm
stroyed before planting of crop is called b). 5 cm
a). Stale seed bed c).10cm
b). Blind hoeing d).15cm
c). Weeding Q.106.Which herbicide group inhibitor the
d). Summer ploughing photosynthesis reaction ?
Q.97.Struggle for survival and existence is a). Thiocarbamates
called b). Triazines
a). Critical period c). Cyclohexanedione
b). Competition d). Benzoic acid
c). Dormancy Q.107.Which herbicide group inhibit the lipid
d). Persistence synthesis?
Q.98.Weed responsible for forest fire is a). Cyclohexanedione
a). Aligator weed b). Acetanilides
b). Sorghum halepense c). Uracils
c). Lantana d). Nitriles
d). Amaranthus Q.108.A pre plant incorporated herbicide
Q.99.Active toxic material present in the for- a). Paraquat
mulation is b). Delapon
a). Acid equivalent c). Uracils
b). Phytochemical d). Fluchloralin
c). Active ingredient Q.109.Which herbicide is systemic and trans-
d). Surfactant located type ?
Q.100.To compete comes from the word com- a). Atrazine
petere which is b). Diuron
a). Greek c). Paraquat
b). German d). Glyphosate
c). Latin Q.110.Which herbicide is used in aquatic
d). English weed control?
Q.101.The period at which maximum crop a). Acrolein
weed competition occurs is b). Delapon
a). Critical period c). Diuron
b). Dormancy d). Picloram
c). Flaming Q.111.What is the chemical name of MCPA ?
d).Threshold a).2-(4-chloro-2 methylphenoxy acid
b). 4-(4 chloro-2 methylphenoxy acid
Q.102.An ingredient added to a formulation c). 4- chloro-2 –methylphenoxy acid
for enhancing the action of toxicant is d). 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acid
Q.112.What is the chemical name of
a). Adsorbent
Dicamba ?
b). Adjuvant
a).3-amino-2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid
c). Antidote
b). 3,6-dichloro2-metoxybenzoic acid b). Glyphosate
c). 2,3,6- trichlorobenzoic acid c). Paraquat
d). None of the above d). 2,4-D
Q.113.What is the mode of action of sulfona- Q.123.Which herbicide group is photosynthe-
mide herbicide sis inhibitor?
a). Amino acid synthesis inhibitor a). Nitriles
b). Photosynthesis inhibitor b). Carbamate
c). Lipid inhibitor c). Dicarboxylic acid
d). Pigment inhibitor d). Dinitroanilines
Q.114.Which herbicide is amino acid synthe- Q.124.The mode of action of paraquat is
sis inhibitor a). Amino acid synthesis inhibition
a). Glyphosate b). Pigment inhibition
b). 2,4-D c). Cell membrane disruption
c). MCPA d). Shoot inhibition
d).Atrazine Q.125.Which herbicide mode of action is pig-
Q.115.What is the mode of action of diclofop ment inhibitor?
a). Root inhibition a). MCPA
b). Shoot inhibition b). Fluchloralin
c). lipid inhibition c). Chlomazone
d). Photosynthesis inhibition d). 2,4-D
Q.116.The mode of action of dinitroanilines Q.126.Roundup introduced in which year
a). Shoot growth inhibitor a).1972
b). Lipid inhibitor b).1986
c). Root growth inhibitor c).1967
d). Amino acid inhibitor d).1971
Q.117.Which herbicide’s mode of action is Q.127.Change in molecular structure of ap-
root growth inhibition? plied herbicides inside the plant is
a). Fluchloralin known as
b). MCPA a). Conjugation
c). Glyphosate b). Metabolism
d). Alachlor c). Reverse metabolism
Q.118.The mode of action of thiocarbonates d). Degradation
is Q.128.Which is Post emergence herbicide ?
a). Lipid inhibitor a). Propanil
b). Cell membrane dispruption b). Fluchloralin
c). Pigment inhibitor c). Alachor
d). Shoot inhibitor d). Thiobencarb
Q.119.The mode of action of Atrazine is Q.129.Which herbicide is pre - plant applied
a). Pigment inhibition herbicides ?
b). Cell membrane disruption a). Dalapon
c). Seedling growth inhibition b). 2,4-D
d). Photosynthesis inhibition c). Alachlor
Q.120.Which herbicide not belong to triazine d). All
group Q.130.Which is non – selective herbicide ?
a).Atrazine a). Glyphosate
b).Metribuzin b). Fluchloralin
c).Bentazon c). 2,4-D
d).Ametryn d). Propanil
Q.121.The mode of action of Isoproturon is Q.131.Trade name of Nitrofen ?
a). Root inhibitor a).Lasso
b). Shoot inhibitor b).Toke - E - 25
c). Photosynthesis inhibition c).Round up
d). Amino acid inhibition d).Plant guard
Q.122.Which herbicide is photosynthesis in- Q.132.Which herbicide belong to pyridines
hibitor ? group ?
a). Bromacil a). Picoloram

b). Dicamba c). Clay
c). Chloramben d). Sandy
d). Imazethapyn Q.142. Herbicides prone to photodecomposi-
Q.133.Metsulfron herbicide belong to which tion such as Trifluralin, monuron,
group chloramben and PCP should be applied
a). Sulfonylureos in
b). Pyridines a). Morning
c). Benzoic b). Evening
d). Carboxalic group c). Afternoon
Q.134.Triallate herbicide belong to which d). all
group? Q.143. The greatest factor affecting herbicide
a). Triazines adsorption is
b). Benzoic a). pH
c).Thiocarbomates b). Salt
d). Uracils c). SOM
Q.135.Paraquat herbicide belong to which d). Soil nutrient
group Q.144. Which type of clay will adsorb more
a). Bipyridylium herbicide?
b). Benzoic a). Montmorillonite
c). Carboxalic b). Illite
d). Uraciles c). Kaolinite
Q.136. Which of the plants will show more d). b & c
susceptibility to herbicide application? Q.145. Montmorillonite clays adsorb more
a). Stressed herbicide as compared to other clays
b). Healthy due to
c). Old a). Expanding lattices
d). all b). more surface area
Q.137. The weather condition is optimum for c). More negatively charged sites
herbicidal weed control? d). All
a). High temperature low humidity Q.146. Herbicides are more tightly bound to
b). High temperature high humidity soils under which of the condition
c). warm temperature high humidity a). Field capacity
d). cold temperature low humidity b). Saturated
Q.138. The type of soils which require higher c). Both a and b
dose of herbicides to be effective is d). Dry
a). Inceptisols Q.147. Herbicides are less effective on weeds
b). Histosols under which of the soil condition
c). Oxisols a). Field capacity
d). Ultisols b). Saturated
Q.139. The ideal temperature for application c). Both a and b
of post-emergent herbicides is in the d). Dry
range of Q.148. Which of the following herbicides will
a). 150C to 200C be tightly bound to the soil?
b). 150C to 250C a). Trifluralin KOC(mL/g)= 7000
c). 180C to 300C b). Paraquat KOC(mL/g)= 10,00,000
d). 250C to 350C c). Glyphosate KOC(mL/g)= 24,000
Q.140. Volatilisation losses are more in which d). Alachlor KOC(mL/g)= 124
of the following condition Q.149. Herbicide leaching is prominent in
a). Cold a). Sandy
b). Warm b). Sandy loam
c). Humid c). Clay loam
d). Dry d). loam
Q.141. Highly soluble herbicides like 2,4-D Q.150. Pesticide Leaching Potential (PLP) is
salt, Dalapon and TCA have to be based on
avoided in which of the soil type a). Water solubility
a). Peat b). Tendency for adsorption
b). Red c). Both a and b
d). pH Q.160. Humicants acts as an agent to prevent
Q.151. Ground Water Contamination Potential a). Washing off
(GWCP) is determined by b). Spreading
a). PLP c). Drying
b). SLP d). Incompatibility
c). both a and b Q.161. An example of Humicant is
d). KOC a). Sodium alginate
Q.152. The major means for herbicide dissi- b). Glycerol
pation is which type of following degra- c). Acetone
dation d). Petroleum ether
a). Microbial Q.162. Surfactants are
b). Chemical a). cationic
c). photo b). Non-ionic
d). Physical c). Anionic
Q.153. Oxadiazon has a half life of 60 days, d). All
so after 120 days the concentration will Q.163. A farmer, in order to save one spray-
be ing operations mix herbicides, insecti-
a). ½ cide, fungicide etc. at the time of spray,
b). ¼ to achieve this feature add
c). 1/3 a). Compatibility agents
d). 1/5 b). Spreaders
Q.154. In soils with low fertility, the degrada- c). Activators
tion of herbicides is d). Adhesive
a). Slow Q.164. efficacy of an activator adjuvant is a
b). Constant function of
c). Fast a). Adjuvant only
d). no effect b). Herbicide only
Q.155. Microbial breakdown of phenoxy herbi- c). Both a&b
cides such as 2,4-D and MCPA is en- d). Antagonism
hanced by addition of Q.165. Drift susceptible size of droplets in mi-
a). Nitrate cron diameter is
b). Sulphate a). 150-200
c). Phosphate b). 200-250
d). Chlorate c). <150
Q.156. An additive that makes herbicide for- d). >250
mulation mix with water is called Q.166. Herbicides which avoids photodecom-
a). fertilizer position by being rapidly absorbed
b). an adjuvant a.)Dinitroanilines
c). a pellet b).Pinoxaden
d). a mixer c).Sethoxydim
Q.157. Surfactants act as d).quizalofop-p-ethyl
a). Wetting agent Q.167. Other than ai, by which of the following
b). Spreading agent phytotoxicity may occur
c). Penetrants a).solvents
d). All b).impurities’
Q.158. Constant physical agitation of the c).high dose
spray liquid during field operations can d).all
be minimised by adding Q.168. A transport process in herbicide re-
a). Emulsifiers moval
b). Coupling agents a).volatilization
c). Surfactants b).photo-decomposition
d). Humicants c).chemical decomposition
Q.159. Herbicide emulsion is based on d).microbial degradation
a). Oil in water Q.169. A degradative process in herbicide
b). Water in oil removal from a site
c). Oil in water in oil a).leaching
d). All b).photo-decomposition
c).volatilization Q.178. The potential of a pesticide for causing
d).adsorption damage to plants is its:
Q.170. The first genetically modified plants a). phytotoxicity
from Monsanto resistant to glyphosate b). lethal dose
which achieved widespread success c). defoliation ability
were d). chronicity
a). Maize Q.179. An additive that makes pesticide for-
b). Canola mulation mix with water is called:
c). Cotton a). safener
d). Soybeans b). A mixer
Q.171. The authority associated with the first c). an adjuvant
genetically modified plants the soybean d). a pellet
resistant to glyphosate from Monsanto Q.180. Method used to control small brushes
which achieved widespread success a). spraying
was b). uprooting
a.) Rachel Carson (May 27, 1907 – April c). basal barking
14, 1964) d). all
b). Fritz Haber (9 December 1868 – 29 Q.181. Basal applications will be more effec-
January 1934) tive during which stage
c). Robert Fraley (birthdate: 1953) a). active
d). Norman Borlaug (March 25, 1914 – b). mature
September 12, 2009) c). Dormant
Q.172. The first genetically modified plants, d). None
the soybean resistant to glyphosate was Q.182. There is a greater risk of damage of
developed during herbicide in protected environments due
a). 1983 to
b). 2003 a). absorption
c). 1993 b). leaching
d). 1973 c). runoff
Q.173. A systemic pesticide ? d). volatilization
a). kills anything it touches Q.183. Sulfonylurea herbicides inhibits
b). root absorbed a). ALS
c). Root/shoot absorbed & transloca- b). EPSP synthase
tive c). PSI
d). shoot absorbed d). PSII
Q.174. A herbicide is used to kill what type of Q.184. Cross resistance occurs due to
pest? a). genetic trait
a). plants b). Plant height
b). insects c). Roots
c). diseases d). Environmental factors
d). bacteria Q.185. Herbicide Antidotes
Q.175. Glyphosate is the active ingredient of: a). protect crop plants
a). Gramoxone b). harm crop plants
b). Treflan c). Protect weeds
c). Himore d). Harm weeds
d). Round-up Q.186. Interaction between the herbicide 2,4-
Q.176. What herbicide classification does 2-4- D and the herbicide 2,4,5-T is
D fall into? a). antagonistic
a). Soil, Short residual, non-selective b). synergetic
b). Foliage, contact, non-selective c). additive
c). Foliage, translocative, selective d). Enhancement
d). Soil, Long residual, selective Q.187. Pest control measures are best imple-
Q.177. What are the units of LD50? mented
a). mg/kg body weight a). before fruiting
b). g/g body weight b). before the destructive stage
c). kg/g of body weight c). after plants flower
d). mg/g body weight d). after the pest starts attack
Q.188. A herbicide applied to the soil before b). synergistic on monocot
planting a crop is called a c). Antagonistic on monocot
a). pre-emergence d). Antagonistic on dicot
b). Post-emergence Q.197. Simazine or atrazine is added to gly-
c). Pre-plant phosate solution then glyphosate activ-
d). None ity
Q.189. Chemigation is the process of applica- a). constant
tion through b). enhanced
a). Irrigation water c). reduced
b). Foliar spray d). None of the above
c). Soil application Q.198. Surfactants.................................. the
d). Basal application surface tension of spray droplets
Q.190. Multiple resistance is the phenomenon a). do not affect
in which a weed is resistant to two or b). decrease
more herbicides having c). increase
a). same mechanisms of action d). All
b). different mechanisms of action Q.199. factors to consider in improving the
c). same chemistry effectiveness of herbicides application
d). different chemistry a). Increasing management diversity
Q.191. Herbicide Resistance can be managed b). application timing
through c). inherent efficacy of herbicide
a). Stop to Use of herbicides with the d). All
same mechanism of action Q.200. Processes that break down the herbi-
b). Use proactive weed control cides after application in-
c). Use of post emergence herbicides cludes............................
with at least one mechanism of ac- a). Photo and microbial degradation
tion b). adsorption and uptake
d). All of the above c). leaching and runoff
Q.192. Naphthalic anhydride is an d). volatilization and run off
a). a safener Q.201. Herbicide application is mainly influ-
b). an adjuvant enced by
c). an emulsifier a). Application rate, timing and meth-
d). a pellet ods
Q.193. In a soil-free system, the most effec- b). Application rate, weather conditions
tive safener was the ……………….one and soil types
most in structure to the herbicide c). weather conditions, soil types and
a). similar water chemistry
b). different d). All
c). systematic Q.202. What is the information put on the la-
d). contact bel of a pesticide container
Q.194. Naphthalic anhydride represented a a). company name and address
major pathway of its degradation in soil b). directions for use
through c). storage and limitations of product
a). hydrolysis d). all
b). dealkylation Q.203. The most imprecise way of herbicide
c). oxidation application
d).decarboxylation a).Misting
Q.195. performance of naphthalic anhydride b).Aerial spraying
against EPTC was marginal in which c).Foliar spray
type of soils d).Basal barking
a).clay Q.204. A application method to avoid herbi-
b). clay loam cide drift
c). loamy a).Misting
d). sandy silt b).Wick wiping
Q.196. Mixture of 2,4-D and chlorpropham is c).Foliar spray
a). synergistic on dicot d).Basal barking

Q.205. Volume of spray fluid in ultra low vol- c). Maize
ume spraying d).Sugarbeet
a).300-500 l/ha Q.215. Herbicide are registered under which
b).2-5 l/ha insecticide registration act
c).25-50 l/ha a).1968
d).100-150 l/ha b).1969
Q.206. Herbicide resistant crops are called as c).1964
a).Transgenic d).1962
b). Non transgenic Q.216. Glufosinate (Bar) is resistant trait of
c). Both transgenic and non trans- which crop
genic a).Soybean
d). None of the above b).Sugarbeet
Q.207. Triazine resistant canola is example of c).Maize
a).Transgenic d).Cotton
b). Non transgenic Q.217. Gluphosate + Glufosinate (Double
c). Both Stack) is resistant trait of which crop
d). None of the above a).Canola
Q.208. Non transgenic herbicide resistant b). Sugarbeet
crops were developed using c). Soybean
a).Conventional breeding d).Maize
b).Genetic engineering Q.218. How many modes of action commer-
c).None of the above cialized between 1970 and 1985
d).Both a).6
Q.209. Release of Bromoxynil resistant cotton b).9
a).1980 c).10
b).1999 d).12
c).1995 Q.219. Glyphosate (Cp4 epsps) resistant trait
d).1987 for sugarbeet crop first sale in which
Q.210. Glufosinate resistant cotton was com- year ?
mercially made available in a).1998
a).1993 b).1986
b).1985 c).2007
c).2004 d).2003
d).1990 Q.220. Glufosinate (pat) resistant trait for
Q.211. Bromoxynil (Bxn) is resistant trait of maize crop first sale in which year ?
which crop a).2000
a).Soybean b).1992
b).Sugarbeet c).1995
c).Maize d).1997
d).Cotton Q.221. How many types of research is used
Q.212. Transgenic herbicide resistant crops to discover new compound for new
were developed using pesticide
a).Conventional breeding a).Four
b).Genetic engenering b).Two
c).None c).One
d).Both d).Three
Q.213. Transgenic crops were first introduced Q.222. In empirical type of research, Re-
in seacher looks for
a).1985 a).New chemical entities
b).1983 b).Loopholes in patents
c).1993 c).Studies the ways natural products
d).1990 work & then tries to make molecules
Q.214. Among the herbicide resistant crops, that act similarly
which crop was the most dominant d).None
transgenic crops in 2010 Q.223. aquatic plant used by companies for
a).Soybean assessing bioactivity
b). Cotton a).Pistia stratiotes
b). Liverworts Q.232. Mimic type of research, Reseacher
c). Nelumbo nucifera looks for
d). Lemma a). Studies the way natural products
Q.224. Intermediate rate of benchmark dose work & then tries to make mole-
a).1/10 cules that act similarly
b).1/8 b). New chemical enties
c).1/5 c). None of the above
d).1/7 d). Loopholes in patents
Q.225. How many years a patent take for fi- Q.233. Monocot are natural resistant to
nite lifespan a). Triazine
a). 20 b). Pyrimidine
b). 15 c). Pyridine
c). 12 d). Atrazine
d). 17 Q.234. Which of these is not a broad spec-
Q.226. Metto type of research, Reseacher trum herbicide
looks for a). Atrazine
a). Loopholes in patents b). Paraquat
b). Studies the way natural products c). Bromoxynil
work & then tries to make molecules d). Glyphosate
that act similarly Q.235. Herbicide currently being used with
c). None of the above herbicide resistant crops
d). New chemical entities a). Glyphosate
Q.227. Lowest dose of the benchmark b). Glufosinate
a).1/90 c). Both
b).1/100 d). None
c).1/80 Q.236.The term allelopathy was given by
d).1/50 a). Rice (1974)
Q.228. Insecticide/herbicide registration b). Molisch (1937)
comes under which rule c). Decondole (1832)
a). 1971 d). Molisch (1930)
b). 1969 Q.237.The presence of marigold (Tagestes
c). 1962 erecta) plants and weed coffeesena
d). 1968 (Casssia sp.) exerts allelopathic effect
Q.229. The process by which a molecule is on
discovered, developed and formulated a). Orobanche
into a pesticide product is b). Striga
a). Tenuous and risky c). Parthenium
b). Mimic d). All of above
c). Both Q.238.Root exudates of which crop has allelo-
d). None pathic effect on Chenopodium album?
Q.230. Which are required during trialling to a). Wheat
ensure that the effectiveness of the her- b). Oat
bicide is tested against all pests c). Pea
a). Plant pathologists d). All
b). Entomologists Q.239.Which weed is considered as biopesti-
c). Both Plant pathologists and Ento- cide and severely inhibit the growth of
mologists water hyacinth?
d). None a). Parthenium
Q.231. High levels of Adoption of herbicide b). Echinochloa
resistant crops have dramatically c). Cuscuta
____________ the use of herbicides d). Lantana
a).I ncreased Q.240.Strigol, a witch weed stimulant isolated
b). Decreased from the root exudates of
c). No effect a). Cotton
d). None of the above b). Sorghum

c). Alfaalfa converted into active substances
d). Cowpea by some microorganisms
Q.241.Continuous cropping of which legume c). No release of any toxic substance
crop cause auto allelopathy? d). release of nitrogen from nodule of
a). Chickpea legume takes place
b). Alfa-alfa Q.250.First mycoherbicide developed by Ab-
c). Cowpea bott Laboratories, USA was
d). Pigeonpea a).Biosedge
Q.242.Environmental factors which increases b). Devine
the allelopathic effects are c). Collego
a).low soil fertility d). Biomal
b). Warm wet condition Q.251.Devine produce lethal root and collar
c). Cold wet conditions rot in
d). a and b a).Velvet leaf
Q.243.Which among the following crops ex- b). Joint vetch
hibits allo-allelopathy? c). Strangler wine
a).Maize d). Dodder
b). Sorghum Q.252.Collego was developed to control
c). Rye a). Aeschynomene indica
d). All b). Eichhornia
Q.244.Allelochemicals subject to volatilization c). Cuscuta
a). Terpinoids d). Morrenia odorata
b). Tannins Q.253.VELGO is a bioherbicide used against
c). Purines a). Echinochloa
d). All b). Parthenium
Q.245.Which group of allelochemicals con- c). Cenchrus
tains Quinones and Coumarines? d). Abutilon
a). Flavinoids Q.254.Commercial bioherbicide first appear in
b). Cinnamic acid derivatives the market in early 1980s
c). Tannins a). Divine
d). None b). College
Q.246.Phenolic acid as root exudates of c). Biomal
which crop has detrimental effects on d). All
wild mustard? Q.255.Which among the following bioherbi-
a). Wheat cide has control efficiency more than 90
b). Oats per cent?
c). Chickpea a). Collego
d). a & b b). Devine
Q.247. A crop has residual allelopathy on c). CASST
wheat d). Biomal
a). Rice Q.256.Which bioherbicide is a liquid formula-
b). Lentil tion of spores used to control Cuscuta
c). Maize chinensis and Cuscuta australis?
d). Sorghum a). Smolder
Q.248.Which crop exhibit direct allelopathy? b). LuBao
a). Sorghum c). ABG-5003
b). Maize d). a & b
c). Lentil Q.257.Classical strategy of biological ap-
d). Alfalfa proach involves
Q.249.In functional allelopathy a). Biocontrol agent
a). Toxic substances are released as b). Bioherbicides
such from the plants c). Bio assay
b). A precursor is released and is d). a & b

Q.258.The successful development of which Q.267.The term, allelopathy came into exis-
bioherbicide led to the discovery of Bio- tence in
mal? a). 1937 AD
a). Devine b). 500 BC
b). Collego c). 1974 AD
c). Biosedge d). 1832 AD
d). a & b Q.268.____________ is a selective post –
Q.259.CASST is a bio herbicide used to con- emergence herbicide used for weed
trol control in rice
a). Cenchrus a). Bispyribac-sodium
b). Cassia obtusifolia b). Butachlor
c). Echinochloa c). Pretilachlor
d). Eichhornia d). Atrazine
Q.260.Epinasty of cotton is used to measure Q.269.Atrazine recommended to be applied
qualitative assay of as ____________application in maize
a). Atrazine a). Pre-emergence
b). 2,4-D b). Early post-emergence
c). Diuron c). Post-emergence
d). Alachlor d).All of the above
Q.261.Which crop is an indicator plant for the Q.269.Atrazine recommended to be applied
bio assay of Triazines and Aliphatics? as _________application in maize
a). Sugarbeet a). Pre-emergence
b). Sorghum b). Early post-emergence
c). Cotton c). Post-emergence
d). Mustard d). All of the above
Q.262.Sorghum is bioassay species for which Q.270. Which of the herbicide (ai) requiring
group of herbicide? higher amount for a unit area to be
a). Dinitroanilines sprayed
b). Dicamba a). Bispyribac-sodium
c). Triazines b). Butachlor
d). a & b c). Cyhalofop-butyl
Q.263.Which indicator plant is used in germi- d). Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl
nation test of bioassay? Q.271. In india herbicides are registered un-
a). Cucumber der which of the following Act
b). Sorghum a). Herbicide Registration Act
c). Oat b). Insecticide Act, 1968
d). All c). Environment Policy, 2005
Q.264.To prepare soils for the bioassay, her- d). Indian Agrochemicals Registration
bicides get inactivated by Act
a). Darco G-60 Q.272. An approach where bio-herbicides are
b). Activated charcoal used to control indigenous weed spe-
c). a & b cies
d). None a). Inundative approach
Q.265.A test method using organism to deter- b). Inoculative approach
mine the presence of herbicide effect is c). Classical approach
a). Herbicide analysis d). None of the above
b). Bio assay Q.273. A natural to manage pest
c). Bio control a). Bt
d). None of these b). Devine
Q.266.The term, allelopathy was given by c). NPV
a). Rice d).All of the above
b). Molisch Q.274. A bio-herbicide to control Poa annua
c). Decondole a). Smolder (Alternaria destruens)
d). Democritus b). Woad Warrior (Puccinia thaspeos)

c). Sarritor (Sclerotinia minor) c). Cost of producing one more unit of a
d). Camperico (Xanthomonas good
campestris) d). All
Q.275. If 1.35 kg/ha of fluchloralin is to be ap- Q.284. Net returns
plied, Basalin 45 SL required is a). Gross return – Fixed cost – Variable
a). 3 litre cost
b). 2 litre b). Gross return – Variable cost
c). 1.35 litre c). Gross return – Fixed cost
d).2.7 litre d). Gross return – Total cost
Q.276. Amount of Alachlor 50% EC for spray- i) a & b, ii) a & c, iii) a & d, iv) b & d
ing 12 ha maize field (given the dose Q.285. The most productive treatment based
1.5 kg ai/ha) on weed index values
a). 36 kg a). WI = 24.2
b). 18 kg b). WI = 2.2
c). 54 kg c). WI = -24.2
d).12 kg d). WI = -2.2
Q.277. Amount of Topic 10% for 4000 m2 if Q.286. If relative frequency, abundance and
rate of clodinafop is 60 g/ha. density values are 6, 5 and 4, respec-
a). 600 g tively, then summed dominance ratio is
b). 480 g a). 15
c). 300 g b). 5
d). 240 g c). 7.5
Q.278. Amount of 2,4-D amine salt at 10 ppm d). 3
for a pond measuring 40mx20mx5m Q.287. Weed intensity if number of weeds is
a). 0.4 kg 110/m2 and wheat plants are 90/m2.
b). 400 kg a). 55%
c). 40 kg b). 110%
d). 4 kg c). 22.5%
Q.279. Herbicidal control for isoproturon resis- d). 77.5%l
tance Phalaris minor in wheat Q.288. Weed control index if weed dry weight
a). Sulfosulfuron 25 g/ha of a treatment is 200 g/m2 and that of
b). Clodinafop-propargyl 60 g/ha weed check was 600 g/m2
c). Penoxaden 50 g/ha a). 33.3%
d). All b). 66.7%
Q.280. A broad-leaf herbicide in wheat c). 25%
a). Carfentrazone – ethyl 20 g/ha d). None of these
b). Metsulfuron – methyl 4 g/ha Q.289. If gross and net return of a treatment
c). 2,4-D 500 g/ha are INR 51000 and INR 34000/ha, re-
d). All spectively, B:C will be
Q.281. A post-emergence herbicide in Soy- a). 1.67:1
bean b). 3:1
a). Pendimethalin 1.2 kg/ha c). 2:1
b). Quazalofop – ethyl 60 g/ha d).1:1
c). Fluchloralin 0.9 kg/ha Q.290. If cost of the herbicide is INR 1000
d). Thiobencarb 1.50 kg/ha and application cost is INR 500 and net
Q.282. Herbicidal control for Lantana return over weedy is INR 15000, MBCR
a). Glyphosate will be
b). Atrazine a). 35
c). Pendimethalin b). 25
d). Alachlor c). 15
d). 10
Q.283. Marginal cost refers to
Q.291. The most common weed in wheat
a). Additional cost from taking a course
a). Avena ludoviciana
of action
b). Echinochloa colona
b). Increase in cost accompanies a unit
c). Panicum dichotomiflorum
increase in output
d). Eleusine indica

Q.292. A common weed of lowland rice Q.301. Each year an awareness week is or-
a). Phalaris minor ganized by DWR Jabalpur, an ICAR In-
b). Avena fatua stitute in reference to which of the weed
c). Monochoria vginalis a). Lantana camara
d). Lolium temulentum b). Chromolaena adenophorum
Q.293. A nitrogen fixing weed species in c). Parthenium hysterophorus
wheat d). Imperata cylindrica
a). Lathyrus aphaca Q.302. Directorate of Weed Research is situ-
b). Medicago denticulata ated at
c). Vicia sativa a). Jabalpur, MP
d). All b). Karnal, Haryana
Q.294. A weed escape/resist pre-emergence c). Jhansi, UP
atrazine application in maize under mid d). Navsari, Gujarat
hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh Q.303. A herbicide for controlling weeds in
a). Ageratum conuzoides grassland and pastures
b). Commelina banghalensis a). 2,4-D
c). Brachiaria ramosa b). Carfentrazone
d). All of the above c). Metsulfuron-methyl
Q.295. A weed not controlled by clodinafop- d). All
propargyl in wheat Q.304. Herbicidal control of pre-established
a). Poa annua thatch grass (Imperata cylindrical) con-
b). Phalaris minor trol in tea orchard
c). Avena ludoviciana a). Glyphosate + 2,4-D
d). Lolium temulentum b). Oxyflourfen + 2,4-D
Q.296. Weed species wgich can tolerate so- c). Diuron + 2,4-D
larisation effect d). Paraquat + 2,4-D
a). Phalaris minor Q.305. Chemical control of Parthenium hys-
b). Sorghum halepense terophorus
c). Alopecurus myosuroides a). Metsulfuron methyl
d). Lolium temulentum b). Metribuzin
Q.297. A deep rooted hygrophilous perennial c). Atrazine
a). Phragmites d). All
b). Equisetum Q.306. The 25th Asian Pacific Weed Science
c). Juncus Society Conference (October 13-16,
d). All 2015) was held at
Q.298. Pendimethalin is an effective treat- a). Hyderabad, India
ment for weed control in b). Colombo, Sri Lanka
a). Brinjal, tomato, chillies etc c). Seoul, South Korea
b). Cabbage and cauliflower d). Brisbane, Australia
c). Onion and garlic Q.307. The Asian Pacific Weed Science Soci-
d). All ety (APWSS) was founded in
Q.299. Pendimethalin an effective herbicidal a). 1667
treatment in b). 1985
a). Gladiolus c). 1951
b). Gerbera d). 1992
c). Tuberos Q.308. National Research Centre for Weed
d). All Science (NRCWS), now Directorate of
Q.300. Three-phased integrated technology Weed Research (DWR) Jabalpur came
including cutting, spray of glyphosate into existence on
and land utilization as per its capability a). 22 April, 1982
for the management of Lantana camara b). 22 April, 1985
was developed at c). 22 April, 1989
a). Jabalpur, MP d). 22 April, 1997
b). Palampur, HP Q.309. The Founder Director of NRCWS, now
c). Jaipur, Rajesthan DWR Jabalpur was
d). Hisar, Haryana a). Dr V.M. Bhan

b). Dr V.N. Saraswat b). Atrazine
c). Dr. N.T. Yaduraju c). Sodium arsenate
d). Dr. A.R. Sharma d). 2,4-D
Q.310. Indian Society of Weed Science was Q.318. 2,4-D was first tested in India in
founded in a). 1950
a). 1958 b). 1946
b). 1968 c). 1943
d). 1942
c). 1989
Q.319. Scheme for testing the field performance of
d). 1997 hrbicidies in rice, wheat and sugarcane in
Q.311. The international Weed Science Soci- different states of India by ICAR was initi-
ety (IWSS) was formed in ated in
a). 1955 a). 1948
b). 1968 b). 1952
c). 1975 c). 1956
d). 1985 d). 1960
Q.312. The official peer-reviewed Journal of Q.320. A widely used pre-plant herbicide in con-
the EWRS (European Weed Research servation agricultural systems
a). Pendimethalin
Society) is
b). Trifluralin
a). Journal of Crop and Weed c). Glyphosate
b). Weed Research d). Fluchloralin
c). Weed Science Q.321. Established at Hisar in 1968, who was the
d). Weed Biology and Management founder President/Secretary of ISWS
Q.313. Weed Science of America is publish- a). Dr. MK Moolani
ing which of the Journals b). Dr. RK Malik
a). Weed Science c). Dr. VM Bhan
b). Weed Technology d). Dr. RS Paroda
c). Invasive Plant Science and Manage- Q.322. The first person who used the term weed
ment a). Jethro Tull
d). All the above b). Liebig
c). James Hampshire
Q.314. When NRCWS Jabalpur was up- d). None of these
graded to Directorate of Weed Science Q.323. The weed used as a fence
Research (DWSR) a). Bermuda grass
a). 2005 b). Quack grass
b). 2009 c). Prickly pear
c). 2011 d). Digitaria
d). 2014 Q.324. A troublesome weed of water body
Q.315. When DWR (Directorate of Weed Re- a). Water lilly
search) renamed from DWSR b). Lotus (Nelumbo sp)
(Directorate of Weed Science Re- c). Water hyacinth
d). All the above
search) Q.325. Number of weed species identified in the
a). 2011 world
b). 2013 a). 30
c). 2014 b). 300
d). 2016 c). 3000
Q.316. Besides isoproturon resistance in P. d). 30000
minor, other cases of herbicide resis- Q.326. Complete crop failure is caused in which of
tance reported in India are the following crops
a). Poa annua a). Vegetables
b). Brachiaria ramosa b). Upland rice
c). both a and b
c). Commelina sp
d). Wheat
d). None of the above
Q.327. Which of the weeds make harvesting diffi-
Q.317. The earliest attempt to control weeds cult
by herbicides was made in 1937 in Pun- a). Canada thistle
jab to control Carthamus oxyacantha by b). Cocklebur
using c). Wild safflower
a). Sulfosulfuron d). All of these

Q.328. Present in sweet clover, an anti-blood co- Q.338. Weed which reduces the Juice quality of
agulant in animals is named as __________ sugarcane is
a). Dicumarin a). Aeginitia indica
b). Swainsonne b). Striga litura
c). Lantradene A c). Both a and b
d). None of these d). None of these
Q.329. Established at Hisar in 1968, who was the Q.339. A diocious weed
founder President/Secretary of ISWS a). Canada thistle
a). Amaranthus sp b). Eel grass
b). Chenopodium c). Amaranthus sp
c). Circium sp d). Both a and b
d). All of these Q.340. A weed producing > 1 lakh seeds/plant
Q.330. Which weed induces asthama in humans a). Amaranthus sp
due to pollen spread? b). Portulaca sp
a). Ambrosia artemissifolia c). Both a and b
b). Franseria sp d). Cascutta sp
c). Both a and b Q.341. an ephemerals
d). None of these a). Phyllanthus niruri
Q.331. Weed responsible for dermal allergies on b). Phyllanthus fraternus
human is c). Both a and b
a). Carrot grass d). Commelina benghalensis
b). Common rag weed Q.342. The weed producing smallest seed
c). Sneeze weed a). Cuscuta sp
d). All of these b). Xanthium sp
Q.332. Aquatic weed act as alternate host and c). Amaranthus sp
vectors of malaria, yellow and dengue fever d). Commelina sp
is Q.343. The weed propagated through rhizomes/
a). Water lettuce root stock
b). Salvinia a). Agropyron repens
c). Alligator weed b). Cynodon dactylon
d). All of these c). Typha angustata
Q.333. Which of the following weed is used in cot- d). All of these
tage industry for making rope and thatch Q.344. The weed propagated through bulbils
material? a). Allium sp
a). Typha b). Oxalis latifolia
b). Saccharum sp c). Both a and b
c). Both a and b d). None of these
d). Lantana Q.345. Hydrilla verticillata is propagated by
Q.334. Weed species which has nematicidal prop- a). Root stocks
erty b). Runners
a). Crotolaria c). Turions
b). Parthenium d). Bulbils
c). Eichhornia sp Q.346. A weed acting as a satellite weed
d). All of these a). Avena fatua
Q.335. An alternate host of root knot nematode in b). Cuscuta sp
vegetables c). Cichorium sp
a). Brassica kaber d). All of these
b). Cleome viscosa Q.347. The bird which disperses Lantana camara
c). Carthamus oxyacantha a). Indian Myha
d). All of these b). Chinese turtle dove
Q.336. In paddy field which of the following con- c). Parrot
trols weeds effectively? d). Both a and b
a). Puddling Q.348. A weed brought as ornamental
b). Transplanting a). Water hyacinth
c). Manuring b). Lantana
d). Both a and b c). Both a and b
Q.337. Which of the weed act as alternate host on d). None of these
gram caterpillar of redgram? Q.349. A weed of drylands
a). Amaranthus a). Tribulus terrestris
b). Datura b). Argemone mexicana
c). Both a and b c). Euphorbia hirta
d). None of these d). All of these

Q.350. A weed selective under irrigated conditions b). Swine grass (Coronopus didymus)
a). Commelina benghalensis c). Striga
b). Trianthema sp d). Both a and b
c). Brachiaria ramosa Q.362. Mimicry weed in wheat field
d). All of these a). Phalaris minor (Canary grass)
Q.351. A dominant weed of puddle paddy soil b). Wild oat
a). Echinochloa c). Both a and b
b). Caesulina d). None of these
c). Eclipta sp Q.363. Mimicry weed in rice field is
d). All of these a). Wild rice (Oryza sativa var fatua)
Q.352. A salt tolerant weed b). Echinochloa colona
a). Chenopodium murale c). Echinochloa crusgalli
b). Polygonum sp d). All of these
c). Distichalis stricta Q.364. Weed move from its origin to new environ-
d). All of these ment is called
Q.353. October sowing of berseem/lucerne pro- a). Introduced weed
motes the growth of b). Alien weed
a). Amaranthus sp c). Antrophytes
b). Trianthema sp d). All of these
c). Both a and b Q.365. A weed native of America
d). None of these a). Chromolaena odorata
Q.354. November sown berseem crop induces the b). Clidermia hirta
weed c). Cocklebur
a). Chenopodium sp d). All of these
b). Anagallis sp Q.366. The origin of puncture vine is
c). Vicia sp a). Mediterranean region
d). All of these b). Tropical America
Q.355. In which weed seeds mature after uproot- c). Srilanka
ing the plant? d). India
a). Stellaria media (Chick weed) Q.367. A recent noxious weed of Tamil Nadu
b). Portulaca oleracea a). Wild brinjal
c). Both a and b b). Striga
d). None of these c). Lantana
Q.356. A biennial weed d). Cuscutta
a). Alternanthera sp Q.368. Industrial weeds can be controlled by using
b). Cichorium intybus a). Non selective herbicides
c). Circium vulgare b). Selective herbicides
d). All of these c). Soil sterilants
Q.357. In which of the weed the underground sys- d). Both a and c
tem is located deeper than one metre? Q.369. Parthenium is a very serious problem in
a). Cyperus rotundus a). Tamil Nadu
b). Sorghum halepense b). Rajesthan
c). Pluchea lanceolata c). Jammu and Kashmir
d). All of these d). Maharastra
Q.358. Which of the following is a monocot weed Q.370. Most dominant factor influencing weed
but broad-leaved plant? composition in a field is
a). Eichhornia crasipus a). Soil moisture
b). Commelina banghalensis b). Soil type
c). Cynnotis axillaris c). Soil texture
d). All of these d). Soil temperature
Q.359. Which of the following is a brush weed Q.371. Most problematic weed of the world spread
a). Lantana to 92 countries is
b). Propsopis (Mesquite) a). Cyperus rotundus
c). Zizyphus rotundifolia b). Cynodon dactylon
d). All of these c). Eleusine indica
Q.360. A parasite in lucerne d). Sorghum halepense
a). Cuscuta sp Q.372. Test weight of barnyard grass seeds is
b). Orobanche sp about _____ g
c). Striga sp a). 20
d). All of these b). 10
Q.361. An associated weed in lucerne and potato c). 1.4
a). Chicory d). 15

Q.373. Test weight (g) of Phalaris minor is Q.385. Blind hoeing with bullock/tractor drawn
a). 2 spike-tooth harrow successfully controls
b). 10 weeds in
c). 15 a). Potato
d). 20 b). Sugarcane
Q.374. Dormancy mechanism in wild oats c). Maize
a). Innate d). Both a and b
b). Induced Q.386. Implements commonly used in dry farming
c). Enforced areas
d). All of these a). Sweep
Q.375. Common weed in pasture land b). Blade harrow
a). Tephrosia procumbens c). Spike tooth harrow
b). Boerhaavia diffusa d). Both a and b
c). Both a and b Q.387. Cultural practice reducing weed population
d). None of these a). Arresting flowering
Q.376. Submerged weed b). Deep ploughing
a). Hydrilla verticillata c). Puddling
b). Nagar sp d). All of these
c). Utricularia stellaris Q.388. The weed less responsive to nitrogen
d). All of these a). Cyperus
Q.377. Growth of the weed is reduced due to root b). Cynodon
exudates of maize c). Both a and b
a). Chenopodium album d). None of these
b). Amaranthus retroflexus Q.389. Digging reduces population of
c). Both a and b a). Cynodon sp
d). None of these b). Amaranthus sp
Q.378. A basophile weed c). Convolvulus sp
a). Alkali grass (Puccinallia sp) d). None of these
b). Quack grass Q.390. A preventive method of weed control
c). Amaranth sp a). Using weed free seeds
d). Both a and b b). Using clean machineries
Q.379. Acidophile weed c). Following quarantine measures
a). Digitaria sanguinalis d). All of these
b). Borreria sp Q.391. An eradication method of weed control
c). Both a and b a). Killing underground parts of weeds by
d). None of these tillage
Q.380. The weed having more dormancy b). Using soil sterilants
a). Dactyloctenium sp c). Repeated foliar application on perennial
b). Lathyrus sp weeds
c). Field bind weed d). All of these
d). All of these Q.392. Ammonium nitrate acts as chemical stimu-
Q.381. Kharif annual weed lant to control
a). Ammannia bacifera a). Wild oats
b). Cyperus difformis b). Eleusine indica
c). Ludwigia parviflora c). Echinochloa colona
d). All of these d). All of these
Q.382. A multi-season annual weed Q.393. Trap crop for striga is
a). Echinochloa colona a). Sunflower
b). Eclipta alba b). Cotton
c). Phyllanthus nirurii c). Cowpea
d). All of these d). All of these
Q.383. A simple perennial weed Q.394. Trap crop for Orobanche
a). Ipomoea carnea a). Linseed
b). Lantana camara b). Sunhemp
c). Both a and b c). Chillies
d). None of these d). All of these
Q.384. Weed eradication is rare but practiced in Q.395. Biological weed control is not successful
a). Lantana because
b). Saccharum sp a). Not possible to eradicate weed
c). Striga sp b). Bioagents are weed specific
d). All of these c). Controlled only introduced weeds
d). All of these

Q.396. Important quality of bioagents Q.407. Herbicide spray drift can be reduced by
a). Attack only host plant a). Increasing the droplet size
b). Free from predators/parasites and quick b). Forming a foam
adoption to new environment c). Making invert emulsion
c). Able to kill reproductive parts of weed d). All of these
d). All of these Q.408. The herbicide perform better in sunny days
Q.397. Insect to control Lantana a). 2,4-D
a). Ophimoyia sp (seed fly) b). Paraquat
b). Teleonania sp (Lace bug) c). Simazine
c). Theola sp (Butterfly) d). All of these
d). All of these Q.409. Herbicide effectively controls Saccharum
Q.398. Klamath weed (Hypericum perforatum) is and Sorghum halepense only at pre-
controlled by an insect flowering stage
a). Chrysolina hyperici (Beetle) a). Diuron
b). Chrysolina gamellata (Beetle) b). Atrazine
c). Agrilus hyperici (Root borer) c). Amitrole
d). All of these d). Both a and c
Q.399. Which is soil acting herbicide? Q.410. Which of the herbicides are classified as
a). Fluchloralin highly toxic
b). EPTC a). Paraquat and diquat
c). Both a and b b). DNBP and DNOC
d). Glyphosate c). 2,4,5-T and PCP
Q.400. Which is foliage acting herbicide? d). All of these
a). Glyphosate Q.411. Which is the less toxic herbicide?
b). Paraquat a). Atrazine
c). EPTC b). 2,4-D
d). Both a and b c). Simazine
Q.401. A herbicide both soil and foliage active d). All of these
a). 2,4-D Q.412. Which is the widely used herbicide to con-
b). Isoproturon trol broadleaved weeds in winter grains?
c). Diuron a). 2,4-D
d). All of these b). MCPA
Q.402. Typically pre-plant soil incorporated herbi- c). Both a and b
cide d). Atrazine
a). Fluchloralin Q.413. Herbicide deactivation of selectivity in
b). Trifluralin plants is achieved by
c). EPTC a). Herbicide metabolism
d). All of these b). Herbicide conjugation
Q.403. Early post-emergence treatment is followed c). Both a and b
in d). None of these
a). Potato Q.414. Reverse metabolism induce the suscepti-
b). Sugarcane bility to weeds by
c). Both a and b a). 2,4-D
d). Rice b). MCPA
Q.404. Commonly used post-emergence herbicide c). Both a and b
in wheat d). None of these
a). 2,4-D Q.415. Which of the following physiological proc-
b). Isoproturon ess influence the herbicide selectivity?
c). Atrazine a). Absorption and translocation
d). Both a and b b). Deactivation
Q.405. In which herbicide, micro-capsulation for- c). Phytotoxicity
mula is commercially available d). All of these
a). Alachlor Q.416. Besides NA and R 25788, other safeners
b). Metachlor to counteract the effect of carbamate herbi-
c). Both a and b cide is
d). Atrazine a). CGA 43089
Q.406. Commonly used wetting agent for herbicide b). CGA 92194
spray in India c). Mon 4606
a). Soap solution d). All of these
b). Teepol Q.417. Classic example for success of breeding
c). Uphar herbicide resistant variety is
d). All of these a). Canola-rape variety resistant to triazine

b). Secale cereal resistant to paraquat c). MCPA
c). Tracy-M soybean variety resistant to d). All of these
metribuzin Q.428. Herbicide residue in soil are undesirable
d). All of these because of
Q.418. 2,4-D was developed during 1945 in USA a). Injury to sensitive crops
by b). Accumulate in the produce
a). P.W. Zimmerman c). Inhibit soil micro-organisma
b). A.E. Hitchkock d). All
c). Both a and b Q.429. Persistence herbicides pose hazard in soil
d). None of these when
Q.419. MCPA was developed during 1945 in Eng- a). High persistence herbicides are used
land by b). Crop failure necessitate re-planting
a). W.G. Templeman c). Susceptible crop follows a short crop
b). W.A. Sexton d). All
c). Both of them Q.430. Which type of herbicides act as growth pro-
d). None of these moter under sub-lethal dose
Q.420. First introduced organic herbicide in the a). Phenoxys
world is b). Triazines
a). Dinoseb c). Ureas and uracils
b). 2,4-D d). All
c). MCPA Q.431. Application of organophosphorus group of
d). All of these pesticides along with which herbicides
Q.421. Herbicide commonly available as fumigant cause injury to crops
is a). Triazines
a). Methyl bromide b). Ureas
b). Metham c). Both
c). Allyl alcohol d). None
d). All of these Q.432. Effective rate (kg/ha) of 2,4-D for weed
Q.422. Herbicides of which group are generally control
incorporated in soil? a). 0.2-0.5
a). Carbamate b). 0.5-1.0
b). Dinitroaniline c). 2
c). Triazine d). 5
d). Both a and b Q.433. Which formulation of 2,4-D has fastest ab-
Q.423. Which altra low volume sprayer is used for sorption by crop plants?
controlled droplet application a). Ethyl ester
a). Herbi sprayer b). Dimethylamine
b). Micron herbi sprayer c). Na salt
c). Both a and b d). All
d). None of these Q.434. Which of the weeds are rapidly controlled
Q.424. Direct contact herbicide application can be by MCPA than 2,4-D
achieved by a). Nutsedge
a). Re-circulating sprayer b). Canada thistle
b). Weed wick wiper c). Both
c). Roller applicator d). None
d). All Q.435. The major consumer of dalapon in India
Q.425. Inhibition of electron transfer in photosys- a). Coffee planters
tem II is the reason for herbicide action in b). Jute growers
a). Nitriles c). Both
b). Ureas d). None
c). Both a and b Q.436. How many times atrazine is more soluble
d). None than simazine?
Q.426. Weed seeds are abundant at a depth of a). 1
___ cm b). 2
a). 1-1.5 c). 4
b). 3 d). 6
c). 10 Q.437. A very potent herbicide for the control of
d). 20 perennial, broad-leaved weed and brushes
Q.427. At sub lethal dose which of the herbicides a). Atrazine
improves colour of the apple b). 2,4-D
a). 2,4-D c). Picloram
b). 2,4,5-T d). Amitrole

Q.438. Which is the contact, non-selective and Q.449. Herbicide which increase tuber size be-
zero persistent herbicide in soils? sides weed control in potato
a). Paraquat a). EPTC
b). Atrazine b). Fluchloralin
c). 2,4-D c). Pendimethalin
d). Bromacil d). Atrazine
Q.439. Largest pre-emergence herbicide for weed Q.450. Application of which herbicide at 5-10% of
control in citrus and pineapple orchards emergence in potato is more common in
a). Atrazine India?
b). Metham a). Paraquat
c). Allyl b). Diquat
d). All c). EPTC
Q.440. Alachlor is an effective pre-emergence her- d). Both a and b
bicide in ______ Q.451. a very successful pre-emergence herbicide
a). Maize in banana in India
b). Soybean a). Atrazine
c). Both b). Alachlor
d). None c). Glyphosate
Q.441. Butachlor has to be applied to control d). Dalapon
weeds in upland rice at Q.452. The most commonly used herbicide in rub-
a). Immediately after sowing ber plantation
b). 2 DAS a). Amitrole T
c). 6-8 DAS b). Paraquat
d). 15 DAS c). Both
Q.442. Propanil has to be applied to rice crop at d). None
a). One leaf stage Q.453. Present day versatile herbicide to control
b). 2-3 leaf stage difficult, perennial, broadleaved weeds and
c). 4 leaf stage brushes in grasslands
d). None of these a). Alachlor
Q.443. 2,4-d to wheat is effective when it is ap- b). Atrazine
plied at c). Picloram
a). 15 DAS d). All
b). 20-25 DAS Q.454. In India, Striga is a problem of
c). 25-30 DAS a). Sorghum
d). 45 DAS b). Pearlmillet
Q.444. 2,4-D is injurious to c). Both
a). Cotton d). None
b). Mustard Q.455. The most common species of Typha is In-
c). Chickpea dia is
d). All a). T. angustata
Q.445. Isoproturon to wheat is effective at b). T. latifolia
a). 15 DAS c). T. elephantina
b). 25-30 DAS d). All
c). 45- DAS Q.456. Trap crop for Cuscuta sp
d). 5 DAS a). Small grains
Q.446. A broad-spectrum herbicide in groundnut b). Chickpea
a). Fluchloralin c). Mustard
b). Atrazine d). All
c). Alachlor Q.457. A noxious weed of South India
d). 2,4-D a). Cynodon
Q.447. Selective herbicide under cotton + black- b). Cyperus
gram intercropping system c). Wild brinjal
a). Diuron d). All
b). Oxadiazon Q.458. Commonly used algicide
c). Fluchloralin a). Copper sulphate pentahydrate
d). All b). Simazine
Q.448. A herbicide tolerant to lucerne and can be c). Diuron
applied mixed with seed is d). All
a). EPTC Q.459. Commonly used chemical fertilizer to con-
b). Benefix trol submerged weeds and water bloom non
c). Pendimethalin -selectively
d). None of these a). Anhydrous ammonia

b). Ammonium sulphate Q.470 . Herbicides disrupting cell membranes
c). Ammonium nitrate a). Bipyridilliums
d). Urea b). diphenylethers
Q.460. Native of water hyacinth is c). Both
a). Australia d). Ureas
b). Brazil Q.471 . The _____________ selectivity is an ex-
c). India ample of true selectivity
d). China a). Chronological
Q.461. Allelo-chemicals interfere with survival and b). Biochemical
growth of c). Chemical
a).Neighbouring plants d). None
b). succeeding plants Q.472 . Mid morning application of which of the
c). The donor plants themselves herbicides is better than its evening applica-
d). All tion
Q.462. Auto allelopathy existed in a). Butachlor
a). Wheat b). Alachlor
b). alfaalfa c). Glyphosate
c). cowpea d). Paraquat
d). all Q.473 . The herbicide susceptible to photodecom-
Q.463. Root exudates of wheat and oats which position
has detrimental effects on wild mustard con- a). Trifluralin
tain b). Ethalfluralin
a). Phenolic acid c). Fluchloralin
b). Alkaloids d). All
c). Sulphides Q.474. Which of the following is an activator adju-
d). Lactones vant
Q.464. The donor plants release allelochemicals in a). Surfactant
the immediate environment as b). Wetting agent
a). volatiles c). penetrants
b). root exudates d). All
c). microbial decomposition products Q.475. The most common mechanism of herbicide
d). All resistance is
Q.465. A shortest time span in the life cycle of a a). Enhanced metabolism
crop when weeding results in highest eco- b). Altered target site
nomic returns c). Sequestration
a). Economic threshold d). All
b). Critical period Q.476. A synergistic herbicide combination
c). Competitive threshold a). 2,4-D + Docamba
d). None of these b). 2,4-D + atrazine
Q.466 . The competitive crop requiring weed free c). Atrazine + alachlor
period of about 3-4 weeks d). All
a). Soybean Q.477. The first non-transgenic HRC such as triaz-
b). Carrot ine resistant canola was developed in
c). Garlic a). 1995
d). Onion b). 2000
Q.467 . The effective solution to manage weed c). 1997
shifts d). 1984
a). Herbicide combinations Q.478. Which of the safeners counteract inhibition
b). Herbicide rotations of synthesis of very long chain fatty acids in
c). Crop rotations rice by pretilachlor and metolachlor
d). All a). Fenclorim
Q.468. From site of uptake to site of action, fluazi- b). Benoxacor
fop-butyl move in c). Fluxofenim
a). water conducting stream d). All
b). sap conducting stream Q.479. Which of the following pre-emergence her-
c). Both bicides can be applied with herbicides that
d). None have efficacy with emerged weeds
Q.469 . Amino acid synthesis inhibitors a). Chloracitamide
a). Sulfonyl ureas b). Thiocarbamates
b). Amides c). Dinitroanilines
c). Triazines d). All
d). all

Q.480. Allelochemicals are mostly present in Q.490. An utility modifier is which of the following
which of the following plant parts a). Emulsifier
a). Flowers and fruits b). Antifoam agents
b). Leaves and stems c). dispersants
c). Roots d). All
d). All Q.491. A concentrated band of a herbicide about 7
Q.481. A period in the ontogeny of crop at which -10 cm below the soil surface is required to
maximum crop weed competition occurs is control
called a). Cyperus rotundus
a). Economic threshold b). Convolvulus arvensis
b). Gain threshold c). Oxalis
c). Competitive threshold d). All
d). None Q.492. An adsorbant
Q.482. A non-competitive crop requiring weed free a). Activated carbon
period of three or more months b). lignin byproducts
a). Maize c). ion exchange resins
b). Rice d). All
c). Soybean Q.493. Prohexadione calcium a plant growth regu-
d). Onion lator affect efficacy of which of the following
Q.483. With poor weed management, a field could herbicides in peanut
shift to a). acifluorfen
a). Predominant weed species b). bentazon
b). Species not effectively controlled c). imazethapyr
c). Species not responded to control meas- d). None
ures Q.494. The type of research where the researcher
d). All the above look for loopholes in patents or methods to
Q.484. When the weeds are under pressure, the develop products similar to those already in
herbicides enter the leaf the market is called
a). less readily a). Me-too
b). more readily b). mimic
c). do not enter c). Emperical
d). entry not affected d). None of these
Q.485. Growth regulating herbicides that act simi- Q.495. A prosafener among the following
lar to that of endogenous auxin (IAA) a). Fenclorim
a). Benzoic acid b). benoxacor
b). pyridine carboxylic acid c). Fluxofenim
c). quinoline carboxylic acid d). L-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate (OTC)
d). All Q.496. Herbicide antidote interactions are
Q.486. Herbicides inhibiting amino acid synthesis a). synergistic
a). Imadazolinone b). antagonistic
b). Sulfonamide c). Enhancement
c). aminoacid derivatives d). None of these
d). all Q.497. The ecological phenomenon of plant-plant
Q.487. Selectivity achieved due to changes in interference
functional group is called a). Competition
a). Physical b). Allelopathy
b). Biological c). Both
c). Chemical d). None
d). Chronological Q.498. The crops known for autotoxicity
Q.488. Coupling of intact herbicide molecules with a). Lucerne and wheat
sugars in living plants b). Berseem and oats
a). Metabolism c). Rice and soybeans
b). reverse metabolism d). None of these
c). Conjugation Q.499. Allelochemicals liberate through volatiliza-
d). None of these tion
Q.489. Herbicide loss by volatilization increases as a). Terpinoid
which of the following increases b). Alkaloids
a). Vapour pressure c). Tannins
b). Soil moisture content d). Lactones
c). Soil temperature Q.500. A natural pre-emergence weed control in
d). all turf grass
a). Corn gluten meal

b). Bialaphos Q.511. A herbicide requiring good spray coverage
c). Sulcotrione of all foliage for effective control of a weed
d). Cinmethylin population
Q.501. The striving of two or more individuals for a).Paraquat
the same object b). Glyphosate
a). Allelopathy c). Atrazine
b). Competition d). Isoproturon
c). Co-operation Q.512. Through wetting of all foliage is unneces-
d). None of these sary with which of the following
Q.502. To compete derived from competere which a).glyphosate
is a b). paraquat
a). Greek word c). diquat
b). Spanish word d). None of these
c). Latin word Q.513. A herbicide move through sap conducting
d). None of these tissue
Q.503. A nitrophyll a).Paraquat
a). Amaranthus b). Diquat
b). Setaria lutescens c). MSMA
c). Digitaria d). Glyphosate
d). Chenopodium Q.514. A herbicide move through water conducting
Q.504. A weed accumulate over 550 ppm of Zn in tissue
its dry matter a).Paraquat
a). Digitaria b). DSMA
b). Setaria lutescens c). Glyphosate
c). Portulaca d). Atrazine
d). Chenopodium Q.515. Dehalogenation is the most common inacti-
Q.505. A potassium lover vation reaction in which of the following
a). Chenopodium a).Simazine
b). Digitaria b). Glyphosate
c). Amaranthus c). Pendimethalin
d). Setaria d). Bispyribac
Q.506. Having higher phosphorus content Q.516. Decarboxylation is most common in
a). Amaranthus a). Phenoxy’s
b). Setaria b). Benzoics
c). Chenopodium c). Substituted ureas
d). Digitaria d). All
Q.507. A rectangular hyperbolic relationship be- Q.517. Hydroxylation is common among
tween weed density and crop yield is pro- a). Phenoxys
posed by b). Benzoics
a). Roberts and Bonds (1975) c). Substituted ureas
b). Cousens et al (1984&1985) d). All
c). Zimdahl 1980 Q.518. Dealkylation involving removal of alkyl side
d). None of these chains is common in case of
Q.508. The sigmoidal relationship between weed a). Triazines
density and crop yield was proposed by b). Carbamates
a).Zimdahl 1980 c). Donitroanilines
b). Roberts and Bonds (1975) d). All
c). Cousens et al (1985) Q.519. An important benzoic acid herbicide
d). None of these a).Dicamba
Q.509. A curvilinear relationship between weed b). 2,4-D
density and crop yield was reported by c). Atrazine
a). Zimdahl 1980 d). None of these
b). Roberts and Bonds (1975) Q.520. A amino acid derivative
c). Cousens et al (1985) a).Paraquat
d). None of these b). Glyphosate
Q.510. Competitive ability of the crops in decreas- c). 2,4-D
ing order d). None of these
a). barley>rye>wheat >oats Q.521. A lipid inhibitor
b). oats>wheat> rye> barley a).Diclofop
c). rye>barley>oats> wheat b). Quizalofop
d).wheat>oats>barley >rye c). Sethoxydim
d). All

Q.522. A cell membrane disrupter Q.533. A ceremonial weed
a).Paraquat a). Cynodon dactylon
b). Acifluorfen b). Datura stramonium
c). Difenzoquat c). Tagetus sp
d). All d). All of these
Q.523. A pigment inhibitor Q.534. Economic cost is the sum of________
a). Clomazone a). Variable and fixed costs
b). Alachlor b). Variable, fixed and opportunity costs
c). Trifluralin c). Fixed and opportunity costs
d). All d). Variable, fixed and marginal costs
Q.524. A selectivity achieved due to manipulation Q.535. Marginal cost is defined as____
of time of application is called a). Cost that arises when the quantity produced
a).Biochemical changes by one unit
b). Chronological b). Cost of producing one more unit of a good
c). Chemical c). Increase in cost that accompanies a unit in-
d). Physical crease in output
Q.525. Tolerance of the rice plants to molinate is d). All the above
due to Q.536. The additional cost from taking a cost of action
a).Reverse metabolism is called
b). Protoplasmic resistance a). Total cost
c). Conjugation b). Opportunity cost
d). Slow translocation c). Variable cost
Q.526. To control broad-leaved weeds in barley, d). Marginal cost
which of the herbicide is most suitable Q.537. A cost independent of the quantity of goods and
a). 2,4-D services produced
b). Metsulfuron a). Variable cost
c). Alachlor b). Fixed cost
d). Both a and b c). Opportunity cost
Q.527. To manage mixed weed flora in barley d). Marginal cost
which of the herbicides is to be applied Q.538. The cost of any activity measured in terms of
a).2,4-D the value of the next best alternative forgone
b). Isoproturon a). Economic cost
c). a and b as tank mix b). Variable cost
d). None of these c). Opportunity cost
Q.528. Which of the herbicides can be used in d). Marginal cost
gram crop? Q.539. If the gross returns from an enterprise are INR
a). Pendimethalin 30000 and the net returns INR 20000, the benefit
b). Metolachlor cost ratio based on net gain would be
c). Fluchloralin a). 3.0
d). All b). 2.0
Q.529. To manage grassy weed flora in barley c). 1.0
which of the herbicides is to be applied d). 1.5
a). Pendimethalin Q.540. If the yield from weed free is 3500 kg and that
b). Isoproturon from weedy 1500 kg/ha, weed index would be
c). a and b a). 57.1%
d). Metsulfuron b). 133.3%
Q.530. A weed of common use in worships/ c). 45.0%
prayers/poojas of Hindu ceremonies d). 25.6%
a). Digitaria sanguinalis Q.541. If the count of Echinochloa in weedy check is
b). Cyperus rorundus 70 and that in a treatment 25/m2, weed control
c). Cynodon dactylon efficiency will be
d). Eleusine indica a). 54.3%
Q.531. A ceremonial weed b). 64.3%
a). Asparagus racemosus (Shatawari) c). 73.4%
b). Cynodon dactylon (Dhoob ghaas) d). 79.6%
c). Both a and b Q.542. If weed population is 70/m2 and the crop 140/
d). Digitaria sanguinalis m2, weed intensity would be
Q.532. A ceremonial weed a). 33.3%
a). Asparagus racemosus (Shatawari) b). 66.6%
b). Cynodon dactylon (Dhoob ghaas) c). 50%
c). Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus flower) d). 73.4%
d). All of these

Q.543. Out of 50 quadrats studied, if Echinochloa is
found in 26 quadrats, its frequency of occurrence
would be
a). 13%
b). 26%
c). 52%
d). 68%
Q.544. If Echinochloa falls in frequency class ‘E’, the
weed community is said to be
a). Contiguous
b). Heterogenous
c). Homogenous
d). Random
Q.545. In a 100 quadrat study of 1 sqm each Cyperus
rotundus was found in 80 quadrats with overall
of 5640 individuals. The frequency (%), abun-
dance and density (m2) would be
a). 70.5, 80.0 and 56.4
b). 56.4, 70.5 and 80.0
c). 80.0, 70.5 and 56.4
d). 80.0, 56.4 and 70.5

Aldrich RJ & Kramer R.J. 1997. Principles in Weed Management. Panama Publ.
Ashton FM & Crafts AS. 1981. Mode of Action of Herbicides. 2nd Ed. Wiley-Inter Science.
Badiyala D, SS Rana, Neelam Sharma and Rajinder Kumar. 2015. Major weeds in cropped lands
of Himachal Pradesh. Department of Agronomy, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidya-
laya, Palampur.
Das, T.K. 2009. Weed Science- Principles and Application. Jain Publishers.
Gupta OP. 2000. Weed Management – Principles and Practices. Agrobios.
Mandal RC. 1990. Weed, Weedicides and Weed Control - Principles and Practices. Agro-
Botanical Publ.
Rana SS and MC Rana. 2015. Advances in Weed Management. Department of Agronomy, Col-
lege of Agriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, 183 pages
(DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26235.72487)
Rana SS and MC Rana. 2016. Principles and Practices of Weed Management. Department of
Agronomy, College of Agriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur,
138 pages. (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33785.47207)
Rana SS and Suresh Kumar. 2014. Practical Manual - Principles and practices of weed man-
agement. Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi
Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, 55 pages. (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27494.01603)
Rana SS and GD Sharma (2012). Current Trends in Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, For-
ages and Grassland Management, CSKHPKV, Palampur. (DOI: 10.13140/
Rana SS, D Badiyala, Neelam Sharma and Rajinder Kumar. 2 0 1 5 . Major weeds in the non-
cropped lands of Himachal Pradesh. Department of Agronomy, CSK Himachal Pradesh
Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur.
Rana SS, Kumar Suresh and Rana MC . 2018. Practical Manual on Weed Management. De-
partment of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidya-
laya, Palampur.
Rana SS, Rajinder Kumar, Neelam Sharma and D Badiyala. 2015. Effect of continuous use of
herbicides on weed shifts in rice-wheat system: Techical Bulletin No-1. Department of Agron-
omy, College of Agriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, HP,
India. (revised 2016) (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4271.5125)
Rao VS. 2007. Principles of Weed Science. Oxford & IBH.
Ross MA & Carola Lembi A. 1999. Applied Weed Science. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall.
Subramanian SAM & Kumar R.J. 1997. All About Weed Control. Kalyani Publishers.
Thavaprakash N and Velayudham 2007. Objective Agronomy, for aspirants of ICAR and civil ser-
vice examinations, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
Zimdahl RL. 1999. Fundamentals of Weed Science. 2nd Ed. Academic Press.

Priyanka Kumari did her B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) in 2015
and M. Sc (Weed Science) in 2017 from CSK Himachal
Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. Her research
problem in M. Sc was weed management in organically
grown wheat under mid hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh.
Presently she is doing Ph. D. In Agronomy from the same

Navjot Rana is presently a Ph.D research scholar in the De-

partment of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, CSK Himachal
Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur. He was graduated
from SGTB Khalsa College. His M.Sc (Agronomy) was from
Guru Kashi University Talwandi sabo (Bathinda). In M. Sc his
research topic was “ Effect of date of sowing on high yielding
varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)”.

Tigangam P Gangmai did his B.Sc Agriculture from Assam

Agricultural University, Jorhat and M.Sc in Agronomy from
SHUATS, Allahabad. His M.Sc. Research topic was ‘Effect of
Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients on Productivity of
Black Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Presently he is pursuing his Ph.D
research in Agronomy, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vish-
vavidyalaya, Palampur.

Dr MC Rana did Ph. D from Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vish-

vavidyalaya, Palampur. He is actively involved in teaching and
research in weed science, cropping systems and irrigation
management at CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidylaya,
Palampur since 1995. He is presently serving as Professor of
Agronomy at Palampur. He has been associated in about a
dozen of Research and Developmental projects of the univer-
sity. He has over 80 research publications, 60 conference pres-
entations, 20 popular articles and 10 book chapters/manuals
to his credit.
Dr SS Rana obtained his graduate and post graduate degrees from
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. He has
worked on weed management in puddle seeded rice during his Ph.
D degree. He is actively involved in teaching, research and exten-
sion in Agronomy, weeds and weed management, cropping and
farming systems at CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidylaya,
Palampur since 1998. He is currently serving as Principal Scientist
in AICRP on Weed Management at Palampur. He is one of the
team members, to receive best AICRP on Weed Management Cen-
tre award for the year 2016 conferred by Directorate of Weed Re-
search (ICAR) Jabalpur. He has over 190 research publications,
120 conference presentations, 60 technical reports, 30 popular
articles and 30 book chapters/manuals to his credit.

Sachin Kumar did his B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture in 2015 and M. Sc

(Weed Science) in 2017 from CSK HP Krishi Vishvavidyalaya,
Palampur Himachal Pradesh. Research problem in his M.Sc pro-
gramme was ‘Evaluation of post-emergence herbicides for manag-
ing weeds in soybean (Glycine max L.) under mid hill conditions of
Himachal Pradesh’. Presently he is a Ph.D research scholar in
Agronomy (Weed Science) from CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi
Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. He is pursuing his research on weed
management in conservation agricultural systems.

Abha Sharma did her B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture in 2015

and M. Sc (Weed Science) in 2017 from CSK Himachal
Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. She has done
her M.Sc research on ‘Evaluation of new herbicides for man-
aging weeds in transplanted rice’. Presently she is doing
Ph.D in Agronomy (Weed Science) at CSK Himachal
Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. She is working on
weed management in horticultural based farming system.

Bheem Pareek did his B.Sc agriculture (Hons.) from

SKRAU, Bikaner (Rajasthan) and M.Sc (Agronomy) from
SHUATS, Allahabad (U.P). His research topic in M. Sc was
“Effect of establishment methods, nitrogen levels and azoto-
bactor seed inoculation on growth and yield of pearl millet
(Pennisetum glaucum L.)”. Presently he is doing Ph.D in
Agronomy from CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidya-
laya Palampur.

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