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Những cụm từ được dùng để trình bày ý kiến cá nhân hoặc diễn tả

sự lựa chọn

 In my opinion,...

 To my mind,

 As for me,

 From my point of view,...

 Personally speaking, …

 I would personally choose/vote for...

 I prefer....

 The... I like most is...

 One of my favorite kinds of movies is...

2. Những cụm từ được dùng để nêu ví dụ

Trong lúc trình bày ý kiến hoặc lý do để giải thích vì sao bạn chọn hoặc

không chọn giải pháp nào đó, bạn nên đưa ra ví dụ để tăng tính thuyết phục

của lập luận. Sau đây là một số cụm từ bạn có thể sử dụng để nêu ví dụ

 For example,

 For instance,

 To illustrate,...

 such as...

 You know, like...

 In particular, ...

3. Những từ và cụm từ được dùng để chuyển ý

Khi muốn chuyển từ việc trình bày ý kiến sang nếu lý do hoặc từ trình bày

lý do thứ nhất sang lý do thứ hai, bạn có thể dùng những từ và cụm từ sau:

 The first reason for this/my choice is...

 First/Firstly,

 To begin with,

 Another reason is....

 Furthermore, ...

 In addition to this, ...

 Another advantage of... ...

 Also,

 Talking about...

 Firstly = The first reason for this/my choice is....

 Secondly = Another reason is....

 Lastly = Last but not least,

 My last point is...

4. Những cụm từ được dùng để kết thúc bài

Để kết thúc nội dung đã trình bày, bạn có thể sử dụng một trong những

cụm từ sau:

 In short,

 In conclusion, ...

 To sum up,

 To conclude this talk,

 Taking everything into consideration, ... (lưu ý ngay sau cụm từ này

là I/we)

5. Những câu và cụm từ diễn tả sự đồng tình và không đồng tình


 I (completely) agree

 I think so too.

 That's so true.

 I couldn't agree more.

 It's absolutely right.


 I'm not so sure about that.

 It is true to some extent, but I think (that)....

 That may be true, but it also seems to me (that)....

 I must say that I cannot agree with this.

6. Những cụm từ được dùng để nêu sự thuận lợi và bất cập


 One advantage of…………….is………….

 One benefit of ……………is……………….

 It makes (e.g: life more enjoyable/ Internet banking more popular)


 It helps (students to relax).

 It reduces (stress among the elderly).


• One disadvantage of…………….is……………..

• One (main) drawback of……………….is…………..

• One negative impact of…………………………….

• It is (harmful to the local community) because…………….

7. Những từ và cụm từ chỉ sự tương đồng và khác biệt

• ……………is similar to…………………

• …………….is as interesting/exciting/modern/useful as………..

• Both of them/All of them are……………

• ………………is different from……………../…………. differs


• Similarly/ Likewise/ While/ Whereas/ Although/ Even though/ In




1. to get on well with: hòa đồng

2. to enjoy someone's company: vui vẻ bên cạnh nhau

3. to have ups and downs: thǎng trầm

4. to keep in touch with: giữ liên lạc lose touch with: mất liên lạc take after: trông giống ai dó

7. to nurture our friendships: nuôi dưỡng tình bạn

8. a close-knit family: gia đình gắn bó


Part 1. Social Interaction (3')


1. Do you have a large or small family?

2. How much time do you spend with your family?

3. What do you like to do together as a family?

4. Do you get along well with your family?


1. Do you have a lot of friends?

2. How often do you see your friends?

3. Is there anything special about your friends?

Part 2. Solution Discussion(4')

Topic: You are going to university and need to make a decision about who

to share your accommodation. Are you going to live with a group of

friends, one close friend or live alone?

Part 3: Topic Development(5')

Topic: In recent years, families are now not as close as they used to be for

some reasons.

 Be busy at work and school

 Overuse technological devices

 Deal with family matters differently

 {Your own idea}


Part 1. Social Interaction(3)


1. Do you have a large or small family?

I come from a small family. I live with my parents and two siblings. As I

recall, we used to live with our grandparents, uncles and aunts many years

ago. But now we have a nuclear family as we live in a city which is far

away from our grandparents' house.

2. How much time do you spend with family?

For now, I live alone in another city far from my family, so, I am only able

to spend about two weeks per year with them.

3. What do you like to do together as a family?

My family enjoys cooking together and afterward having special meals

when everyone is invited. We catch up on news and talk about our lives.

We enjoy music as well. So, when we get together, we play several musical

instruments and sing along.

4. Do you get along well with your family?

Yes, absolutely I go pretty well with my family. They are the most precious

things I have in my life. They care for me a lot, they help me in my difficult

times and my whole existence is surrounded by them. Whoever I am now

and whoever I will become in the future would be because of my family

and their unconditional love, care and affection for me.


1. Do you have a lot of friends?

Not a lot, but I have a few very close friends. I think it is better to have one

reliable friend than a thousand fair-weather friends.

2. How often do you see your friends?

As often as I can. We enjoy each other's company, so we see each other

almost daily. What's more, we live very close to each other, so it's easy for

us to meet up.

3. Is there anything special about your friends?

Oh, that's an interesting question. I guess there are lots of things. For

instance, my best friend can draw unbelievable art, good enough to sell.

And another friend of mine is really keen on cooking. But most

importantly, they are people, who are near and dear to my heart.

Part 2. Solution Discussion(4')

Topic: You are going to university and need to make a decision about who

to share your accommodation. Are you going to live with a group of

friends, one close friend or live alone?

→Sample answer:

Well, choosing whom to live with during university is a difficult decision.

If I have to choose among three options: living with a group of friends,

living with one close friend or living alone, I suppose that sharing my

living place with one close friend would be the best choice.

There are several reasons why living with a close friend is a good idea.

Firstly, it is true that a close friend is someone you know well, so it is easier

to manage your life together without many troubles. As you know, living

together means you have to share your habits such as eating and sleeping

time or keeping your house neat. People have different routines so there are

often conflicts. For example, you might want to go to bed earlier but your

friend wants to stay up late and listen to music. But with a close friend who

can understand and sympathize, it would be much simpler to deal with any

disagreement. Secondly, having a close friend to live with means a lot of

fun. In fact, when being at university, you may be under a lot of stress by

school tasks and various relationships. Therefore, a close friend who has a

lot in common with you can be your shoulder to cry on in some bad

moments. And of course, you will have a lot of activities to do together like

doing to the gyms or watching movies.

On the other hand, I don't think living with a group of friends is a good

choice for university students because as I mentioned above, people have

different interests and routines, thus when living together, it's hard to solve

conflicts among various personalities. You might be compatible with

someone but not the others. Furthermore, it's not a good choice to live

alone because you know university life is quite complicated, which makes

you bored and tired sometimes. Without someone around you, your

situation may become worse. In addition, it is not safe when you live alone

in some insecure places.

So in conclusion, if you have to choose someone to live with at university, I

believe that sharing your net with a close friend is the best option.

Part 3. Topic Development (5')

Topic: In recent years, families are now not as close as they used to be for

some reasons.

 Be busy at work and school

 Overuse technological devices

 Deal with family matters differently

 {Your own idea}

→Sample answer:

It is true that in the modern time, families are not as close-knit as they were

in the past. This situation is resulted from different causes.

Firstly, in the hectic lifestyle most of people are busy with their work and

study. Parents have jobs and they often spend long time at workplace and it

means less time for taking care of their children. For instance, many parents

have to work nine to five and even with a lot of stress, so when coming

back home they are often too tired to talk and share things with their

children. This creates distance between them and their kids. Moreover, the

workload at schools also drifts children apart from their relatives. Children

spend most of their time at school, so they often communicate with their

teachers and friends rather than their parents. In many cases, children say

that they prefer to share all their matters with friends to other family


Secondly, the distance in many families results from the massive use of

technological devices. For example, children use gadgets for a long time

even if they stay with their parents. Also, because there are a variety of

tools like iPhone, iPad, and iPod, it is easy to use them anywhere and

anytime. Commonly, they prefer to chat with their virtual friends rather

than talk face-to-face with their parents. Even parents love to log in to their

social network accounts to read news and talk to people instead of listening

to their kids.

Finally, the way people deal with family problems leads to the breakdown

of relationships. In fact, when they have different opinions, they either

choose to work out problems on their own or avoid talking with each other.

This way, however, makes people lack of understanding and sympathy for


In short, there are several reasons which make families not as close as they

used to be. Therefore, people should use their love and responsibilities to

create more quality time with their family.


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