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* C20-CM–302



Time : 3 hours ] [ Total Marks : 80

PART—A 3×10=30

Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.

(2) Each question carries three marks.
(3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall
not exceed five simple sentences.

1. Define binary coded decimal coding.

2. Give the bases of octal, binary and hexa-decimal number systems.

3. State De-Morgan’s theorems.

4. Explain how EX-NOR gate is different from EX-OR gate.

5. Give the advantages of negative logic over positive logic.

* 6. What is triggering in the flip-flop?

7. How asynchronous counter differ from synchronous counter?

8. Define programmable counter.

9. State the purpose of programmable logic device.

10. List any three applications of decoders.

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* PART—B 8×5=40

Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.

(2) Each question carries eight marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and criterion for
valuation is the content but not the length of the answer.

11. (a) What are the value of (i) AEF7(16) in to octal and (ii) 8F9A(16) in
to binary?


(b) Justify how excess-3 code is the self-complementing code using

8421 code.

12. (a) Give the steps of how the Sum of Products (SOP) method gives
the Boolean expression of the below truth table.
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0

* (b) Give the steps of how the K-map reduces the given expression
Y = m(1,3,4,5,7,9,11,13,15).

13. (a) Suggest the flip-flop and give the steps of how it eliminates
forbidden state of SR flip-flop with truth table.
(b) Recommend the inputs using truth table make the RS flip-flop
outputs into SET and RESET without triggered edge of clock
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14. (a) Give the*steps to modify the UP counter to measure both UP
and DOWN with truth table.


(b) Suggest a Register that is taking data in parallel and taking out
data in parallel with circuit diagram by stating the working
process clearly.

15. (a) Suggest a device and explain how it transmits the single line
data into three outputs.


(b) Name the device in which 8 inputs are transmitted on a line

with 3-bit controllers and draw the circuit with proper explanation
of working process.

PART—C 10×1=10

Instructions : (1) Answer the following question.

(2) Question carries ten marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and criterion for
valuation is the content but not the length of the answer.

16. Assume that you have an adder that adds two numbers at a time,
deconstruct it such that they are not added in serial. Comment on
time taken to add the two numbers after deconstructing. Justify
your answer by giving steps to deconstruct it.

* ★★★

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