Rate of Reaction in Daily Life

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Rate of Reaction

in Daily Life
Chang Yi Chen
Dixon Teo Shi Yang
Gan Yu Xuan
Lee Hao Zhe
Ng Zi Yu
Tee Yi Yang
Table of contents

01 Rate of Reaction

Factors that Affect the Rate

02 of Reaction

03 Application in Daily Life

Rate of Reaction
Rate of Reaction
• Changes in the quantity of the reactant per unit
time or the changes in the quantity of product
per unit time.
i) Fast reaction
ii) Slow reaction
• Rate of reaction
= Change in the quantity of reactant / product
Time taken for the change to occur
Factors that
Affect the Rate of
Factors that Affect the Rate of Reaction
TSA of solid Temperature
reactant Higher temperature,
Size of solid reactant higher ROR.
smaller, TSA increase, ROR

Concentration Pressure
Only for reaction that
Higher concentration, involves gaseous
higher ROR. reactants.
Catalyst Example : Combustion of
Substance which can alter the rate petrol in car engines
of a chemical reaction
● Positive catalyst (Iron, Fe)
● Negative catalyst (Cyanide, CN)
Application in
Daily Life
Size Factor
Burning of coal
• The smaller the size of coal, the bigger
the TSA
• Larger surface area exposed to the heat
• Coal burnt faster
Action of Medicines
• Antacid tablets are used to treat gastric
• Chewing / Digest the tablet makes it
smaller in size
• Increase TSA
• Larger TSA, higher the ROR between
medicine and the acid in stomach
Food Storage in
• Temperature in refrigerator is low
• The lower the temperature, the lower the
rate of growth of microorganisms and
lower the rate of decay of food by
• Food can last longer
• Washing clothes using detergent powder
and warm water combines two factor
that increase ROR
• Higher the concentration of detergent,
higher number of particles of detergent
• Temperature of warm water will increase
the kinetic energy of water molecules
and the particles of detergent
Fermentation process in
the making of “tapai”
• During the process in the making of
“tapai”, yeast will be poured into the rice
• Presence of yeast will increase the
process of fermentation
• Can make more “tapai” in a short time
Catalytic Converter
• Exhaust gas from car engines contains
• Catalytic converters change pollutants
into non-harmful products that are safe
to be released into the atmosphere
• Presence of catalyst will make the
process occurs faster
Corrosion due to
Acid Rain
• Atmosphere around industrial areas
contains a high concentration of sulphur
• Concentration of acidic pollutants
increase, level of acid rain increase
• Buildings made of iron around industrial
area will corrode faster due to the acid
Cooking using Pressure
• Liquid inside the pot boils and creates
• Steam is trapped inside cause pressure
• Boiling point of water increase
• Higher cooking temperature makes food
cooks more quickly

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