Is 15284

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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 15284-1 (2003): Design and construction for ground

improvement - Guidelines, Part 1: Stone columns [CED 43:
Soil and Foundation Engineering]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003


Indian Standard

ICS 93.020

0 BIS 2003


NEW DELHI 110002

Jmuwy 2003 Price Group 8

Soil and Foundation Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 43

This Indian Standard (Part 1) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Soil and Foundation Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
The paucity of good construction sites requires the present day engineer to build structures on soils hitherto
considered unsuitable due to their poor strength and deformation characteristics. While cost-benefit analysis
carried out over a range of foundation solutions may yield the most suitable type of foundation, the end result in
a majority of cases may turn out to be in favour of ground improvement especially for structures where tolerable
settlement limits are not highly restrictive, such as for wide spread loads which include steel storage tanks for
hydrocarbon industry, embankments, fills, etc.
Several ground treatment techniques are available which may meet the twin objective of increasing the bearing
capacity with simultaneous reduction of settlements. Reinforcing the ground using stone columns is one of such
This standard on ground improvement is being published in two parts:
Part 1 Stone columns
Part 2 Preconsolidation using vertical drains (under preparation)
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex E.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value
observed or calculated is to be rounded off in accordance with IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical
values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that
of the specified value in this standard.
IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

Indian Standard

1 SCOPE 3.4 Working Stone Column — A stone column

forming part of a foundation system of a structure.
This standard (Part l) covers the design methodology
as well as the construction techniques for installation 3.5 Initial Test Column — Columns, which are not
of stone columns particularly for wide spread loads, working columns, but are installed for assessing the
such as tanks, embankment and fills. The parameters load carrying capacity of a stone column.
required for design are also included. The scope is
Such columns may be tested either to its ultimate load
limited to the computation of allowable loads and
capacity or to at least 1.5 times the design load. The
settlements for wide spread loads.
test is called initial load test.
2 REFERENCES 3.6 Routine Test Column — The column that is
The Indian Standards given below contain provisions selected for load testing and is subsequently loaded
which, through references in the text, constitute for the purpose. The test column may form a working
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, column itself, if subjected to routine load test with
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are loads upto 1.1 times the safe load. This testis called
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on routine load test.
these standards are encouraged to investigate the 3.7 Ultimate Load — The maximum load which a
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the column can carry before failure of ground or column
standards indicated below: material, whichever is lower.
[S No. Title 3.8 Safe Load — Load derived by applying a factor
1892:1979 Code of practice for subsurface of safety on the ultimate load capacity of the column
investigations for foundations (@f or as determined by the column load test.
6403:1981 Code of practice for determination 3.9 Factor of Safety — Ratio of the ultimate load
of bearing capacity of shallow capacity of a column to the safe load capacity of the
foundations first revision) stone column.
8009 (Part 1) : Code of practice for calculation of 3.10 Allowable Load — The load which may be
1976 settlements of foundations: Part 1 applied to a stone column after taking into account its
Shallow foundations subjected to ultimate load capacity, column spacing, allowable
symmetrical static vertical loads settlement, etc.
3 TERN’IINOLOGY 3.11 Working Load — The load assigned to a column
For the purpose of this standard the following as per design.
definitions shall apply.
3.1 Displacement/Non-displacement Type of
For the satisfactory design and installation of stone
Installation Process — If the soil is laterally displaced
columns, the following information is necessary:
while making the hole due to driving of a tube or a
casing, it is the displacement type of boring. When a) Soil investigation data as laid down in IS
the soil is taken out during boring, it is non- 1892 andlor any other relevant Indian
displacement type of installation, Standards. Borelogs supplemented by
penetration tests and other in-situ test results
3.2 Ground Improvement — To improve the load
down to medium to dense or stiff to very stiff
bearing capacity of the loose or soft soil to the required
stratum incorporating all relevant data down
depth by some practical methods.
to the investigated depth. The nature of soil
3.3 Sensitivity of Clay — The ratio of the unconfined should be indicated on the basis of
compressive strength of clay at its natural state to the appropriate tests with respect to index
remoulded condition. properties, shear strength and

1S 15284 (Part 1) :2003

compressibility. Soil profiles, wherever large area stabilization of the soil mass. Their
required, should also reincorporated. application in small groups beneath building
b) Ground water level and its condition. foundations is limited and is not being used. Thus,
c) The general layout of the structure showing large loaded areas which apply uniform loading on
its foundation system, loading pattern and foundation soils, such as beneath embankments, tank
intensity as determined from structural farms and fills represent a major area of application.
6.5 Termination
d) Sufficient information of structures existing
nearby. End bearing is not a specific requirement for stone
columns. However, they should extend through the
5 EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES soft compressible strata as indicated in 6.4, The soil
The equipment and accessories should depend upon near the ground surface has a dominating influence
the installation methodology intended to be used for on settlement and ultimate bearing capacity of stone
constructing the stone columns. The equipments should columns.
be selected giving due consideration to the subsoil strata, 7 BASIC DESIGN PARAMETERS
ground water conditions, type of founding strata, type
of structure, the required penetration in the soil, 7.1 Stone Column Diameter, D
availability of resources and time, etc.
7.1.1 Installation of stone columns in soft cohesive
6 SOME IMPORTANT FEATURES OF STONE soils is basically a self compensating process that is
COLUMN TREATMENT softer the soil, bigger is the diameter of the stone
column formed. Due to lateral displacement of stones
6.1 Influence of Soil Type during vibrations/ramming, the completed diameter
Subsurface soils whose undrained shear strength range of the hole is always greater than the initial diameter
from 7 to 50 kpa or loose sandy soils including silty of the probe or the casing depending upon the soil
or clayey sands represent a potential class of soils type, its undrained shear strength, stone size,
requiring improvement by stone columns. Subsurface characteristics of the vibrating probe/rammer used and
conditions for which stone columns are in general not the construction method.
suited include sensitive clays and silts (sensitivity 7.1.2 Approximate diameter of the stone column in
is 2 4) which lose strength when vibrated and also the field may be determined from the known
where suitable bearing strata for resting the toe of the compacted volume of material required to fill the hole
column is not available under the weak strata. of known length and maximum and minimum
6.2 Influence of Construction Methodology densities of the stone.

The disturbance caused to the soil mass due to a 7.2 Pattern

particular method of constructing the stone columns Stone columns should be installed preferably in an
significantly affects the overall behaviour of the equilateral triangular pattern which gives the most
composite ground. The availability of equipment, dense packing although a square pattern may also be
speed of construction and the depth of treatment would used. A typical layout in an equilateral triangular
normally influence the choice of construction pattern is shown in Fig. 1. .
7.3 Spacing
6.3 Treatment Depth
7.3.1 The design of stone columns should be site
The treatment depth with stone column for a given specific and no precise guidelines can be given on the
soil profile should be so determined that the stone maximum and the minimum column spacing.
columns extend through the most significant However, the column spacing may broadly range
compressible strata that contribute to the settlement from 2 to 3 depending upon the site conditions, loading
of the foundation. pattern, column factors, the installation technique,
NOTE — Average depth of stone column accomplished in India settlement tolerances, etc.
may be around 15.0 m or so, although with equipment
modification, higher depths beyond 20 m may become a possibility 7.3.2 For large projects, it is desirable to carry out
in future. field trials to determine the most optimum spacing of
stone columns taking into consideration the required
6.4 Area of Treatment
bearing capacity of the soil and permissible settlement
Stone columns work most effectively when used for of the foundation.

IS 15284 (Part 1): 2003




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7.4 Equivalent Diameter 7.5 Replacement Ratio (a,)

7.4.1 The tributory area of the soil surrounding each 7.5.1 For purpose of settlement and stability analysis,
stone column forms regular hexagon around the the composite ground representing an infinitely wide
column. It may be closely approximated by an loaded area may be modeled as a unit cell comprising
equivalent circular area having the same total area the stone column and the surrounding tributory soil.
(see Fig. 1). To quantify the amount of soil replaced by the stone,
the term replacement ratio, a,, is used. Replacement
7.4.2 The equivalent circle has an effective diameter
ratio (a,) is given by:
(De) which is given by following equation:
D, = 1.05 S for an equilateral triangular *=4. —_— 4

pattern, and A ~+A*

= 1.13 S for a square pattern where

where A, = area of the stone column,
S = spacing of the stone columns. Ag = area of ground surrounding the column,
The resulting equivalent cylinder of composite ground
with diameter Dc enclosing the tributory soil and one A = total area within the unit cell.
stone column is known as the unit cell.

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

7.5.2 The area replacement ratio may also be expressed can vary within wide limits, it should be selected
as follows: from 7.6.2.
where the constant 0.907 is a function of the pattern 8.1 Failure mechanism of a single stone column loaded
used which, in this case, is the commonly employed over its area significantly depends upon the length of
equilateral triangular pattern. the column. For columns having length greater than
its critical length (that is about 4 times the column
7.6 Stress Concentration Factor (H)
diameter) and irrespective whether it is end bearing
7.6.1 Stress concentration occurs on the stone column or floating, it fails by bulging (see Fig. 2 A). However,
because it is considerably stiffer than the surrounding column shorter than the critical length are likely to
soil. From equilibrium considerations, the stress in fail in general shear if it is end bearing on a rigid base
the stiffer stone columns should be greater than the (see Fig. 2B) and in end bearing if it is a floating
stress in the surrounding soil. column as shown in Fig. 2C.
7.6.2 The stress concentration factor, n, due to 8.2 In practice, however, a stone column is usually
externally applied load CT,is defined as the ratio of loaded over an area greater than its own (see Fig. 3)
average stress in the stone column, CTS,to the stress, in which case it experiences significantly less bulging
Og,in the soil within the unit cell, leading to greater ultimate load capacity and reduced
settlements since the load is carried by both the stone
~=% column and the surrounding soil.
NOTE — The above failure mechanisms apply to stone columns
installed in homogeneous soils. Practical situations may arise
The value of n generally lie between 2.5 and 5 at the where isolated zones of very soft cohesive soils may result in
ground surface. The stress concentration factor (n) significant bulging at both shallow and deep depths and hence,
increases with time of consolidation and decreases this should be duly considered wherever necessary.
along the length of the stone column. Higher n value
8.4 Wherever interlayering of sand and clay occurs,
at ground surface may result if load is applied to the
and if the sand layer is thick enough as compared to
composite ground through a rigid foundation as
the size of the loaded area, the general compaction
compared to the flexible foundation.
achieved by the action of the installation of the stone
7.6.3 The stress concentration factor, n, may be columns may provide adequate rigidity to effectively
predicted using elastic theory as a function of the disperse the applied stresses thereby controlling the
modular ratio of the stone and the clay assuming equal settlement of the weak layer. However, effective
vertical displacements. However, as the modular ratio reduction in settlement may be brought about by


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IS 15284 (Part 1) : 2003


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carrying out the treatment of stone columns through the other established theories also. Besides the passive
the compressible layer. resistance mobilized by the soil, the increase in
capacity of the column due to surcharge should be
When clay is present in the form of lenses and if the
taken into consideration, In addition, capacity increase
ratio of the thickness of the lense to the stone column
due to soil bearing should also be taken into account.
diameter is less than or equal to 1, the settlement due
to presence of lenses maybe insignificant. 9.1.2 Particular attention should be paid to the
presence of very weak organic clay layers of limited
8.5 In mixed soils, the failure of stone columns should thickness where local bulging failure may take place
be checked both for predominently sandy soils as well (see Fig. 4). Therefore, capacity of column in such
as the clayey soil, the governing value being lower of weak clays should also be checked even if they are
the two calculated values. below the critical depth.
9 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 9.2 Adjacent Structures
9.1 General 9.2.1 When working near existing structures, care
should be taken to avoid damage to such structures by
By assuming a triaxial state of stress in the stone suitable measures.
column and both the column and the surrounding soil
at failure, the ultimate vertical stress, crl, which the 9.2.2 In case of deep excavation adjacent to stone
stone column can take, may be determined from the columns, prior shoring or other suitable arrangement
following equation: should be done to guard against the lateral movement
of soil or loss of confining soil pressure.
9.3 Ultimate Load Capacity and Settlement
9.3.1 The ultimate load carrying capacity of stone
where column may be estimated approximately on the basis
of soil investigation data or by test loading. However,
03 = lateral confining stress mobilized by the it should be preferably determined by an initial load
surrounding soil to resist the bulging of test on a test column specifically installed for the
the stone column; purpose and tested to its ultimate load particularly in
$, = angle of internal friction of the stone col- a locality where no such previous experience exists.
umn; and
9.3.2 Procedure for estimating the load capacity and
0,/cr, = coefficient of passive earth pressure knof
settlement of a single column is given in Annex A
the stone column.
and Annex B, respectively. Any other alternate
This approach assumes a plane strain loading formulae with substantially proven reliability
condition (such as passive resistance mobilized behind depending upon the sub-soil characteristics and the
a long retaining wall) and hence does not realistically method of installation, may also be used.
consider the three dimensional geometry of a single
stone column. 9.4 Environmental Factors

9.1.1 The bearing capacity of an isolated stone column Design considerations should take into account the
or that Iocated within a group maybe computed using environmental factors, such as presence of aggressive
IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003


.- t.-
f~.: ::5 ~~FTC~Y
., ,, ”.”.
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.,, .. .
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chemicals in the sub-soil and ground water, an artesian safety recommended in each formula should be
conditions, etc. applicable.


The ultimate load capacity of single column may be The construction of stone columns involves creation
determined from load tests with reasonable accuracy. of a hole in the ground which is later filled with
The settlement of a stone column obtained at safe/ granular material. The granular till consisting of stone
working load from load test results on a single column or stone sand mixture of suitable proportion, is
should not be directly used in forecasting the settlement compacted by suitable means to create a compacted
of the structure unless experience from similar column of required strength. The recommended
foundations in similar soil conditions on its settlement installation techniques are given at Annex C.
behaviour is available. The average settlement may
be assessed on the basis of sub-soil data and loading 11 GRANULAR BLANKET
details of the structures as a whole using the principles 11.1 Irrespective of the method used to construct the
of soil mechanics. stone columns, the blanket laid over the top of the
stone columns should consist of clean medium to
9.6 Factor of Safety coarse sand compacted in layers to a relative density
9.6.1 The following factors should be considered for of 75 to 80 percent.
selecting a suitable factor of safety: 11.2 Minimum thickness of the compacted sand
a) Reliability of the value of ultimate load blanket should be 0.5 m. This blanket should be
carrying capacity of the column, exposed to atmosphere at its periphery for pore water
pressure dissipation.
b) The type of superstructure and the type of
loading, 11.3 After ensuring complete removal of slush
c) Allowable total and differential settlement of deposited during boring operations, a minimum depth
the structure, and of 0.5 m, preferably 0.75 m below the granular blanket
d) The manner of load transfer from stone should be compacted by other suitable means, such as
column to the soil. rolling/tamping to the specified densification criteria.

9.6.2 It is desirable that the ultimate capacity of column 12 FIELD CONTROLS

is obtained from an initial load test. The minimum
12.1 In the methods involving boring the set criteria
factor of safety for such a load test should be 2.5.
and the consumption of granular till form the main
9.6.3 When ultimate capacity is derived from soil quality control measures for the columns constructed
mechanics considerations, the minimum factor of by the non-displacement technique. The set criteria

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

should be established as per C-1.l (m). For ascertaining the test location so as to fix it properly over the sand
the consumption of fill, the diameter of the column as blanket.
formed during field trials should be measured in its
tippet-mostpart for a depth of four diameters and average 13.6 In case high water table conditions exist at site,
of these observations taken as the column diameter. the water level during the tests should be maintained
at the footing base level by dewatering.
12.2 In the case of vibroflots, the following minimum
field controls should be observed: 13.7 Following procedure should be followed for
application of load:
a) Vibroflot penetration depth including the
a) The load should be applied to the footing by
depth of embedment in firm strata,
a suitable kentledge (see Fig. 6), taking care
b) Monitoring of volume of backfill added to
to avoid impact, fluctuations or eccentricity.
obtain an indication of the densities achieved,
and b) The kentledge should be minimum 1.30 times
the maximum test load.
c) Monitoring of ammeter or hydraulic pressure
c) Load settlement observations should be taken
gauge readings to verify that the maximum
possible density has been achieved in case of to 1.5 times the design load for a single
vibrofloted columns. column and three column group test
13 FIELD LOADING TESTS d) The settlements should be recorded by four
dial gauges (sensitivity less than or equal to
13.1 Irrespective of the method used to construct the
0.02 mm) fixed at diametrically opposite ends
stone columns, the initial load tests should be
of the footing.
performed at a trial test site to evaluate the load-
settlernent behaviour of the soil-stone column system. e) Each stage of loading should be near about
The tests should be conducted on a single and also on 1/5 of the design load and should be
. . maintained till the rate of settlement is less
a grouP of mmlmum three co]umns+
than 0.05 mm/h at which instant the next
13.2 For the initial load tests, in order to simulate the stage of loading should be applied.
field conditions of compaction of the intervening soil,
a minimum of seven columns for a single column test 9 The design as well as the maximum test load
should be maintained for a minimum period
and twelve columns for three column group test may
of 12 h after stabilization of settlement to the
be constructed for triangular pattern as shown in
rate as given in 13.7 (e).
Fig. 5.
g) Load settlement and time settlement
13.3 The diameter of the circular concrete footing or relationships should be plotted from the
equivalent steel plate of adequate thickness and rigidity settlements observed for each increment of
may be based on the effective tributory soil area of load at intervals of 1 rein, 2 rein, 4 rein,
stone column for a single column test and three times 8min,16min, %h, lh, l%h,2h,3h,4 h,
the effective area of single column for a three column and so on till the desired rate of settlement
group test. In each case, the footing may cover the has been achieved. The time intervals may
equivalent circular effective area centrally. be suitably modified if so desired.
13.4 The initial and final soil conditions at the trial h) The test load should be unloaded in five
site should be investigated by drilling at least one stages. At each stage enough time should be
borehole and one static cone testipressure meter test/ allowed for settlements to stabilize.
dynamic cone test prior and subsequent to the j) The load test should be considered acceptable
installation of columns as per 13.2. All these tests if it meets the following settlement criteria:
Including the standard penetration test, field vane
shear tests and collection of undisturbed/disturbed i) 10 to 12 mm settlement at design load
samples and laboratory testing on the samples should for a single column test, and
be as per relevant Indian Standards. ii) 25 to 30 mm settlement at the design load
for a three column group test.
13.5 A granular blanket of medium to coarse sand
having thickness not less than 300 mm should be laid k) For routine load test fewjob columns (say 1 test
over the test column(s) as per 11. Over the blanket, a for 625m2 area) maybe tested upto 1.1 times
properly designed footing should be laid. The footing the design load intensity with minimum
may be cast away from the test site and transported to kentledge of 1.3 times the design load.

1S 15284 (Part 1) :2003








IS 15284 (Part 1): 2003




14 RECORDING OF DATA o Complete record of blow counts for each stone

14.1 A competent inspector should be appointed at charge and also the overall total number of
site to record necessary information during installation blows for compaction of stones,
of stone columns and the data to be recorded may !3 The final set for last five blows or as may be
include the following: specified for each stone charge,
h) Time taken for completing each stone column
a) Sequence of installation of stone columns in including withdrawal of casing, and
a group,
j) Any other important observation during
b) Spacing of stone columns, installation and after withdrawal of casing
c) The type and size of rammer and its stroke, tube.
d) Dimensions of the stone column,
14.2 Typical data sheet for recording stone column
e) Depth of installation, data is given in Annex D

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003
(Clause 9.3.2)
Load capacity of the treated ground may be obtained Y= effective unit weight of soil within the
by summing up the contribution of each of the influence zone.
following components for wide spread loads, such as
tankages and embankments: 4
tan2(45° + ~)
KP,., =
a) Capacity of the stone column resulting from where
the resistance offered by the surrounding soil
against its lateral deformation (bulging) $C = angle of internal friction of the granu-
under axial load, lar column material and it may vary
b) Capacity of the stone column resulting from depending upon angularity, surface
increase in resistance offered by the characteristics and density of column
material. Value applicable for the
surrounding soil due to surcharge over it,
and stones intended to be used as backfill
material may be determined using
c) Bearing support provided by the intervening
large shear box tests or laboratory
soil between the columns.
shear test. In absence of such tests, the
A-1.1 Capacity Based on Bulging of Column design may be based on the best engi-
neering judgement. As a broad guide,
Considering that the foundation soil is at failure when the $Cmay range from 38° to 42° de-
stressed horizontally due to bulging of stone column, pending upon the compactness
the limiting (yield) axial stress in the column is given achieved during construction of stone
by the sum of the following: columns.
— Yield load = o, n/4 D2
CJ, ‘rL ‘pcoI
— . ..(1) Safe load on column
(c,.+ 4C.) KPCOI
alone Q, = (crvn/4 D’) /2 . ..(2)
where 2 is the factor of safety.
0, —
. limiting axial stress in the column
A-1.2 Surcharge Effect
when it approaches shear failure due
to bulging, and a) Initially, the surcharge load is supported
— limiting radial stress entirely by the rigid column. As the column
— O,.+ 4CU dilates some load is shared by the intervening
soil depending upon the relative rigidity of
where the column and the soil. Consolidation of soil
— undisturbed undrained shear strength under this load results in an increase in its
of clay surrounding the column, and strength which provides additional lateral
— initial effective radial stress resistance against bulging.
— KOOVO b) The surcharge load may consist of sand
blanket and sand pad (being applicable to
tank foundations). If thicknesses of these
K,, — average coefficient of lateral earth elements are not known, the limiting
pressure for clays equal to 0.6 or thickness of the surcharge loading as
alternatively, as determined from the represented by the safe bearing capacity of
relationship KO= l-sin ~, where @is the soil may be considered.
the effective angle of internal friction c) The increase in capacity of the column due
of soil, and to surcharge may be computed in terms of
0“0 — average initial effective vertical stress increase in mean radial stress of the soil as
considering an average bulge depth as follows:
2 times diameter of the column
(see Fig. 2a), that is avO= y2D AcT~=~ (1+2KO) . ..(3)

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

where AO,Ois the increase in mean radial be estimated by using Bell’s formula for passive
stress due to surcharge, and q=feis the safe pressure:
bearing pressure of soil with the factor of
safety of 2.5 (see IS 6403) qL=pp=yz &+%& ,.. (1)
q,afe= C. NCJ2.5 where
Increase in ultimate cavity expansion stress= AO,OFq’
P, = passive pressure,
where z = average bulge depth
. 2 times the column diameter, and
Fq = vesic’s dimension less cylindrical cavity
expansion factor k, = passive pressure coefficient of soil
— (1+ sin @t,)/(l -sin @g)
Fq’= lforr#t, =O
Increase in yield stress of the column= KpCOl
A~,O where

d) Allowing a factor safety of 2, increase in safe @g = angle of internal friction of soil.

load of column, Qj is given by the following Limiting axial stress in the column, when it
formula: approaches shear failure due to bulging crvis given by
the following formula:
Q,= KPcolA~r,,As 0, = ~r~~P.ol
. . . (4)
2 = O,L(1+ sin @c)/(1 –sin @c)
The surcharge effect is minimum at edges and it should
rd4 D2
be compensated by installing additional columns in Safe load on column, Q] = Cv~ ,.. (2)
the peripheral region of the facility.
A-2.2 The surcharge effect (QJ and bearing support of
A-1.3 Bearing Support Provided by the Intervening
the intervening soil (QJ maybe obtained as per A-1.3.
A-3 Determination of Column Spacing
This component consists of the intrinsic capacity of
the virgin soil to support a vertical load which maybe A-3.1 From the plan area of the structure and the
computed as follows: number of columns as assessed in A-1.3, area per
column is arrived at. This, in turn, will lead to effective
Effective area of stone column
spacing between the columns depending upon the
including the intervening soil
pattern of columns as follows:
for triangular pattern = 0.866 s
Pattern Area for Colutnn
Area of intervening soil for each column, Ag is given
by the following formula: Triangular 0.866 P
Square 1.OY
A-3.2 Design calculations should be repeated till there
A,, = 0.866 S2–~ is convergence of the assumed and the calculated
column spacing. One or two trials may be required to
Safe load taken by the achieve an acceptable degree of convergence.
intervening soil, Q3 = qwfeAg . ..(5) A-3,3 Additional stone columns may be required
Overall safe load on each column inside and outside the periphery of the loaded area
and its tributory soil = Q,+ Q,+ Q3. considering pressure distribution, presence/absence of
surcharge and permissible or expected settlement of
the structure. These additional columns may be
NOTE TIIe number of columns to be provided under a structure
ma> be ob[ained if the total load to which the structure is subjected
provided either as rings or at a closer spacing for an
(o and the reduction in settlements required considering the appropriate distance inside as well as outside the
permissible total and differential settlements for it are known. periphery of the loaded area.

A-2 STONE COLUMNS IN MIXED SOILS A-3.4 The load capacity of the stone columns
computed as in accordance with A-1.3 should be
A-2.1 In soils having both C and @,the capacity may verified by load test as per 13.
[S 15284 (Part 1) :2003

(Clause 9.3.2)
B-1 SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS e) The sharing of applied load between the soil
and stone column is determined from the
B-1.l Settlement of theuntreated ground should be
following formulae:
computed as per IS 8009. Settlements of the treated
ground may be estimated using the reduced stress
method based on the stress concentration factor n and
the replacement ratio, a,. Stress concentration factor
should be suitably arrived as per 7.6. Area replacement =/fga
ratio may be obtained from the column diameter and
the spacing of stone columns (see 7.5). Following this,
the settlement of the treated ground and reduction
factor ~, can be worked out as follows:
=/J, cJ
a) The applied stress, o, is shared between the
columns and the surrounding soft ground in f) Consolidation settlement of the composite
proportion to the relative stiffness of the two (treated) soil S,is given by:
materials, the cross-sectional area of the
S,=mvcg H
columns (A,) and their spacing.
b) Sharing of the applied stress between the =mVpgcr H
column and the tributory soil is expressed in where
terms of the stress concentration ratio, n, m, = modulus of volume decrease of soil,
given below: and
H= thickness of treated soil.
NOTE — This is based on the assumption that the
settlement of the strata underlying the column tip is added
where to the settlement of the reinforced ground.
cr, = vertical stress in compacted columns, /3) Consolidation settlement S of the
and unreinforced ground is computed from the
Og = vertical stress in surrounding ground. one dimensional consolidation theory as
c) If A~is the plan area of the soil for columns, given below:
then: S=mvrsH
(A, +Ag)a=A, a,+ AgrJg
h) Settlement reduction ratio ~ is defined as:
d) The replacement of soil with stone is
expressed in terms of the replacement ratio, p= Settlement of treated soil, S,
a:s Settlement of untreated soil, S

a,. —

~+Ag p=s= 1
S l+(n–l)a,

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

(Ck.zuse 10)

C-1 NON-DISPLACEMENT METHOD a given number of blows. For the rammer

system proposed to be used, the set criterion
In this method, boring can be accomplished by artyone
would be established individually for each site
of the techniques as specified in C-1.l to C-1.3.
by conducting appropriate field trials.
C-1.l Bailer and Casing Method Although the set will be governed by the
rammer input energy as well as the fill
a) in this method, the borehole is advanced by
characteristics, a satisfactory compaction is
using a bailer while its sides are retained by
considered to be achieved when a set of
a casing.
10 mm or less is obtained for the last 5 blows
b) To minimize disturbance at the bottom of the
using rammer energy of the order mentioned
hole and to avoid loss of ground due to
in C -1.1 (k).
suction, the water level in the casing should
be maintained at around 2.0 m above the n) It may be noted that the compaction of the
surrounding ground water level. granular fill depends upon the inter-related
c) Care should be taken to ensure that during factors of the column, the soil, the rammer
drilling, the casing is always ahead of the system, the installation procedure, etc’.
boring in order to avoid formation of excess However, a heavier rammer is more effective
diameter of boreho]e. for a given energy than a lighter rammer of
d) To avoid suction effects, the bailer diameter comparable output energy.
should be 75 mm to 100 mm less than the P) Subsequent to achieving the desired
internal diameter of the casing. compaction as in C-1.l (n), the next charge
e) Driving of casing and advancing of boring by is placed in the casing and it is rammed in
bailer should be done alternately to progress accordance with the C-1.l (k) to C-1.l (m).
the cased borehole without endangering the The procedure is repeated till a stone column
adjacent stone column already installed. of the desired length has been formed.
f) At commencement of boring, a guide boring
of 0.5 m to 1.0 m depth should be drilled with C-1.2 Direct Mud Circulation (DMC) Method
bailer in order to properly support the casing In this method, the borehole walls may be stabilized
within the borehole to facilitate driving by with bentonite mud. However, prior to putting in the
bailer. stone charge, a casing of suitable diameter is lowered
g) Sectional lengths of the casing are added on to the bottom of the borehole, bentonite mud
till the desired depth of treatment has been completely pumped out and the same is replaced with
clean water. Backfilling of the hole with stone charges
h) When the casing has reached the desired and their compaction in stages is done in the same
depth of the column, chemically inert, sound manner as described in C-1.1.
and well graded crushed rock of 75 mm down
to 2 mm is placed in the casing to fill it to NOTE — For formation of a stone column of an acceptable quality
column of water in the excavated hole should be kept clear of
about 1 m to 1.5 m depth.
suspendedkettled impurities. Attempt should be made to achieve
j) After placement of this charge, the casing is a high degree of clarity of water devoid of turbidity to the extent
withdrawn making sure that its bottom possib}e. This maybe achieved by replacing the water in the hole
invariably remains a minimum of 0.5 m into at regular intervals.

the aggregate. C-1.3 Rotary Drill Method

k) The loose charge below the bottom of the
casing is then compacted by operating a In this method, boring is performed with rotary
rammer of suitable weight and fall within the equipment employing augers or buckets. The borehole
casing so as to obtain a ramming energy of sides may be stabilized using a casing or alternatively,
around 20 KNm (Joules) per blow. by using bentonite mud as per C-1.2. Driving of casing
m) The extent of ramming is measured by the to stabilize the boreholes sides, pouring of stone charge
set criterion, that is, by measuring penetration and compaction of the same is done in the same
of the rammer into the backfilled material or manner as in C-1.l and C-1.2.

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

NOTE — In the boring methods prescribed in C-1.l to C-1.3, the greater than 0.5 kg/cm2, special version of the vibroflot
following precautions should be taken:
may be used or alternatively, a non displacement
i) Suction causcdby bailer caninduce ingress ofsoWloosesoil method may be employed:
into the borebole from under thecashrg, even if the water
level intheborehole iskeptsufticiently above the ground a) The vibroflot is a poker vibrator normally of
water table. This action can cause damage to tbe neighboring diameter ranging from 300 mm to 450 mm
columns. To mitigate this probiem, suitable size of the bailer and about 2 m to 3.5 m long. It weighs 2 t to
should be selected as per C-1.1 (d).
4 t depending upon the size.
ii) Co]l]paction ofstones under water mayrequire provision of A typical vibroflot probe is shown in Fig. 7.
a special hammer.
It consists of two parts:
C-2 DISPLACEMENT METHOD i) Vibrator, and
[n this Imethod, a closed end pipe mandrel is driven to ii) Follower pipes/tubes.
the desired depth and the trip valve opened to c) The vibrator contains eccentric weights
discharge the stone in appropriate stages. Either an mounted at the bottom on a vertical shaft
internal rammer packs the soil with stone through the directly linked to a motor in the body of the
pipe as is it withdrawn as further stone charge is added, machine. Thus, the vibratory motion is
or the mandrel is withdrawn until the valve can be horizontal with the body cycling around a
closed and the entire mandrel with the valve in closed vertical axis.
position is used to ram against the stone with a hammer d) While the vibrator is in motion, the follow
operating over the mandrel to expand and density the up pipe remains almost stationary. This ii
column. achieved by inserting a universal connection
(vibration isolator) between the two parts.
While installing a large group of stone columns, the
The follow on tube which has diameter
sequence of installation should be from the centre to
somewhat less than that of the vibrator is
the periphery or one side to the other for avoiding
provided in the form of extension pieces to
possibility of damaging neighboring columns and
allow deep penetration into the ground. The
heaving of soil, particularly in stiff clay or compact
tube carries power/hydraulic oil lines and
sand layers.
water pipes from the surface for jets in the
nose cone and sides of the vibrator. Electric
machines can be coupled to the local
In this method, creation of hole in the ground and generator while the hydraulic machines
compaction of granular fill backfilled in the hole is generally have a power pack as a separate
accomplished mechanically using a vibratory unit unit placed adjacent to the suspending crane.
called vibroflot. Stone columns may be constructed e) The most common power development is
using this equipment either by: in the range of 35 kW to 100 kW. Large
machines which develop power upto 160 kW
a) Wetprocess — Generally suitable for soft to
may also be used depending on subsoil
firm soil with high water table condition
conditions and the corresponding lateral
where borehole stability is questionable, or
impact forces may vary from 5 t to over 30 t.
b) D~process — Suitable for soils of relatively
o Vibration frequencies usually are fixed either
high initial strength with relatively low water
at 30 Hz or 50 Hz to suit electric power cycles.
table where the hole can stand of its own upon When hanging free, half amplitudes of the
extraction of the probe, such as unsaturated vibroflot are generally between 5 mm to
fills. 10 mm. However, when machine is working
hard and restrained by the ground, they are
C-3.1 Vibrotlot
somewhat less thereby limiting the lateral
C-3.1.1 Several versions of the vibroflot may be compaction depending upon the relative
available with respect to its diameter, length and weights and positions of the moving and
weight. Specialist opinion may be sought for an static parts as well as the power and speed of
appropriate selection of the equipment after giving the machine and the subsoil conditions.
due consideration to the soil type, its strength g) Other auxiliary equipments in addition to the
characteristics, depth of treatment, etc. The following accompanying power pack system include
clauses give broad features of the vibroflot currently water pump, crane, welding set, etc. The
in use in India and the procedure for constructing the water pump provides water under pressure
stone column in clays with strengths varying from to jet the vibroflot into the ground as it is
0.07 kg/cm2 to 0.5 kg/cm2. In ground with cohesion lowered down by the crane.

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003





1 A 1









C-3.1.2 Compaction Procedure maintains an open channel along the sides

a) Each compaction sequence begins with the of the vibroflot permitting backfill material
probe freely suspended from the crane and shoved from the surface to reach the bottom
set to vibrate. It simultaneously releases water and it also prevents the probe from sticking.
from the lower jets which remove the sofl soil The annular wash water flow is established
directly under the vibroflot nose forming a by raising (surging) the vibroflot twice or
hole. This operation allows practically an thrice to clean the loose soft soils from the
unimpeded penetration of the vibroflot into hole. When the water flow continuously
the soil under its own weight. No increase in returns to the surface, the probe is raised by
density of the soil is achieved during this suitable lift, say 1.5 m and the backfill is
operation of the probe penetration. poured into the annular space between the
poker and the side walls of the hole. The
b) When the vibroflot has reached the desired
horizontal vibrations generated by the poker
depth, the water supply to the lower jet is
drive the stones laterally into the soil to form
reduced suitably and the top jets are put on.
a column of an enlarged diameter.
Wash water from these upper jets returns to
Combination of bottom and top water jets may
the ground surface through the annulus
also be used depending upon the soil
between the outside of the follow on tubes
condition during boring and compaction.
and the crater sides. This upward flow

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

c) Care must be taken during construction for installation of stone columns by vibroflot
not allowing the side walls of the hole to include soil type, initial soil strength, probe
collapse and foul the stones. This is avoided spacing and pattern. Spacing and volume
by keeping the water flowing throughout replacement is highly site specific.
construction to help stabilize the hole side b) For soils containing more than 20 percent
walls. fines (less than 0.074 mm size), stone
d) Stone is generally placed in lifts of columning maybe adopted for improving the
appropriate thickness. engineering properties of the soil. The soft
e) The power of the unit should be selected clays to be treated should have their
based on the strength of the soil to be treated sensitivity not exceeding 4, preferably 3 and
as well as the density of the stone backfill under and undrained shear strength generally
to be achieved. Vibroflots with 30 hp to not less than 0.7 t/m2.
120 hp motor are generally in use in India NOTE — Sensitivity is also important for columns
depending upon the initial shear strength installed by non-displacement technique and are subject
of the soil. The power input of the motor is to the same limits as above and it should also be checked
by laboratory tests.
measured by a recording ammeter/pressure
gauge. The power input remains relatively c) Crushed stone or gravel may be used as
constant during the insertion operation. backfill material. The individual stones
However, as compaction of the granular fill should be chemically inert, hard and resistant
proceeds, the resistance to movement around to breakage. The size of material should not
the vibroflot unit increases requiring a be too large to cause arching of stones
greater power input. When the maximum between the vibroflot and the borehole walls
input, that is, the rated power of the machine thereby preventing the material to reach the
is reached, the ammeter/pressure peaks tip of the vibrator. Well graded stones of
indicating achievement of the maximum 75 mm to 2 mm size may be used. It maybe
density of the backfill. Thus, ammeter/ noted that stones of uniform size may permit
hydraulic pressure provides a means to penetration of clay into the large sized voids
control the compaction level of the granular thereby jeopardizing the capacity of the
fill in the field. The next lift of the stone column and/or its function as a vertical drain.
backfill is lodged in and the compaction Backfill gradation, rate of shoving the backfill
cycle is repeated. material into the hole and the upward water
o When the upward flow of wash water is velocity should be carefully controlled during
pinched off due to the hole collapse during the backfilling operation as they have
extraction, it may be regained by repeated significant effect on the backfill densities
raising and plunging of the vibroflot achieved.
(surging). d) The personnel operating the machine should
The penetration rate of vibroflot into the be experienced enough to be able to quickly
ground during the insertion varies depending identify the situations, such as premature
upon the flow rate and pressure of water and quitting of shoving bookfill material into the
soil conditions. crater, caving of hole due to inadequate water
pressure resulting in pinching of the channel
C- 3.1.3 Factors Influencing Vibrojloted Stone along the sides of the vibroflot, extracdng
Colunllls probe at too fast a rate, excessive washwater
velocity and take remedial measures so as not
a) In addition to the equipment factors stated to allow the vibroflot to starve of the backfill
above, the other factors influencing at any stage of the compaction process.


IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

(Ckwe 14.2)



Name of work: Name of client:

Drawing No.: Date/Shift:

S1No. : Time of start of boring:

Location : Time of end of boring:

Diameter : Time of start and finish of

compaction of each batch of stones:
Actual ground level :
Total time taken for compaction of
Length of tube : all batches of stones:

Type of hammer: Total time taken for installation of

stone column:
Weight of hammer :
Length of stone column from GL:
Stroke/Drop of hammer :
Total volume of stones consumed:
Total No. of blows :

Set for last 5 blows :

Repeat set for 5 blows :

1S 15284 (Part 1) :2003


Soil and Foundation Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 43

Organization Representatives(s)
In Personal Capacity [302, Karnadgiri Tower, Kausharnbi, Ghoziabad(U. P.)] DR R. K. BHANOARI
A. P. Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad SHIUB. ANJIAH
AF(’ONS Limited, Mumbai SHRIA. D. LO~DHE
Centml Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi DIRECTOR
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee SHRICHANDRA PRAKASH
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SUPERINTENDING
Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Smrr SUDHIR
SHRIO. P. YADAV(Alternate)
Central Soil & Materials Research Station, New Delhi SHRI
SHRID. N. BERA(Alternate)
College of Engineering, Chennai PROFESSOR
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, New Delhi SHRID. K. JAIN
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRIV. K. MALHOTRA
F. S. Engineers Pvt Limited, Chennai DR A. VERGHESE
G. S. Jain & Associates Pvt Limited, New Delhi SHRIG. S. JAIN
Gujarat Engineering Research Institute, Vadodara DIRE~R
SHRIJ. K. PATEL(Alternate)
FIOWE (I) Pvt Limited, Mumbai DIRSCTOR
Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delhi SECRETARY
lndian lnstiture ofTechnology, Mumbai SHRIG, VENKATACHALAM
Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers, Mumbai SHIUM. C. BHIDE
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore PROFA. SRIDHARAN
Indian Institute ofTeehnology, New Delhi DR A. VARAOARAJAN
DR R. KANIRAJ(Affer-rrate)
Indian Institute ofTechnology, Chennai PROFNAIANP. KURIAN
Jadavpur University, Jadavpur PROFN. SOM
Kolkata Port Trust, Kolkatrr SHRIB. K. RAY
SHroA. N. RAY(Alternate)
M. N. Dastur & Company Limited, Kolkata DIRFCTDR(CIVILSTOCTORAL)
SHRIS. N. PAL(Afternate)
Ministry of Surface Transport, New Delhi SHtUA. K. BANERJEE
Mumbai Port Trust. Mumbai SHRIMATI
Nagadi Consultants Pvt Limited, New Delhi DRV. V. S. RAO
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, Noida DR D. N. NARESH

(Continued an page 19)

IS 15284 (Part 1) :2003

(CoIIrinaedjiom page 18)

Organization Representatives(s)

l’ile Foundation Construction Co (I) Pvt Limited, Kolkata SHRIB. P. Gutu NIYca
SHRIS. BHOWMIK (Alternate)
Public Works Department, Chemrai CHIEFENGINEER
Safe Enterprises, Mumbai SHRISURENDRA
Skanska CementMion 1ndia Ltd. Kolkata SHRIP. S. SENGUFTA
The Pressure Piling Co (1) Pvt Limited, Mumbai SHRIV. C. DESHPANDE
U. P, Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkee DRECTOR
SHroT. R. fiLw (~~ternate)
clnivcrsity of Jodhpur, Jodhpur DR DAMODAK
[ndam [nstitute of Technology, Roorkee PROFV. H. JOSH]
BIS Directorate General SHRI S. K. JAIN,Director & Head (Civ Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-of?icio)]

Member Secretary
Joint Director (Civ Engg), BIS

Miscellaneous Foundation Subcommittee, CED 43:6

Engineers India Limited, New Delhi DR R. K. M. BHANDAKI
Assoc latcd Cunstmetion Technologies (P) Ltd, Chennai SHRIMOW RAMANATHAN
Best & Crompton Engmccring Limited, Chennai SHRIS. RUORAPATHV
Cement Corporation of India, New Delhi SHIOO. S. SRtVASTAVA
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee SHRJCHANDRA PrwusH
DR K. G. GARG(Alternate)
Ccmml Public Works Department, New Delhi EXECUTIVE
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, New Delhi DIRECTOR
Engineering Constmction Coqmration Limited, Chennai SHRIP. G. RAMAKSISHNAN
F. S. Engineers Pvt Llmitcd. Chennai SHRIA. VERGHESE
GammGn Indja Lim!ted, Mumbm DRN. V. NAYAK
SHRIM. V. SHAH(Alternate)
IIigh\\ays & RLual Works Department, Chentmi SHIUS. SARAV.ANAVEL
In Personal Capacity (E- /04A, Simlu House, Nepean Sea Road, A4umbai) SHRIS. MUKHERSEE
Mtnistry of Surface Transport, Ncw Delhi SHRIA. K. BANERJW
National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, Noida DR B. N. NARESH
Rescwch, Designs& Standards Organization, Lucknow (GE)
(GE 111)(A)ternate)
Simplex (crncrctc Piles (I) Limited, Chennai SHRISHANKAR GUHA
SHRIR. K. DAS(Alfernate)
Skanska Cemcntatmn India Ltd, Kolkata SHRIP. S. SENGUPTA
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee DR SWAMYSARAN

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oj Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
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Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication’s), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 43 (5215).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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