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Written By

Gavin Syme

Published By
Alternative Armies

ISBN 978-1-873997-07-9
©Alternative Armies

15mm Science Fiction


Frontis Page pg1

Introduction & Contents pg2
What you Need to Play pg3
The USE ME Rules pg4-14
The USE ME Advanced Rules pg15
15mm Science Fiction Rules Character Types and Cots Tables pg16-18
Miniatures and Templates pg19
Force Rosters pg20
Welcome to the Ultra Simple Engine for After and Between Games pg21-22
Miniature Engagements, or USE ME, Linked Games and Campaigns pg23-24
rules for 15mm science fiction gaming USE ME Solo Play add on pg25-27
HOF Miniature Range pg28-30
with 15mm scale miniatures. Laserburn Range pg31
Free Resources pg32
The following rules are designed to
give a very satisfying experience,
tactically challenging, without being
hard to learn or to come to terms with. USE ME
15mm Science Fiction
USE ME games typically have
10,20,40,100 miniatures a side and take Credits
five minutes to an hour to play out.
Written by: G. Syme
Perfect for after a hard day’s work, Additional Contributions: M.White, R.Minadeo
lunchtime break combat, a complete Layouts by: A.Scott
Photography by: A.Scott
newcomer to the wargaming hobby or Cover Miniature Painted by: M.Taylor
even a child of seven years or older. In Special Thanks to: E.Lister, M.Hannan, J.Syme
fact we bet that once you have played
Visit us online at
a few turns you will value these rules
all the more. Alternative Armies
Barrhill Road
In a time when more complex and more Girvan, Ayrshire
expensive no longer means better to Scotland
KA26 0QD
time pressed wargamers USE ME steps +44 (0)1465841677
up and entertains. If you want to pick
up your miniatures and get fighting
Seek us out on social media by name.
with the minimum of fuss and
requirements then USE ME is just that; Printed in Scotland by J&B Print.
All Rights Reserved 2010 onward. 7th Print Run
it’s for you!

What you Need to Play What makes a Character in Play
To make use of these rules you will In a game of USE ME the miniatures in
need the following. Firstly a copy of the playing area are essentially just
these rules (but then as you are reading what they depict. One 15mm scale
this now we assume you have got that miniature makes one character, one
already) to hand. Secondly some basic vehicle equals one vehicle of that type
wargame equipment including some and so on. All miniatures and vehicles
D6 (six sided dice), one for each player, of all types should be mounted on bases
a ruler marked out in inches plus some or another 'foot print' that depicts the
markers and templates. These markers area they occupy in the playing area.
and templates are used for several We recommend a base of less than one
purposes clearly outlined in the rules inch for infantry, one to two inches for
to follow and you can get some for free vehicles and anything larger should
in electronic form from us if you ask us have a base that suits it. Use your own
for them. Have the markers and judgment and equally if you have your
templates printed and cut out before miniatures without bases or on your
beginning. own size of bases then use them as they
are. As long as all players agree before
Thirdly you will need an area to play
play commences then that is fine.
upon. This can be the floor, the kitchen
table, your work desk or even the hood A character can be of any science fiction
of an automobile! Just ensure it is flat race or a monster, it can be a tank or a
and a minimum of three foot square for hover bike or mobile artillery. You
moderate sized games of USE ME. choose the NAME for your character
Suitable scale terrain can be added from however the character must be
your collection, or improvised, as your allocated to one of the character TYPES
chosen scenario dictates. provided in these rules for game
purposes. For example you might have
Set up your playing area and lay out
five Klaggan Jump Marines of the
some terrain as per the scenario you
planet Aldabaran IV wielding mark
have thought up or for a straight fight.
seven photronic beamers. But in USE
We can provide some basic scenario
ME terms these would be Character
types in electronic form upon request
type Infantry with a high Elan rating,
for free. Then place your miniatures at
superior rifles and a high movement
opposite edges of the playing area and
rate; perhaps classed as armoured. All
characters must be given a type before
being put into the playing area. This
can be written down or just agreed
between players.
Characters may be grouped into
SQUADS at your discretion, it’s not – Turn Sequence –
essential but in larger games of USE
ME its makes play easier and quicker.
Initiative Phase
You can group between three and ten
characters into one squad. You must In Play Phase
nominate a squad leader (use a marker Characters or Squads with the highest
for this) and all members of the squad ELAN rating in play activate and conduct
must remain within three inches of the all movement, shooting, melee and all
squad leader or they become separated other possible actions until exhausted.
and are treated as such for the rest of Characters or Squads with the next
the game. A squad must always have highest ELAN rating do the same.
a leader and if reduced to less than Continue down the ELAN ratings until
three members the characters are you reach the lowest one and active the
treated as singles once more for the rest lowest rating as above.
of the game. Any characters who are Off Table Action Phase
Infantry or Light Vehicle can be
� Consolidation Phase
grouped into squads however all other
Return to ‘Initiative Phase' unless
types of heavier vehicles may not be
last turn of game or objective met in
formed into squads and must be
which case play ends.
The Initiative Phase consists simply of
each player rolling one D6 dice. The
The USE ME Turn Sequence highest roll is the winner, the second
Before a game begins use your scenario, highest is second and so on. All ties are
or agree between players, who is allied re-rolled. Note it down for the turn.
to each 'side' in the coming battle.
Typically there will be TWO, or EXAMPLE
THREE or FOUR players in the game Tom and John are going to play a small two
but only the troops of two armies in the player game of USE ME. The miniatures
playing area. You can though easily are set up and its a straight forward battle
have three way fights and even four to the death. Both Tom and John pick up a
way conflicts with USE ME. Make sure D6 each and roll. Tom wins with a 5, John
all players know which side they are on gets 3. Initiative for the turn belongs to
before play begins. Tom.

The sequence of every turn is SAME in

all cases and is not deviated from until
the end of the game.
Every character has an ELAN rating all finished John activates all of his Elan 2
from 6 the highest to 1 the lowest and characters in an order of his choosing.
this represents their training,
A squad made up of several characters
equipment, morale and state of
assigns itself an elan rating as an
readiness for combat. Each turn every
average of its members AT THE
character and squad with an elan rating
START OF PLAY which does not
of 6 activates first and once all of those
change for the rest of the game. Take
have activated then activation passes to
each character in the squad and
all rating 5's and so on down the scale.
combine their elan rating score then
It is a player’s choice in which order his
divide by the number of characters in
characters within an elan rating
the squad. Then round down to the
nearest number; this is the elan rating
Activation falls to rating first THEN to of the squad.
the player who won the Initiative roll.
Activation in Play
Winning the initiative roll gives that
player choice of first activation in Once a character or squad has been
EACH ELAN RATING THEY HAVE activated it has a choice of actions. It
CHARACTERS IN PLAY FOR. All a may choose to commit TWO actions
player’s characters or squads with that from this possible list only:
elan rating must be activated or declare
they are not using their activation
Ranged Fire
before the next player gets the chance Melee
to activate all of their characters / Hunker Down
squads of that elan rating and so on. If Special Action
a player has no characters of that rating Unique Action
then initiative is ignored for that rating
as there is no competition to activate. Movement
Each character type is given a rate of
EXAMPLE movement in inches. Use this at all
In their forces Tom and John both have times. The character may move in any
characters with an Elan rating of 5. The direction at any time unless its a vehicle
rest of Tom's forces are Elan 4 and the rest type in which case it costs one inch to
of John's are Elan 2. This means that in the make one quarter rotation left or right
case of the Elan rating 5 characters the
on the spot. When moving into
winner of the initiative roll this Turn gets
anything classed as DIFFICULT
to activate first if he so chooses with all of
terrain (forest, deep snow or sand,
the Elan 5 rating characters at his disposal.
rubble etc) one inch across this terrain
Once they are finished their actions all of costs TWO inches of the possible
Tom's Elan 4 characters activate in an movement distance for the activation
order of his choosing and once they are distance for the activation.
When moving into anything classed an EXAMPLES
EXCELLENT terrain (paved roads, Tom chooses his Elan rated 5 Light Vehicle
hard flat ground etc) then it costs ONE (a soldier in large walker armour) and elects
inch per every TWO inches the to use BOTH his actions for movement.
character moves. Once a terrain type is His Light Vehicle character is rated 6 inches
left its effect on movement is discarded. in movement so he moves it six inches
Any vehicle carrying troops or with a across normal terrain making two free
limbered artillery piece must dismount turns around cover. Then for his second
or release its cargo all around it movement with this character he
BEFORE moving. Likewise it must immediately proceeds a further 3 inches
load up or limber BEFORE moving, moving closer to weapons range.
this costs one action for the vehicle. A John chooses his Elan rated 5 Infantry
transport vehicle may transport ONE Squad of characters (8 Human soldiers)
Squad of any size or composition. Or with a combined and averaged movement
ten human sized characters or five rate of 2 inches per turn. As it’s a squad he
larger characters but never any vehicles. only picks up the squad leader miniature
and moves it two inches across open terrain.
A squad takes the movement rating of
As he is keeping his second action for firing
all its members and combines them. It
he then moves the other seven members of
then divides the total by the number of
the squad and positions them in a rough
characters in the squad and rounds half circle up to three inches ahead of the
down to the nearest one inch. The squad leader.
result is its movement rate in inches.
Only the squad leader is moved AND
THEN all other members of the squad
are freely placed within three inches of Ranged Fire
his position. Each character will have a rating for its
Characters and Vehicles which are ranged fire ability along with an
flying or have a gravity repulser drive optimum range. Shots that are more
(meaning they float) treat all terrain as than double optimum range are not
normal with no penalties or bonuses. possible. Ranged fire can be directed
at any target which meets the following
A character or squad may elect to make conditions.
both its actions for the activation
movement ones. If this is the case then The firing character can SEE the enemy
the first movement is as normal but the target. Use the edge of your ruler to
second is carried out at HALF of the draw a straight line from the centre of
stated movement rate in inches to the firing character to the centre of the
represent fatigue and gear changes for target.
infantry and vehicles alike.
If there is anything blocking the line of EXAMPLE
sight (friendly characters, enemy Tom decides to fire upon John's Infantry
characters, solid terrain such as forest Squad with his Elan 5 Light Vehicle
or a building) then the shot cannot be character. He is a range of 12 inches to the
taken and another target must be squad leader of the eight enemy characters
selected or the firing abandoned. (you must always measure to and target the
Vehicles can see through friendly squad leader when attack squads). He has
characters and any non solid terrain a Light Vehicle Automatic Weapon with an
such as forests but enemy characters optimum range of 10 inches so he is over
and buildings block their shots as optimum range but less than double it so
normal. that's a -1 penalty straight away. He
consults the modifier list for firing. He sees
A character may make one shot per that no other modifiers apply to him. So he
shooting action (meaning if both needs to roll a 5 or 6 to hit. He rolls...a 6..a
actions are elected to be shooting the hit!
second shot suffers the stated negative
When a squad declares a firing action
modifier). When making the shot check
then EACH member of the squad
as above if its possible then roll a D6
chooses a target and performs a fire
dice and apply all relevant modifiers
action on his own OR the whole squad
from this list:
fires at one target chosen by the squad
Firing Character (Squad) is ELAN 6 +1 leader (use that character for possibility
Firing Character (Squad) is ELAN 1 or 2 -1
of the shot such as the range and
Firing Character is flying or gravity repulsar
driven -1 modifiers) gaining a modifier at the cost
If Target is under half distance of weapon of multiple target choice. Make all
optimum range +1 attacks for the whole squad before
If Target is over weapons optimum range but moving on. We recommend entire
less than double it -1 squad single target firing for larger
Target is Hunkered Down -2
games of USE ME.
Target is in Difficult Terrain -1
Target is in Excellent Terrain +1 When firing at a single character then
Target is flying or gravity repulsar driven +1
your shots will miss or hit that target
Firing Character is taking a SECOND shot -1
WHOLE Squad firing at ONE target +1 but when you are shooting at a squad
of any type then the process is a little
The rolled D6 result with all modifiers different. When shooting at a squad all
from above must be a result of 4,5 or 6 shots must be targeted at the squad
on the dice for a HIT on the target. A leader miniature and not at the other
modified result of 1,2 or 3 is a miss, a members of the squad. Resolve all
wasted shot. shots before moving on.

EXAMPLE directly ahead which would make a normal
John’s squad of eight Elan 2 Infantry direct shot impossible as you cannot fire
characters are firing at Tom's squad of six through terrain as stated. But this is no
Elan 4 Infantry characters. John is in problem for Tom. The shot is worked out
woodland (difficult terrain) but Tom's men as normal and a hit is scored. Tom then
are out in the open on a road (excellent places a 3 Inch round template over the
terrain). The range is 7 Inches from John's centre of John's Light Vehicle character.
squad leader to Tom's squad leader. John The template also covers another Light
consults the modifier table for ranged firing. Vehicle of John’s. Tom must now roll to so
He is within optimum range for standard if it also is hit.
rifles but not under half that, so no modifier
then, his target is in excellent terrain so that As long as an indirect / direct weapon
is a +1 modifier, his Elan is 2 so that is a -1 (except grenades) has one crewman
modifier, the whole squad is firing at one attached to it , it may fire. An indirect
target (the enemy squad in targeting its / direct weapon which is not a vehicle
squad leader) so that is a +1. This makes a (such as a light mortar or tripod
net +1 overall. He rolls EIGHT D6, once mounted laser cannon) must have
for each of his characters and gets these TWO crew which remain next to it at
results (needing a 3,4,5 or 6 to hit with the all times (these are included in the
net +1 to each roll). 1,1,2,3,4,4,6,6 = 5 Hits! statistics and points costs listed) and it
Indirect Fire from characters in play in must be limbered and moved even if
the playing area is taken for each that means carrying it. Non artillery
indirect artillery piece they possess characters may not operate these
(mortars, howitzers, thrown grenade) weapons. All firing directed at these
and all terrain is ignored but range and targets must be aimed at the crew and
other modifiers apply as normal. not the weapon.
Second shots with indirect weapons Grenades and Indirect / Direct fire
and grenades are not allowed. Direct weapons have an EXPLOSIVE radius
fire weapons are treated as normal. which is listed in the relevant table. If
Grenades are in unlimited supply if the explosive radius is not zero then the
paid for and equipped by a character target has a template the size required
type (not vehicles). placed over it and all characters
EXAMPLE (friendly and enemy) must roll to see if
Tom possesses a Heavy Vehicle character they are struck also using relevant
(a mobile artillery piece miniature) which modifiers). If a weapon is used with an
is fitted with a Heavy Vehicle Indirect explosive radius that rolls to hit and
Weapon. The range to the enemy target MISSES then you must use deviation to
(John's Light Vehicle character – a small see where the shot lands.
tank) is 19 Inches. There are two buildings
Deviation on a missed shot which has (privileges of rank!). A squad must
an explosive radius is worked out by always have a leader and while part of
taking the intended spot for impact and the squad the squad leader is NEVER
rolls 2D6 dice one after the other. Note winged or struck or killed. All other
that all directions are given assuming members of the squad are removed first
that FORWARD is the direction the which means the squad will break up
firing character is facing while making into single characters before the squad
the shot or if no character is present leader is affected.
(such as off table support) forward is
However once the squad leader is a
the direction AWAY from the play area
single character he is fair game like
edge belonging to the player. The first
anyone else!
roll gives a result of:
The possibility of damage and death
1 – Forward
depends on the PENETRATION of the
2 – Forward
attacker's hit against the DEFENCE of
3 – Forward
the targets armour and or natural
4 – Right
survival abilities. All weapons have a
5 – Left
penetration value and all troops type
6 – Backward
have a defence value.
The second roll gives the number of
inches in that direction the shot misses Penetration Value Table
by. Place the template on the new Infantry Weapons against Infantry +0
Infantry Weapons against Light Vehicle +0
deviated spot and work out any enemy
Inf Weapons against Heavy Vehicle -1
or friendly hits it gives. Note that in the Inf Wpns against Super Heavy Vehicle -2
case of infantry grenades the maximum
Inf served Veh Wpn (2 Crew)
distance is three inches, results of 4,5 or against Infantry +1
6 are treated as a result of 3.
Inf served Veh Wpn (2 Crew) vs Light V +1
In the case of all shots once the attack Inf served Veh Wpn (2 Crew) vs other
roll is made and modifiers applied if Vehicle types -1
the shot is missed then we move on but Veh Weapons against Infantry and
if the attack hits the target then you Light Vehicle +2
must see if damage takes place. Vehicle Weapons against
Heavy Vehicle +1
When shooting at a squad and hits and
Vehicle Weapons against
kills are made then the process is
Super Heavy Vehicle +0
slightly different. The player who
made the hit can CHOOSE which of the
characters in the enemy squad is
winged, struck, killed etc BUT it may
NOT be the squad leader
Defence Value Table
Infantry +0 WINGED characters may continue to
(If Armoured Type add +1) act as normal but suffer an additional
Light Vehicle +1 -1 to all firing and other combat actions.
(If Armoured Type add +1) Another hit with a winged result makes
Heavy Vehicle +2 the character act as STRUCK instead.
(If Armoured Type add +1)
STRUCK characters suffer the same
Super Heavy Vehicle +3 effects as being WINGED however
(If Armoured add Type +1) they may now also only make one
Character is Hunker Down +2 action per activation and treat all
(add to any other modifiers above) movement as if in DIFFICULT terrain.
Another hit of WINGED or STRUCK
The attacker now rolls 1D6 dice and on the character results in it being
adds the correct penetration value for KILLED.
their weapon and character type from
the table. The target also rolls 1D6 dice A character who is a flying or gravity
and adds their defence value for their repulsar type is killed on a STRUCK
character from the table. result as well as a KILLED result; they
simply crash into the ground.
Then compare the results; Characters carried in a transport of any
kind suffer the same result of being hit
If the attacker rolls less than or equal to as their transport does.
the target – NO EFFECT
If the attacker rolls +1 more than the
Elsewhere in the battlefield a squad of five
If the attacker rolls +2 more than the Elan 5 rated infantry characters belonging
target – TARGET STRUCK to Tom have rolled three hits against an
If the attacker rolls +3 or more than the Elan rated 2 Heavy Vehicle belonging to
target – TARGET KILLED John. Now its time to see if any of the hits
do some damage. As the squad fired at one
Place the correct marker next to the target here is the modifier applied to each.
target or if the target is killed replace Infantry Weapons against a Heavy Vehicle
-1. John’s vehicle has a net +2 for being
the miniature with a special casualty
Heavy (it does not count as Armoured so
miniature or place it on its side in the
no additional +1 there). Tom rolls three D6
same place in the playing area; its out
and adds his +1 to each for Penetration
of the game.

John rolls an equal number of D6 (three) Melee Combat
for Defence adding his +2 bonus to defend Melee or close combat can only occur
against the shots; declaring as he rolls each when two characters are in contact.
of them which of Tom's rolls it is to oppose. Contact is defined as the bases of the
First opposing roll Tom 4, John 4 = NO characters physically touching after one
EFFECT. Second opposing roll Tom 6, character moves into and against the
John 5 = TARGET WINGED. Now on the other. Melee is declared as a first or
third roll this is important a John's second action and is then resolved
character is now damaged; the opposed roll EXACTLY the same way as ranged fire
is...Tom 3, John 2 = TARGET WINGED. except that the target is
Disaster for John as the two WINGED AUTOMATICALLY hit and you move
results are now combined and the character straight onto the Penetration verses
counts as STRUCK. He places a struck Defence values D6 roll plus relevant
marker next to his miniature. modifiers. Rolls are compared the if
applicable the losing character places a
Weapon Type and Optimum Range
(Table in Inches) (Explosive Radius) marker for winged, struck or killed.
Infantry Side Arms 4 Inches (0) IN BASE TO BASE CONTACT there
Infantry Standard Rifle 8 Inches (0)
is no free choice in melee. If the target
Infantry Superior Rifle 10 Inches (0)
Infantry Heavy Weapon 12 Inches (0)
is missed or not killed it may
Infantry Grenade 4 Inches (1) IMMEDIATELY make ONE melee
Infantry Support Direct Vehicle Weapon attack straight back against its attacker.
(Crew of Two) 16 Inches (1) This does not count towards that
Infantry Support Indirect Vehicle Weapon character’s actions for the turn.
(Crew of Two) 20 Inches (1)
In the case of squads in melee only the
Light Vehicle Automatic Wpn 10 Inches (0)
characters who are in contact with an
Light Vehicle Cannon 16 Inches (1)
Light Vehicle Indirect Wpn 20 Inches (1)
enemy character (who is in a squad or
Heavy Vehicle Automatic Wpn 20 Inches (1) not) may make a close combat attack.
Heavy Vehicle Cannon 30 Inches (2) This is resolved as normal. If the squad
Heavy Vehicle Indirect Wpn 40 Inches (3) leader is involved in melee and is
Super Heavy Vehicle Auto Wpn 30 Inches (2) effected then, as with ranged fire, the
Super Heavy Vehicle Cannon 40 Inches (3) effect is passed on to any other member
Super Heavy Indirect Weapon 50 Inches (4)
of the squad of the controlling players
Note: All ranges measured from centre of choice.
firing character to centre of target.
There is a limit of four on one target for
Minimum range applies only to heavier
melee meaning no target may ever be
weapons and is stated above in brackets.
attacked by more than four characters
in one turn.
EXAMPLE its next activation. It may not move or
Two squads of five get into a tussle and fire but may defend itself in melee as
melee combat is begun when Tom moves his normal if attacked. Place a marker next
Infantry into base to base contact with to the character. This effect lasts ONE
John's. Arranging his characters within 3 turn; UNTIL THE CHARACTER IS
inches of the squad leader he brings three of ACTIVATED AGAIN.
them into contact with three of John's
characters including his squad leader. The A squad can hunker down if the squad
modifiers to both sides are worked out and leader choses it to do so. Place a marker
the same modifier applies to ALL three next to each character to show the
melee attacks as they are in the same squad. effect. However the ENTIRE squad
There are no modifiers as both sides are must take this action or it is not in effect
Infantry with Infantry weapons, neither is for any character in the squad.
Hunkered Down and none of them are
WINGED or STRUCK. Tom rolls a 4,6,6 Special Action
and to oppose it John rolls a 5,4,2. This While the USE ME rules do not require
means a net result of -1 on the first melee any special actions some players wish
(NO EFFECT), +2 on the second to include them in their games. You can
(STRUCK) and +4 (KILLED) on the last. see the advanced rules for details of
So John’s first character is unaffected, the these. All special actions listed in the
second takes a struck marker and the third advanced rules are used in play at this
(which happens to be the squad leader) is point by characters if they are able to
killed. However as the squad leader cannot do so.
be killed which in a squad John elects to
move the kill result to the character with Unique Action
the struck result (well he was near dead A unique action can only take place
anyway!). This now means that John can when a scenario has it included. For
elect to strike back right away in melee with example if your game requires that a
the No Effect result character and the squad bomb is placed that is a unique action,
leader. or that a notable personality is rendered
unconscious that is also a unique action.
Hunker Down These should be agreed by players
A character of any Infantry or Light before the game commences.
Vehicle type may declare its entire
actions for its activation to be Hunker Once all characters have been activated
Down. No Heavy Vehicle or Super and chosen their actions and the
Heavy Vehicle or Flying or gravity outcomes of all those actions have been
repulsar type of character may ever played then the In Play Phase ends for
hunker down. Once the character has the turn and the Off Table Action Phase
declared itself to be hunkered down begins.
then it gains the listed benefits until
The Off Table Action Phase High Level Air Support
If your force has chosen this option then
This phase is not required for the
you may place three two (2) inch
typical game of USE ME and should be
templates anywhere in the playing area.
skipped unless you wish to add
However these templates must be in a
elements to your play which are
straight line and must be between three
included here. These elements should
and six inches apart to represent the
be agreed and worked out before the
strafing run of the aircraft. Roll a D6
game begins. See below.
dice as with an artillery support hit and
In this phase all off table artillery, air follow the rules for hitting and possible
and space support can be called in. deviation. Work out hits as normal
Also any characters who enter the assuming the air strike to have a
game late get their chance to join the Penetration value of +2 against ALL
fray. types of characters. Unless otherwise
stated this is a ONE use per take
Long Range Artillery Support support option per game.
If your force has chosen this option then This support costs: 20
secretly nominate a spot on the playing
area and note it down. That is it for this Orbital Dart Support
Turn. In the next turn, in this phase, the Your forces are in luck, you control the
artillery strike lands. Show the written space far above the fight. A starship
note of the target location to your will drop a 'dart' on the battle area
opponent and then take a four (4) inch causing massive damage. As with
round template and place it with its artillery support note down a spot for
centre on the named spot. Then roll impact and then wait TWO turns. The
1D6 dice. On a result of 4,5 or 6 the dart will land in this phase not this turn
strike lands exactly where it is or the next but the AFTER THAT.
supposed to. On a result of 1,2 or 3 it There is no chance of deviation so no
deviates using the already outlined hit roll is required. Place a template of
deviation rules. Work out all hits as ten (10) inches on your chosen spot
normal assuming the artillery strike to once it is revealed. EVERY character
have a Penetration value of +3 against under the template must work out hits
ALL types of characters. Unless as normal assuming the dart to have a
otherwise stated this is a ONE use per Penetration value of +1 against ALL
take support option per game. types of characters. This may only ever
This support costs: 20 be used once per game by a player.
This support costs: 25

Inserting Additional Forces Consolidation Phase
If you have decided in your mission to
At this point in the turn remove all of
have characters brought in after the first
the killed miniatures and no longer
turn of play then it is done in this
needed markers. This tidies up the
manner. All ground troops of any type
playing area.
roll 1D6 at this point in the turn if the
player wishes them to enter. On a Also at this time see if its the end of the
result of 4,5 or 6 they appear at the game, the last turn or if the stated
players own edge of the playing area scenario objective is met by one side or
anywhere along it. On any other result another. If its not the end of the game
they enter at this point in the NEXT then begin the next turn with the
turn. initiative phase and continue on.
Only one roll is taken per character, one
-- END --
per squad or one per transport which
includes the characters inside it.
If you have chosen to have 'drop troops'
then they may insert ANYWHERE in
the playing area. Make a D6 roll as
above and on a successful roll place the
characters where you wish, this
includes melee.
On a failed roll place the characters
where you wish but roll 1D6 for each
of them on a 6 they are killed on
landing. Any Infantry or Light Vehicle
types may be drop troops.
Any kind of flying or gravity repulsar
characters may be drop troops AND
they NEVER miss when landing and
have no chance of being killed on
This support costs: 3 per character
elected to use this mode of insertion.

Advanced Rules
These following mechanics are not
required for the USE ME game but can
be added if you wish for a more
involved experience during play. Insert Energy Shield: This character
them at the correct place in the phases possesses a flickering aura of energy
of the turn. which can intercept a hit and nullify it.
The FIRST time the character is HIT
Special Actions the energy shield flares and the hit is
Each of the special actions described
discarded. This occurs regardless of the
here are made use of in the 'In Play'
result of the hit, if it has NO EFFECT or
phase of the game turn. Each has a
description along with possible
One use only per game. This special
character types who can choose it and
action takes place automatically when
the cost to each of doing so.
needed in the turn. When assigning to
a character add 10% rounding up to the
Sniper: This character has advanced
nearest 1 to the cost of the complete
equipment and abilities to make more
accurate shots in combat. In the in play
phase the character may make one shot
Hero: This character is a legend among
per activation at a target with a +1
his forces, a terrific soldier or a vehicle
modifier. Any other shot in that
which has survived many campaigns.
activation is as normal. When
This character may roll 1D6 each time
assigning to a character add 10%
if suffers a KILLED result in combat,
rounding up to the nearest 1 to the cost
on a result of 6 it is merely STRUCK,
of the complete character.
on a result of 5 it is WINGED, on a 4 it
is unharmed. On any other result it is
Auto Repair: This character may make
killed as normal. This special action
ONE attempt per game to improve
takes place automatically when needed
their current state of damage / injury
in the turn. When assigning to a
by one grade in the consolidation phase
character add 25% rounding up to the
of a turn. Roll 1D6 on a result of 4,5 or
nearest 1 to the cost of the complete
6 the character may move from
STRUCK to WINGED or from
assigning to a character add 10%
rounding up to the nearest 1 to the cost
of the complete character.

Statistics Infantry Light Heavy Super

& Vehicle Vehicle Heavy
Choices Vehicle
Elan Rating 12 15 19 25
Elan Rating 8 11 14 20
Elan Rating 6 8 10 14
Elan Rating 4 5 7 9
Elan Rating 2 2 3 4
Elan Rating 1 1 2 3
Move rate 1 1 2 3
2” per Action
Move rate 3 2 5 7
4” per Action
Move rate 5 4 9 12
6” per Action
Move rate 10 7 13 18
8” per Action
Move rate 12 20
12” per Action
Move rate 16
16” per Action


Statistics Infantry Light Heavy Super

& Vehicle Vehicle Heavy
Choices Vehicle
Side Arms 1
Standard Rifle 2
Superior Rifle 3
Heavy Weapon 4
Grenade 2
Direct Support 15
(2 Crew)
Indirect Support 18
(2 Crew)
Vehicle 3 5 8
Vehicle Cannon 4 7 10
Vehicle Indirect 6 8 12
ARMOURED 3 5 8 13
While this is not a dedicated points Turn to the next page to see this system
system if you choose to use it as such in use.
you will find it fair and robust.

In the character type rates and costs EXAMPLE
table are presented the formula for the Tom wants to make up a platoon sized force
choices open to each type of character to go with his group of infantry miniatures
in terms of Elan rating, Movement rate and his three small tanks. To this end he
in Inches, possible choices of ranged decides on three Heavy Vehicles and three
weapon and the cost of making that five character Infantry Squads. Each of the
character 'armoured'. vehicles will be the same and each of the
squads will be the same. Here is how he
If the entry running down the table for does it with costs in brackets;
your choice of character is BLANK then
you may NOT choose it. Infantry Character, Elan 5 (8), Move 6 Inch
(5), Standard Rifle (2), Armoured (3) for a
If the entry contains a number this is total of 18 per character. This means a cost
the COST you must pay to equip the of 18 x5 = 90 per squad of five. Then a total
character with that rate or weapon etc. of 270 for all three squads.
Total the cost for all elements of your
Heavy Vehicle Character, Elan 4 (10),
character to give total cost.
Move 4 Inch (5), Vehicle Cannon (7),
Every character must have an elan Vehicle Automatic Weapon (5) for a total
rating, a movement rate and a weapon of 27 per Heavy Vehicle. Then a total of 81
choice made (though characters may for all three vehicles.
have more than weapon if they pay the He then decides to take a Long Range
cost for it). Artillery Support option for cost 20.
The total cost of his force therefore is 371.


Miniatures for USE ME Heavy Vehicle
All miniatures which are large mecha,
What are my miniatures on the
main battle tanks, the largest gravity
character type table?
repulsar tanks, flying saucers and as
When you are making up your forces such are only deployed in full scale
for playing this game you will want to warfare. Can be armoured if
know just what the miniatures in your particularly impressive specimens.
collection can and would be in game
terms. Super Heavy Vehicle
The ultimate in all types of vehicles, the
You can use any miniatures you like but
biggest mecha, the largest tanks, the
each must be assigned a character type
toughest of the tough. Can be
in your forces.
armoured if a true behemoth. These
It is YOUR choice to make but here is a are rare indeed and real trouble on the
simple but rugged table of typical kinds battlefield.
of miniatures and what they would be
in game terms;

Infantry Markers and Templates

All miniatures on foot of approximate In USE ME Play
human size. Human, Alien or Robotic.
During a game of USE ME you will
Can be armoured if miniature is
need the following markers and some
wearing suitable powered armour to
of the following circular templates (size
give such a level of enhanced protection.
equals the number of inches across).
Light Vehicle Markers
All miniatures which are motorbikes, Winged (W)
soft skinned vehicles, slightly larger Struck (S)
than human powered armour Killed (K) (Optional)
(dreadnoughts etc), personnel carriers, Hunkered Down (H)
jet bikes, hovercraft, gravity repulsar Squad Leader (L) (Optional)
tanks. Also any monster sized alien
creature. Can be armoured if miniature Round Templates
depicts additional protection. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches
4 Inches 10 Inches

These markers and templates can be

self made with card or can be had for
free from upon request.

A Force Roster
In your USE ME games
A roster should consist of a paper or
When you are playing small games it’s
electronic form with the headings
not really desired to make use of a
below in the image. Each heading
roster to list your forces. Also when
should have enough sub-divisions for
playing a single game you will not want
you to make an entry for each of your
to spend the time listing your forces if
they will not appear again.
However if you are using several
squads and vehicles or even bigger
forces, or if you intend to keep track of
your forces and start a campaign of
linked games then you might want to
create a roster.

Example Force Roster

Force Title:
Player Name:

Table with these Columns:

Character Name and Number, Miniature Description,
Character Type, Elan Rating, Movement Rate,
Weapons, Armoured, Notes and Special Abilities

Off Table Support Options:

Force Notes:

USE ME Those who were hurt or damaged in
play have a chance of recovery before
More Than Once! the next encounter with the enemy.
The End of Play is not the Take each WINGED or STRUCK
End of the Game character and one by one roll a D6 for
Most of the time you will want to set them. One roll only and you must
up a quick game and then make use of abide by the rolled results shown below:
these rules to deal out death and
mayhem to your opponent. That is just D6 Roll Result
fine, by all means go ahead and have 1 – Beyond help. Treat as KILLED
fun doing it. 2,3,4 – Goes into the fight next time as they
are now.
But sometimes you might just want to 5 – The status of the character improves by
do a little or even a lot more by ONE level.
continuing the story after the game has 6 – The status of the character returns to
finished. Many players will ask 'what normal.
happened to those guys in the 5th Shock
Battalion after we took Proxima City from There are modifiers to this D6 roll.
the Jalharth Protectorate?'. Apply those to the roll that fit your
Here is how to find that out. situation:
You won the game +1
After the Game You lost the game -1
If you decide you want to keep on Character is Infantry +1
playing with the forces you have Character is Super Heavy Vehicle -1
created once your game of USE ME is
over then you will need two things. Note that a single increase in status
means that if the character was
Firstly you will need your force roster, WINGED they are now back to normal
a record of all the troops at your and if they were STRUCK they go into
command during the battle. the next fight as WINGED.
Secondly you will need to determine
what has happened to all of those who Once you have completed this process
survived and who were killed in play. you can then move on to those who
were KILLED in action during
Using your roster look at all of those play...there is a slim chance that they
characters of all types who survived the might have survived the fray.
Go down your force roster and make
one D6 roll for each KILLED character:

D6 Roll Result Playing linked games needs only that
1,2,3,4 – Beyond help treat as KILLED. you set up two or three ideas and that
5 – The character limps back to base. players begin with a set amount of
Treat as STRUCK in next game. characters (you could agree a set
6 – The character is really lucky. amount of points or cost in characters).
Treat as normal in next game.
Create your force roster as normal and
There are modifiers to this D6 roll. then begin the first game. Once it’s over
Apply those to the roll that fit your then use the 'After the Game' mechanics
situation: in this book to see what happened to
those killed, winged or struck. Then
You won the game +1 update your roster and begin the
You lost the game -1 second game with your forces as they
Character is Infantry +1
Character is Super Heavy Vehicle -1
are AFTER all of the events of the first
Character is Flyer or gravity repulser type -1 game are recorded. Repeat this for each
game or link in the chain.
That's it you are ready for the next We recommend no more than three or
game using this force. maximum four linked games with the
Remember though to re-arrange your same forces as eventually you WILL
forces and squads to keep account of run out of characters due to enemy
casualties before the next game. action.
This is a brilliant way to have a more in
depth experience with your gaming
because though one off games are fun
it does make a real difference to the way
Linking Single Games of USE ME you play if you know your lads have
If you have decided to update and keep another battle waiting for them!
track of your forces then it’s for the
purpose of using them in another game. If you do however fancy an even more
in depth approach to playing USE ME
This is called 'linking games' and then you might want to take on the
typically the linked games will happen ultimate challenge of a campaign!
one after the other, like links in a chain,
against the same opponent over a week
or a month and so on. A great way to
game regularly with your friends or
your local club.

Campaigning with USE ME This can be by points or cost using the
rules here or it can be narrative in that
To make up an entire campaign for USE
you decide the forces to suit the
ME is the ultimate achievement for any
campaign only (who says it needs to be
tabletop wargame player. Indeed many
players never successfully pull off a
campaign and you should be very sure A key point in the campaign can be the
that you want to put in all the work and arrival, or not, of scheduled re-
that you can manage a commitment of inforcements for either side. This
this size. should be tied into how well the players
are doing, meaning the side who has
You must first think of an idea for the
won the most scenarios should have
campaign, see the Linked Games and
more chance of back up.
Campaign Ideas section for this, then
you need to sub-divide it into more You can do this in game by dropping
than four linked scenarios with a troops onto the field, you can roll a D6
beginning a middle and an end. between scenarios with a modifier
giving a 50/50 chance of each character
This is a process path for players with
turning up when they are supposed to.
one or more taking the 'attacking side'
Its all part of the drama.
and one or more taking the 'defending
side' as each scenario and the entire A campaign takes place over days,
campaign needs two forces who oppose weeks even in fictional time but often
each other. Decide on an ultimate even longer in the real world and you
objective for one side and then the other must plan ahead and set times, places
and then break it down into the process and dates for your campaign missions.
so that each scenario joins up.
Also one player must hold the records
Like linked games your forces will and ensure fairness between games.
suffer casualties and destruction. True
some of your characters may survive
death or get better between games but
in a campaign that will not be enough.
You will need reinforcement as well as HOF43
your initial forces to continue the fight
and this can be a big part of the fun!
When you decide on the campaign
setting, number of scenarios, sides and
players you will need to allocate forces.

Linked Games and Campaign Ideas Lay out all of the 15mm science fiction
miniatures you have access to along
The world is chock full of brilliant ideas
with all the battlefield terrain, dice, tape
for USE ME games. Single one off
measures and such. Look at it carefully,
games, a chain of three or even
what can you do?
campaigns of a dozen encounters with
all the chances of reinforcement and If your collection includes no vehicles
strategy. Those of you interested in then its an infantry action for you. If
science fiction will already have seen, your terrain collection has no buildings
read and absorbed many tall tales plus then your games must take place in the
you watch the news and can use your countryside and so on. Jot down what
imagination. you have and then sort through your
ideas pile for one that fits the bill. Then
Take one of your favourite films or
break the idea in two or three parts for
books, a comic, or an existing wargame
separate games with each game
setting and pull it apart into an 'ideas
influencing the next.
pile'. An ideas pile consists of plots, set
pieces and themes taken from your Secondly the expansive approach
chosen material. A film might have a which is where you begin with an idea
really good plot that can be turned into and then go out and achieve it. Take
three linked scenarios. Your book from your ideas pile a campaign that
could have an alien army in it that you really want to try out. Perhaps it’s
could be recreated in miniatures to the storming or a city, or an amazing
make up your force. retreat to the space port or even a siege
where your brave soldiers have to hold
A wargame setting could well have
out against waves of intergalactic
motives and special conditions that can
be added to a chosen scenario. Your
ideas pile can be kept on paper as notes Your collection of miniatures and
or in your head; it should always be terrain then needs to be accessed and if
growing! required it must expand to fit your
plans. You will need all of the forces
There are two main ways to go about
for your linked scenarios in this setting.
thinking up a setting for a campaign or
Draw up an ideal list of miniatures and
series of linked games.
then make it your goal to collect and
Firstly the practical approach which paint them in order to play out your
takes into account what you already ideal scenarios.
have in your collection and what you
Good luck!
can do with it.

It is not always the case the you will A is for the side which is generally the
have access to another living, thinking aggressor.
and willing human being with which
to have a quick game of USE ME. So B is for when both sides are generally trying
you say, that's right I often don't, it’s to obtain the same objective such as a
meeting engagement or trying to secure a
hard to get people together at times and
piece of terrain in the middle of the table.
maybe I just want to chuck some six
siders and see if the Terran C is for the side that is acting as the defender
Confederacy can beat the machine in a given scenario.
mind of Andros 12.
Given this knowledge, you must roll
If this is the case and you wish to play here to determine the general
on your own the following solo rules aggression level of the enemy force.
come into use. It should be kept in mind Use a D6 dice:
that due to space constraints, a certain
degree of common sense is required D6 Roll Roll Result
when using the solo rules. In odd Rating A –
situations unforeseen by these rules the 1 to 4 Aggressive, 5 Neutral, 6 Defensive
tossing of a coin should always Rating B –
supersede the rules as listed here. Your 1 to 4 Neutral, 5 Aggressive, 6 Defensive
characters should behave in a manner Rating C –
that suits them in the game you are 1 to 4 Defensive, 5 Neutral, 6 Aggressive
The Solo rules have been written The figures in the enemy force will
concisely and are intended as general generally attempt to engage in hand to
instructions for directing the actions of hand and will abandon safety for the
your "robot" opponent. Feel free to opportunity to inflict damage on your
modify, replace or completely ignore men.
any rules you see here. They are simply Neutral
a suggested way for you to play the The enemy force will try to balance
game. So long as you can agree with attacking and keeping itself alive.
yourself on which rules to use, it's okay
with us! Defensive
Will have a tendency to stay put or
USE ME Solo Rules search for cover and attack you from
When playing a Solo game you should afar.
follow the rules and process laid out as
follows. Every game will have a
rating of A, B, or C for each side. 25
The enemy force in these basic solo Characters will fire when in optimum
rules will always consist of a points or range only. If an enemy can be brought
cost within 10% of your own force. into close combat this will be done over
They will be armed with weapons and firing as an activation. Characters will
have elan ratings that MAKE SENSE never hunker down.
for the miniatures you have. They may
In general the character will prioritise
or may not have one lot of Off Table
attack over all other concerns.
You may group infantry characters into Neutral
squads if the size of the game makes it Characters will take a balanced
reasonable. approach to contact with the enemy.
They will use one action per activation
During play you follow the normal
for movement towards the nearest foe
rules for setting up and for each turn
and the other for firing once in
sequence. You activate and use your
optimum range.
own forces as normal. However when
the 'robot' player activates his Cover will be sought and characters
characters here is the process. will attempt to prioritise easier enemies
when possible meaning infantry will
The 'robot' player activates his
seek infantry over vehicles and vehicles
characters on elan rating first and then
will seek over vehicles over infantry.
secondly by the closest character or
Close combat will be initiated if in
squad to the enemy i.e your forces. The
range of a single movement otherwise
behaviour of the 'robot' player is based
ranged firing. Characters taking fire
on the aggression level rolled up for
will hunker down and this will draw in
him. Consult the correct rating from
the nearest friendly character in
the three here and use it for the whole
In general this force will meet the
Aggressive objective while taking some risks.
Characters will at all times attempt to
move into optimum weapons range of
the closest enemy target. They will
continue to fight this target until it is
killed or they are. A new target will
then be chosen. Infantry will attempt to
fight infantry over vehicles when given
the choice and vehicles will attack any

Defensive Ending a USE ME Solo Game
Characters will attempt to hold their
A solo game should be set to last ten
positions and or find cover at all times.
turns or for a specific objective. The
If they can make an attempt at firing
game ends when the turns expire, the
they will take it over movement even
enemy or your forces flee or all perish,
at more than optimum range. If not
or the objective is met. Determine your
firing or seeking cover they will if able
victory conditions before play begins.
hunker down. If an objective requires
movement to take it this will be done Most two player scenarios can easily be
by the whole force to 'sit on the used for Solo Play by changing the
objective'. Defending or Attacking player for the
solo rules and you taking the other
They will avoid close combat by
retreating ONCE and then attack in
close combat.
In general they will attempt to meet
their objective without loss of life on
their part.



The Hordes of the Future (HOF) range
of high quality 15mm scale science
fiction miniatures is known all around
the world. With a huge variety of packs
and excellent value the HOF range is a
natural choice for your sci-fi armies!
There are well over a hundred fifty
different packs. Here are selected

The Classic 15mm Science Fiction Range

Man has reached the Stars and the highest Laserburn Range Series
pinnacles of science and civilisation, and is now
well on his way down the long bloody slide back The 100 Series
to barbarism.' Adventurers and Star Soldiers. civilians,
sentinels, law officers, thugs, adventurers.
This classic British range in 15mm is
supported by a large range of highly detailed The 200 Series
and great value miniatures depicting Starship Crews. Crewmen, officers,
everything from Imperial Infantry in merchant, spacesuits, jetbikes.
fatigues, power armour and dreadnought
armour to rebels, civilians, thugs, The 300 Series
adventurers, law officers, spacesuits and Imperial Troopers. The Forces of Imperium
starship crews. Robots and mercenaries along Army, infantry, power armour, dreadnaught,
with many aliens and a full range of normal combat droid, bikes .
and exotic vehicles.
The 400 Series
You can choose from a massive range of Redemptionist Forces - The Forces of the Red
single miniatures at great prices. Redemption in Laserburn.

Or you can take advantage of pre-made The 500 Series

packs from each part of the range giving you Mercenaries - Soldiers for Hire!
an additional saving of 10% to 15% off single
miniature prices. The 600 Series
Robots and Droids.
Go to Alternnative Armies to see the whole Service Bots and other Robots
range of classic Laserburn miniatures and
vehicles. The Alien Series
Alien Soldiers of the Laserburn universe.

The Creatures Series

Mutants, Daemons, Creatures, Aliens,
Warriors. Its a strange universe!

Vehicle Series
Flitcar, Hovervan, Armoured Vehicles,
Artillery, Jetcopter, Helicopter, Bikes etc

We offer free resources for USE ME
which you can have upon request.

Email us on

Ask for ‘USE ME FILES’.

By reply we will send you links to our site

Free Resources containing more than the following;

Force Roster (Full Size Blank)

Yours for the Asking! Templates (All needed Sizes)
Markers (All needed Types)
Example Forces List
Sample Scenario
Optional Advanced Mechanics

UM007 USE ME Post Apocalyptic

The USE ME Series of Gaming Titles
UM008 USE ME Wild West
UM009 USE ME Zombie Dawn
This title is one of many in the fantastic 'Ultra Simple
UM010 USE ME Support Pack
Engine for Miniature Engagements' or USE ME range
UM011 USE ME Cyberpunk
and we hope that you enjoy it much like thousands of
UM012 USE ME Alien Safari
other wargamers have all over the world. You can
UM013 USE ME Eldritch Horror
encounter a feast of adventures covering a host of
settings and periods from science fiction and fantasy
In addition to being produced in super value and quality
to historical and a few oddities too. Browse the other
pocket sized printed booklets the USE ME titles are
titles in the range including;
also available as downloads. From our own website in
the PDF section and elsewhere these purpose
UM001 USE ME Science Fiction
designed electronic versions of USE ME contain all the
UM002 USE ME High Fantasy
same material but in a totally unique e-book format for
UM003 USE ME World War Two
easy print, read and navigation (they are fully tagged
UM004 USE ME Modern Warfare
for navigation).
UM005 USE ME American Civil War
UM006 USE ME Starship Battles
So if you cannot wait on the post...get along and check
them out!










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