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Year B
Who Is Your Neighbor?
1st Quarter
Lesson 7 GRACE God has made us part of His family.

Luke 10:25-37; The Desire of Ages, pp. 497-505.

Memory Verse
“Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27, NIV).

The children will:
Know that Jesus wants us to be kind to everyone, no matter who they are.
Feel sympathy for people who are in need.
Respond by being a friend to everyone—even those whom others treat badly.

The Message

 od wants us to show love to everyone.


Getting Ready to Teach

The Bible Lesson at a Glance keeper to take care of the Jewish man until
A Jewish man is traveling from he gets well.
Jerusalem to Jericho when he is attacked
by robbers, who take everything he has This is a lesson about grace.
and leave him lying bleeding beside the The Samaritan treats the injured man
road. A priest comes by but doesn’t stop as God treats us—with love and kind-
to help him. Another priest passes by ness. When we accept His love and be-
later, but he doesn’t stop to help the man come a part of God’s family, we will truly
either. At last a Samaritan comes by and treat others with love and kindness.
stops and takes care of the wounded man.
The Samaritan bandages his wounds, puts Teacher Enrichment
him on his (the Samaritan’s) donkey, and “This was no imaginary scene, but an
takes him to an inn. He even pays the inn- actual occurrence, which was known to

Program Outline

Welcome ongoing Greet students at door; hear none


1 Readiness up to 10 A. Doctor/Nurse toy doctor’s bag, stethoscope,

Options bandages, toy thermometer, empty
medicine bottle, cloth bandages,
crutches, small flashlight
B. Circle of Friends small pieces of paper of two
different colors

* Prayer and up to 10 See page 73.

Praise* *Prayer and Praise may be pictures of people of different ethnic
used at any time during the program.
Bible Lesson up to 20 Experiencing the Story bandages, Bible-times costumes,
child actors, donkey prop

Bible Study Bible

Memory Verse Bible

Applying up to 15 Colorful Collage old magazines, scissors, paper, glue
the Lesson sticks
Sharing up to 15 “Love Your Neighbor” House house pattern (see p. 77), paper,
the Lesson scissors, crayons

be exactly as represented. The priest and or faith to which we belong. It has no

the Levite who had passed by on the reference to race, color, or class distinc-
other side were in the company that tion. Our neighbor is every person who
listened to Christ’s words” (The Desire of needs our help” (ibid., p. 503).
Ages, p. 499).
“God in His providence had brought Room Decorations
the priest and the Levite along the road Continue with the Israelite home and
where the wounded sufferer lay, that Temple from last week. If desired, add
they might see his need of mercy and a road made out of brown paper, with
help. All heaven watched to see if the real rocks and greenery beside it. Make a
hearts of these men would be touched donkey prop by using two chairs pushed
with pity for human woe” (ibid., p. 500). together facing each other. The donkey
“Christ has shown that our neighbor prop will be used for Experienc­ing the
does not mean merely one of the church Story and may also be used for Lesson 9.


Teaching the Lesson

Welcome students at the door. Ask how their week has been—what
they are pleased/troubled about. Encourage them to share any expe-
riences from last week’s lesson study. Have them begin the readiness
activity of your choice.

1 Readiness Activities
Select the activity most appropriate for your situation.

A. Doctor/Nurse
Have the children use various items as they pretend to
You Need:
be doctors or nurses by “taking care” of each other. q t oy doctor’s
Debriefing q t oy or real
Allow response time as you ask: Did you have fun pre- stethoscope
tending you were helping someone feel better? qa
Who takes care of you when you are sick? When you bandages
are hurt? Today our story is about a man who took q t oy thermo­
care of an injured person that he didn’t even know. meter
Should we show love and concern for people who qe
need our help? Even if they are different from us? medicine
That makes me think of today’s message: bottle
qc  loth
God wants us to show love to everyone. bandages
qc  rutches
Say that with me. q s mall

B. Circle of Friends
Distribute a colored paper to each child. Try to have fairly You Need:
even numbers of each color. Tell the children to welcome
q s mall pieces
one another to Sabbath School (by saying “Hi,” shaking
of paper,
hands, giving a hug, etc.)—except that they can greet only
half of
the other children who have papers the same color as theirs.
them one
Allow time; then tell them that they can greet anyone, no
color, half
matter what color paper they have.
Allow response time as you ask: How did it feel when some of your
friends ignored you because your paper was the wrong color? Have
you ever felt as if you were left out because there was something
different about you? Our Bible story today is about someone who


helped a wounded man even though that man was from a different
country and wasn’t part of his circle of friends. Whom does God’s
circle of friends include? To whom does God want us to show love?
Today’s message is:

God wants us to show love to everyone.

Say that with me.


Report the students’ joys and sorrows (pleased and troubled) as reported
to you at the door (as appropriate). Allow time for sharing experiences from
last week’s lesson study, and review the memory verse. Acknowledge any
birthdays, special events, or achievements. Give a special, warm greeting to
all visitors.
Suggested Songs
“I Want to Be Like Jesus” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 194)
“Let Us Do Good to All Men” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 265)
“Let Us Do Good” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 263)
“Our Church Is a Family” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 257)
Say: Many people in the world are lonely and hurting and don’t
know that Jesus has a family of people who love Him. Missionaries
tell and show people how Jesus loves them. Let’s read about one.
Use a story from Children’s Mission.
Say: When you bring your money, you are helping other people
become part of God’s family.
Prayer You Need:
Hold up each picture and ask: Does God want this
person to be part of His family? Let’s ask God to qp
 ictures of
help us tell all kinds of people that He wants them people of
to be in His family. Pray a short prayer emphasizing the different
desire to treat others as Jesus would. ethnic
*Prayer and Praise may be used at any time during the program. grounds


2 Bible Lesson

Experiencing the Story The people nodded again. They knew

Act out the story with children all about the robbers on the Jericho road.
You Need: acting as the traveler, robbers, “Along came a priest,” Jesus said.
two priests, innkeeper, and the [“Priest” walks by the wounded man.]
 dhesive Samaritan. “He saw the poor man, crumpled and
and gauze bleeding. But the priest pretended that
bandages One day Jesus was talking to a he didn’t see him. He turned his head.
 ible-times crowd of people when a teacher He walked on by on the other side of
costumes of the law asked Him a question. the road.
 hild actors “What do I have to do to live for- “A little while later a Levite
 onkey prop ever?” came by,” Jesus went on. [The “Levite”
(see Room “What does it say in the law?” walks by the wounded man.] “He may
Decorations) Jesus asked kindly. have heard the poor traveler moan-
“The law says to love the Lord ing in pain. The Levite tiptoed over to
God with all your heart,” the man an- take a look. The man was so dirty and
swered. “The law says to love your grubby and bloody! The Levite wrinkled
neighbor as you love yourself.” up his nose and hurried away. He didn’t
“That’s exactly right!” Jesus ex- want to be bothered.
claimed. “Not long after that, a Samaritan
“But who is my neighbor?” the man riding a donkey came down the
teacher asked. road. [“Samaritan” walks/rides. Stops
Jesus then told this story to the people. at wounded man.] Remember that
a Samaritan man and a man from
“A man was traveling from Jerusalem Jerusalem usually weren’t friends. Poor
to the city of Jericho,” He began. “You man he may have thought to himself
all know that dangerous road. It goes when he saw the injured man. The
down through the mountains where Samaritan hurried over to see if there
nobody lives. Robbers like to hide in was something he could do to help.
the caves and rocks there.” [“Traveler” “The Samaritan knelt down beside
walks slowly across the room.] the wounded man. [“Samaritan” treats
The people nodded. They all knew the wounded man.] He carefully washed
which road Jesus was talking about. his cuts and put bandages on them.
“Well,” Jesus said, “a group of rob- Then he helped the poor traveler up
bers attacked the traveler. They tore off onto his own donkey and slowly led
his clothes. They beat him. They stole his the donkey to town.
money and everything he had with him. “The Samaritan took the poor traveler
Then the robbers left him lying there on to an inn. [“Samaritan” helps “traveler” to
the road almost dead.” [Remind the the “innkeeper.”] ‘Please take care of this
“robbers” to be gentle.] man,’ he said to the innkeeper. ‘Please


feed him, and call a doctor to come and Bible Study You Need:
care for him. Here is some money to pay Open your Bible to Luke 10:25-
for his care. If it is not enough, I will give 37. Point to the text and say: Here q Bible
you more when I come back on my way is where we find today’s story
home.’“ in God’s Word, the Bible. Read verses
When Jesus finished the story, He 30-36 aloud, paraphrasing as necessary.
looked at the man who had asked Him
the question. Jesus now had a question Debriefing
for the man. “Which one of those three Allow response time as you ask: Who
men was a neighbor to the traveler that is your neighbor? Is it only the per-
the robbers attacked?” son who lives next door to you?
The man knew the answer. It was Jesus says that anyone who needs
easy. “The one who took care of him,” your help is your neighbor.
he answered. Remember our message . . .
“That’s exactly right!” Jesus said with
a big smile. “Go, and do the same.” God wants us to show
Jesus taught us to show love to every- love to everyone.
one. It doesn’t matter what they look like
or talk like or smell like; Jesus asks us Say that with me.
to help our neighbor. Our neighbor is
anyone who needs our help. Remember Memory Verse
what Jesus said: “Go, and do the same!” Turn to Luke 10:27. Hold the You Need:
Bible so that the children can see
q Bible
Debriefing the verse. Say: This is where
Allow response time as you ask: our memory verse is found in
Did you enjoy acting out the story? God’s Word, the Bible. Read the text
Who didn’t help the wounded aloud. “Love your neighbor as your-
man? Who did? Why did the self” (Luke 10:27, NIV).
Samaritan help someone who Have the students repeat the verse
wasn’t his friend? after you, using the following motions:
Does Jesus love only a certain
kind of people? How do you know? “Love Cross arms over
Who is your neighbor? Remember your chest.
your neighbor Point to others.
God wants us to show
love to everyone. as yourself.” Point to self.

Say that with me. Luke 10:27 Palms together,

then open.


3 Applying the Lesson

Colorful Collage Today we heard about a man
Distribute the old magazines. who showed love to someone who
You Need: Ask the children to cut out and glue wasn’t his friend. Jesus tells us
onto their paper as many pictures that we should show love to our
of different people as they can find. neighbor. Our neighbor is anyone
who needs help, even if they are
q s cissors
Debriefing different from us in some way.
q paper
Allow response time as you ask: Remember, today’s message is:
q glue sticks
Will you show me your col-
lages? Let’s look at all the different
people. Ask the children to identify God wants us to show
differences, such as hair colors, clothing, love to everyone.
facial expressions, skin tones, etc.
Say that with me.

4 Sharing the Lesson

“Love Your Neighbor” Debriefing

House Allow responses while you ask: What
Make a copy of the house does the house say on it? Who is
You Need: pattern (see page 77) for each your neighbor? Take your house
child. Have the children color with you today and share it with a
 ouse them and cut them out. (Make “neighbor,” someone you want to
pattern your own house pattern if your tell about Jesus’ love. Remember . . .
(see p. 77) local houses are different from
qp  aper that in the pattern.) God wants us to show
q s cissors love to everyone.
qc  rayons
Say that with me.

Pray that the children will remember to show love to
others as God does.

House Pattern
Lesson 7 – Sharing the Lesson

Permission to photocopy this page is granted for local church use only. Copyright © 2004 General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists®.


Who Is Your Neighbor?

References Who is your neighbor? Is it the person who lives next door to you? Jesus said that to
Luke 10:25-37; be a good neighbor means more than that!
The Desire of Ages,
pp. 497-505
One day Jesus was talking to a crowd bloody! The Levite wrinkled up his nose
of people. A teacher of the law in the and hurried away.
Memory Verse
crowd asked Him a question. “What do “Not long after that, a Samaritan
“Love your neigh-
I have to do to live forever?” man riding a donkey came down the
bor as yourself”
“What does it say in the law?” Jesus road. The Samaritan rushed over to
(Luke 10:27,
asked kindly. see if he could help.
“The law says to love the Lord with “The Samaritan knelt down beside
all your heart,” the the wounded man.
The Message
teacher answered, He carefully washed
God wants us “and love your his cuts and put
neighbor as you bandages on them.
to show love love yourself. Then he helped the
to everyone. But who is my poor traveler up
neighbor?” onto his own don-
Then Jesus told key and slowly led
this story. the donkey to town.
“A man was “The Samaritan
traveling from took the injured
Jerusalem to the man to an inn.
city of Jericho. ‘Please take care
You all know that of this man,’ he
dangerous road. said to the inn-
Robbers like to hide keeper. ‘Here is
there.” some money. If
The people nod- you spend more,
ded. They all knew I will give you
which road Jesus more when I come
was talking about. back.’”
“Well,” Jesus said,“ a group of rob- Then Jesus looked at the teacher.
bers attacked the traveler. They tore off “Which of those three men was a neigh-
his clothes. They beat him. They stole his bor to the traveler?” He asked.
money. Then they left him lying there, The man knew the answer. “The one
almost dead. who took care of him,” he answered.
“Along came a priest,” Jesus said. “He “That’s exactly right!” Jesus said with
saw the poor man, beaten and bleeding. a big smile. “Go, and do the same thing.”
But he turned his head and walked by It doesn’t matter what people look
on the other side of the road. like or talk like or smell like. Jesus asks
“A little later a Levite came by. He us to help our neighbor—anyone who
may have heard the poor traveler moan- needs help. Let’s be like the good
ing in pain. The man was so dirty and Samaritan.


Do and Say
Sabbath ing, hair and skin color, etc.
Each day this week, read the lesson story together, Then talk about how they are similar to you.
and review the memory verse by using the following Ask Jesus to help you show love to everyone,
motions. no matter where they live.
“Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross arms over your chest.
your neighbor. . . . . . Point to others.
as yourself.” . . . . . . . Point to self. Wednesday
Luke 10:27. . . . . . . . Palms together, then open. Ask your child to name some
people who do helping jobs for
others (doctor, nurse, firefighter,
Sunday police officer, missionary pilot,
Together, read Luke 10:25-37. Say: “We call this pastor, etc.). Have your child
‘The Good Samaritan’ story. Why was the Samaritan role-play their favorite one. If
man good? Do you think it mattered to him where possible, visit a fire station
the wounded man was from?” and thank the firefighters
Help your child name and count people they know for the work they do.
who are from different countries.

Monday Have your child put an adhesive bandage on you
Have your child share their “Love Your Neighbor” while you tell them about a time God used someone
House made in Sabbath School. (Or help them draw a to help you.
picture of a house and write the memory verse on it.) Sing a song about loving or helping others.
Let them share it with a “neighbor” and tell that per-
son the Bible story.
Thank Jesus for His love that you can share with Friday
others. Act out the story, using bandages or strips of cloth, a
blanket, a pillow, etc.
Plan to do something to help somebody. For ex-
Tuesday ample, drop off some food at a food bank, or visit a
Look in magazines or books for pictures of people nursing home.
from different countries. Notice their different cloth-


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