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CSV File

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CSV Files

(comma separated values)

CSV Files
(comma separated values)

• CSV is a comma separated values.

• It is a file format used to store tabular data.

• The tabular data stores in csv file as plain text.

Features of CSV

 file extension .csv.

 They are plain text files having ASCII/Unicode Characters.
 Used to handle large amount of data.
 Language which support text files will also support csv files.
 Data is stored in the form of rows and column i.e in tabular form.
 Thus easy to export from databases or spreadsheets.
 csv files can be easily imported to other programs.
Why CSV files
 In practical application we may have to work only data rows only
without any heading.
 Each records of csv file consist of field values separated by
 CSV are generally but not necessarily created using excel.
 CSV file can be open in excel, word, notepad or any text editor or
any programming language which supports file processing .
 The data from this file can also be imported in a table in a
CSV Advantages

 • CSV is faster to handle

 • CSV is smaller in size
 • CSV is easy to generate
 • CSV is human readable and easy to edit manually
 • CSV is simple to implement and parse
 • CSV is processed by almost all existing applications
CSV Disadvantages

 • No standard way to represent binary data

 • There is no distinction between text and numeric values
 • Poor support of special characters and control characters
 • CSV allows to move most basic data only. Complex configurations
cannot be imported and exported this way
 • Problems with importing CSV into SQL (no distinction between NULL and
How CSV files different from TEXT files

 Text files contain text which can be opened by any text editor and
there is plain text with no format

 CSV also contain text data but in a format where each line is
considered as row/record which has many fields(columns).
 fields are the values separated by a delimiter like , " ' ,"*","/" ,”\n”etc.
 the first record is the title of each field.
To Read a CSV file

 csv module is used to read/write in a csv file.

 csv.reader() -is used to read the records from the csv file.
the records read are in the form of list.
( in other words . It loads the data from CSV file into an iterable
after parsing delimited data)
 records can also be read in to a dictionary using
csv.DictReader() function
 Pandas library can also be used to read data. They provide
high quality data analysis.
Syntax to read data from CSV file

 Import csv module

 Open a csv file in read mode
 Create the reader object
 Fetch data through loop i.e. row by row
 Close the file
Example -To read a csv file

 import csv Import csv module

 f=open("book1.csv“,”r”) # open an existing csv file Open a CSV file in read mode

 r=csv.reader(f) Create the reader object

 for i in r:
Fetch data through loop i.e. row by row
 print(i)
 f.close() Close the file
Example -To read a csv file

 import csv Import csv module

 f=open("book1.csv“,”r”, ) # open an existing csv file Open a CSV file in read mode

 r=csv.reader(f) Create the reader object

 for i in r:
Fetch data through loop i.e. row by row
 print(i)
 f.close() Close the file

newline parameter is used to remove the blank line in a file

End of line(EOL) characters used in
different operating systems
 CR[\r] carriage return macintosh
 LF[\n] line feed unix
 CR/LF[\r\n] carriage return/line feed ms-dos,windows
 NULL[\0] null character all operating system

newline=“ “ (null string no space in between) with file open will ensure that no
translation of EOL character takes place
Example -To display a csv file in tabular format
 import csv
 f=open(r"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Book1.csv","r")
 ro=csv.reader(f)
 for i in ro:
 print(i[0],"\t",i[1],"\t",i[2],"\t",i[3])
Example -To display a csv file in tabular format
create table from csv

 #pip install prettytable

 from prettytable import from_csv
 f=open(r"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Book1.csv","r")
 j=from_csv(f)
 print(j)
Example -To display a list in tabular format
create table from list
 #pip install prettytable
 from prettytable import PrettyTable
 l=['a','b','c']
 l1=['1','2','3']
 t=PrettyTable(['list 1','list 2'])
 for x in range(0,3):
 t.add_row([l[x],l1[x]])
 print(t)
Example -To display a csv file in tabular format
 f1=open("marks.csv","r")
 ro=csv.reader(f1)
 t=[]
 for i in ro:
 t.append(i)
 t=t[1:]
 fc="%3s %14s %18s %12s"
 print("="*60)
 print(fc%('s.no', 'name', 'marks', 'age'))
 print("="*60)
 rf="%3s %14s %18s %12s"
 for j in t:
 print(rf%(j[0],j[1],j[2],j[3]))
 print("-"*60)
 f1.close()
To write in to CSV files

 csv module is used to read/write in a csv file.

 csv.writer() -to convert file object into writer object for writing the
 csv.writerow() -is used to insert the records in the csv files
 records can be written as a nested list or dictionary.
 DictWriter() is used to write dictionary from csv file
 pandas library can also be used to write data into csv files.
Example -To write a csv file

 import csv #Creation of csv file

 h=['s.no', 'name', 'marks', 'age']
 re=[ [1, 'abc', 98, 14],[2, 'def', 87, 16],[3, 'ghi', 95, 15],[4, 'hhh', 92, 16] ]
 f=open("marks.csv","w")
 r=csv.writer(f, )
 r.writerow(h)
 r.writerows(re)
 f.close()
Example -To write n no of records into
csv file
 import csv
 def writecsv():
 f = open("data.csv","w")

 rec.writerow(['roll','name','age'])
 while True:
 r=int(input("enter rollno"))
 n=input("enter name")
 a=int(input("enter age"))
 v=[r,n.upper(),a]
 rec.writerow(v)
 ch=input("more records")
 if(ch=='n'):
 break
Example -To write n no of records into
csv file
 import csv
 def writecsv():
 f = open("data.csv","w“,

 rec.writerow(['roll','name','age'])
newline=“ “ (null string no
 while True: space in between) with file
 r=int(input("enter rollno")) open will ensure that no
 n=input("enter name") translation of EOL
 a=int(input("enter age")) character takes place
 v=[r,n.upper(),a]
 rec.writerow(v)
 ch=input("more records")
 if(ch=='n'):
 break
To write, read and search a record
 import csv
To Write: To Read
def writecsv():
f = ("data.csv","w") def readcsv():
rec=csv.writer(f,lineterminator="\n") with open("data.csv","r") as f:
rec.writerow(['roll','name','age']) rec=csv.reader(f)
while True: for i in rec:
r=int(input("enter rollno")) print(i)
n=input("enter name")
a=int(input("enter age")) To Search
v=[r,n.upper(),a] def searchcsv():
rec.writerow(v) with open("data.csv","r") as f:
ch=input("more records") rec=csv.reader(f)
break for i in rec:
if (i[2]>='45'):
Calling of all functions
Questions on CSV
A csv file counties.csv contains data in the following order:

sample of counties.csv is given below:


write a python function to read the file counties.csv and

display the names of all those countries whose no of
characters in the capital are more than 6.
 import csv

def writecsv():
r.writerow(['malysia','kualaumpur','mm']) Calling of functions
r.writerow(['france','paris','ff']) writecsv()
def searchcsv():
for i in r:
if (len(i[1])>6):

print("record not found")
write a python function to search and display the record of
that product from the file PRODUCT.CSV which has
maximum cost.

sample of product .csv is given below:

p1, brush, 50, 200
p2, soap, 120, 150
p3, comb, 40, 300
p4, sheets, 100, 500
p5, pen, 10, 250
 import csv
def writecsv():
r.writerow(['p3','comb','40','300']) Calling of functions
r.writerow(['p5','pen','10','250']) writecsv()

def searchcsv():
for i in r:
if (int(i[2])>m): next()-
write a python function to search and display the total cost
of all products from the file PRODUCT.CSV.

sample of product .csv is given below:

p1, brush, 50, 200
p2, soap, 120, 150
p3, comb, 40, 300
p4, sheets, 100, 500
p5, pen, 10, 250
 import csv

def writecsv():
r.writerow(['p3','comb','40','300']) Calling of functions
r.writerow(['p5','pen','10','250']) writecsv()

def searchcsv():
for i in r:
s=s+int(i[2]) next()-
print("total cost is",s)
write a python function to find transfer
only those records from the file product.csv to another file "pro1.csv"
whose quantity is more than 150. also include the first row with

sample of product .csv is given below:

pid,pname, cost,quantity
p1, brush, 50, 200
p2, soap, 120, 150
p3, comb, 40, 300
p4, sheets, 100, 500
p5, pen, 10, 250
 import csv

def writecsv():
r=csv.writer(f,lineterminator='\n') def readcsv():
r.writerow(['pid','pname','cost','qty']) f=open("pro1.csv","r")
for i in r:
r.writerow(['p2','toothbrush','120','150']) print(i)

def searchcsv():
f1=open("pro1.csv","w") Calling of functions
r=csv.reader(f) writecsv()
w=csv.writer(f1,lineterminator='\n') searchcsv()
g=next(r) readcsv()
for i in r:
if i[3]>'150': next()-

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