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Presentation Skills Rubric
Delivery Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Fails to Meet Standards
Attire Professional – business casual or Inappropriate or distracting.
formal, as appropriate. Eye Contact Maintains eye contact continuously – Maintains eye contact with Reads most or all of the report, scans the entire audience. Does not the audience most of the time. making little or no eye contact with need to look at slides except to Checks slides or notes occasionally. the audience. Relies heavily on confirm alignment or synchronization. note cards or slides. Body language (also Conveys confidence and enthusiasm. Body language is appropriate. Conveys nervousness/lack of use of hands, gestures, Gestures are appropriate and add Gestures do not detract from confidence, fidgeting, rigidity. animation) value/emphasis to the message. the message and offer some support. Gestures detract from the message. Positioning/movement Effortlessly uses positioning and Appears comfortable, relaxed, and Disconnected from audience and changes it to engage an audience and confident. Movement engages material. Rigidly planted; crossed direct attention. the audience or directs attention to ankles; rocking; rapid pacing. data. Uses variation in pitch and volume to Is loud enough for all in the audience Too quiet to be heard by many in Projection/modulation maintain audience attention and to to hear. Some variation in pitch and the audience or excessively loud. emphasize points. volume. Monotonic, no variation in pitch or volume. Pace Clear and engaging, neither too fast Neither too fast nor too slow; easy to Too fast or too slow or with long nor too slow, easy to understand, and understand. pauses to collect thoughts. Difficult maintains interest. to understand words. Pronunciation Clear, precise, and correct. Articulates. The audience can Mumbles and mispronounces understand without effort. terms. Use of “fillers” No use of space fillers – um, like, etc. Uses space fillers – um, like, etc. Use of props/visual aids Adds significant value and is used The reason for its use is clear and its Not present / does not add value / seamlessly. contribution is worth the time to is not integrated well. introduce it. Effective use of time Time allocated effectively. Finishes on Finishes on time without rushing or Does not finish on time or finishes time. cutting information. well before the allotted time. Important information was left out.