Foumula and Constant 1-20 4pages

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#Instantaneous Velocity #Instantaneous acceleration #Kinetic energy

#Trajectory of projectile motion Work done by a constant force

#Average acceleration

#Instantaneous acceleration
#Work-kinetic energy theorem
#Horizontal range

#Uniform circular motion

#Constant acceleration #Work done by the gravitational force

#Work done in lifting and lowering an

#Relative motion
#Spring force
# Newton’s second law

#A gravitational force
#Work done by a spring force
Chapter3 #The weight of a body
#Components of a Vector
#Work done by a variable force
#Newton’s third law

#The maximum static friction force

#The scalar product Power

#The kinetic friction force
#The vector product

#Drag force
Chapter4 Chpater8
# Potential energy
Position vector
#Terminal speed
#Gravitational potential energy

#Uninform circular motion

#Average velocity

#Instantaneous velocity #Elastic potential energy

#Average acceleration Chapter7

#Mechanical energy

#Principle of conservation of
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mechanical energy

#Collision and impulse

#Potential energy curves

#Linear and angular variables related

, , ,
#Work done on a system by an
external force #Conservation of linear momentum

, ,

#Inelastic collision in one dimension #Rotational kinetic energy and

rotational inertia

#Conservation of energy
#Elastic collisions in one dimension ,
#The parallel-axis theorem

#Collisions in two dimensions
#Newton’s second law in angular form

#Center of mass

#Variable-mass system #Work and rotational kinetic energy

, ,

# Angular velocity and speed

#Newton’s second law for a system #Angular acceleration #Rolling bodies

, ,
#Linear momentum and newton’s
second law #The kinetic equations for constant
angular acceleration

# Torque as a vector
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#Angular momentum of a particle #Damped harmonic motion
#Gravitation with a spherical shell

#Gravitational potential energy

#Newton’s second law in angular form

#Potential energy of a system

#Forced oscillations and resonance
#Angular momentum of a system

#Escape speed Chapter16

#Sinusoidal waves

#Law of periods
#Angular momentum of rigid body ,

#Conservation of angular momentum

#Energy in planetary motion
#Equation of a traveling wave
#Precession of a gyroscope ,

#Wave speed on stretched string

#Static equilibrium ,

, #Power
# Period ,
#Elastic moduli #Interference of waves
#Simple harmonic motion
, ,
#Standing waves

Chapter13 #Resonance
#The law of gravitation
#The linear oscillator , for n=1,2,3,…

# Superposition Chapter17
#Sound waves
#Gravitational acceleration
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#Maxwell speed distribution
#Thermal expension

# Interference , , ,

#Fully constructive interference #Heat capacity and specific heat #Molar specific heats

, ,
#Heat of transformation ,
#Fully destructive interference
, #Work associated with volume change

#Degrees of freedom and Cv

#First law of thermodynamics
#Sound intensity
#Adiabatic process
, , ,

#Sound level in decibels Chapter20

#Conduction #Calculating entropy change


#Standing wave patterns in pipe Chapter19

#Avogadro’s number
, n=1,2,3,…

, n=1,3,5,… #The second law of thermodynamic

#Ideal gas
, #Engines
# #Work in an isothermal volume change
#The Doppler effect
#A Carnot engine

#Pressure, temperature, and molecular

#Shock wave speed ,

Chapter18 #Temperature and kinetic energy

#The Kelvin temperature scale
#A Carnot refrigerator

#Mean free path

#Celsius and Fahrenheit scales
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#Entropy from a statistics view


#Free-fall acceleration

#Gravitational constant

#Universal gas constant

#Avogadro constant

#Boltzmann constant

#Electron mass

#Some rotational inertias

(a) Hoop about central axis
(b) Annular cylinder (or ring) about

central axis

(c)Solid cylinder (or disk) about

central axis

(d) Solid cylinder (or disk) about

central diameter

(e)Thin rod about axis through center

perpendicular to length

(f) Solid sphere about any diameter

(g) Thin spherical shell about any


(h) Hoop about any diameter

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