2406 Physics Paper With Answer Evening

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Final JEE-Main Exam June, 2022/24-06-2022/Evening Session


(Held On Friday 24th June, 2022) TIME : 3 : 00 PM to 6 : 00 PM


SECTION-A 5. A Carnot engine take 5000 kcal of heat from a
1. Identify the pair of physical quantities that have reservoir at 727°C and gives heat to a sink at
same dimensions :
127°C. The work done by the engine is :
(A) velocity gradient and decay constant
(B) wien's constant and Stefan constant (A) 3 × 106 J (B) Zero
(C) angular frequency and angular momentum (C) 12.6 × 106 J (D) 8.4 × 106 J
(D) wave number and Avogadro number
Official Ans. by NTA (C)
Official Ans. by NTA (A)
Allen Ans. (A) Allen Ans. (C)
2. The distance between Sun and Earth is R. The 6. Two massless springs with spring constants 2 k
duration of year if the distance between Sun and
and 2 k, carry 50 g and 100 g masses at their free

(A) 3 years
(C) 9 years EN
Earth becomes 3R will be :

Official Ans. by NTA (D)

Allen Ans. (D)
(B) 3 years
(D) 3 3 years

A stone of mass m, tied to a string is being whirled

ends. These two masses oscillate vertically such
that their maximum velocities are equal. Then, the
ratio of their respective amplitudes will be :
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 3 : 2
(C) 3 : 1 (D) 2 : 3
in a vertical circle with a uniform speed. The
tension in the string is : Official Ans. by NTA (B)
(A) the same throughout the motion Allen Ans. (B)
(B) minimum at the highest position of the circular
7. What will be the most suitable combination of
(C) minimum at the lowest position of the circular three resistors A = 2W, B = 4W, C = 6 W so that
path æ 22 ö
(D) minimum when the rope is in the horizontal ç ÷ W is equivalent resistance of combination?

è 3 ø
(A) Parallel combination of A and C connected in
Official Ans. by NTA (B)
Allen Ans. (B) series with B.
4. Two identical charged particles each having a mass (B) Parallel combination of A and B connected in
10 g and charge 2.0 × 10 C area placed on a
series with C.
horizontal table with a separation of L between
then such that they stay in limited equilibrium. (C) Series combination of A and C connected in
If the coefficient of friction between each parallel with B.
particle and the table is 0.25, find the value of L.
(D) Series combination of B and C connected in
[Use g = 10 ms–2]
(A) 12 cm (B) 10 cm parallel with A.
(C) 8 cm (D) 5 cm Official Ans. by NTA (B)
Official Ans. by NTA (A)
Allen Ans. (B)
Allen Ans. (A)

Final JEE-Main Exam June, 2022/24-06-2022/Evening Session
8. The soft-iron is a suitable material for making an 11. Potential energy as a function of r is given by

electromagnet. This is because soft-iron has : A B

U= - , where r is the interatomic distance,
r 10 r 5
(A) low coercively and high retentively
A and B are positive constants. The equilibrium
(B) low coercively and low permeability distance between the two atoms will be :
1 1
(C) high permeability and low retentively æ A ö5 æ B ö5
(A) ç ÷ (B) ç ÷
(D) high permeability and high retentively è Bø èAø
1 1
Official Ans. by NTA (C) æ 2A ö 5 æ B ö5
(C) ç ÷ (D) ç ÷
è B ø è 2A ø
Allen Ans. (C)
Official Ans. by NTA (C)
9. A proton, a deuteron and an a-particle with same
Allen Ans. (C)
kinetic energy enter into a uniform magnetic field 12. An object of mass 5 kg is thrown vertically

at right angle to magnetic field. The ratio of the upwards from the ground. The air resistance

(A) 1: 2 : 2

(C) 2 :1:1
radii of their respective circular paths is :

Official Ans. by NTA (D)

(B) 1:1: 2

(D) 1: 2 :1
produces a constant retarding force of 10 N
throughout the motion. The ratio of time of
ascent to the time of descent will be equal to :
[Use g = 10 ms–2]
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2: 3

(C) 3: 2 (D) 2 : 3
Allen Ans. (D)
Official Ans. by NTA (B)
10. Given below are two statements : Allen Ans. (B)
Statement-I : The reactance of an ac circuit is 13. A fly wheel is accelerated uniformly from rest and
rotates through 5 rad in the first second. The angle
zero. It is possible that the circuit contains a
rotated by the fly wheel in the next second, will be :
capacitor and an inductor.
(A) 7.5 rad (B) 15 rad

Statement-II : In ac circuit, the average poser (C) 20 rad (D) 30 rad

delivered by the source never becomes zero. Official Ans. by NTA (B)
Allen Ans. (B)
In the light of the above statements, choose the
14. A 100 g of iron nail is hit by a 1.5 kg hammer
correct answer from the options given below :
striking at a velocity of 60 ms–1. What will be the
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true. rise in the temperature of the nail if one fourth of
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are false. energy of the hammer goes into heating the nail?
[Specific heat capacity of iron = 0.42 Jg–1 °C–1]
(C) Statement I is true but Statement II in false.
(A) 675°C (B) 1600°C
(D) Statement I is false but Statement II is true.
(C) 160.7°C (D) 6.75°C
Official Ans. by NTA (C) Official Ans. by NTA (C)

Allen Ans. (C) Allen Ans. (C)

Final JEE-Main Exam June, 2022/24-06-2022/Evening Session
15. If the charge on a capacitor is increased by 2 C, the 20. In Bohr's atomic model of hydrogen, let K. P and E
energy stored in it increases by 44%. The original are the kinetic energy, potential energy and total
charge on the capacitor is (in C) :
energy of the electron respectively. Choose the
(A) 10 (B) 20
(C) 30 (D) 40 correct option when the electron undergoes
Official Ans. by NTA (A) transitions to a higher level :
Allen Ans. (A) (A) All K. P and E increase.
16. A long cylindrical volume contains a uniformly
(B) K decreases. P and E increase.
distributed charge of density r. The radius of
(C) P decreases. K and E increase.
cylindrical volume is R. A charge particle (q)
revolves around the cylinder in a circular path. The (D) K increases. P and E decrease.
kinetic of the particle is : Official Ans. by NTA (B)
rqR 2 rqR 2 Allen Ans. (B)
(A) (B)
4e0 2e 0
qr 4e R 2
(C) (D) 0 1. A body is projected from the ground at an angle of

4e0 R 2

Allen Ans. (A) EN

Official Ans. by NTA (A)

An electric bulb is rated as 200 W. What will be

the peak magnetic field at 4 m distance produced
by the radiations coming from this bulb? Consider
45° with the horizontal. Its velocity after 2s is
20 ms–1. The maximum height reached by the body
during its motion is _______m. (use g = 10ms–2)

Official Ans. by NTA (20)

this bulb as a point source with 3.5% efficiency. Allen Ans. (20)
(A) 1.19 × 10–8 T (B) 1.71 × 10–8 T
2. An antenna is placed in a dielectric medium of
(C) 0.84 × 10–8 T (D) 3.36 × 10–8 T
dielectric constant 6.25. If the maximum size of
Official Ans. by NTA (B)
Allen Ans. (B) that antenna is 5.0 mm. it can radiate a signal of
18. The light of two different frequencies whose minimum frequency of ______GHz.
photons have energies 3.8 eV and 1.4 eV
(Given mr = 1 for dielectric medium)
respectively, illuminate a metallic surface whose

work function is 0.6 eV successively. The ratio of Official Ans. by NTA (6)
maximum speeds of emitted electrons for the two
Allen Ans. (6)
frequencies respectivly will be :
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 3. A potentiometer wire of length 10 m and resistance
(C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 4 20 W is connected in series with a 25 V battery and
Official Ans. by NTA (B)
an external resistance 30 W . A cell of emf E in
Allen Ans. (B)
secondary circuit is balanced by 250 cm long
19. Two light beams of intensities in the ratio of 9 : 4
are allowed to interfere. The .ratio of the intensity potentiometer wire. The value of E (in volt) is
of maxima and minima will be : x
. The value of x is _______.
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 16 : 81 10
(C) 25 : 169 (D) 25 : 1
Official Ans. by NTA (25)
Official Ans. by NTA (D)
Allen Ans. (D) Allen Ans. (25)

Final JEE-Main Exam June, 2022/24-06-2022/Evening Session
4. Two travelling waves of equal amplitudes and 8. A circular coil of 1000 turns each with area 1m2 is
equal frequencies move in opposite directions rotated about its vertical diameter at the rate of one
along a string. They interfere to produce a
revolution per second in a uniform horizontal
stationary wave whose equation is given by
magnetic field of 0.07T. The maximum voltage
2 pt
y = (10 cos p x sin ) cm
T generation will be _______V.
4 Official Ans. by NTA (440)
The amplitude of the particle at x = cm will be
_______ cm. Allen Ans. (440)

Official Ans. by NTA (5) Q

9. A monoatomic gas performs a work of where
Allen Ans. (5) 4

5. In the given circuit- the value of current IL will be Q is the heat supplied to it. The molar heat
______ mA.
capaticy of the gas will be ________R during this
(When RL = lkW)


RL = 1kW

Where R is the gas constant.

Official Ans. by NTA (2)

Allen Ans. (2)

Official Ans. by NTA (5) 10. In an experment ot verify Newton's law of cooling,
Allen Ans. (5) a graph is plotted between, the temperature
6. A sample contains 10–2 kg each of two substances difference (DT) of the water and surroundings and
A and B with half lives 4 s and 8 s respectively.
time as shown in figure. The initial temperature of
The ratio of then atomic weights is 1 : 2. The ratio
x water is taken as 80°C. The value of t2 as
of the amounts of A and B after 16 s is . the
100 mentioned in the graph will be _______.

value of x is _______.
Official Ans. by NTA (25)
Allen Ans. (50)
7. A ray of ligh is incident at an angle of incidence
60° on the glass slab of refractive index 3 . After 20
refraction, the light ray emerges out from other
parallel faces and lateral shift between incident ray 0 6 t2 Time (minute)

and emergent ray is 4 3 cm. The thickness of the Official Ans. by NTA (16)
glass slab is _______ cm.
Allen Ans. (16)
Official Ans. by NTA (12)
Allen Ans. (12)

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