Herbicide and Formulation PDF
Herbicide and Formulation PDF
Herbicide and Formulation PDF
Edited by Andreas Kortekamp
Herbicides and Environment
Edited by Andreas Kortekamp
Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors
and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted
for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher
assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out
of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book.
Preface XI
Maybe you think the use of herbicides is something simple. Herbicides are used to kill
weeds to prevent their excessive growth. Thus, the herbicide selected is just sprayed
onto the respective weed and, if you took the right one, the weed will die within a
couple of days. Maybe you think this is the end of the story. Out of your sprayer, out of
your mind! You are fatally wrong. In fact, this is just the beginning of the story. Once
released into the environment, herbicides may cause unexpected side-effects on non-
target organisms and may interfere with biological or chemical processes in soil or
aquatic habitats before they fade away due to (bio)degradation.
Since weeds reduce crop yield and quality and interfere with cultivation and harvest
operations, herbicides are without any doubt important agrochemicals, especially
where conservation tillage is adopted. With respect to sales of pesticides worldwide,
herbicides seem to be the most important agrochemicals. However, as mentioned be-
fore, herbicides are more than just anti-weed agents. In the following chapters of this
book, several authors summarise different features and aspects of herbicides, espe-
cially their impact on environmental processes, such as nitrogen cycling, their adverse
and unwanted effects on non-target organisms or, in contrary, their beneficial effects
on other pests and diseases, their persistence or turn-over in soil and sediments, their
toxicological relevance, and at least, their impact on human health. All these important
parts of the herbicide story are each treated in several chapters of this book.
A notable feature of herbicides is the fact that their biological activity extends beyond
the effect on target organisms. Herbicides may affect organisms in the same ecosystem
or in other habitats where herbicides are transmitted mainly by wind currents dur-
ing application or by rain. Furthermore, herbicides can affect non-target organisms
directly or indirectly by altering the composition of plants or other organisms and by
changing microclimates in an given ecosystem such as crop land. This may lead to an
altered turnover of micro- and macroelements in soil which in turn may favour adapt-
ed (micro)organisms. Once applied to the field, herbicides are translocated sooner or
later into the soil. There, they may just stick to soil particles waiting for a physical or
chemical degradation or they may be absorbed by (micro)organisms and reduced via
biochemical processes. The important question of persistence or degradation of herbi-
cidal compounds, the fate of herbicides in soil and how to avoid residues is treated in
several chapters of this book.
XII Preface
Organisms living in soil or water and affected by herbicides do not represent the only
non-target organisms. An improper and excessive use of herbicides may also interfere
with human health. The use of herbicides as bioweapons may cause human pesticide
poisoning, especially when the products used are contaminated with unwanted by-
products as it was the case during the Vietnam War. Even though this inadmissible
use represents an extreme incidence, contaminated water or residues of herbicides due
to repeated applications may cause an impact on human health and is still an issue,
especially in developing countries.
Pesticides are only released after passing several tests regarding their putative effects
on non-target organisms including mammals. Therefore, the development and ability
of test systems as useful tools to investigate unwanted properties of herbicides is also
described in this book.
Beside the (eco)toxicological relevance of at least some herbicides, their use may also
be restricted due to the emergence of weed populations resistant to distinct herbicidal
compounds. Since resistance of weeds to herbicides is an increasing problem world-
wide, this topic is also presented by several authors.
Finally, the last two chapters give us an outlook regarding alternative sources that may
be used to produce new and environmental-friendly herbicides. It seems that byprod-
ucts, generated as unavoidable residues during fermentation and other bio-chemical
processes, or eukaryotic organisms such as microalgae are appropriate sources of her-
bicidal compounds.
In the end, we can conclude that herbicides are much more than just weed killers. They
may exhibit beneficial or adverse effects on other organisms. Given their toxicologi-
cal, environmental but also agricultural relevance, herbicides are an interesting field
of activity not only for scientists working in the field of agriculture. It seems that the
investigation of herbicide-induced effects on weeds, crop plants, ecosystems, microor-
ganisms, and higher organism requires a multidisciplinary approach. Some important
aspects regarding the multisided impacts of herbicides on the living world are high-
lighted in this book. I am sure that the readers will fi nd a lot of helpful information,
even if they are just interested in a specific topic.
Andreas Kortekamp
1. Introduction
I. Historical aspects, benefits and disadvantages of herbicide use
During thousands of years up to about a hundred years ago, man expended most of
required energy in arable farming with mechanical operations aiming to remove weeds and
providing suitable conditions for the efficient growth of crop plants, considering that weeds
compete with beneficial and desired vegetation, which means that weeds are plants growing
where man does not which them to grow. With the dawn of industrialization, labor to the
factories decreased manpower on the farms, which forced to think of more efficient
mechanical means of weed control.
The need of weed management is as old as agriculture itself. Six stages in the evolution of
weed control practices can be considered: 1) 10,000 B.C.— removing weeds by hand; 2) 6,000
B.C.— the use of primitive hand tools to till the land and destroy weeds; 3) 1,000 B.C.—
animal-powered implements like harrows; 4) 1920 A.D.— mechanically-powered
implements like cultivators, blades, harrows, finger-weeders, rotary-hoes, rod-weeders, etc.;
5) 1930 A.D.— biological control and; 6) 1947 A.D.— chemical control, with the commercial
development of organic herbicides such as 2,4-D and MCPA (Hay, 1974).
Especially in the last century, for various reasons among which the population explosion, in
his effort to produce adequate supplies of food, man needed to combat efficiently the attacks
of various pests on agricultural and horticultural crops. Pesticides, falling into three major
classes: insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides (or weed killers), are required. Herbicides,
specifically, are used for control of weeds.
At the end of the twentieth century, with an estimated world population of 6 billion people,
some 700 million were undernourished and 1.3 billion exist on an inadequate diet. In 2009
FAO says that 1.02 billion people are undernourished, corresponding to 15 percent of the
estimated world population of 6.8 billion. Undoubtedly, the first problem of Humankind is
the lack of food, which affects especially underdeveloped countries. So, the urgent need for
much greater application of herbicides and other agrochemicals is essential to increase food
supply. Crops can duplicate or increase even more at the expenses of the agrochemicals use.
4 Herbicides and Environment
Another advantage of the greater efficiency of modern agricultural practice is the liberation
of land. This can be of major importance in countries where the space dedicated to
agriculture is limited, and where there is a very high population density or soil is
inadequate for crop yields.
For more than a century chemicals have been employed for total weed control. For the
removal of all plants from railway tracks, timber yards and car roads, crude chemicals such
as rock salts, crushed arsenical ores, creosote, oil wastes, sulfuric acid, and copper salts were
used (Whitten, 1966; Green et al., 1987). Under these conditions, all plants were killed and
these compounds all function as total herbicides and treated areas remain toxic to plants for
months or even years. However, for agricultural purposes, it was preferred that chemicals
would selectively kill the weeds, but not harm the crop plants.
Selectivity can be based, for instance, in the fact that the larger rougher surfaces of weed
leaves are more effectively wetted by the spray than the narrow, smooth cereal leaves in
which there was much greater run-off of the toxicant. In a few cases selectivity is based on
biochemical differences between weeds and crop plants, such that the latter have a unique
defense mechanism. The absence of β-oxidases from leguminous plants enables 2,4-DB to be
applied safely for selective weed control in these crops. Maize detoxifies the triazine
herbicides (e.g. atrazine and simazine) by enzymic hydrolysis, but weeds do not possess this
enzyme. Physicochemical properties may be important for selectivity. The soil-applied
herbicide, triazine, have low aqueous solubility meaning that the chemical only penetrates
some 5 cm downwords in the soil. Hence, germinating weed seeds are killed but more deep-
rooted crops are unaffected. The phenoxyacetic acids were the first really effective selective
herbicides, being the product of war-direct research. They came into use at a time when the
maximum food production with the minimum labor force was a vital factor in the war effort
(Cremlyn, 1991).
Herbicides and research related to their biochemical mechanisms of action have helped to
unravel details of several of the biochemical pathways in plants. Historically, effects of
various chemicals on photosynthesis and respiration have been studied since around 1878.
Then, chloroform was described as reversibly inhibiting photosynthesis at concentrations
that did not affect respiration (Moreland, 1993).
In France, in 1933, the first important discovery in the field of selective weed control was the
use of DNOC, a contact herbicide that killed the majority of annual weeds infesting the crop
without causing appreciable damage to the cereals. Its selectivity is explained by the fact
that DNOC is not translocated in plants and perennial weeds were not killed because,
although their top growth was desiccated, their extensive root systems survived and in due
course sent up further shoots (Cremlyn, 1991). DNOC was developed for use in Europe and
dinoseb (DNBP) for use in USA (Moreland, 1993). DNOC and other dinitro compounds
played a big part in increasing food production during World War II as herbicides. They can
also be used as insecticides, especially as winter wash for fruit trees (Cremlyn, 1991).
On field observations conducted in 1940 and 1941 by Templeman and Sexton, phenoxyacetic
acids were toxic to dicotyledonous, but not monocotyledonous plants. Eventually, 2,4-D was
commercially developed for use in U.S.A. and MCPA for use in Europe from 1947 (Rao,
2000). The discovery of phenoxyalcanoates revolutionized practices and the success
achieved in their use probably stimulated industry to invest in research that led to
the discovery of the large variety of herbicides that has been used untill now (Moreland,
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 5
Templeman and Sexton also reported, on field observations made in 1940 with esters of
arylcarbamates and thiocarbamates, that they were toxic to monocotyledonous but not to
dicotyledonous species (Moreland, 1993).
In 1949, Macdowall reported inhibition of the Hill reaction, in illuminated chloroplasts, by
phenylurethane (I50=2 mM) and dinitrophenol (DNP) (I50=0.63 mM). However, based on I50,
arylcarbamates and phenylureas were up to 2500 times more active than phenylurethane, as
was detected by Wessels and van der Veen in 1956 (Moreland, 1993).
Herbicides are the most widely used class of pesticides accounting for more than 60% of all
pesticides applied in agriculture (Zimdahl, 2002). One of the main concerns about the use of
herbicides is their effects on non-target organisms, especially mammalian toxicity.
Most modern herbicides have low mammalian toxicity, because research for new herbicides
often rejects chemicals affecting metabolic pathways that are shared by mammals. In many
cases, the low mammalian toxicity has to do with the fact that these chemicals interfere with
biochemical pathways that do not exist in mammals, such as photosynthesis, essential
amino acids biosynthesis or chlorophyll biosynthesis (Shaner, 2003).
There are about 20 mechanisms of action that have been elucidated for herbicides. Of these,
some do share common target sites with mammalians. However, the consequence of
inhibiting a common target site in plants can be quite different than in animals. What may
be a lethal event in plants, e.g. inhibition of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD),
can even have a beneficial effect in mammals, e.g. treatment for tyrosinemia type I (Shaner,
2003). Also a common enzyme existing in plants and mammals, e. g. acetyl-CoA carboxilase
(ACCase), can be inhibited by the herbicides cyclohexanediones and the
aryloxyphenoxypropionates, killing plants, and not affecting ACCase in mammals. ACCase
plays the same role in the fatty acid biosynthesis of the different organisms, despite vast
differences in its regulation and protein structure (Incledon & Hall, 1997; Shaner, 2003).
These herbicides suppress de novo synthesis of fatty acids in sensitive species by inhibiting
the activity of plastid-associated ACCase. Aryloxyphenoxypropionates were reported by
Hoechst AG in 1971 (Nester, 1982), and cyclohexanediones (alloxydim and sethoxydim)
were introduced by Nippon Soda in 1977 and 1978 (Iwataki & Hirono, 1979; Ishikawa et al.,
1985), being used as postmergence herbicides for the control of annual and perennial grasses
in broadleaf crops.
Other commercially available herbicides that affect similar target sites in plants and mammals,
with the exception of the bipyridiliums, have minimal toxicity to mammals because they are
rapidly metabolized and excreted by mammals. As the herbicides do not accumulate in
mammalian tissue, they cannot affect the biosynthetic pathways (Shaner, 2003).
On the other hand, the effects of inhibiting a particular enzyme in plants can be quite
different from those observed in mammals. For example, considering that protoporphyrin
biosynthesis is critical in plants and animals for the production of chlorophyll and heme,
PROTOX (protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase) inhibitors cause the accumulation of Proto IX
(protoporphyrin IX), which then absorbs light energy and produces reactive oxygen species
that disrupt membranes by lipid peroxidation. In mammals, the accumulation of Proto IX
also occurs in the liver and bile, but these organs are not normally exposed to light
intensities like plant leaves. So, there is little opportunity for the Proto IX to produce
degrading reactive oxygen species in animals (Shaner, 2003). Peroxidizing herbicides
include diphenylether herbicides and oxodiazoles causing accumulation of large amounts of
Proto IX, which generates singlet oxygen by light. If this oxygen free radical is not
quenched, lipid peroxidation can be initiated (Lydon & Duke, 1988; Matringe & Scalla, 1988;
Camadro et al., 1991).
6 Herbicides and Environment
It was observed in 1980 that glyphosate was a highly specific inhibitor of shikimate pathway
enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate synthase (Steinrucken & Amrhein, 1980).
Afterwards, sulfonylureas and imidazolinones were introduced as herbicides interfering
with biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine). It was
shown that both herbicides inhibited the activity of acetolactate synthase (Ray, 1984; Shaner
et al., 1984)
Herbicides can also inhibit carotenoid synthesis. As carotenoids are free radical scavengers,
they protect chlorophyll from photooxidation (bleaching herbicides). One of the first
compounds shown to function in this way was the pyridinazinone SAN 6706 (Bartels &
McCullough, 1972). Afterwards, other compounds identified with similar functions include
fluridone, difunon, dichlormate, and aminotriazole (Moreland, 1993).
Some times, e.g. glufosinate in suicide attempts, much of the toxicity has been related to the
associated surfactant that is included in the formulation of the herbicide rather than to the
active herbicide (Koyama et al., 1997).
From all the information here considered, it is obvious that the use of herbicides implies the
existence of advantages and disadvantages resulting therefrom, which, in general, are listed
in Table 1.
— They kill unwanted plants. — Some herbicides are non-
— They help the crops grow by destroying biodegradable being harmful for a long
the weed that is robbing the crops water, period of time.
nutrients and sunlight. — They are all at least slightly toxic.
— They can be safely used whereas in some — They can cause illnesses, and even
cases manually or mechanically removing cause accidental or suicidal death (like
weeds can destroy the crop. paraquat).
— They can be used on closely planted crops — They can be carried into streams by
where other methods cannot be used. runoff rainwater or leached into
— Most of the time one application of the underground water supplies polluting
herbicide is enough whereas other methods them.
have to be continually used. — Herbivores may eat the plants
— They are easy to use. treated with herbicides and then
— They work fast. carnivores eat the herbivores. The toxic
— Herbicides are relatively cheap, and herbicide would be passed up the food
cheaper than manual weeding. chain increasing in concentration, being
— Non-selective herbicides can effectively harmful for those animals and man.
clear fields, where houses and roads can then
be built.
— They can destroy plants bearing diseases.
— Some are biodegradable, and become
relatively harmless after decay.
with other pesticides and chemicals, etc. All this has helped in making more effective,
economical and safe recommendations for control of numerous weeds (Rao, 2000).
Lately, scientists have already researched on natural product-based herbicides, which are
generally considered safer than synthetic herbicides. However, relatively few commercial
herbicidal agents have been derived from naturally occurring compounds. One of the
indirect and important benefits of the chemical composition and structural characteristics of
natural products is that most of these compounds are rapidly degraded in the natural
environment. Thus, this accounts for the perception that most natural products are
environmentally benign (Dayan et al., 1999).
An alternative approach of natural products-based weed management consists of having crops
producing their own phytotoxins to prevent or suppress the growth of competing weeds in its
immediate surroundings (allelopathy). Although some species strongly repress the
development of other plants, allelopatic crops have had little success so far (Dayan et al., 1999).
Weed scientists are now facing new challenges, particularly in the light of emergence of
weeds resistant to herbicides and concerns and questions about herbicide residues in food,
soil, groundwater and atmosphere (Rao, 2000).
Finally, when scientists were capable of getting genes that encode target site enzymes
cloned, modified and expressed in transgenic plants, they could confer herbicide tolerance.
The possibility of developing herbicide-resistant crops began a new era in the use of
herbicides, stimulating work on the genetics of herbicide resistance.
On the basis of the method of application, herbicides are distributed in two groups: 1) soil-
applied and 2) foliage-applied. All herbicides applied at preplanting (surface or
incorporation) and preemergence (to crop, weeds, or both) are included in the soil-applied
group; those applied at postemergence on the plant parts are included in the foliage-applied
Here we also present two general classifications of herbicides according to the mode of
action and according to the chemical composition.
According to the mode of action, we present in Table 2 the classification extracted and
adapted from a review (Moreland, 1980).
Electron transport inhibitors Pyriclor.
Uncouplers Isipropyl ester of glyphosate.
Energy transfer inhibitors No herbicide.
Inhibitory uncouplers Dinitrophenols, acylanilines, etc.
Composition alterations Dinoben, perfluidone, ioxynil.
Permeability and integrity actions Paraquat, diclofop-methyl.
Energy relations Chlorpropham, trifluralin.
Microtubules action Prophan, amiprofos-methyl.
DNA and RNA action Trifluralin.
Protein synthesis inhibitors Glyphosate.
Table 2. Classification of herbicides according to the mode of action at the level of the main
metabolic systems in the cell.
The other classification, distributing herbicides by groups with chemical affinities (Cremlyn,
1991; Rao, 2000), is presented in Table 3.
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 9
AROMATIC Interference with
CARBAMATES AND photosynthesis; alteration
THIOCARBAMATES Propham, chloropropham, of meristematic activity;
Arylcarbamates barban. desorganization of
microtubular assembly,
inhibiting mitosis.
IMIDAZOLIDINONES Buthidazole. Inhibition of r
espiration and
IMIDAZOLINES Imazaquin, imazethapyr. Inhibition of cell division
by action on the enzyme
acetolactate synthase
(ALS) involved in valine
and isoleucine
NITRILES 1Dichlobenil, 1Inhibition of cellulose
2bromoxynil, 2ioxynil. biosynthesis; 2uncoupling
of oxidative
phosphorylation and Hill
reation inhibition.
ORGANOPHOSPHORUS 1Glyphosate,bensulide, 1Inhibition of biosynthesis
PYRIDINONES Fluridone. Bloks carotenoid
PYRIMIDINYL Pyrithiobac. Inhibition of cell division
THIOBENZOATES by action on the enzyme
acetolactate synthase
(ALS) involved in valine
and isoleucine
QUINOLINE CARBOXYLIC Quinclorac. Auxin-type herbicide.
ACIDS Accumulates ACC,
cyanide and ethylene.
SULPHONYLUREAS Sulfometuron methyl, DPX- Inhibition of cell division
F 6025, DPX-F 5384, by action on the enzyme
chlorsulfuron, DPX-L 5300, acetolactate synthase
bensulfuron methyl. (ALS) involved in valine
and isoleucine
TRIAZINONES Metribuzin. ——
TRIAZOLOPYRIMIDINE Flumetsulam. Inhibition of cell division
SULFONANILIDES by action on the enzyme
acetolactate synthase
(ALS) involved in valine
and isoleucine
12 Herbicides and Environment
negatively charged and slightly alkaline in opposition to the outer side of the membrane,
facing the intermembrane space) confers to mitochondria a high susceptibility to accumulate
large amounts of positively charged lipophilic compounds. The accumulation of these
compounds into mitochondria, at concentrations that may exceed those of the cytosol by
several orders of magnitude, exposes these organelles to potentially toxic compounds at
much higher levels than any other cellular compartment.
The third reason why mitochondria are prone to be poisoned by lipophilic compounds
concerns with the protein-regulated permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane,
which has a crucial importance for the functional integrity of mitochondria. Therefore,
drastic consequences for mitochondrial intactness and bioenergetic functioning can be
predicted whenever compounds promote an increase of the passive permeability of
mitochondrial inner membrane, impair the activity of transport proteins embedded within it
or interfere with the assembling of protein components of the mitochondrial permeability
transition pore (MPTP). Xenobiotics that cause the opening of MPTP may also promote the
release of apoptosis mediators, inducing apoptosis.
On the other hand, xenobiotics that interact with one or several complexes of the
mitochondrial electron transport system, impairing the normal electron flow, may enhance
the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to an imbalance between
prooxidant species and the cellular antioxidants. The complex I (NADH: ubiquinone
oxidoreductase) is often a site of interference of xenobiotics acting as electron acceptors in
reductase-catalyzed reactions. Redox cycling compounds, as the herbicide paraquat, may be
particularly harmful. The generation of ROS, amplified by the cycling process, may lead to
oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation (Boelsterli, 2003). Additionally, xenobiotics
that promote oxidative stress as well as those that induce a sustained increase of
mitochondrial calcium concentration may disrupt mitochondrial function by opening the
MPTP. The consequent uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, due to the collapse of
mitochondrial membrane potential, and the release of pro-apoptotic factors are, in this case,
the main cause of cellular damage (Boelsterli, 2003).
Although rat liver mitochondria constitute a common model for toxicity assessment, plant
mitochondria can be an alternative model, offering several advantages, namely high
activities preserved for much longer periods of time, easier availability and low cost
(Vicente & Madeira, 2000). In the context of herbicide toxicity evaluation, the use of plant
mitochondria is particularly important since useful plants (crops) are often target of the non-
selective toxic effects of those compounds.
II. Unicellular microorganisms, a simple model system to study the complex routes of
cell/membrane toxicity
A great number of compounds produced by agrochemical industries, including herbicides,
are lipophilic molecules. In the case of biocide compounds, this feature is important to
increase their ability to overcome cell membrane barriers. In a toxicokinetic context, the
disposition of a foreign molecule in a biological system necessarily involves the passage
across cell membranes. Thus, lipophilicity is a major determinant of compound capacity to
exert noxious effects on target organisms. However, cellular compartmentalization by
phospholipid-based membranes is a feature common to all living organisms and, then, all
share a high vulnerability to lipophilic compounds. The selective effects of these compounds
on specific organisms may arise from factors that affect compound metabolism, distribution
or excretion (toxicokinetics) and from differences in the existence, accessibility or structural
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 15
able to thrive in high concentrations of organic pollutants converting them into non-toxic
metabolites (Dejonghe et al., 2003; Sorensen et al., 2003; Neumann et al., 2004). The interest
here is to use these microorganisms for the removal of pollutants from the environment
However, in the present work, the emphasis will be on the use of microorganisms as models
to correlate xenobiotic-induced perturbations at a molecular level with the impairment of
physiological processes studied in vitro. Different microorganisms have been used for this
purpose such as the yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae (Cardoso & Leão, 1992) and E. coli
(Heipieper et al., 1991) as the most studied bacterial model. Microorganisms offer over
multicellular organisms several advantages: (i) yeast/bacterial growth in laboratory
controlled conditions is easy and economic; (ii) these models avoid ethical issues associated
with animal use, providing alternative in vitro toxicity tests; (iii) microorganisms allow to
correlating in the same system the toxic effects exerted by xenobiotics on the organism as a
whole, assessed in vivo (e.g. growth disturbances), and their toxic action on cell functions
assayed in vitro (e.g. protein/channel activities or passive membrane permeability).
In our laboratory, a strain of the thermophile Bacillus stearothermophilus, grown in a liquid
medium (L-Broth) at 65ºC (within the optimal temperature range), has been extensively
used as a model system for assessing the cytotoxicity of different groups of environmental
pollutants, as herbicides (Pereira et al., 2009; 2010), insecticides (Donato et al., 1997a,b;
Martins et al., 2003; Monteiro et al., 2005) and organometals (Martins et al., 2005). Toxicity
indicators have been taken from parameters of growth (lag time, specific growth rate and
bacterial yield in the stationary phase) when growth is followed by turbidity measurements or
by counting the colony-forming units (c.f.u.) after plating serial dilutions of the liquid cultures
on agar plates. Other indicators of toxicity have been provided by monitoring the respiratory
activity (oxygen consumption rate supported by different respiratory substrates). Studies of
growth or respiration performed in a broad concentration range have allowed the
determination of toxicity indices as EC50, NOAEL and/or LOEC. A very good correlation has
been observed between toxicity data provided by B. stearothermophilus and by other model
systems, namely rat liver mitochondria (Monteiro et al., 2008; Pereira et al., 2009).
B. stearothermophilus presents several advantages to be used as a toxicological model system,
in addition to the general ones of bacterial cells. Firstly, cultures of this bacterium with high
cell densities are rapidly obtained at optimal conditions (temperature and pH) of growth
(doubling times around 15 min in the absence of toxicants). Thus, a significant amount of
cells (around 108 colony forming units per ml of growth medium) may be obtained in a few
hours. Hence, in comparison with other time-consuming assays for toxicological assessment,
B. stearothermophilus growth experiments are very advantageous. Moreover, it is also
possible in a short time to isolate homogeneous membrane preparations for lipid extraction
or for monitoring enzymatic reactions. Additionally, B. stearothermophilus growth showed to
be very sensitive to perturbations of membrane physical properties and efficient molecular
mechanisms of membrane adaptation (involving changes of membrane lipid composition)
are triggered by adverse growth conditions (Jurado et al., 1991; Donato et al., 1997a and
2000; Luxo et al., 1998; Rosa et al., 2000). For these reasons this model is particularly useful
for drug toxicity assessment at the membrane level.
On the other hand, the growth of this bacterium occurs at high temperatures (optimally at
60-65ºC), preventing contamination, simplifying sterilization procedures and also assuring
safety for the operator. Concerning the respiration assays, protoplasts are advantageous in
comparison with other systems, as animal mitochondria, for several reasons: economics,
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 17
easier manipulation and high performance during much longer periods (several days).
Additionally, the respiratory system of this bacterium shows a great similarity with that of
mitochondria. However, an accurate determination of the levels at which xenobiotics act in
the bacterial oxidative phosphorylation system is technically difficult, since there are not
known inhibitors for the respiratory complexes, except for the cytochrome oxidase (CN- as
inhibitor). In spite of this limitation and the restricted number of substrates that efficiently
support the respiration of protoplasts, very good correlations have been obtained regarding
the concentration range of xenobiotics that impair the electron transfer system in both
bacterial and eukaryotic models (Donato et al., 1997b; Monteiro et al., 2005; 2008; Pereira et
al., 2009).
Taking together growth, respiration and membrane physical data collected with B.
stearothermophilus, a remarkable parallelism may be established with results from studies
carried out with other toxicological model systems, revealing differential toxic effects
exerted by xenobiotics and their metabolites (Donato et al., 1997b and 2000), xenobiotic
isomers (Martins et al., 2003; Monteiro et al., 2003) or different molecules of the same family
of compounds (Pereira et al., 2009 and 2010).
The use of plant tissue cultures has several advantages over other methods for toxicity
assessment: a) high sensitivity, versatility, speed and simplicity; b) minimal costs for the
equipment; c) technical expertise is easy to obtain; d) growth conditions are easily controlled
in laboratory. Additionally, in callus tissue cultures, the simplicity of the structural
organization and the absence of cellular wall barrier amenable to an effective herbicide
penetration and translocation (Mumma & Davidonis, 1983; Magalhães et al., 1989; Nellessen
& Fletcher, 1993) make this sensitive model a useful tool to study herbicide toxicity and
metabolism in plants (Sandermann et al., 1984; Smeda & Weller, 1991). The growth of non-
green callus tissue in the dark precludes the analysis of herbicide effects on the
photosynthetic system, but allows to address studies to other putative targets of the toxic
action of those compounds, such as mitochondria which have a crucial role in ATP synthesis
in these cells devoid of chlorophyl. Thus, potato callus tissue has been used as a relevant
material source for in vivo and ex vivo studies of herbicide toxicity at the mitochondrial level
(Peixoto et al., 2008; 2009a).
In summary, plant cell cultures have been established as a good alternative model for
ecotoxicological evaluation and also as a means to study herbicide mechanisms of action
and metabolism in plants (Harms, 1992).
toxic substance in the body (skin, gills, food), determination of toxic distribution between
various organs and the pathways of biotransformation and elimination (toxicokinetics);
secondly, identification of the organs and/or tissues more sensitive to the toxic action, and
the cellular and biochemical pathways underlying the toxicity of the chemical compound
Economic advantages together with the general properties shared by many species of fish
such as high fecundity, external fertilization of transparent eggs and relatively brief
generation times make fish a valuable model for toxicological research. Small size fish
species, such us medaka (Oryzias latipes) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) have transparent
externally developed embryos, facilitating experiments in developmental toxicology,
carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and organ-specific toxicity assays (Wakamatsu et al., 2001;
Wiegand et al., 2001; Nagel, 2002; Hill et al., 2005). Other species like rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss), feathead (Pimephales promeals) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
having large size are more appropriate for the experiments requiring large amounts of
tissue, to pursue gene expression profiles, proteomics and lipidomics. Their size also allows
better assessment for the histological and anatomical investigation. However, the main focus
of the toxicological studies is still the biochemical changes associated with toxic exposure,
namely, in proteins involved in xenobiotic detoxification, metabolism and excretion
(Lawrence & Hemingway, 2003). The endpoint test includes the measurement of the
quantities/activities of cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system, UDP glucuronosyl,
glutathione transferases and metallothioneins. To assess the possible correlation between
oxidative stress induced by xenobiotics and the toxic effects, the presence of intracellular
oxidative reactive species are usually investigated, quantifying the lipid peroxidation, the
reduced glutathione and α-tocopherol intracellular stores and the activity of enzymes like
glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase
(Figueiredo-Fernandes, 2006; Peixoto et al., 2006). Additionally, direct damage to DNA,
including chromosomal aberrations such as micronucleus formation, DNA adducts
(covalent attachment of a chemical to DNA) and strand breakage are also evaluated to
indentify genotoxic compounds (Çavas & Könen, 2007).
3. Results
I. Studies with plant and animal mitochondria
There are only a small number of toxicological studies using isolated plant mitochondria.
However, to understand the mechanism of action of the herbicides on plants, it will be
important to study their effects on plant mitochondria considered as the main target for
many of them. Some plant mitochondrial fractions exhibit activities higher than animal
preparations, which are preserved over several days, especially when obtained by
purification with a Percoll gradient (Neuburger et al., 1982; Vicente & Madeira, 2000). These
fractions exhibit higher degrees of purity, as compared with mitochondria of animal origin,
namely rat liver mitochondria, avoiding interferences with contaminants. In spite of this, the
toxicological evaluation aiming environmental security for man, comprehensively prefers
the use of mammalian mitochondria, considering the differences between plant and animal
mitochondrial structure and function.
Mitochondria are known as the main intracellular organelle responsible for cell ROS
production and we should bear in mind that compounds interacting with mitochondrial
membranes putatively disturb the coupling efficiency between oxidation and
20 Herbicides and Environment
phosphorylation and also exacerbate mitochondrial ROS production. A range of biotic and
abiotic stresses also raise ROS levels in plants due to both defense responses and
perturbations of chloroplastic and mitochondrial metabolism (Van Camp et al., 1998).
Several studies were performed in our laboratories, with isolated plant and animal
mitochondria, showing that this organelle could represent a target for several well known
herbicides. Here we describe and discuss the main results obtained in our studies,
considering other studies presented in literature.
The compound DNOC (4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol) is an herbicide included in the phenols, being
also used as fungicide and insecticide. DNOC in the concentration range of 10-50 µM, acted
as a classical uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria, promoting
an increase in succinate-supported mitochondrial respiration in state 4 and a dissipation of
ΔΨ. The protonophoric activity of DNOC was evidenced by the induction of mitochondrial
swelling in hyposmotic K+-acetate medium, in the presence of valinomycin. At higher
concentrations (≥ 50 µM), DNOC induced an inhibition of succinate-supported respiration,
and a decrease in the activity of the succinate-dehydrogenase. Treatment of Ca2+-loaded
mitochondria with uncoupling concentrations of DNOC resulted in mitochondrial
permeability transition (MPT), associated with membrane protein thiol oxidation by ROS, as
evidenced by mitochondrial swelling in isosmotic sucrose medium (Castilho et al., 1997).
Similarly to rat liver mitochondria, DNOC acts as a classical uncoupler of oxidative
phosphorylation in potato tuber mitochondria at low concentrations (≤ 100), and as an
inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration at high concentrations (≥ 100 µM) (Vicente et al.,
1998). This mode of action is in agreement with a type of herbicides named inhibitory
uncouplers, according to a general classification (Moreland, 1980; 1993). Thus, low
concentrations (up to about 100 µM) only induce uncoupling effect and higher
concentrations also inhibit the mitochondrial electron transport chain.
In conclusion, DNOC affected similarly plant and animal mitochondria, with a higher
sensitivity for rat liver mitochondria, requiring lower concentrations to produce the same
3. Dicamba
Dicamba (2-methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid) is included in the group of benzoic acid
herbicides (classe of carboxylic acids). In the concentration range of 4-30 µmol/mg protein
(2-15 mM), promoted an increase in state 4 succinate-supported respiration in rat liver
mitochondria. Nevertheless, at the concentration of 50 µmol/mg protein (25 mM), it
strongly inhibitied succinate-supported mitochondrial respiration (state 4). These results
indicate not only an uncoupling effect, as a consequence of an increase on the permeability
of inner mitochondrial membranes to protons, but also a strong inhibitory effect on the
redox complexes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The protonophoric activity of
dicamba was evidenced by the induction of mitochondrial swelling in hyposmotic K+-
acetate medium, in the presence of valinomycin. The inhibitory effect of dicamba on the
respiratory complexes was evidenced by: 1) the inhibition, at the same extent, of state 3
respiration and FCCP uncoupled respiration with parallel dissipation of the ΔΨ, and 2) the
strong inhibition of the mitochondrial complexes II and III, as reflected from the decrease in
the enzymatic activity of the succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c reductase.
Dicamba, in the concentration range of 4-30 µmol/mg protein, also inhibited the the
activities of the ATPase and ATP synthase. From these results it was concluded that
dicamba decreases oxidative phosphorylation by a dual effect on the redox chain (inhibition
of redox complexes, and stimulation of proton leakage through the mitochondrial inner
membrane) (Peixoto et al., 2003a). Similarly to rat liver mitochondria, dicamba interfered
with potato tuber mitochondria by inhibiting the activities of the respiratory complexes II
22 Herbicides and Environment
and III, of ATP synthase, and also stimulating the proton leakage through the mitochondrial
inner membrane (Peixoto et al., 2003b). In turn, comparative effects of dicamba and a
related compound, 2-chlorobenzoic acid, on potato tuber mitochondria showed that
dicamba is a stronger mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibitor and uncoupler. So,
considering the results, it was suggested that differences in the lipophilicity due to their
chemical structures are related to the different sensitivities of mitochondrial bioenergetics to
the referred compounds (Peixoto et al., 2003b).
5. Linuron
Linuron [N´- (3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-metoxy-N-methylurea] is an herbicide included in the
group of ureas. In the concentration range of up to 160 µM, linuron interferes with rat liver
mitochondrial bioenergetics, inhibiting state 3 respiration supported by either
malate/glutamate (65%) and succinate (8%) as the respiratory substrates. The FCCP-
uncoupled respiration supported by malate/glutamate was inhibited by 40%. Nevertheless,
succinate-supported FCCP-uncoupled respiration was not affected by the tested linuron
concentrations. These results indicate that complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain
is more sensitive to linuron than complex II. This assumption was also supported by a
higher linuron-induced dissipation of ΔΨ (11%) and depression of the phosphorylation rate
(70%) of rat liver mitochondria respiring malate/glutamate as compared with succinate-
dependent respiration (7% and 33%, respectively). The same concentration range of linuron
progressively stimulated state 4 respiration using either malate/glutamate or succinate as
respiratory substrates. However, at 120 µM linuron, a higher stimulation of state 4
supported by succinate (100%) was detected, as compared with that supported by
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 23
malate/glutamate (20%) reinforcing the idea that the inhibitory effect of linuron is mainly
exerted at the level of complex I. On the other hand, this result indicates that linuron has
also some ability to induce inner membrane permeabilization to cations. This explains the
strong inhibitory effect of succinate-supported state 3 respiration, taking into account that
complex II is note very sensitive to linuron.
The toxicological effects of linuron on rat liver mitochondrial bioenergetics, expressed by its
inhibitory action on mitochondrial respiratory chain for complex I and membrane
permeabilization, may be relevant to understand the mechanism responsible for its toxic
action (unpublished results).
6. Paraquat
Paraquat (1,1´-dimethyl-4,4´-bipyridylium dichloride), included in the group of
bipyridiliums, in the concentration range of up to 10 mM, promoted an increase in
succinate-supported mitochondrial respiration (state 4) on rat liver mitochondria, indicating
some energy uncoupling due to some permeabilization of mitochondrial membrane to H+.
The deleterious effect of the herbicide on membrane organization was confirmed by its
ability to induce lipid peroxidation (Palmeira et al., 1995a). So, this must be the main cause
of permeabilization. State 3 respiration is a little depressed by about 15% at 10 mM
paraquat, whereas CCCP-uncoupled respiration is depressed by about 30%. The inhibitory
effect of paraquat on uncoupled respiration reflects its interaction with the mitochondrial
respiratory chain. In fact, succinate cytochrome-c reductase and cytochrome-c oxidase are
inhibited by 35 and 39% respectively, at 10 mM paraquat, whereas succinate dehydrogenase
is not significantly affected, indicating that paraquat partially inhibits the redox chain at
mitochondrial complexes III and IV. Furthermore, paraquat partially inhibits the ATPase
activity for concentrations in the range of 1-2 mM, suggesting a direct effect on this enzyme
complex. However, at higher concentrations (5-10 mM), the ATPase activity is stimulated,
probably as a consequence of the described uncoupling effect. Paraquat depresses ΔΨ of rat
liver mitochondria as a function of herbicide concentration. In addition, the depolarization
induced by ADP is decreased and repolarization is biphasic suggesting a double effect.
Repolarization resumes at a level consistently higher than the initial level before ADP
addition, for concentrations up to 10 mM. This particular effect is clear at 1 mM paraquat
and tends to fade out with increasing concentrations of the herbicide. Based on these results,
it was concluded that paraquat uncouples oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver
mitochondria by inducing lipid peroxidation and, also, by inhibiting redox chain and
ATPase/synthase activity (Palmeira et al., 1995a). Comparative studies of the effect of
paraquat on mitochondrial bioenergetics of rat liver and potato mitochondria confirmed the
protonophoric action of herbicide on both mitochondrial membranes. However, the
sensitivity of potato tuber mitochondria to paraquat was lower than that of rat liver
mitochondria (Vicente et al., 2001). Differences between rat liver and potato tuber
mitochondria were also observed on the effects of paraquat on both ΔΨ and oxygen
consumption of complex-I-dependent respiration. Thus, paraquat (20 mM) considerably
dissipated complex-I-dependent ΔΨ and stimulated state 4 oxygen consumption of liver
mitochondria, but not potato tuber mitochondria, even at 40 mM paraquat (Vicente et al.,
2001). According to these results potato tuber mitochondria, in contrast to rat liver
mitochondria, are protected against paraquat radical (PQ+) afforded by complex I redox
activity (Vicente et al., 2001). Interestingly, the complex I may afford protection for the
paraquat effects on plant mitochondria, explained by Nagata et al. (1987). Working with
24 Herbicides and Environment
bovine heart and yeast mitochondria, the reduction of NAD+ to NADH can be catalyzed at
the expense of the paraquat radical, avoiding its degradative effects. Studies performed to
understand the different sensitivity of plant and animal mitochondria to paraquat toxicity
revealed that it may also be related with antioxidant agents (Vicente et al., 2001; Peixoto et
al., 2004) and different native aliphatic contents of the mitochondria membrane
phospholipids (Peixoto et al., 2004). In fact, the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD),
glutathione reductase and α-tocopheral content in potato tuber mitochondria were
significantly higher than in rat liver mitochondria, which, in turn, revealed higher values of
lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation induced by paraquat (Vicente et al., 2001; Peixoto
et al., 2004). Also, the total number of double bonds (unsaturated index) in rat liver
mitochondrial membranes was higher than in potato tuber mitochondrial membranes
(Peixoto et al., 2004). From these studies it was also concluded that peroxides are not major
intermediates in paraquat toxicity at the mitochondrial level since the activity of the
glutathione peroxidase and catalase are much higher in rat liver than in potato tuber
mitochondria (Peixoto et al., 2004).
A summary of the results of the effects of some herbicides on plant mitochondria is depicted
in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Effects of DNOC (80 µM), 2,4-D (3 mM), MCPA (3 mM), paraquat (40 mM) and
dicamba (2 mM) on succinate-supported transmembrane potencial (ΔΨ) (A), state 4 O2
consumption (B), swelling in hypo-osmotic K+-acetate medium (C), and succinate
dehydrogenase activity (D) of potato tuber mitochondria. Val., valinomycin; FCCP, carbonyl
cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl-hydrazone. The traces represent typical recordings from
several experiments with different mitochondrial preparations.
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 25
Herbicide Herbicide
Chemical structure Chemical structure
Log Kp LD50 Log Kp LD50
DNOC O O Dicamba Cl O
N+ N+
Dinoseb O
Metolachlor O
N+ Cl O
O- N
2.29 25 HO
3.4 1200
O O-
2,4-D Alachlor O
O Cl
-0.83 469 3.09 1200
Cl Cl
Linuron Cl
-0.81 962 3.0 1146 N N
2,4,5-T Cl OH
Paraquat N+
2,4,5-TP O
Oxyfluorfen F O
Cl O Cl N+
Cl Cl
systems. Both events, depletion of ATP and decrease of the cellular redox state, may lead to
the impairment of cellular functions, hence promoting inhibition of potato tuber calli cell
growth (Peixoto et al., 2008) and decrease of hepatocyte viability (Palmeira et al., 1995b). It is
also suggested that lipid peroxidation induced by superoxide anions generated by paraquat
redox cycling, plays an important role in the toxicity mechanism of this herbicide (Krall et
al., 1988; Peter et al., 1992). In isolated rat hepatocytes it was demonstrated that paraquat
promoted an increase in thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive species as a function of
concentration and incubation time (Palmeira et al., 1995b). In parallel, it was shown that at
the same concentration range paraquat induced loss of intracellular glutathione (GSH) with
a concomitant increase of the oxidised form (GSSG), decrease of protein thiols and cell death
(Palmeira et al., 1995b). These events have been suggested as being interrelated.
Antioxidant enzymes can be up-regulated during oxidative stress (adaptive response
induced by H2O2 as a second messenger) and their activities have been proposed as being
involved in mechanisms of herbicide toxicity or resistance (Allen et al., 1997).
In order to clarify the level of protection plant cells exhibit against paraquat-induced
oxidative stress, the activity of antioxidant enzymes was determined in crude extracts of
potato callus tissue previously exposed to different concentrations of the herbicide (Peixoto
et al., 2008). It was observed that paraquat induced a high stimulation of superoxide
dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) but did not affect glutathione transferase
(GST). Catalase (CAT) was stimulated only at low paraquat concentrations (1µM) and was
inhibited at higher concentrations of the herbicide. The high increase of hydrogen peroxide
resulting from the dismutation of superoxide anions generated by paraquat redox cycling,
which is favoured by the high herbicide-induced stimulation of SOD, likely justifies why
CAT is inhibited above 1µM paraquat, since potato CAT is very sensitive to H2O2 (Beaumont
et al., 1990). These data agree with those reported for tobacco plants, which also showed an
increase of SOD activity and CAT inhibition (Furusawa et al., 1984).
GR activity is responsible for the reduction of GSSG back to GSH. Since paraquat promotes
a decrease of GSH in potato calli cells (Peixoto et al., 2008), its stimulatory effect on GR
activity may result from a cellular response to GSH level decrease. Finally, the GST which
has been shown to promote detoxification of several herbicides, as dicamba and 2,4-D
(Hatton et al., 1998), by conjugation of the electrophilic herbicides with GSH, seems to have
no effect on paraquat, since its activity was not stimulated by the latter herbicide in contrast
with the formers.
In conclusion, studies of paraquat toxicity in plant cell cultures concur with those reported
in animal cells, showing that the most probable cause of cell death in non-target organisms
involves decrease of the cell energy charge, decrease of GSH content and depletion of
cellular reducing equivalents needed to assure the normal cell functioning, including energy
metabolism and antioxidant defence mechanisms.
fluorescein release to monitor membrane integrity showed that, in contrast to paraquat (see
above), the three herbicides tested affected membrane integrity at concentrations at which
growth was inhibited by 50%. Unexpectedly, MCPA at the concentration of 120 µM, at
which growth was completely inhibited, induced a decrease of fluorescein absorbance at
458 nm, apparently reflecting a decrease of fluorescein release (Peixoto et al., 2009). These
results were clarified by using fluorescence microscopy. Cells were loaded with
fluorescein diacetate, a non-polar and non-fluorescent molecule, which easily permeates
the plasma membrane of intact cells (Guilbaut & Kramer, 1964). Into the cell, the esterified
molecules undergo hydrolysis by intracellular esterases, generating fluorescein, which
fluoresces by exposure to short wavelength light (Prosperi, 1990). Therefore, viable cells
containing fluorescein can be observed by fluorescence microscopy (Peixoto et al., 2009a).
When the membrane is disrupted, fluorescein is released occurring an increase of
extracellular fluorescence, detected by microscopy or by the spectrometric method. In the
case of cells incubated with 120 µM MCPA, fluorescence microscopy showed a strong
decrease of fluorescence (Peixoto et al., 2009a). This unexpected result is due to
intracellular esterase’s inhibition, which in turn avoids fluorescein production. This study
served to show that the fluorescein assay, as a method to monitor membrane integrity,
should be carefully interpreted. The effects of the three herbicides on membrane integrity
are consistent with their capacity to induce H+ permeabilization and ΔΨ dissipation in
isolated mitochondria from plant as well as animal origin (Zychlinski & Zolnierowicz,
1990; Peixoto et al., 2004).
The protein/cellular weight ratio showed an increase by action of the three herbicides tested
(Peixoto et al., 2008; 2009a). This parameter should reflect herbicide effects on cell intactness.
This was supported by concentrations of paraquat that did not affect membrane integrity
and, concomitantly, did not induce significant alteration of protein/cellular weight ratio
(Peixoto et al., 2008). In the case of MCPA, the increase in the protein/cellular weight ratio is
more likely to be a consequence of cellular water and electrolyte loss with a decrease of cell
volume and weight, rather than the increase of protein synthesis. This conclusion is
supported by the observation of increased number of cells per gram of callus and cells
becoming harder and dark-brownish with increasing herbicide concentrations (Peixoto et
al., 2009a).
The effect of the three herbicides on the intracellular content of adenosine nucleotides,
reflected by a decrease of ATP content with a concomitant increase of the levels of ADP and
AMP, indicates an inhibitory action in cell metabolism. Since non-green callus tissue was
used, ATP generation depends on glycolisis and oxidative phosphorylation. Considering the
herbicides of the chlorophenoxyacetic acid group (2,4-D and MCPA), the MCPA seems to
have been less efficient in reducing the cell energy charge (taken as [ATP]+0.5
[ADP]/[ATP]+[ADP]+[AMP]) than 2,4-D (Peixoto et al., 2008; 2009a). Dicamba is probably
somewhat less efficient yet.
In summary, the inhibition of cell growth promoted by these herbicides may be correlated
with the decreased availability of ATP, which is needed for ion translocation, nutrient
import and metabolite export. Interestingly, the same order of efficiency (2,4-
D>MCPA≈dicamba) was observed in terms of herbicide-induced growth inhibition.
Cell redox state as influenced by the herbicides tested was also evaluated in terms of
NAD+/NADH ratio. All the herbicides tested increased NAD+/NADH ratio, revealing a
decrease in the cellular redox state. The herbicide 2,4-D promoted a stronger effect as
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 31
compared with MCPA or dicamba. Paraquat and 2,4-D showed similar efficiency in
promoting the decrease of cell energy charge, but paraquat effect on the cell redox state was
the highest of all the herbicides tested in potato callus cells. Consistently, paraquat revealed
to be the most potent growth inhibitor, too (Peixoto et al., 2008).
As previously referred for paraquat, the activity of the antioxidant enzymes CAT, GST and
GR was evaluated upon incubation of the potato callus tissue with different concentrations
of the herbicides 2,4-D, MCPA and dicamba (Peixoto et al., 2008; 2009a). Considering the
two herbicides of the phenoxyacetic acid group, it was observed that 2,4-D (Peixoto et al.,
2008) strongly stimulated the catalase (150%) and superoxide dismutase (about 50%)
activities at the highest concentration assayed (50 µM), whereas MCPA, up to 120 µM, did
not induce any significant change (Peixoto et al., 2009a). Apparently, MCPA does not
stimulate production of the superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide, in contrast with 2,4-D
and paraquat (Peixoto et al., 2008). Dicamba promoted an increase of CAT and SOD
activities, although at a smaller extent than 2,4-D (Peixoto et al., 2008).
Concerning the GST activity, an enzyme involved in the detoxification of a great deal of
pollutants, it was stimulated by both phenoxyacetic acid herbicides (2,4-D and MCPA) and
by dicamba, in contrast with paraquat, as previously referred. As GST uses GSH for
conjugation with electrophilic compounds, it would be expected GR activity to be also
stimulated by the herbicides. In fact, it was observed a stimulation of GR activity in callus
tissue cultures incubated with all the herbicides tested, paraquat included (Peixoto et al.,
2008; 2009a). Although the experimental approach used in these studies do not enable
authors to conclude that GST is involved in 2,4-D, MCPA and dicamba bioinactivation in
potato callus tissue, their results concur with data in the literature regarding different
herbicides and several plant species for which GST activity plays an important role in
detoxification (Hatton et al., 1998). In the case of paraquat, GR activity stimulation was
probably induced as a cellular response to an intracellular decrease of GSH used to detoxify
the reactive oxygen species generated as a consequence of the herbicide redox cycling (see
above). Additionally, GSH oxidation could be also related to other cytotoxic events such as
lipid peroxidation and decrease in protein thiols, which have been demonstrated in isolated
rat hepatocytes treated with 2,4-D and paraquat (Palmeira et al., 1995b).
In conclusion, data obtained in plant and animal cell cultures concur to suggest similar
mechanisms of toxicity by 2,4-D and paraquat in non-target organisms, although with
different relative potencies. The decrease of GSH/GSSG ratio is probably the primary event
in the cytotoxic process leading to death. In the case of MCPA and 2,4-D, the lack of studies
in animal cells precludes any comparison. However, it is probable that MCPA cytoxicity
results primarily from disturbance of membrane physicochemical properties leading to loss
of electrolytes and metabolites, decrease in ATP availability and decrease of the cellular
redox state. Dicamba biological activity shows some similarities with both 2,4-D and MCPA.
It disrupted the membrane integrity as 2,4-D and MCPA but induced an increase of catalase
and SOD activities, in contrast with MCPA, although in a lower extent than 2,4-D. At the
mitochondrial level, dicamba uncoupled oxidative phosphorilation by inducing H+
permeabilization, as MCPA, but also inhibited the electron transfer in the mitochondrial
redox system, as 2,4-D (see above).
Since all the herbicides tested in potato callus tissue promote significant alterations in plant
as well as in animal mitochondria functioning, the bioenergetic impairment may be
suggested as one of the mechanisms underlying the cytotoxicity of those compounds in non-
target organisms.
32 Herbicides and Environment
The effects of paraquat on oxidative stress enzymes of tilapia hepatocytes were studied in
the dependence of temperature and gender (Figueiredo-Fernandes et al., 2006). Males and
females of tilapia were kept in tanks at 17 and 27 ºC (breeding non-compatible vs breeding
compatible temperatures). A qualitative analysis showed that fish mortality induced by
paraquat was accompanied by the appearance of extensive areas of hepatocytic necrosis.
Preliminary experiments were carried out to select test concentrations of paraquat
corresponding to 25% of the LC50, at which hepatocytes showed no signals of necrosis. SOD
and GST activities showed sex-dependence, since males present higher values than females
at both temperatures assayed. No significant alterations were found in the dependence of
temperature. SOD, GR and GST activities were increased by exposition to paraquat. An
increase of GR activity induced by paraquat was also demonstrated (Stephensen et al., 2002)
in rainbow trout. The authors justify this fact due to the ability of GR to reduce paraquat to
its cation radical, causing a chain reaction with paraquat radical promoting oxidation of
GSH, which in turn induced an increased activity of GR.
We have also observed alterations of the condition factor (CF) and the hepatosomatic index
(HSI) of tilapia exposed to paraquat (Figueiredo-Fernandes et al., 2006). These parameters
serve as indicators of the general organism well being. A high condition factor
corresponding to a high body weight/length relationship generally means good
environmental conditions. Also a high HSI, defined as the ratio of liver weight to body
weight, normally reflects a high reserve of energy. However, an increase of both parameters,
CF and HSI, was promoted by paraquat in tilapia. An increase of HSI was also registered in
different laboratories upon exposition of fish to different pollutants. This alteration was
interpreted (Stephensen et al., 2002) as being due to an increased activity of xenobiotic
biotransformation enzymes.
Other studies were conducted in tilapia exposed to the herbicide oxifluorfen (Peixoto et al.,
2006). The exposure of tilapia for a period of 14 to 21 days to sub-lethal concentrations (0.3 to
0.6 mg/L) of oxyfluorfen [2-chloro-1-(3-ethoxy-4-nitrophenoxy)-4(trifluoromethyl) benzene],
a diphenyl ether herbicide commonly used in agriculture to control broadleaf and grassy
weeds with specific recommendations (EPA 1992), resulted in a progressive increase of the
activity of catalase and, to a lower extent, of glutathione reductase. These results are
consistent with those reported in the literature concerning different aquatic organisms in the
presence of pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Otto & Moon, 1995). Regarding glutathione S-transferase
(GST), an enzyme engaged in the detoxification of many xenobiotics, by conjugation of their
phase I metabolites, it was observed an increase of its activity induced by 7 days exposition
to oxyfluorfen, but thereafter the activity decreased to levels lower than the control. Data in
literature are also variable, reporting an increase (Otto & Moon, 1995) or a decrease
(Pedrajas et al., 1995) of GST activity in fishes exposed to PAHs and PCBs. In contrast to the
other enzymes, SOD activity showed a progressive decrease along the 21 days of exposition
to the herbicide. These data are supported by other studies using rainbow trout injected
with paraquat (Pedrajas et al., 1995) but are opposite to results obtained with other species
exposed to other pollutants. In conclusion, fish antioxidant enzymes have a limited potential
to be used as pollution biomarkers, since very different responses can be observed
depending both on the xenobiotic and on the organism under study.
It was also observed that tilapia exposure to oxyfluorfen promoted changes in the hepatic
fatty acid profile, with special incidence on the unsaturated acids (Peixoto et al., 2006),
34 Herbicides and Environment
decreasing the oleic acid content and increasing the nervonic acid (24:1). It was shown that
oxyfluorfen also induced alterations of the fatty acid composition in plants (Watanabe et al.,
2001), promoting an increase of the monounsaturated chains (C16:1 and C18:1). Disturbance
of the fatty acid biosynthesis regulatory network by a potential oxyfluorfen-induced
oxidative stress may explain those alterations.
Oxyfluorfen (0.3 and 0.6 mg/L) was also evaluated on the mitochondrial hepatopancreas
bioenergetics of tilapia (Peixoto et al., 2009b). Although no significant change was registered
in respiration supported by piruvate/malate (complex I) or succinate (complex II) as
detected by oxygen consumption, the mitochondrial ∆Ψ was dissipated in some extent.
Furthermore, the phosphorylation rate decreased, indicating a perturbation of the
phosphorylative mitochondrial system, potentially affecting the ATP availability. The
controversial results in herbicide-induced oxygen consumption (no effect), ∆ Ψ dissipation
and decrease of the phosphorylation rate can putatively be explained as a limited direct
effect on the respiratory complexes, referred in literature as “Biochemical Threshold Effect”
(Rossignol et al., 2003). The big size of the fishes used in the study could also explain small
effects on the mitochondrial respiration, since bigger and fatter fishes could present higher
resistance to xenobiotic, due to its accumulation in fat tissue, particularly when the
xenobiotic is lipophilic.
In conclusion, oxyfluorfen induces biochemical changes in fish hepatopancreas regarding
the antioxidant enzymatic system, fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial bioenergetics.
However, the relationships between those toxicity parameters have not been completely
clarified, yet.
4. Concluding remarks
A great deal of work has been done to assess the environmental risks and health hazards
resulting from the extensive and intensive use of herbicides. As other pesticides, the
herbicides are common contaminants of surface water and soils. When applied to the
agricultural areas, they may have different fates: microbial or non-biological degradation,
plant uptake or adsorption and transport by surface water far from the site of application.
Therefore, organisms in soil and water niches, from microorganisms to plants and animals,
may be exposed to a large number of these pollutants and their metabolites. Additionally,
the persistence of these compounds in the environment, associated with their lipophilicity,
renders them amenable to progressive accumulation in biological tissues (bioaccumulation)
and, consequently, prone to be concentrated along the food chains, increasing the
concentration towards the top of the chain (biomagnification). On the other hand, water
contamination by agricultural run-off and aerial spraying of herbicides may also have
dangerous repercussions on public health even in areas far from those primarily affected.
Considering all these risks, including those resulting from a daily consume of eventually
contaminated food, it is obvious the general public concern with an unrestricted use of
herbicides. The acute and chronic toxic effects of herbicides on useful animals and humans
have implemented the research focused on the herbicide mechanisms of action.
A great body of evidence has shown that many environmental contaminants affect
transversely the most of the organisms of an ecosystem including man, affecting basic cell
functioning and structural properties common to all living cells. In the case of lipophilic
compounds, where a great number of herbicides are included, membrane structure and
function constitute the first potential target for the toxic effects of the incoming compound,
Herbicides: The Face and the Reverse of the Coin. An in vitro Approach to the
Toxicity of Herbicides in Non-Target Organisms 35
provided by more complex biological systems as whole organisms, like fish (Peixoto et al.,
2006). These ones have been widely used as models to evaluate the health of aquatic systems
and in studies of xenobiotic-induced pathological effects on vertebrates.
The good correlations established with data provided by these different model systems in
studies of herbicide toxicity, as described in this chapter, contribute to validate the use of
our models in predictive tests of environmental hazards and toxicity assessment. As also
emphasized along this chapter, the most remarkable advantage in using models such as
bacteria and plant cells or organelles regards the use of a biological material easily and
economically obtained, minimizing or avoiding ethical issues associated with the use of
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44 Herbicides and Environment
1. Introduction
Feeding the 9 billion people expected to inhabit our planet by 2050 will be an unprecedented
challenge for all the mankind (Ash et al., 2010). Nevertheless, producing enough food for the
world’s population in 2050 will be easy, but doing it at an acceptable cost to the planet will
depend on research into everything, from high-tech seeds to low-tech farming practices
(Anonymous, 2010). Research into rice (Oryza sativa L.), the most important food crop in the
developing world and a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, is crucial
for the development of strategies that will increase global food security (Normile, 2008).
Appropriate integrated management of parasitic rice weeds is thus expected to increase in
importance due to their general invasive nature and their abilities to adapt to changing
conditions such as those imposed by more and more unpredicted global climate changes.
Modern sustainable paddy cultivation worldwide involves extensive use of agrochemicals
such as insecticides, fungicides but especially herbicides. Herbicide demand has unique
characteristics compared with other common productive inputs in rice culture systems such
as land, labour, seeds and chemical fertilizers (Yamamoto & Nakamura, 2003). The goal of
herbicide use is to kill or stunt weed infestation allowing the rice to grow and gain a
competitive advantage (Monaco et al., 2002). The use of rice herbicides has been expanding
enormously worldwide over the past 20-40 years. However, herbicides are considered a
“two-edged sword“ (Kudsk & Streibig, 2003) or the “reverse of the coin“ (Jurado et al., 2010;
chapter 1, this book), since the subsequent dispersion of herbicide compounds and their
degradation products in rice fields and adjacent areas with strong ecological value still
threatens the integrity of ecosystems, thus resulting in serious global environmental concern
(Olofsdotter et al., 1998). One of the major issues about environmental herbicide
contamination in wetland rice fields is its bioaccumulation in ecosystem primary producers
46 Herbicides and Environment
and its subsequent propagation through trophic chain. Therefore, reliable legislation and
risk assessment tools are needed to carry out the monitoring of herbicide residues in
autochthonous living organisms inhabiting rice fields.
The main objective of this review is to compile and summarize relevant update information
on herbicide weed control and consequent impacts of these agrochemicals on rice field
organisms as well as on the environment, mainly in European and particularly
Mediterranean countries. For additional information, though some of them are being not
necessarily updated, the readers are reported to the pioneer works of Padhy (1985), Pingali
& Roger (1995) and Roger (1996). A considerable amount of research has been published
since these previous reviews and this chapter summarizes only the main findings related to
impacts of herbicides on the ecology of sustainable rice field agroecosystems in the new
policy context. Moreover, we have chosen examples of herbicide effects on non-target rice
field organisms that, in our view, best illustrate different effects and environmental impacts.
It is not our intention to suggest that these are the sole examples or the most suitable
herbicides. Clearly, there are numerous and elegant examples of herbicide effects on non-
target rice field organisms that fall outside of the small, but in our opinion acceptable,
number of cases we have chosen to present.
1 Herbicides were preferably named by their common names in the text, but sometimes registered
trademarks are cited and their use is not free for everyone. In view of the vast number of trademarks, it
was not possible to indicate each particular case and contribution. The authors accepted no liability for
Impact of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms in Sustainable Irrigated Rice Production Systems:
State of Knowledge and Future Prospects 47
Sustainable irrigated rice should be perceived here as a prolonged existence and functioning
of several important interrelated elements of irrigated rice culture (Sutawan, 2005). In direct-
seeded fields flooding cannot be used until crop establishment, so post-emergence weed
control is essential.
Planktonic green algae are the ones generally used as test species for the first tier aquatic risk
assessment of herbicides (Ishihara, 2009). Wetland contamination could result in a die-off of
most algal species present, causing a severe decline in this food source; alternatively, certain
species or groups of algae could be selectively inhibited (Ferraz et al., 2004).
An in vitro toxicity bioassay screening conducted by Marques et al. (2008) on surface waters
and sediment elutriates proceeding from River Pranto waters, which irrigate Western
Portugal’s rice fields, as well as on the irrigated rice fields in “Quinta do Seminário” (Soure,
Portugal), revealed that Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata was more sensitive to the overall
physico-chemical conditions in natural samples than Chlorella vulgaris, its growth being
inhibited under water samples from both sites. In addition, these authors found that water
samples, mainly those from the main irrigation/drainage channel of the rice fields, were more
deleterious to microalgae than those from River Pranto or any of the elutriates. Surprisingly,
the qualitative chemical analysis done by these researchers did not reveal the presence of the
herbicides applied in the field like molinate and propanil. These two herbicides plus MCPA
were used in microbiotests in order to assess the comparative toxicity effects of herbicide
active ingredients (a.i.) versus commercial products (c.p.) on the green algae Raphidocelis
subcapitata (Pereira et al., 2000). It was demonstrated in laboratory that water samples fortified
with each active ingredient caused higher toxic effects than the respective formulated product,
mainly with molinate and propanil. A study carried out by Leitão et al. (2007) in an irrigated
rice field ecosystem in the river Sado basin, a characteristic Mediterranean lowland basin
located in southwestern Portugal, a highly acute toxicity (80%) was detected on P. subcapitata
in June after propanil (0.2 μg a.i.L-1) application to paddy fields. Sabater & Carrasco (1998)
found that species of isolated microalgae responded differently to molinate concentrations
tested in laboratory: at 44.6, 50.2, 3.2, and 1.12 ppm, the growth of Chlorella saccharophila, C.
vulgaris, Scenedesmus acutus, and Scenedesmus subspicatus was strongly inhibited after 96 h,
respectively, whereas no growth was observed at 69.8 ppm for C. vulgaris and 2.2 ppm S.
subspicatus. This study showed also that the two Chlorella species were considerably more
tolerant than the two Scenedesmus species isolated from Spanish rice fields. Vendrell et al.
(2009) tested the acute toxicity of glyphosate on S. acutus, S. subspicatus, C. vulgaris and C.
saccharophila isolated from samples collected at Albufera lake in Valencia (Spain), one of the
most important rice areas in Europe with a very rich flora and fauna. Although glyphosate is
not applied to Valencian rice fields, its massive spraying in other agricultural crops
surrounding the Albufera National Park (ANP), a protected ecosystem where rice is cultivated
in harmony with local fauna and flora, is still a common practice. In a microplate bioassay, the
authors demonstrated the acute toxicity induced by glyphosate on the four Chlorophyceae and
the herbicide concentrations eliciting a 50% growth reduction over 72 h (EC50) ranged from
24.5 to 41.7 mg.L-1, while a 10% growth inhibition was achieved with 1.6 to 3.0 mg.L-1, difficult
to find both in the paddy field and in the ANP lake. Therefore, it could be concluded from this
study that glyphosate is not a dangerous herbicide for the ANP ecosystem due to its low
microalgae toxicity at low glyphosate concentrations. Also in the ANP ecosystem, Ferraz et al.
(2004) assessed the sensitivity of the same aforementioned four algal species to propanil and
mefenacet using single species short-termed (72 h) toxicity tests. The 72 h-EC50 of propanil and
mefenacet ranged from 0.29 to 5.98 mg.L-1, and from 0.25 to 0.67 mg.L-1, respectively for the
four algal species.
The relative toxicity of hydroquinone on submerged aquatic weed green musk chara (Chara
zeylanica Willd.) was investigated by Pandey et al. (2005) to explore possible use of the
Impact of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms in Sustainable Irrigated Rice Production Systems:
State of Knowledge and Future Prospects 49
phytotoxin as herbicide management of the weed. It was found that hydroquinone was
phytotoxic to C. zeylanica at 0.01 mM and lethal at 0.075-0.10 mM, resulting in death after 3-
12 days. Moreover, it is important to highlight that this phytotoxin has a short life in the
environment and a promissory potential for weed management.
1.They suggested that AChE activity could be used as an early biomarker for studies on fish
toxicity, since enzyme’s activity increased by 98 and 179% in fish’s brain after quinclorac
and metsulfuron methyl exposure, respectively.
use as herbicides within the EU must be deemed acceptable according to the Directive. Article
5 of the Directive requires that the use of plant protection products and their residues should
not have any harmful effects on human or animal health or on groundwater, or have any
unacceptable influence on the environment. In this respect, all existing active ingredients
(about 800) introduced into the market prior to 2000 had transitional approval, pending their
re-evaluation using modern toxicological and environmental protocols with a view to
inclusion in Annex 1. Identification of products to be supported for re-registration was sought
by 2002, and evaluation of those using modern toxicological and environmental protocols is
required by 2012. Approved substances will be listed in Annex 1 of the Directive (EEC, 1991;
Vogelezang-Stoute, 2003; Hussey & Bell, 2004; Carlile, 2006).
The risk to the environment covers the fate and behaviour of an active ingredient (i.e.,
exposure) as well as its possible effects on non-target organisms (EEC, 1991; Benfenati et al.,
2007). It should be stressed that the Directive 91/414/EEC and associated technical annexes
are constantly under revision.
For reasons of preventive health protection and protection of the environment, the use of
plant protection products has to be limited to the minimum level compatible with effective
crop protection. The MRLs (in the EU) or tolerances (in the USA) are established for crops
and food commodities (Siebers & Hänel, 2003). In countries with no national legislation, the
MRLs are set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, an international body that aims to
protect the health of consumers (Granby et al., 2008). Groundwater contamination has also
received increasing attention over the last few years as most of the drinking water is drawn
from wells (Vidotto et al., 2004). In the last few years, great activity in regulating the level of
herbicide in water has been carried out in the EU. The maximum allowable concentrations
in groundwaters (for drinking and any other use) are set to 0.1 μg.L-1 for any individual
chemical and 0.5 μg.L-1 for total herbicide load (Gan & Bondarenko, 2008).
In Europe, regulations and regulatory methods to assess and control the impact of
herbicides in the aquatic environment aim to protect the ecosystem and public health, while
monitoring contamination levels and any potential negative effects; in addition to the
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) law (EC
1907/2006) (EU, 2006), regarding chemicals and their safe use, which entered into force on
1st June 2007, there are specific regulations towards protecting health and ensure quality of
all water resources such as the Drinking Water Directive (DWD, Council Directive
98/83/EC) (EC, 2007; Nielsen et al., 2008; Adrián et al., 2009). Environment quality
standards for 33 priority substances in surface aquatic bodies have been recently established
in the Directive 2008/105/EC (EC, 2008), offspring of the WFD (EC, 2000), and about a third
of the priority substances covered by this directive are pesticides (Köck et al., 2010). For
additional aspects relating to regulatory authorities and legislation in many other parts of
the world besides the EU, readers are reported to the works of Marrs & Ballantyne (2004),
Carlile (2006), Racke (2007), Zimdahl (2007), and Nielsen et al. (2008).
It is important to stress that the ecotoxicological assessment of rice herbicides is particularly
complex due to the specificities of this crop where aquatic and terrestrial communities are
mixed in a human-managed wetland-type agro-bio-ecosystem. According to Tarazona &
Dohmen (2007), any assessment must cover at least three main aspects: 1) potential effects
on the paddy community; 2) potential effects on associated wetlands and water bodies, and
3) potential risks for vertebrates feeding on the paddy. The initial low tier assessment may
be conducted using the generic approach used for other crops. For higher tier risk
assessment it is recommended to develop a specific conceptual model for identifying the key
elements that should be addressed (Tarazona & Dohmen, 2007).
54 Herbicides and Environment
the soil type and metereological conditions, among other abiotic and biotic factors and
application rates, thiobencarb poses less risk for groundwater when applied to flooded rice
fields than other herbicides. In a 2-year study done by Phong et al. (2009), the concentrations
of thiobencarb were in the hundreds of μg.kg-1 in the top soil layer (0-5 cm) and became
significantly lower in tens of μg.kg-1 in deeper soil layers (5-10 and 10-15 cm) with a short
life time (17 days) in the top layer, 69 days in the 5-10 cm layer and 165 days in the 10-15 cm
layer. In another study, it was found that bentazon is one of the most frequently detected
herbicide in groundwater in Northern Italy, even though its use is either prohibited or
reduced in many districts in this country (Garagna et al., 2005).
variety (early or late) and climatic conditions. The growing cycle continues until September-
October, when rice is harvested. The rice cropping is supported by an organized system of
irrigation-drainage canals around the paddies and the water flow is controlled by small and
simple dams, constructed in strategic points to provide the entrance or discharge of water.
Local rice fields are abundantly fertilized and a variety of pesticides, including herbicides,
are intensively and sometimes indiscriminately used in weed control programs. The
application of agrochemicals occurs mainly during the end of April up to June, but
additional amounts of fertilizers or pesticides are added along the whole cropping season,
depending on the type of culture demands and on the rice crop regional conditions
(Marques et al., 2008).
® ®
6.2 Ecotoxicological impacts of Basagran (a.i. bentazon) and Ordram (a.i. molinate)
on non-target rice field cyanobacteria
Since 2005 our research group has been developing various relevant studies about the effects
of two most commonly used rice field herbicides – Basagran® and Ordram® – on native non-
target rice field cyanobacteria. In one of those studies, the effects of the two selective
herbicides recommended for IWM on rice were laboratory-assessed in Anabaena cylindrica
during a short-term experiment of 72 h (Galhano et al., 2009). The results obtained in this
work revealed that both herbicides had a pleiotropic effect on the cyanobacterium at the
range of concentrations tested (0.75-2 mM). Cyanobacterial growth (expressed as dry
weight, D.W.) as well as photosynthetic pigments [Chla, carotenoids (Car),
phycobiliproteins (PBP)] were more adversely affected by molinate than bentazon
commercial formulations. A. cylindrica growth of over 50% was observed soon after 48 h
with 1.5-2 mM of Ordram. The protein content increased with both herbicides although the
Impact of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms in Sustainable Irrigated Rice Production Systems:
State of Knowledge and Future Prospects 57
effect was more remarkable with the highest concentration of Ordram. Concerning to
carbohydrate content, it was shown that Ordram increased this organic fraction whereas
Basagran decreases it. Photosynthesis (PmChl) and dark respiration (RdChl) normalized to Chla
were inhibited by both herbicide formulations in a time- and dose-response manner within
the experiment time, and higher Ordram concentrations full stopped O2 evolution after 48 h.
Pointing to safety environmental precautions, the findings obtained with our study suggest
the reduction or even ban of molinate from the agro-ecosystem rice field because of its
strong inhibitory action on soil autochthonous microflora, mainly on the important
diazotrophic primary producers, the cyanobacteria. Together with pulse-amplitude-
modulation (PAM) fluorimetric routine parameters, namely maximum photosystem II (PS
II) quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm), effective quantum efficiency of PS II for a light-acclimated
sample (ФPSII), and photochemical quenching (qP; proportion of light excitation energy
converted to photochemical act by the active PS II reaction centres), part of the results
published by Galhano et al. (2009) were previously presented to the overall scientific
community in the 15th European Bioenergetics Conference held in Dublin, from 19 to 24 July
2008 (Galhano et al., 2008). Relevant findings related to Basagran and discussed in the
meeting are displayed in Figure 1 carpet-plot.
But we wanted to go further on and test the effects of the herbicides on other cyanobacteria
strain isolated and subsequently identified by suitable molecular biology tools (Galhano et
al., 2010a). So, the next step was the assessment of toxicity of Basagran and Ordram on
Nostoc muscorum, an abundant and well characterized cyanobacterium from Mondego River
Valley rice fields. Once again, in a short-term exposure experiments during 72 h with a
concentration range from 0.75 to 2 mM, the toxicity of commercial formulations on growth
and some biochemical and physiological parameters cited before were studied (Galhano et
2 mM - 72 h
1.5 mM - 72 h
0.75 mM - 72 h
0 mM - 72 h
2 mM - 48 h
1.5 mM - 48 h
0.75 mM - 48 h
0 mM - 48 h
2 mM - 24 h
1.5 mM - 24 h
0.75 mM - 24 h
0 mM - 24 h
Pm Chl
Rd Chl
Fig. 1. Effect of Basagran on dry weight (D.W.), chlorophyll a (Chla), carotenoids (Car),
phycobiliproteins (PBP), protein, carbohydrates, photosynthetic rate (PmChl), dark respiration
rate (RdChl) and fluorescence parameters of A. cylindrica after exposure for 24, 48 and 72 h.
Relative values are means ± SE of at least three independent experiments. The plotted values
are visualised by the number of the contour lines, with successive lines corresponding to
values differering by 0.05 (here above zero, i.e. bigger than the control).
60 Herbicides and Environment
al., 2010d). The results almost entirely obtained in this study confirmed the mode of action
of both herbicides on cyanobacteria: 1) molinate was more toxic than bentazon to growth,
respiration, Chla, Car, and PBP contents; 2) protein content increased with both herbicides
but the effect was mostly evident at higher molinate concentrations (1.5-2 mM); 3) the
herbicides had contrasting effects on carbohydrates content – molinate increased it whereas
bentazon caused a decrease of this organic fraction; 4) both photosynthesis and respiration
were inhibited by Ordram and Basagran.
At this point of our research we were intrigued about the insufficient information on the
biochemical mode of action of both herbicides at cellular level, particularly concerning
bentazon. We knew from previous works that bentazon acts as an inhibitor of
photosynthesis by blocking the electron transfer flow in the PS II and CO2 fixation. The
blockage of PS II induced by bentazon in the presence of light induces secondary effects on
several metabolic pathways, such as the production of singlet and triplet Chl energized
states, as well as various reactive oxygen species (ROS) like e.g. the singlet oxygen (Macedo
et al., 2008). The very recent reviews of Latifi et al. (2009) and Pospíšil (2009) on oxidative
stress science that came to us almost at the same time were very exciting and inspiring, thus
contributing to the next follow up step. Therefore, by interlinking these reviews, we
hypothesized that bentazon, like most environmental stresses e.g. heavy metals, high light,
UV-B, heat, salinity and drought, induced the production of ROS in cyanobacteria, causing
Fig. 2. Effect of molinate on the activities of (A) SOD, (B) CAT, (C) APX, and (D) GST of A.
flos-aquae after exposure to bentazon for 0 and 72 h. The values (%) relative to controls are
means ± SE of three to six independent experiments. Results of the one-way ANOVA
factorial analysis. Values with a common letter are not significantly different according to
Tukey’s test (P<0.05).
Impact of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms in Sustainable Irrigated Rice Production Systems:
State of Knowledge and Future Prospects 61
oxidative damage. The obtained results confirmed the formulated hypothesis, since the
activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT),
ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and glutathione S-transferase (GST) increased in a time- and
Basagran dose-response manner and were higher than those in the control samples after 72
h for a concentration range of 0.75 to 2 mM. On the basis of these data and information
available elsewhere we proposed a hypothetical mechanistic model for Basagran-induced
oxidative stress on A. cylindrica (Galhano et al., 2010c). A similar trend was attained with the
active ingredient of Basagran i.e. bentazon in an Aphanizomenon flos-aquae strain isolated
from “Quinta do Seminário“ rice fields, also in the Baixo Mondego River Valley region (Fig.
2). Acute and short-term (72 h) experiments also demonstrated that the active ingredient
caused a time- and concentration (0.15-0.25 mM) dependent decrease of A. flos-aquae growth,
photosynthetic pigments, total protein, carbohydrates, photosynthesis and respiration
(Galhano, V., et al., 2010; unpublished results).
Meanwile, we did not forget the antioxidant system machinery response of cyanobacteria
exposed to the formulation Ordram in acute and short-termed experiments (72 h). Contrary
to Basagran, the thiocarbamate dramatically decreased the activity of all antioxidative stress
enzymes tested in a time- and concentration-dependent manner within a concentration
range of 0.75 to 2 mM. The collapse of both enzymatic (e.g. SOD, CAT, APX, GST) and non-
enzymatic (e.g. glutathione pool and total carotenoids) antioxidants was evident after 72
hours’ exposure to the highest Ordram concentrations. A radical decline in saturated fatty
acids was also observed in this study (Galhano et al., 2010b).
evolved resistance to herbicides, including the most pernicious grass weed, Echinochloa spp.,
becoming resistant to rice gramicidines (Olofsdotter et al., 1998; Vidotto et al., 2007; Gressel
& Valverde, 2009). So far, some mechanisms of evolved resistance of rice weedy species are
still unknown (Dyer & Weller, 2005). Therefore, in future weed management programs,
Gressel & Valverde (2009) recommended the use of transgenic herbicide-resistant rice
cultivars to better achieve the control of weeds that have evolved herbicide resistance.
Interestingly, some organisms that have evolved in natural ponds near rice fields are now
being used as biological control agents in rice culture, as for example in Japan, where the
problem of annual weeds infesting paddy fields has been countered by the introduction of
several species of tadpole shrimp (Triops spp.) which agitates the soil surface, uproots weed
seedlings, creates turbid water (which compromises photosynthesis) and consumes weed
buds (Williams, 2006). Therefore, nowadays, as in the future, the commonly accepted best
approach to manage rice field weeds is to follow an IWM strategy that includes good land
preparation, good water management, a competitive crop, and a judicious herbicide use
(Monaco et al., 2002; Upadhyaya & Blackshaw, 2007; Demont et al., 2009).
The use of biological control agents (natural enemies and pathogens) (Castle et al., 2006)
and/or biologically-based products (allelochemicals) (Belz, 2007) should also have to be
implemented. The use of bioherbicides are also interesting alternatives for use in rice IWM
programs (Charudattan et al., 2002; Kendig et al., 2003). A suitable and periodic water
quality monitoring together with the improvement of good agricultural practices will be
advisable in future IWM programs.
More important yet, rice researchers and farmers must go one step further and rapidly to an
era of precision farming, which helps to reduce the cost of production and improve
productivity on an ecologically sustainable basis. They should launch a movement for
achieving an evergreen revolution in rice farming systems based on ecologically sustainable
and location-specific precision farming technologies (Pretty, 2005; Swaminathan & Rao,
2009). Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, The Nobel Prize in Peace of 1970, called it the “Blue
Revolution“ of the 21st century to complement the so-called “Green Revolution“ of the 20th
century in order to feed the growing world population (Borlaug, 2004).
In conclusion, we must say that nowadays, not only the scientific community, but also the
general public, including rice farmers and extension workers, should be aware of the need
for a continual review of rice field herbicides once they have been authorized to be lunched
into the market, mainly due to their unpredictable effects on both the environment and
human health. We think that this timely and up-to-date review can significantly improve the
information in this research area and contribute to a better understanding of the effects of
rice field herbicides on non-target organisms, which inevitably will lead to a rationalization
of their use in future integrated weed management programs.
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1. Introduction
Pesticides are widely used to control pests and diseases in crop production. Flumioxazin
(fmx), or 2-[7-fluoro-3,4-dihydro-3-oxo-4-(2-propynyl)-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-6-yl]-4,5,6,7-
tetrahydro-1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione, is a N-phenylphthalimide herbicide registered for
pre-emergence control of broadleaved weeds in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), soybean
(Glycine max L.), sorghum (Grichar, 2005) and as an early pre-plant burndown treatment in
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (Main et al., 2003).
Fmx inhibits protoporphyrinogen oxidase (protox) in the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway,
resulting in light-induced membrane lipid peroxidation (Scott et al., 2001). In the presence of
protox inhibitors, tetrapyrroles accumulate, especially protoporphyrin IX (proto IX). Protox
inhibition leads to the accumulation of its substrate protoporphyrinogen, which is readily
oxidized to proto IX by oxidative enzymes. Proto IX is a quite effective photosensitizer that
transfers absorbed light energy to molecular oxygen to form singlet oxygen. The singlet
oxygen peroxidizes lipids leading to the destruction of cellular membranes (Moreland, 1999).
Fmx is a pre-emergence herbicide applied on soil at the end of winter at a concentration of 5
mM. Fmx inhibits the development of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), lambsquaeter
(Chenopodium album), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), morningglory (Ipomoea spp.), nutsedge
(Cyperus spp.) and prickly sida (Sida spinosa L.) (Nagano, 1999; Niekamp et al., 1999).
Fmx enters plants mainly throughout root and tolerant crop species avoid its injury by rapid
detoxication metabolism (Yoshida et al., 1991). Fmx is applied to control adventive plants
but the presence of such molecules in the foliage of non-target crops and in the soil has been
reported (Jame et al., 1999). Little information is available on the effect of fmx on crop
physiology, especially in grapevine, although it is one of the most frequently used
herbicides in vineyards. We showed that fmx dramatically affects grapevine physiology in
74 Herbicides and Environment
vitro (Saladin et al., 2003a, b, c, d). Various concentrations of this herbicide have a negative
impact on vine plantlet leaf growth, as revealed by tissue dehydration and cell membrane
alteration, decrease in osmotic potential and accumulation of proline. Moreover, fmx
treatment results in a reduction of plantlet growth and photosynthesis and further induces
some perturbation in leaf carbohydrate partitioning (Saladin et al., 2003b). Proteomic
analysis of grapevine under fmx stress suggested that photosynthesis-related proteins,
enzymes involved in photorespiration and enzymes of sugar metabolism were impaired
(Castro et al., 2005). However, these results were obtained with juvenile plantlets grown in
vitro and thus have to be considered cautiously before being extended to the whole plant
cultivated in vineyards.
The aim of this study is to further determine the effects of fmx treatment on the
photosynthetic characteristics of grapevine cutting leaves. The combined measurements of
chlorophyll fluorescence and gas-exchange rates were proved to be a useful approach for
distinguishing stomatal versus nonstomatal effects, as well as for estimating the importance
of various types of energy use, such as thermal dissipation and photorespiration
(Hendrickson et al., 2004).
3. Results
3.1 Growth
In the event of fmx excess (5 and 50 mM), the plant growth is inhibited (Fig. 1). The leaves
growth is more affected than the root growth.
Fig. 1. Leaves and root fresh weight of grapevine after the spraying of various fmx
concentrations. Each value is the mean of 15 measurements ± SD.
Fig. 2. Changes in net photosynthesis (Pn) (A), stomatal conductance (gS) (B), intercellular
CO2 concentration (Ci) (C), and transpiration rate (T) (D) in leaves of grapevine after the
spraying of various fmx concentrations. Each value is the mean of 15 measurements ± SD.
Photosynthetic light response curves
To clarify the nature of the mechanisms involved in plant adaptation to the treatment, both
CO2 distribution in the leaf and the capacities of mesophyll to assimilate atmospheric CO2
were analyzed after ten days. The study of these processes was performed by analysing the
light response curve and by measuring Pn variations in response to the increase of CO2
concentration after ten days of herbicide stress application. The leaves of the treated plants
showed a drastically lower photosynthetic capacity than the control leaves. Similarly,
saturating PPF and apparent quantum yield of CO2 fixation (ΦCO2) showed a significant
decrease with increasing fmx concentrations (Table 1). Cuttings treated with 50 mM fmx did
not respond to the PPF because the plants died. Also, dark respiration and compensation
point decreased when the fmx stress increased. In addition, photosynthesis was saturated at
10.86 µmol m–2 s–1 in the control and light-saturated net CO2 assimilation rate (Asat)
decreased by 15% and 98% using 0.5 and 5 mM fmx respectively. Using the high PPF, the
slope of curves was null (Table 1), meaning that there was no photoinhibition. The ratio
ΦPSII/ΦCO2 was inversely correlated to the efficiency of light involvement for carbon
fixation. It was higher in leaves grown at 5 mM fmx concentration (Table 1), indicating that
the light was less efficient in treated cuttings.
78 Herbicides and Environment
Fmx concentrations
Control 0.5 mM 5 mM 50 mM
Apparent quantum yield
0.044±0.002a 0.041±0.006a 0.006±0.007b -
of CO2 fixation (ΦCO2)
Dark respiration
1.10±0.54 a 1.31±0.34 a 0.622.±0.710b -
Rd (μmol m-2 s-1)
Compensation point
26.32±1.30 a 31.67±3.01 b 101.42±10.01 c -
Γ (μmol)
Asat (μmol m-2 s-1) 10.86±1.28 a 9.14±0.93 b 0.139±0.055 c -
PPF (μmol m-2 s-1) for Asat 1000 a 500 b 250 c -
Slope with
-0.0003±0.0008 a 0.0003±0.0001 a 0.0005±0.0003 a -
PPF > 1500 μmol m-2 s-1
ΦPSII/ΦCO2 15.43 a 12.92 b 50.33c -
Table 1. Analyses of photosynthetic light response curves: the apparent quantum yield of
CO2 fixation (ΦCO2), dark respiration (Rd), compensation point (Γ), light-saturated net CO2
assimilation rate (Asat), PPF (μmol m-2 s-1) for Asat, slope with PPF > 1500 μmol m-2 s-1 and
ratio ΦPSII/ΦCO2 of grapevine with various flumioxazin concentrations after ten days. The
grapevine treated with 50 mM of fmx were dead. Statistical analyses were carried out using
the Mann and Whitney test. Means for a considered parameter were not significantly
different when followed by the same letter (P ≥ 0.05).
Fig. 3. The Chl fluorescence parameters of PSII (relative units) in leaves of grapevine after the
spraying of various fmx concentrations. Each value is the mean of 15 measurements ± SD.
increasing light intensity while QNP increased. The fluorescence kinetics showed that the
increase of fmx concentration led to a decrease in the maximal efficiency of PSII
photochemistry and a decrease in the coefficients of photochemical and non-photochemical
0 mM 0.5 mM
5 mM 50 mM
Fig. 4. Fluorescence imaging of the dynamic evolution of abiotic stress induced 4 days after
flumioxazin treatment. A grapevine leaf was 30 min dark-adapted and submitted to
saturation pulse. A photograph of maximum fluorescence (Fm) was captured. Data have
been mapped to the colour palette. The false colour code ranges from black (0.000) to pink
(1.000), as shown at the bottom of the images.
4. Discussion
These results provide new insights into the effects of fmx herbicide on grapevine physiology
through the analysis of numerous parameters. We have demonstrated a transient fmx effect
on Pinot Meunier physiology. The answer of this cultivar was different that observed with
the Chardonnay (Bigot et al, 2007). They complement preliminary information on the stress
effects of this herbicide on plant physiology in vitro (Saladin et al., 2003a, b, c, d; Castro et al.,
2005) and help to further understand how action of herbicide acts on non-target grapevine.
The soil-applied herbicide is known to be a peroxidizing agent, through the inhibition of
protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase in the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway (Scott et al., 2001).
It appears that fmx affects other metabolic functions i.e. all the photosynthetic parameters
we evaluated. It induces a strong net photosynthesis inhibition and a parallel decrease of
stomatal conductance and transpiration. The photosystem II activity is also affected.
Transient Effect of the Herbicide Flumioxazin on Physiology of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot Meunier 81
Fig. 5. Fluorescence light response curves: QP (A), QNP (B), Fv/Fm (C), to PPF (0 to 1200 μmol
m-2 s-1) in leaves of grapevine after ten days with various fmx concentrations.
Fmx inhibits CO2 assimilation
All the photosynthetic parameters of grapevine cutting leaves were significantly reduced
after 25 days of fmx treatment. Net photosynthesis and transpiration reduction were
associated with decline of stomatal conductance. The photosynthesis decrease in leaves may
be caused by stomatal closure. However, the reduction of Fv/Fm and the quantum yield of
CO2 assimilation indicate that the efficiency of photochemistry is also impaired in grapevine
treated with 5 and 50 mM fmx.
There is a strong relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon fixed by
plants (Genty et al., 1989). ΦPSII/ΦCO2 is an estimate of the relationship between the rate of
electron transport and carbon fixation. If four electrons are consumed per mol CO2 fixed and
if the light is equally distributed between the two photosystems, ΦPSII/ΦCO2 should
theoretically be 8 minimum. Experimentally, ΦPSII/ΦCO2 greater than 8 is obtained,
meaning that electrons are also used for other processes than photosynthesis, such as
photorespiration, N assimilation, or pseudocyclic electron transport (Genty et al., 1989).
Fmx affects chlorophyll a fluorescence
The fluorescence arising from chlorophyll is almost exclusively associated with PSII
(Schreiber et al., 1994). Since PSII functioning is sensitive to a wide range of environmental
82 Herbicides and Environment
5. Conclusion
We have demonstrated a transient fmx effect on grapevine physiology characterized by
strong increases of Pn, gs and ΦPSII at 0.5 and 5 mM fmx after 45 days. The grapevine was
able to partially overcome the damages caused by herbicides (Saladin & Clément, 2005). In
the vineyard the herbicide caused mild stress (Saladin et al., 2003c, d). It may be explained
by a detoxification of the herbicide in the rootstock and/or a low fmx uptake by the roots,
which is due to a deeper root system or different soil adsorption characteristics (Saladin et
al., 2003d). Moreover, in the vineyard fmx was applied at the end of the winter, when canes
have no leaf and when the sap flow is low.
Transient Effect of the Herbicide Flumioxazin on Physiology of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot Meunier 83
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1. Introduction
Herbicides are widely used as an important alternative to prevent excessive growth of
weeds in agricultural crop land, particularly where conservation tillage is adopted. Weeds
reduce crop yield and quality, interfere with cultivation and harvest operations and seem to
be the most economically important of all pests with respect to sales of pesticides
worldwide. As an interesting side effect, the biological activity of herbicides extends beyond
their effect on target organisms and herbicides may influence plant-pathogen interactions
through their effect on the pathogen, the plant, or on the surrounding soil organisms
including symbiotic interactions. This phenomenon was first observed in the early 1940s by
Smith et al. (1946) and described in more detail since 1960. Several studies examining the
direct effects of various herbicides on plant pathogens and disease development have been
The objective of this chapter is to summarise publications in which herbicide applications
have resulted in a direct effect on fungal plant pathogens in vitro or in the field or on disease
development by influencing the metabolism of the plant. The question that arises is if the
direct or indirect effect of herbicides on microorganisms is a general feature of these
agrochemicals, also provoking some kind of stress that leads to a reprogramming of the
plant’s physiology, or if the observed effect relates to a distinct mode of action within a
given plant-pathogen relationship. In some cases, herbicide-resistant plants were used to
specify the effect on pathogens and plants when herbicides are applied at field rates. Even
though the application of field doses may represent the true situation in the field where
herbicide-resistant crops are planted, the effect of sublethal doses on non-transformed plants
and pathogens remains more or less obscure. Thus, some hormetic effects, although defined
as side effects of putatively toxic compounds but playing an important role regarding plant
health, plant growth, or even harvest, can not be explained. Some, if not many herbicides
seem to provoke hormetic effects (Duke et al., 2006). Hormesis refers to stimulatory effects
caused by toxic compounds. Paracelsus, an ancient leader in toxicology, declared that all
things are poison and are not poison. Only the dose matters and it is only the dose that
makes a thing not to be a poison. He considered that substances, although toxic at higher
concentrations or doses, can be stimulatory or even beneficial when used at low doses. Even
though this phenomenon was recognised a long time ago, hormesis was mainly discussed in
the biomedical literature, especially in toxicology and radiation biology. Sublethal doses of
86 Herbicides and Environment
toxic compounds or radiation, for instance, were found to provoke stimulatory responses
instead of reducing the vitality of human cells (Calabrese & Baldwin, 2002). However,
hormesis is not restricted to mammals and can be found within all groups of organisms,
from higher plants and animals to bacteria and fungi (Calabrese, 2005). Interestingly,
herbicides seem to induce hormesis in both, plants and pathogens (Duke et al., 2006).
Stimulations have been shown for various physiological and biochemical parameters such
as gene expression and enzyme activity (Ahn, 2008), growth, biomass, and protein content
(reviewed in Duke et al., 2006), and chlorophyll content in plants (Kortekamp, 2010).
Several highly informative reports considering side effects of herbicides have been
published in recent years (e.g. Duke et al., 2007; Sanyal & Shrestha, 2008). However, a big
part of the work was done with herbicide-resistant plants, not representing biochemical
processes in non-transformed plants as mentioned above. Furthermore, mainly pathogens
able to grow on artificial media were used. Even though the direct effect of the active
compound, the additive(s) and/or the formulated product can be tested in vitro very easily
in most cases, only a few details about the mechanisms that are involved when the pathogen
enters its host are known. Moreover, especially the underlying mechanisms playing an
important role in case for biotrophic pathogens (that can not be investigated without the
respective host) are still far from being well known. Therefore, some examples, e.g. the
grapevine-downy mildew interaction representing a biotrophic plant-pathogen relationship,
are picked out to throw some light on these highly sophisticated plant-pathogen-herbicide
control mammalian pathogenic fungi (Nosanschuk et al., 2001) and was active against
apicomplexan parasites that cause diseases such as malaria and toxoplasmosis (Roberts et
al., 2002).
glyphosate mineralisation was reduced when glyphosate was applied several times.
Gimsing et al. (2004) found that glyphosate mineralisation rates are positively correlated
with Pseudomonas spp. population size. However, results of Lancaster et al. (2010) indicate
that a repeated application of glyphosate is associated with an increase of those soil
microorganisms capable of metabolising the herbicide. Altered microbial community may
repress Pseudomonas species such as the beneficial species P. fluorescens and may modulate
plant-pathogen interactions as well.
cases, weed control and disease incidence were enhanced when the biocontrol agent was
applied after glyphosate treatment (Boyette et al., 2006; Boyette et al., 2008a; Boyette et al.
2008b). The authors demonstrated that an application of glyphosate prior to Myrothecium
verrucaria provided better weed control in kudzu (Pueraria lobata), redvine (Brunnichia ovata),
and trumpetcreeper (Campis radicans). This was also the case for green foxtail, which was
sufficiently controlled when treated with glyphosate prior to Pyricularia setariae inoculation
(Peng & Byer, 2005). These results suggest that timing of glyphosate application in relation
to combined treatment with a bioherbicide is important. Wyss et al. (2004) reported that
certain pesticides and their adjuvants affected spore germination and growth of Phomopsis
amaranthicola, an effective bioherbicides against Amaranthus species. Several herbicides such
as glyphosate had also negative effects on spore germination of P. setariae (Peng & Byer,
2005). Thus, one strategy to overcome direct toxic effects of herbicides is a sequential rather
than simultaneous application of the synthetic herbicide and the bioherbicides. Applying
glyphosate prior to pathogen application would allow the absorption, translocation, and the
full action of the herbicide (with minimised degradation) and reduces its possible toxicity to
the biocontrol agent. Furthermore, glyphosate interactions with bioherbicides were found to
be synergistic. Sharon et al. (1992) showed that glyphosate suppressed the plant’s defence
by lowering phytoalexin production and biosynthesis of other phenolics. Even a sublethal
dose of glyphosate suppressed the shikimate pathway in sicklepod (Cassia abtusifolia)
infected with Alternaria cassiae, thus reducing the resistance of this weed (Sharon et al.,
1992). Numerous examples in the literature have correlated production or transformation of
preformed phenolic compounds and plant defence. In most cases, an activation of the
enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) plays a pivotal role, and compounds that
inhibit PAL activity have caused increased susceptibility to disease (Hoagland, 2000). This
seems also to refer to crop plants such as soybean. Glyphosate was able to block resistance
to Phytophthora megasperma, even in an incompatible interaction by lowering the glyceollin
production, an important phytoalexin and part of the resistance machinery in soybean (Keen
et al., 1982).
shown that glufosinate significantly reduced disease development of Rhizoctonia solani and
Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on transgenic bentgrasses expression the bar gene under controlled
conditions. Glufosinate ammonium also reduced Pythium blight caused by Pythium
aphanidermatum in transgenic bentgrasses expressing the bar gene, even though the herbicide
did not alter mycelial growth in vitro (Liu et al., 1998).
In rice, two important diseases, blast and brown leaf spot, were also diminished in
transgenic rice when treated with glufosinate ammonium (Ahn, 2008). The herbicide
inhibited the formation of appressoria of the two pathogens Magnaporthe grisea and
Cochliobolus miyabeanus in a dose-dependant manner; but the same treatment did not affect
conidial germination of both pathogens. However, glufosinate ammonium almost
completely inhibited mycelial growth of both fungi in vitro and triggered the transcription of
pathogen related (PR) genes and hydrogen peroxide accumulation in rice and Arabidopsis
thaliana (Ahn, 2008). Furthermore, a pretreatment with glufosinate ammonium 24 h prior to
infection greatly increased blast protection. These results indicate that the herbicide is able
to activate the resistance response of the plant, and that the induced mechanisms are more
effective after a time lag between application and infection. Thus, both direct inhibition of
pathogen infection and activation of the defence system by glufosinate ammonium seem to
be responsible for disease protection in transgenic rice. Other reports also showed that
treatments with glufosinate ammonium enhanced resistance against rice sheath blight
caused by R. solani on bar-transgenic rice (Uchimiya et al., 1993). In that case, herbicide
treatment led to a substantial suppression of blight symptoms, even when applied two days
after inoculation, indicating a curative capacity of glufosinate ammonium.
Even though the direct effects of glufosinate ammonium on plant pathogens are not well
understood in most cases, this herbicide may inhibit glutamine synthetase activity in fungi
or fungal like organisms similar to inhibition of glutamine synthetase in plants. Consistent
with amino acid biosynthesis being the primary target of glufosinate ammonium, inhibition
of glutamine synthetase in the presence of the herbicide leads to a reduced nitrogen
metabolism, a reduced hyphal protein content, and thus to a restricted growth and biomass
yield of various Trichoderma species (Ahmad et al., 1995). Furthermore, especially the
expression of those genes involved in protein biosynthesis and energy production seem to
be important for oomycetous pathogens during germination and at the onset of a biotrophic
or hemibiotrophic infection. Whereas the amino acid biosynthetic genes are expressed at
basal levels during release of zoospores (that are produced in sporangiospores or
sporocysts), they are upregulated in germinated cysts of Phytophthora species, indicating a
requirement of elevated amino acid production and metabolism at the early infection
events. Among those genes expressed at early infection stages, glutamine synthetase was
also upregulated in germinated cysts of P. nicotianae (Shan et al., 2004). During the
biotrophic phase of the P. infestans-potato interaction, the free amino acid pool within the
plant leaf increases, that corresponds with the expression of host amino acid biosynthesis
genes (Grenville-Briggs & Van West, 2005; Grenville-Briggs et al., 2005). As infection
progresses, there is a decrease in the level of free amino acids within the infected plant tissue
and a corresponding increase in the expression of both host and pathogen amino acid
biosynthesis genes (Grenville-Briggs & Van West, 2005; Grenville-Briggs et al., 2005) which
attests the need of high levels of amino acids for an sufficient growth of the pathogen.
Interestingly, growth and propagation of oomycetous pathogens such as P. infestans and
Pythium ultimum were also inhibited by glufosinate ammonium in vitro, especially when
cultivated on media containing low amounts of nutrients (Kortekamp, 2008).
Direct inhibition of mycelial growth was also observed for several fungal species putatively
pathogenic to grapevine. Botrytis cinerea, Guignardia bidwellii, Penicillium expansum, and
Unexpected Side Effects of Herbicides: Modulation of Plant-Pathogen Interactions 91
Control 0,05 mM
0,15 mM 0,3 mM
Fig. 1. Mycelial growth of P. viticola 7 day post inoculation. Incubation of leaf discs on
glufosinate ammonium led to a retarded hyphal growth in a dose-dependant manner.
Even though germination of sporangiospores and zoospore release of the pathogen was not
effected when exposed to low concentrations, spreading of the intercellular mycelium was
reduced also leading to a dramatically reduced sporulation (Kortekamp, 2010). However,
higher doses up to the rate normally applied to the filed completely inhibited each
developmental step of the disease cycle. Interestingly, glufosinate ammonium exhibited
preventative and curative features. Pre- and postinfectional treatments resulted in
significant reduced sporulation rates. The inhibitoric effect of glufosinate ammonium on
spore production decreased with increasing time intervals between inoculation and
treatment, since the pathogen was able to establish a dense network of hyphae within the
infected tissue and started to sporulate after few days. However, if the herbicide was
applied prior to inoculation, the preventative effect increased with increasing time intervals
between treatment and inoculation. This suggests an activation of defence mechanisms in
92 Herbicides and Environment
herbicides also induced the germination of Cochliobolus sativus spores which resulted in a
loss of viability (Isakeit and Lockwood, 1989). C. sativus (Bipolaris sorokiniana) is the causal
agent of a wide variety of cereal diseases. This pathogen can infect roots, leaves, stems,
flowers, and head tissues just like other Cochliobolus species. Even though C. sativus was
greatly affected by triazine herbicides, these herbicides had no influence on germination and
viability of conidia of other Cochliobolus species such as C. heterostrophus, C. carbonum, and C.
victoriae (Isakeit and Lockwood, 1989). There may be species differences among the genus
Cochliobolus. Russin et al. (1995) reported that atrazine did also not reduce the production
and germination of microsclerotia of Macrophomina phaseolina in sorghum but reduced
fungal growth. Despite the fact that atrazine and other triazines could have a direct effect on
fungal pathogens, they are able to modulate plant-pathogen interactions due to changes in
the physiology of the plant. Atrazine applications to sugarcane plants growing in soils
infested with Pythium arrenomanes resulted in increased root and shoot growth, even though
root colonization by P. arrenomanes was unaffected by the herbicide. Furthermore, root rot
symptom severity was not reduced. However, atrazine inhibited mycelial growth of P.
arrenomanes in vitro when applied at the label rate (Dissanayake et al., 1998). The mechanism
of root and shoot growth stimulation of triazine herbicides was shown to be an increase in
the activity of nitrite reductase and transaminase (Ries et al., 1967) and seem also to refer to
pea and sweet corn (Wu et al., 1972). Even though triazine and maybe other triazine
herbicides are able to inhibit P. arrenomanes in vitro, such an effect was not observed in the
field. If both, the herbicide and the pathogen are present, growth stimulation by atrazine
seems to be greater than growth reduction induced by P. arrenomanes. Other data recently
published indicate that herbicide treatments, especially when applied at field rates, may
lower the effect of the fungicide. Heydari et al. (2007) conducted two field experiments to
investigate the impact of three preemergence herbicides on the efficacy of commonly
fungicides against Rhizoctonia solani. In one trial, the effectiveness of fungicides on fungal
pathogenicity was reduced in the presence of prometryn and two dinitroaniline herbicides.
The authors suggested that the herbicide-mediated suppression of fungicidal activity
occurred perhaps because herbicides concentrations in the soil were high shortly after
application but diminished gradually due to inactivation (Heydari et al., 2007). However,
the fact that herbicides interfere with fungicidal activity of other pesticides may also be due
to the presence of variable soil factors including texture, pH, temperature, moisture, and
organic matter, which all might have in influence on microbial activity in soil.
Hill and Stratton (1991) tested the antifungal capacity of metribuzin towards Alternaria
solani. Metribuzin was used for both preemergence and postemergence control of weeds in
potatoes that can be affected by A. solani. The results presented for metribuzin indicated that
this herbicide is relatively nontoxic towards A. solani in vitro. Interestingly, the herbicide
interacted in an additive manner when applied at low doses together with a fungicide but
antagonistically at higher doses. Thus, the type of interaction between triazine herbicides
and fungicides seems to depend on the concentration of the components in mixtures.
Reasons for this are still far from being well understood.
interferes with oxygen leading to superoxides. The production of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) in turn results in lipid peroxidation and photobleaching (Duke, 1990). Thus, paraquat
acts in the presence of light and the herbicidal activity increases with increased light
intensity. Inhibitory effects of paraquat on mycelial growth of pathogens were reported in
Rhizoctonia solani (Black et al., 1996), Rhizopus stolonifer (Wilkinson and Lukas, 1969),
Sclerotium rolfsii (Kabana et al., 1966), Septoria nodorum and S. tritici (Harris & Grossbard,
1979; Jones & Williams, 1971), and to a lesser extend in Fusarium moniliforme
(Rattanakreetakul et al., 1990). Paraquat seems to enhance the toxicity of fungicides as
reported by Awadalla & El-Refaie (1994). In pot tests, damping-off caused by R. solani was
better controlled by fungicides when the soil was treated with paraquat or simazine. Both
herbicides increased the toxicity of fungicides against mycelial growth of the pathogen
maybe due to an increased concentration of ROS in the plant.
3. Herbicide-bacteria interactions
Once herbicides are released into the environment, mainly to affect weeds as their primary
targets, they have to be degraded and eliminated during time to avoid long-lasting negative
effects regarding soil microbiology or groundwater safety. Since a large number of
herbicides have been introduced during the past four decades, the fate of these compounds
is becoming increasingly important. Thus, several results describing the metabolism of
herbicides by microorganisms in soil and water have been published. Especially Bacillus and
Pseudomonas species showed high capacities to degrade various herbicides (Wang et al.,
2008; Moneke et al., 2010). However, herbicides are known to change the microbial
community in soils (Sapundjieva et al., 2003), including those species relevant for symbiotic
interactions with plants (Khan et al., 2004), and will surely affect phytopathogenic bacteria.
This topic was excluded from this review and has to be considered in more detail elsewhere.
4. Conclusion
The mechanisms of herbicide-pathogen interactions are not well understood in most cases.
Some herbicides seem to have fungitoxic or at least fungistatic properties and affect mycelial
growth, production of spores or fruiting bodies, or spore germination, whereas others
provoke indirect effects on soil and leaf organisms that are antagonistic to pathogens. In
some cases, herbicides showed no effect in vitro but lowered disease incidence on the
respective host plant. Thus, herbicides may also stimulate the physiology of the plant, e.g.
by altering phytoalexin production, mineral and nutrient composition, or source-sink
relationships. These alterations may lead to a reduced susceptibility due to physiological
changes not favourable for a given pathogen or an induction of resistance and, thus, may
affect the incidence of disease. On the other side, herbicides may cause an increase in
diseases due to direct stimulatory effects on growth and reproduction of the pathogen,
effects on the virulence of the pathogen (Ware, 1980) or by inactivating parts of the defence
battery of the host plant.
Effects of herbicides described in this review are not restricted to distinct fungal pathogens,
since effects have been observed in necrotrophic, hemibiotrophic, and biotrophic species,
and many fungal pathogens are affected by various herbicides applied to different crops.
Furthermore, antifungal capacities of the active compound and/or the adjuvants or the
modulation of the physiology of the plant leading to increased or decreased disease severity
do not depend on the plant tissue affected. Both effects, lowered or enhanced disease
incidence, can be observed in case for phytopathogens infecting leaves, stems or roots.
However, in some cases, results obtained from in vitro experiments differ from those
generated in the field or on the host plant. Thus, future research may also include high
throughput methods, such as chip based technologies, to illuminate all mechanisms
involved in plant-pathogen interactions that are modulated by herbicides. This trilateral
communication has to be considered as a molecular and biochemical crosstalk between the
plant and the pathogen, the plant and the herbicide, and the pathogen and the herbicide.
New information about mechanisms can be obtained by the generation of gene expression
profiles, the observation of physiological and morphological changes at tissue level or even
in single cells, and an analysis of all relevant compounds such as phenolics, phytoalexins,
and proteins (metabolomic approach). In some cases the plant itself and its herbicide-
modulated physiology play the predominant role within a given plant-pathogen interaction.
Unexpected Side Effects of Herbicides: Modulation of Plant-Pathogen Interactions 97
However, depending on the compound used the pathogen may represent the main target
that will be arrested or even killed by the herbicide.
There are only few reports about additive or even synergistic effects of combined
applications of herbicides together with fungicides (Hill & Stratton, 1991; Schuster &
Schroder, 1990), even though these effects can be expected. With regard to the data
presented by Hill and Stratton (1991) and Heydari et al. (2007), the simultaneous use of an
herbicide and a fungicide to control diseases and weeds could lead to antagonistic
interactions between these two kinds of pesticides. This could cause a reduction in the
efficacy of both the fungicide and the herbicide. It would be useful to determine the
potential herbicide-fungicide interactions in distinct plant-pathogen combinations and to
use herbicides that interact synergistically with fungicides, thus they can be used to lower
the amount of the fungicides necessary to prevent diseases. Unfortunately, only few data on
the ecotoxic effects of pesticide combinations exist, even though considerable data have been
published on the effects of individual agrochemicals towards non-target organisms and
ecological processes. Thus, the investigation of herbicide-induced effects on plant-pathogen
interactions, regardless if applied alone or in combination with other pesticides, requires a
multidisciplinary approach combining plant physiology, plant pathology, biochemistry,
microbiology, and weeds science and represents a highly interesting field in plant science.
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Part 2
1. Introduction
With the widespread use of post-emergent herbicides and their increased use in areas under
conservation management systems (no-till and minimum tillage), concerns about
environmental and public health problems due to herbicidal molecules has been growing.
The use of herbicides has been justified by the resultant reduction in production costs
because expenses regarding application and product price are lower with these treatments
compared with existing alternatives. However, studies in the literature have demonstrated
that there can be an increasing need for greater doses of nitrogen (N) fertilizers and
pesticides after herbicides have been applied (Cakmak, 2007; Damin et al., 2008, 2009).
The use of nitrogen fertilizers in doses that are enough to supply the demand of crops is one of
the main practices associated with high productivity. However, these fertilizers are expensive,
and their indiscriminate use can cause the emission of green-house gases (Sherlock et al., 1989),
the contamination of superficial waters with nitrate and the destruction of ozone in the
stratosphere, with N2O as an intermediary (Groffman, 2000). In addition, fossil fuels, which are
non-renewable resource, are consumed in the manufacture of N fertilizers.
Recent research has shown that about 15 to 20% of the N introduced by fertilization can be
lost after plants have been desiccated by herbicides. This losses can be even greater when
the N that was already in the system is considered. Moreover, some laboratory studies have
shown an increase in the emission of N2O, a gas that has a global heating potential 298 times
greater than that of CO2, in areas using desiccants.
Despite the importance of awareness about the effects of herbicides in the nitrogen cycle,
this subject has been seldom discussed and studied in the literature. Within this context, this
chapter will discuss the effects of herbicides in the nitrogen cycle processes that determine
its availability to plants in agricultural systems.
N losses in agroecosystems has been proposed. Such strategies include the efficient
application of N at the moment the crop needs it most. N presents a great difficulty,
however, because it is a highly reactive element that is subject to various changes in the soil
and in plants (Moreira & Siqueira, 2006). Most of the changes of N in soil are intermediated
by the microbial community, which fluctuates in both time and space. Therefore, besides
properties such as pH, organic matter and CTC content, N dynamic is influenced by factors
that affect the microbiota. These factors include aeration, water availability and the presence
of toxic or stimulants substances to microorganisms.
The effects of herbicides on soil microbiota depend on the mechanism and other features of
the product; type of metabolism of the microorganism (e.g., photolithotrophic,
photoorganotrophic, chemolithotrophic, chemoorganotrophic), which determines if the
metabolic routes that are affected by the herbicide are present in the microorganism; and
also edaphic and climatic factors. Some herbicides, such as the paraquat, are toxic to biota in
general. Others, such as glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium show low toxicity to non-
target organisms. In fact, an increase in microbial biomass after the application of these
products has been observed in some situations. This result has been attributed to the
products serving as a source of nutrients. It is worth stressing, however, that some studies
have shown that glyphosate is toxic to some organisms, such as certain strains of nitrogen-
fixing bacteria (NFB).
Besides affecting processes of the N cycle that are intermediated by the microbiota, the
herbicides can change the metabolism of N inside the plant, depending on the mechanism of
the product. The herbicide glufosinate ammonium, for example, inhibits the incorporation
of NH4+ in organic compounds. This effect can cause a build-up of NH4+ in vegetal tissue.
Because its ions are toxic to plants, part of the accumulated NH4+ can be exuded through the
roots and/or converted into NH3 and lost in the atmosphere, reducing the N availability in
the system. The exit of N from the plant can increase the C/N relation of the formed stubble,
thus reducing its mineralization rate.
Some of the processes of the N cycle and the effect desiccant herbicides have over them are
presented below.
Aside from its effects on various species, N losses can be linked to the developmental stages
of plants, N availability in the soil, stomatal conductance, leaf temperature, NH3
concentrations in the atmosphere, ammonium concentrations in the plant, the activity of the
glutamine sinthetase enzyme and environmental stresses (Schjoerring et al., 1998; Parton et
al., 1988). Another important factor that affects not only the intensity but also the way in
which ammonium gas is exchanged among leaves and the atmosphere is the ammonium
compensation point, which was defined by Farquhar et al. (1980). When NH3 concentrations
in the atmosphere are below the ammonium compensation point of the plant, emission will
occur through the leaves; for concentrations above, it is absorbed (Farquhar et al., 1980;
Holtan-Hartwig & Bockman, 1994).
Senescence is the developmental stage that shows the highest NH3 emission potential.
During this stage, there is an increase in protein degradation, and the liberated N is
transferred to the glutamate. Afterward, the glutamate N is converted to NH4+ by the
glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) enzyme. GDH is an enzyme of N metabolism that usually
reaches a higher degree of activity during senescence (Ragster & Chrispeels, 1981; Laurière
& Daussand, 1983). NH4+ is available for transformation in the composts of N transport,
such as glutamine and asparagine (Ghosh et al., 1995; Nakasathien et al., 2000), and some of
the ions are converted into NH3 according to the following balanced reaction:
Therefore, the increase of NH4+ in plants desiccated with glyphosate and glufosinate
ammonium should not be connected to the induction senescence alone. Damin et al. (2010b)
quantified N losses by Brachiaria decumbens after desiccation with glyphosate, glufosinate
ammonium and paraquat, all of which promoted senescence. However, only the first two
increased the losses of N in the system.
Manderscheid et al. (2005) assessed the ammonium concentration in five weed species after
applying glufosinate ammonium. They observed an NH4+ increase in studied species.
Damin et al. (2008; 2010a) observed losses of around 10 to 20% of applied N fertilizer after
the application of glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium in Brachiaria decumbens and
Pennicetum glaucum (Table 1). In those same studies, a reduction of around 40% of the total-
N in the plant was observed after the application of herbicides.
From a practical point of view, the effect of herbicides on the total N of plants used for soil
covering is important because it can affect the mineralization rate due to a raise in the C:N
ratio, and it can effect the immobilization of N by soil microorganisms, a process that
reduces the nutrient’s availability to plants.
3. N mineralization/immobilization
When organic residue is added to the soil, extra-cellular enzymes are liberated by the biota,
which degrade the residue into substances with smaller molecular weights (monomers).
These monomers are absorbed and metabolized by microbial cells, which transform them
into inorganic forms, a process called mineralization. Mineralization occurs at the same time
as immobilization, which refers to the incorporation of mineral nutrients to the microbial
cells to meet the nutritional demand of the soil microbiota.
Losses on
Above ground
Roots Entire plant Soil soil-plant
Treatments part
P. g.1 B. d.2 P. g.1 B. d.2 P. g.1 B. d.2 P. g.1 B. d.2 P. g.1 B. d.2
g m-2
Control 13.8 a 11.5 3.4 a 6.1 a 17.2 a 17.6 a 2.4 b 2.1 b 5.4 b 9.9 b
Glyphosate 10.8 b 8.1 2.7 b 2.9 b 13.6 b 11.1 b 3.4 a 3.4 a 8.0 a 15.1 a
Glufosinate 11.0 b 8.1 2.0 b 2.4 b 12.9 b 10.5 b 4.0 a 3.1 a 8.0 a 16.0 a
LDS (0,05) 2.1 3.8 0.5 1.8 3.0 4.9 0.7 0.8 2.3 4.9
P ** ns * ** ** ** * ** * *
C.V. (%) 19.2 26.3 31.7 32.3 8.9 25.1 28.3 18.9 14.9 24.2
1Measurement of ten replicates. 2Measurement of six replicates. *Means followed by different letters in
columns differ from each other by Tukey’s Test (α = 0.05). **Means followed by different letters in
columns differ from each other by Tukey’s Test (α = 0.01). The total dose of N was 25 g m-2 in pearl
millet and 15 g m-2 in signal grass.
Table 1. Data of N recovered and lost from 15N-labeled fertilizer (Ndff) in the soil-plant
system after herbicide application in Brachiaria decumbens (B.d.) and Pennicetum glaucum
(P.g.). Retrieved from Damin et al. (2010a).
Herbicides Effect on Nitrogen Cycling in Agroecosystems 111
From the incorporation of vegetable residues in soil to their mineralization, several living
organisms act in this process. In the initial phase, the vegetable residues are fragmented into
smaller litter by the soil’s macro-fauna. Subsequently, a diverse microbial community acts to
liberate extra-cellular enzymes, which turn the substances that are easily decomposed into
monomers that can then be absorbed by microbial cells. Substances that are difficult to
degrade, such as cellulose and lignin, are degraded by a more specialized group of micro-
organisms, which compose the secondary and tertiary mineralizers.
Residues that are rich in lignin and polyphenols have slower mineralization rates in the soil
due to the resistance these substances have to degradation (Moreira & Siqueira, 2006;
Oliveira et al., 2002). The C/N ratio also has a major influence on the mineralization rate of
vegetable residues, as it determines the N availability in the microbiota. Crop residues with
a C/N ratio around 15:1 to 20:1 (e.g., soybeans, beans, lupine, forage turnips) tend to
degrade faster than those with a C/N ratio higher than 30:1 (e.g., black oat, pearl millet,
corn, sorghum). Heinzmann (1985) studied the N dynamics after winter green fertilization
with black oat, forage turnip, hairy vetch, lupine and wheat and their effects on soy, corn
and bean crops. He observed that the N liberation from legume and forage turnip residues
occurred in the first weeks, whereas the black oat liberated more N in the blooming and
graining stages.
In fact, Acinelli et al. (2002) observed that the application of the recommended doses of
glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium did not interfere in the activity or in the soil microbial
carbon biomass. The application of higher doses than recommended resulted in greater
microbial activity, which can be connected to the death of lithotrophic micro-organisms,
ensuring a competitive advantage to heterotrophs. Similar results were found for glyphosate
by Haney et al. (2000), Ratcliffe et al. (2006) and Zabaloy & Gómez (2008).
Some studies have shown that the N mineralization that is already in the soil is increased by
the application of glyphosate. Grossbard (1985) assessed the effect of glyphosate on soil N
mineralization and observed an increase in mineralization when the herbicide was used.
Haney et al. (2002) evaluated under laboratory conditions the effect of applying atrazine a
mix of atrazine and glyphosate on the mineralization of total-C and total-N present in the
soil. These authors observed a greater C and N mineralization in the soil treated with the
mixture. The results showed that the glyphosate favored the chemoorganotrophic
microbiota, causing an increase in the soil edaphic organic matter mineralization.
In tillage systems in Brazil’s Cerrado, a reduction in deposited stubble mineralization is
desirable because it increases the permanence time of residue over the soil. However, the
lower effectiveness of the residue in supplying N to plants and microorganisms can reduce
productivity when the N supply through fertilization is not appropriate because the
addition of low N content organic residues to the soil results in the immobilization of the
nutrient by the microbiota, reducing its availability to plants. Therefore, the use of
herbicides for covering crop desiccation in tillage system should be considered in the
decision making processes of N fertilization management.
organic acids, phenols, exoenzymes and ions such as NH4+ are the main compounds exuded
by the roots (Kraffczyk et al., 1984; Marschner, 1995; Dakora & Phillips, 2002; Nguyen, 2003;
Paterson, 2003).
Exudation may be an important way for N to exit the plant. Klein et al. (1988) estimated that
the C:N ratio of exuded compounds for the Poaceae family species ranged from 2 to 2.7.
However, other studies have demonstrated that the exuding of compounds containing N is
very low, and the exuded compounds are rich in sugars (Deubel et al., 2000; Paterson, 2003;
Merbach et al., 2003). The main factors affecting the amount and composition of material
exuded from the roots are vegetable species, plant development stage, environmental stress,
nutritional state, injuries, application of chemical products and activity and composition of
the soil microbial community (Marschner, 1995; Holland et al., 1996).
Net N
Treatments Non-recovered Soil – Plant
---------------------------------- mg per pot ----------------------------------
Control 201.2 a 52.9 418.0 a
Glyphosate 150.0 b 43.9 383.9 ab
Glufosinate 148.5 b 74.6 368.3 b
F-test ** NS *
CV (%) 8.8 54.6 8.9
-------------------------------------- % ---------------------------------------
Control 42.3 a 11.2 88.8
Glyphosate 35.3 b 10.3 90.2
Glufosinate 33.5 b 16.8 83.1
F-test ** NS NS
CV (%) 8.7 55.4 8.8
Means followed by the same letter in a given column indicates nonsignificant differences at the 5% level
by Tukey’s test; **, * = Significant at 1% and 5% levels, respectively; NS = nonsignificant difference.
Table 3. Net N mineralization, non-recovered fraction and soil-plant recovery of the
nitrogen arising from black oat residue with or without herbicide previous application.
glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium, does not have its action connected to the N
metabolism of the plant. As all herbicides increase N exudation, this process is probably not
connected exclusively to the product’s active mechanism. Physiologic events characteristic
of senescence could justify the results obtained in this research. However, Kremer et al.
(2005) observed that the exudation of sugars and amino acids was higher in soybeans
genetically modified for tolerance to glyphosate than in the conventional soybeans. In this
case, the increase in exudation was not connected to the development of senescence after the
application of the herbicide.
It is worth stressing that the losses from exudation and root detachment together
represented less than 4% of the N applied to the entire plant and, therefore, they should not
affect in a relevant way the N content of the same plant (Damin et al., 2010b). The
compound N exudation, notwithstanding, may modify the composition and activity of the
soil microbial community due to the supply of carbon sources that are highly soluble and
readily available.
There is a great diversity of microorganisms in the soil, which, according to the kind of
nutrition, may be grouped in photolithotrophic, photoorganotrophic, chemolithotrophic and
chemoorganotrophic. Phototrophic microorganisms (photolithotrophic and
photoorganotrophic) are rare, and chemotrophic microorganisms are abundant in the soil.
All kinds of fungi are chemoorganotrophic, i.e., they use organic molecules as a source of
carbon and energy, whereas bacteria and actinomycetes may come from a variety of groups.
Processes such as nitrification and N biological fixation are mainly mediated by
chemolithotrophic organisms, which use CO2 as a carbon source and obtain energy from
inorganic compound oxidation (Moreira & Siqueira, 2006).
Due to the nutritional type, the supply of easily decomposable organic carbon sources
caused by exudation offers a competitive advantage to chemoorganotrophic
microorganisms, modifying the proportion of microorganism populations in the soil
microbial community. In addition, chemoorganotrophs may be favored by the use of
herbicides such as glyphosate and glufosinate, which act in metabolic routes that are present
only in lithotrophic organisms (photolithotrophic and chemolithotrophic).
Among the chemoorganotrophic microorganisms that are important for agriculture are
the decomposers of organic residues and most of the plants’ pathogens. Kremer et al.
(2005) observed an increase in fungi biomass of the kind Fusarium sp. after the application
of glyphosate to soybeans. Liu et al. (1997) observed an increase in the number of colonies
and a higher development of the Pytium sp. fungi after addition to the environment
through the bean roots cultivated with glyphosate desiccated or exuded herbicide. As the
glyphosate can also be exuded by the roots (Kremer et al., 2005; Tuffi Santos et al., 2008), it
is possible that the population increase of pathogenic microorganisms after the
application of the herbicide is connected to the N compound exudation as well as to the
presence of the herbicide.
Aside from those processes, a higher colonization of roots by pathogenic microorganisms
may be associated with the effects the herbicide has on the plant’s defense system. Liu et al.
(1997) also observed that bean plantlets growing in the middle of Pytium sp. showed a
higher lignin content when glyphosate was not added to the environment. Studies in sterile
environments have shown that the increase in Pythium and Fusarium sp. is connected to the
effectiveness of the glyphosate herbicide (Johal & Rahe, 1984; Levesque & Rahe, 1992;
Levesque et al., 1992; Levesque et al., 1993; Descalzo et al., 1996).
Herbicides Effect on Nitrogen Cycling in Agroecosystems 115
16 Check LSD (y axis) = 6.7
14 Glufosinate
10 y = 19,591*[1-(0,875 )]
R = 0,974**
4 x
y = 4,370*[1-(0,639 )]
2 R = 0,978**
0 B 2 4 6 8 10 12
LSD (y axis) = 3.7
exudated N (mg per plant)
8 Paraquat
6 [-(x-1,512) / 0,31]
Y = 8,314 / (1 + e )
R = 0,998*
2 Y = 3,716 / (1 + e
[-(x-1,379) / 0,391]
R = 0,999*
0 C
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 1. Time accumulated exudation of nitrogen after herbicide application on Brachiaria
decumbens Stapf. A – Glyphosate (Fherb=2.8*/FDAA=13.5**/FHerb x DAA=4.3**); B – Glufosinate-
ammonium (Fherb=4.9*/FDAA=15.4**/FHerb x DAA=4.9**); C – Paraquat
Fherb=6.7*/FDAA=15.2**/FHerb x DAA=3.1*). DAA = days after herbicide application
116 Herbicides and Environment
5. Nitrification/denitrification
In addition to reducing the agronomic effectiveness of N fertilization, N losses because of the
denitrification-nitrification processes in soil may have a negative impact on the environment
because considerable amounts of N2O are generated in these processes. This gas is considered
the fourth-greatest contributor to the greenhouse effect, although it is present in the
atmosphere and in the stratosphere in small amounts. Moreover, N2O is an intermediary in the
ozone layer destruction process (Tabatabai et al., 1981; Griffith, 2005). It is estimated that
approximately 20% of the global gas emissions of nitrogen oxides and elemental N are
connected to agricultural activity. However, in countries such as Australia, agriculture may be
responsible for 80% of these emissions (Australian Greenhouse Office, 2001).
The main processes that result in the gas loss of N oxides and elemental N are nitrification
and denitrification. During nitrification (in the oxidation of NH4 into NO2), there may be
slight production of nitrous oxide by a chemical dismutation of nitroxyl (NOH) or by the
action of nitrite reductase (Schimdt, 1982; Bremner, 1997). In this case, the formation of N2O
may occur under aerobic conditions, during the nitrification. Although the N2O production
by nitrification might, in some situations, have an emission potential similar to that of the
denitrification process (Granli & Bockman, 1994; Wang et al., 1997), denitrification seems to
be the main N2O source in the soil (Tiedje, 1994).
Biological denitrification is defined as an anaerobic breathing process mediated by
microorganisms that are able to use NO3 or NO2 as final electron acceptors. The main
products of denitrification are N2 and N2O, and the proportion of production of each gas
varies according to the environmental conditions. There are more than 125 bacterial species
that are capable of performing denitrification, including phototrophs, lithotrophs and
organotrophs (the most important group).
The main environmental factors that interfere in denitrification rates are O2 supply, water
content, temperature, organic matter, the presence of organic substances and ammonium
(NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) concentration (Firestone & Davidson, 1989). A number of studies
have demonstrated that an increase in carbon content results in higher N2 and N2O
emissions. Furthermore, pH may interfere in N2O and N2 emissions, as it affects nitrification,
when it is reduced below 3.5 (Focht & Verstraete, 1977).
in the rizosphere due to the killing of the plants, such as the increase in promptly available
carbon content and a reduction in the environment’s NO3 absorption, leaving it more
susceptible to microbial attack.
Most nitrifying microorganisms are chemolithotrophic and, therefore, they can show the
metabolic routes present in the plants, including those that were affected by glyphosate or
glufosinate ammonium. Damin et al. (2009) evaluated the NO3- content of two soils
(haplustox and quartpsament) 90 days after the permanence of millet stubble desiccated
with these herbicides. The N-NO3- content in the glyphosate and glufosinate treatments was
reduced in the quartpsament, but not in the haplustox. The haplustox soil had a higher
sorting capacity than the quatzpsament, as it could be noticed in the contents of the clay, the
CTC and the organic matter of soils (Table 4). In fact, the NH4+ availability to nitrifying
microorganisms was lower in the haplustox than in the quatzpsament due to the higher ion
absorption to the colloidal fraction of the soil. Moreover, the glyphosate showed a great
affinity toward the iron and aluminum oxides and the hydroxides (Prata et al., 2000)
common in the oxisoils. The strong connection between the herbicide and these fractions
reduced the bioavailability of the product to the microorganisms.
Some authors have observed a rise in NO3- content in the soil after the plants are killed. This
result can be attributed to a higher availability of NH4+ in the soil as it stops being absorbed
by the plant. Although the decrease in nitrification indicates a damaging effect to the
microbiota, it is important to highlight that the conversion of NH4+ into NO3- in the soil may
promote a higher risk of superficial water contamination by nitrate and a lower availability
of the nutrient to future crops.
NH4+ NO3-
Treatments Quartpsament Haplustox Quartpsament Haplustox
mg per pot
Witness+ 229.7 297.7 117.2baA 31.5 aB
Glyphosate 197.7 331.6 59.3 bA 34.2 aA
Glufosinate 212.6 314.5 82.6 bA 21.4 aB
Average 213.3 b 314.6 a 86.4 29.1
Herbicide F 0.0 ns 3.8*
Soil F 24.3** 43.7**
Interaction F 0.9 ns 4.1*
+Witness (stubble with no application of herbicides); Means followed by the same letter in a given
column indicates nonsignificant differences at the 5% level by Tukey’s test. **, * = Significant at 1% and
5% levels, respectively
Table 4. NH4+ and NO3- content in two soils 90 days after the permanence on the soil of
Pennicetum glaucum stubble desiccated with herbicides (taken from Damin et al., 2009)
6. Biological N fixation
Biological N2 fixation (BNF) is an important entrance path for N in agroecosystems, and it is
the main source of the nutrient in leguminous farming. In these plants, BNF is performed
through the symbiosis between N fixing bacteria (NFB), which break the N2 triple bond
through the action of the nitrogenase enzyme, reducing it to NH3, while the plants supply
photosynthates to the bacteria.
118 Herbicides and Environment
Only a small percentage of prokaryotes are able to accomplish BNF. Among these
prokaryotes, however, there is high morphological, physiological and philogenetic diversity.
In addition, N fixing micro-organisms are found among the heterotrophs, the anoxygenic
phototrophs, the archaebacteria and the cyanobacteria. The main kinds of fixing bacteria,
which are economically important, are Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium, which are
predominantly chemoorganotrophic metabolic proteobacteria, although there are some
chemolitotrophic strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum.
7. Final consideration
The effect of herbicides on a soil-plant system’s N loss and on the mineralization rates of
vegetable residues should be considered when predicting the N availability to plants, in
nutrient-caused environmental impact studies, in production cost estimations and in
decision making concerning the appropriate time to apply N doses in areas under a tillage
system. This kind of information is important for creating managing strategies that increase
Herbicides Effect on Nitrogen Cycling in Agroecosystems 119
the efficiency of N fertilization and reduce the environmental impacts caused by the use of
fertilizers and herbicides.
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1. Introduction
Weeds are defined as plants growing in the inadequate place at the inadequate moment.
They interfere with the normal crop development and can drop down yields dramatically.
Winter cereals show lower losses in average, due to its dense stands and competitive
abilities. But, in summer crops, particularly corn that has low densities per area and lower
initial growth rates than weeds, very high yield reductions are possible. Rice is very
susceptible to weed interferences. There are evidences of production losses from 20 to 96%
(Table 1). Weed control is performed in 100% of rice cultures either manually, mechanically
or chemically. In average, registered losses are around 10% of production even when weed
control has been done. Weed control cost is around 5%. Consequently, the global cost of this
factor is around 15% of production. In sum, this 15% is the negative impact weeds have in
agricultural and food production.
To control losses in the crop production and as support of the new agronomical techniques
for intensive cropping, like no tillage or direct sewing techniques, weed chemical control has
been adopted as a usual technique to improve yields.
2. Herbicide application
Herbicide application timing depends on various factors such as class of herbicide, weed
species aiming to control, mechanic labor, climate, conditions and soil type. This latter factor
is very important, particularly soil preparation, previous and present vegetation, humidity
content on soil surface and temperature that makes probable a quick weed germination. A
126 Herbicides and Environment
% Production
Crop Cause Reference
Competition, inadequate
Rice 20-30 (Harri, L., 1994)
weed control. (Brazil)
25 (11pl/m2)
(Smith, R. J., 1968)
Rice 49 (54 pl/m2) Echinocloa colonum
79(269 pl/m2)
Competition, weed control 45 (Chebatarrof N.,
Rice 40
d post crop emergence. 2007)
(Cepeda, S. et al.,
Corn 10-15 Weed resistant to control
97 (if the weed is
Corn No weed control at all
Sorghum halepense or (Rossi, A. et al., 1996)
Cynodon dactylon )
Table 1. Losses caused by weeds in rice and corn.
general concept is that the herbicide should be applied when the crop has the maximum
resistance and weeds are in the most susceptible period (Genta and Villamil, 1992).
Herbicide application at pre-emergence stage is closely related with the culture labors of the
soil. Once the crop has been sewed, herbicide application is related with crop development
and how infested are the present weeds.
herbicide. The risk of damaging the crop is high; temperature is one of the factors that
affects the most the effectiveness and volatilization of many post-emergent herbicides, like
clomazone. In general when they are applied weeds have already born. An effective weed
control is sometimes difficult to achieve because there are many factors that must be taken
into account (right climatic conditions, doses, soil humidity level, etc.)
Herbicides are the most employed agrochemicals in agriculture nowadays. Pre or post
emergence, root or leaf absorbed, they are applied in huge amounts to hamper weed
development worldwide. There are many possible molecular targets to exert the herbicidal
action and therefore, herbicides are the vastest group of agrochemicals as there are 53
different chemical families of weed controllers. The most representative herbicide chemical
classes are listed in Table 2.
Branched chain amino acid
Florasulam 2 - 18 d
synthesis (AHAS or ALS) inhibitors
Photosynthetic electron transport
Propanil N/A
Dicamba 14 d
Auxin growth regulator
Quinclorac N/A
Bispyribac- Branched chain amino acid
Aromatic Acid < 10 d
sodium synthesis (AHAS or ALS) inhibitors
Aminopyralid 8 – 35 d
Auxin growth regulator
Picloram 30 – 90 d
Bipyridiles Paraquat Promotes autoxidation
Dinitroaniline Pendimethalin Microtubule assembly inhibition 3 - 4 mo
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase
Diphenyl Ether Oxyfluorfen 5 – 55 d
Branched chain fatty acid
Imidazolinone Imazapyr 30-150 d
biosynthesis inhibitors
Inhibits 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-
organphosphate Glyphosate 1 - 130 d
phosphate synthase.
Oxazole p-Hydroxyphenyl pyruvate
Topramezone 9 – 81 d
Herbicides dioxygenase inhibitor
Phenoxy Mecoprop-p Auxin growth regulator
3 - 13 d
Herbicides Dichlorprop-P
ethyl 1 – 10 d
Lipid biosynthesis inhibitors
Cyhalofop- 2 – 10 h
butyl 1 – 57 d
128 Herbicides and Environment
Pinoxaden Lipid biosynthesis inhibitors <1d
Fluroxypyr 5–9d
Auxin growth regulator
Diflufenican 36,3 d
Herbicides Branched chain amino acid
Pyroxsulam < 15 d
synthesis (AHAS or ALS) inhibitors
Triazine Photosynthetic electron transport
Atrazine 16 – 77 d
Herbicides inhibitor
Triazolone Carfentrazone- Branched chain amino acid
2,5 – 4 d
Herbicides ethyl synthesis (AHAS or ALS) inhibitors
12 - 56 d
Branched chain amino acid
synthesis (AHAS or ALS) inhibitors 17 d
Triazolopyrimid Branched chain amino acid
Flumetsulam ≤ 1 mo
ine Herbicides synthesis (AHAS or ALS) inhibitors
Photosynthetic electron transport
Urea Isoproturon 6-28 d
3 – 29 d
14 d
52 d
10 – 21 d
methyl Branched chain amino acid
Sulphonylureas 11 – 47 d
Pyrazosulfuron synthesis (AHAS or ALS) inhibitors
19 d
3,5 - 5,1 d
1,5 – 9,4 d
Unclassified Bentazone Photosynthesis inhibition 12 d
Herbicides Clomazone Carotenoid biosythesis inhibition 30 – 135 d
* Degradation half-life: d – days, w – weeks, mo – months; N/A: not available
Table 2. Most representative chemical families of herbicides
Critical Revision and Development Perspectives of Herbicide Residues Analysis in Agro Ecosystems 129
Economical aspects
Higher land, use intensity and short crop rotations (or sometimes no rotation at all) plus no
tillage technology leads to an increase in the usage and dependency of agrochemicals. Pests
and weeds problem increases when land use is more and more intensive. Weeds negatively
affect grain production and quality, which declines prices. Also, harvesting becomes
complex and more expensive. Resources competition and allelopathy interferences, like
light, water, CO2 and soil nutrient competition provokes important or complete economic
losses. On top of that, weeds are pest hosts and disseminate crop infections.
and their performances had not demonstrated clear advantages compared with the classic
pre-emergent mixture of atrazine+chloroacetamides except in specific weed situations.
There are potential risks of persistence with this treatment including atrazine. In production
systems alternating crops and pastures where corn or sorghum crops grown for silage are
followed by pastures with legumes and grasses or by oats, plant-back period may resulted
insufficient for atrazine dissipation and damage occurrence.
Soybean area, entirely GMO planted crop, is basically treated with glyphosate.
Nevertheless, It has been registered an increased trend to complement glyphosate with
residuals herbicides like imazethapyr or diclosulam looking to reduce number of glyphosate
applications and to broad control spectrum. There is an increasing movement of the big
breeders companies towards the inclusion in the new varieties, some resistant genes against
particular herbicide mode of action. Following the trend initiated by the glyphosate resistant
RR soybean, crop varieties resistant to imidazolinones (rice, corn) glufosinate (rice)
sulphonylureas (sunflower) has been registered. The use of these varieties will boost the use
of the specific herbicides and therefore new challenges on environmental risk assessment on
soil, water and food can be foreseen.
Herbicide options for winter cereals, wheat and barley are various and especially in case of
weed grasses. Number and total use of graminicides has increased markedly. The most used
are pinoxaden, pyroxsulam, iodosulfuron, flucarbazone, diclofop methyl and fenoxaprop.
The use of these herbicides has five-folded since 2006 even though winter crop area has just
doubled during this period, in association with the widespread infestations of grasses in
agriculture lands.
Other herbicides widely used for winter cereals are the sulphonylureas, metsulfuron and
chlorsulfuron as they have a broad spectrum of weed control, may be sprayed early and
have important residual effects, so satisfactory controls are reached in species with
continued emergences fluxes as commonly happens with winter weed species in our
country. However, application of these herbicides implies a risk of persistence as commonly
happens when used in fallow seed-bed preparation without considering the plant-back
guidelines for crop rotation. See for example Bradford et al, 2008. Its low cost and wide
spectrum makes them highly attractive for use in mixtures with glyphosate in fallow seed-
bed preparation for summer and winter crops, being frequent situations of persistence
These problems, occasional phytotoxicity effects and risk of resistance, have been promoting
a return to traditional growth regulators treatments such as 2,4-D amine in mixtures with
dicamba, picloram, etc. or new options like aminopyralid. Also in artificial pastures use of
herbicides is incremental. The most common treatment in this areas is flumetsulam alone or
in mixtures with 2,4-DB ester.
In this introduction it is shown that herbicide usage has been integrated systematically in
cropping systems, that there is no universal procedure to perform weed control and
different herbicidal combinations are employed in different stages of crop production.
Although some herbicides are used in very low doses, and many of them are designed to
inhibit specific pathways of plant metabolism, their interference with metabolic pathways of
other organisms is a growing concern. Some herbicides are persistent between two cropping
systems and can affect the new crop, notably atrazine and the sulphonylureas. Therefore, for
public health reasons and systems sustainability the knowledge of the level of remaining
herbicide residues has to be ascertained. In the past, sometimes the low dosage of these
compounds hampered a clear determination of their residual level in the different
132 Herbicides and Environment
log Ws (mg L-1 ) H
Herbicide Koc log Kow Pressure
20-25°C (Pa m3 mol-1)
2,4-D 60 2.58 -2.83 4.37 1.32 x 10-5 1.86 x 10-2
2,4-DB - - 1.66 - -
Amidosulfuron - 1.63 0.95 5.34 x 10-4 2.20 x 10-2
Aminopyralid - 0.201 3.39 - 9.52 x 10-6
Atrazine 39 – 173 2.50 1.52 1.5o x 10-4 3.85 x 10-2
Bensulfuron-methyl - 0.79 1.83 2.00 x 10-11 2.80 x 10-9
Bentazone 13.3 – 176 -0.46 2.76 - 5.4 x 10-3
Bispyribac-sodium - -1.03 4.87 3.12 x 10-11 5.05 x 10-6
Carfentrazone-ethyl 15 – 35 3.36 1.08 2.47 x 10-4 7.2 x 10-3
Chlorsulfuron 40 -0.99 4.50 3.50 x 10-11 3.00 x 10-6
Clomazone 150 – 526 2.50 3.04 4.19 x 10-3 19.2
Cyhalofop-butyl 5247 3.31 -0.36 9.51 x 10-4 5.30 x 10-2
Dicamba 2 -1.88 > 5.40 6.10 x 10-5 1.67
Dichlorprop-P - -0.25 2.77 2.47 x 10-5 0.06
14000 -
Diclofop-methyl 4.58 -0.10 2.19 x 10-1 0.25
Diflufenican - 4.90 -1.30 1.18 x 10-2 4.25 x 10-3
Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl - 4.58 -0.15 2.74 x 10-4 1.80 x 10-1
Critical Revision and Development Perspectives of Herbicide Residues Analysis in Agro Ecosystems 133
acidic pKa value. Therefore factors such as pH, organic carbon content, and ionic strength
may affect their extractability to perform the analysis. All these factors also affect the fate of
the imidazolinone herbicides in the environment which are relatively persistent in soil with
half-lives ranging from 30 to 150 days and therefore, may have carryover effects on the
rotation system of winter-summer crops. Moreover, it has been reported that the
imidazolinone herbicides show high potential for leaching because of their relatively low
pKa values (1.9–3.9). (Ramezani et al., 2009)
But not only have these factors operated. The matrix characteristics are crucial for the
precision and accuracy of the analysis. Differences in pesticide absorption and recoveries
were found when comparing results from contrasting soils (Boivin et al., 2005).
Environmental samples
The major public health concern on herbicide residues in the environment is due to the fact
that many of them have low Koc and relatively low Kow and therefore, can either lixiviate,
leach or run off and contaminate ground and surface water. Many herbicides have been
identified as endocrine disrupters and they threaten wild life as Atrazine (Barchanska &
Baranowska, 2009). The usual methodology for contaminant analysis in water is the solid
phase extraction either off line or on line coupled with the analytical instrument (GC or
HPLC). The adsorbed compounds are eluted from the stationary phase with a polar organic
solvent and the extract is analyzed directly. This simple procedure allows sample
concentration increasing the limit of detection of the method to ngkg-1 level or ppts,
fulfilling the requirements of the European legislation on drinking water, where pesticide
limits of quantification (LOQs) of 0.025µgL-1, four times lower than the maximum allowed
(0.1µgL-1), are required. To perform the SPE extraction RP C18 silica gel cartridges have been
employed, but the most widely extraction phases employed are polymeric styrene,
polystyrene divinil-benzene polymers or N-vinylpyrrolidone. These cartridges are
commercially available with different brand names. This solid phase has a medium polarity
that allows the selective retention of relatively polar compounds. In this way many different
herbicides belonging to various chemical families (sulphonylureas, anilides, imidazolinones,
phenoxy acids) have been selectively absorbed and quantitatively analyzed. Solid phase
microextraction (SPME) is a very attractive analytical technique for herbicide residue
analysis in water. Serôdio (Serôdio et al., 2004) analyzed 13 herbicides which are endocrine
disruptors performing a micro extraction using a poliacrilate coated sorptive stirring bar for
pesticide extraction, performing a back extraction procedure with acetonitrile to recover all
analytes with high selectivity. A miscellaneous procedure for the selective analysis of
triazine herbicides in water was presented by (Nelson et al., 2004). A portable system based
on immunoextraction and reversed-phase HPLC was developed for the field analysis of
herbicides in groundwater and surface water. Using inmunotemplates to concentrate
atrazine, simazine, and cyanazine and analyzing them through HPLC, a LOQ of a 0.2mg L-
1up to 100mg L-1 were achieved. This procedure can be applied to the high throughput
analysis of water samples as a single determination took less than 8 min. Another type of
class analysis of herbicide residues is the use of molecular imprinted polymers to selectively
extract sulphonylureas in water (Bastide et al., 2005). The highly selective polymer
concentrates the herbicide residues allowing their determination at the sub ppt level.
MIP technique can be coupled to chemiluminscence sensing, taking advantage of the
reaction of many sulphonylureas with luminal+H2O2 as reported by (Xie et al., 2010)
reaching detection levels of 1-10 nM L-1 of sulphonylureas in water. MIP methodology with
Critical Revision and Development Perspectives of Herbicide Residues Analysis in Agro Ecosystems 135
its different applications off line, on line or in line has been recently reviewed. Due to the
low application doses of herbicides (Table 6) the development of such polymers offers the
possibility of sub trace analysis for different herbicide classes. Nevertheless, the
improvement of the new LC-MS/MS equipment, allow the detection of many agrochemicals
in water, just by filtrating and injecting the sample.
Ayano et al., in 2004, described a multianalyte method for the determination of five
sulphonylureas and three ureas in water. The analysis consisted on a SPE extraction with a
polystyrene polymer cartridge (PS2), and ODS C-18-bonded silica cartridge (C-18) and an N-
vinylpyrrolidone polymer cartridge (OASIS). The analytes determination and quantitation
were performed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Average
recoveries of the eight analytes from water samples were in the range 70-120% with relative
standard deviations (RSD) below 20% and the LOQs were between 10 and 100ngL-1 (Ayano
et al., 2004).
Carabias-Martínez et al., in 2004, developed a method for the simultaneous determination of
10 sulphonylurea and phenylurea herbicides and one of their most common degradation
products (3-chloro-4-methyl-phenyl urea) in water. In this procedure LC with diode array
UV detection and electrospray mass spectrometry (LC-ESI/MS) in the positive mode were
used for the separation, identification and quantification of the selected analytes. A 1000-
fold-pre-concentration step based on solid phase extraction was applied for the
simultaneous extraction of sulphonylureas and phenylureas from water samples. Three
different types of sorbents were compared, silica-based C-18, Oasis HLB and LiChrolut EN
obtaining the highest recoveries (70-95%) with the Oasis HLB cartridges (Carabias-Martínez
et al., 2004). In 2006, Polati et al., presented the determination of 6 sulphonylureas in surface
water. The methodology consisted on a pre concentration/SPE step using a Strata RP-18 E
and two polymeric phases, Strata-X and Lichrolut EN, followed by HPLC-UV (240nm)-MSn
analysis. After a 1000/1 pre-concentration the LODs were lower than 26.9ngL-1 with
recoveries around 81-113% and RSD in the range 10-22 % (Polati et al., 2006).
Kuster et al., in 2007, described the analysis of 14 polar herbicides in the Ebro river delta,
during the main growing season of rice, by an automated on-line solid phase extraction
followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.
The extraction of the herbicides was performed with polymeric cartridges Hysphere Resin
GP (polydivinilbenzene), 10 mL samples were loaded onto the cartridge and the target
analytes were eluted directly onto the chromatography column. The detection was
performed using a triple quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer and the electrospray
interface was operated in both positive and negative mode. Some of the selected herbicides
presented difficulties in their recoveries such as alachlor, molinate, propanil, diuron,
chlorotoluron, with recoveries below 60% and atrazine, metolachlor, cyanazine with
recoveries higher than 120% (Kuster et al., 2007). When analyzing complex matrixes, with
minimal work up, matrix effects are noticeable in LC-MS/MS methods and can influence
notably the results (identification, quantification and confirmation). The major matrix
interferences are due to co-eluting compounds from the sample matrix that can affect the
analyte ionization process leading to a signal enhancement or signal suppression. Different
approaches have been proposed to overcome matrix effects: sample clean-up, the standard
additions method, use of matrix-matched standards, a simple sample dilution if the
instrument provides enough sensitivity, but the most widely method employed involves the
use of appropriate internal standards. Environmental waters have high sample composition
variability and it is difficult to find representative water samples that can be employed for
blank determinations and method validation. The problem is still present when using the
same type of water (surface, ground) because of their different origin. Therefore, the use of
matrix-matched standards, widely applied in analysis of fruits and vegetables, does not
provide a straightforward solution in the environmental field. If it is not possible to apply
the “dilute and shoot” methodology, the use of analyte isotope-labelled internal standard is
Critical Revision and Development Perspectives of Herbicide Residues Analysis in Agro Ecosystems 137
the preferred method to avoid matrix effects influence. This approach has some drawbacks,
as only a limited number of reference standards of all possible contaminants are available
which are also very expensive. Sometimes other compounds with similar chromatographic
properties or structural analogues of the analytes are used but the obtained data is no
always good enough (Marín et al., 2009). These authors compared the matrix effects from
seven different types of water either using HPLC or UHPLC and the use of labeled internal
standards to quantitate 37 pesticides using nine labelled internal standards (I.S). They
concluded that in environmental waters, matrix effect was generally a negative effect but no
general rules can be applied. Only the labelled pesticide as I.S assured a good correction.
Nevertheless for not too loaded waters, the uncorrected values were satisfactory.
In 2009, Mazzella et al. developed a method for the simultaneous determination of 30
triazines, phenylurea and chloroacetanilide herbicides in fresh and estuarine waters, this
work addresses two objectives; the development of an accurate method based on ESI-
MS/MS detection and the investigation of matrix effects. The pre concentration of the
analytes was accomplished by using SPE with Oasis HLB cartridges, with recoveries
between 73 to 122% and RSD ranged from 6 to 22% (Mazzella et al., 2009).
Ouyang et al., evaluated the performance of different SPE sorbents for the analysis of 10
sulphonylureas herbicides. The sorbents studied were: silica-based ODS-C18 and two
polymeric sorbents, Oasis HLB and Cleanert HXN. Analytes determination and quantitation
was carried out with liquid chromatography with electrospray mass spectrometry equipped
with ion trap analyzer. The recovery rates range from 76.6 to 109.1% with RSD between 0.3
to 13.8% with the HLB cartridges which was the best one of the three cartridges evaluated
(Ouyang et al., 2009).
Also gas chromatography, mainly with MS detection, has been extensively employed for the
measurement of herbicide residues in water; different methods had been reported in the
A GC-MS method was developed for the detection of triazine herbicides (atrazine, cyanazine,
simazine) and their decomposition products (deethylatrazine, deisopropylatrazine) in
environmental waters. The water samples were extracted using an octadecylsilica SPE
cartridge with recoveries and RSD in their acceptable ranges (Ma et al., 2003).
SPME combined with GC-MS was developed and employed for the determination of 10
herbicides (alachlor, atrazine, chlorotoluron, diclofop, diflufenicam, ethofumesata,
isoproturon, linuron, terbutryn and trifluralin) in surface and ground water. Microextraction
was performed with a polyacrylate fiber. It was found that thermally unstable phenylurea
herbicides decompose and the resulting anilines can be used for their identification. The
recovery of herbicides varied between 94±16 and 107±12% and the detection limit was below
1 µg L-1. It was stated that the method is sensitive, reproducible, easy to perform, and can be
applied for the quantitative determination of these herbicides in water (Carabias-Martínez et
al., 2003a; Carabias-Martínez et al., 2003b).
In 2008 Crespo-corral et al., describe the determination of carbamate, phenylurea and
phenoxy acid herbicide residues by gas chromatography after a potassium ter-
butoxide/dimethyl sulphoxide/ethyl iodide derivatization reaction. The method consisted
on the pre concentration of the sample using a C-18 sep-Pack cartridge followed by the
derivatization of the extract for the analysis with GC-FID and GC/MS in electron impact
(EI) and selected ion monitoring mode. The recoveries were in the range 81-99% with RSD
0.9-20.6% (Crespo-Corral et al., 2008).
As a curiosity, phenoxy herbicides have been detected even in rainfall waters in Canada
(Hill et al 2002).
138 Herbicides and Environment
give enough ionic force to the solution to displace the herbicides from the soil. In some
cases, the electrolyte also gives an adequate pH to get the most soluble form of the herbicide
and to break the interaction with charged soils particles. Particularly sulphonylureas can be
easily extracted with MeOH: Aq.0.1M (NH4)2CO3 (1:9) from different types of soils having
either low or high organic matter content. Nevertheless, the method failed to yield good
recoveries from other compounds like cyhalofop-butyl or bentazone. Also ionic compounds
like bispyribac sodium cannot be recovered properly (Niell et al., 2010). The most employed
herbicides nowadays cannot stand a thermally conducted extraction using methodologies
such as MASE or Soxhlet. Pressurized Solvent Extraction and supercritical CO2 extraction
with polar solvents as modifiers are methodologies usually reported for herbicide analysis,
but room temperature extractions either ultrasonic or shaker stirred still are the preferred
methodologies to perform herbicide extraction from soils. (Baugros et al., 2009; García-
Valcarcel & Tadeo, 2009). An example of the influence of the extraction solvents and
extraction methodology is shown in the following example. Six chemically different
herbicides residues (three sulphonylureas, bentazone, bispyribac-sodium and cyhalofop-
butyl) were extracted from four soils of different compositions commonly employed for rice
cultivation in Uruguay. The results are shown in Figure 2
120 100
100 80
80 70
60 60
40 40
20 30
0 10
lf u
lf u
lf u
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
lf u
lf u
lf u
lf u
Fig. 2. Recoveries of herbicides from different soil types using two different extraction
solvents and two different sitrring procedures (Heinzen et al, unpublished)
MeOH: AcOEt (7:3),Ultrasonic bath for 15 minutes
MeOH: 0.1 M (NH4)2CO3 (1:9; v/v), magnetic stirred.
MeOH: AcOEt (7:3), magnetic stirred.
140 Herbicides and Environment
Herbicide recoveries depend on the soil type and the extraction procedure. Different
recoveries were observed for the herbicides depending On the type of soil. As a general
trend it can be observed that the amount of organic matter usually decreases herbicide
recoveries either in clay or loamy soils and the recoveries from loam soils are better than
those obtained from clay soils. Aqueous solution of high ionic strength with 10% Methanol
gave better recoveries when extracting herbicides from clay soils. Even if the same solvent is
used, the stirring method, either ultrasound or magnetic stirring, influences the overall
herbicide recovery.
Synthetic herbicides are active at very low doses. Table 6 shows the usual application doses
of imidazolinones, sulfonylureas and some individual compounds that are employed
On the other hand UV detection has many interferences from the soil matrix as it is neither
as sensitive nor as specific towards analytes in complex mixtures. Nevertheless, they have
been used for years. (Patsias et al., 2002, Niell et al., 2010) Normally, the detection level is
Not lower than 0.1mgkg-1L-1 in the injected sample. Therefore, sample size must be
increased and the extracting solution concentrated in order to get enough analyte to be
detected. The main disadvantage is that the other matrix components also concentrate,
yielding noisy chromatograms and the herbicide peaks are difficult to identify and in many
cases impossible to quantify if a S/N 10:1 has to be reached. HPLC/MS operating in the SIM
mode is a more powerful analytical tool and many problems had been solved using this
approach, but mainly focused on single residue analysis. The MS detector is also a universal
one and interferences from matrices are common, driving to false positives in many cases.
LC-MS/MS techniques are the most powerful methods for pesticide trace analysis
particularly herbicides. They offer the possibility of selectively analyze the fragmentation of
an ion which was ionized in the first MS cycle. The selectivity achieved and the sensitivity is
also remarkable. This advance in the detection and quantitation of trace compounds boosted
the strict EU-regulations on contaminant levels allowed in different food matrices. Screening
of contaminants is performed mainly with Time of flight instruments (ToF), in MS or
MS/MS modes. ToF instruments can determine exact masses for the compounds detected
and therefore, unequivocal identification of the analyte is performed. Sorbents used for on-
line SPE or MSPE extraction have included both traditional (alkylbonded silica and
polymers) (Djozan & Ebrahimi, 2008) and novel molecular imprinted polymers (MIP)
materials. MIPs have been proven to be valuable materials for the selective extraction of
pesticides (the template molecule and structurally related compounds). The inherent
selectivity of the molecular recognition of these materials allows a high degree of sample
clean-up to be achieved (Cacho et al., 2009). Zhang et al., reports the preparation of a new
non-covalently bonded MIP and its evaluation for pre concentration of metribuzin in soil
samples, this MIP was prepared by in-situ polymerization using methacrylic acid (MAA) as
the functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) as cross-linker. An on-
line procedure was, furthermore, employed for the quantitative determination of metribuzin
with pre concentration on the monolithic polymer pre-column. MIP can be combined with
stir bar extraction for the determination of nicosulfuron (Yang et al., 2010), achieving a
sensitivity for water and soils at the nM level. The sample preparation consisted on the
maceration of 25 g of soil sample with acetone: water (4:1), followed by filtration and later
extraction with dichloromethane in the presence of 20% sodium chloride solution. This
sample solution was concentrated and analyzed directly with the on-line procedure. The
effectiveness of the MIP was evaluated by LC (Zhang et al., 2009).
In 2008, Lesueur et al., compared four different extraction methods for the analysis of 12
herbicides and two transformation products. The methods were a) ultrasonic solvent
extraction (USE) consisting on the extraction of 20g of sample with a 1:2 solution of
water/acetonitrile, b) a PLE experiment where 5g of sample were mixed with 1g of silica gel
and extracted with acetonitrile/acetone (1:1), c) QuEChERS method and d) European Norm
DIN 12393. The analyses were performed by using a LC tandem mass spectrometry system
equipped with an electrospray ionization interface operated in positive mode. The lowest
recoveries were obtained with the USE method; on the contrary the higher recoveries were
obtained with QuEChERS method, between 27-120%. Nevertheless, the lowest limits of
detection were obtained with the European Norm DIN 12393 and the highest with
QuEChERS and PLE methods (Lesueur et al., 2008).
142 Herbicides and Environment
the determination of herbicides in cereals used during cereals cropping, while in Table 9 the
main single extraction methods for some important herbicides are also presented.
Another important factor that the analyst has to take into account is whether the sample
suffered an industrial process or if it is raw material. During cereal processing specially
during the milling step a big part of the fats components, which are generally found in the
bran, are lost. This is an advantage from an analytical point of view, because the sample
treatment will not be so exhaustive.
Matrix Clean-up Ref. Analytical Technique
Liquid Chromatography
Unpolished Pressurized Liquid LLE/SPE:ENVI- (Itoh et al., Atmospheric Pressure
Rice Extraction Carb/LC-NH2 2009) Photoionization mass
Polished QuEChERS (1% (Niell et al., Liquid chromatography
rice HAc in MeCN) 2010) DAD detection
Liquid Chromatography
tandem mass
(Díez et al., spectrometry
2006) Gas Chromatography-
time of flight-mass
SPE: BondElut® PSA Liquid
Unpolished Supercritical Fluid over Sep-Pak® (Kaihara et Chromatography-
Rice Extraction Florisil column al., 2002) Electrospray Ionization
connected in tandem mass spectrometry
Gas Chromatography
CH2Cl2 ultrasonic (Pengyan et mass spectrometry by
Rice SPE: Florisil
bath al., 2006) selected ion monitoring
MeCN, shaker, (Lee et al., Chromatography-
polished ---
ultrasonic bath 2009) Electrospray Ionization
rice, wheat
mass spectrometry
MSPD: PSA, MgSO4/ (Liu et al., Gas Chromatography
GPC 2007) mass spectrometry
(Libin et al., Gas Chromatography
2006) mass spectrometry
Supelclean ENVI-18 Liquid
cartridge/Supelclean (Takatori et Chromatography-
ENVI-carb II/PSA al., 2008) Electrospray Ionization
cartridge. mass spectrometry
Gas Chromatography
MSPD: PSA, MgSO4, (Nguyen et mass spectrometry by
GCB al., 2007) selected ion monitoring
Gas Chromatography
Unpolished Ethylacetate, (Zhang et mass spectrometry by
GPC/ SPE Florisil
rice homogenizer al., 2006) selected ion monitoring
Gas Chromatography
MSPD: PSA, MgSO4, (Nguyen et mass spectrometry by
GCB al., 2008) selected ion monitoring
Critical Revision and Development Perspectives of Herbicide Residues Analysis in Agro Ecosystems 145
Matrix Clean-up Ref. Analytical Technique
a. ENVI-18
a. Gas Chromatography
Rice, mass spectrometry,
wheat, Accelerated Solvent (Pang et al., b. Liquid
NH2 cartridge
maize, Extraction 2006) Chromatography-
b. Sep-Pak Alumina
barley, oats Electrospray Ionization
N cartridge/Sep-Pak
mass spectrometry
NH2 cartridge
a.Water/1% formic
acid in MeCN Ultraperformance liquid
b. Water/1% formic (Mol et al., Chromatography
Maize ---
acid in MeOH 2008) electrospay ionization
c. Water/1% formic mass spectrometry
acid in acetone
(Pizzutti et Chromatography-
Soybean petroleum (1:1:1), GPC
al., 2007) Electrospray Ionization
mass spectrometry
Gas Chromatography.
ethylacetate, 1M (Hirahara et
Soybean SPE: SAX/PSA Detectors FPD, ECD,
phosphate buffer al., 2005)
pH 7
Buffered (Herrmann Gas Chromatography
Rye, Rice, MSPD: PSA, MgSO4
QuEChERS et al., 2006) Ion trap Detection
Citrate Buffered MSPD: PSA, MgSO4, (Walorckyk, Gas Chromatography
QuEChERS C-18 2007) mass spectrometry
Liquid Chromatography
Water/MeOH, (Klein &
Wheat flour NaCl/ChemElut Ionization/atmospheric
Ultra Turrax Alder, 2003)
pressure ionization mass
Citrate buffered
Liquid Chromatography
Freezing (optional) Electrospray mass
Flour Basic Hydrolysis webpage
Citrate Buffered MSPD: PSA, MgSO4, (Walorckyk, Gas Chromatography
QuEChERS C-18 2008) mass spectrometry
Table 7. Main methodologies used for the multiresidue analysis of herbicides in cereals.
Herbicides like molinate, atrazine, diuron are normally included and determined in many of
the MRM methods listed above along with insecticides and funguicides (Cervera et al., 2010).
The following example (Figure 3) shows the multiresidue analysis using HPLC-MS/MS of
fifteen herbicides currently employed in rice production. Table 8 summarizes the most
relevant analytical features of the analyzed pesticides.
146 Herbicides and Environment
Analyte Matrix Extraction Procedure: SRM Ref.
(% RSD)
rinsed three times with MeOH. The mixture was dried
by rotatory evaporator at 45 ºC and redissolved in
UE 2 g of sample with 40 mL MeOH were placed into
a 100 mL flask and extracted in a water bath and
sonicated for 90 min. After completing extraction the
extract was filtered and the flask rinsed three times
with MeOH. The mixture was dried by rotatory
evaporator at 45 ºC and reconstituted in acetonitrile.
SE 2 g of sample were placed in a glass soxhlet
thimble and 40 mL MeOH were added in a 100 mL
flask, The flask was fitted with water cooling
condenser tube and immersed in a water bath. SE was
carried out for 2 h at 100 ºC. After that the extract was
filtered and the sediments were rinsed three times
with MeOH. The mixture was dried by rotatory
evaporator at 45 ºC and rsuspeded in acetonitrile.
QuEChERS. 10 g of rice with 5 mL water were
vortexed for 1 min. 10 ml 0.5 % acetic acid in MeCN
were added and shaken two times in vortex. 4 g
13 phenoxy MgSO4, 1.0 g of tri-Na, 0.5 g di-Na citrate and 1g of (Koesuk
acids Rice NaCl were added, vortexed and centrifuged. Clean wiwat et
(< 13.3)
herbicides up: an aliquot of the extract with 250 mg C-18, 100 mg al., 2008)
of alumina neutral and 1.5 g MgSO4, were shaken and
centrifuged. 5 mL of the solution were concentrated to
dryness and reconstituted for analysis.
Solvent Extraction/SPE. 10 g of rice were homogenized
with 50 mL MeCN for 2 min, and filtered into a mixing
cylinder and sealed with a stopper, 10 g of NaCl were
added and shaked, and the phases were allowed to
stand for 20 min. A 25 mL portion of the supernatant 75.3-104.3 (Mou et
phenylureas Rice
was evaporated to dryness, and dissolved in 2 mL n- (1.5-9.6) al., 2008)
herbicides hexane. Clean up: the extract was transferred to a
Florisil SPE column and eluted with 5 mL acetone:n-
hexane (40:60), then concentrated to dryness and
dissolved in MeCN: water (1:1) for analysis.
Solvent Extraction. 15 g of sample with 4 mL of water
and 30 mL acetone were placed in a centrifuged bottle
homogenized using an ultra turrax for 30 s at 13500
rpm. Then 30 mL hexane and 30 mL dichloromethane
were added to the bottle and homogenized for further
Cereal 1 min at 13500 rpm. The matrix and extract were
grains separated by centrifugation for 2 min and the extract 94-100
Isoproturon et al.,
and decanted into a 200 mL volumetric flask. The matrix (0.8-5.8)
was resuspended in 30 mL acetone, 30 mL
dichloromethane and 30 mL hexane and extracted
again for 1 min. The 2nd extract was mixed with the
previous one and made up to 200 mL with
dichloromethane. A 4 mL aliquot was transferred into
a borosilicate glass culture tube, 50 µL of 50%
Critical Revision and Development Perspectives of Herbicide Residues Analysis in Agro Ecosystems 149
Analyte Matrix Extraction Procedure: SRM Ref.
(% RSD)
propylene glycol in acetone was added and the
mixture evaporated under a nitrogen stream. The
residue was reconstituted with 1 mL dichloromethane
and placed onto a SPR cartridge containing 200 mg
aminopropyl sorbent. The sample tube was rinsed
successively with 0.5 mL dichloromethane and 2 mL
dichloromethane/MeOH (99:1). The combined eluates
were evaporated to nearly dryness and the residue
reconstituted in 1 mL MeOH for analysis.
5 g of sample were extracted with 0.1M NaOH
(2x25mL) in a sorvall homogenizer, the extract was
filtered and the filter cake washed twice with 5 mL of
the basic aqueous solution. The extract was mixed
with 25 mL saturated sodium chloride solution and
the pH lowered to near 5 by the addition of 2 M
H2SO4, the solution let stand for 15 min and the liquid (Sánchez-
Phenoxy Cereals
decanted. Then the pH of the solution was lowered 95.5-104.0 Brunete
acids (plant
again to 1 the solution was transferred to a separatory (1.4-10.3) et al.,
herbicides samples) funnel and extracted with diethyl ether (2 x 50 mL).
The organic phase was extracted with 0.5 M NaHCO3
(2 x 25 mL), the combined aqueous solution acidified
to pH 1 by adding carefully 3M H2SO4 (10 mL) and
extracted with CHCl3 (2 x 25 mL). The organic phase
was filtered through Na2SO4 and solvent concentrated
to dryness under vacuum.
Rice 5 g of milled rice and 40 mL water were sonicated
for 3 min, after resting for 30 min it was centrifuged
for the AG1-X8 anion exchange chromatography.
Soybean 5 g of soybean sprouts with 25 mL water
were mixed in a shaker for 10 min, after resting for 1
min 15 mL acetone were added and centrifuged for
the AG1-X8 anion exchange chromatography.
30 mL of soybean extract or rice extract were applied
onto a preconditioned AG1-X8/ Dowex 1-X2 column
which was first washed with 15 mL 40 % acetone and
eluted by repeated elution with 15 mL of 0.5 N HCl
Glyphosate, 72-119 (6.7-
five times. Each pooled eluate was dried under
Gluphosina Rice, 9.6) (Tseng et
reduced pressure at a temperature lower than 55 ºC
te and their soybean 86-101 (4.7- al., 2004)
for the derivatization reaction and Florisil clean-up.
metabolites Florisil clean-up of the derivatization products: 6.5)
derivatives in mixed standard solution were dissolved
in 1 mL ethylacetate and applied to a Florisil cartridge
(500 mg, 6 mL) previously conditioned with 5 mL
ethylacetate. The cartridge was eluted with 10 mL
ethylacetate followed by 10 mL of acetone, 10 mL
acetone / MeOH (1:1) mixture, 10 mL acetone /
MeOH (1:2) mixture and 10 mL MeOH. Each pooled
fraction of mix standard solution was dried under
reduced pressure and then dissolved in 1 mL
ethylacetate for analysis.
150 Herbicides and Environment
Analyte Matrix Extraction Procedure: SRM Ref.
(% RSD)
PLE 7 g of sample were mixed with 4.5 g of
hydromatrix and placed in a 34 mL extraction cell and
extracted with dichloromethane/n-hexane (1:4)
solution. The PLE conditions were as follows: pressure
1500 psi, heating time 5 min, purge volume 60%,
purge time 100 s, 2 static cycles, static time 6 min. The
total extraction time was 21 min, the extract were
evaporated to dryness in a rotavapor at 40-50 ºC and
the dry residue reconstituted with 5 mL
Trazine 106-125 -Martínez
Wheat dichloromethane/n-hexane/acetone (1:1:1). The clean-
herbicides (6-18) et al.,
up was performed using OASIS MCX cartridges
conditioned with 10 mL dichloromethane, once the 2007)
retention step has been completed the cartridges were
dried under vacuum for 10 min. The elution of the
retain compounds was accomplished with 4 mL of
25% ammonia solution /MeOH (15:85). The organic
phase was then dried under a stream of nitrogen at 40-
50 ºC and reconstituted in 0.5 mL of MeOH/water
(1:1) for analysis.
Table 9. Main methodologies used for the single residue analysis of herbicides in cereals.
(Pareja el al unpublished)
Glyphosate is a highly polar herbicide, very soluble in water and insoluble in most organic
solvents. For this reason its extraction is generally performed with water or
water/chloroform, sometimes at acidic pH, but in this process different components of the
matrix are co-extracted thus a clean-up procedure is required (Tadeo et al., 2000).
In Table 9 three different analytical methodologies for the determination of glyphosate in
cereals are described. Hogendoorn et al., in 1999 described the rapid determination of
glyphosate by means of pre-column derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate
and coupled column liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The overall
recovery of this herbicide was 86% with a RSD of 9.5%. This procedure implies the
extraction with water followed by a clean-up step in a C-18 bonded silica cartridge. The
extract was then subjected to derivatization and analysis (Hogendoorn et al., 1999).
In 2004 Tseng et al., reported the analysis of this herbicide and its metabolites in rice and
soybean by extraction with water or acetone followed by a clean-up in an AG1-X8/ Dowex
1-X2 anion exchange column and then a single derivatization with trimethylortoacetate in
the presence of HAc. The derivative products were then purified using a Florisil cartridge.
The detection of these analytes was made by using a gas chromatograph with flame
photometric detector. The recoveries and RSDs were 72% and 6.5% for rice and 86% and 6.5
% for soybean respectively with a limit of detection of 20 µgkg-1 (Tseng et al., 2004).
In 2007, Andersen et al., organized an intercomparison study for the determination of
glyphosate and other herbicides in wheat. The authors described the procedure used by
their laboratory for the analysis of these herbicides as follows; the extraction of the analytes
with water and then a clean-up step online on a polystyrene based reverse phase column
and separated by ion chromatography-HPLC tandem mass spectrometry. The average
recovery was 96% with a coefficient of variation of 4% (Andersen et al., 2007).
Critical Revision and Development Perspectives of Herbicide Residues Analysis in Agro Ecosystems 151
The EU-CRL for SRM in Stuttgart used a straightforward methanol extraction at pH<2 of
wheat flour to validate a new multi class residue method for traditionally analyzed
herbicides and metabolites using SRM like glyphosate, AMPA and gluphosinate and MPPA.
This procedure was used to analyze some fruits and vegetables matrices.
Glyphosate shares structural similarities with amino acids and therefore has low UV
absorption and fluorescence is low and also presents the disadvantage that vaporizes easily
upon heating. Thus, it presents difficulties in the quantification by high performance liquid
chromatography (LC-UV), LC fluorescence detection and gas chromatography. The analysis
of this herbicide by gas chromatography requires its derivatization, this procedure involves
the use of trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) and trifluoroethanol, TFAA and diazomethane
or HBFA and 2-choroethanol (Tadeo et al., 2000).
Gas and liquid chromatography with classical detectors.
Gas chromatography is widely used in the analysis of herbicide residues, due to the high
selectivity and sensitivity of the detection systems.
The classical detectors most often used are the flame ionization detector (FID), nitrogen-
phosphorus detector (NPD), Thermo ionic detection, electro capture detection (ECD), but in
the last decade MS coupled to GC has been the choice for the analysis of herbicides,
especially in MRM methods (Tadeo et al., 2000).
The NPD is employed for herbicides containing nitrogen, such as triazines, dinitroanilines
or chloroacetamides, this detection system allows limits of detection in the range of
µg-mg kg-1.
In the case of ECD, this detector has high sensitivity for halogenated compounds, although
its linear range is narrow. It has been used in the analysis of halogenated phenoxyacids,
benzonitriles, dinitroanilines, glyphosate and multiresidue analysis, frequently after
Liquid Chromatography (LC) is very useful for polar, thermally labile and low-volatility
pesticides which in general cannot be directly analyzed by GC, so LC is preferred instead of
the use of derivatization techniques.
Most pesticides, including those not easily analyzed by GC, can also be separated by high-
performance liquid chromatography without the need of chemical derivatization.
phenylureas, organophosphorus pesticides, triazines, quaternary ammonium compounds
and chlorinated phenoxy acids are examples of pesticides submitted to LC analysis
(Thurman et al., 2005).
Conventional LC detectors such as the UV detector are, however, not selective enough for
pesticide analysis in complex matrices. Moreover, selective detectors such as fluorescence
detection can only be applied after derivatization.
Over the last 20 years liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) techniques have
advanced dramatically in their sensitivity, specificity and reliability. Detection of sub-ppt
concentrations is becoming routine for many organic analytes and methods achieving
detection of a few hundred femtograms of some analytes have been reported. Such progress
Is mostly due to the development of hyphenated LC–tandem MS techniques, which are
today the methods of choice for the determination of trace organic analytes in food and
environmental samples. Such growth in the use of LC–MS/MS for the analysis of organic
contaminants in environmental matrices has been compelled by the need for high-quality
152 Herbicides and Environment
data on their occurrence in the environment at very low concentration levels (Petrovic
et al., 2010).
5. Conclusion
Herbicides are integrated to the general cropping systems. Routine herbicide application in
intensive crop production is performed following a more or less strict calendar but the
number of applications can be more frequent if a weed suddenly threatens the culture. The
rotational no-tillage based productive system winter crop-summer crop uses many
herbicides like atrazine, sulphonylureas and imidazolinones that can accumulate in soils
and in a carry-over phenomenon injure the newly planted crop. Herbicides can be found in
every environmental compartment but their occurrence in water, soils and crops are of
paramount importance from a toxicological point of view. Herbicides that have low Kow
and Koc, can be found in water, either ground or surface through run off, leaching or
lixiviation. Therefore herbicides can be found not only in the application site as they migrate
through water flows. On the other hand, high Koc and /or Kow herbicides remain trapped
in soils. Many different analytical methodologies have been developed to determine
pesticide residue concentrations. Herbicide residue analysis is not only a valuable tool to
evaluate threshold damage limits for the carry over phenomenon but also their residual
levels knowledge are fundamental to evaluate the sustainability of the global
agroecosystem. The development of chromatographic hyphenated MS/MS techniques allow
the broadening of MRMs scope and therefore, lower detections limits with high accuracy
have been reached for a high number of pesticides, but the most commonly developed
MRM include only few herbicides. The challenges of herbicide residue analysis are the low
application dose of the active substances and therefore, sample handling and clean-up
procedures are still the bottle neck of the analytical methodologies. Selective clean up
procedures have been developed to isolate and concentrate the searched compounds during
the last years. In this context, an increasing amount of methods for different food and
environmental matrices have been published. New analytical procedures based on selective
polymer extraction (MIP, SPME) are interesting possibilities. As general procedure, SPE
extraction is the method of choice for water. Nevertheless, for herbicide residue analysis in
soil, the type of soil determined the scope and clean up methodology to follow. After the
success of the GMO soybean RR glyphosate-resistant variety, the trend for new crop
varieties introduction is based on their selective resistance to specific herbicides like
imidazolinones or gluphosinate and sulphonylureas. If these herbicides will be applied in
no-tillage production systems at the same ratio as glyphosate is nowadays, environmental
issues will probably arise, as imidazolinones and sulphonylureas are semi persistent
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156 Herbicides and Environment
1. Introduction
At present, the consume of great quantities of herbicides for crop protection is supposing an
important challenge for the maintenance of the welfare state. The correct use of such
substances will contribute to protect the natural resources avoiding environment pollution
and harm on the public health.
In spite of the great effort made by the agrochemical industry in the last decades,
developing new biodegradable herbicides, and producing new types of formulations such
as concentrated in suspension, granules, soluble liquids, and so, there are still important
problems derived from the immediate release of the active principles which compose them.
Over 95% of sprayed conventional formulations of herbicides reach another destination than
their target species, including nontarget species, air, water, bottom sediments, and food
(Mogul et al., 1996). This situation leads to toxicity risks near the crops as a result of the high
concentrations of active applied mass, as well as by the losses of active ingredients as a
consequence of processes such as biodegradation, chemical degradation, photolysis,
evaporation, surface runoff, and percolating groundwater, without considering the specific
danger of these formulations to the applier by inhalation or absorption through skin.
The result of trying to compensate such losses is a tendency showing the use of excessive
quantities of these dangerous chemical substances. This situation is an important economic
loss and, at the same time, it is perilous for human health as well as for environment (Mogul
et al., 1996).
2. Important
In the agrochemical industry the use of controlled release formulations (CRFs) could be a
potential solution for low efficacy and environmental pollution derived from the use of
conventional pesticide formulations (Scher, 1999). The aims of CRFs are to protect the
supply of the agent, to allow the release of the agent to the target at a controlled rate, and to
maintain its concentration in the system within the optimum limits, over a specified period
of time, thereby providing great specificity and persistence (Flores Céspedes et al., 2007).
The parameters that affect the properties of CRFs depend on the nature and type of polymer
used. Despite of several polymers employed in CRFs natural polymers such as starch,
ethylcellulose, lignin, chitosan and alginate, are preferred to synthetic polymers because of
158 Herbicides and Environment
their non-toxic, low cost, free availability, and biodegradability characteristics (Fernández
Pérez et al., 2004; 2010).
Alginate gel has been applied to produce an effective CR carrier of drugs (Liew et al, 2006)
and pesticides (Fernández Pérez et al., 2000; 2004; 2005) because it forms strong gels in
aqueous media and is bioerodible.
In this chapter, discussion is focused on the use of several sorbents as modifying agents in
the preparation of alginate-based controlled release formulations of herbicides. The addition
of sorbents such as natural and activated clays, humic acid, activated carbon or mineral
carbon in CRFs shows that the encapsulation efficiency increases and a better control on
release profiles of active ingredient is reached. Therefore, they reduce the environmental
pollution by eliminating the need for widespread distribution of a large amount of
herbicides at one time.
3. Information
3.1 Herbicides
Herbicides decrease growth, seed production and competitiveness of susceptible weeds, are
an integral part of management systems for agricultural practices. Systemic widely soil-
applied herbicides have been selected in this study. IUPAC name, applications and action
mode are summarized in Table 1.
required for the herbicide to be degraded to a 50% of the initial amount of the herbicide in
soil). Herbicides are ranked on the basis of DT50 as non-persistent when DT50 is under 30
days, slightly persistent when DT50 is between 30 and 100 days and persistent when DT50 is
over 100 days. In this way, high half-life herbicides are mainly persistent and thus they
possess great lixiviation potential to groundwaters. In addition, as previously mentioned,
the sorption capacity of soil by a determined herbicide is an important factor that also affects
potential to polluted groundwaters. The different models used to predict herbicide
movement in soil take the constants describing the sorption process (Kd and Kf) as key input
in the aforementioned models (Jury et al., 1987). Therefore a specific constant can be
calculated for each herbicide, known as Koc, which is a partition coefficient in relation to
organic carbon in soil (O.C.) according to the equation.
K oc = × 100 (1)
O.C .
Some physical-chemical properties of the herbicides selected in this study are shown in
Table 2 (PPDB, 2009).
Watersolubility Log Koc Soil DT50 Vapor pressure
Herbicide weight
(mg L-1) Kow (mL g-1) (days) (mPa)
(g mol-1)
Diuron 233.1 36.4 (25 ºC) 2.84 1067 75.5 1.10·10-3
Atrazine 215.7 33 (22 ºC) 2.50 100 75 3.85·10-2
Isoproturon 206.3 65 (22 ºC) 2.50 122 12 3.15·10-3
Chloridazon 221.6 340 (20 ºC) 1.19 199 31 < 0.01
Metribuzin 214.3 1050 (20 ºC) 1.60 38 11.5 0.06
Table 2. Physical-chemical properties of selected herbicides.
To evaluate leaching potential (LP) of a non-ionic herbicide, the Koc and DT50 values can be
used in the following equation 2 (Guftason, 1989).
3.2 Alginate
Alginates constitute a family of linear binary copolymers, consisting of (1 / 4) linked β-D-
mannuronic acid (M) and α-L-guluronic acid (G) residues (see Fig. 1a and b). Chemical
composition and sequence may vary widely between algae species and even between
different parts of the algae and the time of year when it is harvested. (Gombotz & Wee,
1998). Alginate has been determined to be a true block copolymer with no regular repeating
unit; i.e. the alginate molecule consisted of M-blocks, G-blocks and stretches of blocks of a
predominantly alternating structure.
The capability of this copolymer to form stable biodegradable gels in the presence of
divalent cations has been known and studied extensively since the seventies. These gelation
properties can be attributed to the simultaneous binding of the divalent cations such as Ca2+
to different chains of α-l-guluronate blocks (G-blocks) (Figure 2). As a result of their
configuration, these chains form electronegative cavities, capable of holding the cations via
ionic interactions, resulting in the cross-linking of the chains into a structure resembling an
“egg box” (Papageorgiou et al., 2006).
Alginate has been used successfully for many years in the food and beverage industry as a
thickening agent, a gelling agent and a colloidal stabilizer. Alginate also has several unique
properties that have enabled it to be used as a matrix for the entrapment and/or delivery of
a variety of products on many fields including agriculture, food, cosmetics, construction,
pharmacology, analytics, biotechnology, and medicine (Liew et al., 2006).
Fig. 1. The structure of the chemical units of alginate; mannuronic acid (a), guluronic acid (b)
and mannuronic-guluronic chain (c).
Prevention of Herbicides Pollution Using Sorbents in Controlled Release Formulations 161
Fig. 2. Alginate gel formation, guluronic acid homopolymers in solution (a), binding
between homopolymers chains by Ca2+ ions (b), gel formation by binging homopolymeric
chains by Ca2+ ions (c).
low cost of bentonite make it a strong candidate as a sorbent for the removal of heavy metals
and organic contaminants from wastewaters. The composition of bentonite varies, though it
consists mainly of montmorillonite. Montmorillonite clays have the smallest crystals, the
largest surface area and the highest cation exchange capacity. Thus montmorillonite clays
would be expected to have the highest sorptive capacity. Crystallochemical formula of
processed) x 100
Table 5. Characteristics of CR granules (dry products) containing atrazine, diuron,
isoproturon, chloridazon and metribuzin.
0.4 DA
0.2 DAB2.5
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (hours)
Water uptake (g/g dry granule)
0.4 ClA
0.2 ClAAn
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (hours)
Fig. 3. Water uptake of diuron (a) and chloridazon (b) granules over time (error bars
represent the standard deviation of three replicates).
Herbicide Sorbent n r
(mg kg-1)
B 0.28 1.15 0.998
Atrazine B0.5 80.86 0.62 0.996
B2.5 46.34 0.54 0.994
B 2.58 0.69 0.970
Diuron B0.5 11.08 0.50 0.987
B2.5 13.00 0.74 0.991
B 0.48 0.72 0.979
B0.5 8.53 0.75 0.987
B1.0 8.50 0.78 0.998
B2.5 13.43 0.79 0.999
B 4.09 0.92 0.999
Chloridazon An 1.41·103 0.26 0.960
C 2.03·105 0.09 0.974
B 0.53 1.17 0.983
Metribuzin An 0.55·103 0.20 0.996
C 1.16·105 0.14 0.964
Table 6. Freundlich coefficients, Kf and nf, for the sorption of herbicides on the bentonite and
acid-treated bentonites, anthracite and activated carbon samples.
Sorption capacities (Kf) of the acid-treated bentonite samples were higher than that obtained
with natural bentonite for diuron, isoproturon and atrazine. Sulfuric acid treatments to the
bentonite resulted in higher efficiencies of sorption due to the increase of the specific surface
of the acid treated samples. A slightly increase of Kf values for acid-treated bentonites is
observed for diuron and isoproturon as acid treatment increases. For atrazine, the lower pH
generated and the higher cation exchange capacity of B0.5 sample compared with these
observed for B2.5 lead to a higher sorption capacity for the first. The decrease of the pH leads
to a greater protonation of atrazine and then a greater sorption takes place by a cation
exchange mechanism.
Sorption of chloridazon and metribuzin on bentonite produce the lowest Kf values and the
higher was obtained for the activated carbon, being intermediate the values obtained of Kf
for the sorption of the herbicides on anthracite. The Kf values for sorption of chloridazon
and metribuzin on activated carbon are approximately 102 times higher than those obtained
for sorption on anthracite and approximately 105 times higher than those obtained for
sorption of herbicides on bentonite. The highest porosity and surface area of the activated
carbon compared with those obtained for the anthracite and bentonite samples could
explain the higher sorption capacity of activated carbon for the herbicides. The higher value
of Kf obtained for anthracite, with regarding to bentonite, seems to be related to the higher
affinity of the surface of anthracite by herbicides (Andrésen et al., 2004).
50 Technical atrazine
0 25 50 75 100 125
Time (days)
Fig. 4. Cumulative release of atrazine from alginate-bentonite CR granules into static water.
Cumulative chloridazon released (%)
Technical chloridazon
40 ClAB
20 ClABC 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (hours)
Fig. 5. Cumulative release of chloridazon from alginate CR granules into static water.
Cumulative metribuzin released (%)
Technical metribuzin
0 20 40 60 80
Time (hours)
The influence of the modifying agents such as natural and acid-treated bentonite, anthracite
and activated carbon, appears clearly defined for all CR systems prepared. The presence of
the sorbents produce a slower release rate in comparison to the CRFs prepared without
these modifiers, being higher the decrease in the release rate of active ingredient for the
sorbent with higher sorption capacity.
To evaluate the influence of the modifiers on the release rate of herbicides from CR granules,
the release data must be analysed using diffusion-controlled models. The decline in the
release of herbicide with time observed in Figures 4, 5 and 6 is probably due to an increase
in the distance through which dissolved molecules have to diffuse as the depleted zone
advances to the center of the matrix. In diffusion-controlled matrix systems this usually
means that the release is proportional to the square root of time. Alginate-sorbents
formulations could be described as systems containing finely divided solute particles, which
are uniformly dispersed within the matrix phase. Higuchi (1963) originally analyzed
analogous systems, such as drugs dispersed in a stationary matrix, e.g. semisolid ointment.
The application of the model proposed by this author, involves that, (1) a pseudo-steady
state exists, (2) the active ingredient particles are small compared to the average distance of
diffusion, (3) the diffusion coefficient is constant, and (4) a perfect sink condition exists in
the external media. In these conditions, the following equation was derived for spherical
monolith systems, assuming Fickian diffusion (y = kt1/2) (Higuchi, 1963):
⎡ ⎛ 2/3 ⎤
1/ 2
⎢ 1- ⎜ 1- Mt ⎞ 2 Mt ⎥ 1/ 2
⎟ - ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎢ ⎝ M0 ⎥
= K H t1 / 2
⎠ 3 M0
⎢ ⎥ KH = ⎜ P ⎟ (3)
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎜ C r2 ⎟
⎢ ⎥ ⎝ 0 ⎠
⎣⎢ ⎦⎥
Mt/M0 is the fraction of active ingredient released at time t and KH is a constant that
depends on the radius of the sphere (r), the initial concentration of the active ingredient (C0),
and the permeability of the matrix (P). KH values and correlation coefficients were obtained
Table 6. Constants from fitting Higuchi equation to the release data of chloridazon and
metribuzin in water and matrix permeability parameter.
Prevention of Herbicides Pollution Using Sorbents in Controlled Release Formulations 169
by applying the model proposed by Higuchi to release data. As examples, the values for the
formulations containing chloridazon and metribuzin are presented in Table 6 together with
values of matrix permeability.
The values of P for the granules that contain modifiers, in general, decrease as the herbicide
sorption capacity of the modifiers increases. This variation order for P values is in
agreement with those observed when the release rate was evaluated from the CR granules.
This coincidence suggests that the factors which affect and control the permeability and the
release of active ingredient from the different granules studied should be the same, and
therefore produced by the presence of modifying agents as anthracite, bentonite, acid-
treated bentonite and activated carbon.
Ritger and Peppas equation was used to obtain the time taken for 50% of the herbicides to be
released (T50). This equation is used to relate the amount of active ingredient released as an
exponential function of the release time (Ritger and Peppas, 1987).
= Kt n (4)
4. Conclusions
Different sorbents have been applied as modifying agents to produce alginate-based CRFs
of potential pollutant herbicides. The encapsulation efficiency increases and a better control on
release profiles of active ingredient is reached with the use of these sorbents. The release of
herbicides from the CRFs into water may be due to diffusion where the sorption capacities
of sorbent for herbicide, water uptake and permeability of the formulations are the most
influential factors. Concerning to the sorption capacities, the release is affected not only by
the addition of natural bentonite and anthracite to the CRFs but also, and in a greater extent,
by the addition of sorbents with higher sorption capacity such as acid-treated bentonites
and activated carbon. The wide range of T50 values obtained was due to the different
physical-chemical properties of the herbicides and also by the addition of sorbents. Taking
into account the variation of T50 values, it is possible to select the most appropriate
formulation, depending on the environmental factor that affected herbicide mobility.
Therefore, the risk of pollution resulting from rapid runoff and leaching of relatively highly
mobile herbicides can be minimized through their application in sorbents-alginate-based
Significant potential exists to improve conventional methods of herbicide applications by
the use of sorbent mixtures with different sorption capacity to modulate the release profiles
of herbicides in alginate-based CRFs. Besides, low-cost lignin-sorbents mixtures coated with
biodegradable polymers could be developed to obtain new CRFs of herbicides.
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Part 3
Herbicides in Soil
1. Introduction
The agrochemical spreading is a common and essential agricoltural practice to obtain high
quality, large harvests.
Agrochemicals are classified according to the target organisms designed to be controlled
(insects, weeds, fungi). Of all the target organisms, weeds cause by far the greatest economic
loss due to their interference in crop production. It is not surprising therefore, that
herbicides are the most common class of agrochemicals in the world (48% of the total
expenditure) and in Europe (43%) outstripping fungicides (35%) and insecticides (14%).
Europe, Asia, and the United States are the largest consumers of agrochemicals; in Europe,
France has the biggest agricoltural areas, and is the highest-ranking country for pesticide
consumption followed by Germany and Italy (see http://www.croplife.org/ and
Bad agricoltural practice and accidental spreading of high doses of agrochemicals can
determine toxic effects in humans and the environment; pesticides can accumulate in
organisms and achieve critical concentrations for the human and ecosystem health.
Agrochemicals were used for the treatment of human diseases like malaria and typhus.
However, high doses of some pesticides can be highly toxic to humans. Laboratory
experiments have shown that the administration of high doses of pesticides to animals can
cause cancer, mutagenesis, and even death; moreover, exposure to low doses can cause skin
irritation and breathing problems. In the “infamous” case of DDT, for instance, which was
introduced onto the market in 1940 for the malaria and typhus control, the central nervous
system was attacked causing loss of memory, tremblings, and personality changes.
Paraquat, a dipyridylic herbicide, is an extremely toxic systemic pesticide; it can enter in the
body by inhalation, ingestion or direct contact. It is expecially toxic to the lungs, but can
cause gastrointestinal apparatus, kidney, liver, and heart disorders and the weakening of
other organs with vital functions.
Plants that are sensitive to pesticide molecules may show signs of growth inhibition and loss
in biomass even as far as necrosis, but may be able to develop resistance to certain pesticides
(see http://www.weedscience.org; Yuan et al, 2007). Agrochemicals may also have a toxic
effect on nontarget plants (Madhun & Freed, 1990) when transported away from the treated
site (soluble herbicides or surface erosion).
Soil and aquatic ecosystems contain a multitude of microorganisms. After pesticide
spreading, microbic activity may be reduced. However, in some situations an enhancement
in microbial activity may occur (Lewis et al., 1978; Pozo et al., 1994).
176 Herbicides and Environment
The leaching of soluble and highly mobile molecules, wilful discharge in underground wells
and accidental dumping in water bodies contribute to water contamination. Carabias
Martinez et al. (2000) monitored the concentration of fifteen herbicides selected owing to
their frequency of use, the amounts used, their toxicity and their persistence in river basins
in the provinces of Zamora and Salamanca (Spain). After six months, the presence of six out
of the fifteen herbicides monitored, was detected at levels ranging from the detection limit
to 1.2 μg/L. The presence of these herbicides was related to agricultural activities as well as
the kind of crop and its treatment period.
The prediction of herbicide movement and fate in soils represents an important strategy in
limiting their environmental impact (Figure 1). Physical, chemical, and biological processes
regulate herbicide mobility and degradation in soil: rainfall and irrigation water can move
herbicides along the soil profile; sites negatively charged of clay mineral surfaces and/or
organic matter can adsorb herbicides in their cationic form at soil pH; microbial activity can
promote herbicide transformation. Different transfer and degradation processes which
control the movement and the fate of pesticides in the environment are reported in the Table
1. Except physical processes, other processes depend on soil characteristics.
⎛ mg ⎞
concentration of organic chemical in octanol ⎜ ⎟
KOW = ⎝ L ⎠ (1)
⎛ mg ⎞
concentration of organic chemical in water ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠
Persistence. The persistence of an herbicide is defined as the time in which the molecule
remains in the soil and is usually expressed as half-live. Half-live (t1/2) refers to the time
required to halve the organic molecule concentration compared with its initial level.
Half-life values are important in understanding the potential environmental impact of a
chemical; in fact, a molecule which degrades quickly, has a low t1/2 value and thus the
impact of this species on the environment is reduced if the degradation products are
harmless. On the contrary, the environmental impact of species with a high t1/2 value can be
substantial even if the molecule is only moderately toxic.
The prediction of herbicide half-life and thus, its persistence in the environment is an
important parameter in agronomic practice because it supplies information on the residual
activity of agrochemicals which could cause damages to the successive crops.
For a first order reaction, the half-life is determined by the following equation:
t1/2 = (2)
where k is the kinetic constant of the degradation reaction involving the agrochemical.
Volatilization. Volatilization of organic molecules is responsible for the transfer of molecules
from aquatic and soil environments into the atmosphere. As with the solubility, it is
important to know the contribution of agrochemical volatilization in predicting its residual
amount and thus, its persistence in the environment.
The volatilization of herbicides from waters depends on the chemical and physical
properties of the molecules in question (e.g., vapour pressure and solubility), their
interaction with suspended materials and sediments, the physical properties of the water
bodies (depth, turbulence, and velocity) and any water-atmosphere interface properties.
The solubility of a gas dissolved in an aqueous solution is well defined by the Henry
constant, calculated using the homonymous equation:
KH = (3)
C aq
where KH is the Henry constant, Pgas is the gas partial pressure and Caq is its concentration in
the aqueous phase. For high KH values, the molecule prefers to leave the liquid phase in
order to pass into the atmosphere. This constant is useful to describe the agrochemical
fugacity from a water body but also from soil solid components which are always
surrounded by water in adsorbed form.
The rate of volatilization can be indicated as half-life, which is the time required to halve the
organic molecule concentration in water compared with its initial value. The volatilization
half-lives of different molecules are reported in the table 2.
Factors that influence the volatility of organic molecules from soils include the chemical and
physiochemical properties of the pollutant (i.e., vapour pressure, solubility, the structure
and nature of the functional groups, and adsorption-desorption characteristics),
The Fate of Herbicides in Soil 179
concentration, soil properties (soil moisture content, porosity, density, and organic matter
and clay contents) and environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
Medium Phenantrene 31 h
Pentachlorophenol 17 d
DDT 45 h
Aldrin 68 h
Lindane 115 d
Adsorption on clays or organic matter can occur with the following interactions: van der
Waals forces, hydrogen bondings, dipole-dipole interactions, ionic exchange, covalent
bondings, protonation, ligand exchange, cationic and H2O bridging, and/or hydrophobic
Cationic species adsorb on soil by electrostatic attraction while anionic molecules can adsorb
on positively charged soil colloids, even if the adsorption of negative species is less strong
than on the negatively charged clay surfaces. In acidic soils, herbicides which have amino
groups can protonate to quaternary ammonium ions (-NH3+) and form H-bonds with the
oxygen atoms of the phyllosilicate surfaces or with nitrogen atoms of organic matter;
molecules which have acidic functional groups remain in a neutral form (COOH).
Nonpolar molecules can interact with the hydrophobic moieties of soil organic matter: this
hydrophobic bond is responsible for the strong adsorption of DDT and organochloride
insecticides on soil organic matter.
The strength of adsorption affects molecule mobility along the soil profile and thus, its
bioactivity, persistence, biodegradation, leaching, and the volatilization process. The
adsorption of an agrochemical onto the soil components can be considered as the first step
towards its chemical degradation.
Organic molecule adsorption modeling by soils is frequently done using adsorption
Adsorption isotherms are built by measuring the residual concentrations of pollutant in
aqueous solution at the equilibrium point, after the adsorption on soil of different initial
concentrations. For each concentration point, the adsorbed molecule concentrations are
determined by the difference between initial and equilibrium concentrations. Adsorption
data are commonly fitted using two different models described by the Langmuir and
Freundlich equations.
The Langmuir equation is:
x K bC
= l (4)
m 1 + K lC
where x/m is the mass of organic molecule adsorbed per unit of soil weight; C is the
equilibrium concentration of the organic molecule; Kl is the Langmuir constant that is
related to binding strength. The linear form of the Langmuir equation is:
C 1 C
= + (5)
x / m Klb b
If a plot of C/(x/m) vs C is a straight line, then the adsorption data satisfy the Langmuir
equation, and b can be calculated from the slope and Kl from the intercept.
The Freundlich equation is:
= K f C 1/n (6)
where x/m and C are the same as above; Kf and n are empirical constants.
The Kf value is a measure of the extent of adsorption whereas the 1/n value indicates the
affinity of organic molecule for the sorbent surface. If the 1/n value is lower than 1, there is
high affinity between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. If 1/n is equal to 1, the solute is equally
The Fate of Herbicides in Soil 181
distributed between the solution and adsorbent surface. If the 1/n value is higher than 1, the
adsorption is called “cooperative” because there is cooperation between the adsorbed
molecules and the new molecules approaching the surface to promote the adsorption.
The linear form of the Freundlich equation is obtained by logarithmic transformation:
⎛x⎞ 1
log ⎜ ⎟ = log K f + log C (7)
⎝ ⎠ n
A plot of log (x/m) vs log C should produce a straight line, with 1/n being equal to the slope
and Kf the intercept.
For many organic molecules, especially nonpolar species, adsorption can be constant, that is
the adsorbed concentration is proportional to the equilibrium concentration. The Freundlich
equation can be simplified:
x /m
Kd = (8)
where Kd is the distribution constant. The adsorption constant can be normalized to the
organic carbon content of the soil (fOC = OC%/100): the new constant is know as KOC which
is independent of soil type and specific to a given pollutant. The constant is calculated using
the following equation:
KOC = (9)
Adsorption isotherms. Adsorption isotherms of organic molecules are divided into four
classes, according to the nature of the initial curve portion (Giles et al., 1960). The four
classes are know as H (high affinity), L (Langmuir type), C (constant partition), and S
(sigmoidal or with an “s” form) isotherms (Figure 2). The L curves are the best known: the
initial curvature shows that as more sites in the substrate are filled, it becomes increasingly
difficult for solute to find an available vacant site. The H isotherm is a special case of L
curve, where the solute has a high affinity for the surface especially at low concentrations.
The C curves are characterized by the constant partition of solute between the liquid and
solid phase; the constant partition is independent of concentration right up to the maximum
possible adsorption, where an abrupt change in the slope to a horizontal plateau occurs. The
initial part of the S curves describes contrary conditions in comparison with the other
isotherms: the more solute has already been adsorbed, the easier it is for additional amounts
to become fixed. This implies a side-by-side association between adsorbed molecules,
helping to hold them to the surface. This has been called “cooperative adsorption”.
Abiotic and biotic transformations. Both abiotic and biotic reactions are responsible for the
transformation of herbicides in soils and waters. One of the two processes may be dominant,
but usually both of these participate simultaneously in molecule degradation. The principal
abiotic reactions that occur in water are hydrolysis, oxidation-reduction, and photolysis; in
sediments, hydrolysis and redox reactions may prevail. Redox reactions in aquatic
environments can be mediated by direct or indirect photolysis or catalyzed by metal species.
In soil, abiotic reactions occur in the liquid phase (i.e. soil solution) and at the solid-liquid
interface. In soil solution, hydrolysis and redox reactions are the most common abiotic
transformations; these reactions are catalyzed by clays, organic matter and metal oxides.
182 Herbicides and Environment
Fig. 2. The four main classes of isotherms. From left to right: high affinity (H), Langmuir (L),
constant partition (C) and S curves.
Biotic reactions are classified as: i) biodegradation (contaminants are used as a substrate for
microorganism growth); ii) cometabolism (contaminants are transformed by metabolic
reactions without being used as an energy source); iii) accumulation (contaminants are
accumulated in microorganisms); iv) polymerization or conjugation (contaminants are
bonded to other organic molecules); v) secondary effects of microbial activity (contaminants
are transformed by secondary microbial effects such as pH and redox changes) (Bollag &
Liu, 1990).
Biodegradation is considered the principal mechanism for the conversion of organic
molecules into CO2, H2O and mineral salts.
Although these reactions are mediated by microorganisms, abiotic processes are also
involved, especially in transformations related to categories iv) and v).
Braschi et al. (2000) have investigated the degradation of primisulfuron, a sulfonylurea
herbicide, in microbial communities enriched with soils polluted by herbicide. The authors
find that the degradation reaction of primisulfuron firstly occurs by means of hydrolysis
and photolysis processes and that the role of microorganisms subsequently becomes
important in the degradation of the herbicide metabolites.
tetrahedra. There are two types of octahedral sheets: dioctahedral and trioctahedral.
Dioctahedral sheets have two out of every three octahedral sites occupied, most often by the
trivalent Al cation. Trioctahedral sheets have all octahedral sites occupied by divalent
cations, which are commonly Mg ions. Clays have structures that are either 1:1, 2:1, or 2:1:1
layers of tetrahedral and octahedral sheets. 1:1 clay minerals have one tetrahedral and one
octahedral sheet held together by sharing an apical tetrahedral oxygen. 2:1 clay minerals
have an octahedral sheet posed between two tetrahedral sheets. 2:1:1 layered clays are
similar to 2:1 clays with an additional dioctahedral or trioctahedral sheet between the 2:1
layers (Pierzynski et al., 2000).
The expansion property after water adsorption is typical to the 2:1 arrangement. In 1:1 clays,
the oxygens of octahedral sheet bond with the oxygens of the tetrahedral sheet by means of
H-bondings: this arrangement does not permit good expansion in water for this clay. In 2:1
clays, no hydrogen bonds are formed between the oxygens of tetrahedral and octahedral
sheets; a weak repulsion develops and distributes over the surface, allowing the clay
minerals to expand easily in water (Figure 3).
Fig. 3. Different arrangements of clay minerals: 1:1 on the top, 2:1 on the bottom.
Clay minerals contain active sites for adsorption which are localized in the tetrahedral sheet,
and are formed by siloxanes (siloxane cavity). This cavity is bordered by six sets of lone-pair
electrons (from the oxygen atoms) that give a nucleophilic character to the surface: polar or
positively charged species can interact with this highly negative surface (Sposito, 1984).
Water can occupy the siloxane cavity by pointing the hydroxylic group inside the cavity; the
polarization inducted by the surface, makes the water molecules strongly polarized and
then reduces their mobility. The siloxane cavity extends along the whole tetrahedral sheet
giving high adsorption properties to clays.
184 Herbicides and Environment
Clays can have a permanent negative charge which comes from isomorphous substitutions
and a variable pH dependent charge. Isomorphous substitution occurs when an element
substitutes for another in the mineral structure, such as Al3+ substituting Si4+. If an element
of a lower charge is substituted for an element of a higher charge, a permanent negative
charge develops in the clay mineral: the net negative charge electrostatically attracts positive
and polar species. The variable charge is due to the presence of surface hydroxylic groups
that can lose or accept protons as a function of soil solution pH.
Cations in the soil solution are bonded to the surface of clay minerals by electrostatic
interactions and can return in solution by the substitution of other cations or by dilution.
The most representative exchange cations are K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+. Other cations, such
as organic cations, are bonded onto clay minerals as a function of their affinity for the
surface and their concentration in the soil solution.
Cations adsorbed onto clay surfaces are surrounded by hydration water. This water is more
acidic than the water in the soil solution because cations attract the hydroxylic groups of
water and move the water dissociation equilibrium towards higher values. This results in a
decrease of 2-3 units of hydration sphere pH in comparison with the soil solution. The
surface acidity effect is an important factor in the adsorption processes of herbicides which
have nitrogen groups: in fact, the nitrogens contained in some agrochemical structures can
be protonated by acidic surfaces and agrochemicals can be adsorbed by cationic exchange.
carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous, in pedogenesis and in the transport of pollutants in soils
(Kalbitz et al., 2000).
The source of virtually all DOM in soils is photosynthesis; this includes both recent
photosynthate (throughfall, leaf litter, root exudates, decaying fine roots) as weel as the
leaching and decomposition of older, microbially processed soil organic matter (McDowell,
2003). DOM ranges in age from hours to days, to decades and even up to thousands of
Sinks of DOM include microbial transformation and immobilization, mineralization (to CO2,
inorganic N, etc.), precipitation, and adsorption on mineral surfaces.
Microbial soil communities are the most important agents in DOM formation.
Guggenberger et al. (1994) studied DOM fractionation and structure and demonstrated that
microbial metabolites constitute a significant portion of DOM. According to these studies,
the carbohydrate fraction of DOM is chemically different from that in plant residues or bulk
humus, in that DOM carbohydrates have a higher proportion of hexose- and deoxysugars
than pentose sugars. Since pentose sugars are rarely found in microbial cells, DOM may be
predominantly of microbial origin.
Zsolnay (1996) and Tipping (1998) have supposed that the DOM can be partitioned into
mobile and an immobile fractions according to the pore sizes of the soil matrix. Only the
mobile DOM fraction in macro- and mesopores is subjected to convective transport by
seepage. DOM in micropores is immobile and interacts with the mobile fraction by diffusion.
Several field studies (Jardine et al., 1989; Michalzik et al., 2000) have shown that the DOM
concentration and flux in soil solutions decrease significantly with soil depth because DOM is
adsorbed along the soil profile. High molecular weight fractions are preferentially adsorbed
when compared with low molecular weight components (Gu et al., 1995). The presence of
aromatic rings, carboxylic acids, N- and S-containing groups, and amino acid residues in
organic molecules increases the adsorption capacity (McKnight et al., 1992). Adsorption
involves the free surfaces of colloidal minerals and the presence of organic matter which has
already been adsorbed further reduces DOM adsorption (Kalbitz et al., 2000).
Anions in soil solutions, such as sulphate and phosphate, compete with DOM for adsorption
sites (Tipping, 1981). Kaiser & Zech (1997) and Beck et al. (1999) confirmed the role of
phosphate in DOM removal from adsorption sites: this behaviour is also observed when the
phosphate concentration is lower than the concentrations of other anions. Competition
between sulphate and DOM for adsorption sites is evident when the sulphate concentration
is higher than 10 mM (Kaiser & Zech, 1998).
Polyvalent (Al3+, Fe3+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) or monovalent (Na+ e K+) cation activity affects the
solubility of organic matter (Baham & Sposito, 1994). Chemical reactions between anionic
functional groups of organic molecules and solution cations can reduce the surface charge
density, alter the structural conformation of the adsorbed species, and consequently reduce
solubility. At high concentrations of ions in solution, these processes increase and the
solubility of organic matter is reduced by flocculation (Tipping & Woof, 1990).
Various environmental factors influence DOM concentrations and fluxes in soils. Temperature
is always a factor regulating DOM microbial production (Mulholland et al., 1990).
One of the most consistent findings in both field and laboratory studies is that DOM
concentrations increase following rewetting after dry periods (Lundquist et al., 1999;
Tipping et al., 1999; Zsolnay et al., 1999). It is likely that reduced rates of decomposition in
dry soils cause microbial products to accumulate. This, together with cell death and lysis,
can contribute to high DOM concentrations in the soil leachate after dry periods.
186 Herbicides and Environment
The significant effect of precipitation and water fluxes on DOM is the DOM release at the
beginning of large rainfall events. Storm events can alter DOM concentration and flux: high
pore water velocity leads to low contact times between the soil solution and the solid matrix
and creates chemical and physical nonequilibrium conditions. These conditions increase the
DOM concentration in the soil solution leaving the soil poor in organic matter.
Land use changes, such as afforestation, liming, and fertilization, converting forests into arable
sites, and other management activities influence DOM dynamics by i) changing the input of
organic matter, ii) changing the substrate quality and iii) altering the rates, extent, and
pathways of microbial degradation and the synthesis of organic matter (Cronan et al., 1992).
The understanding of the dynamics and fluxes of DOM in soils is important in limiting the
loss of organic matter from the soil, improving agronomic practices, and reducing the
environmental impact of substances adsorbed on the DOM, such as agrochemicals.
Despite the negative charge of negatively ionisable pesticides, which constrains them in the
soil liquid phase and subsequently, in water courses, only a few studies on their behaviour
in soil in the presence of DOM have been conducted (Spark & Swift, 2002; Said-Pullicino et
al. 2004).
Although the interactions of pesticides with DOM are affected by the ionic strength of the
solutions, DOM is often used in laboratory trials, after the removal of salts, i.e. as a purified
organic fraction, or further fractionated in humic and fulvic acids (Spark & Swift, 2002;
Chiou et al., 1986). Metals bound to DOM constituents or contained in free form are lost
during the purification procedure, and rarely purified DOM has been studied as a function
of both the ionic strength and saline composition (Carter & Suffet, 1982).
5.2 Case study: The fate of cyhalofop herbicide in soils treated with DOM from
Cyhalofop-butyl (butyl(R)-2-[4-(4-cyano-2-fluorophenoxy)phenoxy]propionate, ClincherTM),
is an acetyl CoA carboxylase inhibitor for post-emergence control of barnyard grass
(Echinochloa spp) and silver top (Lepthochloa fusca) in rice (Buendia et al., 1998; APVMA,
2005). The esters of aryloxyphenoxyalkanoic acids act as pro-herbicides. The formulation as
esters facilitate the uptake through the plant cuticle and, once inside the plant, are
transformed within a few hours into their acidic form, i.e. the active herbicide (Hendly et al.,
1985; Ferreira et al., 1995). In soils, cyhalofop-butyl is quickly transformed into its more
soluble negatively ionisable acidic form (Jackson & Douglas, 1999).
The potential for contamination of water bodies is high in areas where rice is cultivated in
flooded conditions (Celis et al., 1998; Charizopoulos & Papadopoulou, 1999; Cerejeira et al.,
2000, Miao et al., 2003). Agrochemicals applied to aquatic environments such as paddy-
fields are matter of concern due to their potential leaching (Boesten & van der Linden, 1991;
Müller et al., 2007) and persistence in soil and waters (Braschi et al., 2003).
The addition of organic amendments to the soil is an agricultural practice that is considered
to potentially affect the fate of pesticides in soil (Cox et al., 2001; Hesketh et al., 2001), by
introducing a remarkable amount of exogenous soluble organic matter. The extent to which
exogenous DOM is involved in transportation through the soil is yet to be understood.
The effect of exogenous DOM from two composts on the behaviour of cyhalofop-butyl (CB)
and cyhalofop-acid (CA) (Figure 2) was studied in two different soils (a paddy-field
sediment, and a forest soil, Table 3) by means of solubility tests, determination of
adsorption-desorption isotherms in soils, leaching experiments on soil columns (for
experimental details, see Blasioli et al., 2008). To study the effect of the saline component on
herbicide behaviour in soils, DOMs were used without any desalting treatment or pH
Cyhalofop-butyl degradation is slow in the paddy-field sediment and leads to the
cyhalofop-acid formation; in the forest soil, the degradation is faster and three byproducts
were detected (cyhalofop-acid, -amide, and –diacid, Figure 2). The degradation is mediated
by microorganisms as confirmed by the cyhalofop-butyl stability in autoclaved soils.
The water solubility of cyhalofop-butyl is unchanged in DOM solution at pH 6.0. This
probably results from the highly hydrophilicity of these DOMs in contrast with the
completly hydrophobic character of CB molecule. On the contrary, the solubility of CA
doubles suggesting interaction with the DOMs. Since at working pH (about 6.0) cyhalofop-
188 Herbicides and Environment
H2O CaCl2 (g kg-1) (cmol(+) kg-1)
6.00 5.50 14.0 2.00
Forest soil 7.10 6.80 73.0 9.90
Table 3. Summary of the characteristics of investigated soils. a TOC: Total Organic Carbon;
b CEC: Cationic Exchange Capacity (modified from Blasioli et al., 2008).
acid, characterized by a pKa of 3.8 (APVMA, 2005), mostly exists in anionic form, a
molecular interaction, responsible for this increase in solubility, must occur despite the
repulsion between DOM and CA negative charges. Similarly to water and cation bridgings
formed between the carboxylate groups of humic substances and the soil phases in the
presence of base metals (Sposito, 1984), polar and/or ionic interactions between metal
cations-rich DOM and CA anionic moiety may be assumed to be responsible for the increase
of CA solubility.
Cyhalofop-butyl Cyhalofop-acid
Kd KFads
L kg-1 μg(1-1/n) mL1/n g-1
Paddy-field sediment 1.30 0.52
Paddy-field sediment +
n.a. 4.70
Paddy-field sediment +
n.a. 2.60
Fig. 3. Mobility of cyhalofop-acid and byproducts along the paddy-field sediment and forest
soil column profiles leached with exogenous dissolved organic matter (DOMA or DOMM) or
metal (K+ or Ca2+) solutions (mean of two replicates) (modified from Blasioli et al., 2008).
6. Conclusions
The prediction of the movement and the fate of herbicides in soils represents an important
strategy in limiting their environmental impact. The chemico-physical properties of
herbicides affect their behaviour in soil and regulate their interaction mechanisms with
organic and inorganic soil phases. Among these, dissolved organic matter plays an
important role: DOM influences the mobility of herbicides by complex interactions that can
facilitate or reduce the movement of chemicals along the soil profile.
The knowledge of soil phase characteristics and the mechanisms involved in herbicide
transformation can help to understand the fate of herbicides in soil.
The Fate of Herbicides in Soil 191
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1. Introduction
Herbicides are universally used in crop production all over the world. Although herbicides
are developed to be biologically active to weeds, their residues are frequently found in
plants, soils, and surface and underground waters, where they may bring about a risk
concern for human health, ecosystems, or the productivity of subsequent crops (Walker et
al., 1997; Vithala & White, 1996).
ZJ0273, propyl 4-(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzylamino) benzoate (shown in Fig.
1), is a new broad-spectrum herbicide (Lu et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2008). It is marketed under
the trade names of Youli (EC) and Youli II (SC) in China, and both products were registered
for use in oilseed rape in 2003. In recent years, the herbicide has been rapidly adopted for
use in China with the cumulative application area reaching 666,667 hectares in 2009.
Applications of the herbicide at the dosage of 40-60 g a.i. ha-1 are commonly used to achieve
effective control (80-90%) in rape fields against pre- and post-emergence weeds, including
equal alopecurus (Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.), crickweed (Malachium aquaticum L.), chickweed
(Stellaria media L.), redroot amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), japanese alopecurus
(Alopecurus japonicus Steud.), annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.), common polypogon (Polypogon
fugax Nees ex Steud.), and spinefruit buttercup (Ranunculus muricatus L.) (Tang et al., 2005).
ZJ0273 greatly inhibits acetolactate synthase (ALS) in vivo and it has little inhibitory effect
on ALS in vitro, which differs from the typical commercial ALS inhibitors, such as
sulfonylurea and pyrimidine salicylic acid herbicides.
Study on environmental behavior and fate for new agrochemicals in soil is an indispensable
requirement for safe use of pesticides on food crops (Langenbach et al., 2000, 2001; Fent et
al., 2003; Mordaunt et al., 2005). A series of issues, such as extractable residues, bound
residue formation and mineralization of herbicides, as well as persistence time of parent
compound, are of the most important concern. Many studies showed that soil-bound
residues of herbicides, such as sulfonylurea herbicides, may cause damage to rotation or
substitution crops (Moyer et al., 1990; Ye et al., 2003, 2004). In Europe, the Uniform
Principles (CEC, 1997) state that in laboratory tests, if non-extractable soil residues are
formed at > 70% of the initial dose after 100 days with mineralization to CO2 at < 5%, there
196 Herbicides and Environment
O 14
14 14
N 14 14
CO 2Pr-n CO 2Pr-n
Fig. 1. Structures of radiotracers, ZJ0273 with asterisks marking the position of 14C.
Therefore, from the above, the aim of the present study, by using multi-14C-labeled propyl 4-
(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzylamino)benzoate, was to investigate
environmental behavior and fate of the herbicide, characterize the fate processes,
persistence, degradation pathways, bound residues formation, mineralization of ZJ0273, as
well as plant availability and phytotoxicity of bound residues of ZJ0273 in well-
characterized soils under aerobic conditions.
purity 98.1%; specific activity 3.74 × 107 Bq/mmol), were synthesized according to the
methods of Yang et al. (2008 & 2009). The chemical purity was analyzed by high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the radiochemical purity was determined
by HPLC-liquid scintillation counting (LSC), and thin layer chromatography-isotope
imaging analysis (TLC-IIA) (Yang et al., 2006 & 2009).
2.2 Soils
Three different agricultural soils were used in the incubation experiment. The soils included
a Red clayey soil (S1), a Fluvio-marine yellow loamy soil (S2) and a Coastal saline soil (S3).
The soil samples were taken from the surface layer (0-15 cm) in fields from different quarters
of Zhejiang Province, China. The bulk soil samples were air dried, mixed, and passed
through a 1-mm sieve before use. Some basic physicochemical characteristics of the soils
were determined using standard methods (Nelson and Sommers, 1982; Gee and Bauder,
1986) and are given in Table 1.
Environment Behavior and Fate of a
Novel Pyrimidynyloxybenzoic Herbicide ZJ0273 in Aerobic Soil 197
study. Test vessels for the degradation study were 500-mL glass flasks. For each soil, a test
system of three replicates was used. Prior to the application of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273,
3×300 g of soil (dry weight equivalent) was weighed for each soil and placed in sealed
polypropylene bags, and the soil moisture content was adjusted to about 30% of the field
water holding capacity by addition of distilled water. The test soils were then pre-incubated
at 25±1 °C for 10 d to allow the microorganisms to acclimatize. After the initial acclimation,
15.0 mg of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 (3.77×107 Bq/mmol) and 15.0 mg of non-labeled
analogue were dissolved in methanol, and 5.0 mL (1.340×105 Bq) was added to each soil
sample. After the applied herbicide was thoroughly mixed, the treated soil samples were left
in a fume hood to allow the evaporation of methanol and then transferred into incubation
vessels. The water content of the spiked soil samples was adjusted to 60% of the water
holding capacity by adding distilled water. Each incubation flask was connected to a series
of air-tight test tubes, which allowed for the scrubbing of CO2 from the inlet air (with 5.0 M
NaOH, two traps) and for maintaining constant soil moisture, and entrapment of volatiles
(with 1.0M H2SO4/glycol, 5/10 v/v, one trap) and 14CO2 (with 10mL of 0.5M NaOH, two
traps) (Fig. 2; EPA, 2002). During incubation, a slow and continuous air flow was
maintained in all systems at 25±2 °C. At different time intervals (5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
and 100 d after treatment), the traps and a subsample of the treated soils (10.0 g, air-dried
weight equivalent) were removed to determine the radioactivity associated with extractable,
non-extractable residue, and 14CO2, as well as the fraction of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273
remaining in the parent molecule form. The treatment and sampling for [benzyl-U-14C]
ZJ0273 followed the same procedures as given above for [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273, except
that 1.326×105 Bq of radioactivity was amended in each 300 g soil sample.
Soil type
Property S1 S2 S3
Red clayey soil Fluvio-marine yellow loamy soil Coastal saline soil
Fig. 2. Experimental set-up for monitoring bound residues of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 and
[benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 during incubation with fresh soil.
2.7 MS analyses
To elucidate the structures of the intermediates, LC-MS/MS analysis was carried out on a
Micromass Quattro micro API™ with a HPLC detector and triple quadrupole mass analyzer
for determining mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) for a wide variety of analytes (Waters, Milford,
MA, USA). Control of the instruments and calculation was made using MassLynx V4.1
software (Waters). The instrument was operated in positive ESI ionization mode. Operating
conditions were optimized by constantly introducing a standard solution of the above-
mentioned compounds to the HPLC flow via a T-connector with a split ratio of 1:1. The
signal was optimized on the total ion current in MS mode by changing cone-, capillary-,
extractor- and RF lens voltages in the source and resolution and ion-energy in the analyzer.
At the same time the collision voltages and resolution in the second quadrupole were
optimized. The structures of the intermediates were determined by comparing with mass
spectral data of intermediate standards.
amendment of 14C-BR soil were similarly prepared and used as the control. Five replicates
were set up for each treatment. Corn and rice seedlings were cultivated under the same
greenhouse conditions (25/20 oC, day/night; humidity, 80%; light, 12 h/ 12h), with
irrigation every day. Visual inspection and photo taking were carried out at 5, 7 and 14 d
after sowing. All seedlings were harvested at 14 d after sowing. The height of shoots was
measured. Each seedling was divided into shoots and roots. The roots were washed with tap
water. All the plant parts were dried at 60 oC to a constant weight. Aliquots of five dried rice
plants and individual corn plant were combusted on the biological oxidizer and the released
14CO was absorbed in 15 mL liquid scintillation cocktail B. The radioactivity was measured
by ULLLSS to estimate the amount of BR that was accumulated by the plant. The recovery
efficiency of the above combustion procedure was > 95%.
Soil CaCl2 CH3CN:H2O CH3OH CH2Cl2
balances as percentage of the initially added 14C radioactivity were from 90.0±5.8% to
104.4±4.6%, which indicated good mass recoveries for the procedures utilized in this study.
the dissipation of the parent compound was positively correlated with soil pH (p < 0.001).
Accordingly, ZJ0273 was more stable and resistant to transformation under acidic
conditions. The similarities observed for the two labels offered evidence that the behavior of
the parent compound was independent from the labeling position, which, as expected, was
a direct validation of the rigorousness of the experimental procedures used in this study.
The slower degradation in the acidic soil may attribute to the following factors. First and
foremost, the propyl group of ZJ0273 is prone to break and thereby forming 4-(2-(4,6-
dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzylamino)benzoic acid under alkaline condition, while it is
probably impossible to take place in acidic soil. Second of all, the acidic soil S1 had a lower
OM content than soils S2 and S3, and it is likely that the lower OM resulted in a reduced
formation of bound residue between OM and the parent molecule, or a higher level of free
parent compound. Last but not least, it is also likely that there were differences in microbial
populations and makeup because of various soil pH conditions, which generated slower
transformations in the acidic soil.
Environment Behavior and Fate of a
Novel Pyrimidynyloxybenzoic Herbicide ZJ0273 in Aerobic Soil 203
At the first few sampling intervals, the majority of ER was extracted by acetonitrile-water,
whereas relatively small fractions were from other extractions. Mordaunt et al. (2005)
depicted that a significant large portion of ER was derived from CaCl2 extraction for
atrazine, dicamba, and isoproturon, but from acetonitrile-water extraction for lindane and
trifluralin. The difference was attributed to the differences in pesticide aqueous solubility.
Specifically, the water solubility is 33 mg L−1 for atrazine, 6500 mg L−1 for dicamba, and 65
mg L−1 for isoproturon, but much lower for lindane (7.3 mg L−1) and trifluralin (0.2 mg L−1).
Compared with these pesticides, the aqueous solubility for ZJ0273 is substantially lower at
1.5mg L−1 and the very low solubility would probably implicate the association of most ER
with the acetonitrile-water extract during the initial phase of the incubation experiment. On
the contrary, the fraction from the CaCl2 extraction step gradually rose as incubation time
further increased. For instance, from 5 d to 100 d after the treatment, the fraction of CaCl2
extracted residue rocketed from 13.8% to 36.3% for [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 (Table 2).
Correspondingly, a similar phenomenon was found in the sequential extractions for the
[benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 treatment. In our previous study, several metabolites, such as 2-(4,6-
dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzoic acid (M1), 4-(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-
yloxy)benzylamino)benzoic acid (M2), 4-(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-
yloxy)benzamido)benzoic acid (M3) and 4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-ol and/or 4,6-
dimethoxypyrimidin-2(1H)-one (M4), were identified. All of these metabolites (log P=1.40–
4.11) were more polar than the parent compound (log P=5.04), which induced the
conclusion that the increased recoveries of 14C by CaCl2 extraction suggested accumulation
of polar metabolites in the soils.
3.1.2 Mineralization
The cumulative mineralization rates of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 and [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273
in three aerobic soil over time was present in Fig. 3. As can be seen from the graph that
mineralization of both labels displayed a lag phase lasting from the beginning to about 20 d
after the treatment. This lag phase coincided with what was observed in dissipation of
extractable residues, suggesting that time was in need for the acclimatization of microbial
degraders of this compound. After 20 d, mineralization increased with incubation time, and
appeared to accelerate towards the end of the incubation. Mineralized fractions of
[pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 or [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 were substantially higher in S2 and S3
than in S1 at the same interval time. At the end of 100-d incubation, the total fraction
mineralized in S1 came least at less than 1.2% of the applied activity for [benzyl-U-14C]
ZJ0273, with S2 at 7.7% and S3 at 9.9%. In soils treated with [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273, at the
end of 100-d incubation, only 0.5% mineralization occurred in S1, while the cumulative
mineralization rate was 6.6% for S2 and 5.0% for S3. The overall mineralization rates of
[pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 and [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 were correlated with soil pH (p < 0.05)
and organic matter content (p < 0.05). The soil S1 was more acidic (pH 4.20) and also had less
organic matter than the other two soils (Table 1), which may have brought about limited
microbial activity in this soil and hence a limited mineralization potential (Boivin et al.,
2005). The slow mineralization of ZJ0273 in acidic soil and implications for risk assessment
and management merit were further investigated. Mineralization to 14CO2 was found to be
consistently greater with [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 than with [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 in the
same soil throughout the incubation. For instance, at the end of the 100-d incubation, the
mineralized fractions of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 reached 6.6% for S2, and 5.0% for S3,
204 Herbicides and Environment
while the corresponding fractions of [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 were 7.7% for S2, and 9.9% for S3.
These differences suggested that, under the same conditions, mineralization of ZJ0273
involved more active ring cleavage at the benzyl ring than that at the pyrimidine ring.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Incubation Days after application
C-ring S1 C-ring S2 C-ring S3
Bound Residue of ZJ0273 (% of applied radioactivity)
B-ring S1 B-ring S2 B-ring S3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Incubation Days after Application
Fig. 4. Formation of bound residue after treatment of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 and [benzyl-
U-14C] ZJ0273 in aerobic soils
Environment Behavior and Fate of a
Novel Pyrimidynyloxybenzoic Herbicide ZJ0273 in Aerobic Soil 205
S3, 28.1% in S2, and 17.5% in S1, which were far lower than the 70% as described as the non-
accumulative criteria in the directive by CEC (1997). The formation of soil-bound residues
for many pesticides has been reported to be mediated by the activities of soil
microorganisms (Smith & Philips, 1975; Haider, 1983; Krause et al., 1985). During the entire
incubation, ANOVA analysis showed that there was no significant difference in BR
formation between the two 14C labels (p ≥ 0.05), which implies that formation of BR in soils
involved parent compound and/or metabolites with both pyrimidine and benzyl rings,
rather than metabolites with a single ring.
both the pyrimidine and benzyl rings were contained in the structure of M2. As M2 had a tR
of 55 min and matched the mass spectra of the standard, the intermediate compound was
thus confirmed as 14C-4-(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzamido)benzoic acid.
MS spectrum ions of the selected ion (m/z)
degradation FW tR(min)
(%, abundance)
M1 381 47 107(35),160(30),185(20),14(15),245(100)
Table 3. HPLC-retention times (tR), mass spectra of ZJ0273 and its major degradation
products in aerobic soils.
The peak for compound M3 appeared at 40 min in the chromatogram and in the total ion
chromatogram of the LC-MS of ZJ0273 metabolites (Fig. 5A and 5B). The mass spectrum of
the metabolite at 40 min revealed m/z 259(C13H11N2O4), 277[M+H]+, and 299[M+Na]+ (Table
2). The selected ion of m/z 277 included the major ions (m/z, %) of 107 (45), 139 (100), 153
(75), 170 (35), and 259 (35). The fragment ion (m/z 259) and two ion adducts (m/z 277
(C13H13N2O5), 299(C13H13N2O5Na)) were monitored simultaneously. The intermediate was
found radioactive in both [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 and [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 treatments,
which showed that the structure of M3 contained both pyrimidine and benzyl rings. The
HPLC retention time of this component was in accordance with the standard of 2-(4,6-
dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzoic acid. Comparison of the extracted ion chromatogram
with the mass spectrum of the authentic standard further verified M3 as 14C-2-(4,6-
dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzoic acid with a molecular weight of 276.
The peak of compound M4 appeared at 10 min in the chromatogram and in the total ion
chromatogram of LC-MS of ZJ0273 degradation products (Fig. 5A and 5B). The mass
spectrum of this compound at 10 min revealed m/z 157[M+H]+, which was consistent with
the structure of compound M4 with a molecular weight of 156. The selected ion
chromatograph of 157 included the major ions (m/z, %) of 100 (55), 125 (30), 139 (100), and
141 (30) (Table 3). Since the compound was found only in the [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273
treatment, it should contain the pyrimidine ring. The extracted ion chromatogram, when
compared with mass spectrum of an authentic standard confirmed the degradation product
M4 to be 4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-ol, a keto-enol tautomer of 4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-
2(1H)-one, as described by Chang et al. (2007).
Fig. 5. Charts of HPLC, TIC of LC-MS, and radioactive chromatogram obtained from an
extract of 14C-ZJ0273 degradation products. (A) HPLC chromatogram at the wavelength of
254 nm and 301 nm; (B) LC-MS ESI+; (C) Radioactive chromatogram of elution of
[pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273 degradation products at 60 DAT; (D) Radioactive chromatogram
of elution of [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 degradation products at 60 DAT.
208 Herbicides and Environment
O ZJ0273
Pathway 1 H3CO OCH3
Pathway 2
O M2
Fig. 6. Degradation pathways of ZJ0273 in aerobic soils. Pathway 1 showed the route of
ZJ0273→M1→M3→M4; Pathway 2 followed the other route of ZJ0273→M1→M2→M3→M4.
the pyrimidine ring and the p orbital of the oxygen atom in the compound M3 was the
dominant reaction. As the conjugation force of the pyrimidine ring was stronger than that of
the phenyl ring, the fragments were supposed to be M4 and salicylic acid.Then M4 was
ultimately decomposed to carbon dioxide. The second degradation pathway was also
initiated by the hydrolysis to form M1. The carbon atom of the benzylamine group with
higher activity was readily acylated to generate M2 with an amide group. In the
intermediate M2, the amino group was an easy-to-leave group and was hydrolyzed with
acid and/or base catalysts, which was followed by carboxylated with the phenyl ring and
cleaved to form the main degradation product M3. The M3 was transformed as described in
the first step to yield M4, and finally mineralized to CO2.
concentrations. At 14 DAT, leaf chlorosis and growth inhibition of rice seedlings were
recorded (Fig. 7a), which indicated a more pronounced inhibition compared with that at 7
DAT. Plant height, dry weights of shoot, root and the whole plant of rice seedlings
decreased dramatically as the BR amendment rate increased in all the three soils at 14 DAT
(Table 4), supporting the visual observations. These results demonstrated that ZJ0273
and/or its degradation products released from BR in the soils imposed severe phytotoxic
impacts on the rice seedlings. Analysis of 14C radioactivity in rice seedlings 14 DAT
witnessed a rise in 14C content in shoot, root and the whole plant with increasing
amendment rates, coinciding with the drop in the plant height and dry weight (Table 5). It is
suggested that the accumulation of the released chemicals from BR of ZJ0273 in the soils
made great contribution in inhibiting plant growth. The total 14C activity in the root reached
a maximum in the soils amended with BR at 1.2 nmol g-1, indicating that absorption of BR-
derived chemicals was suppressed beyond this amendment rate (Table 5).
Over the whole process of cultivation, no significant visual growth depression of corn
seedlings was observed 14 DAT in any treatment (Fig. 7b). Determination of plant height,
dry weights of shoot, root and whole plant of corn seedlings further justified the visual
observations (Table 5). Compared with the control, no significant inhibition was found in
the plant height, dry weight of shoot, root and whole plant (p > 0.05, Table 5). Quantification
of 14C radioactivity in different parts of corn seedling revealed that the total amount of 14C in
shoot and root increased with the rise of the BR amendment rate in the test soils (Table 6).
The radioactivity of 14C on a dry biomass basis was higher for the shoot of corn at a higher
BR amendment rate, but no significant increase was gained for the root when the
amendment rate increased from 1.2 to 1.8 nmol g-1 (Table 6).
Table 4. Bioavailability and phytotoxicity of bound residue derived from ZJ0273 on corn
210 Herbicides and Environment
respectively, for S1, S2 and S3 amended with BR at 1.8 nmol g-1. The released amounts were
considerably greater than those in the corresponding soils grown with corn, which ranged
from 32.6% to 38.9%. The inhibition caused by the BR on rice seedlings in the different soils
followed the order S1 > S3 > S2, similar to the order for the fractions of 14C released. The
interactions between pesticides, along with their metabolites, and soils are extremely
complicated and may change with soil pH, microbial community and soil enzyme activity
(Khan, 1982; Dec & Bollag, 1988). During the cultivation, different soil conditions for corn
and rice may have contributed to the different release rates of BR. Furthermore, much larger
amounts of the released 14C were absorbed into the corn plants than rice seedlings, despite
the amount of 14C per dry biomass was smaller for corn. All in all, the lower accumulation
rates of BR-derived residues on a biomass basis may have led to the insignificant injury in
corn seedlings.
Fig. 7. (a). Effects of bound residues of 14C-ZJ0273 on growth of rice seedlings in soils at 14 d
after application; (b). Effects of bound residues of 14C-ZJ0273 on growth of corn seedlings in
soils at 14 d after application.
212 Herbicides and Environment
4. Conclusion
As a novel acetolactate synthase potential inhibitor, ZJ0273 had short to intermediate
persistence in aerobic soils, with half-lives ranging from 17.2 to 53.7 d for the parent
molecule. The disappearance of the parent compound was accompanied with production of
metabolites, formation of BR and mineralization to CO2. The overall transformation of
ZJ0273 appeared to closely rely on soil properties such as pH and organic matter content. In
an acidic soil with low organic matter content, ZJ0273 was degraded much slower with
limited mineralization and reduced formation of BR. Use of 14C labels at different positions
provided similar and hence confirmatory information on the behavior of the parent
compound and formation of BR. However, mineralization of [benzyl-U-14C] ZJ0273 was
consistently greater than that of [pyrimidine-4,6-14C] ZJ0273under the same conditions,
suggesting that ring cleavage at the benzyl ring was more active than the pyrimidine ring.
Judging from the information of BR and mineralization, ZJ0273 met the non-accumulative
criteria as stated in the directives by the Commission of the European Communities (BR <
70% of the initial dose after 100 d with mineralization to CO2 at > 5%).
In this study, four aromatic intermediates of ZJ0273, 4-(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-
yloxy)benzylamino)benzoic acid, 4-(2-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)benzamido)benzoic
214 Herbicides and Environment
5. References
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Pollut., 138, 92-99.
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herbicide ZJ0273. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica, 32, 48-52.
Commission of the European Communities. (1997). European Commission Directive 97/57,
establishing Annex VI (Uniform Principles) to Directive 91/414. Commission of the
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Brussels, Belgium.
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pesticide persistence in soil and water: a European regulatory view. Environ. Pollut.,
108, 15-18.
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Craven, A.; Hoy, S. (2005). Pesticide persistence and bound residues in soil-regulatory
significance. Environ. Pollut., 133, 5-9.
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bound to synthetic humic acid. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 52, 1366-1371.
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applications on the rate of microbial degradation. ACS Symposium Series, 426, 14-22.
216 Herbicides and Environment
1. Introduction
Acetolactate synthase (ALS) herbicides inhibit the biosynthesis of branched chain amino
acids (valine, leucine and isoleucine) in sensitive plants. The ALS-inhibitor group of
herbicides includes sulfonylureas, imidazolinones, triazolopyrimidines, pyrimidinyl
oxybenzoates , and sulfonylamino carbonyl trizolinones. They control a wide spectrum of
broadleaf weeds and grasses and are commonly used in cereal and pulse crops, soybean and
rice. Tolerant plants rapidly metabolize ALS-herbicides to an inactive product while
sensitive plants show little or no metabolism of ALS-herbicides (Sweetser et al., 1981). ALS
inhibition is a biological pathway that exists only in plants and not in animals, and therefore
the ALS-inhibiting herbicides are considered to be safe (Colborn & Short, 1999). Because of
the very high plant toxicity of ALS-inhibiting herbicides to susceptible plants, the
application rates of these herbicides are remarkably low, typically between 3 to 150 g ai/ha
(Senseman, 2007) making these herbicides environmentally attractive. The bioavailability of
ALS-herbicides to plants is soil dependent, and the efficacy in weed control may decrease in
soils of high organic matter and clay content and low pH. Dissipation of ALS-herbicides
varies greatly with environmental conditions, soil characteristics and type of herbicide.
Although the half-lives are relatively short, the small residual quantities remaining in soil
may be of agronomic concern due to the high potency of these herbicides at low
concentrations. The expected levels of soil residual ALS-inhibiting herbicides one year after
application are at or below one part per billion concentrations. Addressing concerns
regarding possible damage to successive crops requires the ability to detect extremely low
concentrations of these herbicides in soil.
1998; Smith, 1995). However, they may be costly, requiring extraction solvents and
sophisticated analytical equipment, and can be time consuming as well. Plant bioassays are
simple, inexpensive, and measure a phytotoxic portion of soil residual herbicide which
typically varies with soil type and plant species. Also, because bioassays are non-specific,
the effect of all residual herbicides present in soil is measured by bioassays (Johnson et al.,
2005). Parameters that are frequently assessed in plant bioassays are root or shoot length,
fresh or dry weight of roots or shoots, leaf area or plant height, visual estimation of plant
injury, physiological and morphological effects such as photosynthetic activity, water
consumption, or chlorosis (Horovitz, 1976). These measurements are assessed relative to a
control sample which is needed because of the variation in plant growth in soils of different
properties. Therefore, having a control soil that is identical in properties to the treated soil is
considered essential for accuracy of a bioassay.
Various plant species have been used in bioassays for the determination of ALS- herbicides
in soil, primarily using root measurements because of the inhibiting effect of ALS-herbicides
on cell division at the root tips of susceptible plants. Some of the crops that have been used
are corn for chlorsulfuron (Anderson & Humburg, 1987; Groves & Foster, 1985; Hsiao &
Smith, 1983; Morishita et al., 1985), sunflower for MON-37500 and triasulfuron (Hernández-
Sevillano et al., 2001), lentil for metsulfuron (Szmigielska et. al., 1998), and canola for
imazethapyr (Szmigielska & Schoenau, 1999). Eliason et al. (2004) reported a sensitive
bioassay using oriental mustard (Brassica juncea L.) as an indicator plant for flucarbazone.
The mustard root bioassay was further improved by Szmigielski et al. (2008) and was used
in Canadian prairie soils for investigation of other ALS-inhibiting herbicides that included
imazamox-imazethapyr, sulfosufuron, florasulam, pyroxsulam and thiencarbazone. In this
bioassay, oriental mustard plants are grown in 50 g soil. Soil is wetted to 100% field
capacity, hand-mixed and transferred to a 2-oz Whirl-Pak bag. Subsequently, the soil in the
Whirl-Pak bag is gently packed to form a layer that is approximately 8 cm deep and 1 cm
thick (Fig. 1).
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Mustard plants grown in control (uncontaminated) soil; (b) Mustard plants grown
in treated (contaminated) soil.
Six oriental mustard seeds are planted per bag and plants are grown for three days in a
fluorescent canopy. Plants are harvested after opening the bag and washing the soil away
from the roots with water, and the length of roots is measured with a ruler. Root lengths in
soils free of ALS-inhibiting herbicides are consistent among soils, and are in the
approximate range of 7 cm ± 1 cm. A root length of 6 cm or less is considered to be
indicative of herbicide residue present in the soil (Fig. 2). Because this bioassay is completed
in three days, the reduction of root length is primarily due to the herbicide presence in soil
as the effect of the nutrient status of the soil is minimized.
matter content was explained by increased herbicide sorption. Using mustard root bioassay,
dose-response curves were constructed for these herbicides and the I50 values were
estimated. An example of varying dose-response curves with soil organic carbon content for
pyroxsulam in Canadian prairie soils is shown in Fig. 3. Correlations of the I50 values with
soil properties revealed that phytotoxicity of these herbicides was primarily related to soil
organic carbon. However, soils used in the above studies had a broad range of organic
carbon content but a relatively narrow range of soil pH. The narrow range of soil pH might
have limited an assessment of the effect of soil pH on phytotoxicity of ALS-herbicides, as
herbicide sorption to soil surfaces has been reported to be also pH-dependent. ALS-
inhibiting herbicides are weak acids with pKa values in an approximate range of 3 to 5
(Senseman, 2007); therefore in soil solution at pH lower than the pKa value, these herbicides
exist predominantly in nonionic form, whereas at pH values higher than the pKa, they are
ionized. When these herbicides are in anionic form, their solubility in water increases and
higher herbicide concentration is present in soil solution resulting in higher herbicide
phytotoxicity. Soil pH also affects the ionic charges of the organic matter and clay colloids,
with higher pH increasing the negative charge. Therefore, soil adsorption of weakly acidic
herbicides generally decreases as soil pH increases due to repulsion of the herbicide anions
from the negatively charged organic and clay surfaces. The relationship of herbicide
adsorption and soil pH has been shown for many ALS-inhibiting herbicides including
chlorsulfuron (Mersie & Foy, 1985), imazaquin and imazethapyr (Renner et al., 1988; Che et
al., 1992; Loux & Reese, 1992; Goetz et al., 1986), imazapyr (Wang & Liu, 1999; Wehtje et al.,
1987), and chlorimuron (Goetz et al., 1989). The effect of clay content on herbicide
bioavailability is similar to the effect of organic matter in that the high surface area of clay
can increase herbicide sorption and may further reduce herbicide bioavailability.
Root Length Inhibition (%)
0 1 2 3
Pyroxsulam (ppb)
The reduced phytotoxicity associated with high organic carbon and clay content and low
soil pH may result in decreased efficacy of ALS-inhibiting herbicides. However, these soil
characteristics may contribute to minimizing the injury to rotational crops by lowering the
phytotoxicity of ALS-herbicide residues remaining in soil one year after application.
Because soil properties vary within the farm field landscape, the bioavailability of ALS-
herbicides is affected by field topography (Schoenau et al., 2005). Studies of metsulfuron
(Szmigielska et al., 1998), imazethapyr (Szmigielska & Schoenau, 1999) and flucarbazone
(Eliason, 2003;) in Canadian prairie soils revealed that in lower slope positions, herbicide
phytotoxicity was decreased as compared to the upper slope positions in the same farm field
(Fig. 4). Reduced phytotoxicity in the lower slope soil is explained by the higher organic
matter and clay content and lower pH compared to the upper slope soil. Thus, potential
landscape effects on the phytotoxicity of ALS-herbicides should be taken into consideration
when herbicides are applied to fields of variable topography.
b a
60 b
Root Length Inhibition (%)
0 5 10 15 20
Flucarbazone (ppb)
Soil properties such as organic matter content, soil pH and texture play an important role in
the dissipation of ALS-herbicides. High organic matter and clay content decrease the
dissipation rate by limiting the amount of herbicide available in soil solution for
biodegradation because of the adsorption process. A low soil pH tends to increase the
persistence of ALS-herbicides as herbicide’s adsorption to soil particles is enhanced under
acidic conditions. Also, at low soil pH the ALS-herbicides are likely to exist as neutral
molecules which are less soluble in water than ionized molecules, thus further reducing the
amount of herbicide available for degradation.
Generally, the pattern of dissipation of ALS-herbicides is biphasic both under laboratory
and field conditions (Brown, 1990; Loux et al., 1989; Hill & Schaalje, 1985; LaFleur, 1980;
Eliason et al., 2004). In the biphasic dissipation process, initial rapid dissipation is followed
by a slower dissipation rate at lower residual concentrations. In the rapid stage of
dissipation, the readily available portion of the herbicide is degraded, whereas in the slow
stage, the remaining molecules are tightly adsorbed to the soil particles and are less
available for dissipation. (Zimdahl & Gwynn, 1977). A two-compartment (bi-exponential)
regression model is frequently used to describe dissipation of ALS-herbicides in soil (Hill &
Schaalje, 1985):
C = C0 exp[-(ks + kr)t] + C0 --------------- {(exp[-kst] – exp[-(ks + kr)t]} (2)
ks + kr - kd
where C = herbicide concentration remaining in soil after time t, C0 = initial herbicide
concentration, kd = dissipation rate constant, ks = surface loss rate constant, and kr =
retention rate constant.
Herbicide half-lives can be estimated from the dissipation curves and their relationships
with parameters such as environmental conditions or soil characteristics can be examined,
as the half-lives of ALS-herbicides vary greatly with temperature, moisture, soil type, and
also with herbicide type. Goetz et al. (1990) found half-lives for imazethapyr to range from
192 to 318 days in a silty-clay soil and from 78 to 270 days in a silty-loam soil both incubated
at different soil moisture and temperature conditions. Chlorsulfuron half-life was longer at
lower temperature (229 days at 10 C and 62.5 days at 40 C) and varied with soil pH (88.5
days at pH 6.2 and 144 days at pH 8.1) (Thirunarayanan et al., 1985). For amidosulfuron
half-life values ranged from 14 days in a loamy sand incubated at 30 C to 231 days in a clay
incubated at 10 C (Smith & Aubin, 1992). Beckie & McKercher (1989) reported half-lives for
DPX-A7881 herbicide to increase from 33 to 214 days in a soil with pH adjusted from 5.5 to
8.1. Using the mustard root bioassay, Eliason et al. (2004) studied flucarbazone dissipation
in Canadian prairie soils of contrasting properties under laboratory conditions of 25 C and
moisture content of 85% field capacity. Flucarbazone half-lives ranged from 6 to 110 days
and half-lives were significantly correlated with soil organic carbon with longer half-lives in
soils of higher organic carbon. Johnson E.N (unpublished) found that the half-life for
flucarbazone dissipation under field conditions in a loamy textured Dark Brown Chernozem
was approximately 11 days and was not dependent on flucarbazone application rate (Fig. 5).
Although half-lives of ALS-herbicides are generally short under optimal conditions of
moisture and temperature, under conditions of drought and/or cold weather the ALS-
inhibiting herbicides may persist in soil and may carry over to the next growing season at
levels that cause injury to rotational crops.
Application of a Laboratory Bioassay for Assessment of Bioactivity of ALS-inhibiting Herbicides in Soil 223
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Fig. 5. Field dissipation of flucarbazone in a loamy textured Dark Brown Chernozem soil
(organic carbon 2.3%, pH 5.3) in central Saskatchewan (Canada) at different application
crop, a check crop and a sensitive crop are planted in both the soil submitted for testing and
a check soil, and the symptoms consistent with herbicide damage are reported.
In the mustard root length bioassay reported by Szmigielski et al. (2008), root lengths in
non-contaminated soils are uniform among soils, thus the need for a control sample is
eliminated. This method is not intended to determine ALS-herbicides quantitatively but
rather to “red-flag” the soils for potential presence of herbicide residues. For flucarbazone
that was applied in replicated field trials in western Canada, comparison of the results of the
mustard root bioassay and chemical analysis with the yield of subsequent crops revealed
that the bioassay was a better predictive tool for yield reduction than chemical analysis (89%
and 27% agreement, respectively). While these results showed that the mustard root
bioassay provides a good level of accuracy in predicting injury, 6% of the results were false
positive and 5% were false negative. False positives (flucarbazone detected by the bioassay
but no crop injury observed in the field) pose no risk of crop damage; however they would
restrict re-cropping options. False negatives (no flucarbazone detected by the bioassay but
crop injury observed in the field) could represent significant crop damage and loss of
income for the grower.
Interpreting bioassay results and making re-cropping recommendations is a complex task
and should be approached with caution (Watson & Checkel, 2005). Soil field sampling is
critical for the bioassays because a single sample may not be representative of the whole
field unless a sample is carefully obtained either by using a composite sample from different
locations in the field or by sampling different parts of the field separately. Factors such as
soil characteristics (organic matter content, pH and texture), farm field topography,
previous herbicide use, crop history and weather conditions should be considered together
with the bioassay results when determining which crops to grow in the following year.
Root Length (% of control) Observed response
Expected response
0.1 1 10
Florasulam (ppb)
Fig. 6. Mustard root response (as % of control) for florasulam in combination with
imazamox/imazethapyr in a Dark Brown clay textured Chernozem soil from southern
Saskatchewan (Canada).
In the field trials, herbicides were applied sequentially over the course of 2 years; in the first
year only imazamox/imazethapyr was applied and in the second year imazamethabenz,
flucarbazone, sulfosulfuron or florasulam was added to the plots. All plots were sampled in
the third year before the next crop was seeded and the herbicide residues were determined
with the mustard root bioassay. Similar to observations for the laboratory experiments, in
the field trials herbicide residue combinations showed additive injury.
As application of ALS-herbicides in successive years is becoming a frequent practice,
producers need to be aware of the fact that the bioactivity of the herbicide residues
persisting in soil from previous years may add to the bioactivity of the applied ALS-
herbicide and that this practice may result in increased risk of injury to subsequent crops
that are sensitive to both herbicides.
For some herbicides, repeated applications may also lead to enhanced degradation.
Enhanced degradation occurs when a herbicide is applied to a field that received a prior
treatment of the same herbicide (Roeth et al., 1989; Walker & Welch, 1991). It is believed that
enhanced degradation is a result of microbial adaptation which consequently increases the
rate of microbial activity. Enhanced degradation helps in minimizing the concentration of
residual herbicide that may persist in soil to the following season. However, it may also
result in reduced weed control in the year of application (Johnson et al., 2005).
7. Conclusions
Plant bioassays are an effective tool in research and in soil testing because they detect the
phytotoxic amount of herbicide present in soil. A laboratory bioassay based on the root
length inhibition of oriental mustard for detection of ALS-herbicides is simple and quick; it
is completed in three days and uses only 50 g of soil per replication. With measurements
generally requiring 4 replications, the total amount of soil needed to perform the bioassay is
200 g. Root development in a Whirl-Pak bag is not restricted as the bioassay is completed
226 Herbicides and Environment
before the roots grow to the bottom of the bag, therefore root reduction is only due to the
presence of an ALS-herbicide. Recovery of roots from soil is very easy because soil is
removed from roots by a gentle stream of water after the bags are cut open, and roots do not
get damaged or broken before being measured. Consequently, the results of the bioassay are
reproducible (coefficient of variation of approximately 6% based of 4 replications) and
sensitive (detection limit of approximately 1 ppb).
The mustard root bioassay was successfully used to examine activity and behavior of
several ALS-inhibiting herbicides in soils of the Canadian prairies. Phytotoxicity and
persistence of ALS-herbicides was found to be mainly affected by organic matter content in
prairie soils: higher organic matter content results in decreased phytotoxicity and in slower
dissipation. Thus efficacy in weed control in the season of application will be lower and
potential for herbicide carry-over to the next season will higher in soils of high organic
carbon. A study of carry-over injury showed that a mustard root bioassay is a useful
technique for predicting potential crop damage due to residual ALS-herbicides. Laboratory
and field evaluations of the effects of combinations of different ALS-inhibiting herbicides in
soil showed that interactions among residues in prairie soils are additive.
8. References
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1. Introduction
Triazine herbicides are an important group of pesticides. Most of these compounds derived
from the heterocyclic shown in Figure 1. It has three nitrogen atoms in positions 1, 3 and 5
and different substituents in position 2, 4 and 6. These triazines have a protonation –
deprotonation site on the nitrogen atom labeled 5 in Figure 1. Substituents of different
compounds are shown in table 2.
1 3
R3 5
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of s-triazine core, substituent in R1 : Cl, SCH3 or OCH3; R2 and R3:
hydrocarbons chains.
These herbicides have been extensively applied to pre and post-emergence weed control.
Many studies were focused on ecological and health hazards of these compounds and their
toxic effects are very well known. For this reason, the use of some triazine pesticides has
been banned in some countries or their permitted levels in drinking water is very low, so
that analytical procedures for quantitative determination of several triazines, as well as their
degradation products, at low levels are often requested.
In this sense, several analytical techniques have been developed, like HPLC (Katsumata et
al., 2006), CG-MS, capillary electrophoresis (Frías et al., 2004), solid-phase micro-extraction
coupling with GC, LC, ion mobility spectrometry (Garcia Galan et al., 2010; Mohammadi et
al., 2009; Sanchez Ortega et al., 2009; Quintana et al., 2001) and with HPLC (Zhou et al.,
230 Herbicides and Environment
2009; See et al., 2010), immunosensors (Bahnd et al., 2005) and multi-biosensor based on
immobilized Photosystem II (Touloupakisa et al., 2005; Dong et al., 2009), micellar
electrokinetic chromatography (Zhang et al., 2008), tandem techniques (Beale et al., 2009;
Tsang et al.,2009; Lacina et al., 2010) cyclic voltammetry (Fuchiwaki et al, 2009; Zapardiel et
al., 2000) and differential-pulse polarography (Ignjatovic et al., 1993; Kubo et al., 2008; Vaz et
al., 1996) on solid electrodes, photosynthetic electron transport (PET) electrochemical
biosensors (Campàs, et al., 2008; Preuss & Hall, 1995), PET colorimetric detection (Brewster
& Lightfield, 1993; Shao et al., 2002) and adsorptive stripping voltammetry in dispersed
media (Pedredo et al., 1995).
In the last years, the environmental pollution by pesticides has become in a serious problem
especially in aquatic ecosystems, due to their heavy use in agriculture and to their
persistence. The half-lives of herbicides vary from weeks to several months and, under
environmental conditions, they are usually degraded to compounds with better water
solubility. Indeed, the most important physicochemical properties of these pesticides and
their degradations products are the solubility in water and the capacity to be retained by
soils (Aelion & Mathur, 2001; Besse-Hogan et al., 2009). So that, the use of agricultural
chemicals requires knowledge of their stability and transformation in the environment as
well as their influence on micro-organisms. These s-triazine herbicides and some of their
degradation products are used by water and soil microbes as a source of energy (alkyl
fragments) and nitrogen (amine fragments) (Lyapchenko et al., 2004). For this reason, not
only the development of new sensitive and selective analytical techniques for the
determination of s-triazine herbicides and their metabolites in the environment, but also the
recognition of their interactions with different elements, especially with heavy metals
cations and organic compounds present in soils, are important problems in modern s-
triazine chemistry. The study of complex formation or adsorption behavior between
herbicides and cations or organic molecules contained in soils is an important topic because
it determines pesticide mobility, its bioavailability and its effectiveness. Regarding to the
interaction with inorganic species, Al(III) is a cation present in most soils, and several
authors have studied its complexes with different herbicides in aqueous solutions or in
complex model systems, which closely simulate those found in soils by using pure
montmorillonite or montmorillonite covered by different amounts of OH-Al species
(chlorite-like complexes) as adsorbents (Sannino et al., 1999). Several methods were
employed in these investigations: macroscopic and molecular scale techniques,
potentiometric titration data combined with EXAFS, ATR-FTIR and NMR, as well as
spectroscopic data (Jonsson, 2007).
The present chapter is focused in the progress made in the s-triazine quantification as well
as in the study of their interactions with inorganic compounds of soils employing
electrochemical methods applied at the interface between two immiscible electrolyte
solutions (ITIES) (Juarez & Yudi, 2003; Juarez & Yudi 2008; Juarez & Yudi 2009).
The interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions and the transport of different
ions across it are an important branch of electrochemistry because of their importance in the
examination of heterogeneous kinetics and potential analytical applications (Reymond et al.,
2000). This methodology is used as an appropriate electroanalytical technique for
quantitative determination of organic ions. The possibility of working in an oil/water
system overcomes problems such as the low solubility of many organic compounds, like the
case of s-triazines, in water. Moreover, the traces quantification of pesticides in different
kind of samples requires pre-concentration techniques. In the past few years, new
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 231
techniques were developed like liquid-liquid extraction, solid phase extraction, molecular
imprinted polymers and carbon nanotubes, among others. These pre-concentration
procedures were employed before the quantification of the pesticide, coupled to different
techniques like GC-MS, capillary electrophoresis, non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis and
micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (Katsumata et al., 2006; Sambe et al, 2007;
Zhou et al., 2006; Carabias-Martínez et al, 2006; Hu et al., 2009; Pinto et al., 2010; See et al.,
2010). In this sense, the use of a combined procedure consisting in a previous pre-
concentration stage, followed by square wave voltammetry at a water/1,2-dichloroethane
interface has achieved to improve the detection limit for s-triazines quantification (Juarez &
Yudi, 2009). The pre-concentration of the analyte in the organic phase is possible due to its
high solubility and partition coefficient in this solvent.
On the other hand, voltammetry at ITIES has proven to be a valuable tool to elucidate the
stoichiometry of complex formation (Reymond et al., 1998; O’Dwyer & Cunnane et al., 2005;
Azcurra et al., 2003; Caçote et al., 2004; Rahman et al., 2001; Yudi et al., 1992) and to identify
and evaluate successive complex formation at the interface (Kakiuchi & Senda, 1991;
Kakiuchi, 1993; Reymond et al., 1998). With the purpose of contributing to the knowledge of
the interaction between Prometryne and soils components, the complex formation of the
herbicide PROM with Al(III) cation at the water / 1,2 – dichloroethane interface, has been
studied and the results are presented in this chapter (Juarez & Yudi, 2008).
2. Methodology
2.1 Liquid-liquid Interfaces
The interface between two immiscible electrolytes is one with its own dynamics. The
structure of double layer in these interfaces has been studied since 1939. Over the years, the
information obtained was used to develop a clearly defined model of the liquid-liquid
interface (Girault, 1987). Surface tension measurements (Girault & Schiffrin, 1983) and
capacitance (Samec at al., 1983) provides access to important interfacial parameters. The
model proposed from these results, considers an interfacial area on which the molecules of
both solvents are mixed. The penetration of ions in the solvent mixture zone (ZMS) depends
on their hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity (Girault & Schiffrin, 1984). Figure 2 schematizes
two immiscible solutions (α and β) with an ion Xz+ in common. Under these conditions a
potential difference is generated determined by the Nernst-Donnan equation (Koryta, 1979):
RT ⎡ ax z+ ⎤
Δαβ ϕ = ⎡⎣ μ Xo z+ (α ) − μXo z+ ( β ) ⎤⎦ / zX F + ln ⎢ β ⎥ (1)
zX F ⎢ a z + ⎥⎦
⎣ x
RT ⎡ ax z+ ⎤
Δαβ ϕ = − ΔGtro ,,αX→z+β / zX F + ln ⎢ β ⎥ (2)
zX F ⎢ a z + ⎥⎦
⎣ x
where ϕ is the internal potential, μ X0 z+ (α ) and μ X0 z+ ( β ) are the standard chemical potentials,
zX is the ion charge and aαX z+ and aXβ z+ are the Xz+ activities in both phases α and β,
respectively. ΔGtr0,,αX→z+ β is the Free Energy difference of solvatation for the Xz+ ion in α and β,
respectively, which is related to the standard transfer potential of Xz+ ion according to
equation 3.
232 Herbicides and Environment
α β
B1A1 B2A2
Fig. 2. B1A1 and B2A2: base electrolytes in α and β phases, respectively. Xz+: transferable
cation between both phases.
ΔGtro ,,αX→z+β
Δαβ ϕ xoz+ = − (3)
zx F
In absence of current flux, the equilibrium condition is established and the potential
difference, Δαβ ϕ eq , is determined by equation 1. If a potential difference greater than the
equilibrium potential is applied, by an external source, to the system, two processes occur:
the charging of the double layer and the ion transfer trough the interface. Figure 3 shows the
voltammetric profiles obtained when a linear potential sweep is applied at the
aqueous/organic interface in presence and absence of a semi hydrophobic Xz+ cation. The
transfer of base electrolyte, between the two phases, limits the potential window (grey line).
Within this potential window, the interface behaves as an ideal polarizable electrode. The
presence of semi hydrophobic Xz+ ions, in the system, gives rise to positive and negative
current peaks when their transfer from aqueous to organic phase, and vice versa
respectively, occurs at potential values within the limits of potential window, as can be seen
in black line in Figure 3.
w Xz+
-5,0x10-6 Xz+
0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7
E/ V
Fig. 3. Voltammetric profiles obtained when a linear potential sweep is applied at the
interface between two immiscible solutions: (grey) Base electrolytes present in both phases;
(black) base electrolytes and a semi hydrophobic cation. w: aqueous phase, o: organic phase.
X(zw+) ⎯⎯
X(zo+) (4)
From a phenomenological point of view, an ion transfer reaction includes three major steps
(Reymond, 2000):
1. mass transfer from the bulk of one phase to the interface (mainly diffusion),
2. electrochemical ion transfer reaction,
3. mass transfer in the other phase away from the interface.
When a linear potential sweep is applied and a reversible diffusion controlled ion transfer
from the aqueous to the organic phase occurs, the current - time dependence is given by
(Nicholson & Shane, 1964; Bard & Wiley, 1980):
1/ 2
⎛ zFv ⎞
I (τ ) = zFAc Xw* DXw1/ 2 ⎜ ⎟ π χ (τ )
1/ 2
⎝ RT ⎠
where cXw* is Xz+ concentration in the bulk of aqueous solution, A is the interfacial area in
cm2, DXw is the diffusion coefficient in aqueous phase, τ = (zF/RT)νt, t is time, ν is the sweep
rate in Vs-1, z is the ion charge F, R and T are the Faraday constant, the universal constant
and the temperature, respectively, and χ (τ ) is the current function. When the current signal
reaches a maximum value, π 1/2 χ (τ ) is equal to 0.4463 and the peak current is proportional
to Xz+ concentration, to the square root of Dx andν, according Randles-Sevcik equation (Bard
& Wiley, 1980):
⎛ zFv ⎞
I p = 0.4463zFAc Xw *DXw 1/2 ⎜ ⎟ 25°C (6)
⎝ RT ⎠
The peak potential, ΔφP, is related to standard transfer potential according to equation 7:
RT ⎛ Dw ⎞
ΔφP − Δφ1/2 = ΔφP − Δφ o ' + ln ⎜ ⎟ (7)
zF ⎝ Do ⎠
Where Δφ1/2 is the half-wave polarographic potential and Dw and Do are the diffusion
coefficients of Xz+ in both phases.
acts as a complexing agent for the ion. In this way, the ion-ligand complex formation in
organic phase, decreases the free energy for ion transfer.
Depending on the different concentration ratios and association constants, different types of
facilitated ion transfer reactions can be envisaged, as described below (Girault, 1993).
ACT (aqueous complexation followed by transfer): Complex formation occurs in aqueous
phase, previous to charge transfer.
X(zw+) + sL( w ) ⎯⎯
XLzs(+w )
XLzs(+w ) ⎯⎯
XLzs(+o )
TOC (transfer followed by complexation in the organic phase): Complex formation occurs in
organic phase after the ion transfer.
X(zw+) ⎯⎯
X(zo+) + sL( o ) ⎯⎯
XLzs(+o )
X(zw+) + sL( o ) ⎯⎯
XLzs(+o ) (10)
Equation 11 describes the reversible half-wave potential for a facilitated transfer process
when the following conditions are fulfilled:
a. c L < c Xz+ (the ligand concentration is lower than cation concentration).
b. High Partition coefficient for the ligand, so that its aqueous phase concentration is
c. High complex formation constant, so that the free ion concentration in organic phase is
negligible (Girault, 1993).
⎛ RT ⎞ ⎡ DL( o ) ⎤ ⎛ RT ⎞ ⎡ K XLzs+ ⎤
Δ owφ1/2
= Δ owφX0 z+ + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ln ⎢ ⎥ + ⎜⎜ ⎢
⎟⎟ ln w ⎥ (11)
⎝ zX F ⎠ ⎢⎣ DXLzs+ ( o ) ⎥⎦ ⎝ zX F ⎠ ⎢⎣ c X z+ ⎥
Where Δ owφX0 z+ is the standard transfer potential of free Xz+ ion, DL and DXLz are the
diffusion coefficients of ligand and complex, respectively in organic phase, K XL z+ is the
complex constant formation in organic phase and c X z+ is the ion free concentration in
o w tr
aqueous phase. This expression allows obtaining K XLz+ from the variation of Δ o φ1/2 with
Xz+ concentration in water.
Moreover, equation 12 relates the half-wave potential with cation and ligand concentration,
in aqueous and organic phase respectively. From the slope values of Δφ1/2 vs ln cL plots, it is
possible to obtain the complex stoichiometry, providing c Xwz+ is constant (Homolka et al.,
1982; Samec et al., 1982):
RT RT 1 DL( o )
− (s − 1)ln cLo = Δφ1/2 − Δφ o + (ln c Xwz + ln s ) + ln − (s − 1)ln 2 (12)
zF zF 2 DX z+ ( w )
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 235
Where s is the complex stoichiometry and the other parameters have the same meaning.
The i / time variation for a facilitated transfer process is given by (Homolka et al., 1982):
1/ 2
⎛ zFv ⎞
I (τ ) = s −1 zFAcLo DL1/ 2 ⎜ ⎟ χ (τ ) (13)
⎝ RT ⎠
The current function takes different values depending on the stoichiometry of the complex
formed. Table 1 resumes the parameters of this function at the peak potential.
Table 1. Parameters of adimensional current function, χ(τ) at the peak potential calculated
for a reversible charge transfer and different complex stoichiometry, P1 and P2 correspond
to positive and negative peaks respectively.
O 1α + R 2β ⎯ ⎯→
←⎯⎯ R 1α + O 2β (14)
Δ owφ = ΔE + ΔEref
w O
− ΔEref + Δφinp (16)
w o
Where ΔEref and ΔEref are the potential differences at interfaces 3 and 1 in the cell scheme
and ΔφINP is the difference potential at the non-polarizable interface 2.
The potential-time profiles for the electrochemical techniques employed in this case are
shown in Figure 5.
Cyclic and SW voltammograms were recorded using an Autolab (Eco-Chemie, Utrecht,
Netherlands) equipped with a PSTAT 30 potentiostat and the GPES 4.3 software package.
Typical SW instrumental parameters, unless otherwise stated, were: square-wave frequency
f=8–40Hz, square-wave amplitude ESW=35 mV and scan increment dE=3mV.
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 237
a d
E sw
ΔI = I d - I r
Time Time
Fig. 5. a- Potential –time profile for Cyclic Voltammetry. b- Potential-time profile for Square
Wave Voltammetry.
The base electrolyte solutions were 1.0x10-2 M LiCl (Merck p.a.) in ultrapure water and
1.0x10-2 M tetraphenyl arsonium dicarbollyl cobaltate (TPhAsDCC) or tetrapentyl
ammonium tetraclorophenyl borate (TPnATPhB) in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE, Dorwill p.a.).
The pH of the aqueous phase was adjusted within the range of 1.50 – 8.00 by addition of
HCl (Merck p.a.) and LiOH (Merck p.a.) respectively.
All the herbicides employed were of analytical grade. Table 2 resumes the physicochemical
properties of the s-triazines studies.
Substituent Water
Compound pKa solubility log P
R1 R2 R3 g.mol-1
ATR Cl C2H5 C3H7 215.68 1.68 30 2.70
PRO Cl C3H7 C3H7 230.09 1.85 5 2.91
PROM SCH3 C3H7 C3H7 241.37 4.05 33 3.34
Table 2. Physicochemical parameters for s – triazines. ATR: Atrazine. PRO: Propazine.
PROM: Prometryne
3. Results
3.1 Electrochemical behavior of Triazines
As first step, the study of electrochemical behavior of s-triazines herbicides at a water/DCE
interface was performed. Figure 6 shows the voltammetric response for the three s-triazines
studied: Atrazine (ATR), Propazine (PRO) and Prometryne (PROM). In all cases a reversible
ion transfer is observed. The positive peak potential, Ep+ and the difference peak potential,
ΔEp = Ep+-Ep- = 0.060 V, were constant with sweep rate, ν. The positive peak current, Ip+, is
proportional to ν1/2, as expected for a reversible diffusion controlled mechanism. The
differences in currents values observed in the figure would be arising from different
equilibrium concentrations of each species at the present pH conditions. Taking into account
the partition coefficient (P) and acid constant (Kaw) values for the herbicides (table 2) and pH
conditions, it is possible to obtain the fraction of the protonated, HX+, and neutral species, X,
w w
of the herbicides ( α HX + , α X ) in water and the fraction of neutral species into the organic
238 Herbicides and Environment
phase ( α Xo ). For the present pH values (0.80 and 0.88), α Xo is equal to 0.983 and 0.987 for
ATR and PRO respectively. In the case of PROM α Xo = 0.686 and α HX w
+ = 0.313 at pH 1.05. In
this case, both species coexist at this pH and different transfer mechanisms can take place
which determine the current values.
I / µA
-30 PRO
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Fig. 6. Cyclic voltammogram obtained at v = 0.050 Vs-1 for ATR, PRO and PROM. Aqueous
phase composition (apc): 1.00 x 10-2 M LiCl + 5.00 x 10–4 M s-triazine (⎯⎯ PROM, pH = 1.05;
− − − PRO, pH = 0.88; ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ ATR, pH = 0.80). Organic phase composition (opc): 1.00x10-2 M
TPhAsDCC. Reprinted from Electroanalysis 15(2003)1481, A.V. Juarez and L.M.Yudi,
Copyright (2003) with permission from Wiley.
There are two possible mechanisms that could be responsible for the voltammetric response
observed as described by eq. 4 and 10: direct transfer of the protonated herbicide or H+
transfer from aqueous phase, facilitated by the herbicide present in the organic phase. As
can be deduced from the eq. mentioned above, the dependence of peak potential and
current with experimental conditions (such as herbicide concentration, pH) allows the
determination of the mechanism. In that sense, the dependence of Δ owφ1/2tr
and I+p with both,
herbicide concentration and pH was analyzed.
A facilitated proton transfer mechanism (reaction 10) is favored when the species X
predominates over HX+ (i.e. at pH >> pKaw conditions) and when this neutral species is
highly soluble in organic phase. In this way, the necessary condition under which the
facilitated proton transfer occurs can be written as (Homolka et al., 1984):
K aw ⋅ PX / c H
+ >> 1 (16)
w w
where c H + is the bulk concentration of the proton in the aqueous solution. If c H + is higher
than that of the neutral triazine (X) in the organic phase, the charge transfer process is
controlled by the diffusion of X towards the interface. In this case, the reversible half– wave
transfer potential, Δ owφ1/2
, is given by equation 11 (Homolka et al., 1984). Then, a linear
w tr
variation of Δ o φ1/2 with pH (slope = 0.059 V) is predicted for a facilitated proton transfer
w o
mechanism provided the condition c H + >> c X is fulfilled.
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 239
(a) ATR (b) PRO
/ V
/ V
Δ oΦ
Δ oΦ
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4
pH pH
(c) PROM
/ V
Δ oΦ
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 7. Plot of Δ owφ1/2
vs. pH for s-triazines: (a) ATR; (b) PRO; (c) PROM. Δ owφ1/2
values were
obtained at different sweep rate: (T) 0.010 Vs-1; (z) 0.050 V.s-1; (S) 0.100 Vs-1. apc: 1.00x10-2
M LiCl + 5.00x10–4 M s-triazine. opc: 1.00x10-2 M TPAsDCC. Reprinted from Electroanalysis
15(2003) 1481, A.V. Juarez and L.M.Yudi, Copyright (2003) with permission from Wiley.
240 Herbicides and Environment
On the other hand, from plots of Ip+ vs triazine concentration is possible to obtain the
diffusion coefficients of the herbicides in the organic phase, as predicted by eq. 13, if a linear
relationship is obtained. For this purpose, the experimental conditions were selected to
ensure that the facilitated proton transfer is the occurring mechanism, so that, in all cases the
pH values ensure the condition of αXo≅ 1. Figure 8 shows the plots of Ip+. vs concentration
obtained for the three herbicides. As can be seen, a linear relationship is obtained with
correlation coefficients 0.999, 0.992 and 0.996 for ATR, PRO and PROM respectively, in the
concentration ranges 2.50x10-5M < cTriaz < 2.50x10-4 M (PRO and PROM) and 2.50x10-5M <
cTriaz < 5.00x10-4 M (ATR). From the slope values obtained from these curves, DX values
equal to 1.56 x 10-6, 8.83 x 10-7 and 2.90 x 10-6 cm2 s-1 were calculated for ATR, PRO and
PROM respectively (equation 13).
I p / μA
I p / μA
0 0
0.0 5.0x10
-3 0,0 5,0x10
w w
I p / μA
0.0 5.0x10
Fig. 8. Plot of Ip+ vs. triazine concentration: (a) ATR, pH 1.20; (b) PRO, pH 1.20; (c) PROM,
pH 2. 00. v = 0.050 V s-1. Reprinted from Electroanalysis 15(2003) 1481, A.V. Juarez and
L.M.Yudi, Copyright (2003) with permission from Wiley.
The results obtained demonstrate that quantitative analysis of ATR and PRO can be carried
out at a liquid – liquid interface provided these species partition in the organic phase and
w o
the pH of aqueous phase satisfy the condition c H + >> c X . In this case, facilitated proton
transfer is the electrochemical process responsible for the faradaic current, which is
proportional to s - triazine concentration in organic phase. For PROM quantification two
experimental conditions could be used: at pH ≥ 2.00, peak current is proportional to PROM
concentration in organic phase as described above for ATR and PRO, while at pH < 2.00
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 241
protonated PROM in aqueous phase and neutral PROM in organic phase coexist, as can be
expected for the fraction values calculated. Then, both processes could be occurring and
determining the peak current value. For this reason, the latter experimental condition is not
the best to carry out PROM quantification.
I p / μA 1.0
Par Value Error
A 0,25519 0,05523
0.6 B 3,62632E6 308437,817
0,98584 0,04252 6 2,99432E-4
-8 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7
5.0x10 1.0x10 1.5x10 2.0x10 2.5x10 3.0x10
[PROM] aqueous phase
Fig. 9. Calibration curve of PROM employing pre-concentration treatment. apc: LiCl 1.00x10-
2 M, pH 2.00; opc: TPhAsDCC 1.00x10-2 M + x PROM. This organic phase was obtained from
I/ μA 5
0 1 2
0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55
E/ V
Fig. 10. SWV voltammetric profiles obtained after standard addition of a PROM 2.00x10-3 M
solution to the organic pre-concentrated phase. apc: LiCl 1.00x10-2 M, pH 2.00, f 8 Hz. opc:
TPhAsDCC 1.00x10-2 M + PROM (obtained by pre-concentrating a 1.0x10-8 M PROM
aqueous solution), with the following aggregates: 0: 0 µL; 1: 10 µL; 2: 20 µL; 3: 30 µL; 4: 40
µL; 5: 50 µL; 6: 60 µL; 7: 70 µL. SWV parameters: f = 8 Hz, Esw = 35 mV, dE = 3mV. Reprinted
from Electroanalysis 21(2009) 767, A.V. Juarez and L.M.Yudi, Copyright (2009) with
permission from Wiley.
ΔI p / μ A
Y=A+B* X
Par Value Error
0.4 A 0.07866 0.02787
B 61149.44757 1752.64848
0.0 0.99754 0.04451 8 <0.0001
0.0 1.0x10
[PROM] added
Fig. 11. Variation of ΔIp with PROM concentration for standard addition experiments. The
experimental conditions are the same than those in Fig. 8. Reprinted from Electroanalysis
21(2009) 767, A.V. Juarez and L.M.Yudi, Copyright (2009) with permission from Wiley.
Reymond et al., 1998; Iglesias et al., 1998; Caçote et al., 2004; Yudi et al., 1992; Koryta, 1979;
Ferreira et al., 2006; Dassie & Baruzzi, 2002) and kinetic data (Samec et al., 1982; Seno et al.,
1990; Sabela et al., 1994; Beatti et al., 1995; Shao & Mirkin, 1997, Homolka et al., 1984) of
244 Herbicides and Environment
facilitated ion transfer. The global process of the Xz+ ion transfer is given by equation 10. In
this way, experiments changing ion and ligand concentration can be used for studing
transfer mechanism as well as charge and stoichiometry of the complex and also, the
complex formation constant.
With the aim of elucidating the complex formed between Al and PROM, experiments at
different pH values: 1.50, 3.60, 4.50 and 5.30 were carried out. The relation Al:PROM was 3:1
in all cases. From the analysis of voltammetric response obtained at these pH values it was
concluded that a competition between Al(III) and H+ takes place: at low pH values, H+
transfer prevails while at high pH values the facilitated transfer of Al(III) is observed.
When the Al:PROM relation changes, the complex formed in the organic phase depends on
the cation and PROM concentration. Thus, depending on the PROM concentration, two
different processes were observed: when the ligand concentration is lower than the
concentration of the both cations, H+ transfer is the only process observed at pH values
between 1.50 and 4.50. It is worthwhile to note that even when the Al(III) concentration is
higher than the H+ concentration, H+ transfer prevails. This fact indicates a higher formation
constant value for HPROM+ with respect to Al(III)-PROM. On the other hand, if the ligand
concentration is higher than the H+ and Al(III) concentrations, the transfer of both cations is
observed. In this case, the voltammograms obtained shows two overlapped waves. One of
the process is due to Al(III) transfer facilitated by PROM.
phase shaken
in System I
PROM + Voltammograms
Al(III) TPhAsDCC (2)
LiCl 1x10 -2M 1x10-2 M
pH 3 60 Fresh Sol
(1) System II
1x10-2 M
LiCl 1x10 -2 M
Fresh Sol
[PROM] 1x10 -3 M pH 3.60
[Al(III)] 6x10 -4 M
pH 3.60 Voltammograms
Both phases have been Aqueous phase TPhAsDCC (3)
Shaken in
shaken during 30 min
Organic phase
system I System III
System I
Scheme 1. An experiment carried out for determination of transfer mechanism. Reprinted
from Electrochim. Acta, 54 (2008) 530, A.V. Juarez and L.M.Yudi, Copyright (2008) with
permission from Elsevier.
Both solutions of system I were shaken to establish the partition equilibrium and then, the
electrochemical measurement was taken. After this, both phases were separated and
electrochemically analyzed. Figure 12 compares the voltammograms obtained for system I
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 245
(see scheme 1) with those obtained for system II (Figure 12 (a)) and III (Figure 12 (b)). From
these results, it is possible to conclude that the total amount of PROM in the system prevails
in the organic phase after agitation, even in the presence of Al(III) in the aqueous phase, and
that cation transfer occurs by a facilitated mechanism. This mechanism is confirmed by the
analysis of voltammetric parameters ( Ip+, E p+ and ΔEp ).
100 a) System I
System II
80 Base voltammogram
I / μA
100 b) System I
System III
80 Base voltammogram
I / μA
30 1.00x10 M
3.20x10 M
6.00x10 M
20 1.00x10
3.00x10 M
I / μA
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fig. 13. Voltammetric profiles corresponding to Al(III) facilitated transfer by PROM at
different concentrations of ligand. Apc: 1.00x10-2 M LiCl + 1.00x10-2 M Al(NO3)3, pH = 4.50.
opc: 1.00x10-2 M TPATPhClB + x M PROM, x = (___) 1.00x10-4 M; (....) 3.20x10-4 M; (.__.__.)
6.00x10-4 M; (__ __) 1.00x10-3 M; (..__..__..) 3.00x10-3 M. Sweep rate= 0.050 Vs-1. Reprinted from
Electrochim. Acta, 54 (2008) 530, A.V. Juarez and L.M.Yudi, Copyright (2008) with
permission from Elsevier.
Plots of Ip vs square root of sweep rate are linear as predicted by eq. 13 for this kind of ion
transfer. With the purpose to calculate the stoichiometry and the charge of the complexes,
the slopes of these plots at different ligand concentrations were obtained. Figure 14
compares the theoretical slope values obtained for different complexes and the experimental
values obtained in this case. From the analysis of this figure, it is possible to conclude that
PROM:Al(III) complex stoichiometry changes with the ligand concentration, while the
charge of the transferred species is constant and equal to 2. The charge and stoichiometry
complex can also be deduced from eq 12. From the analysis of Ep vs log [PROM] variation
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 247
exper. slope
Z: 2, S: 2
1.0x10 Z: 2, S:3
Z: 3, S: 2
V -1/2
-5 Z: 3, S: 3
Slopes / As
0.0 2.0x10
[PROM] / M
Fig. 14. Plot of experimental and theoretical slope values Ip/v1/2 vs. [PROM]. Experimental
slope: (•). Theoretical slopes for the following values of z and s: (S) z: 2, s: 2; (◊) z: 2, s: 3; ()
z: 3, s: 2; (∇) z: 3, s: 3. Aqueous phase composition: 1.00x10-2 M LiCl + 1.00x10-3 M Al(NO3)3,
pH = 4.50. Organic phase composition: TPhAsDCC 1.00x10-2 M + PROM n M. Sweep rate=
0.050 Vs-1. Reprinted from Electrochim. Acta, 54 (2008) 530, A.V. Juarez and L.M.Yudi,
Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier.
(not shown), a slope value equal to 0.062 V/dec was obtained, in a concentration range
between 3.20x10-4 M to 1.00x10-3 M. This value approximates to the theoretical value
corresponding to a complex with a charge +2 and a stoichiometry of 1:3 (Homolka et al.,
4. Conclusions
This chapter resumes the results obtained from the electrochemical study of s-triazines
herbicides at liquid-liquid interfaces. These herbicide compounds (Atrazine, Propazine and
Pometryne) can be quantitatively analyzed from the electrochemical transfer current at the
water/1,2-dichloroethane interface.
Regarding to the transfer of ATR and PRO, a facilitate proton transfer from aqueous phase
trough the interface to form the protonated species in the organic phase was observed. In
these cases, transfer potential varies with pH as predicted by theory and peak current is
proportional to triazine concentration in organic phase and independent of the pH (for
w o
cH + > c L conditions). For these two species it was possible to calculate the acid dissociation
constant in organic phase, K ao , from the intercepts in the graph of Δ owφ1/2
vs pH. The values
obtained were 4.60 x 10 and 7.03 x 10 for ATR and PRO, respectively.
-9 -9
PROM behavior is quite different and depends on the pH values. At low pH values, the
transfer of protonated PROM from aqueous to organic phase can occur. Under these
conditions, the peak potential is independent on the pH and peak current is proportional to
protonated fraction of PROM, which decreases as pH increases up to pH = 2.00. Above this
248 Herbicides and Environment
value, the process change to a facilitated proton transfer, showing a behavior similar to that
observed for ATR and PRO.
Calibration curves for these species, employing cyclic voltammetry, show detection limits
of 2.50 x 10-5 M. This limit must be lowered to be able to apply this electrochemical
methodology to the analytical determination of ATR, PRO and PROM in waste water or soil
samples. However, the experimental conditions found so far were used to apply square -
wave voltammetry technique at a liquid – liquid interface.
In that sense, the electrochemical response of PROM, employing SWV technique at liquid-
liquid interface, was studied. The detection limit found was 1.50x10-6 M. This DL value is
still very high for trace determinations of PROM required in environmental studies
compared with other available techniques. However, one of the advantages of this system is
the possibility of pre-concentrate the herbicide in the organic phase. Extraction procedures
to the organic phase are possible due to the high partition coefficient of PROM and high
solubility in 1,2-DCE. The aqueous:organic volume ratio equal to 500:30 and the later
reduction of the volume of the organic phase enriched with PROM, by a factor of 6, yield an
overall pre-concentration factor of 100. The detection limit could be lowered to 1.0x10-7 M
under these experimental conditions. The concentration ranges from 1.0x10-6 to 5.0x10-5 M,
without pretreatment, and between 8.0x10-8 to 2.4x10-7 M, carrying out the pre-concentration
procedure previous to electrochemical measurement, were used for the calibration curves.
On the other hand, the standard addition method is highly efficient in this kind of systems
and presents several advantages like less use of reactive and easy sample manipulation. A
linear response in the concentration range between 1.0x10-6 to 2.7x10-5 M with correlation
coefficient of 0.997 was obtained. The lower concentration value, in this case, corresponds to
an aqueous PROM solution 1.0x10-8 M.
It is worthwhile to discuss the practical aspect of the procedure here proposed. In this sense,
the extraction and pre-concentration methods developed by other authors (Herzog et al.,
2008; Berduque & Arrigan, 2006; Berduque et al., 2005; Collins et al., 2008; Kim & Amemiya,
2008) have several practical advantages over the present procedure, as the use of low
organic phase volume, among others. Nevertheless, the results obtained in this study justify
evaluating the possibility of carrying out PROM pre-concentration following the thin film
approach (Kim & Amemiya, 2008) or the electrochemistry modulated liquid – liquid
extraction procedure (Berduque & Arrigan, 2006; Berduque et al., 2005; Collins et al., 2008;
Kim & Amemiya, 2008).
Regarding to the study of the interaction between PROM and Al(III) at the water /1,2-DCE
interface, it was possible to determine the charge and stoichiometry of the complex formed.
A facilitated Al(III) transfer through the liquid - liquid interface takes place, depending on
pH and PROM concentration. From the analysis of the experimental results, a competition
of H+ and Al(III) for the ligand is observed. At low pH values (pH<2.00), only H+ transfer
occurs, a pH higher than 4.50 only Al(III) is transferred, and at intermediate pH values, the
transfer of both cations takes place. To determine the stoichiometry of the Al:PROM
complex, the experiments were carried out at pH 4.50 because no H+ transfer was observed
under these conditions. From the experimental results, we conclude that the stoichiometry
depends on PROM concentration: 1:3 at cPROM ≥ 3.00x10-4 M and 1:2 for cPROM < 3.00x10-4 M,
while the charge of the transferred species is 2+. Therefore, the ion forming the complex
with the herbicide, at pH 4.50, is Al(OH)2+. This statement is supported by the fact that
Al(OH)2+ is one of the predominant species at this pH value.
An Electrochemical Approach to Quantitative Analysis
of Herbicides and to the Study of Their Interactions with Soils Components 249
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Application of Bioassays in
Studies on Phytotoxic Herbicide
Residues in the Soil Environment
Tomasz Sekutowski
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – National Research Institute,
Pulawy Department of Weed Science and Tillage Systems, Wroclaw
problem appears when the herbicide is used once or several times in the vegetation season
in small doses of <50 g/ha, since already at the moment of application the level of herbicide
active ingredients is slight and does not exceed 10-2 mg/kg (Sadowski et al., 2002). The
evaluation of risk resulting from the occurrence of herbicide residue in the soil medium
until recently was based only on the results of chemical analyses, which supplied
information on the presence, content and type of the chemical substance, preventing an
evaluation of harmful ecological effects of the herbicide residue. Thus the traditional,
chemical approach to the assessment of the level of herbicide residue in the
agrophytocenosis for well over a decade has been supplemented by ecotoxicological
analyses. In such analyses the level of herbicide residue is evaluated on the basis of a
specific, comprehensive response of standard indicator organisms to the active ingredient
varying both chemically and in terms of its concentration, contained in the tested soil
sample. In such analyses the biotest methods is used with the application of e.g. a plant
biodetector. This method is to determine a biologically effective level of the herbicide active
ingredient residue immediately after application, as well as to follow the dynamics of
decline for this substance in the soil environment in the course of several months or even for
more than a year. Biotests also facilitate an objective evaluation of the level of residue, due
to the fact that all higher plants have a certain sensitivity to different xenobiotics (e.g.
herbicides) found in the soil environment. The phytotoxic effect of active ingredients
originating from herbicides may be observed on the basis of the reduction of dry or fresh
weight of roots or aboveground parts (stems, leaves) of test plants (Günther et al., 1993;
Stork & Hannah, 1996; Sarmah et al., 1999; Sadowski et al., 2002; Demczuk et al., 2004;
Sekutowski & Sadowski, 2005; 2006; 2009). Thanks to the wide-scale application of the
bioindication method using plants it is possible to evaluate the degree of contamination not
only for the soil, but also for the entire agrophytocenosis (Dećkowska et al., 2008).
the soil. Such factors include the type of soil, mechanical composition (particularly the
content of clays and zeolites), temperature, moisture content, content of organic matter
(humus), pH of soil as well as the content of soil entomofauna biomass (Walker & Welch,
1989; Vicari et al., 1994; James et al., 1999; Sarmah et al., 1999; Sadowski & Kucharski, 2004).
The sorption capacity of herbicides is defined by the index of soil sorption of the herbicide
(Kd) and sorption of the herbicide to organic carbon (Koc). Active ingredients of herbicides
characterized by very high mobility in the soil environment have Koc < 100 ml/g (clopyralid,
nicosulfuron, sulfosulfuron, sulcotrione, dicamba), while herbicides with Koc >2000 ml/g
exhibit poor mobility (trifluralin, diquat, pendimethalin, diclofop, fenoxaprop-P) (Praczyk &
Skrzypczak, 2004; Woźnica, 2008).
The translocation of herbicides in the soil profile is frequently disturbed by crops themselves
or by weeds, absorbing water from the soil solution. Since a portion of the root system of
plants frequently reaches a depth of 50 - 60 cm and has a very big suction power we may
often observe the process of leaching or even the movement of residue of certain herbicides
(e.g. chlorsulfuron) from deeper soil layers towards the rhizosphere (Walker et al., 1989;
Sadowski et al., 2001b). In the opinion of Sadowski & Kucharski (2004), elution of herbicide
active ingredients being derivatives of sulfonylurea (chlorsulfuron, sulfosulfuron) and
phenoxyacetic acid (2.4 D, MCPA) from the soil profiles is strongly dependent on the initial
moisture content and the absorbing capacity of soil. They showed in their studies that with
an increase in the initial moisture content of soil, the degree of leaching for these substances
increased markedly, reaching a certain maximum. When soil reached the maximum water
capacity (under field conditions this process is observed during heavy rains), then the
percentage of leached active ingredient of a herbicide is markedly reduced. Also Beckie &
McKercher (1990), Oppong & Sagar (1992) and Günter et al. (1993) were of an opinion that
apart from moisture content, also absorbing capacity of soil has a decisive effect on
herbicide mobility. In their studies Günter et al. (1993) showed that in soil with poor
absorbing capacity metsulfuron and triasulfuron were subjected to elution much faster than
in soil with a high absorbing capacity. Mobility was also dependent on the active ingredient
itself, with metsulfuron being much more active than triasulfuron.
Also the depth to which herbicide active ingredients penetrate under field conditions is not
specifically defined, since it depends on many factors (e.g. absorbing capacity,
granulometric composition, cultivation measures). On the basis of studies concerning the
translocation of herbicide active ingredients Helling & Turner (1968) determined the relative
mobility index of herbicides (Rf), dividing them into five classes. In another study Walker &
Welch (1989) showed that chlorsulfuron (ALS group) was capable of penetrating to a depth
of 50 cm 63 days after application, despite the fact that a bigger part of its residue was
detected in a layer up to 25 cm deep. In turn, another active ingredient from the same
chemical group, i.e. triasulfuron, did not penetrate deeper than 10 cm, and its residue
remained at that depth throughout the entire period of the experiment (125 days).
Stability of active ingredients of herbicides in the soil is also dependent on its physico-
chemical properties and on the course of degradation dynamics. A very important indicator,
which defines potential persistence of the herbicide active ingredient in the soil
environment, is the half-life period (DT50). It is a time period required for the degradation of
the active ingredient to half its initial concentration in soil. The value of DT50 is a
characteristic feature of individual active ingredients of herbicides and it may range from
several days (e.g. quizalofop-P, mesotrione, MCPA) to as long as several months (e.g.
trifluralin, ethofumesate, pendimethalin). Most active ingredients of herbicides used in
256 Herbicides and Environment
agricultural plantations has DT50 of less than 60 days (e.g. florasulam, clomazone,
clopyralid, bentazone), while in vegetable growing it is below 20 days (e.g. clethodim,
cycloxdim, metazachlor, pyridate) (Praczyk, 2004; Praczyk & Skrzypczak, 2004; Woźnica,
2008). Half-life (DT50) is only a rough indication of the potential persistence of herbicide
active ingredients in soil. Under field conditions degradation of a herbicide and its
translocation may occur faster or much slower, since it is a result of interactions between
chemical properties of the active ingredient itself and moisture content, temperature,
absorbing capacity of soil, pH and soil microorganisms. Thus the risk of persistence and
translocation of herbicide active ingredients in soil may not be considered only on the basis
of one of the above mentioned parameters (e.g. DT50, Koc, Rf), as under field conditions the
interactions of all these factors affect the rate of chemical and biological processes, which in
turn determine the behavior of active ingredients of herbicides in the soil environment.
Table 1 presents characteristics of selected active ingredients of herbicides, which have a
decisive effect on their behavior in the soil environment.
environment due to the possible penetration into the ground waters causing their
contamination (Beckie & McKercher, 1990; Sadowski & Kucharski, 2003). Thus studies are
necessary which would facilitate an evaluation of a threat posed by the application of
herbicides in relation to agrophytocenosis. In ecotoxicology the adopted methods for the
determination of the levels of bioavailable phytotoxic residue of herbicide active ingredients
in soil include biotests, due to their high efficiency, relatively very high sensitivity and
limited testing costs in comparison to instrumental methods (Fahl et al., 1995; Hollaway et
al., 1999; James et al., 1999; Sadowski et al., 2002; Sadowski & Kucharski, 2004; Sekutowski &
Sadowski, 2006). Plant species exhibiting high sensitivity to the action of selected active
ingredients of herbicide, such as Sinapis alba, Fagopyrum esculentum, Sorghum saccharatum,
Lepidium sativum, Helianthus annuus, Zea mays or Cucumis sativus are used as detectors. In
particular cases biotests may also provide information on transport and on the situation of
applied active ingredients (Günther et al., 1993; Sadowski & Kucharski, 2004). We may find
numerous examples in literature concerning applications of plant biodetectors in studies on
herbicide active ingredient residue (Günther et al., 1993; Stork & Hannah, 1996; Sarmah et
al., 1999; Sekutowski & Sadowski 2005; 2006; 2009).
4. Bioassay
Bioassay or biotest (Greek bios – life + Latin testari - indicate) may be defined as an
experimental biological sample (the whole organism or its part), which aim is to detect a
toxic substance found in the environment or to identify its harmful action, by quantitative
determination of the effect of the tested substance in relation to the control object.
In studies conducted using biotests three methods are typically applied, with the first two
being conducted under controlled (laboratory) conditions, while the third being run using a
population of organisms living under natural conditions (in situ).
258 Herbicides and Environment
90 Sinapis alba
Fagopyrum esculentum
80 Cucumis sativus
Roots lenght reduction [%]
0 0.025 0.05 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.2
Fig. 1. 2.4 D effect on the tested plant in terms of roots lenght reduction
90 Sinapis alba
Fagopyrum esculentum
80 Cucumis sativus
Roots lenght reduction [%]
0 0.025 0.05 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.2
Fig. 2. Nicosulfuron effect on the tested plant in terms of roots lenght reduction
Application of Bioassays in Studies on Phytotoxic Herbicide Residues in the Soil Environment 261
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Set of test plants
Sowing the test plants Determination of dry weight
of test plants
70 R2 = 0.9018
50 9
R = 0.7
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Sulfosulfuron concentration in soil [mg/kg]
Fig. 4. Changes fresh and dry weight of Sinapis alba under the influence of different
sulfosulfuron concentrations in soil
chlorsulfuron [mg/kg]
using lysimeters. Unfortunately, the primary drawback of the lysimeter model is connected
with the high cost of one assay and limitations related with the collection of soil samples,
resulting from the disruption of the soil profile in the lysimeter column. After several
samplings the lysimeter column has to be refilled with a new undisturbed soil profile. In
turn, analyses conducted under laboratory conditions using bioassays do not have such
limitations. Moreover, they are more efficient and provide the experimenter with more
flexibility and control over a much bigger number of parameters observed during the
process of herbicide translocation. Soil collected from such a model is used as a substrate for
bioassays and the filtrate may be used in chemical analyses. This method makes it possible
to determine in a very precise way the distribution of phytotoxic residue of herbicide active
ingredients in the soil profile. Another advantage of this model is the possibility of arbitrary
modeling of irrigation in the soil profile, which facilitates a comprehensive evaluation of the
residue balance in the soil – water system. Figure 6 presents an example diagram of such a
model in action, in which the bioassay method was used to determine the distribution of
herbicide residue.
In the opinion of Sadowski & Kucharski (2004) the degree of leaching and as a consequence
the distribution of a portion of herbicide active ingredients depends on the initial soil
moisture content. Figure 7-8 presents the distribution of certain active ingredients of
1 2 3
4 residues of
Herbicide the herbicide
application active
6 ingredient
5 6
Leachate of
analysis 8
2.4-D MCPA
Depth of soil profile [cm]
- visible phytotoxic effects
Source: Sadowski & Kucharski, (2004); Sekutowski & Sadowski, (2006); modified
Fig. 7. Rate of translocation of active ingredients depending on initial soil moisture content
2.4-D MCPA
Depth of soil profile [cm]
- visible phytotoxic effects
Source: Sadowski & Kucharski, (2004); Sekutowski & Sadowski, (2006); modified
Fig. 8. Rate of translocation of active ingredients depending on initial soil moisture content
Application of Bioassays in Studies on Phytotoxic Herbicide Residues in the Soil Environment 265
herbicides depending on changes in the initial soil moisture content. Most active
ingredients, which were transferred on air dry soil (0% moisture content) were detected by
test plants (Sinapis alba) mainly in the surface soil layer (Fig. 7). The highest leaching level
was found for isoproturon (0-11 cm), while the least leached substance turned out to be
pendimethalin (0-3 cm). An increase in the initial soil moisture content by 2% caused a
marked shift of residue deeper within the soil profile practically for all the tested active
ingredients. Only pendimethalin residue remained at the same level (Fig. 8).
From the practical point of view the distribution of the main portion of herbicide active
ingredients, as well as the degree of their leaching to deeper soil layers are highly
significant, since they determine the effectiveness of herbicides (particularly those soil-
applied). Moreover, they also determine the degree of herbicide translocation outside the
root zone, which may increase the risk of their being transferred to ground waters
(Sadowski & Kucharski, 2004).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 = Control
2 = foramsulfuron + iodosulfuron (45 g/ha + 1.5 g/ha)
3 = nicosulfuron (60 g/ha)
4 = rimsulfuron (12 g/ha)
5 = rimsulfuron (15 g/ha)
6 = tifensulfuron (11.5 g/ha)
7 = dicamba + rimsulfuron (240 g/ha + 7.5 g/ha)
Fig. 9. Degradation of different active ingredients of herbicides in the 0-20 cm soil layer
(biotest method)
266 Herbicides and Environment
Reduced tillage
Initial rimsulfuron concentration in the soil [%]
Conventional tillage
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Weeks after rimsulfuron application
Source: Sekutowski, (2009)
Fig. 10. Rimsulfuron degradation rates in the 0-20 cm soil layer (mean in the years 2005-
translocation and dynamics of degradation was found as late as 7 weeks after application
and it was markedly diversified depending on the tillage systems (Fig. 10).
The presented examples of the application of plants as phytodetectors in the bioassay
method more precisely illustrate the phytotoxic action of herbicide active ingredients (even
those found in trace amounts) for agrophytocenosis than their concentration in soil
determined using chemical analyses. A similar opinion was presented by Hollaway et al.
(1999), who in their studies concerning the detection of sulfonylurea herbicide residue in soil
using three methods, i.e. bioassay, ELISA and HPLC, stated that a bioassay using Pisum
sativum and Lens culinaris plants as bioindicators was most sensitive. Biotests detected
residue of sulfonylurea herbicides at 0.1 – 1.0 mg/ha soil, ELISA at 0.1 – 10 mg/ha, while
HPLC at 3 – 10 mg/ha, respectively.
Depending on soil and climatic conditions only a portion of residue contained in soil is
available to plants. Biotests used in biomonitoring make it possible to evaluate whether this
part of residue may exhibit phytotoxicity towards agrophytocenosis.
The presented examples of conventional phytotests using different plants and their seeds as
phytodetectors, conducted according to standardized national procedures, frequently
happen to be complicated, they require considerable laboratory space and are time-
consuming (BN-83 9180-25, 1983; BN-83 9180-27, 1983; BN-84 9180-30, 1984; PN-ISO 17616,
2010). For several years now ready-to-use tests (toxkits) have been commercially available,
sold in the form of packages, allowing the evaluation of phytotoxicity of tested samples
within a short time (1-3 days). They contain cryptobiotic forms of bioindicators (e.g. seeds of
plants – PhytotoxkitTM), coming from standard breeding, which may be stored for 6 months
and when needed prepared for the test within a very brief time (Phytotoxkit, 2004).
Application of Bioassays in Studies on Phytotoxic Herbicide Residues in the Soil Environment 267
Test containers -
Sorghum saccharatum Sinapis alba
Fig. 11. PhytotoxkitTM with standard test plants.
268 Herbicides and Environment
Sinapis alba
90 Fagopyrum esculentum
80 Cucumis sativus
Root lenght reduction [%]
50 ED50
20 ED10
1.2 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.05 0.025 0
Dicamba concentration in the soil [mg/kg]
Source: Sekutowski & Sadowski, (2009)
Fig. 13. The effect of dicamba on root length reduction in tested plant
The above example very well shows the response (sensitivity) of the phytodetector to the
tested active ingredient of the herbicide. In analyses using plants as detectors, it is crucial to
select an appropriate plant for the tested herbicide active ingredient. A sufficiently sensitive
plant detector makes it possible to conduct tests on microresidue of 0.01 mg/kg soil.
Application of Bioassays in Studies on Phytotoxic Herbicide Residues in the Soil Environment 269
5. Conclusion
Bioassays are methods commonly applied in ecotoxicology in the determination of the levels
of bioavailable phytotoxic residue of herbicide active ingredients in soil. Tests with the use
of rapidly germinating seeds have several very important advantages, as they are cheap and
easy to perform, they do not require expensive laboratory equipment and they yield
reproducible results. The phytotoxic effect of herbicide active ingredient may be stated on
the basis of the dynamics of germination, seedling growth, reduction of dry or fresh weight
of roots or aboveground parts (stems, leaves) of test plants. On the basis of selected
parameters, such as the reduction of root length, the toxic effect of herbicide active
ingredients may be determined already after approx. 24 h, while the dynamics of root
growth - after 3-5 days from the onset of the test (PhytotoxkitTM). In turn, the reduction in
fresh or dry weight of aboveground parts of plants may be established after approx. 10-14
days (a conventional biotest).
Unfortunately, drawbacks of such a method include first of all the fact that it is impossible
to identify the tested active ingredient. This problem may be solved by using different
biological factors forming a set of biotests (PhytotoxkitTM → ELISA → HPLC), which will
make it possible to precisely determine the herbicide active ingredient. It also needs to be
stressed that biotests with the application of rapidly germinating seeds of selected plant
species may be a good supplementation or even an alternative to classical instrumental
measurements, used in the detection of phytotoxic residue of herbicide active ingredients in
Probably the scope of bioassay application within the next few years will be increasing and
thus collected information will constitute the basis for the initiation of analyses using
classical analytical methods.
6. Acknowledgement
I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. J. Sadowski for providing me with literature
and for his valuable remarks and suggestions in the course of preparation of this
270 Herbicides and Environment
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1. Introduction
The intensive use of pesticides on large areas of agricultural soil has given rise to concern
about their fate in the environment. For many years, their presence as well as their
environmental impact has attracted much attention due to the wide use of such compounds
in agriculture and household applications (Beck et al., 1993; Serrano et al., 2005; Mansour,
1993). Less than 1% of total applied pesticides reach the target pests, the vast majority being
dispersed in the different environmental compartments (water, air and soil) but mainly in
aquatic environment via agricultural runoff or leaching (Pimentel, 1995). The application of
herbicides on agricultural soils is a well-established and effective practice to control weed
growth. They represent about 50% of the demand for agricultural chemicals; their prolonged
use involves the risk of their retention in crops and soils. Soil is an ultimate reservoir for
these products, whether applied directly or received indirectly from spray drift and residues
of treated sites (Barbash & Resek, 1996). These products can be the subject of various
transformations and they can react with different fractions of soil minerals or organic.
Mineral soil colloids play an important role in adsorption of polar organic compounds,
mainly due to the high surface areas associated to their small particle size and, in the case of
Smectites, because they have internal (expandable) surfaces accessible to water and polar
organic molecules such as pesticides (Lagaly, 1994; Cox et al., 1995; Lee & Kim, 2002). These
clay minerals possess layered structures and the presence of interlayer space thus gives a
sterically constrained reaction environment for pesticide molecules when intercalated
(Caine et al., 1999). Iron is one of the most abundant transition metals in soil and is
considered to play a large role in photoinduced redox reactions generating active oxygen
species such as .OH (Sherman, 1989). The clay surface is also covered with humic substances
that represent 60%−70% of soil organic matter, probably via formation of clay–metal–
organic complexes. These complexes are characterized by the presence of stable radical
species detected by ESR (Senesi & Schnitzer, 1977).
Regarding the presence of these substances in soil, they may either contribute to the
degradation of the pesticide through the formation of reactive species (Albanis et al., 2002)
or be involved as inhibitors by a screen effect phenomenon (Hebert & Miller, 1990).
274 Herbicides and Environment
CH 3
Monuron is an herbicide from the group of phenylurea derivatives widely used as an
inhibitor of photosynthesis and it is used mainly for the total weed control of non-crop
areas. This chemical is characterized by long life times in the environment; its persistence is
rather high about 10 months (Khan, 1980) which means that there is a potential risk of
waters contamination. Not much information can be found on monuron adsorption and
photoreactivity at the surfaces clays and soils.
The aims of the work are first to assess the influence of different components of soils clay of
Moroccan region and commercial clays, montmorollonite and kaolin, in adsorption of a
monuron herbicide and second to study the photodegradation process of monuron at the
surface of some montmorillonite clays.
K -M
Fig. 1. IR spectrum of kaolin (Ka), K-montmorillonite (K-M), Clay extracted from Settat and
Berrechid soil (CESS) and (CEBS).
The kaolin spectrum reveal an intense band at 3621 cm-1 corresponding to stretching vibration
of OH groups coordinated to Al-Al pairs and another band located at 3420cm-1 corresponding
to the H2O-stretching vibrations (Russell & Fraser, 1994). However, CESS and CEBS spectra
present a broad band located at 1382cm-1 that can be attributed to the presence of carbonate
solid phases (Gueu et al., 2007). Such results are also confirmed by XRD analysed.
Moreover, all the spectra show a large band around 1041cm-1 equivalent to Si-O-stretching
(Madejova & Komadel, 2001). The double band observed at 530 and 472cm-1 was related to
Al-O-Si and Si-O-Si deformations (Madejova et al., 2002).
XRD measurements were performed using a Philips X-Ray diffractometer employing nickel
filtered CuKά radiation. The X-Ray powder diffraction pattern of clays is given in Fig.2.
The principal equidistance of the most intense lines as well as the hkl plans relative to these
rays are presented in table 4.
The comparison of experimental dhkl and those taken from JCPDS chart show that CESS and
CEBS are composed of several mineralogical phase; montmorillonite, saponite, chlorite,
illite, quartz and calcite (table III and figure 2). These soils clays have similar mineralogical
phases with different percentages. saponite and calcite represent the major phase of CEBS.
However, CESS is rich of illite and montmorillonite.
Adsorption and Photochemical Behaviour of the Herbicide Monuron on Clay Surfaces 277
K -M
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
2 T h e ta
M: Montmorillonite, Q: Quartz, I: Illite, Ch: Chlorite, S: Saponite, C: Calcite and Ka: Kaolin
Fig. 2. XRD pattern of clays studies
K -M
C (mmol/kg)
6 Ka
0 5 10 15 20 25
t( h )
From figure 3, when the equilibrium time was increased, the amount of adsorption was also
increased. Under our experimental conditions, the equilibrium was reached within 6h for K-
montmorillonite (K-M), within 10h for kaolin (Ka), clay extracted from Settat soil (CESS),
and clay extracted from Berrechid soil (CEBS).
Adsorption kinetics is usually controlled by different mechanisms. The most limiting ones are
the diffusion mechanisms. The initial curved portion is attributed to a rapid external diffusion
or boundary layer diffusion and surface adsorption, while the linear portion represents a
gradual adsorption stage due to intraparticle diffusion. This starts to decrease due to the low
concentration in solution as well as fewer available adsorption sites (Guibal et al., 2003).
Cs =KfCenf
Where Kf is the adsorption capacity evaluated at 1mM Ce and nf is the intensity factor,
expressing the slope of the adsorption isotherm.
A linear form of the Freundlich expression can be obtained by taking logarithms of the
12 K -M
Cs (mmol/kg)
6 Ka
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7
C e(m m ol/l)
Fig. 4. Monuron adsorption isotherms on K-montmorillonite and kaolin
Adsorption and Photochemical Behaviour of the Herbicide Monuron on Clay Surfaces 279
Cs (mmol/kg)
0 ,0 0 ,1 0 ,2 0 ,3 0 ,4 0 ,5 0 ,6 0 ,7
C e (m m o l/l)
Fig. 5. Monuron adsorption isotherms on clays extracted from soils CESS and CEBS
R = 0.983
CEBS Y = 0.953*X + 0.8111
-0,4 R = 0.974
-1,6 -1,4 -1,2 -1,0 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0,0
R2 = 0.992
Ka Y = 1.171*X + 0.984
-0,2 R2 = 0.988
Therefore, the plots of logCs vs logCe for the adsorption of monuron onto clays were
employed to generate the intercept value of Kf and the slope of nf.
Figure 6 illustrate Freundlich isotherms for studied clays.
The adsorption isotherms of monuron followed the Freundlich equation with a high
regression factor (R2>0.98). Table 5 contains the adsorption coefficients values Kf and nf
extrapolated from Fig.6
Clay Kf nf R2
K-M 19,4 0,952 0,992
Ka 9,64 1,171 0,983
CESS 10,6 1,055 0,974
CEBS 6,47 0,953 0,988
Ln Cs = ln Xm –kε2,
Where ε (Polanyi Potential) can be written as:
ε = RTln(1+1/Ce),
Cs is the amount of pesticide adsorbed per unit weight of adsorbent (mol/g), Xm is the
adsorption capacity (mol/g), Ce is the equilibrium concentration of pesticide in solution
(mol/L), k is the constant related to adsorption energy (mol2/kj2), R is the gas constant
(kJ/mol K), T is temperature (K).
Radushkevich and Dubinin (Radushkevich, 1949; Dubinin, 1965) have reported that the
characteristic sorption curve is related to the porous structure of the sorbent. The constant, k,
is related to the mean free energy of sorption per mole of the sorbate as it is transferred to
the surface of the solid from infinite distance in the solution (Hasany & Choudhary, 1996).
A plot of lnCs vs ε2 should be linear. The values of Xm and k were calculated from intercept
and slope of this plot. The results are summarized in Table 6.
Adsorption and Photochemical Behaviour of the Herbicide Monuron on Clay Surfaces 281
E = - (2k)-0.5
It should be noted that magnitude of E is useful for the estimation the adsorption type. If
this value is found within 8-16kj/mol, adsorption type can be explained by ion exchange
(Singh & Pant, 2004; Mahramanlioglu et al., 2002). The values of E estimated in the present
study are 6.62, 6.93, 7.33 and 7.41 kJ/mol. for kaolin, clay extracted from Settat soil, K-
montmorillonite and clay extracted from Berrechid soil respectively. The adsorption type
under our experimental conditions can be considered as a physical adsorption (Paul & Long,
1957). However, the forces involved are intermolecular forces (Van Der Waals forces), and
which do not involve a significant change in the electronic orbital patterns of the involved
species. The adsorbed molecule is not affixed to a specific site at the surface but is free to
undergo translational movement within the interface. It is predominant at low temperature,
and is characterized by a relatively low energy of adsorption.
8 ,5
K -M
8 ,0
7 ,5
7 ,0
6 ,5
Cs (mmol/kg)
6 ,0
5 ,5
5 ,0
4 ,5
4 ,0
3 ,5
3 ,0
2 4 6 8 10
Therefore the pH does not influence its sorption to the clays. However it’s probable that pH
affects the surface charge of clays; in the acidic medium, the H+ ion can competitively
exclude the adsorption of pollutant by exchanging with cation on the surface or in the
interlayer region of the clay. When the pH value of the solution was increased, the surface of
the adsorbent becomes negatively charged. According to the reported results (Yu et al.,
2001), no significant attraction is observed between herbicide molecules and negatively
Cs (mmol/l)
K -M
10 Ka
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
S /L (m g /m l)
2.3.6 Conclusion
Interaction between mineral sorbents and monuron herbicide is influenced by the dispersion
conditions used in the preparation of the mixture. The favourable adsorption was realized at
the following optimal conditions: contact time was 10 hours and sorbent/solution ratio was
in the range of 5-7 mg/ml but pH does not have any effect on monuron adsorption onto
clays studied.
The present work confirms that the mineralogical characteristics of clays play an important
role in the retention of pollutants. A correlation between the maximum adsorption, CEC and
Adsorption and Photochemical Behaviour of the Herbicide Monuron on Clay Surfaces 283
SSA of all sorbents was found. The adsorption capacity of monuron was in the following
order: K-M > CESS> CEBS > Ka
through 0.45 μm cellulose membranes. The procedure was repeated for all clay complexes
M onuron
20 0 25 0 3 00 3 50 4 00
λ , nm \b
Fig. 9. The absorption spectrum of monuron in aqueous solution and the emission spectrum
of suntest (xenon lamp)
The values consigned in Table 8 shows that the CEC of montmorillonite enriched by iron is
low compared with that of K-montmorillonite. This result is due to the difficulty in moving
the ferric cations by the ammonium cations. Moreover, the presence of the humic acid
complexed with montmorillonite increases its capacity of cation exchange. This result is well
correlated with those of many authors who showed that the CEC of the organic matters is
higher than that of minerals clay (Baize, 1988).
The examination of IR spectra of clay fractions reveals the principal absorption bands; a
slight band at 3631 cm-1 which is due to the stretching vibration of structural OH groups
coordinated to Al-Al pairs. Adsorbed water gives a broad band at 3420 cm-1 corresponding
to the H2O-stretching vibrations (Russell & Fraser, 1994). The broad band around 1041 cm-1
corresponds to Si-O-stretching (Madejova & Komadel, 2001). The 530 and 472 cm-1 is related
to the Al-O-Si and Si-O-Si deformations (Madejova et al., 2002). Results obtained are shown
in Fig. 10.
F e -M
A H -M
K -M
F e-M
d 001 =9.93
A H -M
d 001 =9.95
K -M
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
2 T eth a
The spectra show also a widening of the band centred at 1041 cm-1 in AH-M and a stressing
of the latter for Fe-M. Additionally, the band located at 472 cm-1 became more marked in the
case of the complex Fe-M. This result confirms the exchange of potassium by iron, while this
band weakened in the case of AH-M because of the interaction of humic acids in clay layer
(Tajeddine et al., 2010).
The XRD measurements were performed using a Philips X-ray diffractometer employing
nickel filtered CuKa radiation. The X-ray diffraction pattern of clay fractions is given in
Fig.11. The equidistance appears to vary regularly according to the rate of hydration and the
nature of exchanged cation. With the introduction of iron in montmorillonite, the reticular
distance corresponding to plane 001 was evolved from 9.45 to 15.04. This indicates that the
specific surface area was also increased. The presence of the equidistance 9.4 characteristic
of K-M in the spectrum of Fe-M indicates that the substitution of K+ by Fe3+ was not
400 AH-M-monuron
0 20 40 60 80
Table 9. Rate constants and half-life times of OPP and monuron irradiated onto K-M and
consumption of monuron was observed when it was irradiated alone at 365 nm with black
light lamps. By contrast, monuron was degraded when it was irradiated in the presence of
Fulvic acid or Humic Acid. It was observed that without oxygen no reaction takes place and
that the rates of transformation are lower in oxygen-saturated than in air-saturated
solutions. It was suggested that reactive excited triplet states of humic substances abstract
an electron or a hydrogen atom (Canonica et al., 1995). The hydrogen atom is then
transferred onto oxygen which is reduced into hydroperoxyl radical or superoxide anion;
oxygen is thus needed for the chromophores to be regenerated. At high concentrations,
oxygen quenches efficiently the triplets and inhibits the consumption of substrates. It is
concluded that in this case a hydrogen atom transfer between oxidant excited states of
humic acid and monuron occurs.
Under the current conditions, inhibitive processes, such as for example the auto-inhibition
can also contribute in the reduction of the total process effectiveness (Vulliet et al., 2001).
AH* + AH → AH + AH*
3.3.3-b Kinetics of monuron disppearance
The photodegradation kinetics of monuron adsorbed by Fe(III)-montmorillonite complexes
are presented in Fig. 13.
200 Fe-M-monuron
0 20 40 60 80
As shown in Table 10 the half-life times of monuron photodegradation were 43 and 78 hours
for K-montmorillonite and Fe(III)-montmorillonite, respectively. The slow degradation can
be explained by the absorption of light by Fe3+, these ions cause a competition with the
pesticide molecule.
0 ,0 3 0
0 ,0 2 5
0 ,0 2 0
0 ,0 1 5
0 ,0 1 0
0 ,0 0 5 P3
0 ,0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20
R e t e n t io n t im e (m in )
Three photoproducts were identified by the molecular ion and mass fragment ions. The
structures of the main photoproducts are presented in table 11. In addition to these
compounds, some other products were detected but it was not possible to determine their
structure due to their low concentration.
Molecular Retention
Photoproduct Structure
weight (m/z) time (min)
P1 O
N-(-chloro-4-chlorophenyl)- CH
232 14
N’,N- N
P2 Cl
N-(4-chlorophenyl)-N’- CH
212 12.5
formyl, N-dimethylurea
N-(-hydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)- Cl NH C N
214 9.4
N’,N- C H3
dimethylurea OH
radicals formed after the opening of the aromatic ring (Pramuro & Vicenti, 1993). The
disappearance of the aromatic structure might be due to the formation of a carbene by removal
of HCl as was proved in the case of linuron irradiated onto the sand and clay (Richard &
Bengana, 1996) and the case of 4 chlorophenol-irradiated in water (Oudjehani & Boule, 1995).
4. Conclusion
The photo-transformation of monuron adsorbed on montmorillonite and irradiated under
simulated sunlight is not sensitized by the humic acids and iron. On one hand, humic acid
decreased the rate of monuron disappearance is slower owing to a screen effect
phenomenon. On the other hand, the presence of iron cannot act an efficient photo inducer
of monuron herbicide elimination from dry phase. However, in humid systems, Fe3+
appeared to be a good photocatalyst for the removal of monuron from water (Hana 2004).
Adsorption and Photochemical Behaviour of the Herbicide Monuron on Clay Surfaces 291
From the analytical point of view, the Principal photoproducts identified by HPLC/MS/MS
initially formed by irradiation of monuron adsorbed onto K-montmorillonite were; a
product of oxidation of a methyl group (N-(4-chlorophenyl)-N’- formyl, N-dimethylurea), a
product of hydroxylation on the level of the aromatic nucleus (N-(-hydroxy-4-
chlorophenyl)-N’,N-dimethylurea )and the 3rd product obtained by a photo-substitution of
a hydrogen atom of the aromatic nucleus by a chlorine atom (N-(-chloro-4-chlorophenyl)-
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1. Introduction
Pesticides are important tools in agriculture that help to minimize economic losses caused
by weeds, insects and pathogens and have greatly improved food production (Farenhorst,
2006; Song et al., 2008; Romero et al., 2010). The ideal outcome of pesticide use occurs when
a pesticide accomplishes the purposes for which it was applied and then rapidly breaks
down into harmless components, such as carbon dioxide and water. However, extensive use
of pesticides in conventional agricultural practices has increased dramatically over time and
the potential negative effects on human health and the environment are now of concern
(Renaud et al., 2004; Majumdar & Singh, 2007; Song et al., 2008).
According to El-Nahhal (2003), achieving proper weed control needs some incorporation
usually via rainfall or irrigation and movement of the active ingredients through the soil
profile. However, movement of the active ingredients may be associated with three
problems: (1) dilution of herbicide in the zone of weed seed germination and accumulation
in the root zone of the crop which may cause crop injury, (2) reduction of herbicidal activity
due to distribution of the active ingredient below the root zone of the target weeds and (3)
possible contamination of ground water. Thus only a small fraction of the applied herbicide
contributes to the desired activity. These problems may result in repeated applications
and/or increasing the applied rate, increasing cost and potential for ecological damage.
In Europe, pesticides are considered hazardous substances in accordance with current
legislation regarding water (Directives 2000/60/EC, 2006/11/EC). Because of this, public
concern over the residues of pesticides in environment, food and related commodities has
increased over the last decades (Majumdar & Singh, 2007).
The presence of pesticides in groundwater has grown considerably in the last few years (Cox
et al., 1997, Renaud et al., 2004; Carabias Martínez et al., 2000; Gomides Freitas et al., 2008). The
relatively high water solubility and not readily degradable of these chemicals makes them
potentially mobile in soil and surface and ground waters vulnerable to contamination
(Carrizosa et al., 2001; El-Nahhal, 2003). For this reason it is of maximum interest that the
development of agricultural strategies be directed to the decrease in pesticide movement.
296 Herbicides and Environment
al., 2007, 2008). This aspect is of great interest, since it supposes an important advance in the
behavior of the herbicides in the soil after addition of different sources of organic matter.
Organic amendment can also affect the soil microbiota and soil enzymes production and
therefore, biodegradation of pesticides by enhancing microbial activity and thus
biodegradation, although the increase in sorption with the organic amendment can also
protect the pesticides from biodegradation (Cox et al., 1997). Thus, organic wastes affecting
both soil properties and microbial populations, generating a more complex herbicide
behaviour in the soil system (Romero et al., 2010).
The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the sorption and mobility of the diflufenican
herbicide in a soil amended with two organic wastes, and (2) to study the influence of these
organic wastes on the diflufenican herbicide polluted soil, by analyzing their effects on soil
enzymatic activities.
filtrate containing the dissolved fulvic acid-like fraction was passed through a column of
XAD-8 resin. The adsorbed fulvic was then recovered by elution with 0.1 M NaOH, desalted
using Amberlyst 15-cation-exchange resin, and finally freeze-dried. The carbon content of
humic and fulvic acids-like were determined by the method described. Total N was
determined by the Kjeldhal method (MAPA, 1986). After nitric and perchloric acid
digestion, total Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni and Cr concentrations were determined
by atomic absorption spectrometer and K was determined by atomic emission spectrometer,
according to MAPA methods (1986).
pH (H2O) 6.2 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.2
Organic matter (g kg-1) 469 ± 15 764 ± 29
Humic acid-C (mg kg-1) 1030 ± 17 461 ± 13
Fulvic acid-C (mg kg-1) 711 ± 10 631 ± 24
Total N (g kg-1) 17.3 ± 1.3 29.2 ± 2.1
Fe (mg kg-1) 815 ± 38 407 ± 28
Cu (mg kg-1) 82.6 ± 9.8 24.2 ± 1.8
Mn (mg kg-1) 75.6 ± 8.1 14.1 ± 1.2
Zn (mg kg-1) 134 ± 13 10.3 ± 1.6
Cd (mg kg-1) 1.1 ± 0.3 0.28 ± 0.09
Pb (mg kg-1) 82.4 ± 3.6 5.3 ± 0.8
Ni (mg kg-1) 13.6 ± 1.5 2.4 ± 0.6
Cr (mg kg-1) 19.4 ± 1.7 0.29 ± 0.04
Table 2. Organic wastes chemical characteristics (mean ± standard error). Data are the
means of four samples
Table 3 shows the acidic functional group contents of humic acids isolated from both
organic wastes. The carboxyl group content was estimated by direct potentiometric titration
at pH 8, the phenolic hydroxyl group content was estimated as two times the change in
charge between pH 8 and pH 10, and the total acidity was calculated by addition (Ritchie &
Perdue, 2003).
The herbicide used in this experiment was the diflufenican (Brodal®, Bayer CropScience).
Diflufenican (2',4' - dichloro-2 - (α,α,α -trifluoro-m-toly-loxy) nicotinanilide, C16H11F5N2O2)
is a pre- and early post-emergence herbicide used for the selective control of broad leaf and
grass weeds in winter cereals, with lower solubility in water than glyphosate and variable
half-life in the environment (15 to 30 weeks) (Ashton et al., 1994). Brodal® physical and
chemical properties are shown in Table 4.
Table 3. Acidic functional group contents (mean ± standard error) of humic acids isolated
from MSW and CM. Data are the means of four samples
Application of Diflufenican Herbicide on Soils Amended with Different Organic Wastes 299
3. Results
3.1 Field experiments
During the experimental period and for both soils, the diflufenican soil contents applied as
Brodal® presented higher values in clay loam texture soil than for sandy loam texture soil
Application of Diflufenican Herbicide on Soils Amended with Different Organic Wastes 301
(Figure 1). The slow diflufenican degradation makes think that the degradation of the
diflufenican is not carried out in short time, indicating that this degradation happens
superior at one time to the 250 days. For both soils, the diflufenican contents were
decreasing progressively in soils amended with organic matter. However, this decrease
depended on soil type and organic matter type applied. At the end of the experimental
period and compared with the unamended soil, the diflufenican content significantly
decreased 25.5% and 41.2% in the amended with CM and MSW, respectively, whereas for
the sandy loam texture soil the diflufenican content significantly decreased 32.5% and 50.2%
in the amended with CM and MSW, respectively.
Table 5 shows the evolution of soil dehydrogenase activity during the experimental period.
The results indicated that at the end of the experiment and compared with the control soil,
the dehydrogenase activity significantly decreased in the non-organic amended polluted
soils (59.4% for the clay loam texture soil and 53.8% for the sandy loam texture soil),
reflecting the adverse effects of the herbicide on this intracellular activity. Also and
compared to the control soil, in non-polluted soil the application of organic matter increased
significantly the dehydrogenase activity. However, this increase depended of the soil type
and organic matter applied to the soil. For the Xerollic Calciorthid soil and at the end of the
incubation period, the dehydrogenase activity increased 92.9% and 80% in soil amended
with MSW and CM, respectively, whereas for the Typic Xerofluvent soil, the dehydrogenase
activity increased 93.5% and 82.4% in soil amended with MSW and CM, respectively. The
application of herbicide in organic-amended soils decreased dehydrogenase activity.
However, this decrease was lower than for the non-amended herbicide polluted soil. At the
end of the experiment and for the clay loam texture soil, the dehydrogenase activity
significantly decreased 23.9% for the C+MSW+H treatment (compared to the C+MSW
treatment), followed by 24.7% for the C+CM+H treatment (compared to the C+CM
treatment), whereas for the sandy loam texture soil, the dehydrogenase significantly
decreased 18.3% for the C+MSW+H treatment (compared to the C+MSW treatment),
followed by 20.4% for the C+CM+H treatment (compared to the C+CM treatment).
Similar to the dehydrogenase activity, at the end of the experimental period the urease
activity decreased in the non-organic polluted soils compared to the non-organic unpolluted
soils (32.5% for the Xerollic Calciorthid soil and 28.6% for the Typic Xerofluvent soil) (Table
6). At the end of the incubation period, the application of organic matter to unpolluted soils
significantly increased the soil urease activity. Again, this increase was higher for MSW-
amended soils than for CM-amended soils. Also, the application of herbicide in organic-
amended soils decreased urease activity. For the Xerollic Calciorthid soil, the urease activity
decreased 15.4% for the C+MSW+H treatment (compared to the C+MSW treatment),
followed by 21.9% for the C+CM+H treatment (compared to the C+CM treatment), whereas
for the Typic Xerofluvent soil, the urease activity decreased 15% for the C+MSW+H
treatment (compared to the C+MSW treatment), followed by 19% for the C+CM+H
treatment (compared to the C+CM treatment).
The evolution of β-glucosidase and phosphatase activities was very similar to the enzymes
described (Tables 7 and 8). The application of diflufenican in organic-amended soils
decreased both enzymatic activities. Again, this decrease was higher in the sandy loam
texture soil than the clay loam texture soil. Also, the application of organic matter to soils
contaminated with the herbicide increased both enzyme activities compared with the non-
organic amended polluted soils.
302 Herbicides and Environment
Fig. 1. Evolution of diflufenican (mean ± standard errors) in Xerollic Calciorthid (A) and
Typic Xerofluvent (B) during the experimental for all experimental treatments
Column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different (p<0.05)
Xerollic Calciorthid
3 15 45 90 120 150 180 210 250
C 2.5b† ± 0.4 2.4b ± 0.6 2.3b ± 0.3 2.1b ± 0.3 2.1b ± 0.4 2.0b ± 0.5 1.9b ± 0.4 1.8b ± 0.3 1.7b ± 0.5
C+H 2.2b ± 0.7 1.9b ± 0.3 1.7b ± 0.4 1.4a ± 0.5 1.1a ± 0.4 0.92a ± 0.15 0.88a ± 0.13 0.72a ± 0.17 0.69a ± 0.11
C+CM 2.8b ± 1.0 3.2bc ± 0.9 4.0bc ± 1.2 4.7c ± 1.1 5.4c ± 1.4 6.1c ± 1.7 7.0c ± 1.8 7.8c ± 1.9 8.5d ± 1.1
C+MSW 2.9b ± 0.8 3.3bc ± 1.1 4.3bc ± 1.0 5.0c ± 1.2 5.9c ± 1.1 6.5c ± 1.6 7.6c ± 1.6 8.5d ± 1.5 9.6d ± 1.5
C+CM+H 2.2b ± 0.5 2.6b ± 0.8 3.3bc ± 1.1 3.7bc ± 1.3 4.1bc ± 1.6 4.6c ± 1.0 5.3c ± 1.2 5.9c ± 1.1 6.4c ± 0.9
C+MSW+H 2.3b ± 0.6 2.8b ± 1.0 3.7bc ± 1.0 4.2bc ± 0.9 4.9c ± 1.5 5.5c ± 1.3 6.1c ± 1.0 6.9c ± 1.3 7.3c ± 1.2
Xerollic Calciorthid
3 15 45 90 120 150 180 210 250
C 1.6† ± 0.3 1.5b ± 0.2 1.2ab ± 0.3 1.2ab ± 0.2 1.1ab ± 0.3 1.0ab ± 0.2 0.91a ± 0.11 0.84a ± 0.13 0.77a ± 0.11
C+H 1.5b ± 0.6 1.3b ± 0.5 1.1ab ± 0.2 0.95ab ± 0.19 0.88a ± 0.12 0.79a ± 0.18 0.68a ± 0.16 0.60a ± 0.16 0.52a ± 0.12
C+CM 1.7b ± 0.4 1.8b ± 0.4 2.3b ± 0.6 2.5bc ± 0.9 2.6bc ± 1.0 2.8b ± 0.6 2.9bc ± 0.9 3.0bc ± 0.7 3.2c ± 0.9
C+MSW 1.7b ± 0.2 1.8b ± 0.7 2.5bc ± 0.5 2.7bc ± 0.8 3.0bc ± 0.7 3.2c ± 0.7 3.4c ± 1.0 3.7c ± 0.9 3.9c ± 1.0
C+CM+H 1.7b ± 0.5 1.7b ± 0.5 2.0b ± 0.4 2.1b ± 0.3 2.1b ± 0.6 2.2bc ± 0.7 2.3b ± 0.5 2.4bc ± 0.6 2.5b ± 0.4
C+MSW+H 1.7b ± 0.4 1.6b ± 0.3 2.2b ± 0.6 2.4bc ± 0.5 2.5bc ± 0.5 2.7bc ± 0.4 2.9bc ± 0.8 3.2c ± 0.7 3.3c ± 0.6
Typic Xerofluvent
C 1.3b† ± 0.2 1.2b ± 0.3 0.98ab ± 0.12 0.88ab ± 0.15 0.76ab ± 0.11 0.68a ± 0.10 0.59a ± 0.12 0.50a ± 0.13 0.42a ± 0.11
C+H 1.2b ± 0.3 1.0b ± 0.1 0.90ab ± 0.15 0.82ab ± 0.16 0.74ab ± 0.17 0.62a ± 0.10 0.50a ± 0.11 0.44a ± 0.13 0.30a ± 0.09
C+CM 1.4b ± 0.3 1.5b ± 0.2 1.6b ± 0.4 1.7b ± 0.4 1.8b ± 0.5 1.9b ± 0.5 2.0b ± 0.8 2.0b ± 0.9 2.1bc ± 0.6
C+MSW 1.4b ± 0.2 1.6b ± 0.4 1.8b ± 0.4 2.2bc ± 0.8 2.5bc ± 0.4 2.9bc ± 0.7 3.2c ± 1.1 3.6c ± 1.2 4.0c ± 1.1
C+CM+H 1.3b ± 0.2 1.3b ± 0.2 1.4b ± 0.3 1.4b ± 0.3 1.3b ± 0.2 1.5b ± 0.2 1.6b ± 0.2 1.6b ± 0.3 1.7b ± 0.5
C+MSW+H 1.4b ± 0.3 1.6b ± 0.3 1.9b ± 0.5 2.2bc ± 0.9 2.5bc ± 0.6 2.7bc ± 0.8 2.9bc ± 0.9 3.2c ± 1.0 3.4c ± 0.9
Typic Xerofluvent
C 3.8bc† ± 1.1 3.7bc ± 1.3 3.4b ± 0.9 3.3b ± 1.0 3.2b ± 1.1 3.0b ± 0.6 2.9b ± 1.3 2.8b ± 1.1 2.6b ± 1.0
C+H 3.6bc ± 1.3 3.5b ± 1.1 3.1b ± 0.8 2.7b ± 0.8 2.4b ± 0.7 2.1a ± 0.4 1.7a ± 0.5 1.4a ± 0.5 1.2a ± 0.19
C+CM 4.0bc ± 1.6 4.5c ± 1.5 6.7c ± 1.5 8.0c ± 1.4 9.2c ± 1.5 10.3cd ± 1.9 11.5d ± 1.7 12.7d ± 1.6 14.8d ± 1.8
C+MSW 4.1bc ± 1.2 4.8c ± 1.6 7.2c ± 1.3 8.9c ± 2.0 10.1cd ± 1.9 11.5d ± 1.6 13.0d ± 1.6 14.8d ± 1.3 16.9d ± 1.5
C+CM+H 3.9bc ± 1.0 4.2c ± 1.2 5.4c ± 1.1 6.2c ± 1.6 7.5c ± 1.6 8.6c ± 1.1 9.7cd ± 1.8 11.0d ± 1.2 12.2d ± 1.2
C+MSW+H 3.9bc ± 1.3 4.5c ± 1.3 5.9c ± 1.9 7.0c ± 1.5 8.2c ± 1.8 9.9cd ± 1.3 11.0d ± 2.0 13.1d ± 1.1 14.3d ± 1.3
Application of Diflufenican Herbicide on Soils Amended with Different Organic Wastes
Xerollic Calciorthid
3 15 45 90 120 150 180 210 250
C 21.8b† ± 2.3 21.7b ± 2.0 21.2b ± 2.3 20.8b ± 2.2 20.5b ± 2.6 20.1b ± 2.4 19.7b ± 2.0 19.4b ± 1.7 19.0b ± 1.2
Typic Xerofluvent
C 18.7b† ± 1.2 18.5b ± 1.3 18.2b ± 1.4 17.9b ± 1.1 17.5b ± 1.9 16.6b ± 1.4 16.1b ± 1.5 15.7b ± 1.7 15.2b ± 1.4
C+H 18.2b ± 1.6 17.1b ± 1.5 15.1b ± 1.1 14.0a ± 1.4 13.2a ± 1.0 12.0a ± 1.8 11.1a ± 1.3 10.2a ± 1.6 9.4a ± 1.1
C+CM 19.2b ± 1.3 19.9b ± 1.1 22.5bc ± 1.4 23.7c ± 2.0 24.9c ± 2.1 26.6c ± 1.4 27.8c ± 2.7 28.9c ± 1.9 30.0c ± 2.6
C+MSW 19.4b ± 1.5 20.3b ± 1.8 23.6c ± 2.3 24.9c ± 1.8 26.5c ± 2.0 28.9c ± 1.7 30.6c ± 2.1 33.1c ± 2.7 35.0d ± 2.4
C+CM+H 19.1b ± 1.7 19.5b ± 1.6 21.1b ± 2.2 22.0bc ± 1.2 22.7bc ± 2.0 23.6c ± 2.2 24.6c ± 1.5 25.4c ± 2.6 26.1c ± 1.9
C+MSW+H 19.1b ± 1.8 19.8b ± 1.8 21.8b ± 1.8 22.9bc ± 1.6 24.2c ± 1.2 25.0c ± 1.9 26.6c ± 2.3 28.6c ± 2.2 30.5c ± 2.0
160 (A)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Concentration in soil solution (µg ml )
Concentrattion in soil (µg kg)
160 (B)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Concentration in soil solution (µg ml )
Fig. 2. Diflufenican sorption isotherms for Xerollic Calciorthid soil (A) and Typic
Xerofluvent (B) soil. Symbols are experimental data points, whereas lines are the Freundlick-
fit sorption isotherms
Sorption isotherms were fit to the Freundlich equation and sorption coefficients Kf and 1/nf
were calculated (Table 9). For non-organic amended soils, the Kf values were highest for
Xerollic Calciorthid soil than for the Typic Xerofluvent soil. For both experimental soils, the
results indicated that Kf values significantly increased in organic amended soils than for
308 Herbicides and Environment
non-organic amended soils. However, diflufenican sorption was higher in soils amended
with MSW than with CM. Also, the 1/nf coefficients significantly decreased in organic
amended soils than for non-organic amended soil. For organic amended soils, the 1/nf
coefficient was higher in the soil amended with MSW than for CM.
Xerollic Calciorthid
Kf 1/nf R2
C 7.94a† ± 1.2 0.89b ± 0.08 0.982
C+M 28.45b ± 2.3 0.77a ± 0.11 0.974
C+MSW 34.72b ± 2.8 0.81a ± 0.07 0.981
Typic Xerofluvent
C 5.76a† ± 0.96 0.93b ± 0.05 0.978
C+M 24.69b ± 2.8 0.81a ± 0.09 0.984
C+MSW 30.15b ± 2.7 0.87a ± 0.06 0.993
Table 9. Freundlich sorption coefficients Kf and 1/nf (mean ± standard errors) for
diflufenican in unamended and organic amended soils.
†Different letters following the numbers indicate a significant difference at P<0.05
Figure 3 shows the cumulative diflufenican leachates applied to unamended and organic-
amended soil columns. At the end of the experiment, the diflufenican leachates were higher
in the Xerollic Calciorthid soil than in the Typic Xerofluvent soil. Diflufenican leachates
significantly decreased in organic-amended soils. However, this decrease depended of the
organic matter type applied to the soil. For the Xerollic Calciorthid soil, the maximum
concentratin of diflufenican in leachates was reduced from 7.4 µM for the unamended soil,
to 4.1 µM or 4.9 µM for the MSW or CM-amended soil, whereas for the the Typic
Xerofluvent soil the maximum concentratin of diflufenican in leachates was reduced from
8.9 µM for the unamended soil, to 5.8 µM or 6.2 µM for the MSW or CM-amended soil For
both soils, no significant differences between the herbicide in leachates for organic-amended
soils exits.
4. Discussion
Firstly, our results suggested that the herbicide time persistence depended of the soil texture
type. The highest contents of diflufenican occurred in the clay loam texture soil probably
due to adsorption of the herbicide with the clay, and therefore, the herbicide leachates were
lowest in the clay loam texture soil than in sandy loam texture soil. These results are in
agreement with those obtained by Singh et al., (2002), Renaud et al. (2004), Yen et al. (2003)
and Flores et al. (2009), who suggested that when in low soil organic matter content, texture
plays a fundamental role in the adsorption process of pesticides in soil. Also, these results
suggest that the diflufenican persistence time was higher in the clay loam texture soil than in
sandy loam texture soil. These results are in agreement with those obtained by Rouchaud et
al. (1998) and Flores et al. (2009), who suggested that in soils with low organic matter
content the herbicide adsorption, persistence and mobility depends mainly on soil texture.
Also, our results indicated that the diflufenican herbicide caused a toxic effect on soil
enzymatic activity. These results are in agreement with those obtained by Tejada (2009),
which observed the toxic effect of this herbicide in microcosm studies. Therefore, the study
of soil enzymatic activities are an essential tool for knowing the state of soil pollution
(Gianfreda et al., 2005; Tejada et al., 2007, 2008, Tejada, 2009). Since the diflufenican content
Application of Diflufenican Herbicide on Soils Amended with Different Organic Wastes 309
12 (A)
Diflufenican (µmol )l
8 d
6 d c
4 c
c c c
2 b b b bc c
a a a ab a a
20 60 140 200 300 400 600
12 (B)
10 d
Diflufenican (µmol )l
c c
6 c c
4 bc bc
b b b
2 b b b
a a a ab a a
20 60 140 200 300 400 600
The application of the herbicide in MSW and CM-amended soils caused a decrease in the soil
enzymatic activity inhibition. The diflufenican sorption isotherms and Freundlich sorption
coefficients obtained in this study, suggested that organic matter play a fundamental role in
the sorption of the herbicide in agricultural soils, probably as a result of the humic substances
containing several major functional groups, such as carboxyl, phenolic, alcohol and carbonyl
(Sluzny et al., 1999; Datta et al., 2001) According to Rouchaud et al. (1998) and Flores et al.
(2009), when soils have a high content of organic matter, herbicide adsorption, persistence and
mobility in soil depends mainly on the organic matter, whereas soil texture playing a more
secondary role. However, our results also suggested that the chemical composition of the
organic matter influenced in the diflufenican sorption.
Several studies of metal complexation with organic matter indicated that the sorption of
heavy metals increased when the humic acid-like content increased in the organic matter,
compared to the fulvic acid content, probably due to the humic acid-like possess a higher
number of carboxylic groups than fulvic acid (Tejada et al., 2007, 2008).
The diflufenican sorption isotherms and Freundlich sorption coefficients indicated higher
herbicide sorption in MSW than for CM-amended soils. Therefore, and similar to the heavy
metals complexation, the sorption of herbicide increased with the humic acid content in the
organic waste applied to the soil. The higher sorption probably caused a higher decrease of
herbicide in the soil solution, and therefore, lowest availability of diflufenican availability
for the soil microorganisms. This fact probably is the responsible of the increase in the soil
enzymatic activities.
Also, the adsorption of the herbicide in organic-amended soils produced a decrease of the
leachates herbicide. Since the diflufenican adsorption in soils amended with organic matter
rich in humic acids was higher, herbicide losses were lower in soils amended with MSW
than with CM.
5. Conclusions
It can be concluded that the diflufenican adsorption, persistence and mobility depends
mainly on soil texture. Since the herbicide adsorption was higher in in the clay loam texture
soil than in sandy loam texture soil, the leaching losses were highest in sandy loam texture
soil than in clay loam texture soil. Also, the diflufenican herbicide caused a negative effect
on soil enzymatic activities. The application of organic matter to the soil is a good
environmental practice because decrease the diflufenican concentration in leachates and
decreased the enzymatic activities inhibition. However, the beneficial effect depended of the
organic matter chemical composition. The herbicide decrease was higher in MSW than for
CM-amended soils. These results indicated that the addition of organic materials with a
higher humic acid concentration may be considered a good strategy for decreased the
diflufenican environmental pollution.
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1. Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to review the effect of biochar on the fate and efficacy of
herbicides. The increasing use and need of energy worldwide, together with the depletion of
fossil fuels make the search and use of renewable energy sources a priority. Biomass is
recognized as a potential renewable energy source, and pyrolysis is considered the most
promising thermo-chemical conversion of biomass into bioenergy products (Özçimen &
Karaosmanoğlu, 2004). Burning biomass in the absence of oxygen (pyrolysis) yields three
products: a liquid (bio-oil), solid, and a gas (Bridgwater, 2003), with the traditional use of
these products as renewable fuel and energy sources. Biochar currently lacks a universal
definition, as can been seen in the range of definitions in the literature. According to
Azargohar & Dalai (2006) biochar can be considered the solid product of pyrolysis and Sohi et al.,
(2010) define it as biomass-derived char intended specifically for application to soil. Warnock et al.
(2007) defined biochar as the term reserved for the plant biomass derived materials contained
within the black carbon (BC) continuum. We recommend that the term biochar be defined as
the solid residual remaining after the thermo-chemical transformation of biomass whose
main intended purpose is as a means of C sequestration. However, to retain the “biochar”
classification there are two restrictions: 1) biochar itself cannot be used as a fuel source
(although the utilization of the energy during production of the biochar is acceptable and
encouraged) and 2) excludes those forms of black C derived from non-renewable (fossil fuel)
resources [e.g. coal, petroleum, tires] (Lehmann et al., 2006).
The origin of charcoal in the environment can be natural or synthetic. In the first case,
wildfire and volcanic processes are responsible for its formation (Scott, 2010; Scott &
Damblon, 2010); meanwhile in the second case, thermal processes such as combustion and
pyrolysis convert biomass into a char (residual solid product). Pyrolysis is described by
Bridgwater (2003; 2006) as thermal decomposition in absence of oxygen, and is always the
first step in the processes of gasification and combustion. Production of charcoal is favored
by low temperatures and very long residence time conditions (Bridgwater, 1992). According
to Goldberg (1985) black carbon is produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels
and vegetation that comprises the range of products of char, charcoal, graphite, ash, and
316 Herbicides and Environment
Fig. 1. Spectrum of black C products based on the oxygen to carbon ratio in the residual
solid product. Adapted from Hedges et al. (2000), Bansal & Goyal (2005) and Spokas (2010).
For Bansal & Goyal (2005), activated carbon is a term that includes a wide range of
processed amorphous carbonaceous materials with increased microcrystalline structure.
Common parent materials for activated carbon are nutshells, peat, wood, coal (lignite or
bituminous), and petroleum coke (Hassler, 1974). Activated carbon’s superior adsorptive
properties are due to their high surface area, micropore structure, high porosity, high
sorption capacity, and high degree of surface reactivity (Pradhan & Sandle, 1999).
Preparation of activated charcoal involves two steps: 1) the carbonization of the raw
material (typically at temperatures below 800 ºC) in an inert atmosphere, followed by 2) the
activation by chemical or thermal methods of the carbonized product (Hassler, 1974; Yalcin
& Sevinc, 2000). Chemical treatments both provide an opportunity to unify the surface
behavior as well as to customize the overall surface area and porosity of the activated char
(Hassler, 1974; Szymanski et al., 2002; Marsh & Rodríguez-Reinoso, 2006).
In summary, biochar properties are attributed to its characteristics, which depend on the
pyrolysis conditions, temperature and time, as well as the feedstock used. There is renewed
interest in the soil application of biochar as a means of increasing C sequestration and
combating climate change. Biochar is a carbon-rich residue and the C is in a form that is more
resistant to degradation than the original parent biomass whose primary purpose is as a
vehicle for C sequestration, but the stability of the biochar spans the entire black C spectrum
(e.g. Spokas, 2010). The land areas that are targeted for biochar applications are primarily
agricultural land, due to the potential positive secondary impacts that biochar additions have
on overall soil fertility as well as plant growth and yield (e.g. Busscher et al., 2010; Chan et al.,
2007; Glaser et al., 2002; Novak et al., 2009; Sohi et al., 2010; Piccolo et al., 1996).
The application of organic materials to soils has been known for some time to increase
herbicide sorption and reduce efficacy (e.g. Birk & Roadhouse, 1964; Weber et al., 1969).
Impacts of Biochar (Black Carbon) Additions on the Sorption and Efficacy of Herbicides 317
Overall, there is the assumption that increased soil sorption could reduce leaching of
agrochemicals to groundwater, thus improving overall water quality. On the other hand,
increased sorption leads to decreased efficacy of soil applied herbicides thereby eliminating
the residual action of these chemicals for weed management. The reader is encouraged to
consult other chapters in this book, as well as Kookana et al. (1998), Gevao et al. (2000) and
Laird & Koskinen (2008) for a review of herbicide sorption and fate in the soil environment.
The impacts on the fate and dissipation of herbicides with biochar additions is still a
developing research area, with only a limited number of biochars and soils that have been
evaluated to date. To overcome this shortcoming, this chapter will review the existing
literature and compile the results of the individual studies to examine if any overall
conclusions can be gleamed from the data to date. In particular, production conditions (e.g.
temperature, pyrolysis type, residency time) as well as parent material (biomass type) will
be compiled to assess any dependency on these parameters as a function of herbicide
efficacy, dissipation, and sorption. This review will provide insights for the future directions
of herbicide-biochar research.
Cs = Kf Ce1/n (1)
318 Herbicides and Environment
q = QbCe/1+bCe (2)
where q is the amount of sorbed pesticide per unit mass of soil, Ce is the equilibrium
pesticide concentration in solution, Q is the Langmuir adsorption capacity, and b is the
Langmuir affinity coefficient.
Among the carbonaceous materials more used as soil amendments are chars, especially
wheat char, charcoal, ash, and activated carbon. Pesticide sorption increases in all cases
when soils are amended with the carbonaceous materials (Table 1). Wang & Xing (2007)
hypothesized that the sorption of organic compounds to un-charred biomass is dominated
by absorption mechanisms, whereas adsorption becomes the dominant process with charred
materials, largely due to the newly created atomic surfaces and micropores. In the case of
wheat char and atrazine, one of the herbicides most used worldwide, the Kf value sorption
on the amendment was 2012 (Loganathan et al., 2009), and the Kf increased by a factor of 5
in a sandy loam soil and of 4.3 in a clay loam soil, when both soils were amended with 1%
(w/w) of wheat char. Sorption of pentachlorophenol, an organochlorine compound used as
herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, algaecide, and disinfectant, was studied on three soils with
different amendments (char, humic acids and peat), by Li et al. (2009). The highest sorption
of pentachlorophenol in all the soils was observed when the soils were amended with char,
followed by humic acids, and peat. Sorption was a function of organic carbon content (Li et
al., 2009). The authors reported a 2.5-20 fold increase in the Kf values following the char
addition. Zhang et al. (2006) studied the sorption of the pesticide benzonitrile in soil, wheat
char and soil amended with the char at a rate of 1% (w/w) with the results of 40.5, >99, and
96.5% respectively, sorbed of the total of the pesticide initially applied. The wheat char was
the dominant sorbent phase in the soil amended system, attributing approximately 90% of
benzonitrile sorption to the wheat char and 10% to the soil. The sorption of benzonitrile on
ash, 1% (w/w) amended soil and unamended soil was studied by Zhang et al. (2004), and a
10 fold increase was observed in the pesticide sorption on the silt loam soil amended with
the wheat char. Sorption of the herbicide diuron on soil, char, ash, and amended soil has
also been studied (Toth & Milham, 1975; Sheng et al., 2005; Yang et al., 2004; 2006; and Yang
& Sheng, 2003a; 2003b). In the study by Toth & Milham (1975), ash was found to adsorb
appreciable quantities of diuron from solution. Yang & Sheng (2003a) observed an increase
in the sorption of diuron which ranged between 400-2500 times, when wheat and rice ash
were used as sorbents and compared to the sorption on a silt loam soil. Increasing amounts
of char added to soil, from 0.01 to 1% (w/w), resulted in an increase in sorption, directly
proportion to the ash content.
Aged ash was compared as sorbent to fresh or non aged amendment by Yang & Sheng
(2003b), and diuron sorption was found to decrease in the aged ash due to the competitive
sorption of the dissolved organic matter present in the aged amendment. The competitive
Author Pesticide Amendment Soil Effec t
Silty clay
Loganathan et al., Wheat char (1% w/w) SL, 9% clay , 1.3% OC ↑ Sorption ↓ Desorption
2009 12.9% C, SA 10.1 m2 g-1 CL, 32% clay, 2.1% OC ↓ Mineralization slurries
Zhang et al., 2006 Benzonitrile Wheat char (1% w/w) SiL, 23% clay, 1.2% OC ↑ Sorption ↓ Degradation
Willow woods shavings SiL, 27% clay, 2.6% OC
activated carbons)
Li et al., 2009 Pentachlorophenol char 400ºC, 2h (2% w/w) CL, 32% clay, 0. 9% OC ↑ Sorption
SA 292 m2 g-1 SiL, 11% clay, 0.8% OC
Diuron Bromoxynil Wheat char (1% w/w)
Sheng et al., 2005 SiL, 23% clay, 1.2% OC ↑ Sorption
Ametryne SA 10.1 m2 g-1
Yang et al., 2006 Diuron Wheat char SA 10.1 m2 g-1 SiL, 23% clay, 1.2% OC ↑ Sorption ↓ Degradation
Qiu et al., 2009a Wheat char (0.1-1% w/w) SL ↑ Biodegradation
Zhang et al., 2005 Benzonitrile Wheat char SiL, 23% clay, 1.2% OC ↑ Biodegradation
Fenuron Metoxuron Diuron
Isoproturon Linuron Black carbon Determination BC-water
Sobek et al., 2009
Chlorotoluron Metobromuron (Fork-lift diesel soot) distribution coefficients
Chlorbromuron Monolinuron
2,4-D 2,4-D ↑ Sorption low pH
Black carbon (Rice straw)
Qiu et al., 2009b Prometon Prometon ↑ Sorption high pH
SA 1085 m2 g-1
Propanil Propanil no pH effect
↑ Sorption Diur >AC no pH
Diuron Commercial AC SA 776 m2 g-
Yang et al., 2004 Bromoxynil
↑ Sorption Brom >AC <pH
Ametryne Wheat carbon SA 310 m2 g-1
↑ Sorption Ametryne >AC > pH
Burned rice straw ↑ Sorption > ↑ Concentration
Xu et al., 2008 Clomazone SiL
(0.01-1% w/w) ↓ Availability to barnyardgrass
Yamane and Green,
Ametryne Charcoal SiC (subsoil) ↑ Sorption > high pH
Mukherjee, 2009 Atrazine Charcoal (2.5% w/w) SL, 17% clay, 0.4% OC Slightly ↑ dissipation
Prometon, Prometryn 2,4-D, Coal ↑ pesticide retention
Crepeau et al., 1991 SL, 10% clay, 0.4% OC
Impacts of Biochar (Black Carbon) Additions on the Sorption and Efficacy of Herbicides
Table 1. Summary of studies involving non-biochar materials (charcoals, coal, ash and
Wood charcoal
2010 Monocrotophos Effect of pH, Cl. fertilizer, DOM
Notes: AC: Activated Carbon; SA: Surface Area; SL: Sandy loam; CL: Clay loam,; SiL: Silt loam; SiC:
Table 1. (Continued) (AC: Activated Carbon; CA: Carbonaceous adsorbent; SA: Surface
Herbicides and Environment
Author Pesticide Amendment Soil Effec t
DDT DDD AC TOG SA 935 m2 g-1 Water SorptionDesorption
Hale et al., 2009
DDE DDMU ACRS SA 900 m2 g-1 Sediment Sequestration DOM ↓Sorption
AC TOG SA 935, F400 SA 1100 Effective to sequester
Tomaszewski et al., 2007 DDT Sediment
AC830 SA 900, ACRS SA 900 DDT from sediment
Aldicarb Lindane Effect of pesticides and fulvic
Lafrance et al., 1991 AC
Pentachlorophenol and humic acids on sorption
Aldrin Dieldrin Heptacchlor Efficient removal
Bandala et al., 2006 Activated vegetal carbon
Heptachlor Epoxide pesticides from water
Simazine Simetryn AC Coal based
Matsui et al., 2003 Sorption kinetics
Asulam AC Wood based
Ametryn Aldicarb
Ayranci and Hoda, 2005 AC-cloth SA 2500 m2 g-1 Effective to pesticide removal
Dinoseb Diuron
sorption with atrazine was also studied, and a slight decrease in diuron sorption in presence
of atrazine in the soil and in the amendment was also observed. The effect of the pH on
pesticide sorption on the organic amendments was also studied by Li et al. (2009) with the
result of an increase of sorption with the decrease in pH, which changes the
pentachlorophenol species, and increases the static repulsion between the sorbent surface
and the anionic form of the pesticide. However, it has been suggested that the presence of
oxygenated groups on char could mask the impact of pH on the sorption of herbicides
(Tessmer et al., 1997). Yang et al. (2004) did not observe any effect of pH on diuron sorption
on activated carbon, due probably to the low density of functional groups on the surface of
the activated carbon. Sheng et al. (2005) examined wheat char and 1% (w/w) char amended
soil and hypothesized that the London forces between herbicide molecules and the
electrically neutral char surface did not change with the pH. However, Yang et al. (2004)
observed a decrease in diuron sorption with the pH increase on wheat char, because of the
alteration of the surface charge properties by the deprotonation of the functional groups
over the pH range. Contrary to the above charcoal studies, Sheng et al. (2005) also reported
the same pH effect when diuron was sorbed only to soil, attributing the fact to the increase
of the dissociation of the acidic groups with the increase in pH, increasing the hydrophilic of
the organic matter, and reducing diuron sorption. Furthermore, Sheng et al. (2005) and Yang
et al. (2004) also examined the pH effect on the sorption of the herbicides ametryne and
bromoxynil. Both observed that sorption of bromoxynil on soil, wheat char, activated carbon
and char-amended soil was higher at low rather than at high pH. The pKa of this compound
is 4.06, so at pH< 4.06 the herbicide is in the molecular form and at pH>4.06 in anionic form.
The deprotonation of the phenolic hydroxyl group and the interactions and repulsion
between the anion and the charge of the soil or amendment surfaces are the responsible for
the sorption decrease with increasing pH of bromoxyinil. Ametryne is a basic herbicide,
with pKa of 4.1, at pH< 4.1 the compound is mostly in cationic form and at pH > 4.1 in
molecular form. Sheng et al. (2005) studied the effect of 2 pH values, 3 and ~6.5, and found
higher sorption of ametryne at lower pH on soil, wheat char and wheat char amended soil,
in this case, the higher sorption occurs when the pesticide is in ionic form, due probably to
electrostatic interactions of ametryne cations and the charges of the soil or char surface.
Yang et al. (2004) included a value more of pH= 4 in the study and observed a different
effect of pH on ametryne sorption. Ametryne sorption on activated carbon increased with
the increase in pH, as result of the deprotonation of the herbicide molecule at low pH.
However, when the sorbent was wheat char the highest sorption was observed at the
intermediate pH, followed by the lower pH and the higher pH. The authors considered that
the increase in sorption when the pH increased from 2 to 4 is due to the net result of the
adsorption increase because of the ametryne deprotonation and the desorption decrease
because of deprotonation of the functional groups of the sorbent surface. Yamane & Green
(1972) also reported an increase on ametryne sorption on a silty clay soil when charcoal was
added. Higher sorption of the herbicide at lower pH on the non amended soil was observed,
but with the addition of charcoal to the soil the effect of pH on sorption of ametryne was the
opposite, increasing the herbicide affinity for charcoal with protonation. For clomazone, a
rice crops herbicide, Xu et al. (2008) reported an increase in sorption with the addition of
burned rice straw to the soil, with an increase of 1.5 and 3 times in the Kf values when a silt
loam soil was amended with the 0.1 and 0.5% (w/w) respectively. The acidic herbicide
MCPA and the effect of wheat ash as soil amendment on its sorption were studied by Hiller
et al. (2007; 2008; 2009). The authors observed that the isotherms of MCPA on wheat ash
Impacts of Biochar (Black Carbon) Additions on the Sorption and Efficacy of Herbicides 323
fitted to a Langmuir equation, but sorption on soil and ash amended soil did not fit to any
model and calculated the Kd values, with a 15 and 10 fold increase when the sandy loam and
the sandy soil were amended with 1% (w/w) of wheat ash. Activated carbon was used as
amendment of a sandy soil for sorption of the herbicide alachlor (Guo et al., 1993). The soil
was amended with the waste activated carbon at a rate of 0.5-2 t C ha-1, increasing the value
of Kf by a factor of 5-14 as compared with the non amended soil. Digested sewage sludge
and animal manure were also studied as amendments, but waste activated carbon was more
efficient in alachlor sorption. Konstantinou & Albanis (2000) examined the impact of coal
fly-ash additions on the impact of 6 herbicides (atrazine, propazine, prometryne, propanil,
molinate, propachlor). Their particular coal fly-ash had a carbon content of 2%, which is
significantly lower than the typical charcoal. They showed that the adsorbed amounts of
herbicides increased with the amount of fly ash addition, up to the amount sorbed by the
“pure” fly ash. The adsorption coefficient (Kf) was exponentially related to the fly ash
the presence of char. In the last work the authors studied the effect of initial benzonitrile
concentration on the degradation. In the non-amended soil higher degradation was
observed at lower benzonitrile concentration, however, in char amended soil, the higher
initial concentration, the higher degradation. At the highest concentration a higher
degradation was observed in the amended soil as compared to the non amended one, which
could be attributed to the increase and stimulation of the microbial activity by the nutrients
of the char. No significant pH effect was observed for benzonitrile degradation in char and
char-amended soil, probably due to the high affinity sorption of benzonitrile by char that
did not vary with pH.
The amount of diuron sorbed did increase with the biochar amount added to the soil.
Biochar additions, even small additions, increased diuron sorption as compared with the
non-amended soil. This clearly illustrates that presence of carbonaceous material, even in
small amounts, can dominate sorption of organic compounds in soils. Similar results were
obtained for the sorption of pyrimethanil on the same soil and using the same amendments
rates and biochars (Yu et al., 2010). Higher sorption was observed in the soil amended with
BC850, as compared to the amended BC450 soil, which is in accordance with the surface
area of biochar, 566 and 27 m2 g-1, respectively. The authors suggested that sorption of the
pesticide on the biochar amended soil was a combination of surface adsorption and
absorption into biochar micropores. The increase of sorption and non linearity of the
isotherms with the increase of biochar amendment was also observed by Sopeña et al. (2010)
in the study of isoproturon sorption in a sandy loam soil. Biochar feedstock was red gum
wood, but no further information about the biochar production and characteristics was
reported thus limiting the comparison to other biochar results.
atrazine in the non-amended and biochar amended silt loam soil. After that time dissipation
was greater in the unamended soil. An increase in the degradation of atrazine was found by
Jablonowski et al. (2010), in a clay soil adapted to atrazine, and amended with biochar from
hardwood at 450-500 ºC. The increase in mineralization and degradation of the herbicide is
attributed to the stimulation of the soil microflora by the nutrients provided by biochar.
Spokas et al. (2009) did not observe any lag phase for acetochlor dissipation, and the
amendment of soil with biochar decreased the herbicide dissipation. The time of
disappearance of the 50% of the initial amount of herbicide applied (DT50) was calculated
and increased from 9.7 days in the non amended soil to 34.5 d in the biochar amended soil.
An increase in persistence of isoproturon in a sandy soil with biochar amendment was also
reported by Sopeña et al. (2010) and DT50 increased from 2.2 d in the unamended soil to 5.6 d
in the 2% (w/w) biochar amended soil. The amendment of a clay loam soil with biochar
produced at 450 and 850 ºC from cotton straws also caused a decrease in chlorpyrifos and
fipronil dissipation (Yang et al., 2010). The dissipation decrease was higher with the higher
content of biochar, and BC850 was more effective in reducing the loss of both insecticides.
Under non sterilized conditions chlorpyrifos DT50 increased from 21 to 44 and 56 d with the
1% (w/w) BC450 and BC850 amendments, respectively. Furthermore, fipronil DT50
increased from 27 d in the non amended soil to 48 and 60 d with the 1% BC450 and 850,
respectively. Under sterilized conditions DT50 were 2 and 3 times higher for chlorpyrifos and
fipronil, which implies that degradation of the pesticides is mainly biotic. It was suggested
that the decrease in pesticide dissipation in the soils was due to the lower bioavailability of
chlorpyrifos and fipronil to the soil microorganisms, because of an increase in sorption and
lower desorption promoted by the biochar. Yu et al. (2009) also reported a decrease in
carbofuran and chlorpyrifos dissipation in a sandy loam soil when the soil was amended
with biochar produced from red gum wood chips at 450 and 850 ºC. These authors also
found a decrease in pesticide dissipation with the increasing content of biochar, being BC850
more effective in the reduction of the insecticides dissipation. Carbofuran DT50 increased
from 12 d in the non amended soil to 33 d in the 1% (w/w) BC850 amended soil and for
chlorpyrifos the increase in DT50 was from 12 to 43 d with the addition of 1% BC850 to the
soil. The effect of the presence of plants on the insecticides dissipation was also studied,
with the result of faster loss of pesticide residues with the presence of plants in all soils, and
especially in the soil amended with BC850. This could be due to the combination of effects of
uptake by the plants and increase in degradation of the pesticides, because of the
stimulation of microbial and biochemical activity.
spiked with chlorpyrifos as compared with fipronil. It was shown in the two studies that
BC850 was more effective in reducing the uptake of the insecticides by the plants. The total
amount of plant uptake of the pesticides in the whole plant or in parts of the plant decreased
with the increasing content (0.1, 0.5, 1% w/w) of biochar in the soil, being the 1% BC850
treatment the most effective in the reduction of the total pesticide plant uptake (75% for
carbofuran and 90% for chlorpyrifos in case of spring onion, and 52% for fipronil and 81%
for chlorpyrifos in Chinese chives) as compared with the control or non amended soil.
reaction time less decisive. In the studies, which deal with the effect of biochar on pesticide
sorption, dissipation and bioavailability in soils, the authors report better properties to the
biochar produced at higher temperature, as consequence of the higher surface area and
microporosity. Yu et al (2006) observed higher hysteresis and sorption irreversibility of
diuron with the biochar produced at 850 ºC as compared to the one produced at 450 ºC. The
microporosity was greater in BC850 than in BC450, and diuron molecules sorbed could be
retained in the micropores or have caused a slow and prolongued sorption phase, which
may have led to the apparent hysteresis due to non equilibrium process. Yang et al. (2010)
considered that temperature is more important than feedstock material on the biochar
effectiveness in treatment of contaminated soils. Wang et al. (2010) observed a higher
sorption of the herbicide terbuthylazine in the soil amended with biochar produced at 700
ºC than at 350 ºC, although the feedstock was the same. In Fig. 2 we have plotted the data of
Freundlich Kf parameter for some pesticides sorbed to the biochar and temperature
pyrolysis. Granted there are a limited number of studies with sufficient data to compare, but
the hypothesis is that higher temperature biochars appear to possess a higher capacity for
sorption than the lower temperature biochars. However, since there are limited studies that
present sufficient characterization data on the biochar, this conclusion requires further
Kf (mg Kg-1)/(mg L-1)1/n
fundamental parameter and potentially the chemistry of the surface groups would be a
better predictor variable as has been shown for activated charcoals (e.g. Bello et al., 2002).
5. Conclusions
Overall, the comparison of the impact of biochar on herbicide sorption is narrow due to the
limited number of studies utilizing biochar. Furhermore, the lack of information within
these studies to properly characterize the biochar material used further limits the ability to
compare results. However, based on the analogous observations with non-biochar materials
(Table 1), the overall conclusions are that biochar additions (Table 2) will:
• increase sorption,
• decrease dissipation rates,
• decrease leaching and movement of the herbicide in the soil, and
• reduce the bioavailability of the herbicide, which could lead to reduced efficacy.
Kf (mg kg-1)/(mg L-1)1/n
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Part 4
1. Introduction
Public awareness of worldwide increase herbicides use and their adverse effects on
ecosystems has been growing over the past decades. Herbicides may reach water bodies via
agricultural runoff and leaching processes, as well as by direct applications to control
noxious aquatic weeds. Once in the aquatic ecosystems, herbicides may reduce
environmental quality and influence essential ecosystem functioning by reducing species
diversity and community structures, modifying food chains, changing patterns of energy
flow and nutrient cycling and changing the stability and resilience of ecosystems. The aim of
this chapter is to provide a general notion of the current knowledge concerning the direct
and indirect effects of glyphosate and commercial formulations of glyphosate on aquatic
ecosystems. Glyphosate based products are the leading post-emergent, systemic and non-
selective herbicides for the control of annual and perennial weeds in the world. Here, we
present a revision of their toxicity to non-target species of algae, aquatic plants, protozoa,
crustaceans, molluscs, fish and amphibians. In addition, we describe the importance of each
group of organisms in the functioning and health of aquatic ecosystems. With this
information, a conceptual framework can be developed contributing to enhance our
attention and concern about human impacts on ecosystems.
agroecological systems in biologically based cropping systems (Yamada et al., 2009). One of
the most significant inputs necessary for successful intensive crop production are herbicides
for management of the variety of weed infestations especially encountered in row cropping
systems. This technology was rapidly adopted because most weeds could be controlled
when matched with selective herbicides, which were compatible with the crop, and was
considered more cost-effective than cultural methods of weed management. In this scenario
the herbicide glyphosate appeared on stage.
Glyphosate under the trade name Roundup® was introduced in the marked by Monsanto
Company during the 1970s. It was initially registered as a broad-spectrum, non selective,
systemic herbicide for certain non-crop and plantation crop uses (fallowed fields, orchards,
vineyards and timber plantations) and for the control of annual and perennial weeds before
the emergence of agronomic crops (Folmar et al., 1979; Woodburn, 2000). The development
of minimum and no-tillage cultivation systems (zero-till) for row-cropping systems greatly
expanded the use of herbicides, such as glyphosate, as it became standard practice to apply
herbicides to growing weeds in fields prior to planting. This “burndown” application
eliminated the need for traditional tillage (such as plow tillage) and allowed farmers to plant
crop seeds directly into soil beneath a mulch of dead plant residues. The no-till practice was
rapidly adopted around the world and really booming in some countries of South America
like Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay (Altieri & Pengue, 2006). The reasons for the
rapid growth of this practice are manifold, but the most important aspects are mainly
economical (less work for field preparation, few expenses on fuel and machinery and higher
profits). Important ecological aspects have been also pointed out. Non-till practice improves
soil quality avoiding organic matter lost (Bayer et al., 2006) and water evaporation, despite
of an increment in the use of herbicides. In addition, this cultivation system protects soil
from erosion. For example in the southern of Brazil, no-till practice was adopted to reduce
extensive soil erosion resulting from intensive row-cropping (Bolliger et al., 2006).
However, glyphosate became the most widely used herbicide worldwide with the
introduction of genetically modified (GM) glyphosate-resistant (GR) crops (Woodburn,
2000). Monsanto’s glyphosate-tolerant Roundup Ready (RR) soybean was the first GR crops
to be commercialized (Dill et al., 2008). In 1996, RR soybean was commercially available for
the first time in the USA. These crops greatly improved conventional farmers' ability to
control weeds, since glyphosate could be applied before seeding and sprayed several times
during growth without damage the crop. Nowadays, glyphosate has established itself as the
leading herbicide for the control of annual, perennial weeds and volunteer crops in a wide
range of different situations (Woodburn, 2000). The arrival of GR soybean was followed by
GR cotton, maize, canola, alfalfa and sugarbeet (Dill et al., 2008). These transgenic solutions
(GR seeds + glyphosate) lead a sharp increase of worldwide areas under GR crops with
concomitant increase of glyphosate use. The worldwide GR hectares planted during 1998 to
2008, increased from about 15 millions to more than 130 millions (Dill et al., 2008; James,
2008). Under these circumstances, only in USA, glyphosate usage increased from 3 106 kg of
a.i. (active ingredient) in 1987 to more than 54 106 kg of a.i. in 2007 (Fig. 1). The two other
countries with large areas under GR crops are Argentina and Brazil, however data set
concerning glyphosate use in these countries are scarce.
The reported substantial increase in the global use of glyphosate has been also related with
other items like herbicide price cuts and aggressive marketing, as well as the increased
reliance on herbicides for weed control (Pengue, 2005). The latter issue is represented in the
occurrence of weed population shifts toward less sensitive species and the evolution of
Effects of Herbicide Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Based Formulations on Aquatic Ecosystems 345
IN USA mainly agriculture
arrival of GR crops
at first (non-crops uses)
from 1970s
1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
Fig. 1. Evolution of glyphosate usage in USA. Sources: USEPA, USDA.
herbicide-resistant weed populations. Glyphosate has been used worldwide since 1974 and,
despite its widespread and long-term use, no case of evolved resistance to glyphosate under
field conditions had been identified by 1993 (Holt et al., 1993). However, in 1996 the first
case of weed resistance to glyphosate was documented in two accessions of the rigid
ryegrass Lolium rigidum, from an orchard in Australia (Powles et al., 1998; Pratley et al.,
1999). Since then, an increasing number of cases of glyphosate resistant biotypes have been
reported. Currently, 14 GR weeds have been documented worldwide (Van Gessel, 2001;
Pérez & Kogan, 2002; Powles, 2008; Binimelis et al., 2009; among others). Consequently, the
average of glyphosate application per Ha showed a marked global increase associated with
the appearance of a growing number of tolerant or resistant weeds. Bonny (2008) pointed
out that the amount of glyphosate spread over the total US soybean land raised from less
than 0.1 Kg/Ha in 1990 to more than 1.4 kg/Ha in 2006. Higher application rates (up to 5.6
a.i. kg/Ha) have been reported by Giesy et al. (2000). Regarding the use of other herbicides,
at first the rapid growth in the use of glyphosate was accompanied by a decrease in the
consumption of other former herbicides. However, for example in Argentina the
consumption of the herbicides atrazine and 2.4-D, have risen again during the growing
seasons of (2005-2006) (Binimelis et al., 2009). These observations coincide with Bonny (2008)
who concluded that the total amount of herbicides applied per Ha in USA decreased
initially between 1996 and 2001, but tended to rise afterwards.
Glyphosate is an aminophosphonic analogue of the natural amino acid glycine and the
name is a contraction of glycine, phos-, and -ate. The molecule has several dissociable
hydrogens, especially the first hydrogen of the phosphate group. Technical-grade
glyphosate has relatively low solubility in water (1.2 % at 25 ° C), and is insoluble in other
solvents. Strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds stabilize the crystal lattice, causing the low
water solubility. Various salts of glyphosate have much higher solubility, and do not lose
any of the herbicidal properties of the parent compound (Franz, 1985). Glyphosate is
commonly formulated in its form of isopropylamine salt (IPA salt), though other related
chemical form are also commercialized. Glyphosate concentration is commonly expressed as
mg a.i./L or mg a.e./L, where: a.e. (acid equivalents). Glyphosate is an unusual herbicide,
in that essentially no structurally related compounds show any herbicidal activity
(Hollander & Amrhein, 1980; Franz, 1985), whith the exception of glyphosine, which has
reduced herbicidal effects but shows some interesting plant growth regulatory effects, such
as enhancing ripening of sugar cane (Franz, 1985). The herbicidal properties of glyphosate
were reported in 1971 (Baird et al., 1971). The compound was found during a study of the
herbicidal effects of tertiary aminomethylphosphonic acids derived from various primary
and secondary amines (Moedritzer & Irani, 1966). Only two of the compounds produced
showed some herbicidal activity, but both had very low unit activities. Attempts to find
other tertiary aminomethylphosphonic acids with improved herbicidal activity failed. As a
last resort, it was suggested that degradation of the two compounds might give rise to a
common, active metabolite (contrary to the general trend that metabolism reduces toxicity).
Glyphosate was among the possible metabolites of the two compounds, and was found to
have extremely high herbicidal activity (Franz, 1985).
(Laerke, 1995). Unlike many contact herbicides, phytotoxic symptoms of glyphosate injury
often develop slowly. Visible effects on most annual weeds occur within two to four days
and may not occur for 7 days or more on most perennial weeds. Visual symptoms are a
gradual wilting and yellowing of the plant which advances to complete browning and
finally with the total deterioration and death of the plant.
Although glyphosate may ultimately perturb a variety of biochemical processes including
protein synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis, photosynthesis and respiration, the primary mode
of action of glyphosate was localized to the shikimate pathway of aromatic amino acid
biosynthesis, a pathway that links primary and secondary metabolism. Its mode of action is
the competitive inhibition of the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (EPSP)
synthase, a chloroplast-localized enzyme in the shikimate pathway (Steinrücken & Amrhein,
1980; Bode et al., 1984a; Rubin et al., 1984). This inhibition prevents the production of
chorismate, which is the last common precursor in the biosynthesis of numerous aromatic
compounds in bacteria, fungi and plants. Essential aromatic amino acids are used by plants
in protein synthesis and to produce many secondary plant products (e.g. growth promoters,
growth inhibitors, lignin precursors, flavonoids, tannins, and other phenolic compounds).
The major end products are the amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan.
Evidence for the involvement of this pathway in glyphosate toxicity has come from a variety
of studies in a wide range of microorganisms, plant cell cultures and plants (e.g. Jaworsky,
1972; Haderlie et al., 1977; Gresshoff, 1979; Duke et al., 1980; Hollander & Amrhein, 1980;
among others). Glyphosate caused a massive accumulation of shikimate in treated cells and
tissues (Amrhein et al., 1980; Berlin & Witte, 1981; Bode et al., 1984; Rubin et al., 1984). These
studies narrowed the possible site of action to three enzymes, involved in the conversion of
shikimate to chorismate. The enzyme that was finally implicated was EPSP synthase; its
inhibition by glyphosate is competitive with phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), and non-
competitive with respect to shikimate-3-phosphate with a single glyphosate binding site on
the enzyme.
expected to be small. POEA strongly adsorb to soil (Giesy et al., 2000), although little
information about POEA offsite movement is nowadays available.
Offsite movement of glyphosate is also possible through spray drift (e.g. Payne et al., 1990;
Payne, 1992). Although the spray drift of pesticides is not compound specific, this is relevant
when non-target effects of glyphosate based herbicides are considered, and several studies
have specifically addressed the issue. Some studies reported that the spray deposition
decreased to around 10 % of the application rate in the first 30 m and less to 5 % at a
distance of 200 m (Payne et al., 1990; Riley et al., 1991). Other studies suggested that drift
rates would be greater. For instance, residues have been measured 400 m downwind from
applications sites (Yates et al., 1978; Payne & Thompson, 1992).
Considering offsite movement of glyphosate from treated soils through drift and run-off,
Giesy et al. (2000) estimated an acute scenario considering worst-case exposure conditions.
The estimate was based on two assumptions, (a) that runoff (2%) from 10 Ha field treated at
the maximum single use rate of Roundup® entered to 1 Ha pond (2 m deep) and (b) that 10%
of maximum single application rate per hectare entered the pond through drift, assuming
aerial application. Based on these assumptions, maximum concentrations of Roundup® in
natural water would range from 0.27 to 0.41 mg/L (Giesy et al., 2000). However, clearly
higher concentrations in surface waters could be expected if assumptions are changed. For
instance, some authors have reported that glyphosate can be readily desorbed from soil and
has the potential to be extensively mobile in the soil environment. Adsorption of glyphosate
to soil particulates is determined by chemical and physical characteristic of soils, which in
turn affect the potential for off-target movement of the herbicide through water runoff or
subsurface flow. Interestingly, given that glyphosate is bound to soil through its phosphonic
acid moiety, the addition of inorganic phosphorus could potentially release glyphosate from
soil particles through competition for sorption sites (Franz et al. 1997; Pechlaner, 2002).
Piccolo et al. (1994) reported in an experimental study with some European soils that
desorption varied from around 15 to 80% of the absorbed herbicide according to the soil
characteristic. These observations, as well as supposing higher rates of terrestrial uses and
higher spray drift due to weather conditions, could elicit elevated off-target movements of
glyphosate formulations in to water ecosystems. Particularly, these impacts will be more
important in ponds, ephemeral streams and ditchbank areas of irrigation canals due to their
low water volume, and higher perimeter and area /volume proportions.
On the other hand, some glyphosate based herbicides (e.g. Rodeo® and AquaMaster®) were
specially formulated to be used as aquatic herbicides, and have been employed extensively
to control noxious aquatic weeds and algal blooms (Seddon, 1981; Diamond & Durkin, 1997;
Siemering et al., 2008). For this purpose, glyphosate based herbicides are directly applied in
aquatic ecosystems and their residues can be expected to be higher than that resulting from
agricultural and other non aquatic uses. Furthermore, glyphosate can move considerable
distances in canal or stream waters affecting undesired places (Duke, 1988). Fifty-eight
percent of applied glyphosate was detected at distances 8 and 14.4 Km downstream from
sites of introduction (Comes et al., 1976). Regardless herbicide sources, it is very important
to set up the amount of glyphosate that have been measured in the field. Unluckily, there
are few relevant field data on the concentration of glyphosate in aquatic habitats. The
highest concentrations that have been observed in nature were: 1.24 mg a.e./L (Newton et
al., 1994); 1.54 mg a.e./L (Couture et al., 1995); 2.8 mg a.e./L (Legris & Couture, 1989) and
5.2 mg a.e. /L (Edwards et al., 1980 ).
350 Herbicides and Environment
sensibility. For example, IC50 and EC50 values ranged from 0.22 mg a.i./L for Myriophyllum
aquaticum (Turgut & Fomin, 2002) to 46.9 mg/L for Lemma minor (Cedergreen & Streibig,
2005) (Table 1).
The relative toxicity of glyphosate itself vs. commercial formulations and surfactants only can
be evaluated in studies specially designed to this purpose. In general, commercial
formulations (e.g. Ron-do® and Roundup®) were more toxic than glyphosate alone. For
example, Tsui & Chu (2003) observed a 7 folds higher toxicity of Roundup® than the IPA salt of
glyphosate in the green algae Selenastrum capricornutum (Table 1). Alike results were reported
for Selenastrum capricornutum and the macrophyte Lemma minor, showing 4 folds higher
toxicity of Roundup® than glyphosate (Cedergreen & Streibig, 2005). Lower differences in
toxicity were registered by other authors (e.g. Sáenz et al., 1997; Sobrero et al., 2007), reporting
between 1.2 to 1.8 folds higher toxicity of commercial formulations than active ingredient
(Table 1). POEA itself contributed to Roundup® toxicity with values ranged from about 45%
for Skeletonema costatum to 85 % for Selenastrum capricornutum (Tsui & Chu, 2003).
Numerous studies have been published about pesticide toxicity assessment on microalgae,
using single species tests. However, Bérard et al. (1999) demonstrated that single-species
tests may fail to predict indirect or system responses to toxicants, such as changes in
population competition or succession. According to these authors, studies focusing on the
whole natural community provide more reliable predictions about herbicide safety in
aquatic environments. In studies assessing communities, significant direct and indirect
effects of commercial glyphosate formulations have been reported. For example, Schaffer &
Sebetich (2004) reported an increment of 161 % in net primary production for phytoplankton
community treated with 0.13 mg a.i./L of Rodeo® (commercial formulation without POEA).
In contrast, Goldsborough & Brown (1988), registered a 50% of reduction in periphyton
primary production at values varying from 35.4 to 69.7 mg a.i./L of Roundup® (Table 1).
However, in this contribution, 4 of the 6 treated ponds showed a reduction in the mean
values of primary production with much lower concentrations (a dosage of 0.89 mg a.i./L).
In microcosms experiments with natural marine microbial community, significant effects in
species number and relative abundance of phytoplankton were observed at 10 μg a.i./L of
Roundup® (Stachowski-Haberkorn et al., 2008). Comparable results were obtained by Pesce
et al. (2009), reporting changes in riverine algal communities exposed to about 10 μg/L of
glyphosate alone, in a microcosms experiment. In addition, mesocosms studies showed
remarkable results with a single pulse application of Roundup® at concentrations of 6 and 8
mg a.i./L (Pérez et al., 2007; Vera et al., 2010). Even if these two contributions assessed
herbicide effects in worst case scenarios, glyphosate concentration at the end of the
experiments (11 and 14 days respectively), were around 2 mg a.i./L and effects were still
clearly observed. At day 11, significant differences were observed in chemical and biological
variables (Pérez et al., 2007). For example, we observed changes in phytoplankton
assemblage fractions, with a reduction of micro and nanophytoplankton densities (2.5 folds)
and a concomitant increase of picocyanobacteria (PICY) densities (40 folds) accompanied by
an increase of primary production. These results can be expected by either direct effect of
herbicide (differences in sensibility among species) or indirect effects duo to interspecific
competition. In addition, Vera et al. (2010) found that Roundup® produced a clear delay in
periphytic colonization in treated mesocosms. The periphytic mass variables: dry weight
(DW), ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and chlorophyll a, were always higher in control
mesocosms. Despite the mortality of algae, (mainly diatoms), cyanobacteria was favoured in
treated mesocosms. We also observed that Roundup® produced a long term shift in the
typology of mesocosms, ‘‘clear’’ turning to ‘‘turbid’’ state due to an eutrophication process.
352 Herbicides and Environment
Abbreviations and acronyms: gly. (glyphosate); n.c. (not clarified); n.a (not available); d. (days); SST
(single species laboratory tests); LTNC (laboratory tests with natural communities), MES (mesocosms
studies); (MIS) microcosms studies; SSFE (single species field experiments); chl a (chlorophyll a); NPP
(net primary production). Notes: (##) Effects concentrations were expressed as mg/L of formulation,
mg a.i./L or mg a.e./L, see bibliographic references to clarify. (#) Several parameters were assessed in
these contributions; remarkable examples of the reported outcomes were listed in tables.
Table 1. Effects of glyphosate, different commercial formulations of glyphosate and POEA
on algae and aquatic plants
in the aquatic food web since they are major actors in the decomposition of dead material,
and thereby in the recycling of nutrients and carbon. They are extremely important in “Lake
metabolism”, being involved in mineralization processes and in the chemical transformation
of elements between reduced and oxidized forms Protozoans are ecologically important as
key links in food chains. Ubiquitous in aquatic environments, protozoans prey upon algae,
bacteria, and other organisms and are themselves consumed by animals such as
microinvertebrates. Thus, the ecological role of protozoa in the transfer of bacterial and algal
production to successive trophic levels is very important (in the traditional food web and in
the microbial loop). On the other hand, some protozoa are important as parasites and
symbionts of multicellular animals.
Concentration effects of glyphosate itself on bacteria and protozoa varied widely and seem
to indicate low sensibility (Table 2). For instance, EC50 values obtained in treatments with
glyphosate ranging from 18.2 mg/L for the bacteria Vibrio fischeri (Bonnet et al., 2007) to
386.0 mg a.e./L for the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis (Tsui & Chu, 2003) (Table 2). However,
lower concentrations have been reported to produce observable effects (Everett &
Dickerson, 2003). These authors registered a LOEC value of 5 mg/L for the parasite ciliate
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis treated with glyphosate acid.
Roundup® showed higher toxicity than glyphosate for bacteria and protozoa in the revised
bibliography. Tsui & Chu (2003) reported 6 folds higher sensibility of Vibrio fischeri to
Ichthyophthirius Gly. (acid) NOEC = 2.5, LOEC = 5.1 Everett & Dickerson,
SST (5 h) Mortality
multifiliis Roundup® NOEC = n.a., LOEC = 0.07 2003
Brachionus calyciflorus Gly. (n.c.) SST (24 h) Growth # 24h EC50 =28.0 Xi & Feng, 2004
Gly. (IPA salt) 5min EC50 =162.0
Vibrio fischeri Roundup® SST (5 min.) Growth 5min EC50 =24.9 Tsui & Chu, 2003
POEA 5min EC50 =10.2
Gly. (IPA salt) 40h EC50 =386.0
Tetrahymena pyriformis Roundup® SST (40 h.) Growth 40h EC50 =29.5 Tsui & Chu, 2003
POEA 40h EC50 =4.96
Gly. (IPA salt) 48h EC50 =64.1
Euplotes vannus Roundup® SST (48 h.) Growth 48h EC50 =23.5 Tsui & Chu, 2003
POEA 48h EC50 =5.0
Roundup® NOEC = 0.05, LOEC = 0.1 Pettersson & Ekelund,
Euglena gracilis * SST (7 d.) Velocity #
Avans® NOEC = 0.05, LOEC = 0.1 2006
Abbreviations and acronyms: see Table 1. Notes: (*) Euglena gracilis is a mixotrophic green flagellated;
although in this resume was grouped with protozoa; see Table 1 for other notes.
Table 2. Effects of glyphosate, different commercial formulations of glyphosate, AMPA and
POEA on bacteria and protozoa
354 Herbicides and Environment
Roundup® than to glyphosate acid. In addition, these authors observed 2.7 and 13 folds
higher sensibility of the ciliates Euplotes vannus and Tetrahymena pyriformis to Roundup®,
respectively. In addition, the ciliate parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis showed an
accentuated response, being several times more sensible to Roundup® (Everett & Dickerson,
2003) (Table 3). Values of EC50 obtained in Roundup® treatments ranged from 23.5 to 29.5
mg a.e./L (Tsui & Chu, 2003); though lower values produced observable effects. For
example, Everett & Dickerson (2003) registered LOEC values of 0.07 and 0.31 mg a.e./L for
two ciliates. Besides, values of 0.1 mg a.i./L of Roundup® and Avans® (other glyphosate
commercial formulation) elicited reduction of at least 50% in the swimming velocity of
Euglena gracilis (Pettersson & Ekelund, 2006).
Surfactant POEA itself resulted more toxic to bacteria and ciliates (between 2.4 to 5.8 folds)
than Roundup® (Tsui & Chu, 2003); though the degradation product of glyphosate (AMPA)
resulted less toxic than glyphosate acid (Bonnet et al., 2007).
about 66 % of the Roundup® toxicity. Higher values were reported by Servizi et al. (1987)
and Tsui & Chu (2003), being POEA 3 and 5 folds more toxic than Roundup®, respectively.
POEA can contribute with more than the 90% of Roundup® toxicity (Tsui & Chu, 2003) On
the other hand, commercial formulations without POEA (e.g. Ron-Do®, Rodeo® and
Roundup bioactive®) showed lower toxicity (Alberdi et al., 1996; Tsui & Chu, 2004) than
other formulations (Table 3).
TBARS levels (a measure of oxidative stress) in the brain of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen
exposed to 0.2 and 0.4 mg/L. Besides, significant reduction in the biometry of Piava Leporinus
obtusidens was observed in treatments with 1 mg/L, eliciting a reduction of length (15%) and
weight (50%) (Salbego et al., 2010). Other recent study, indicated molecular responses for the
flounder Platichthys flesus treated with low doses of herbicide cocktail (< 10 μg/L of
glyphosate) during a long-term contamination (62 days) (Evrard et al., 2010).
mortality and growth. For instance, Chen et al. (2004) reported 100 % of mortality in tadpoles
of Rana pipiens treated with 0.75 mg a.e./L of Vision® at pH of 7.5. Cauble & Wagner (2005)
observed 50% of mortality for tadpoles of Rana cascadae treated with 1.94 mg a.i./L of
Roundup® and an earlier metamorphosis time with 1 mg a.i. /L (Table 5). In addition, 2 mg
a.i./L significantly reduce the survival and growth in three of five tadpoles exposed to
Roundup® (Relyea, 2004). The same author reported in a mesocosms experiment a 100% of
mortality for the Rana sylvatica and Hyla versicolor tadpoles and around 98 % of mortality for
Rana pipiens and Bufo americanus tadpoles due to a direct herbicide effect (Relyea, 2005).
Tadpoles seem to be more sensible to commercial formulations than juveniles and adults.
Survival (% of control)
Survival (% of control)
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
24 h. 48 h. 72 h. 96 h. 24 h. 48 h. 72 h. 96 h.
8 mg a.i./L
Survival (% of control)
12 mg a.i./L
24 h. 48 h. 72 h. 96 h.
Time (hours)
Fig. 3. Acute lethal effects of Eskoba III Max® on two fish species (Odontesthes bonariensis and
Jenynsia lineata) and on tadpoles from Rhinella arenarum
POEA itself resulted more toxic than Roundup®, being this surfactant the more noxious
component of several commercial formulations. Different authors concluded that the high
mortality in fish and amphibian are actually due mainly to POEA surfactant and not to
glyphosate itself (Folmar et al., 1979; Servizi et al., 1987; Perkins et al., 2000). In the fish
Pimephales promelas, the relative contribution of glyphosate acid to the toxicity of Roundup®
was about 30% (Folmar et al., 1979), while glyphosate (as IPA salt) was not toxic for 5
species of Australian frogs, and therefore without any contribution to Roundup® toxicity
Effects of Herbicide Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Based Formulations on Aquatic Ecosystems 359
(Mann & Bidwell, 1999). In fish, values of LC50 obtained in POEA treatments varied from 1
to 13 mg a.i./L (Folmar et al., 1979; Servizi et al., 1987), being these values up to 4 fold more
toxic than Roundup®. Besides, Perkins et al. (2000), found LC50 values of 6.8 mg a.e./L for
POEA treatments in African Xenopus laevis tadpoles, showing 1.8 fold higher toxicity than
commercial formulation.
5. Conclusions
• Reviewing the available information on toxicity of glyphosate and its formulations on
different groups of aquatic organisms, we have concluded that they are hazardous to the
360 Herbicides and Environment
aquatic environment. Several contributions reviewed here reported significant effects of the
herbicide at concentrations lower than EEC (2.6 mg a.i./L). Herbicide could be very noxious
in standing waters like ponds, or in irrigation canals and impounded waters, where EEC can
be reached. In these scenarios, toxicity could be exacerbated by other stressors and water
characteristics (e.g. high temperature and pH, low O2 concentration, presence of clay
colloids, water hardness and other chemicals). Besides, toxicity also has showed to depend
on organism life stage.
• Overall, ecotoxicological sub-lethal endpoints based on behavioral traits (e.g., predator
avoidance, feeding, and locomotion) and other endpoints (e.g. growth, reproduction and
metabolism) seem to be more sensitive indicators of effects (i.e. reporting lower effective
concentrations) and give more insights into patterns of toxicity than survivorship tests (i.e.
lethality). In addition, in doses dependent effects studies, commonly results are expressed as
LC50 or EC50. However, it is not possible to predict, for instance, if the 10 % of mortality or
reduction in growth (i.e at lower herbicide concentration) do not have significant effects on
population and eventually in the community. On the other hand, studies focused in natural
or assembled communities (e.g. microcosm and mesocosms experiments) have provided
interesting and significant outcomes regarding direct and indirect herbicide effects that
could not be reached in single species laboratory tests. Although these laboratory tests are
an essential protocol to rapidly identify the direct impacts of pesticides on organisms, they
prevent an assessment of effects on organisms embedded in their natural ecological
• Glyphosate itself (as acid or salt) is generally considered to be slightly or moderately
toxic to aquatic organisms (i.e., LC50 or EC50 between >1 to < 100 mg/L). However, some
algae and aquatic plants showed higher sensibility, being glyphosate very toxic (EC50
between >0.1 to < 1 mg/L). Aquatic plants seem to be more sensitive to glyphosate than
microalgae. The high toxicity of glyphosate in algae and aquatic plants is related with the
mode of action of this compound (an herbicide) that interferes with plant metabolisms. On
the other hand, much lower glyphosate toxicity was observed for other aquatic organisms
(i.e. bacteria, protozoa, invertebrates, fish and amphibians). However, snails and worms
seem to be exceptions; showing significant effects in growth, reproduction and metabolism
at concentrations of < 1 mg/L of glyphosate.
• Commercial formulations and specially those containing the surfactant POEA, showed
higher toxicity than the active ingredient itself for all the aquatic organisms studied.
Roundup® showed to be up to 7 folds more noxious than glyphosate in algae and aquatic
plants, up to 13 folds in protozoa, up to 42 folds in fish, up 70 folds in crustaceans, and up to
130 folds in frogs and toads. Algae and aquatic plants, showed significant effects with
concentrations < 3 mg a.i./L. however, lower values were registered in studies of
periphyton and micro plankton communities. Roundup® concentration of 10 μg a.i./L
elicited changes in marine microbial community structure and 0.13 mg a.i./L of Rodeo®
caused an increment in periphyton primary production. In addition, significant effects at
concentrations relevant to environmental toxicity thresholds were also observed for other
groups of aquatic organism. In protozoa, Euglena gracilis showed high sensibility, with 0.1
mg a.i. /L of Roundup® and Avans® eliciting significant sublethal effects. Different species
of crustaceans showed lethal effects with values lower than 3 mg a.i./L of Roundup®. In
Frogs and toads, relevant concentrations of glyphosate based products (< 2 mg a.i./L)
elicited lethal and sublethal effects. Fish seems to be less sensitive to commercial
Effects of Herbicide Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Based Formulations on Aquatic Ecosystems 361
6. Acknowledgments
We thank Dr. Horacio Zagarese for help and support, as well as to CONICET (Consejo
Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) for financial assistant.
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1. Introduction
Agricultural production is always directly associated with the use of agrochemicals to
control the harmful organisms that attack the crops and reduce the harvest. In spite of their
benefits, the use of agrochemicals usually causes great problems, considering that these
often-toxic chemicals are used in large quantities over large areas, and generally persist in
the environment for some time (Prime et al., 2005).
As a consequence of agrochemical application, water quality and aquatic biodiversity have
been compromised due to the destructuring of the physical and chemical environment and
alteration of the natural dynamics of the biological communities (Goulart & Callisto, 2003).
According to Biggs et al. (2007), it is highly important to regulate the use of an agrochemical
and its action against non-target organisms in the aquatic environment. However, specific
data on the occurrence and population dynamics of aquatic organisms in agricultural areas
are very limited.
Studies by Mesléard et al. (2005) indicate that the use of herbicides, insecticides, and
fertilizers can modify the feeding pattern and alter the development of animal communities
present in rice fields, especially the invertebrates. Because they are sedentary organisms and
have relatively short life cycles (compared to fish), benthic macroinvertebrates are
considered good indicators of water quality. Due to their short life cycles, they express more
rapidly the changes in the environment through changes in structure of their populations
and communities (Rosemberg & Resh, 1993). Because they also have great biological
diversity, they tend to exhibit a greater variability of responses to different kinds of
environmental impacts (Rosemberg & Resh, 1993). Another aspect refers to adaptive
strategies to environmental instabilities of the environment, in general, resilience and
persistence. A resilient biota can rapidly recolonize areas disturbed by flooding; and a
persistent biota demonstrates a good capacity to resist disturbances (Winterbotton et al.,
The use of herbicides can indirectly influence the zoobenthic community, since, as seen in
experiments carried out by Moreby & Southway (1999), the use of selective herbicides
against a species of weed is essential to conserve the invertebrates that feed on plants. The
use of broad-spectrum herbicides risks negative effects on the food chain of these herbivores
and thus causing an imbalance in the community.
370 Herbicides and Environment
The herbicide Quinclorac (3, 7 – dichloroquinoline -8-carboxylic acid) has a relatively high
persistence in rice crops compared to other herbicides (Reimche et al., 2008). Marchezan et
al. (2003) found Quinclorac in the water of rivers in central Rio Grande do Sul in
considerable concentrations, sufficient to harm the local benthic community.
Other products, that are widely used in irrigated rice fields in southern Brazil are the
herbicides Bispyribac-sodium {sodium 2,6-bis-[(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl]benzoate} and
a formulated mixture of the herbicides Imazethapyr and Imazapic [(RS)-5-ethyl-2-(4-
isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-imidazolin-2yl) nicotinic acid and (RS)-2-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-
5-oxo-2-imidazolin-2-yl)-5-methyl nicotinic acid]. However, there are no data available
about their effect on the environment (MAPA, 2009).
Considering that irrigated rice fields are large shallow lakes during the growing season, and
tend to shelter a considerable aquatic fauna, studies in these areas can contribute
considerably to elucidate the real impact of the agrochemicals used in this crop. The aim of
this study was to investigate the impact of the use of commercial formulations of the
mixture of the herbicides Imazethapyr + Imazapic (ONLY®), Bispyribac-sodium
(NOMINEE 400SC), and Quinclorac (FACET PM) on the density and abundance of different
groups of benthic organisms present in irrigated areas. The influence of agrochemicals on
water quality as indicated by selected physical and chemical parameters, and the period of
action of these agrochemicals on the community were evaluated.
After the collection, the material was suitably packed, labeled, and taken to the laboratory,
where it was washed in 0.25 mm sieves and repacked in plastic bottles, adding Rose Bengal
stain. After 20 minutes in the stain, the material was fixed with absolute ethyl alcohol.
After fixing, the animals were sortted and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible,
using specialized references (Fernandez & Dominguez, 2001; Costa et al. 2006). For each
sample, the population density of each taxonomic group was recorded. All the material was
stored in the collection of the Carcinology Laboratory of UFSM. The species were separated
into four trophic guilds: predator, detritivore, filter-collector or catcher-collector, and
herbivore scraper or perforator. This classification was based on Merrit & Cummins (1996),
Callisto and Esteves (1998), Marinoni (2001), and Silva et al. (2009a).
The water was collected for analyses of the physical and chemical parameters on days 3, 7,
14, 21, 28, 42, 56, and 84 after the plots were flooded, comprising the entire period of
cultivation. In each sampling period, the following analyses were done: pH, with a Hanna
pH meter (HI8424); total hardness, according to APHA (1992); and temperature and
dissolved oxygen (YSI oximeter model Y5512). The turbidity was measured with a
PoliControl turbidimeter.
During the cultivation, samples of water were collected 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 42, 56, 77, 84, and
90 days after the plots were flooded; day 90 was the day of harvest. After each collection, the
labeled samples were taken for chemical analysis in the Group of Research Analyses of
Residues and Pesticides laboratories of UFSM. The concentrations of herbicides were
determined by means of High Performance Liquid Chromatography, with detection by the
arrangement of diodes (HPLC - DAD), using methanol and water as the mobile phase and a
C-18 column, according to the method described by Zanella et al. (2002).
The physical and chemical data were evaluated through a two-way ANOVA (time and
treatment), and the means were compared by a t test (p<0.05). A PCA analysis was used to
assess possible correlations between the physical and chemical parameters and the
pesticides applied in the field.
The density data for the main groups were submitted to a Shapiro-Wilk analysis, and after
satisfying the criteria and/or were transformed for data standardization, they were
submitted to a one-way ANOVA, and the means were compared by a t test (p<0.05). An
ANOSIM was applied to assess if there was similarity in the macroinvertebrate community
composition among the treatments and the sampling days. This test was also used to assess
if there was similarity in the fauna composition of the trophic guilds among the treatments
and the sampling days. The Bray-Curtis index was used to construct the similarity matrix.
For these analyses, the programs PAST 1.82b (Hammer et al., 2001) and BioEstat 5.0 (Ayres
et al., 2007) were used. To assess the period when the herbicides might affect the benthic
community, a PRC (Principal Response Curve) was constructed, using the statistical
program R (vegan package).
3. Results
3.1 Abiotic data
The abiotic data were measured on specific dates, which covered the entire period of rice
culture. The statistical analyses showed no differences among treatments, but there were
differences among the sampling days (Table 1). The PCA showed no correlation among the
parameters analyzed. The highest dissolved oxygen content was recorded on day 42,
372 Herbicides and Environment
11.90mg.L-1, in the treatment with Quinclorac. The pH remained between 6 and 7, during
almost the entire experiment; although the variability was low, the differences among
sampling days were significant (Table 1).
The water temperature varied from 34.2°C on the first day of experiment to 17.7°C on the
last one, in January and April, respectively. Hardness was highest on days 21 and 28, with
O2D (mg.L-1)
3 c 7 a 14 c 21 b 28 a 42 d 56 cd 84 a
TO 6.90 3.50 5.43 4.50 4.10 11.40 7.40 3.90
TB 6.50 3.60 7.27 6.00 2.90 11.10 7.30 3.40
TQ 6.60 4.10 5.98 6.30 4.50 11.90 6.60 3.30
TC 7.50 4.40 6.86 4.20 5.40 11.70 9.10 2.50
3 cd 7e 14 de 21 ab 28 c 42 bc 56 bc 84 a
TO 6.81 7.30 7.08 6.83 6.73 6.60 6.40 6.37
TB 6.74 6.90 7.17 6.81 6.62 6.52 6.74 6.15
TQ 6.73 7.19 7.03 6.22 6.60 6.25 6.47 6.21
TC 6.78 7.04 6.82 5.98 6.58 6.44 6.49 6.12
Water Temperature in ºC
3f 7e 14 c 21 b 28 c 42 d 56 d 84 a
TO 34.20 26.67 22.38 20.23 22.13 23.77 23.60 17.80
TB 33.53 26.57 22.42 20.23 22.10 23.57 23.33 17.80
TQ 33.67 26.63 22.56 20.70 22.27 23.67 23.50 17.75
TC 33.23 26.63 22.50 20.70 22.70 23.57 23.53 17.70
Hardness (mg.L-1 de CaCO3)
3a 7 bc 14 ab 21 c 28 c 42nb 56 a 84 a
TO 17.00 32.00 28.00 40.00 40.00 36.00 24.00 36.00
TB 22.00 36.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 32.00 28.00 32.00
TQ 26.00 32.00 24.00 40.00 36.00 32.00 20.00 24.00
TC 22.00 24.00 24.00 36.00 32.00 36.00 20.00 24.00
Turbidity (NTU)
3 c 7 c 14 bc 21 ab 28 c 42 c 56 c 84 b
TO 22.73 14.00 14.80 6.60 23.90 14.60 17.10 15.90
TB 17.00 18.20 17.60 4.52 23.10 24.20 28.90 8.47
TQ 18.77 17.50 18.40 4.86 18.50 17.00 15.40 6.19
TC 22.40 15.20 12.80 3.92 11.10 9.45 10.00 6.22
Table 1. Santa Maria, Brazil: Physical and chemical parameters analyzed in the irrigated rice
field, on different days after flooding, during the 2007/08 growing season, in experimental
plots in central Rio Grande do Sul. TO, treatment with the herbicide Only®; TB, treatment
with the herbicide Bispyribac-sodium; TQ, treatment with the herbicide Quinclorac; TC,
control treatment. Similar letters indicate statistical similarity.
The Impact of Herbicides on Benthic Organisms in Flooded Rice Fields in Southern Brazil 373
40 mg. L -1, decreasing from day 42 on. Water turbidity ranged from 2.53 NTU on day 84 to
28.90 NTU on day 56 (Table 1).
4. Discussion
The results showed that the pesticides did not significantly alter the abiotic factors of the
water used in the experiment, considering that there were no significant differences among
374 Herbicides and Environment
treatments, in the same collection. These results differ from those obtained by Faria et al.
(2007), who reported that localities with high rates of contamination by pesticides and heavy
metals, showed pH and O2 values different from contamination-free areas or areas with low
contamination, and attributed this difference to the presence of chemicals in the
environment. Similarly, Schulz & Liess (1999), in a study of streams that supply water for
the field, separated into low, medium, and high impact, also attributed to pesticides the
differences found in the water quality. The influence of pesticides in reducing water quality
was also reported by Molozzi et al. (2006), who evaluated irrigation and drainage water
from rice fields.
In areas of rice cultivation, the oxygen concentration tends to be low, because the water
depth is between 5 and 15 cm. In experiments carried out in the same area of the present
study, in previous years the oxygen concentration was 0.6 to 2.2 mg. L-1 (Golombieski et al.,
2008) and between 2.4 – 4.6 mg.L-1 (Reimche et al., 2008). In this experiment, the variation in
the level of oxygen was 2.4 – 11.9 mg.L-1, and most days it was higher than 6 mg. L-1, a high
level for the area. This may have favored an increase in the abundance obtained in the last
collection, since some taxa are sensitive to low levels of dissolved oxygen.
The values of hardness and alkalinity were higher than in the present study compared to
data from Golombieski et al. (2008) and from Reimche et al. (2008). A difference in the
dissociation of ions of the compounds used in the experiments could explain this disparity.
A factor that may also explain these results is that during the rice cultivation the
temperature was decreasing, and the highest temperature occurred at the beginning of the
study in January 2008, and the lowest temperatures in the last collection, in April. In the
above-cited studies, the temperatures were lower than those recorded in this study, 16.4-23.9
°C (Reimche et al., 2008) and 17.6-25.7°C (Golombieski et al., 2008).
Another factor to consider is the relatively low persistence of the compounds used in this
study. All the herbicides except Quinclorac showed lower persistence than found in some
studies (USEPA, 1996; Stevens et al., 1998; Mesléard et al., 2005; Mize et al., 2008; Reimche et
al., 2008). However, Quinclorac was at least 2.5 times more persistent than observed by
Reimche et al. (2008).
An evaluation of the persistence of pesticides in water of rivers in the region found that the
compounds forming the commercial formulation Only (Imazapic + Imazethapyr) were
present in all the sampling periods (Silva et al., 2009b). These data differ from those obtained
in this study, where the herbicide Only® was measurable until day 21. These results are
similar to those found in the water of rivers in the region of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, in a
study carried out in 2007, where Quinclorac also persisted during the entire period of rice
cultivation (Grutzmacher et al., 2008). It is possible that these differences in persistence are
due to the management of the rice field. It may be advisable to maintain water in the field as
long as possible (Marchesan et al., 2005; Grutzmacher et al., 2008). It is important to note
that the studies cited here assessed the persistence of pesticides in the field water. If this
persistence were analyzed in the sediment, the values might be different.
During the period of cultivation, the absolute abundance and diversity of the aquatic
community tended to increase. Similar increases were found by other researchers (Schulz
and Liess, 1999; Suhling et al., 2000). The most coherent explanation for this is that, as time
passes, the pesticides become diluted and dissipate, thus decreasing their toxicity to the
aquatic organisms (Schulz & Liess, 1999). However, Molozzi et al. (2007) did was not record
temporal differences in the benthic community in relation to the stages of the rice seedling.
The Impact of Herbicides on Benthic Organisms in Flooded Rice Fields in Southern Brazil 375
The benthic macroinvertebrate community is composed of many taxa, among which one of
the most studied is the insect family Chironomidae. Some genera of this family are
considered plagues in rice fields, and because of this pesticides have been developed to
minimize their effects. In the present study, all the herbicides tested, although they do not
target these organisms, negatively affected the chironomid population. This influence was
perceptible for the herbicide Only® in the first collection and Bispyribac-sodium in the
second, and for Quinclorac in both. This influence was also evident in other taxa of the
benthic community, mainly in the first collection when the agrochemicals were present in
higher concentrations in the water.
The coleopterans Curculionidae, Dytiscidae, and Hydrophilidae, the dipterans
Ceratopogonidae and Chironomidae, the hemipteran Corixidae, the odonate Aeshnidae, the
trichopteran Odontoceridae, as well as the Collembola, Ostracoda, Annelidae, Nematoda,
and the mollusc Ampullaridae could be classified as persistent. Only the mollusc family
Planorbidae were classified as resilient. The other taxa must be considered occasional, since
they either were not collected in TC or were collected only in the second sampling.
Quinclorac showed a different dynamic than that studied in the laboratory by Crosby (2003),
where it showed low persistence. In the study by Reimche et al. (2008), this pesticide was
detected until the 31st day, with its highest concentration observed on the 7th day with
102 µg.L-1. In the present study, its persistence was higher than the other pesticides
investigated, being detected until day 84 in a concentration of 3.8 µg.L-1 concentration. Its
highest value was on the first day, with 296.7 µg.L-1. The negative influence of this pesticide
was perceptible in this study, since in both collections the treated plot had the lowest
abundance and diversity of taxa compared to the other treatments. This possible influence
was also recorded by Reimche et al. (2008), where the cladoceran assemblage showed a
density variation caused by the stress of the application of this herbicide.
The use of pesticides reduces the availability of food for the benthic macroinvertebrates and
changes the structure of the algae community, and the toxic effect on these food resources
may also be associated with this (Gagneten, 2002). Some studies have suggested the
possibility that the toxic agents to non-target organisms, in the case of herbicides, are the
adjuvants and the surfactants used in the commercial formulation of each pesticide (Tatum
2004; Kitulagodage et al., 2007). However, more studies taking these compounds into
consideration separately are necessary.
In relation to the community composition, it was clear that the pesticides cause alterations in
their composition. This effect was most apparent over the long term, even with the
community recovery. According to Berezen et al. (2005), this potential relationship between
contamination by pesticides and the community structure is based mainly on physiological
differences that affect the life cycle and the species’ mobility. Therefore, each pesticide has a
different effect on the organisms.
In studies in rice fields in France, no significant difference was found between a conventional
area of cultivation and an organic one for the family Chironomidae (Mesléard et al., 2005). This
may have occurred due to a decrease of predators of this group. A decrease in the numbers of
predators was also observed in the present study, and may have been responsible for the
alterations recorded in the proportions among the trophic guilds analyzed. This may have
made possible an increase in the density of detritivores, for instance.
The guild most injured by pesticides was the scrapers, which play an important role in this
ecosystem since they feed on algae, bacteria, fungi and dead organic matter adsorbed on the
substrate surface (Merrit & Cummins, 1996). This result is probably due to the action of the
herbicides on the algae, which serve as food for these animals. Detritivores, which start their
376 Herbicides and Environment
feeding process after the action of microorganisms that make this food more palatable
(Cummins et al., 1989), were recorded in low densities in the first collection; however, at the
end of the culture their densities increased. Detritivores remained in low densities even at
the end of the culture only in the TQ-treated plot, probably because of the effect of this
chemical on the microorganisms needed to increase the palatability of the food.
The data from this study, carried out in area of rice cultivation, reinforce the role of
bioindicators performed by the benthic macroinvertebrates. In addition, as observed here,
abiotic and biotic data not always give similar results when environmental matters are
investigated. However, the combination of these two parameters of analyses can generate
more substantial information on environmental impacts.
28 - - - -
Pentatomidae P
84 - X - -
28 X - - X
Aeshnidae P
84 X - X X
28 - - - -
Coenagrionidae P
84 X X - -
28 - - X -
Lestidae P
84 - - X -
28 - - - -
Libellulidae P
84 X - - -
28 - - - -
Perilestidae P
84 - X - -
28 - - - -
Perlidae P
84 - X - -
28 X X X -
Odontoceridae D
84 X X X -
28 X X X X
Collembola D
84 X X X X
28 X X X X
Ostracoda D
84 X X X -
28 - - - -
Aranae P
84 - X - -
28 X - - -
Hidracarina P
84 - X - -
28 X X X -
Hirudinea P
84 X X X X
28 X X X X
Oligochaeta D
84 X X X X
28 X X X X
Nematoda P
84 X X X X
28 X X X X
Ampullaridae HR
84 X X X X
28 X - - X
Planorbidae HR
84 X X X X
Table 3. Santa Maria, Brazil, 2007/08 growing season: Abundance of taxa identified in the
area of irrigated rice cultivation with different treatments. HR: herbivore scraper, P:
predator, CC: collector catcher, CF: filter collector, D: detritivore, TC: control treatment, TO:
treatment with Only®, TB: treatment with Bispyribac-sodium, TQ: treatment with
Quinclorac. “X” indicates the presence of a taxon in the plot, and “-” indicates its absence.
378 Herbicides and Environment
Fig. 1. Santa Maria, Brazil, 2007/08 growing season: Differences in the faunal composition in
each trophic guild, evaluated by ANOSIM (p<0.05). Different letters indicate a statistical
difference. A: collection 28 days after the experiment al plots were flooded, B: collection 84
days after flooding. TC: control treatment, TO: treatment with the herbicide Only®, TB:
treatment with the herbicide Bispyribac-sodium, TQ: treatment with the herbicide
The Impact of Herbicides on Benthic Organisms in Flooded Rice Fields in Southern Brazil 379
TC 147.81 157.24 15 18
TO 126.54 134.87 12 21
TB 100.66 86.84 12 17
TQ 18.42 43.20 11 11
Table 4. Santa Maria, Brazil, 2007/08 growing season: mean densities (no. ind.m-2) and
abundances of taxa identified in the experimental plots, by treatment.
5. Acknowledgments
To CNPq proc. n° 552546/2007-0 and Pró-Publicações Internacionais / PRPGP / UFSM by
financial support. To Dr. Renato Zanella by the persistence analyses and to our colleagues
for their help in the field works.
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E.; Zanella, R. 2008. Persistência na água e influência de herbicidas utilizados na
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Rosenberg, D. M. & Resh, V.H. 1993. Introduction to freshwater biomonitoring and benthic
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Schulz, R. & Liess, M. 1999. A field study of the effects of agriculturally derived
insecticide input on stream macroinvertebrate dynamics. Aquatic Toxicology, 46:
Silva, F. L. da; Pauleto, G. M.; Talamoni, J. L. B.; Ruiz, S. S. 2009a. Categorização funcional
trófica das comunidades de macroinvertebrados de dois reservatórios na região
Centro – Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Acta Scientiarum Biological
Sciences, 31(1): 73-78.
Silva, D. R. O.; Avila, L. A. de; Agostinetto, D.; Dal Magro, T.; Oliveira, E. de; Zanella, R.;
Noldin, J. A. 2009b. Monitoramento de agrotóxicos em águas superficiais de regiões
orizícolas no sul do Brasil. Ciência Rural, 39(9): 2383-2389.
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Research, 57: 195- 207.
Suhling, F., Befeld S., Hausler, M., Katzur, K., Lepkojus, S., Mesléard, F. 2000. Effects of
insecticide applications on macroinvertebrate density and biomass in rice-fields in
the Rhone delta, France. Hydrobiologia, 431: 69–79.
Tatum, V L. 2004. Toxicity, transport, and fate of forest herbicides. Wildlife Society Bulletin,
382 Herbicides and Environment
US Environmental Protection Agency. 1996. New Pesticide Fact Sheet, PB- 96-181516.
USEPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. EPA737-F-96-005.
Winterbotton, J.H.; Orton, S. E.; Hildrew, G.; Lancaster, J. 1997. Field experiments on flow
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Zanella, R.; Primel, E. G.; Machado, S. L. O.; Gonçalves, F. F.; Marchezan, E. 2002.
Monitoring of the herbicide clomazone in environmental water samples by solid-
phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet
detection. Chromatographia, 55(9/10): 573-577.
1. Introduction
Herbicide use has increased dramatically around the world over the past 6 decades
(Gianessi and Reigner, 2007). Few herbicides were in use in the 1950s. However, by 2001
approximately 1.14 billion kilograms of herbicides were applied globally for the control of
undesireable vegetation in agricultural, silvicultural, lawncare, aquacultural, and
irrigation/recreational water management activities (Kiely et al., 2004). Twenty-eight
percent of the total mass of herbicides is applied in the United States, with the remaining 72
percent being applied elsewhere around the globe (Kiely et al., 2004). Herbicides represent
36% of global pesticide use, followed by insecticides (25%), fungicides (10%) and other
chemical classes (Kiely et al., 2004).
Agricultural production accounts for approximately 90% of herbicide use in the U.S. (Kiely
et al., 2004). Gianessi and Reigner (2007) indicated that herbicides are routinely used on
more than 90% of the area designated for large commercial crops including corn, soybeans,
cotton, sugar beets, peanuts, and rice. Increased farm mechanization, technological
advancements in production of inexpensive sources of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer (e.g.,
anhydrous ammonia), and conversion of forest, grassland, and wetland habitats to cropland
has led to a tremendous increase in global food production over the past half-century.
Herbicides have augmented advances in large-scale agricultural systems and have largely
replaced mechanical and hand-weeding control mechanisms (Gianessi and Reigner, 2007).
The wide-spread use of herbicides in agriculture has resulted in frequent chemical
detections in surface and groundwaters (Gilliom, 2007). The majority of herbicides used are
highly water soluble and are therefore prone to runoff from terrestrial environments. In
additon, spray drift and atmospheric deposition can contribute to herbicide contamination
of aquatic environments. Lastly, selected herbicides are deliberately applied to aquatic
environments for controlling nuisance aquatic vegetation. Although aquatic herbicide
exposure has been widely documented, these exposures are not necessarily related to
adverse non-target ecological effects on natural communities in aquatic environments. This
chapter evaluates the potential for effects of herbicides on the structure and function of
aquatic envrionments at the population, community, and ecosystem levels of biological
384 Herbicides and Environment
organization. In this manuscript I examine several critical aspects of the subject matter area:
primary herbicides in use and chemical modes of action; the regulatory process used for
registration and risk assessment of herbicides; data regarding non-target risks and the
relative sensitivity of aquatic plants, inveretebrates, and fish to herbicides; and emerging
areas of science regarding the potential for endocrine-disrupting effects of herbicides on
aquatic vertebrates. Much of the focus of this paper is on atrazine due to the extensive
database which exists regarding its fate and effects.
Fig. 1. Trendline in total herbicide use in the United States from years 1982 to 2001. Data
from Kieley et al. (2004).
In 1987, the primary herbicides used in the United States were atrazine, alachlor,
metolachlor, and 2,4-D (Table 1). The major change in herbicide use-trends has been driven
by the significant increase in use of glyphosate due to the development of glyphosate-
resistant crops including soybeans, corn, and cotton. In 2001, glyphosate replaced atrazine
in terms of total product application, followed by the increase in use of acetochlor and 2,4-D
(Table 1).
Structural and Functional Effects of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms
in Aquatic Ecosystems with an Emphasis on Atrazine 385
Target site or Mode of Action #’s Examples of Chemical Classes
Photosystem II 59 Triazines, Phenylureas
Acetolactate synthase 43 Sulfonureas, Imidazolinone
Microtubule and cell division 29 Chloroacetamides, Dinitroanalines
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase 28 Diphenyl ethers, Triazolinones
Auxin mimics 20 Phenoxy acids, Pyridines
Acetyl CoA Carboxylase 16 Aryoxyphenoxypropionates
Phytoene desaturase 11 Pyridazinone
Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase 3 Triketones, Isoaxazole
Oxidative phosphorylation 3 Dinitrophenols
Cellulose biosynthesis 2 Nitriles, Benzamides
Photosystem 1 2 Bypyridiliums
Auxin transport 1 Phthalamate, Semicarbazones
Dihydropteroate synthetase 1 Carbamates
Glutamine synthetase 1 Phosphinic acids
Lycopene cyclase 1 Dimethylamines
Unknown or not stated 48
Data from Cole et al. (2000), Read and Cobb (2002), and Menne and Kocher (2007).
Table 2. Target sites/mode of action of commercial herbicides ranged by number of
386 Herbicides and Environment
herbicides, however, fall into a relatively small number of groups of modes of action
including inhibitors of the photosystem II photosynthetic reaction; inhibitors of acetolactate
synthase; inhibitors of cellular division; inhibitors of protoporhyrinogen IX oxidase; and the
auxin mimics. These five modes of action are rather non-selective, which has led to
proposed increases in research of herbicides using genomics to develop chemicals with new
and unique modes of action that can be applied at low rates with high efficacy but that will
not result in herbicidal resistance in weeds such as that recently observed with glyphosate
and some acetolactate (ALS) inhibitors (Cole et al., 2000; Moss, 2002). It is anticipated that
these newer modes of action would also have minimal effects on non-target aquatic
Fig. 2. Conceptual model for the framework for ecological risk assessment of herbicides and
other chemicals (Source: USEPA 1998).
Registration of herbicides in the United States considers the potential for impacts on non-
target aquatic organisms and is conducted within a 4-tiered process (USEPA, 2010) (Table 3).
388 Herbicides and Environment
Within each Tier, both toxicity and exposure are measured. The Tier 1 assessment consists of
a comparison of the acute toxicity of an herbicide to a limited number of species potentially
exposed to the maximum application rate of the chemical. The Tier 1 scenario is based on
the assumption of a 10% runoff of a single application of a chemical to a 10-ha field into a 1
ha pond with a depth of 2 m. Fate predictions are made using standard exposure assessment
models including the Pesticide Root Zone Model (PRZM), the Exposure Assessment
Modeling System (EXAMS), and the GENeric Estimated Environmental Concentration
(GENEEC2) models http://www.epa.gov/oppefed1/models/water/). These models
predict a range of environmental exposures based on herbicide characteristics including
water solubility, soil sorption coefficients, volatility, hydrolysis, photolysis, and biological
degadation rates in soil and water. If the exposure/toxicity ratio exceeds 1 then tesing
proceeds at the next highest tier. At each tier the data requirements expand to include more
toxicity testing and additional chemical exposure assessment. Risk assessment at higher tiers
varies depending on need, and can consist of mesocosm studies, field studies, field
monitoring, and additional modeling including probablistic approaches.
Table 3. Example of the tiered assessment process used to assess risk of herbicides and other
chemicals to non-target aquatic species during the pesticide registration process.
In probablistic modeling the probability of effects are compared to the probability of
exposure to get a joint probability distribution of potential risk. Solomon et al. (1996) and
Giddings et al. (2005) have conducted a series of probabalistic risk assessments with the
herbicide atrazine. These probablistic risk assessments were possible due to the extensive
datasabase available regarding the toxicity and environmental exposures to atrazine. A
graphical example of the potential application of a probablistic assessment is presented in
Figure 3. The data regarding probablity of exposure compared to plant and animal species
sensitivity distributions indicates that the highest 20% of atrazine exposures would exceed
the No Observable Effect Concentration (NOEC) values for approximately 10% of aquatic
plant species (approximately 10 ug/L) whereas animals would not be affected. Similar
approaches have been used to demonstrate the low risk of diquat to invertebrate and fish
populations (Campbell et al., 2000). The success of probabalistic modeling is currently being
evaluated and will probably be routinely used in the registration process of new chemicals
in the future based on structure/activity relationships and experience with widely studied
chemicals such as atrazine.
Structural and Functional Effects of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms
in Aquatic Ecosystems with an Emphasis on Atrazine 389
100 100
Atrazine Exposure Exceedance Frequency (%)
60 60
40 40
20 percent highest atrazine exposures
20 20
0 Amphibian 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
NOEC (µg/L)
Fig. 3. Illustration of the concept of a an atrazine risk assessment based on joint probability
distributions of measured environmental concentrations of atrazine in relation to the no
observable effect concentrations (NOECs) determined under standardized laboratory
conditions. The cumulative measured environmental exposure distribution is represented
by the continuous line on the left. The other two lines with squares (aquatic plants) and
triangles (benthos, zooplankton, amphibians, and fish) represent the linear cumulative
species sensitivity distributions determined from chonic laboratory tests with atrazine.
Plant data consists of published data from tests based on the endpoint of biomass
production. Animal data consists of published data from tests on endpoints of survival,
growth, or reproduction. The overlap between exposure and toxicity values represents the
relative risk of exposure of plant and animal communities to atrazine. In this case, the
highest 20 percent of atrazine exposures would exceed the NOEC level for aquatic plants
approximately 10% of the time. No risk is anticipated for animals. Data extracted and re-
drawn from Giddings et al. (2005; copyright 2005 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry (SETAC), Pensacola, FL, USA.) Figure reprinted with permission.
REACH legislation and the European Commission (Rabiet et al., 2010). The U.S. Geological
Survey monitors herbicide concentrations at over 112 monitoring stations on a regular basis
as part of its National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) and National Stream Quality
Accounting Network (NASQAN) programs. Schnoebelen at al. (2003) monitored monthly
herbicide concentrations at twelve fixed sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins NAWQA study unit
from 1991-1998 and found that two herbicides, atrazine and metolachlor, were found in
100% of samples; acetachlor, cyanazine, alachlor, and bentazon were found in over 50% of
samples (Fig. 4).
on an approximate weekly basis from April 15 to July 15. Atrazine was the most frequently
detected herbicide and only rarely exceeded the annual 90th percentile concentration (40
ug/L). These datasets illustrate the short duration of herbicide exposures in midwestern
agricultural streams of the U.S. which are well below the majority of acute (EC50) and
chronic (NOEC) levels for both algae and aquatic macrophytes and fall two orders of
magnitude below levels causing effects on fish, invertebrates, and amphibians (USEPA,
2002; as summarized by Giddings et al., 2005).
system containing a silica sand substrate. Microcosms were exposed for 60 days to atrazine
at nominal concentrations of 0, 60, 100, 200, and 500 ug/L atrazine. Effects of atrazine were
measured and compared at three intervals: early (days 10 to 20), late (days 53 to 60) and
then averaged across the entire study. Short-term decreases in functional measures of 14C
uptake occurred in the microcosms immediately after dosing in all treatments, but recovery
occurred in the 60 and 100 ug/L treatments within 10 days following treatment. 14C uptake
was reduced at 200 and 500 ug/L throughout the study with little recovery. Functional
measures of algal community effects in the microcosms ranged from 103 - 154 ug/L for 14C
uptake, 126 - 165 ug/L for oxygen production, and from 106 - 164 ug/L for oxygen
consumption, which approximated the average functional responses measured in single
species studies. In contrast, algal biomass measured as chlorophyll a actually increased at
60, 100, and 200 ug/L in a hormetic fashion indicating that functional measures were more
sensitive indicators of stress but not accurate in terms of estimating production of algal
biomass. Single species laboratory tests based on biomass production are now known to be
conservative for prediction of effects in outdoor mesocosms and most probably field effects.
DeNoyelles et al. (1982; 1986) conducted a series of experimental pond studies with atrazine
over a 3-yr period in order to compare the relative structural and functional responses of
natural plant communities to atrazine. Three studies were conducted during this time, with
atrazine exposures at 0, 20, 100, 200, and 500 ug/L. Mesocosms exposed to environmentally
relevant concentrations of 20 ug/L atrazine exhibited short term decreases in algal
functional measures of 14C uptake and dissolved oxygen production but quickly recovered
to control values for the remainder of the studies, and no structural changes in
phytoplankton were ever observed in the 20 ug/L concentration. EC50 values for 14C uptake
and algal biomass were 100 and 82 ug/L, indicating that community structural and
functional measures were similar in sensitivity. Atrazine altered species compositions of
algae at 100 ug/L, but sensitive species were replaced by more tolerant species with no
changes in overall algal biomass or productivity. Both structural and functional changes in
algal communities were observed at 200 and 500 ug/L atrazine; however, these high
concentrations are now known to be environmentally irrelevant. Collectively, the pond
studies indicated that predictions made using the most sensitive algal species under
standardized laboratory conditions overestimated the predicted response of algal
communities in ponds due to species replacement which provided functional redundancy at
concentrations of 100 ug/L atrazine.
Fairchild et al. (1994) examined the effects of atrazine applied in combination with an
insecticide (esfenvalerate) to determine if atrazine would alter the effects of the insecticide
on consumer populations. The dominant macrophyte in the mesocsoms, Najas sp., has been
shown to be sensitive to the herbicide atrazine under laboartory conditions at 24 ug/L (14-d
EC50; Fairchild et al. 1998). Atrazine, applied to ponds at 50 ug/L, shifted the macrophyte
community to a community dominated by Chara sp. Total macrophyte biomass and system
metabolism did not change due to atrazine. Rapid sorption of the strongly hydrophobic
esfenvalerate (T1/2 48 h) by aquatic plants and sediments mitigated the precicted effects of
the insecticide on zooplankton dynamics and bluegill survival/growth. Therefore, alteration
of one measure of ecosystem structure (macrophyte species composition) was mitigated by
another measure of community structure (total biomass) and function (system metabolism)
to remove any adverse effects adverse effects of an insecticide on consumer (bluegill)
Structural and Functional Effects of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms
in Aquatic Ecosystems with an Emphasis on Atrazine 395
Fairchild et al. (2002) exposed the same experimental pond system to the triazinone
herbicide metribuzin at 0, 9, 19, 38, and 75 ug/L. Najas sp., the dominant macrophyte
species, had been shown to be sensitive to metribuzin in the laboratory at 19 ug/L (14-d
EC50) which was similar to 4 other species of macrophytes (14-d EC50, range 17- 36 ug/L
metribuzin) (Fairchild et al., 1998). Although metribuzin is more toxic to macrophytes (14-d
EC50s ranging from 21-132 ug/L) than atrazine under laboratory conditions the relatively
short half-life of metribuzin (T1/2 = 5) days observed in the ponds resulted in no effects on
water quality, periphyton biomass, macrophyte species composition, macrophyte biomass,
or fish survival/growth.
Numerous other microcosm and mesocosm studies have been conducted with other
herbicides including 2,4-D, hexazinone, linuron, simazine, and terbutryn. Brock et al. (2000)
reviewed the results of a total of 124 microcosm and mesocosm studies of the effects of
herbicides in model aquatic systems. Rigorous evaluation criteria included the following
requirements: 1) the study must have had published single species toxicity data for the
chemical; 2) the study must have included multiple species at different trophic levels; 3) the
study was ideally conducted outdoors to allow the potential for biological recolonization; 4)
the study used an appropriate experimental design (e.g. replication of treatments) ; and 5)
the study must have resulted in a statistically significant lowest observable effect
concentration (LOEC) of an accepted structural or functional endpoint. Very few of the
studies reviewed by Brock et al. (2000) met the strict criteria for acceptance due to statistical
problems, inadequate descriptions of methodologies, or concerns due to methodologies
such as isolation techniques or the availability for recolonization of plants and other
organisms. Significant ecological effects in studies that fully met acceptance criteria were
only observed in cases where exposure concentrations exceeded those considered
environmentaly relevant. Therefore, there is no compelling evidence from these studies that
herbicides are likely to impact aquatic plants in the environment.
Brock et al. (2000) summarized the strengths, weaknesses, and utility of various approaches
for evaluating the statistical and ecological relevance of various test systems that have
historically been used to assess the risk of herbicides to non-target aquatic plants (Fig. 5).
Laboratory single species tests are relatively simple to conduct and exhibit high precision
and reproducibility. Single species laboratory studies are therefore useful for comparing the
relative sensitivity of different species to an herbicide or the relative toxicity of several
herbicides. Studies in microcosms and mesocosms have been a useful approach for
validating laboratory and model predictions of the fate and effects of herbicides in aquatic
environments due to their increasing realism and complexity which approximates
anticipated responses under actual field conditions. However, it could be argued that
additional mesocosm tests with herbicides that meet the Brock (2000) criteria are needed.
From an objective perspective the current tiered testing procedures in use by the USEPA are
useful, cost-effective approach for the risk assessment of herbicides and other chemicals.
Testing at higher tiers currently allows for flexibility in using either mesocosm/field testing
or probablistic modeling of effects and exposure data. Current experience increasingly
indicates that probablistic risk assessment of herbicide effects using single species laboratory
toxicicity data and environmental exposure data similar to that described by Solomon et al.
(1996) and Giddings et al. (2005) (visually illustrated in figure 3) can be used to effectively
evaluate the potential for non-target effects of herbicides in aquatic systems for regulatory
and risk assessment purposes. Although mesocosm tests can be used in the U.S. for
registration purposes, past experience has indicated that these studies are relatively
396 Herbicides and Environment
expensive due to the scarcity of available testing facilities and monetary costs associated
with meeting quality assurance guidelines required by the USEPA. For these reasons,
probabilistic risk assessments using single species laboratory data are increasingly being
emphasized in regulatory programs for herbicide registration and re-registration in both the
U.S. and Europe (Reach, 2007; USEPA, 2010).
Precision Accuracy
Simplicity Com plexity
Reproducibility Realism
Fig. 5. Illustration of the continuum of strengths and weakness of various test systems used
for the risk assessment of herbicides. Figure adapted from Brock et al. (2000).
causal of these effects; excessive levels of nutrients, sediments, and hydrologic alterations
interact to produce these ecological impairments.
One practical way to illustrate the lack of direct effects of herbicides on invertebrates, fish,
and amphibians is to examine the use of herbicides for control of aquatic nuisance plants.
There are approximately 10 herbicides registered for aquatic use by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (Table 5). These registered herbicides represent several different chemical
classes and associated modes of action. Aquatic herbicides are usually used to control native
and non-native macrophytes such as Eurasian millfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and other
species that interfere with desired aquatic uses including swimming, boating, and water
delivery/supply. Given this intent, recommended application rates for aquatic herbicides
are much higher than single species EC50s in order to reach a phytostatic or phytocidal
concentration (Table 5).
at http://plants/ifas/ufl.edu/guide/sup3herb.html.
2Glyphosate is a surface contact herbicide and is not phyto-toxic when applied directly to water.
3Note that atrazine is not registered for aquatic use; value derived from Hughes et al. (1988).
4Values reported in Giddings et al. (2005) as summarized from USEPA (2002).
Table 5. Chemical names, application rates, aqueous half-life, and toxicity of herbicides to
fish (bluegill) registered for aquatic plant control by the USEPA.
It is reasonable to assume that phytocidal concentrations of herbicides such as those
registered and used to remove aquatic plants can induce both direct and indirect effects at
the population, community, and ecosystem levels of biological organization. For example,
when macrophytes are deliberately removed from a system there are major structural
changes in habitat when macrophyte-dominated systems are converted to phytoplankton-
dominated systems. In fact, this is often the stated goal in use of herbicides for control of
nuisance aquatic plants to restore native plants. Research has demonstrated that macrophyte
community structure is a major factor controlling predation rates of higher level consumers
such as largemouth bass on bluegill (Savino and Stein, 1982; Crowder and Cooper, 1982;
Wiley et al., 1984). Loss of aquatic macrophytes following deliberate vegetation removal by
herbicides can also have profound effects on ecosystem function including alteration of
398 Herbicides and Environment
nutrient cycling, decreased water transparency due to wave action and bioturbation, and
depletion of dissolved oxygen concentrations. Many fish kills attributed to registered
aquatic-use herbicides are due to the indirect effects of oxygen depletion. Therefore,
consideration must be given to the timing of application of herbicides in relation to
temperature, dissolved oxygen, and standing crop of macrophyte biomass. Altered nutrient
cycling and increases in turbidity following aquatic plant removal efforts are major
functional indicators of the role of aquatic plants in lakes and reservoirs. However, these are
ecosystem changes that are often accepted by the public in order to meet management and
restoration goals in aquatic systems. These herbicide concentrations used for aquatic plant
control, however, far exceed any environmentally relevant concentrations resulting from
agricultural use.
5. Indirect effects
Indirect effects of herbicides are defined as observed effects on consumer populations such
as invertebrates and fish that are not caused by direct toxicity but rather effects that have
occurred due to adverse effects on primary producers such as algae and macrophytes.
Previous studies have implied that the herbicide atrazine can have indirect effects on
consumer populations in aquatic ecosystems at concentrations as low as 0.1 ug/L (Lampert
et al. 1989). Dewey et al. (1986) reported a decrease in macroinvertebrate emergence in pond
microcosms treated at 20 ug/L atrazine; in addition, Kettle et al. (1987) reported total
reproductive failure in ponds treated at 20 ug/L. However, recent critical reviews of these
studies by Giddings et al (2005) have revealed that the indirect effects observed by Lampert
et al. (1989) on plankton communities were actually due to the effects of a solvent used to
deliver atrazine which drove the system into a heterotrophic state; the indirect effects
reported by Dewey et al. (1986) and Kettle et al. (1987) were not caused by atrazine, but
rather the differential growth and survival of aquatic macrophytes due to the effects of grass
carp (aquatic herbivores) and channel catfish (bluegill predators) that were not disclosed in
the original manuscripts. Therefore, environmentally relevant concentrations of herbicides
such as atrazine are not known to cause indirect effects on aquatic systems.
Recently, researchers have applied bioenergetic ecosystem-based models in order to predict
the direct effects of herbicides on primary producers and ultimately indirect effects on
consumer populations such as fish in an attempt to add ecological realism to the risk
assessment process. Bartell et al. (2000) used the Comprehensive Aquatic Systems Model
(CASM) which is an ecological model based on demographics and bioenergetic equations used
to model the direct and indirect effects of the aquatic herbicide diquat on phytoplankton and
zooplankton populations in Florida lakes. Bartell et al. (2000) showed potential for direct
effects on phytoplankton but little probability for indirect effects of diquat on zooplankton
consumers. Currently, the CASM model is being used to determine locations where
concentrations and exposure durations of atrazine in streams may pose risks to consumer
populations via indirect, dietary effects. This model is being used with intensive monitoring at
selected sites in the re-registration of atrazine in order to identify areas of atrazine exposure
that may require adaptive management actions to reduce risk (USEPA, 2006). However,
ecological process models such as CASM are mathematically complex and require an extreme
level of expertise to use and apply in a regulatory context. Therefore the utility of using
ecological process models for herbicide regulatory purposes is contentious.
Structural and Functional Effects of Herbicides on Non-Target Organisms
in Aquatic Ecosystems with an Emphasis on Atrazine 399
8. Acknowledgments
Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not
imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This manuscript was produced using U.S.
Geological Survey funds only; no private or outside funds were solicited or used.
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1. Introduction
Submersed weeds on irrigation systems reduce water delivery capacity, clog pumps and
structures, rupture canals, increase leakages and losses of water, increase water costs, etc.
(U.S.EPA, 2007). Herbicide applications are a commonly used procedure to control
submersed weeds in irrigation canals because of its practicability, efficacy and cost.
Acrolein, currently registered under the trade name MAGNACIDE® H by Baker Petrolite
Corporation, has been used for many years in the United States (U.S.EPA, 2007), Canada
(MOE, 2005), Australia (Bowmer & Sainty, 1977), and Argentina (Caldironi et al., 2004).
Acrolein, also known as acraldehyde, acrylaldehyde, acrylic aldehyde, allylaldehyde,
propenal, 2-propenal, prop-2-enal, prop-2-en-1-al, is a volatile, colourless, highly flammable
liquid at ordinary temperature and pressure with a pungent odour. Its Chemical Abstract
Service (CAS) number is 107-02-8. The chemical formula for acrolein is C3H4O and the
molecular weight is 56.06. Fig. 1 illustrates its chemical structure. Acrolein has a density of
0.84 g/mL, a water solubility of 206 g/L, and a vapour pressure of (kPa) 29.3 at 20ºC. The
log Kow (octanol/water partition coefficient) is -0.01 (high water solubility) and the log Koc
(organic carbon/water partition coefficient) is 0.5 (low adsorption to soil) (WHO, 1991;
U.S.EPA, 2003; ATSDR, 2007).
application time desired. The label does stipulate that “water treated with MAGNACIDE®
H herbicide must be used for irrigation of fields, either crop bearing, fallow or pasture,
where the treated water remains on the field or held for 6 days before being released into
fish bearing waters or where it will drain into them”. MAGNACIDE® H is a restricted use
pesticide for retail sail to, and use only by, certified applicators or persons under their direct
2. Mode of action
Acrolein is a cell toxicant that reacts with several molecules containing sulfhydryl groups,
including proteins, exerting direct cytotoxic effects or interrupting cell signalling pathways.
Acrolein reacts with glutathione (GSH) to produce the adduct glutathionyl propionaldehyde,
and both induce oxygen radical formation in the presence of xantine oxidase and aldehyde
dehydrogenase. The depletion of GSH decreases GSH peroxidase activity, resulting in a lower
level of cellular protection against oxygen radical toxicity (Adams & Klaidman, 1993).
Depletion of GSH inactivates multiple enzymes in the Calvin cycle affecting the
photosynthetic reactions in chloroplasts isolated from Spinacia oleracea L. (Mano et al., 2009). In
isolated rat hepatocytes, concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5 mM of acrolein decrease GSH with a
concomitant lipid peroxidation that impairs the integrity of the cell membrane. Acrolein also
induces apoptosis in the Chinese hamster (Tanel & Averill-Bates, 2007) and human bronchial
epithelial cell, by depletion of GSH and generation of oxidants (Nardini et al., 2002). On the
other hand, Luo et al. (2005) reported that acrolein induces death of PC12 cells, mainly by
necrosis. These authors suggested that the ability of acrolein to induce cell death is closely
related to mitochondrial ROS production and decreased cellular ATP levels. Further, acrolein
conjugation with lysine residues of low density lipoproteins has been suggested as a factor in
the development of atherosclerosis (Uchida et al., 1998)
3.3 Humans
Liquid acrolein is absorbed by the skin, and is particularly irritating to the eyes. The vapor is
highly toxic and a strong irritant (lachrymator) which acts principally on the mucous
membranes of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. The vapor concentration tolerable to humans
is 0.1-1 ppm in air and can cause lung injury at 2-4 ppm (Baker Petrolite Corporation, 2001).
The effects of long-term atmospheric exposure of humans to acrolein at tolerable levels are
not known, but the concentrations likely to be found in the environment or workplace
should not affect human reproduction (WHO, 1991). There is inadequate evidence in
experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of acrolein (Group 3) (IARC, 1995).
with fish and bacteria have demonstrated that acrolein losses its biocide activity in 120-180
days in different buffer systems at pH 7 and 22ºC (Kissel et al., 1978). Monitoring studies in
United States (U.S.EPA, 2007) showed that the compound can be transported to distances of at
least 61 miles beyond the initial site of application at concentrations that are still active.
At the application rate of 15 ppm acrolein into irrigation canals, the primary microbial
degradation product was 3-hydroxypropanal. Other ephemeral products such as acrlylic
acid, allyl alcohol, propionic acid, propanol, and 3-hydroxipropionic acid were also
identified (Smith et al., 1995).
The high water solubility of acrolein and low estimated Koc suggests that acrolein does not
significantly adsorb to suspended solids and sediment (HSDB, 2010; U.S.EPA, 2007).
Volatilization from water surfaces is expected to be an important fate process based upon
the compound's Henry's Law constant (1.0 x 101 mol atm-1dm-3). Estimated volatilization
half-lives for a model river and lake (1 m deep) were 7.6 hours and 4.6 days, respectively
(HSDB, 2010). In the atmosphere, the primary removal mechanism for acrolein is through
the reaction with hydroxyl radicals with a half-life between 15–20 hours (Faroon et al., 2008).
It is unlikely that acrolein bioaccumulate or bioconcentrate significantly in aquatic
organisms (WHO, 1991). Acrolein was not detected in the tissues of fish (Lepomis macrochirus
and Ictalurus punctatus) and shellfish (Elliptio complanata and Orconectes virilis) exposed
separately to [14C]-acrolein in water (0.02 and 0.1 mg/L for fish and shellfish, respectively),
over a 1-week period, and sampled 1 day after a second exposure. The presence of
metabolites indicated that these species were able to rapidly metabolize acrolein (Nordone
et al., 1998). An estimated Bioconcentration Factor of 3.2 suggests that the potential for
bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low ((HSDB, 2010).
selected to assess the aquatic risk since they are the principal ecological receptors. Hazard
Quotients (HQ) were calculated using the target concentrations of acrolein in the two
different application schemes. The calculated acute HQ were compared with criteria used
for risk characterization in tier 1 (Urban & Cooke, 1986). The acute HQ estimated for both
application schemes highly exceeded the risk criteria for all groups of organisms evaluated
(Table 2). The tadpole Xenopus laevis and the mollusc Aplexa hyponorum were the most
sensitive and the most tolerant species to acute exposure of acrolein, respectively.
Scheme 1 Scheme 2
Daphnia magna Crustacea 48-h EC50 (0.051) 78.43 235.29
Pimephales promelas Fish 96-h LC50 (0.014) 285.71 857.13
Xenopus laevis Amphibia 96-h LC50 (0.0070) 571.43 1714.29
Aplexa hypnorum Mollusc 96-h LC50 (0.15) 26.67 80.00
Tanytarsus dissimilis Insect 48-h LC50 (0.15) 26.67 80.00
Table 2. Hazard quotients (HQ) for the most susceptible species from representative groups.
HQ were calculated from endpoints and target concentrations of acrolein in two different
application schemes: Scheme 1, 15 mg/L for 1 hour; Scheme 2, 4 mg/L for 12 hour. aAcute
toxicity data cited in Holcombe et al. (1987)], bHQ 0.5 or greater indicates a higher risk
Chronic toxicity data were not used in this study because of the limited information
available and the rapid dissipation of acrolein in treated canals. The risk criteria were highly
exceeded for all of the species analyzed implying that progress to tier 2 was indispensable.
The environmental fate behavior of acrolein was incorporated in tier 2, to provide probabilistic
expressions of the potential risk associated with its use as an herbicide. First, effects of acrolein
on aquatic freshwater organisms were characterized by distribution sensitivity curves
(ECOFRAM, 1999). The acute toxicity data obtained from scientific literature (Holcombe et al.,
1987; WHO, 1992; Eisler, 1994) included 10 species of fish, 1 species of amphibian, 3 species of
crustacean, 2 species of molluscs, 1 species of insect, 2 species of protozoan, and 3 species of
algae (Table 1). According to the Guidance Document on Aquatic Ecotoxicology (EU, 2002),
two algae species from different taxonomic groups should be included for herbicide risk
assessment. Even though photosynthesis inhibition is not an equivalent endpoint, it was
included into the list to compare algae toxicity. The species were ranked by decreasing
sensitivity and the rank was transformed to a percentile [i/(n+1)], where i is the species rank,
and n is the total number of species listed. The probit analysis was performed to obtain the
regression lines and to determine the 10th percentiles. Figure 2 represents the LC50 log-
transformed and the percentiles converted to probabilities from the data set and the
distribution profile of toxicities to organisms. From the fitted line of the distribution for all
species the 10th percentile was 0.011 mg/L which means that 10% of the species have LC50
values lower than this concentration. On the other hand, the 10th percentile from the
distribution of sensitivities to acrolein in animals, excluding the values from algae and weeds,
was 0.0094 mg/L. This analysis suggests that a significant number of aquatic species may be
seriously and unacceptably affected by acrolein concentrations in the canals.
Toxicology of the Herbicide Acrolein: Risk Assessment in Aquatic Environments 411
95 All species
Percent of species 80
-2 -1
10 10 100 101
LC50/EC50 (mg/L)
Fig. 2. Distribution of acute toxicity values for different taxonomic groups of organisms.
Percentile probabilities were calculated from acrolein LC50 or EC50 values for freshwater
organisms (•) (probit regression line Y = 0.8128 + 1.0861X, R=0.9783, N=25; 10th percentile
0.0118 mg/L), or animal freshwater species (∇) (probit regression line Y = 0.9794 + 1.1107X,
R=0.9758, N=20; 10th percentile 0.00938 mg/L).
Next, an estimation of acrolein levels along the canals was considered for risk evaluation.
On the basis of CORFO application data during several application seasons, we estimated
the dissipation of acrolein in the canals. The model applied takes into account the time-space
variability of acrolein concentrations within the canals, applying an exponential equation (1)
that predicts the exposure at different distances from the application site:
20 A
14,39 mg/L
(0.58 h) 12.18 mg/L
[Acrolein] (mg/L)
15 (2.89 h) 9.89 mg/L
(5.79 h)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Distance (km)
20 B
[Acrolein] (mg/L)
1.69 mg/L
5 (12 h)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Distance (km)
To increase the environmental realism of the tier 2 scenario, different application patterns of
acrolein over six years at CORFO-Río Colorado (N=165 applications) were incorporated to
the analysis. According with the dissipation model, the expected concentrations at the
application point, at 10 km and at 20 km downstream were estimated. The environmental
expected concentration as a cumulative exceedence curve at the above three distances, and
the distribution profile of toxicities is presented in Fig. 4.
0.99 99
Exceedence 0 km
Probability of exceedence
Exceedence 10 km
0.50 50
0.10 10
0.01 1
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Log [Acrolein]
Fig. 4. Concentration exceedence probabilities and toxicity distribution profile for acrolein
applications at CORFO-Río Colorado canals.
For each concentration on the X axis, this curve indicates the frequency that concentration
was exceeded during the period of time analyzed, and the percentage of species affected.
Therefore, each pair of points (probability and percentage of species) can be associated to a
concentration. For example, during that period, the concentration causing mortality to 73%
of the species (1 mg/L) was exceeded in 55%, 95% and 100% of the applications at 20, 10 and
0 km from the application point, respectively. On the basis of the results here depicted, it
may be concluded that acrolein poses sufficient risk as an herbicide to require a higher level
of assessment. Some of the studies proposed by ECOFRAM (1999) in tier 3 of aquatic risk
assessment are: (a) Acute toxicity studies with additional species, (b) investigation of the
toxicity associated with repeated exposures, (c) chronic toxicity studies, (d) sediment
toxicity studies.
Additional acute toxicity studies with native species, collected nearby the potential site of
exposure to acrolein or obtained from hatcheries, were then performed in tier 3. The last
instar larvae of the insects Chironomus spp. and Simulium spp., the mollusc Heleobia
parchappii, the crustacean Hyalella curvispina, tadpoles of the amphibia Rhinella arenarum, and
juveniles of the fish Oncorhynchus mykiss were selected for the study. The different
organisms were exposed to different concentrations of acrolein. The experimental conditions
and the complete ecotoxicological data listing the LC95, LC50, Lowest Observed Effect
Concentrations (LOEC), and No-Observed Effect Concentrations (NOEC) are published
elsewhere (Venturino et al., 2007). The toad R. arenarum was the most sensitive species
followed by the fish Oncorhynchus myskiss. However, toxicity in both species is almost three
times lower (0.023 and 0.038 mg/L) than in their related counterparts Xenopus leavis and
414 Herbicides and Environment
Catostomus commersoni, (0.007 and 0.014 mg/L), respectively. The native species Chironomus
spp. was the less sensitive to acrolein with the highest LC50 (2.83 mg/L). A probit analysis
on percentile sensitivity distribution for the native species provides an estimation of 0.013
mg/L acrolein as the 10th percentile, which is the concentration eventually affecting 10
percent of native species (Fig. 5). This value is quite similar to the 10th percentile estimated
from the sensitivity distribution using published data for other species (Fig. 2).
Percent of species
Y = 0.8138 + 1.1041
10 R = 0.9813
1 10th percentile = 0.01305
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
LC50 (mg/L)
Fig. 5. Distribution of acute toxicity values for different taxonomic groups of native
organisms. (Venturino et al. (2007), with permission of SETAC press).
To compare the ecotoxicological data with field predicted exposure concentrations, a first
approach can be made using the percent mortality obtained at 24 hours with exposures to
0.5 and 1.0 mg/L of acrolein in laboratory tests. These levels were chosen considering the
potential concentration of acrolein approaching 20 km from the application point in the low-
concentration treatment schedule (0.8 mg/L), and the probable exposure time in the canals.
The values obtained, shown in Table 4, indicate an unacceptable risk for fish, amphibians,
and the amphipod H. curvispina, an intermediate risk for snails and black fly larvae, and no
risk for midges.
Acrolein (stage)
(mg/L) toad amphipod snail fish black fly midge
(larvae) (adult) (adult) (juvenile) (larvae) (larvae)
% Death in 24 h
0.5 100% 100% 20% 100% 36% 0%
1.0 100% 100% n.d. 100% 98% 0%
Table 4. Percent of mortality at 24 hours of exposure to 0.5 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L acrolein in
laboratory tests.
To improve the risk assessment, the sensitivity distribution along the distance from the
application point was analyzed. From it, the exceedence probabilities could be assessed as
Toxicology of the Herbicide Acrolein: Risk Assessment in Aquatic Environments 415
percentiles of native species affected by acrolein. The two extreme application schedules of
15 mg/L-1h (scheme 1) and 4 mg/L-12h (scheme 2) were chosen, spanning the most of the
alternatives used at CORFO-Río Colorado (Fig. 6). From the probit analysis, it is inferred
that the distances needed for acrolein dilution and degradation to a concentration affecting
no more than a 10% of native species are not physically feasible (175 km for scheme 1; 74 km
for scheme 2). On the other hand, it alerts on the risks posed by both application schemes:
scheme 1 produces an acute exposure (1 h) that probably affects 95% and 90% of native
species at about 11 km and 30 km respectively dowstream the application point. Scheme 2
affects 90% of native species just at the application point. In both cases, the risk probability
decreases linearly with the distances from the application point.
15 mg/L -1h
Percentage of species
0 40 80 120 160 200
Distance (km)
not cause cumulative damage or that the recovery time between repeated exposures (6 days)
was enough to overcome the deleterious effects. So, the acute effects of acrolein on H.
curvispina are related to peak duration since the LC50 determined at 96 hours of exposure
(0.24 mg/L) does not cause mortality at the repeated short term exposure of 24 hours.
6. Conclusions
There are no generally accepted quantitative criteria for evaluating ecological significance
and expert judgement is always required. We have shown here evidences from literature
data and from risk assessment with native species that acrolein used for weed control in
irrigation canals is extremely toxic for most of the living organisms at the recommended
treatment concentrations and conditions. Nevertheless, its presence in the canals is transient
and it has been observed a natural recovery process, mainly operating through the
introduction of species from outside the treated area that minimizes the ecological risk.
Populations of species with a high intrinsic growth rate, such as zooplankton, may rapidly
recover after an acute toxicity event. Species with lower intrinsic growth rate, such as
amphibians and fish, will require longer periods for population recovery. One advantage in
the protection of higher organisms such as birds and mammals is the irritating odour of the
herbicide. The odour prevents them from getting close to the treated area, so these species
are not endangered by the compound.
Taking into account the fact that most population effects derived from the use of acrolein as
an aquatic herbicide are temporary, we conclude that its use is ecologically acceptable
because recovery occurs within a reasonable period of time. In order to minimize the risk on
the ecological receptors, a strict control on the treatment regime, concentration applied,
timing and frequency of application must be ensured. Treated canals must be controlled
during the applications, water release must be prevented until the product has dissipated,
and it must be ensured that water is used only for irrigation purposes.
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Toxicology of the Herbicide Acrolein: Risk Assessment in Aquatic Environments 419
Genetic Adaptation of
Phytoplankters to Herbicides
Victoria López-Rodas1, Eduardo Costas1 and Antonio Flores-Moya2
1Complutense University
2University of Málaga
1. Introduction
One of the most important unwanted effects of herbicides is the arising of resistant non-
target organisms. In fact, weeds which are resistant to almost all kinds of herbicides have
been documented and the number of resistant variants is continuously increasing
(http://www.weedscience.org/In.asp). Since phytoplankters (including cyanobacteria and
eukaryotic microalgae) are responsible of the highest fraction of primary production in
aquatic ecosystems (Falkowski & Raven, 1997), they must be highlighted among non-target
herbicide organisms (Koenig, 2001). Unrelenting application of herbicides during recent
decades has resulted in water pollution, with serious environmental implications and
evolutionary consequences due to strong selection pressure on numerous species (Belfiore &
Anderson, 2001). The problem is especially relevant in those freshwater habitats which are
close to agricultural areas; these habitats are usually sinks for a large array of herbicides, so
that phytoplankters are exposed to a multitude of these toxic compounds (Junghans et al.,
2006). In fact, it is considered that herbicides are among the most significant human-
synthesized pollutants in aquatic ecosystems (Koenig, 2001). Moreover, has been proposed
that the emergence of unpredictable novelties could be a distinctive feature of the future
biosphere (Tilman, 1999; Myers & Knoll 2001; Palumbi, 2001) and, consequently, the arising
of resistant-herbicide phytoplankters could be considered as one of the relevant examples of
human-driven selection.
The majority of studies on the effects of herbicides on phytoplankters have been focused on
the degree of tolerance to the herbicides (Shehata et al., 1997; Berard et al., 1999; Kasai, 1999;
Nelson et al., 1999; revised by Koenig 2001; Pinckney et al., 2002). However, adaptation
includes different processes which are not usually discriminated; in particular, adaptation
conferring resistance to herbicides can be achieved by three processes differing in some
particular aspects (Fig. 1).
Under toxic but sub-lethal doses of herbicides, adaptation could be supported by
modification of gene expression occurring in a short time (days to weeks) and within one
organism's lifetime (i.e. physiological adaptation, also called acclimatization; Bradshaw &
Hardwick, 1989); however, some evolutionary studies in bacteria (Cairns et al., 1988; Foster,
2000; Roth et al., 2006) and yeasts (Heidenreich, 2007) have suggested that adaptive
mutations could be a process resembling Lamarckism which, in the absence of lethal
selection, produces mutations that relieve selective pressure. Finally, under lethal doses of
422 Herbicides and Environment
Achieved after
the exposure to herbicide
adaptive mutations
Propagation of
Addition of herbicide
Addition of herbicide
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the modified Luria & Delbrück (1943) fluctuation analysis. In
the set 1, several cultures each inoculated with small inoculums were propagated until a
high cell density was reached, and then a lethal dose of herbicide was added. If resistant
cells arose by acclimatization or post-adaptive mutations, the number of resistant cells in all
the cultures must be similar (set 1A). If adaptation is achieved by rare mutations (see Fig. 1)
occurring in the period of the propagation of cultures the difference of the number of
resistant cells in each culture must be huge (set 1B). Set 2 samples the variance of parental
populations as an experimental control (adapted from Marvá et al. 2010)
2000). Due to methodological limitations imposed by a fluctuation analysis using liquid
cultures, the proportion of cultures from set 1 showing no resistant cells (P0 estimator; Luria
& Delbrück, 1943) can be used to calculate the mutation rate (μ) by using the equation:
not yet eliminated. The average number of such mutants (q, frequency of the herbicide
resistant allele) will be determined by the balance between μ and the rate of selective
elimination, in accordance with the equation from Kimura & Maruyama (1966):
q = μ / (μ+ s) (2)
where s is the coefficient of selection, calculated as:
s = 1- (mSr/ mS s) (3)
where mr and ms are the acclimated maximal growth rates of herbicide-resistance and
herbicide-sensitive cells measured in non-selective conditions, respectively.
μ q
(mutants per cell (no. of resistant cells
Species Herbicide per division) per wild-type cell) Ref.
Pseudanabaena sp. DCMU 2.4 × 10-6 6 × 10-4 1
Microcystis aeruginosa Glyphostate 3.6 × 10-7 65 × 10-4 2
Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides DCMU 2.1 × 10-6 21 × 10-4 3
Dunaliella tertiolecta DCMU 3.6 × 10-6 21 × 10-4 1
Scenedesmus intermedius Simazine 3.0 to 9.2 × 10-6 11 to 30 × 10-6 4
S. intermedius Diquat 1.8 × 10-5 83 × 10-6 4
Ref., reference : 1, López-Rodas et al. (2001); 2, López-Rodas et al. (2007); 3, Costas et al.
(2001); 4, Marvá et al. (2010)
Table 1. Mutation rate (μ) and mutation-selection balance (q) of phytoplankters in the
genetic adaptation to different herbicides
426 Herbicides and Environment
cultures is reached; cultures that do not present net growth are maintained at the same
concentration. A new ratchet cycle is concluded each time that the control cultures are
transferred. The experiment ends after several cycles with net growth occurring only in the
control cultures. At this point the maximal capability of adaptation corresponds to the
maximal concentration of the selective agent that presents net growth (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the ratchet experimental design (Huertas et al. 2010).
Three ratchet cycles are represented but the experiment ends when net growth only occurs
in controls after several ratchet cycles
428 Herbicides and Environment
Species (times) Ploidy level Cell division1 Habitat
Scenedesmus intermedius 270 Haploid Rapid Continental
Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides 90 Haploid Rapid Continental
Tetraselmis suecica 10 Haploid Rapid Coastal
Microcystis aeruginosa (3D) 9 Haploid Moderate Continental
M. aeruginosa (6D) 9 Haploid Moderate Continental
M. aeruginosa (7D) 9 Haploid Moderate Continental
Phaeodactylum tricornutum 4.5 Diploid Rapid Coastal
Emiliania huxleyi (CCMP373) 3 Haploid Slow Oceanic
E. huxleyi (CCMP371) 1.5 Haploid Slow Oceanic
E. huxleyi (CCMP372) 1.5 Haploid Slow Oceanic
Isochrysis galbana 1.5 Haploid Moderate Oceanic
Monochrysis lutheri 1.5 Haploid Moderate Oceanic
1Cell division: rapid, 1 doubling every 3-4 d; moderate, 1 doubling every 4-5 d; slow, 1
group was formed by oceanic microalgae (without prior exposure to simazine or other
related compounds). Thus, it can be hypothesized that the capability of phytoplankters to
adapt to simazine depends on a previous evolutionary history. In this way, a sudden
contamination episode could be relieved by freshwater phytoplankters but not by oceanic
5. Prospective
Genetic adaptation of phytoplankters to herbicides, as well as the limits of genetic
adaptation, has been addressed in several species of phytoplankters representing some
taxonomical and ecological groups. However, other species must be tested in order to have
an extended view on the occurrence of genetic adaptation. Moreover, different herbicides
are distinguished on the basis of their site and mode of action; in our framework, we tested
the genetic adaptation of phytoplankters to a few of the different type of herbicides but
other types will be addressed in the future.
6. Acknowledgments
The results compiled in this review were obtained in research works financially supported
by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation through grants CTM2008-05680 C02-
01/MAR and CGL2008-00652/BOS, and Junta de Andalucía Research Group RNM-115.
7. References
Astier, C.; Vernotte, C.; Der-Vartanian, M. & Joset-Espardellier, F. (1979). Isolation and
characterization of two DCMU-resistant mutants of the blue-green alga
Aphanocapsa 6714. Plant and Cell Physiology, 20, 1501-1510, ISSN 0032-0781
Belfiore, N. M. & Anderson, S. L. (2001). Effects of contaminants on genetic patterns in
aquatic organisms: a review. Mutation Research/ Reviews in Mutation Research, 489,
97-122, ISSN 1383-5742
Berard, A.; Leboulanger, C. & Pelte, T. (1999). Tolerante of Oscillatoria limnetica
Lemmermann to atrazine in natural phytoplankton populations and in pure
culture: influence of season and temperature. Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology, 37, 472-479, ISSN 0090-4341
Bradshaw, A. D. & Hardwick, K. (1989). Evolution and stress –genotype and phenotype
components. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 37, 137-155, ISSN 0024-4066
Cairns, J.; Overbaugh, J. & Miller, S. (1988). The origin of mutants. Nature, 335, 142-145, ISSN
Chamovitz, D.; Pecker, I. & Hirschberg, J. (1991). The molecular basis of resistance to the
herbicide norflurazon. Plant Molecular Biology, 16, 967-974, ISSN 0167-4412
Costas, E.; Carrillo, E.; Ferrero, L. M.; Agrelo, M.; García-Villada, L.; Juste, J. & López-Rodas,
V. (2001). Mutation of algae from sensitivity to resistance against environmental
selective agents: the ecological genetics of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides
(Chlorophyceae) under lethal doses of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea
herbicide. Phycologia, 40, 391-398, ISSN: 0031-8884
430 Herbicides and Environment
Trebst, A.; Hilp, U. & Draber, W. (1993). Response in the inhibitor efficiency of substituted
phenols on PSII activity of six mutants of the D1 protein subunit in Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii. Phytochemistry, 5, 969-977, ISSN 0031-9422
Vila-Auib, M. M.; Neve, P. & Powles, S. B. 2009. Fitness cost associated with evolved
herbicide resistant alleles in plants. New Phytologist, 184, 751-767, ISSN 0028-646X
1. Introduction
The notion that humankind has changed the biosphere led to the Nobel prize Paul Crutzen
to propose, a decade ago, the new term “Anthropocene” to denote the current interval of
time in the earth dominated by human driven large-scale activities (Crutzen, 2002). The
massive loss of diversity, homogenization of biotas, proliferation of opportunistic species
and unpredictable emergent novelties can be considered among the distinctive features of
the future biosphere (Myers & Knoll, 2001). Intensive agriculture, supported by the massive
use of herbicides, pesticides and compounds with biocidal activity, is a significant cause of
the biodiversity crisis (Tilman, 1999). The impact of these toxic compounds on biodiversity
threatens all ecosystems, being particularly significant in those characterized by a slow
response to change, such as aquatic systems. Phytoplankton are responsible for about half of
the global primary production, driving essential biogeochemical cycles, exporting massive
amounts of carbon to deep waters and sediments in the open ocean and strongly influencing
the water–atmosphere gas exchanges (Rost et al., 2008). Since these organisms represent the
basis of the aquatic food web, the repercussions of the impact on phytoplankton populations
will undoubtedly affect the rest of the components of the trophic web.
Step behind of the risen up of scientific and social concern regarding the environmental
pollution control, developed countries have begun to take legislative actions to protect the
ecosystems from chemical pollution. For the time being, the monitoring of water quality has
generally relied on the collection of spot water samples followed by extraction and
laboratory-based instrumental analysis. These analytical methods usually requires the use of
sophisticated equipment, skilled laboratory personnel, are time consuming, expensive and
difficult to adapt for fieldwork. Besides, this provides only a snapshot of the situation at the
sampling time and fails to provide more realistic information due to spatio-temporal
variations in water characteristics (Rodríguez-Mozaz et al., 2006).
The European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD), one of the most important pieces
of environmental legislation, is likely to transform the way that determination of water
quality is undertaken. Within the next few years, the implementation of the WFD will
require a considerable additional monitoring effort to be undertaken and a wide range of
434 Herbicides and Environment
substances of different chemical groups to be identified. The WFD does not mandate the use
of a particular set of monitoring methods, but aims at ensuring the establishment of an
adequate monitoring program and encouraging the development of new technologies and
more suitable methodologies allowing on-site field monitoring (Allan et al., 2006).
To date the limiting step in the development of whole cell biosensor is the lack of specificity.
Most algal biosensors have focused on reaching enough sensitivity and improving the signal
measuring and the immobilization methods. Such algal biosensors are sensitive enough,
although they usually present low specificity, exhibiting a summary response over a range
of toxic substances. This lack of specificity represents the weak point of actual algal
biosensors and is an important reason why relatively few have emerged from the laboratory
to become commercially viable methods (Bengtson Nash et al., 2005). On the other hand,
considering the large amount of potentially hazardous substances occurring in the
environment, highly selective biosensor systems (e.g. enzyme biosensors) may also be
regarded as disadvantageous (Podola et al., 2004). Ideally, combining the advantages of
non-selective biosensors able to detect a variety of compounds, with a selective biosensor
also allowing the identification of specific compounds would be the jump for the gap that
separates academic research from field applications. In the following section we will
describe recent developments directed to gain specificity in microalgae optical biosensors,
focusing in the work conducted in our laboratory.
m = Loge(Nt/N0)/t
where Nt and N0 are the cell numbers at the end and at the start of the experiment,
respectively, and t, is the time that cultures were exposed to different doses of herbicides.
At the same time, we have applied a selection procedure maintaining large populations of
dividing cells (which ensures the occurrence of mutations that confer herbicide resistance)
and a strong selection pressure (which ensures the preservation of such mutations) to isolate
the most herbicide-resistant genotypes. For this purpose, an experimental system based on
the ratchet protocols previously described (Reboud et al., 2007; Orellana et al., 2008; Huertas
et al., 2010; López-Rodas et al., this book) was applied to estimate the maximal capability for
adaptation of different phytoplankton species under increasing doses of different herbicides
(Table 1). The protocol aims at reaching equilibrium between strong selection intensity, by
means of ratcheting to increase herbicide dose, and the maintenance of a population size
436 Herbicides and Environment
large enough to increase probability of rare spontaneous mutations that confer adaptation.
These mutations occur randomly and not through specifically acquired adaptation included
by herbicide (Marvá et al., 2010).
From the herbicide dose-inhibition curve it is possible to calculate the lethal dose that
inhibits each microalgae ancestral population (LD100). The first ratchet cycle starts with three
herbicide concentrations: LD100, 3 LD100 and 10 LD100. Each herbicide ratchet cycle entails a
threefold dose increase. Cultures must be ratcheted only up to a dose that supports
population growth and are exposed to different selection levels. A ratchet cycle was
concluded when no further cell growth was observed in a specific replicate after a period of
100 d. The number of ratchet cycles was therefore species dependent, as growth was a
function of the ability to adapt to the selecting conditions. The experimental procedure was
then applied in several independent experiments for each phytoplankton species.
(before the ratchet experiments) is compared between the ancestral populations (before the
ratchet experiments) and the derived populations (after the ratchet experiments). In spite of
species diversity tested here (i.e. Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Haptophyta
isolated from continental, coastal and oceanic microalgae), simazine was able to inhibit
100% growth in all ancestral populations. Adaptation of simazine at doses of 3.1 ppm (or
higher) was only possible because of the occurrence of rare spontaneous simazine-resistant
mutants occurring randomly during replication of organisms before exposure to simazine
(Marvá et al., 2010). Consequently, adaptations obtained by Huertas et al. (2010) in the
ratchet protocol (i.e. up to 40.5 ppm simazine in S. intermedius or 13.5 ppm simazine in D.
chlorelloides) can only be genetically achieved by new mutations that confer resistance.
Changes in photosynthetic activity due to herbicide can be also estimated after 30 min of
exposure, by measuring fluorescence using a pulse-amplitude modulated fluorometer PAM
2000 (Walz, Effeltrich, Germany), as explained by Schreiber et al. (1986). Maximum
fluorescence of light-acclimated thylakoids (F´m ) was determined after a saturating-white
light pulse, which fully close all PSII reaction centres. The inhibition of F´m was used as an
estimator of the toxic effect of herbicide, according to the formula:
where (F´m) herbicide is the maximum fluorescence after 3 min with any given herbicide
concentration, and (F´m) control is the maximum fluorescence of the control without
herbicide after the same period of time. In all the measurements in both herbicide-exposed
and control cells, the irradiance was 80 μmol photons m-2 s-1. In our previous work, we have
always found that maximal fluorescence of light-adapted algae (F´m) from herbicide
resistant mutants is significantly higher than that from sensitive cells.
438 Herbicides and Environment
Table 2. Selective detection of a target herbicide with a dual sensing head microalgae
biosensor. (Adapted from Orellana et al., 2007).
Highly Specific Biosensors to Herbicides, based on Sensitive- and Resistant-Mutants Microalgae 439
Peña-Vázquez et al. (2009) performed representative dose response curve in the 5×10-4 – 10
mgL−1 simazine range for sensitive and resistant mutants of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides
(D.c.) and Scenedesmus intermedius (S.i.) cells immobilized in a silicate sol-gel matrix. The
limit of detection was lower for the D.c. (3.6 µgL-1) than for S.i. (31.0 µgL-1) biosensors.
Further research with the D.c. biosensor showed good performance regarding important
criteria that may be crucial for the implementation of a marketable biosensor (Table 3).
Despite that our D.c. biosensor described above (Peña-Vázquez et al., 2009) does not reach
the European Community directive for herbicide detection (0.1 µgL−1) in drinking water,
when working with short irradiation times (15 min darkness/5 min irradiation), it has been
demonstrated that the use of resistant strains can be a useful tool to improve biosensor
specificity. In the algal biosensor wild-type sensitive cells exhibit a decrease in their
biological response in presence of simazine, while resistant algae work as control exhibiting
a significant smaller decrease. In contrast, under other herbicides such as atrazine or DCMU,
resistant algae exhibit similar response than those of sensitive algae. This pattern
demonstrates that the use of simazine-resistant cells is an appropriate procedure to improve
biosensor specificity.
D.c. biosensor
Reversibility Yes
Accuracy High
5. Prospective
There is a strong need for adequate monitoring programs and early-warning procedures
allowing on-site field detection of herbicides polluting water reservoirs and ecosystems. Our
approach based on the use of resistant strains can be a useful tool to improve microalgae
biosensor specificity. In theory, our mutant selection method opens the possibility to obtain
sensitive and resistant microalgae strain pairs for any target pollutant of interest, including
of course, herbicides and other related pesticides, but also, other important environmental
pollutants such as heavy metals, organics, novel emergent pollutants such as cosmetics and
pharmaceuticals, etc. The way ahead is certainly long, but the ultimate goal of developing
versatile and operative commercial equipments or biochips by means of immobilizing
sensitive and resistant microalgae pairs on bifurcated fibre optic systems or multi-well
plates, for example, appears realistic.
440 Herbicides and Environment
6. Acknowledgments
The results compiled in this review were obtained in research works financially supported
by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation through grants CTM2008-05680 C02-
01/MAR and CGL2008-00652/BOS, and Junta de Andalucía Research Group RNM-115.
7. References
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Aquatic Toxicology, 72, 315–326, ISSN 0166-445X
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V. (2001). Mutation of algae from sensitivity to resistance against environmental
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1. Introduction
Globalisation of environment contamination is one of the actual major concerns.
Concentrated in the developed countries during 1950s and 1960s, the use of pesticides,
particularly the organic ones, has dramatically increased since 1970s (Alavanja, 2009). Agro
chemistry expansion is parallel to diffusion of other technologies involving molecules
proved to be environmental contaminants. Progressive prohibition of indiscriminate use of
chemicals, considered as a threat for human and environmental health, highlights their
persistence and their ubiquity. Although for partly natural contaminants like polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, the question is to dissociate the natural input (fires…) from the
anthropogenic one; the synthesised molecules like herbicides do not give rise to such a
controversy. However, understanding their flux from contaminated parcels and their fate in
the environment requires historical overview that can be achieved through coring. In order
to be informative coring needs to be performed on quiescent, biotic and unconsolidated
growing matrix and for these reasons sediments are the most often sampled.
Coring is performed with the following five aims:
1. Defining the origin of a contamination leaning on the pollutant threat accompaniment
as in source investigation (Koistinen et al., 1997) as in land use concern, distinguishing
agricultural, urban or industrial input (Feng et al., 1998; Secco et al., 2005).
2. Establishing the contamination source (runoff, atmospheric deposition), especially for
arctic areas due to cold condensation (Rawn et al., 2001; Macdonald et al., 2005, de Wit
et al., 2006). For herbicide monitoring, such studies are scarce: even if Henry’s constant
are in favour to volatilization, atmospheric transport enhances photolysis.
444 Herbicides and Environment
2. Early diagenesis
2.1 Introduction
Sediments record earth surface activities, such as climate or anthropogenic impact on the
environment. Before burial, however, particles deposited in aqueous environments
How Early Diagenesis Reveals In Situ Biodegradation of Herbicides in Sediment 445
experience transformations called early diagenesis (Berner, 1980), which modify the initial
recording. Biological activity of benthic micro- and macro-organisms supports the
mechanisms of early diagenetic reactions. Biogeochemical processes in the first centimetres
below the sediment/water interface change the chemistry and the mineralogy of sediments.
Major diagenetic reactions are processes of oxidation/reduction, dissolution/precipitation,
adsorption/desorption and changes in speciation. The nature and amplitude of early
diagenetic processes depend mostly on physico-chemical properties of overlying waters and
on organic matter flux towards the bottom. The amount of knowledge on early diagenesis
processes is the result of 30 years of science, including pioneer works of Froelich et al. (1979)
on the vertical sequence of red-ox reactions, Berner (1980) on the transport-reaction
coupling, and Aller (1980) on the influence of macro-fauna on reactions and fluxes.
2 –>
10 NO
H) 3
3 -–
5 SO
CO 4 2-
2 –> > H
CH 2 S ΔG °
r = -ΔlogK × 2.3 R T
0 CO 4
2 –
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Fig. 1. Δlog K vs. pH plots for selected half redox reactions involved in organic matter
oxidation. Δlog K is the total free energy at a given pH (see Table 1). The vertical distance
between the line of (CH2O) oxidation to CO2 and any line representing reduction of electron
acceptors gives the energy yield. The sequence of redox reaction can be deduced from this
graph. Thermodynamically favourable secondary reactions can be deduced also from this
graph. Temperature: 20°C
Fig. 2. (caption corrected): . Concentration vs. depth profile of dissolved and particulate
compounds involved during early diagenesis and porosity. Example of a sediment collected
in the Bay of Biscay at 550 m water depth. The zero depth corresponds to the
sediment/water interface (modified from Hyacinthe et al., 2001). DIP = dissolved inorganic
phosphorus/ Mn-oxides and reactive Fe(III)-oxides have been extracted from the solid
fraction with an ascorbate reagent (Anschutz et al., 2005). Dissolved species are in µM,
except sulphate in mM. Particulate oxides are in µmol/g.
448 Herbicides and Environment
et al., 1993). The observed thickness of the oxic layer depends directly on flux of labile
organic carbon in the surface sediment.
The peak of nitrate in the oxic layer is attributed to the succession of reactions that lead to
the bacterial nitrification of organic N (reaction 1, Tab. 3) or ammonia that diffuses from
below (reaction 7, Tab. 3). The consumption of nitrate below the oxic layer is due to the
bacterial denitrification (reaction 2, Tab. 3). NH4+ is produced from anaerobic mineralization
of organic-N (reactions 4, 5 and 6, Tab. 3). The production of dissolved Mn2+ and Fe2+ in
anaerobic sediments is attributed to the dissimilate reduction of manganese and iron oxides
by bacteria (reactions 3 and 4, Tab. 3). The peak of Mn-oxides can be attributed to detrital
Mn-oxides and authigenic Mn-oxides precipitate from the oxidation of dissolved Mn2+ that
diffuses from below (Sundby, 1977). The concentration of Mn-oxides decreases abruptly
below the oxic front, reaching values close to zero, which indicate that the Mn-oxides are
totally reduced. The distribution of Fe-oxides shows highest concentrations near the oxic
layer and decreases below. Amorphous manganese and iron oxide phases may be used as
terminal electron acceptors in bacterial oxidation of organic carbon or they may react with
reduced sulphur to form FeS.
The presence of particulate sulphur in continental margin sediments can be mostly
attributed to authigenic iron-sulphide minerals that precipitate during the degradation of
organic matter by sulphate-reduction (reaction 5, Tab. 3) (Berner, 1971; Jørgensen, 1982). The
first compound that generally forms is amorphous FeS. It is subsequently converted to more
crystalline pyrite (Berner, 1970; Schoonen and Barnes, 1991).
Within all possible reactions, recent studies attach more and more importance to metal
oxides, particularly for their role in the benthic cycle of nitrogen (Luther et al., 1997; Aller et
al., 1998; Anschutz et al., 2000). It has been pointed out by several authors that the reduction
of Mn-oxide by diffusing ammonia could be an important process of dinitrogen production
(e.g. Hulth et al., 1999; Anschutz et al., 2000). This pathway could interfere with
dissimilatory Mn-reduction. Dissolved Mn(II) can be oxidized by nitrate (Aller, 1990; Schulz
et al., 1994; Murray et al., 1995; Luther et al., 1997) or by iodate (Anschutz et al., 2000).
Anaerobic nitrate production has been observed in several marine sediments (Aller et al.,
1998; Anschutz et al., 1998; Mortimer et al., 2002 ; Deflandre et al., 2002; Chaillou et al.,
2007). This process is due to oxidation of ammonia by Mn(III)-oxides. Iron oxide presents a
wide speciation variety. The most labile fraction serves as oxidant for reduced compounds
like dissolved ones (Canfield et al., 1992). All these alternatives or secondary reactions are
thermodynamically favourable.
Tracer concentrations
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0
2 2 2
4 4 4
Depth (cm)
6 6 6
8 8 8
10 10 10
12 12 12
14 Pb-210 14 14
16 16 16
D b = 0.1 cm².yr-1 Db = 1 cm².yr-1 Db = 10 cm².yr-1
Fig. 3. Short-lived (Th-234) and long-lived (Pb-230) tracers profiles under various
bioturbation intensities. These profiles are obtained in applying the biodiffusion model with
a sedimentation rate of 0.1 cm.yr-1.
In a general way, biological mechanisms of sediment reworking results from the activities of
feeding, protection and reproduction of benthic animals. They burrow, excavate sediment
and they dig galleries which communicate with overlying water. They often produce
biogenic structures as mucus secretion and faecal pellets deposits resulting from ingestion-
egestion of particles. They also ventilate their galleries to renew water. As consequences:
i. bioturbation generates biological transport of particles between different reactive zones
in sediment on distances varying in the range from the millimetre to the metre (a
classical average depth of bioturbation is about 10 cm, Boudreau, 2004);
ii. as a result of (i), bioturbation generates transport of micro-organisms associated with
sediments between different reactive zones, modifies the bio-accessibility of nutrients
and organic compounds and stimulates competition between bacterial groups by
selective grazing (Aller, 1982; Stief and De Beer, 2002; Mermillod Blondin et al., 2003;
Thullner et al., 2005);
iii. it modifies the sediment composition, e.g. in enriching the faecal pellets with organic
matter as a result of the selective feeding (Brinkhurst et al., 1972; Davis, 1974);
iv. it increases exchange surface with water column and modifies sediment physical
properties as porosity, permeability, compaction and stability (Rhoads, 1974; McCall
and Fisher, 1980; Meadow and Tait, 1989; Sandness et al., 2000; DeDekere et al., 2001;
Ciutat et al., 2006; Rasmussen et al., 1998). As they often actively irrigate their galleries
by flushing, they enhance the exchange of solutes and particles between the
sedimentary compartment and the free overlying water (Ciarelli et al., 1999, Meysman
et al., 2006 b).
450 Herbicides and Environment
∂C ∂ 2C ∂C
= Db 2 − ω − λC
∂t ∂x ∂x
where x represents the depth into the sediment, C is the concentration or activity of the
selected tracer, Db is the bio diffusion coefficient, ω the burial velocity, and λ the decay
constant of the tracer (λ=0 with a conservative tracer). Suitable solutions of this equation are
fitted to tracer depth profiles, and from this, an optimal estimate for the bio diffusion
coefficient Db is obtained.
A major inconsistency in this analogy is that the path length of particle motion is often both
specific in orientation and large in size scale with respect to chemical or physical property
gradients in the sediment. For instance, sediment particles from depth may be placed
directly at the oxidized sediment-water interface without mixing with material in between.
Moreover, there is an inaccuracy in the time length of sediment reworking. Meysman et al.
(2003) concluded that the bio diffusion analogy can be theoretically justified when the
intrinsic time and length scales of sediment reworking are much smaller than their
observational counterparts. These authors concluded that in many cases, the application of
the bio diffusion model is questionable from a theoretical point of view. Still, in practice,
tracer profiles often look diffusive and the bio diffusion analogy is widely employed to
analyze these profiles. Meysman et al. (2003) refer to this apparently contradictory situation
as the ‘bio diffusion paradox’.
Despite such conceptual inaccuracies, some insight into the consequences of reworking as
compared to simple sedimentation can be gained from the analogy. The cases of a short-
lived tracer (Th-234, t1/2=24.1 days) and a long-lived tracer (Pb-210 t1/2=22.3 years) under
452 Herbicides and Environment
various bio diffusion intensities are illustrated in Fig 3. Steady-state profiles are represented.
Regarding the model coefficients, we retained values in the range of the reported ones in
literature. Values of Db varies from 0.01 to 30 cm².yr-1 for marine environments (Aller, 1982),
with values often in the order of 1 to 10 cm².yr-1. Values for freshwater environments vary in
the same range (Delmotte, 2007). Sedimentation rates can be lower than 0.1 cm.yr-1 in marine
environments and greater than 10 cm.yr-1 in freshwater environments: a value of 0.1 cm.yr-1
is retained.
With a small value of Db (0.1 cm².yr-1), the short-lived tracer profile shows a high decrease in
the first millimetres whereas the tracer reaches a depth of 5 cm with a value 100 times
greater. The long-lived tracer reaches 8 cm with the smaller bio diffusion value; its profile
tends to homogenize on the first 10 cm with a high value of bio diffusion. These simulations
show the importance of bioturbation in term of sediment mixing and displacement of
reactive particles. They can be used to estimate the fate of diverse herbicides (labile or
persistent) in bioturbated sediments.
Note that more complex models of bioturbation were developed to account for the transport
of particles on long distances and simulate the effects of specific modes of bioturbation (e.g.
Boudreau, 1986b; Wheatcroft, 1990; Delmotte et al., 2007, 2008).
Measurements of bio irrigation are based on tracer-methods too. Reactive or conservative
tracers are often injected in the overlying water, and both the concentrations of the tracer in
this compartment and in the sediments are monitored to be modelled. Application of solute
transport models gives coefficients that reflect the intensity of bio irrigation. The simplest
model consists in using the diffusion model with an enhancement factor of the molecular
diffusion of the tracer. For instance, Wang and Matisoff (1997) reported a diffusion
enhancement factor in the range from 2 to 5 by freshwater tubificids, which is a classical
range of value for many irrigating organisms. Freshwater tubificids generate a water
exchange of 25 L.m-2.d-1 (Woods, 1975), which is important but not massively compared to
Nereis diversicolor (Muller, 1776) which may induce 1500 L.m-2.d-1 (Kristensen and Kostka,
2005) or Chironomus riparius (Meigen, 1804) with 80-800 1500 L.m-2.d-1 (Leuch, 1986). Bio
irrigation greatly enhances the flux of dissolved components at the water-sediment interface
and their depth of penetration: as for bioturbation, this process seems primordial in the
cycles of herbicides.
In order to understand the role of fauna activities in the degradation and storage of
herbicides in sediment, the proper model would be a priori the early diagenesis of organic
matter. Aller (1982) early proposed a conceptual model about the role of bioturbation and
bio-irrigation on early diagenesis of organic matter (an adaptation is presented in Fig 4).
This model fits well with the observed results of numerous studies.
Starting from the classical idealization of primary reactions of organic matter degradation,
two major effects of benthos activities can be distinguished: (i) the geometry of solute
diffusion is altered by the presence of burrows and the irrigation of the galleries. As a
consequence, solute reactants and especially oxygen and nitrates are transported deeper in
the sediments and an horizontal gradient of metabolic successions takes place in the walls of
the galleries; (ii) burrow and faecal pellet formation alters reaction and solute diffusion
geometries, creating a mosaic of biogeochemical microenvironments rather than a vertically
stratified distribution. Moreover, it has been shown that ventilation of galleries creates a
dynamic succession of aerobic and anaerobic conditions in the interstitial water (Aller, 1994,
Sun et al., 2002; Gilbert et al, 2003a): in a first step, worms bring oxygen in their galleries by
flushing with water from the overlying water column; in a second step, this oxygen is
consumed by micro-organisms (aerobic oxidation) creating an oxygen depletion and an
How Early Diagenesis Reveals In Situ Biodegradation of Herbicides in Sediment 453
Aerobic oxydation
Nitrate reduction
Manganese reduction
Iron reduction
Sulphate reduction
Idealized mineralization
From Aller, 1982
succession (Froelich,
Fig. 4. Conceptual view of the effects of bioturbation and bio-irrigation on early diagenesis
of organic matter.
enrichment of water with nitrates; in a third step, nitrates are consumed by micro-organisms
in anaerobic conditions (denitrification); then, worms renew water bringing again oxygen.
This redox oscillation in galleries enhances the organic matter mineralization by a factor 7.
Bioturbation and bio-irrigation deeply modify the biogeochemical functioning of sediments
and hence the global geochemical cycles. As far as we know, the effects of bioturbation on
herbicides geochemistry in sediments were not specifically addressed. Taking into account
the living organisms bioturbating effects, on in-situ fate of this kind of contaminants,
represents a challenge for the future studies and surely improves our comprehension of
geochemical mechanisms of herbicides biodegradation. Numerical modelling of diagenesis
of organic matter including the effects of bioturbation and bio irrigation really started in
1995 with a study of Van Cappellen and Wang. Since this paper, numerous models were
presented (Boudreau, 1996; Soetaert et al., 1996; Meysman, 2001; Wijsman et al., 2002;
Canavan et al., 2006; Delmotte, 2007). Such models allow exploring the influence of
particular and solute transport on the numerous reactive processes, using bioturbation and
bio irrigation coefficients obtained with tracer-methods. This represents a promising way to
understand the fate of herbicides in bioturbated sediments.
2.4 Conclusion
The first decimetre of sediment below the sediment/water interface is an ordered and
dynamic ecosystem. Benthic biogeochemical mechanisms are linked to the mineralisation of
organic matter exported toward the sediment. Reactions and macro benthic activity
determine the sedimentary cycle of carbon, redox species and all reactive components,
including contaminants. All these phenomenon are related and depends on environmental
properties, which vary in space and time. Therefore, studies on early diagenesis must take
into account the complexity of the sedimentary environment and they need a
multidisciplinary approach.
454 Herbicides and Environment
prevalent route (van Eekert et al. 1999). Methanogenic archaea, which obtain energy for
growth by converting hydrogen and acetate into methane, are for example able to degrade
many organochlorines including pesticides (e.g. Jablonski & Ferry, 1992; Jablonski et al.
1996), because some of the co-factors involved in methane formation can fortuitously
dechlorinate them. The methanogens have however no mechanism to harness the energy of
the latter reaction. Co-metabolic transformation of halogenated compounds is typically
much slower than (de)halorespiration (Löffler et al. 1999).
The ΔGo' values quoted above are for standard conditions: pH = 7, 25oC, concentrations of
substrates and products at 1 mol per litre, and gases at a partial pressure of 1 atm (100 000
Pa). Environmental conditions are generally different from that. This is considered in ΔG
values. The rule of thumb for the conversion from ΔGo' to ΔG values in reductive
dechlorination reactions is that every 10-fold change in concentration results in an
adjustment of 5.7 kJ/reaction. Thus, for example, a 100 fold lower product concentration
(e.g. [Cl-] is 10 mM rather than 1 M) results in a 11.4 kJ lower (“more exergonic”) ΔG value,
while a pH of 6 rather than 7 results in a 5.7 higher (“less exergonic”) ΔG value. Molecular
hydrogen levels in methanogenic sediments are generally in the range of 10 to 100 Pa; this
results in adjustments of ~ 17-23 kJ per reaction. It seems reasonable to assume equimolar
concentrations of chlorinated pesticides (e.g. hexachlorobenzene) and their less halogenated
dechlorination product (e.g. pentachlorobenzene), but even if the concentration of the
product would be 1000 fold higher than the concentration of the substrate the adjustment
would still be only 17 kJ.mol-1. Given the fact that for example ΔGo' for the reaction
hexachlorobenzene + H2 → pentachlorobenzene + H+ + Cl- is -171.4 kJ per reaction (Dolfing
and Harrison 1992) such adjustments are relatively minor, and it is safe to conclude that
reductive dechlorination would remain exergonic under environmentally relevant
conditions. Microorganisms in anoxic methanogenic sediments function at ΔG values of -10
to -20 kJ per reaction (Hoehler et al 2001).
Whereas microbiologists traditionally evaluate the thermodynamics of environmentally
relevant reactions in terms of ∆Go’ values, that is at pH = 7, chemists generally express redox
half-reactions in terms of logK values (e.g. Table 2) at pH =0. Following the latter convention
Table 5 lists the logK values of all reductive dechlorination reactions involved in the
sequential dechlorination pathways of hexachlorobenzene to benzene. The logK values,
which range between 8.7 and 11.5, decrease with the number of chlorine atoms carried by
the benzene ring, meaning that dechlorination becomes (slightly) less favourable when the
number of chlorine substituents decreases. Dehalococcoides sp. strain CBDB1 is an example of
an organism that can grow with chlorinated benzenes as electron acceptor (Adrian et al.
2000; Lorah and Olsen, 1999). Presently the only chlorinated benzene congener that appears
to resist being dehalorespired is monochlorobenzene. There is however no thermodynamic
reason why microorganisms should not be able to grow with this compound as electron
acceptor: the hunt is on (Fung et al. 2009).
Dichloroelimination is a special case of reductive dechlorination, where two chloral
substituents are removed from adjacent carbon atoms, while the aliphatic C-C bond is
converted into an unsaturated C=C bond (Fig. 5, Dolfing, 2000). This reaction is of
particular environmental relevance: the first step in the degradation of the organochlorine
lindane (γ- hexachlorocyclohexane) is a dihaloelimination to γ-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-
cyclohexene (Heritage and Mac Rae 1997; Lal et al. 2010). Also, Lorah and Olsen (1999)
have observed that in a freshwater tidal wetland degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane
involved formation of 1,2-dichloroethylene rather than only classical reductive
456 Herbicides and Environment
mediated the thermodynamic most favourable reactions (Beurskens et al. 1994). Indeed,
thermodynamics has been used successfully to rationalize dechlorination and
dechlorination patterns of organohalogens, but this approach does not always work
(Dolfing, 2003). Thus there is a need for more than “just” thermodynamics to explain and
predict the dechlorination (patterns) or the lack thereof in Nature. With some unfortunate
exceptions pesticides concentrations in the environment are relatively low. Hence it seems
plausible that Nature needs time to respond to the challenge to use these compounds
efficiently, which is as energy source. Meanwhile co-metabolism may well be the route that
nature uses to cleanse itself slowly but steadily. Even for the relative success story of
hexachlorobenzene degradation in Rhine sediments its estimated half life was seven years
(Beurskens et al. 1993).
and desorption (Arildskov et al., 2001). If degradation is observed in the lab for some
consortia, field studies are still too scarce to ensure representativeness and the kinetics of in-
situ degradation remains to establish.
5. Perspectives
Scientific literature about the in situ biodegradation of herbicides in sediments is still limited
but the increase of their release in the environment should highlight sediment as
biodegrading matrix. Coring in order to extrapolate the ancient fluxes, as it was used for the
nowadays banned persistent organic pollutants (POPs), is becoming obsolete considering
the emergence of new molecules with short half-life, especially herbicides. Instead of being
considered as an inert matrix of POPs settling and archiving, sediment role into
biodegradation of emergent pollutants should be increasingly taken into account. Herbicide
degradation in sediment with depth could be considered as a screening of metabolisation
efficiency of segregated consortia. Generalisation of interpretation of vertical profile or in-
lab metabolisation testing could allow to find consortia able to degrade herbicides and to
use them as inocula for the bioremediation of contaminated areas or to determine the fate of
chemicals in lake, lentic and marine area, where contaminated sediment management
becomes of increasing concern.
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Part 5
Toxicological Aspects
1. Introduction
Worldwide pesticide usage has increased dramatically during the last two decades,
coinciding with changes in farming practices and the increasingly intensive agriculture
(Konstantinou et al., 2006). Developing countries represent approximately 30% of the global
pesticide consumer market. Within this group, Brazil is the most important individual
market, with an estimated 6.5 billion dollars per year spent on pesticides, making the
country the second largest consumer of pesticides in the world (Peres et al., 2006). Rio
Grande do Sul State, located in the south of Brazil, is responsible for 10.4% of pesticide
consumption in Brazil (SINDAG, 2006).
The higher the agricultural productivity, the more contamination with pesticides. Pesticides
are a group of artificially synthesized substances which have been used in agriculture to
control pests and to increase production. These substances protect the agricultural crops, but
overuse and incorrect use can pose risks to human health and the environment (Caldas et
al., 2009). The impact of pesticide uses on human health is especially evident in developing
countries, where pesticides are widely used in agriculture. According to the 2005 annual
report of the Brazilian Toxico-pharmacological Information System (Sinitox), 8,000
notifications of cases of human pesticide poisoning had been received annually. The
Brazilian Ministry of Health estimates that for each reported case there are at least 50 non-
reported ones, it increases the annual pesticide poisoning rates to 400,000 cases per year,
with 2,000 deaths (Peres et al., 2006). This human contamination can occur in different ways,
and one of them is through contaminated waters.
Brazil has approximately 10% of the world’s fresh water, with an annual average river flow
of 182,600 m3 s–1. When all areas of the Amazon region are considered, including the
territory in neighboring countries, the outflow is around 272,000 m3 s–1. Although Brazil is
considered rich in water due to its extensive landmass, there is a high disparity in
distribution of this resource among its regions. Moreover, the rapid process of urban
development and increases in agricultural productivity in the last few decades have been
affecting the quality and availability of water (Marques et al., 2007).
The surface water is considered the water stored or flowing on the earth’s surface: natural
bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands, as well as constructed (artificial) water
reservoirs such as canals, man-made lakes, and drainage ditches. The quantity and quality
472 Herbicides and Environment
2. Objective
The aim of this chapter is to present an evaluation of the contamination of surface, drinking
and groundwater by herbicides, insecticides and fungicides used in different crop cultures
in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.
Culture Pesticides found
Water sample Compounds Reference
related (maximum concentration found - µg L-1)
clomazone (1.72) Zanella et al.,
surface clomazone rice
2,4-D (>2.0) bentazone (>2.0)
2,4-D, bentazone, clomazone,
surface rice clomazone (>2.0 ) propanil (>2.0) Primel et al., 2005
propanil, quinclorac
quinclorac (>2.0)
atrazine, clomazone,
atrazine (0.63) clomazone (1.72)
chlorpyrifos, flumetralin, Bortoluzzi et al.,
surface tobacco imidacloprid (2.18)
imidacloprid, iprodione, 2006
atrazine (ground – 0.69 - surface – 0.82)
atrazine, chlorpyrifos, clomazone(ground – 12.84 - surface – 15.69)
surface and Bortoluzzi et al.,
flumetralin, imidacloprid, tobacco chlorpyrifos (ground-0.14 – surface – 0.13)
groundwater 2007
iprodione, simazine, clomazone imidacloprid (ground –2.33 - surface – 2.59)
simazine (ground – 0.81)
clomazone, propanil, Marchesan et al.,
clomazone (8.85) propanil (12.9)
surface quinclorac rice 2007
quinclorac (6.6)
Table 1. Studies that analyzed pesticides in sample waters in RS state after 2002
Risk Estimate of Water Contamination and Occurrence of Pesticides in the South of Brazil
This region has special characteristics because of its agricultural production. Pesticides of
different classes are widely used and some of them, due to their physico-chemical
properties, can reach the water systems. Firstly, a theoretical evaluation was made using the
approaches suggested by US-EPA, the GUS index and the Goss method to estimate the
contamination possibilities. Afterwards, a monitoring program was established for the
surface and groundwater of the area to investigate the presence of pesticide residues.
3. Methods
3.1 Characterization of the physico-chemical properties
The knowledge of most relevant physico-chemical parameters is important to set up the
analytical scheme and to understand the environmental behavior of the compounds. It helps
in the selection of the analytes that can be present in the area under study, the sample
extraction and the technique for the analyses. A review about the physico-chemical
characteristics was carried out and all information was based on Barceló & Hennion (1997).
much higher than that of their non-ionic form. The ionization constant is usually expressed
as pKa. The higher the pKa value, the weaker is the acid and the tendency to be ionized.
Cl NH2
N O CH3 CH(CH3)2
Name: carbofuran 3-
Name: carbaryl Name: carbofuran
Mw: 201.2 Mw: 221.3 Mw: 237.3
CAS number: 63-25-2 CAS number: 1563-66-2 CAS number: 16655-82-6
O Cl O
S O Cl
Cl F CH3
Cl H
O P N N CH(CH3)2
S (Zn)Y
3.2.2 US-EPA
The US-EPA screening criteria was also used for predicting the leaching potential. It is based
on the following: water solubility > 30 mg L–1; Koc < 300-500; Henry’s Law constant – KH <
10–2 Pa m3 mol–1; speciation – negatively charged (either fully or partially) at room
temperature pH (5-8); soil t1/2 > 2-3 weeks; hydrolysis t1/2 > 25 weeks; vulnerable field
conditions (annual precipitation > 250 mm, aquifer not confined, porous soil).
or t1/2 soil ≤ 2 days and Koc ≤ 500 cm3 g-1 or t1/2 soil ≤ 4 days, Koc ≤ 900 cm3 g-1 and water
solubility ≥ 0.5 mg L-1 or t1/2 soil ≤ 40 d Koc ≤ 900 cm3 g-1 and water solubility ≥ 2 mg L-1;
HWTRP - t1/2 soil > 35 d, Koc < 1000000 cm3 g-1 and water solubility > 1 mg L-1, or t1/2 soil >
35 d, Koc ≤ 700 cm3 g-1 and water solubility between 10 and 100 mg L-1; LWTRP - Koc >
1000000 cm3 g-1, or t1/2 soil ≤ 1 d and Koc ≥ 1000 cm3 g-1, or t1/2 soil < 35 d and water solubility
< 0.5 mg L-1. The compounds which do not meet any of these criteria are considered with
medium potential, in other words, Medium Water-Phase-Transport Runoff Potential
(MWTRP) or associated with sediment (MSTRP).
purchased at Sigma Aldrich (São Paulo, Brazil). Imazethapyr, imazapic, fipronil, bispyribac-
sodium and penoxsulam were purchased at Dr. Ehrenstorfer GmbH (Augsburg, Germany).
Methanol and acetonitrile of chromatographic grade were supplied by Mallinckrodt
(Phillipsburg, NJ, USA). Phosphoric acid (85%) and formic acid (98%) of analytical grade
were purchased at Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Ultra pure water was produced by a
Direct-Q UV3® system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). The SPE extraction tubes were
Chromabond C18ec, 500 mg/3 mL (Macherey-Nagel, Düran, Germany).
3.5 Equipment
All analyses were performed on a Waters Alliance 2695 Separations Module HPLC,
equipped with a quaternary pump, an automatic injector and a thermostatted column
compartment, and detection was carried out on a Quattro micro API (triple quadrupole)
mass spectrometer, equipped with a Z-spray electrospray (ESI) ionization source, from
Micromass (Waters, Milford, MA, USA), according to previous studies (Caldas et al., 2010;
Demoliner et al., 2010).
3.6 Sampling
Samples were collected directly in 1 L amber glass bottles in each sampling site. These
bottles had been cleaned prior to sampling by rinsing them three times in the water to be
sampled. The bottle was filled to the top with as little remaining air as possible, and sealed
tightly. All samples were properly labeled with details of the source and sampling date, and
stored at 4 °C until the solid-phase extraction, which was carried out on the same day of the
3.6.1 Groundwater
The studies of groundwater contamination with pesticides were carried out in Quitéria, a
rural area located near Rio Grande, a city in the southeast of Brazil that has about 185,000
inhabitants. The region of Quitéria is an agricultural area where there are different kinds of
production, mainly onion, fruits and vegetables in general. The intense agricultural
production, and consequently the use of pesticides, can cause the contamination of
Samples from drinking water wells (Figure 2) with depths ranging from 2.5 up to 37 m were
collected in ten sampling points from September 2007 to August 2008, and analyzed to
determine the concentration of carbofuran, 2,4-D, clomazone and tebuconazole. Sampling
was carried out once per month in each well.
(Chromabond C18ec) with an average particle size of 45 µm. Cartridges were conditioned
with 3 mL of methanol, 3 mL of ultrapure water and 3 mL of ultrapure water pH 3.0,
acidified with phosphoric acid 1:1 (v/v). After the conditioning step, aliquots of 250 mL of
water samples, acidified at pH 3.0 with phosphoric acid (to increase the pesticide retention)
were loaded through the cartridges with a flow rate of 6 mL min-1. Then, the analytes were
eluted with 1 mL (2 x 500 μL) methanol, volume adjusted in 1 mL and injected into the
chromatographic system. This extraction procedure had been previously developed and
optimized in our laboratory (Caldas et al., 2009).
4. Results
The pesticides evaluated by Goss, GUS and US-EPA criteria were chosen because of their high
use in RS state, mainly in the rice cultivation (Câmara dos Agrotóxicos, 2008; SIA, 2003).
Table 2. Goss classification for the compounds under study (HSTRP= High Sediment-
Transport Runoff Potential; LSTRP= Low Sediment-Transport Runoff Potential; HWTRP=
High Water-Phase-Transport Runoff Potential; LWTRP= Low Water-Phase-Transport
Runoff Potential; MWTRP= Medium Water-Phase-Transport Runoff Potential; MSTRP=
Medium Sediment-Transport Runoff Potential and I = non-conclusive)
Risk Estimate of Water Contamination and Occurrence of Pesticides in the South of Brazil 483
The presence of diuron and irgarol in almost all the monitoring period indicates that in the
region of the São Gonçalo Channel, concerning the contamination by pesticides, is
influenced not only by the agricultural process but also by other sources. The occurrence of
diuron can be due to the fact that this herbicide is largely used in other kinds of cultures
such as lettuce, citrus fruits, and onion (Camara dos Agrotóxicos, 2008). Besides, diuron and
irgarol are used as antifouling in paints for vessels (Buma et al., 2009; Avila et al., 2005). The
association of these uses increases the contamination by diuron in waters, especially in
portuary regions such as Rio Grande where there is intensive navigation. The presence of
3,4-DCA, the main metabolite of diuron and of propanil, although lower than LOQ,
confirms the use of these compounds.
Whereas diuron is used in the culture of rice, the herbicide irgarol is not, but both are used
as antifouling (Sapozhnikova et al., 2007), indicating that the contamination by these
compounds has the same source, the vessels.The other compounds found in the samples are
probably due to irrigated rice, because all compounds are recommended for this culture and
this is the agricultural practice that dominates the southern region in RS state, besides the
cultures of onion and tomato (Camara dos Agrotóxicos, 2008).
The herbicides imidazolinones analyzed in this study, imazethapyr and imazapic, were
detected during all the sampling period, both in the surface water and in potable water. The
highest concentrations found for imazapic were 0.34 µg L-1 for drinking water and 0.2 µg L-1
for surface waters. For imazethapyr the highest concentrations were 0.27 µg L-1 for drinking
water and 0.35 µg L-1 for surface waters. The fact that they are frequently detected in the
samples can be explained, for example, by the system of rice cultivation, which works with a
variety of rice that is very resistant to the pesticides of the imidazolinones class; they are
effective against red rice, the main pest in the irrigated rice plantation (Avila et al., 2005).
Most of the time, the compounds were found in the same month probably indicating the use
of a mixture, that was sold commercially and is composed by both compounds.
The fungicide tebuconazole and the herbicide atrazine were detected in the sampling in
many months. Triazines are used in the world as pre and post-emerging selective herbicides
to control weeds in many cultures, such as corn, wheat, sugar cane and barley.
The insecticide fipronil was detected in all samples, since it is recommended for several
cultures (agriculture and silviculture). This compound was found in surface waters in RS, in
other studies. In the study developed by Marchesan et al. (2010) it was found in
concentration until 26.2 µg L-1 and with high frequency of detection. The herbicide
pyrazossulfuron-ethyl was also detected in some samples since this compound is
recommended for rice cultivation.
The detection of the metabolite carbofuran 3-hydroxy, from carbosulfan and carbofuran,
indicates that one of these compounds had been used on farms near the São Gonçalo Channel.
The herbicide clomazone was detected in concentrations lower than the LOQ in all samples,
except in July, when it was detected in surface and potable waters. Marchesan et al. (2007)
detected clomazone in river waters in RS, with high frequency. They comment the relation
of the frequency with the rainfall regime and with the rice water management used in the
4.4 Groundwater
4.4.1 Choice of the pesticides for the grondwater monitoring
The selection of the analytes included in this study was based on their extensive use as
pesticides in agricultural areas. Moreover, these pesticides are some of the mostly used
Risk Estimate of Water Contamination and Occurrence of Pesticides in the South of Brazil 485
pesticides in the area under study; according to the US Environmental Protection Agency
(US EPA), they have potential to reach the groundwater systems (Table 3).
US-EPA Criteria
Herbicides t1/2 t1/2
Water solubility Koc KH Result index
soil water
2,4-D A A A N N PC TL
atrazine A A A A N PC PL
azimsulfuron A A A A N PC TL
bentazone A A A A A PC PL
bispyribac-sodium A N N N A NC IL
cyhalofop-butyl N N A N N NC IL
cyclosulfamuron N N A N NC IL
clefoxydim N N N NC
clomazone A A A A N PC PL
diuron A A A A PC TL
ethoxysulfuron A A A A N PC TL
fenoxaprop-p-ethyl N N A N N NC IL
glyphosate A N A A N PC IL
imazapic A A A N PC PL
imazethapyr A A A A N PC PL
metsulfuron-methyl A A A A A PC PL
molinate A A N A A PC PL
oxadiazon N N A A N NC TL
oxyfluorfen N N A A N NC IL
pendimethalin N N N A N NC PL
penoxsulam N A A A N PC TL
pyrazosulfuron-ethyl N A A N I TL
propanil A A A N N PC IL
quinclorac N A A A PC PL
simazine N A A A N PC PL
thiobencarb A N A A A PC IL
triclopyr N A A A N PC PL
fungicides and insecticides
azoxystrobin N N A N N NC IL
benfuracarb N N A N N NC IL
beta-cyfluthrin N N A N N NC IL
carbaryl A A A N N PC TL
carbofuran A A A A N PC PL
cyfluthrin N N N A N NC IL
fenitrothion N N A N N NC IL
fipronil N N A A N NC PL
imidacloprid A A A A N PC PL
malathion A A N N N NC IL
486 Herbicides and Environment
US-EPA Criteria
Fungicides and GUS
t1/2 t1/2
Insecticides Water solubility Koc KH Result index
soil water
mancozeb N N A N NC IL
propiconazole A N A A N PC TL
tebuconazole A N A A PC TL
thiamethoxam A A A A N PC PL
thiophanate-methyl N A A N N NC IL
tricyclazole A A A A PC PL
trichlorphon A A A A PC PL
trifloxystrobin A N A N N NC IL
Table 3. Risk assesment of groundwater contamination based on US-EPA criteria and GUS
index (US-EPA, N= not meet the criteria; A= meet the criteria; I= non-conclusive; PC =
potential contaminant NC = non-contaminant; blank – data not available; GUS IL = not
leachable, TL = transition zone and PL= probably leachable)
Fig. 3. Sum of pesticide concentrations determined from January 2008 to April 2010.
Fig. 4. Concentrations of carbofuran (a), clomazone (b), and tebuconazole (c) (µg L-1) in
water samples from wells in different months (Caldas et al., 2010)
488 Herbicides and Environment
highest solubility in water and the lowest half life in soil, probably being degraded rapidly
before reaching the groundwater. In surface waters, it has been found in many studies
(Laganà et al., 2002; Palma et al., 2004; Primel et al., 2005).
The pesticide carbofuran showed the highest concentrations. October and March were the
months that showed the highest contamination, 10.4 and 9.75 µg L-1, respectively; exceeding
the maximum value permitted by the Brazilian legislation for groundwaters. Wells 1 (9 m)
and 2 (37 m) presented the major occurrence. Tariq et al. (2004) detected carbofuran residues
in well waters with a detection frequency of 59% in July and 43% in October. This is one of
the factors related to the high solubility of the compound in water. The highest
concentration was 23.1 µg L-1. Bacigalupo & Meroni (2007) analyzed water from wells in an
agricultural area in the south of Milan for 11 months and found residues of carbofuran in
90% of the samples at concentrations below 5.0 µg L-1. Hernández et al. (2001) detected
carbofuran in groundwater in around 25% of samples, but never in levels higher than
0.1 µg L-1.
Clomazone has high water solubility and water half life higher than 30 days and showed its
highest levels in August in well 2 (9 m), 0.82 µg L-1. The high frequency of contamination of
clomazone in groundwaters was detected by Bortoluzzi et al. (2007); they detected the
compound in 50% of well samples, at a mean concentration of 6.76 μg L-1. In this study, the
herbicide clomazone was detected in 70 % of wells. This is the only work found that analyze
pesticides in groundwater in RS state.
The high detection frequency of the pesticides carbofuran and clomazone in groundwater,
both in shallow and deep wells can be explained by their high potential for leaching as a
result of their low soil sorption coefficient and high solubility in water, as well as relatively
high half life in the soil.
The systemic tebuconazole fungicide is used to control a wide range of fungi on fruit and
vegetables. The concentrations of tebuconazole were higher in July and August, and well 5
(6 m) showed the highest levels, 1.73 µg L-1 in July and 3.65 µg L-1 in August.
The compound tebuconazole was detected in wells 29 m deep. Although it has occurred
with low frequency, it confirms the high potential for leaching that this compound has. This
compound was found in groundwaters by Baugros et al. (2008). The amounts ranged from
0.03 to 0.89 µg L-1.
5. Conclusion
The use of models/parameters to predict the pesticide behavior in the environment is
important to obtain an estimate about the contamination risk. The evaluation of the data
presented in the list of compounds reveals that among the pesticides most commonly used
in agriculture in Rio Grande do Sul State, most of those investigated presented mobility in
the environment, and risk to contaminate the surface and groundwaters.
The results of the monitoring show that surface and groundwater contamination by
agriculture is still an important issue that cannot be ignored.
In an attempt to minimize risks associated with pesticides, technological advances that
allow pesticide detections at very low concentrations, combined with research findings help
to increase the scientific understanding of the potential of pesticides to contaminate water
Risk Estimate of Water Contamination and Occurrence of Pesticides in the South of Brazil 489
The public interest is well served by a cooperative effort among regulators, university
researchers, and industry to establish reasonable use restrictions. These efforts should
ensure that, when used appropriately, pest control products will not pose a threat to water
6. References
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a
Tool to Evaluate the Effects of
Herbicides on Eukaryotic Life
Daniela Braconi, Giulia Bernardini, Lia Millucci,
Gabriella Jacomelli, Vanna Micheli and Annalisa Santucci
Dipartimento di Biologia Molecolare, Università degli Studi di Siena
1. Introduction
1.1 Herbicides and their toxicity
Agricultural herbicides play undoubted beneficial roles in preserving crop yields, although
they may pose serious concerns for the environment and humans because of their
widespread and intensive use/misuse (due to careless applications, high and repeated
application rate, accidental spillage). It is also evident the potential to injure non-target
cultivars and microorganisms, in particular those contributing to soil quality, and to cause
adverse side-effects in mammals, including humans (Cabral et al.,2003; Cabral et al.,2004).
Herbicide-related toxicity may be often underestimated because little information is
provided on the effects of herbicides as complete formulations. As a matter of fact, acute or
chronic toxicity tests are generally carried out using pure active ingredients (AIs).
Herbicide-induce damaging effects are proportional to the absorbed substance and to the
time of exposure, but also to the inherent characteristics of each compound. Agriculturists
are most likely exposed to acute intoxication, by inhalation or direct contact with toxic
substances, though each person can be subjected to possible toxic effects due to
accumulation of pesticide residues in the body, being the diet the most important source of
Typically, pure herbicide molecules are of limited value to end users. To give them practical
value and make them usable, most herbicides are combined with appropriate solvents or
surfactants to obtain a formulation. A given chemical may be formulated in a variety of
differing formulations and sold under different trade names. For this reason, pure AIs are
mixed with coformulants, also called ‘inert’ or auxiliary substances, to allow their use in
common and convenient vehicles, such as water, and to obtain uniform and effective
distributions. Several substances fall within the definition of coformulant, including: carrier
substances, solvents, surfactants, dispersing agents, adhesives, absorption-promoting
agents, antioxidants, bactericides, dyes, fillers, and perfumes. Coformulants can have
various technical and physico/chemical properties in relation to their function in the
pesticide formulation. These chemicals can be expected to have various toxicological
profiles, some of them harmless (e.g., water) and some with serious toxicological properties
(e.g., the organic solvent isophorone, which is a suspected carcinogen). Because
494 Herbicides and Environment
coformulants represent the highest amount in pesticide mixtures, even a minor toxicological
concern could become significant in relation to their use (Tobiassen et al., 2003) especially
considering the fact that, besides being toxic themselves, they can also increase the toxic
effects of AIs (Surgan, 2005; Séralini, 2005). However, for the majority of herbicides that are
currently used, no information on the identity of coformulants is publically made available.
Consequently, adjuvants can be included in herbicide formulations as a part of the total
product which is sold by the manufacturer or as an additive to be mixed with pesticide
products in the spray tank. Adjuvants can directly increase the toxicity of pesticide
formulations. For instance, they can promote their penetration through clothes and skin and
increase their persistence in the environment (Cox & Surgan, 2006). Consequently, different
problems might be posed when manipulating different formulations. As an example, in the
case of emulsifiable concentrates, problems of dosing and mixing could be encountered
and the absorption through skin could be facilitated. Granules, since they usually do not
adhere to foliage and are not intended for foliar applications, may have more serious
consequences for soil quality and microbial populations commonly associated
(http://www.ext.colostate.edu/ pubs/crops/00558.html).
Yeast cells have already been proposed as a tool for assessing toxicity of environmental
pollutants (Cabral et al., 2004; Cabral et al., 2003; Simoes et al., 2003), as shown by the few
following examples:
i. S. cerevisiae can be a bio-accumulator of metals such as Cu, Cr, Cd, Ni, Zn, and Pb
(Malik, 2004).
ii. S. cerevisiae shows affinity for different pesticides, and in particular can partially
degrade and significantly adsorb the fungicides quinoxyfen (Cabras et al., 2000) and
fenhexamid (Cabras et al., 2003). Moreover, yeast can degrade and adsorb several
pyrethroid pesticides (Cabras et al., 1995).
iii. Wild-type yeasts can be used as biosensors and a valid tool for preliminary evaluations
of xenobiotic toxicity (Baronian, 2004) (Campanella et al., 1995).
All of the experiments were performed using Milli-Q (Millipore, Bedford, MA, U.S.A.)
mm ID) and filter. Analyses were carried out by gradient elution with 0.1 M KH2PO4,
containing 6 mM pH 5.5 tetrabutylammonium hydrogen phosphate (TBA) (eluent A) and
methanol (eluent B).
The chromatographic conditions (total run time 22 min) were set as follows:
initial condition: 95% A and 5% B;
i. 5 minutes isocratic in the initial conditions;
ii. 2 minutes gradient to reach 80% A and 20% B;
iii. 5 minutes isocratic in the new conditions;
iv. sudden increase to 80% A and 30% B;
v. 2 minutes isocratic in these conditions;
vi. restoring of the initial conditions in 8 minutes.
Flow rate was 1 mL/minute at room temperature. Both UV absorbances at 260 and 280 nm
were monitored and used to record sample chromatographic spectra. On individual peaks,
absorbance spectra were recorded from 194 to 354 nm. Compound of interest were
identified on the basis of their retention time or with the co-elution with proper internal
standards. Single compounds were quantified according to calibration curves obtained with
standard solutions.
5 Dithioerythritol
498 Herbicides and Environment
temperature for 10 hours. 100 μg (2D gels to be transferred onto nitrocellulose (NC)
membranes or 1000 μg (preparative 2D gels) of proteins were used, respectively. Isoelectric
focusing (IEF) was carried out with a Protean IEF cell (Bio-Rad) according to manufacturer’s
instruction and then IPG strips were equilibrated in 6 M urea, 30% (v/v) glycerol, 2% (w/v)
SDS6, 0.05 M Tris-HCl pH 6.8 containing first 2% (w/v) DTE and later 2.5% (w/v) IAA7.
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was carried out
applying 40 V per gel until the dye front reached the bottom of gels. Preparative gels were
stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue as described (Candiano et al., 2004).
3.6.3 Western blot detection of protein thiols labelled with biotinylated iodoacetamide
Before the IEF, K310 proteins were derivatized in MES-Tris buffer (pH 6.5) containing 200 μM
BIAM for 15 minutes in the dark. The labelling reaction was quenched by the addition of 2
mM β-mercaptoethanol (final concentration) (Kim et al., 2000). Then proteins were resolved
through 2D-PAGE and transferred onto NC membranes as already described (see 3.6.2).
BIAM-labelled proteins were detected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-linked
streptavidin (dilution 1:10000), followed by a chemiluminescence reaction using the Immun-
starTM HRP kit (Bio-Rad).
Fig. 1. Colony forming ability assay. K310 cells were treated with the tested herbicides as
commercial formulations (A) or their pure AIs (B) and colony forming ability was evaluated
by plate assay. Results are reported as % CFU versus control (cells grown in standard
medium for P-, S-, PE, and G- treated cells; DMSO vehicle for T- and F- treated cells, as
detailed under Material and Methods). Data are presented as average values of three
independent experiments carried out under identical conditions; standard deviation is
indicated with vertical bars. *P <0.05 compared with control.
yeast can metabolize up to 20% of G during the bread making process, probably with
detoxification mechanisms which can result in the production of new degradation
compounds, whose action is still unknown (Low et al., 2005).
Additionally, our finding is also in good agreement with a consistent number of reports
indicating that commercial formulations containing G are much more toxic than G alone in
several organisms/cells (dos Santos et al., 2005; Tsui & Chu, 2003; Peixoto, 2005; Benedetti et
al., 2004).
Treatment of yeast cells with the herbicide PE induced a period of latency with a significant
loss of colony-forming ability, followed by a restoration of the exponential phase of growth,
presumably attributable to a cell population adapted to the chemical stress. This finding is
in accordance with previously reported works on 2,4-D herbicide, to which yeast cells were
proven to adapt before restoring growth (Viegas et al., 2005).
In the overall, our data strongly indicated how the effects produced by commercial
herbicide formulations should be distinguished by those produced by pure AIs. This
pointed out that coformulants can substantially contribute to cell damage. Such a damage
cannot be revealed if, as usual, single AIs are tested. Because AIs are never applied alone in
crops but always with several coformulants, our data reinforced the hypothesis that, for eco-
toxicological considerations, commercial compounds are the most appropriate ones to be
tested. Additionally, our data for S are particularly important considering that the
introduction in the market of crops genetically tolerant to G will probably result in an
increased use of this herbicide.
Our results should be read considering yeast not only as an eukaryotic model, but also and
especially as a microorganism used for the production of wine, nowadays considered in all
respects as a food. We found that significant amounts of herbicides can inhibit initial wine-
making steps. Additionally, considering yeast ability to metabolize several compounds
during alcoholic fermentation for the production of H2S and other sulphur compounds (for
example, in physiological conditions, intermediates of methionine biosynthesis), the
possibility that yeast strains could utilize sulphur compounds contained in commercial
formulations should not be underestimated. This could have important consequences on
Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Tool to Evaluate the Effects of Herbicides on Eukaryotic Life 501
Fig. 2. Fermentative performance assay. K310 cells were treated with the tested herbicides as
commercial formulations (A-C) or their pure AIs (D-F) and fermentative performance was
evaluated by measuring ethanol levels in culture medium. Results are reported as g/L
ethanol. Cells grown in standard medium were used as a control for P-, S-, PE, and G-
treated cells; a DMSO vehicle for T- and F- treated cells, as detailed under Material and
Methods, was used as well. Data are presented as average values of three independent
experiments carried out under identical conditions; standard deviation is indicated with
vertical bars. *P <0.05 compared with control.
commercial herbicides P, S and PE. Since we found that significant negative effects could be
induced in a very short time after the addition of herbicides to yeast culture, our analyses were
limited to 2 hours of treatment with the tested compounds. First, we investigated through an
HPLC analysis if the tested herbicides could impair the K310 intracellular pools of some
triphosphate nucleotides, their hydrolysis products, as well as NAD e NADP (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. HPLC analysis of nucleotide patterns in K310 cells treated with commercial herbicide
formulations (P 100 mg/L, S 1 g/L or PE 500 mg/L) or in the absence of herbicides (control).
Data are presented as average values of three independent experiments carried out under
identical conditions; standard deviation is indicated with vertical bars. *P <0.05 compared
with control.
When grown in the presence of 100 mg/L P, K310 cells exhibited a sudden raise in ATP and
GTP levels; conversely, ADP, GDP and total energetic charge were quite similar between P-
treated and control cells. Inosine levels were higher in the presence of P, whereas AMP,
NAD and NADP levels were lower in P-treated cells versus the control.
Responses obtained treating K310 with 1 g/L S were partially superimposable with those
obtained with P. The treatment with S made ATP and GTP levels raise, concomitantly with
the decrease in AMP, NAD and NADP levels. The total energetic charge was significantly
lowered after 30 minutes treatment in S-treated cells, while similar to the control at the other
When exposed to 500 mg/L PE, K310 cells showed the most important alterations in
nucleotide patterns. All the parameters under evaluation were decreased by PE treatment
during the whole observed period, though values registered after 120 minutes indicated a
raise in AMP, GDP and NADP levels.
Stress responses involve many adaptive mechanisms in a number of metabolic processes to
allow cell homeostasis and maintenance of the integrity of those structures necessary to
survive. Yeast cells acquired, through the evolution, the ability to cope and survive to
Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Tool to Evaluate the Effects of Herbicides on Eukaryotic Life 503
sudden environmental changes, and developed a peculiar ability in changing the internal
milieu to adapt to new growth conditions. One of the most relevant aspects of this response
is cell energetic balance, and for this reason we decided to investigate, through an HPLC
analysis, if P, S and PE could alter nucleotide patterns in K310 cells.
Globally, our results suggested that both P- and S-treated cells had to face an increased
energy demand to cope with the herbicide-induced stress, phenomenon that had been
already reported for yeast cells exposed to the herbicide 2,4-D (Teixeira et al., 2005). On the
other hand, they seemed to indicate a sudden impairment in the redox balance, as indicated
by the lower levels of NAD and NADP, which are indirect indexes of a decreased reducing
power generated by oxidative stress. Additionally, the increased levels of inosine represent
an indirect index that cyototoxic effects of the tested herbicides might be exerted through
oxidative mechanisms (Carvalho et al., 2003).
Our results also showed that PE-mediated cytotoxicity in K310 cells could be the result of
important alterations of the cell redox homeostasis and/or imbalances of vital cell metabolic
processes that cells could not counteract. Nevertheless, the trend showed by various
parameters after 120 minutes of treatment with PE suggested the existence of a population
of yeast cells which can adapt and survive to such stressing growth conditions, like already
indicated by our previous experiments (Braconi et al., 2006a) (Braconi et al., 2006b).
peroxides (Pigeolet et al., 1990). This can probably reflect the decreased ability of yeast cells
to adapt efficiently to the oxidative stress encountered. A sudden decrease in SOD activity
had been already associated to brief treatments of human erythrocytes with the herbicide
2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and to one of its metabolites (2,4,5-trichlorophenol)
(Bukowska, 2004). Whereas SOD is considered an essential anti-oxidant enzyme, at the same
time it can have pro-oxidant effects in vivo (Lushchak et al., 2005), and thus SOD inactivation
can be read as a defence mechanism as well.
Fig. 4. Native PAGE and staining of active catalase (A) and SOD (B) in K310 cells treated
with commercial herbicide formulations (P 100 mg/L, S 1 g/L or PE 500 mg/L) or in the
absence of herbicides (control). Quantitative evaluation was performed on band intensities,
as detailed under Material and Methods. Data reported are average values of three
independent experiments carried out under identical conditions; standard deviations are
indicated with vertical bars. *P <0.05 compared with the control culture.; nd: not detectable
Literature reports about the activity of antioxidant enzymes after herbicide treatments are
quite heterogeneous, probably reflecting different experimental conditions and the
specificity of stress responses in different systems. Other factors that must be taken into
account are the different ROS types that can be generated, their toxicity for the cells, their
detoxification rate as well as the involvement of enzymatic and non-enzymatic defense
mechanisms. Only as a few examples, pure G did not alter catalase and SOD activity in the
liver of rats (Beuret et al., 2005) while SOD activity in roots and leaves of pea plants was not
affected by the treatment with imazethapyr, an imidazolinone herbicide (Zabalza et al.,
2007). Moreover, while catalase activation in yeast had been already associated to the
herbicide 2,4-D (Teixeira et al., 2004; Teixeira et al., 2007), either a commercial formulation
containing 2,4-D or pure G did not alter catalase activity in mice (Dinamarca et al., 2007).
Nevertheless, our data for S are in good agreement with a recent report for another G-based
formulation (Roundup Ultra 360 SL) that induced catalase activity in human erythrocytes
after very short treatments (Pieniazek et al., 2004).
Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Tool to Evaluate the Effects of Herbicides on Eukaryotic Life 505
Fig. 5. Functional classification of: proteins differently expressed in K310 cells treated with
the herbicides P, S or PE versus the untreated control (A), and proteins carbonylated (B) or
with oxidized thiols following herbicide treatment (C).
506 Herbicides and Environment
stress as well as the redirection of cell metabolic fluxes to set up appropriate defence
mechanisms. Alterations of carbohydrate metabolism for the generation of NADPH is a
fundamental cellular response to the oxidative stress, since this factor is required for many
defence mechanisms such as glutathione reductase and thioredoxine reductase, which have
a critical role in maintaining the proper redox-balance of thiol groups. At the same time, the
inhibition of the glycolytic route could support the production of protective substances,
such as trehalose.
the one hand thiol oxidation can activate specific protein functions or protect critical
residues from irreversible oxidation, on the other it can generate a wide range of chemically
reactive sulphur species propagating the oxidative imbalance in the form of pro- anti-
oxidant redox cascades (Jacob et al., 2006).
Either in the case of treatment of K310 cells with P, S or PE, we were able to point out
herbicide-mediated oxidative damage towards yeast protein thiols (Braconi et al., 2010).
Once classified according to their functions, we found that many of the proteins containing
oxidized thiols were involved in carbohydrate metabolism (Braconi et al., 2010) (Fig. 5C),
confirming what recently observed by other authors (Le Moan et al., 2006; Magherini et al.,
2009; McDonagh et al., 2009). Our results globally indicated that thiol oxidation could
coordinate the metabolic response to herbicide-induced oxidative stress and regulate fluxes
of carbohydrates (McDonagh et al., 2009); this could eventually have, in turn, negative
relapses on the fermentative performance of yeasts. Thiol specific oxidation was observed
also for some proteins involved in the stress response or covering specific important
functions in yeast cells (Braconi et al., 2010) (Fig. 5C), in good agreement with results from
Le Moan (Le Moan et al., 2006).
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Tool to Evaluate the Effects of Herbicides on Eukaryotic Life 513
1. Introduction
In epidemiological and in experimental biology studies, the existence of an increasing
interest in biomonitoring markers to achieve both a measurement and an estimation of
biologically active/passive exposure to genotoxic pollutants, is nowadays a real fact.
Significant contributions to the advancement of pesticide toxicology came and continue to
come from many sources, e.g., academic, governmental/regulatory, and industrial.
Regulatory agencies, private sector, and academia worldwide combine expertise to assess
pesticide safety and risk potential demanding adequate data of high quality to serve as the
basis for establishing safe exposure levels. The extent of testing was and is often determined
by the depth of the science, as well as the chemical and physical properties of the agent and
the extent of exposure. The importance of pesticide toxicology has evolved from listing
poisons to protecting the public from the adverse effects of chemicals, from simply
identifying effects (qualitative toxicology), to identifying and quantifying human risks from
exposure (quantitative toxicology), and from observing phenomena to experimenting and
determining mechanisms of action of pesticide agents and rational management for
intoxication. Humans and living species may, therefore, be exposed to a number of different
chemicals through dietary and other routes of exposure.
Nonetheless, there continues to be concern that the presence of multiple chemical residues
in foods may cause adverse health side effects, including effects that would not be predicted
from consideration of single exposures to individual compounds. It is known that the
regulatory system for pesticide products found in foods does not routinely address the toxic
effects of different substances in combination. The implications, both for risk assessment and
for approval processes, of exposure to mixtures of pesticides are among the topics examined
by different international agencies, e.g., World Health Organization (WHO, www.who.int),
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, www.iarc.fr), United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, www.epa.gov), European Chemicals Agency
(ECHA, www.echa.auropa.eu), Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency
(PMRA, www.pmra-arla.gc.ca), among others. These international agencies, particularly
WHO and EPA, have contributed a great deal in their attempts to control pesticide
poisoning. They continue their efforts, with particular emphasis on safety in the use of
516 Herbicides and Environment
pesticides and applied research activities, playing the role of intermediary for the
involvement of agrochemical industries in safety activities.
It has been strongly recommended that the nature and extent of combined exposure to
pesticides and related chemicals, together with the likelihood of any adverse effects that
might result, should be evaluated, when carrying out risk assessment. Furthermore, a
scientific and systematic framework should be established to decide when it is appropriate
to carry out combined risk assessments of exposures to more than one pesticide. Finally, it
has been also recommended that groups of pesticides having common targets of
toxicological action should be identified (www.food.gov.uk).
Pesticides are ubiquitous on the planet and they are employed to control or eliminate a
variety of agricultural and household pests that can damage crops and livestock and reduce
the productivity. Despite the many benefits of the use of pesticides in crops field and its
significant contribution to the lifestyles we have come to expect, pesticides can also be
hazardous if not used appropriately and many of them may represent potential hazards due
to the contamination of food, water, and air, which can result in severe health problems not
only for humans but also for ecosystems (WHO-FAO, 2009). The actual number of pesticide-
related illnesses is unknown, since many poisonings go unreported. It has been estimated
that at least three million cases of pesticide poisoning occur worldwide each year
(www.who.int). The majority of these poisonings occur in developing countries where less
protection against exposure is achieved, knowledge of health risks and safe use is limited or
even unknown. Studies in developed countries have demonstrated the annual incidence
intoxication in agricultural workers can reach values up to 182 per million and 7.4 per
million among full time workers (Calvert et al., 2004) and schoolchildren (Alarcon et al.,
2005), respectively. However, the number of poisonings increases dramatically in emerging
countries where the marketing of pesticides is often uncontrolled or illicit and the
misbranded or unlabelled formulations are sold at open stands (www.who.int). Yet, cases of
pesticide intoxication may be the result of various causes in different regions of the world.
In emerging countries, where there is insufficient regulation, lack of surveillance systems,
less enforcement, lack of training, inadequate or reduced access to information systems,
poorly maintained or nonexistent personal protective equipments, and larger agriculturally
based populations, the incidences are expected, then, to be higher (IFCS, 2003). Despite the
magnitude of the problem of pesticide poisoning, there have been very few detailed studies
around the world to identify the risk factors involved with their use. The use of pesticides
banned in industrialized countries, in particular, highly toxic pesticides as classified by
WHO, EPA, and IARC, obsolete stockpiles and improper storage techniques may provide
unique risks in the developing world, where 25% of the global pesticide production is
consumed (WHO-FAO, 2009). Particularly, the impact of increased deregulation of
agrochemicals in Latin America threatens to increase the incidence of pesticide poisoning,
which has already been termed a serious public health problem throughout the continent by
the WHO. Many of the pesticides used in Latin America are United States exports and the
companies can make a number of changes to ensure the “safe” use of their products.
However, the social, economic and cultural conditions under which they are used,
pesticides acutely poison hundreds of thousands each year, including many children. In the
majority of Latin American countries, poisoning registries are so inadequate that most acute
poisoning cases never get recorded. Meanwhile, health effects of chronic or long-term
pesticide exposures such as cancer or birth defects are not available, omissions that serve to
hide the epidemic proportion of pesticide-related illness in the region. In Argentina, e.g.,
Herbicides in Argentina. Comparative Evaluation of the Genotoxic and
Cytotoxic Effects on Mammalian Cells Exerted by Auxinic Members 517
available official data revealed that 79% of the intoxications due to pesticides are related
with the use of herbicides followed by insecticides and fungicides (www.msal.gov.ar),
values that correlate with the evolution of the phytosanitary market demonstrating that
herbicides accounted for the largest portion of total use (69%), followed by insecticides
(13%), and fungicides (11%) (www.casafe.org). Consequently, Argentina a larger producer
of cereals, including soy, is actually the world eight-largest agrochemical market. The
country has seen an explosion in genetically modified soybean production with soy exports
topping $16.5 billion in 2008 (www.casafe.org). The fertile South American nation is now the
world's third largest producer of soy, trailing behind the United States and Brazil.
In vivo assays
Root tip assay
Allium cepa 25 - 100 ppm + Kumari & Vaidyanath,
520 Herbicides and Environment
observed in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis when the reverse mutation assay was applied
(Simmon, 1979; Leifer et al., 1981; Waters et al., 1981). Whereas the herbicide was unable to
induce mitotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Zimmermann et al., 1984), negative
and positive results were obtained for the induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis in
human primary cells regardless of the presence or absence of a rat liver metabolic activation
system (Simmon, 1979; Perocco et al., 1990). Induction of DNA single-strand breaks,
estimated by the alkaline comet assay, was evaluated in CHO cells exposed in vitro to
Dicamba. González et al. (2007) demonstrated an increase in the frequency of DNA lesions
in this cell line. Similar observations were reported by Sorensen et al. (2004, 2005) on
Dicamba-treated CHO cells cultured in the presence of reduced-clay smectites but not when
the clay system was not included within the culture protocol. Both González et al. (2006,
2007, 2009) and Perocco et al. (1990) demonstrated the ability of the herbicide to induce SCEs
in CHO cells and human lymphocytes with and without S9 fraction treated in vitro,
respectively. The induction of alterations in the cell-cycle progression of different cellular
systems including CHO cells and human lymphocytes were reported to occur after in vitro
exposure to Dicamba (González et al., 2006, 2007, 2009). Finally, similar results were
reported for the cell viability assay in CHO cells (Sorensen et al., 2004; González et al., 2009).
In genotoxic and cytotoxic studies in vivo, Dicamba was able to induce different types of
lesions. It has been reported the ability of the herbicide to give positive results by using the
gene mutation and recombination assays when Arabidopsis thaliana was used as
experimental model (Filkowski et al., 2003). However, both negative and inconclusive
results were reported for the sex-linked recessive lethal mutation end-point on Dicamba-
exposed Drosophila melanogaster (Waters et al., 1981; Lee et al., 1983). Perocco and co-workers
(1990) reported an increased frequency of DNA unwinding rate in rat hepatocytes. It has
been also reported that the herbicide is able to enhance the frequency of chromosomal
aberrations in the root- and hoot-tip cells of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and in rat bone
marrow cells (Hrelia et al., 1994). On the other hand, no increased frequency of
chromosomal rearrangements has been observed in the durum wheat Triticum turgidum by
Satyavathi and co-workers (2004). Finally, when the micronuclei induction end-point was
employed, positive results were reported in Tradescantia sp (clone 03) by Mohamed and Ma
In vivo assays
A → G/T → G mutation and
recombination assay
Arabidopis thaliana 120 μg/L +/- Filkowski et al., 2003
Sex-linked recessive lethal
Drosophila melanogaster NA - Waters et al., 1981
3 - 2000 ppm IN Lee et al., 1983
DNA unwinding rate
Rat hepatocytes NA + Perocco et al., 1990
Chromosomal aberrations
Hordeum vulgare root- and NA + Hrelia et al., 1994
hoot-tip cells,
Triticum turgidum 2 mg/L - Satyavathi et al., 2004
Rat bone marrow cells NA + Hrelia et al., 1994
Micronuclei assay
Tradescania sp. Clone 03 50 - 200 mg/L + Mohammed & Ma, 1999
Table 2. Evaluation of Dicamba-induced genotoxicity and cytotoxicity on different target
systems. a, expressed as reported by authors; CCP, cell cycle proliferation; NA, data no
available; IN, inconclusive results.
524 Herbicides and Environment
2.5 A 12.0
0.5 3.0
0.0 0.0
2,4-D DMA
2,4-D DMA
1.0 C 1.2 D
2,4-D DMA
2,4-D DMA
1.0 E 1.0 F
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
2,4-D DMA
2,4-D DMA
Fig. 1. Comparative genotoxicity and cytotoxicity effects induced by 2,4-D and Dicamba
pure herbicides Pestanal® analytical standards (grey bars) and their technical formulations
(black bars) commonly used in Argentina on mammalian cells in vitro (plain bars, CHO-K1
cells; dotted bars, human lymphocytes). Results are expressed as fold-time values over
control data. Evaluation was performed using end-points for genotoxicity [Sister Chromatid
Exchanges frequency (A), Comet Assay (B)] and cytotoxicity [Mitotic Index (C), Viability
(D), Proliferative Rate Index (E), 3(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium
bromide (MTT) and Neutral Red (NR) (F)].
Herbicides in Argentina. Comparative Evaluation of the Genotoxic and
Cytotoxic Effects on Mammalian Cells Exerted by Auxinic Members 525
6. Final remarks
In agriculture, agrochemicals are generally not used as a single active ingredient but as part
of a complex commercial formulation. An active ingredient is a substance that prevents,
526 Herbicides and Environment
kills, or repels a pest or acts as a plant regulator, among others. In addition to the active
component, the formulated products contain different solvents, carriers and adjuvants,
some of which have been reported to induce damage in mammalian cells, among other
cellular systems (Lin & Garry, 2000; Zeljezic et al., 2006; González et al., 2007, 2009;
Soloneski et al., 2008; Molinari et al., 2009; Soloneski & Larramendy, 2010). Hence, risk
assessment must also consider additional toxic effects caused by the excipient/s. Thus, both
the workers as well as non-target organisms are exposed to the simultaneous action of the
active ingredient and a variety of other chemical/s contained in the formulated product.
Finally, the results highlight that a complete knowledge of the toxic effect/s of the active
ingredient of a pesticide is not enough in biomonitoring studies as well as that
agrochemical/s toxic effect/s should be evaluated according to the commercial formulation
available in the market. Furthermore, the deleterious effect/s of the excipient/s present
within the commercial formulation should be neither discarded nor underestimated.
7. References
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1. Introduction
During the Vietnam war (1961 – 1971), the United States military forces carried out the
operation named Ranch Hand that sprayed over 19.5 million gallons of herbicide for
defoliation over wide areas of forests and crops in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to deny
their use by opposition force (Westing, 1984; Stellman et al., 2003a). Two thirds of the
chemical herbicides used was Agent Orange, a 50:50 mixture of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,4,5-T) and 2,4-dichlophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) herbicides (IOM 2002). The defoliant
2,4,5-T was contaminated with an extremely toxic substance, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-
dioxin (TCDD) known to have adverse effects on human health.
The Vietnam war ended over 35 years ago. There are still adverse effects of herbicide
residues on people who lived in sprayed area and also its ecosystems (Schecter et al., 2001,
2003; Cau et al., 2003; Mai et al., 2007). In environmental health research, there is a
recognized need to develop methodologies to carry out epidemiologic research. The
geographic information system (GIS) is a technology which can improve the study of dioxin
in Vietnam to estimate people’s herbicide exposure. GIS can also combine both extensive
and intensive databases on dispersal of herbicides, locations of US army military units and
bases, locations of civilian population centers in Vietnam, then provide a unique basis to
integrate and improve epidemiologic studies (Stellman et al., 2003b; Waring et al., 2005; Viel
et al., 2008). GIS-based exposure assessment has been used in a small number of
532 Herbicides and Environment
epidemiologic environmental studies (Rushton, 2003). They can efficiently integrate records
of where herbicides were used.
Results of investigations in a sprayed site, A Luoi Valley in southern Vietnam, demonstrate
the apparent food chain transfer of TCDD from contaminated soil to cultured fish pond
sediments to fish and duck tissues, then to humans as measured in whole blood and breast
milk. A Luoi Valley is considered a microcosm of southern Vietnam, where the soils have
been contaminated by numerous reservoirs of TCDD (Dwernychuk et al., 2002). Another
study made clear that TCDD was increased in the blood of 19 of 20 persons taken from an
Agent Orange contaminated site, Bien Hoa in southern Vietnam. TCDD levels among these
persons, one of whom reached 271 ppt, was 135-times higher than among persons living in
non-contaminated areas in northern Vietnam (Schecter et al., 2001). A project for searching
dioxin hot spots was carried out in provinces in southern Vietnam. The results showed that
dioxin contamination in soil and sediment are higher than standard, and indentified specific
US bases as hot spots (797 pg/g TCDD in Bien Hoa, 227 pg/g TCDD in Da Nang, 194 pg/g
TCDD in Phu Cat) (Dwenychuk et al., 2005, 2006).
In 2001, a Japanese medical research team initiated studies on human impacts of herbicide
spraying. The study has shown significantly higher dioxins levels of serum, breast milk and
adipose tissues in inhabitants of sprayed areas (Quang Tri province) than those in non-
sprayed area (Ha Tinh province), while no significant difference was found on early
indicators of adverse health effects such as liver or thyroid function and immunological
activities. Dioxin levels in breast milk of people in the sprayed area are significantly higher
than those in non-sprayed areas (Tawara et al., 2006). The study on mothers revealed high
dioxin levels in breast milk. Kido et al.(2006) has shown visual acuities of both eyes of
people in sprayed areas were also significantly lower than those in non-sprayed area at
every condition with change of contrast from 100 to 2.5 % except for 2.5 % contrast of the left
eye, the simple relationships between dioxin levels and visual acuity were shown as mild in
both eyes.
In the world and Vietnam there have been numerous studies. They have shown the hazards
of dioxin on the environmental and human health. However, some studies remain limited
with respect to subject of study, sample size, method of study and difficulties in chemical
analysis, etc. In addition, there were not many studies applying GIS to the study of dioxin
levels in soil and breast milk in Vietnam.
The main objective of this study was to assess the correlation between dioxin concentration
in soil, sediment and breast milk of females in Cam Chinh commune, Quang Tri province,
Vietnam. Herbicides that contained high concentration of dioxin were sprayed during the
Vietnam war.
Fig. 1. Location of soil and sediment sample sites in Cam Chinh commune
534 Herbicides and Environment
Residence of mothers
Fig. 2. Overlaid GPS data of breast milk samples in Cam Chinh map
Reproductive failure
Yes 86 19(22.1%) 71 4 (5.6%) **c)
correlation; however, no significant correlation appeared (Fig 4, 6). We suspect the reason
for the lack of correlation was the extended period since the end of the war (35 years
passed). The half-life of dioxin elimination in the human body, which is estimated at 7 – 11
years (Mukerjee 1998; Kerger et al., 2007), and in the soil environment is 28.5 – 274 years
(Sinkkonen et al., 2000). The second reason was the rather low number of the samples; 16 for
soil, one for sediment and 86 for breast milk are highly imbalanced. In contrast, no
significant relationship means present environment status represented by dioxin levels of
soil is not consistent with human exposure that is represented by breast milk. There is one
possibility that another exposure route such as exposure due to herbicides during Vietnam
war might affect dioxin levels of breast milk.
In addition, we also found that the distributions of PCDDs and PCDFs in soils were quite
different by the Kriging interpolation analysis. More details in differences are presented below.
On the Kriging map of PCDDs, no correlation was shown between dioxin in soil and breast
milk (fig 4). We can see red points (locations of soil samples) which are dioxin levels in soil,
and blue points (locations where mothers are living) which are dioxin levels in breast milk.
Around the red big points (high dioxin level) are dark colors and red small points (low
dioxin level) are light. PCDDs were thought to come from Agent Orange, given Agent
Orange in the Quang tri area was sprayed 1965 – 1970 (IOM 1998) (Fig 3).
y = -1.9241x + 478.7
Estimation value based on 2500.0 R2 = 0.0004
kriging interpolation
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Actual value of breast milk
Fig. 4. Estimation value based on Kriging interpolation and actual value of breast milk
y = -0.0168x + 26.87
Estimation value based on 35.0 R2 = 0.0006
kriging interpolation
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Actual value of breast milk
Fig. 6. Estimation value based on Kriging interpolation and actual value of breast milk
Results of the analysis show that PCDFs are not correlated with dioxin in soil and breast milk
(Fig 6). On the Kriging map of PCDFs we can see red points which are dioxin levels in soil and
blue points which are dioxin levels in breast milk (Fig 5). But location of red points is different
with Kriging map of PCDDs and the dark color is also different, it is not around the high
dioxin level in soil. PCDFs in this area are thought to come from herbicides other than Agent
Orange sprayed during the war plus other chemical and pesticides applied after the war.
Reasons why we cannot detect clear correlation between estimated value of soil and breast
milk follow: 1) duration after the war, 2) imbalanced alignment of soil samples, 3) larger
area will be tested if people’s immigration tendencies are taken into account. Then, more
studies will be required to take a larger number of soil samples, which will be well-
distributed in the study site including dioxin hot spots.
4. Conclusions
The concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs in soil, sediment and breast milk samples collected in
Cam Chinh commune, Quang Tri, Vietnam to assess correlations using Geostatistic
algorithms of log-normal Kriging. Results showed that mean dioxin level of breast milk in
sprayed areas was significantly higher than that in non-sprayed area. Significant
correlations did not appear between estimated dioxin levels in soil by Kriging method and
those in breast milk. There is one possibility that another exposure route such as exposure
due to herbicides during Vietnam war might affect dioxin levels of breast milk. The
distribution pattern of PCDDs and PCDFs is also quite different each other. More soil data
should be needed to make more reliable geographical estimations.
5. Acknowledgements
This study was supported by grants from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, (B)no.17406016 and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
540 Herbicides and Environment
Research (A) no.19209021 ) and Yoshida Scholarship Foundation, Japan. The authors would
like to thank Dr. Wayne Dwernychuk at Hatfield Consultant in Vancouver, Canada; Dr.
Nguyen Ngoc Hung and officers of 10-80 Division, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam for
making this possible.
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542 Herbicides and Environment
Developmental Toxicity of
Nitrophenolic Herbicide Dinoseb,
Mariko Matsumoto, Akihiko Hirose and Makoto Ema
Division of Risk Assessment, Biological Safety Research Center,
National Institute of Health Sciences
1. Introduction
Dinoseb (2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol; CAS No. 88-85-7), a dark reddish-brown solid or
dark orange viscous liquid, depending on the temperature (melting point: 32-42 °C) (Kidd &
James, 1991), was approved for sale in the US in 1948 as a nitrophenolic herbicide in
soybeans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, citrus and other field crops for the selective control of
grass and broadleaf weeds (EXTOXNET, 1996; Schneider, 1986). Dinoseb is also used as an
insecticide for grapes and as a seed crop drying agent (EXTOXNET, 1996). Dinoseb is one of
the chemicals available on the market on the basis of safety tests conducted by Industrial
Bio-Test Laboratory, a concern later found to have submitted many flawed and even
fraudulent reports on its procedures and results (Shabecoff, 1986). Subsequently, several
studies showed that dinoseb has the potential to produce developmental toxicity including
teratogenicity in rats, mice and rabbits (Giavini et al., 1986; Johnson, 1988; Preache & Gibson,
1975a; Preache & Gibson, 1975b).
Dinoseb as a pesticide was banned in the US in 1986 and the EU in 1991 owing to the
potential risk of adverse health effects in humans (EXTOXNET, 1996; Rotterdam
Convention, 2006), but dinoseb and its salts are still widely used as other agricultural
products (PAN, 2006). Dinoseb as a pesticide is also banned in Japan, but its import is
permitted (PAN, 2006). The volumes of dinoseb imported into Japan were estimated to be
615 tons in fiscal year 2008 and 726 tons in fiscal year 2009 (NITE, 2009). Dinoseb is a high-
volume chemical with production or importation exceeding 1,000 tons per year in
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries
(OECD, 2004).
Dinoseb is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract by the oral route and can pass
through the placenta into the fetus in mice (Gibson & Rao, 1973). A dermal study showed
that in six hours young and adult female rats absorbed about 44% of the dose, while at 120
hours 75.9% was absorbed in young and 92.5% in adults (Hall et al., 1992). Dinoseb shows
relatively strong acute toxicity with an oral LD50 of 5-50 mg/kg in female rats (MHLW,
2005), an intraperitoneal LD50 of 14.1-22.5 mg/kg in mice (US EPA, 2003b) and a dermal
LD50 of 40 mg/kg in rabbits (US EPA, 2003b). Inhalation LC50 is 33-290 mg/m3 for 4-hour
exposure in rats (US EPA, 2003b). The basic mechanism of toxicity is thought to be
544 Herbicides and Environment
NZ white rabbit 3 mg/kg GDs 7-19, Hydrocephaly, anophthalmia
9 mg/kg 6 h/day Dead and resorbed fetuses, cleft palate,
microcephaly, microphthalmia
(Johnson, 1988)
Table 1. Developmental toxicity of dinoseb in rabbits
GDs: gestation days
supernumerary ribs are indicative of basic alterations in the development of the axial
skeleton (Branch et al., 1996). A similar study conducted by Rogers et al. (2004) revealed a
dose-related increased incidence of mouse fetuses with supernumerary ribs following
maternal administration of dinoseb in NaOH at 50 mg/kg bw/day on GDs 7-8 and
suggested that increased incidence of supernumerary ribs in fetuses is toxicologically
significant. Skeletal anomalies such as sternum or vertebral centrum defects and fused ribs
were also detected in fetuses of mice given dinoseb on GDs 7-8 at 50 mg/kg bw/day in
NaOH. Although the treatment regimes of Branch et al. (1996) and Rogers et al. (2004)
were essentially the same, they obtained different developmental effects in fetuses of mice
given dinoseb at 50 mg/kg bw/day. Rogers et al. (2004) used 25 pregnant mice. On the
other hand, Branch et al. (1996) used only two pregnant mice, which is too few to evaluate
the developmental toxicity. Therefore, it appears that a gavage dosing of dinoseb on GDs 7-8
at 50 mg/kg bw/day can induce teratogenic effects without maternal toxicity in CD-1 mice.
Dinoseb was administered to pregnant Swiss-Webster mice during GDs 7-15, GDs 9-11 or
GDs 13-15 by gavage up to 50 mg/kg bw/day in NaOH. Gavage dosing of dinoseb
produced no increased incidence of gross or soft-tissue anomalies. When dinoseb was given
by gavage on GDs 9-11, six out of eight pregnant animals died at 50 mg/kg bw/day, but no
effects were observed on developmental parameters. Skeletal variations such as
supernumerary ribs and vertebrae were observed after doses of 20 and/or 32 mg/kg
bw/day during GDs 7-15. The fetal crown-rump length (CRL) was also reduced at 32
mg/kg bw/day after administration of dinoseb on GDs 7-15. A dose of 32 mg/kg bw/day
dinoseb during GDs 13-15 induced absent or not ossified sternebrae. The dose levels that
caused these adverse effects in fetuses were also lethal to some dams (Gibson, 1973).
Species Dose Exposure time Developmental effect
CD-1 mouse 15 mg/kg GDs 8-12 No effects
(Chernoff & Kavlock, 1982)
SW mouse 15.8 mg/kg GDs 9-11 ↓PAH uptake by renal cortical slices
(Gibson, 1976)
SW mouse 7.5 mg/kg GDs 9-11 ↓Fetal body weight, external, soft-tissue
(32°C) and skeletal malformations,
delayed ossification
17.7 mg/kg GDs 9-11 ↓Fetal body weight, external and soft-tissue
(6°C; dry) malformations, skeletal retardation,
variation and malformation
(Preache & Gibson, 1975b)
total of 44-48 days beginning 14 days before mating to day 6 of lactation at 0 (vehicle: corn
oil) , 0.78, 2.33 or 7.0 mg/kg bw/day (Matsumoto et al., 2008a). As for the developmental
parameters, no changes attributable to the chemical were noted in the 0.78 and 2.33 mg/kg
bw/day dose groups. Eight of twelve females died and two animals were moribund during
late pregnancy at 7.0 mg/kg bw/day. Developmental toxicity of dinoseb was not precisely
estimated because only one dam with live pups was obtained at the highest dose, and
newborn rats were only examined externally. No increased incidence of pups with an
external malformation was noted in the dinoseb-treated groups.
In teratology studies in rats, skeletal variation, delayed ossification and/or decreased fetal
body weight was commonly observed in fetuses of dams treated with dinoseb. Giavini et al.
(1986) administered dinoseb to pregnant CD rats by gavage in corn oil either once a day on
GDs 5-14 at 0, 2.5, 5, 10 or 15 mg/kg bw/day or twice a day on GDs 5-12 at 15 (7.5 x 2) or 20
(10 x 2) mg/kg bw/day. Dinoseb was also administered to pregnant rats on GDs 5-12 at 15
mg/kg bw/day in NaOH. This vehicle was selected to conform to a vehicle used in a study by
Gibson (1973) in which dinoseb in NaOH showed teratogenicity in mice when administered
i.p. but not by gavage. An increased incidence of supernumerary ribs was observed at 10
mg/kg bw/day and higher, and fetal weight was decreased at 15 and 20 mg/kg bw/day
regardless of frequency of dosing or vehicle. Delayed ossification of caudal vertebrae,
metacarpals or sternebrae was observed at a single dose of 15 mg/kg bw/day (in both corn oil
and NaOH). These doses also caused maternal toxicities such as mortality and decrease in
body weight gain. No malformations were observed in fetuses of dams treated with dinoseb
under the test condition regardless of the dosing regimen or vehicle used in the experiment.
Fetal body weight was decreased when pregnant Crl:CD rats were given dinoseb at 15 mg/kg
bw/day with diet A (protein 21%, fat 3.5%, fiber 6.5%, ash 7.5% and N-free extractives 61.5%;
Italiana Mangimi, Settimo Milanese, Italy) and diet B (protein 21%, fat 4.8%, fiber 4.2%, ash
8.5% and N-free extractives 61.5%; Mangimi Piccioni, Gessate, Italy) on GDs 5-13 (Giavini et
al., 1989). Dinoseb induced microphthalmia in fetuses of animals fed diet B but did not induce
maternal toxicity. Maternal mortality and decreased maternal body weight gain were observed
when dinoseb was given with diet A. Although developmental toxicity was different
according to the type of diet, there were no differences in dinoseb concentrations in maternal
plasma and in embryos between the two dietary groups.
Wistar/Han rats were administered dinoseb by gavage on GDs 6-15 at 0, 1, 3 or 10 mg/kg
bw/day (Health Canada, 1991). No information on the vehicle was presented in this study.
Only slight depressions were observed in food consumption and body weight gain of dams
at 10 mg/kg bw/day. Fetuses at the highest dose showed a slight decrease in body weight,
and increases in the incidence of delayed ossification and incidence of skeletal variations,
especially supernumerary ribs. At 3 mg/kg bw/day and higher, absence of thoracic
vertebrae was observed. No further information is available for this study, but the result
indicates that dosing of dinoseb by gavage is hazardous in Wistar/Han rats.
The details of our new findings (Matsumoto et al., 2010) shown in Table 3.1 are described
below (see 4.4).
SPF Crl:CD 8.0 mg/kg GDs 6-15 ↓Fetal body weight, skeletal variations,
(SD) rat b delayed ossifications
10 mg/kg ↓ Fetal body weight, skeletal variations,
delayed ossifications, microphthalmia
(Matsumoto et al., 2010)
Table 3.1. Developmental toxicity of dinoseb administered by gavage in rats
a: only secondary literature or abstract is available.
b: the details are described in 4.4
GDs: gestation days
with microphthalmia and reduced fetal weight were also observed when pregnant Crl:CD
rats were given dinoseb in diet B at 200 ppm on GDs 5-13. At this dose, maternal food
consumption and body weight gain were decreased compared with those of control groups
(Giavini et al., 1989). When dinoseb was fed with diet A, maternal food consumption and
body weight gain were reduced, but no effects were found in fetuses (Giavini et al., 1989).
These findings indicate that the developmental toxicity, including teratogenicity, of
dinoseb in rats was influenced by diet composition (see 4.1 for the compositions of diet A
and diet B).
552 Herbicides and Environment
Following feeding of dinoseb on GDs 5-14 at 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 ppm (0,
3.26, 6.9, 9.23, 10.86, 9.38, 9.49 and 8.6 mg/kg bw/day) in SD rats, the number of resorptions
at 200-350 ppm, early embryo loss at 200-350 ppm, and total intra-uterine loss at 150-350
ppm were increased in a dose-related manner (Spencer & Sing, 1982; US EPA, 2003b). Body
weight gain in dams was decreased at 150-350 ppm. At 200 ppm, hypoplastic tail was
observed in 8 out of 62 fetuses and fetal weight was decreased. In decidualized females
given dinoseb on days 7-10 of pseudopregnancy, uterine protein and glycogen
concentrations were decreased at 200 ppm and higher in a dose-related manner. The authors
suggested a toxic role of dinoseb in the uterine environment.
Hall et al. (1978) provided a brief summary of a subchronic feeding study in which Sherman
male and female rats were fed a diet containing dinoseb at 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 and
500 ppm for 153 days. The 300, 400 and 500 ppm groups were terminated at day 21 of
administration owing to mortality of 14, 100 and 100%, respectively, and only animals fed
dinoseb up to 200 ppm were evaluated. Fertility, fecundity, neonate survival, weight gain,
viability and lactation were depressed. No further details are available.
In an unpublished five-generation study, decreased body weight gains were observed in
parents during the pre-mating period (F0, F1 and F2) at 10 mg/kg bw/day dinoseb in the
diet and in pups on postnatal day (PND) 21 (F1, F2 and F3) at 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg bw/day,
but weights at birth were similar to the controls. Body weight gain in F4 and F5 pups was
increased and absolute and relative gonadal weights in F4 pups were decreased at all dose
levels. A low viability index was obtained (from F4 to F5) at all dose levels. No detailed
information is available for this study (Health Canada, 1991; US EPA, 2003a).
The details of our new findings (Matsumoto et al., 2010) shown in Table 3.2 are described
below (see 4.4).
Crl:CD rat 200 ppm GDs 5-13 ↓Fetal body weight, microphthalmia
(diet B)
Sherman rat a < 200 ppm 153 days ↓ Fertility, ↓fecundity, ↓neonate survival,
↓body weight gain,
↓viability, ↓ lactation
(Hall et al., 1978)
CD (SD) rat a 1, 3, 10 mg/kg 3-generation ↓Body weight gain in pups (F1, F2, F3)
Gavage dose
Feeding dose
Mating Necropsy
The developmental toxicity of dinoseb was also influenced by administration methods. These
effects are considered to be related to differences in absorption due to the concentration of the
chemical, duration of exposure and rate of release or to differences in metabolic fate and the
nature of the metabolites reaching the embryo (Kalter, 1968). In fact, food deprivation for 24 h
that enhanced external, soft-tissue and skeletal malformations slowed the disappearance of
dinoseb from the plasma, but phenobarbital, which reduced developmental toxicity, hastened
the disappearance of dinoseb from the plasma. SKF-525A pretreatment, which enhanced both
maternal and developmental toxicity, decreased the rate of disappearance from the liver
(Preache & Gibson, 1975a). When pregnant mice were administered dinoseb, either i.p. at 17.7
mg/kg bw or by gavage at 32 mg/kg bw, the amount of dinoseb and its metabolites present in
the embryo was greater after i.p. than oral administration, and peak levels were reached much
earlier after i.p. administration (8 min vs. 12 h for oral) (Gibson & Rao, 1973). Developmental
effects of i.p. dosing of dinoseb in mice can be related to rapid and relatively extensive uptake
of the compound or its metabolites by the embryo.
Over the years, many investigations have been conducted using laboratory animals to assess
the risk to humans. We here reiterate the importance of the administration method to
extrapolate laboratory results to humans. We showed that fetal malformations by dinoseb
were produced by the anticipated routes of human exposure (oral and dermal exposure) in
laboratory animals. These results for routes/modes of administration relevant to human
intake should be used for human risk assessment.
There is no clear understanding of the fundamental mechanism of developmental toxicity of
dinoseb, although an energy-deficient intrauterine environment due to uncoupling of
cellular oxidative phosphorylation may explain dinoseb-induced developmental toxicity. A
prenatal dose of thiabendazole, an ATP-synthesis inhibitor, induced a deformity involving
reduced limb size in mice fetuses (Ogata et al., 1984), and ATP levels in fore- and hindlimb
buds of fetuses were related to the incidence of this deformity (Tsuchiya & Tanaka, 1985).
Dinoseb-induced teratogenicity may be related to the degree of reduction in ATP expression
influenced by variable factors.
Recent studies have investigated the role that mitochondria play in mediating apoptotic signals
(Green & Kroemer, 2004; Linsinger et al., 1999; Little & Mirkes, 2002). Programmed cell death
(PCD) is an essential component of normal physiological processes such as embryogenesis and
normal tissue development (Vaux & Korsmeyer, 1999). Altering normal patterns of PCD could
be teratogenic because areas of the body with a high incidence of malformations coincide with
areas where PCD occurs (Knudsen, 1997; Sulik et al., 1988). Some studies showed a positive
correlation between mitochondrial uncoupling activity and PCD (Maccarrone et al., 2001;
Maccarrone et al., 2003), and 2,4-dinitrophenol, an uncoupling agent, enhanced the Fas
apoptotic signal in Jurkat Bcl-2 cells (Linsinger et al., 1999). These findings imply that the
enhanced uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria may alter normal patterns
of PCD. However, the link between malformations and mitochondrial uncoupling activity is
still poorly understood. In addition, we previously showed that these apoptotic activities could
also involve in testicular toxicity of dinoseb in rats and mice (Matsumoto et al., 2008b). Further
mechanistic studies are necessary to clarify the toxicity of dinoseb.
6. References
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Developmental Toxicity of Nitrophenolic Herbicide Dinoseb, 2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 559
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1. Introduction
The use of agricultural pesticides is increasing day by day for controlling pests and weeds in
crop production, and among these pesticides, more than 65% of total amount are herbicides
(USDA, 1998). Unfortunately, their exposure is usually not limited to the location where
they are applied, and the pesticides reach aquatic environmental locations and
compartments through various physical transport processes, such as spray drift, leaching,
runoff or accidental spill, and affect the organisms living in the locations (Thurman et al.,
1991; Squillace & Thurman, 1992). The ecotoxicological impact of pesticides has been usually
measured by their effects on non-target organisms. Among the non-target aquatic
organisms, aquatic plants received less attention for assessing the impact of pesticides,
compared with the other aquatic organisms (i.e. algae, fish, daphnia etc.), however, aquatic
plants play important roles in the environmental conditions of stagnant and flowing waters.
They produce organic matter and oxygen, and provide food, shelter and substrate for a
variety of aquatic organisms (Sand-Jensen, 1997), therefore, toxicity of herbicides to the non-
target photosynthetic aquatic organisms is of concern. Peterson et al. (1997) showed that
there can be several order of variation in sensitivity to herbicides between animals and
aquatic plants. Huxley (1984) suggested that if one plant species becomes extinct from
aquatic ecosystem, 10-30 other non-plant organisms may also become extinct. Therefore, it is
of great important to understand the adverse effects by herbicides on non-target aquatic
plants in the ecosystem. There is thus need of a convenient method to assay the toxicity of
herbicides. For this purpose, test guidelines for ecotoxicology have been set in many
countries (EU, US EPA, Japan, etc). For hazard prediction, two types of information are
required: the exposure levels of non-target organisms to the chemicals, and the toxic effects
of the chemicals on the non-target group under consideration. The expected environmental
concentration (EEC) for the agricultural usage, which is a concentration calculated based on
the input of the maximum proposed application rate, is used for the estimation of the
exposure levels in an aquatic habitat (Boutin et al., 1993). The toxicity is expressed as the
EC50 value, which causes 50% reduction of growth, and NOEC (no observed effect
concentration), which is the maximum concentration that does not harm the test organisms.
If the relationship between these two pieces of information suggests a hazard, the next step
of risk assessment is to refine the assumptions to accurately predict risk. Although a short-
term exposure test is required in the ecotoxicological test guidelines using an aquatic plant,
duckweed, the results are not enough when considering environmentally because of the
562 Herbicides and Environment
three reasons: 1) the toxicity though a long-term exposure to a pesticide might be higher
than that obtained by the short-term exposure test, 2) toxicological indexes does not indicate
the lethality of the test material, and the recovery potential of the test species from the
damage should be considered due to the rapid growth rate of duckweed, and 3) the
exposure to several herbicides is usual in the aquatic environments, and the joint toxic
effects could be affected by the combination of the chemicals.
chemicals (Adams & Dobbs, 1984). The similar effect was seen between using a pigment
content and a dry weight as the effect parameters (Sirois, 1990).
The way in which exposure is calculated also varies among regulatory agencies. An estimate
of exposure is generally based on crop application rates. In the US, Canada and the UK
guidelines, EEC in the aquatic environment is calculated from a hypothetical overspray of a
water body at the maximum recommended label rate applications (Boutin et al., 1993; Holst
& Ellwanger, 1982). In the calculation of the resulting concentrations in the water body, the
US and Canada use 15 and 30 cm of water depth for forestry and agriculture, respectively,
while in the UK, the concentration is calculated using a 100 cm-deep water body. The U.S.
calculates its EEC value from 60% overspray, while Boutin et al. (1993) recommended a
100% overspray. Therefore, the concentration used to estimate hazard could be >10-fold
difference among the guidelines.
measurement without specialized instruments (Wang, 1990). Due to unique in its floating
structure, the exposure to herbicides can be both aerial and aquatic. There appears to be
little difference in the sensitivities of the two more widely used species, L. minor and L. gibba,
based on the results of Cowgill et al. (1991) and King & Coley (1985).
The frond number of L. gibba in the control cultures increased almost exponentially during
exposure and the fronds remained green and healthy throughout the experiment. When
herbicides were added, growth was affected depending on the type and concentration of the
chemicals. Although growth was inhibited, no visible changes in appearance and no lethal
effects were observed at any concentrations of any chemicals, except for paraquat. Higher
concentrations of paraquat (100 and 1000 ppb) caused plant death with a bleaching effect.
RGRs of L. gibba during exposure to herbicides are summarized in Fig. 1.
Five typical patterns were observed as follows: (1) cyhalofop-butyl and thiobencarb were
relatively week. These chemicals inhibited growth moderately even at 1000 ppb, (2) atrazine
showed moderate toxicity among the herbicides and inhibited growth completely at 1000
ppb, (3) simetryn, alachlor and diuron inhibited growth less than 16 % RGR at 100 ppb, (4)
paraquat with 86% RGR in exposure at 10 ppb caused death at 100 ppb, and (5) bensulfuron-
methyl and cyclosulfamuron showed higher toxicity with 24% RGR at 10 ppb and 48% RGR
at 1 ppb, respectively.
Based on the results, long term exposure effects were examined for the representative
herbicides, atrazine, alachlor, paraquat and cyclosulfamuron with different mode action
(Mohammad et al., 2006, 2010).
New Concept for Evaluating the Toxicity of Herbicides for Ecological Risk Assessment 565
100 : cyhalofop-butyl
80 : thiobencarb
: atrazine
60 : symetryn
40 : alachlor
: diuron
: paraquat
0 : bensulfuron-methyl
1 10 100 1000 : cyclosulfamuron
Fig. 1. Relative growth rate (RGR) of Lemna gibba with 7-day exposure to nine herbicides at
0, 1, 10, 100, and 1000 ppb.
Tests were conducted under static conditions using 9 fronds in each 100 mL test beaker
containing 50mL growth medium. The beakers were covered by transparent wrapping
paper with some pores for aeration. Stock solutions were prepared in either acetone or
water, and different concentrations of test solution were prepared by mixing with 20X-APP
growth medium based on OECD guidelines. The final concentration of acetone in the test
solution was less than 0.01%. All stock solutions were prepared just before the experiments.
Frond numbers were counted at the third, fifth and seventh days of the test period.
Inhibition of growth was estimated on the basis of frond number, which was calculated on
the basis of frond area with a fraction of 0.2 compared with the standard mother frond. Each
concentration was tested in triplicate. RGR was determined at the seventh day to evaluate
the capacity of mother fronds to produce new ones.
The experiment was conducted with different exposure periods of 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks at 200-
3200 ppb for atrazine, 6.25-400 ppb for alachlor, 2.5-80 ppb for paraquat, and 1-100 ppb for
cyclosulfamuron. Exposure to all chemicals were conducted under static-renewal conditions
every 7 days.
Toxicity data, expressed as EC50, were determined by Ecotox-Statics 2.4 (Japanese Society of
Environmental Toxicology). Multiple comparisons among the treatments in each week were
analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Duncan’s test (p>0.05) using SPSS 12.0.
Atrazine Alachlor
Paraquat Cyclosulfamron
100 days days
7 14 21 28 1 2 3 4
days days
Fig. 2. Relative growth rate (RGR) of Lemna gibba fronds in exposure to herbicides for 28
New Concept for Evaluating the Toxicity of Herbicides for Ecological Risk Assessment 567
significantly inhibited (p>0.05) after a 7-day exposure at 200 ppb, and the comparable
inhibition continued during 28 days of exposure. The RGR at 400 ppb slowly decreased
during 28 days, from 32% to 12%. With exposure at 800 ppb, the RGR was 29% at 7 days but
decreased to 2% at 14 days, and no growth was observed after 14 days of exposure. No
growth was observed at 1600 or 3200 ppb after a 7-day exposure. There were no significant
changes in the color of the fronds at any concentrations at any stages of exposure
(Mohammad et al., 2010).
Atrazine disrupts photosynthesis, the most basic functionin the plant kingdom. It blocks the
electron transport of photosynthesis, leading to a reduction in photosynthetic oxygen
production and, finally, reducing the RGR. It has been assumed that chloroplast membranes
can be damaged by this type of chemical (Corre et al., 1996).
4.7 Conclusion
The toxic effects were affected by the exposure period and concentration, depending on the
type of herbicide. All the tested herbicides showed stronger toxicity with the increasing
exposure period than the toxicity of the standard exposure period suggested by guidelines.
These characteristics of herbicides required a different model than typically used, where
only short-term exposure is usually assumed, for understanding the potential impact of
herbicides in aquatic ecosystems, e.g. comparison of toxicity at different concentrations with
different exposure periods.
and transplanted to fresh medium for recovery. The tests were done under static conditions
using 100 mL test beaker containing 50 mL growth medium. Frond numbers were counted
at the third, fifth and seventh days of the recovery periods, and at the tenth day when the
recovery was slow.
The effect of longer-term exposure on the recovery potential was examined for the
herbicides, atrazine, alachlor, paraquat and cyclosulfamuron with different mode action
(Mohammad et al., 2006, 2010). The basic test conditions were the same as those of the above
mentioned experiment. After exposure for 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, the nine mother fronds were
transplanted to fresh medium for recovery, and RGR was determined at the third, fifth and
seventh days of the recovery periods. The phytostatic and phytocidal concentrations of the
tested chemicals for L. gibba were determined according to the definition described by
Hughes et al. (1988).
5.3 Recovery potential from damage by herbicides with different mode of action
When the fronds were transferred to fresh medium after 7 day-exposure for recovery, L.
gibba started to grow again even in plots where they did not grow during the exposure
period. RGRs of L. gibba during recovery are shown in Fig. 3. Patterns of RGRs in the
recovery periods showed a tendency corresponding to the mode of action of the herbicides.
Cyhalofop-butyl and thiobencarb exhibited rapid recovery as well as the untreated control
even at 1000 ppb and growth recovered to more than 70% RGR. Results from the recovery
test with alachlor, having the same mode of action with thiobencarb, showed a slow
recovery tendency for all the concentration tested. RGR in recovery for 1000ppb was 15%
and for 100ppb was 32%. Triazine and urea herbicides showed moderate recovery.
Although the growth was inhibited completely at 1000ppb in exposure (Fig. 1), 76% RGR
was observed in recovery in case of atrazine. In case of simetryn, the RGR was >20% in
recovery for 1000ppb. Therefore, the chemicals which act as inhibitors of photosystem II are
moderately toxic to L. gibba, and moderate recovery (RGR, 76%) was observed with
exposure for 7 days. Paraquat showed no recovery above the critical concentration.
Recovery potential of L. gibba from inhibition by the sulfonylureas herbicides was greater
than with other types of herbicides and recovery was possible even at 1000 ppb with 57 %
RGR for bensulfuron-methyl and with 71% RGR at 10 days during the recovery period (data
not shown) for cyclosulfamuron. In risk assessment, the expected environmental
concentrations of the sulfonylureas were reported as 3-20 ppb (Peterson et al., 1994), which
100 : cyhalofop-butyl
80 : thiobencarb
: atrazine
60 : symetryn
40 : alachlor
20 : diuron
: paraquat
0 : bensulfuron-methyl
1 10 100 1000 : cyclosulfamuron
Fig. 3. Relative growth rate (RGR) of Lemna sp. In recovery in fresh medium after exposure
to nine herbicides at 0, 1, 10, 100, and 1000 ppb for 7 days.
570 Herbicides and Environment
are greater than EC50 of Lemna sp. for some sulfonylureas, but recovery of growth is
possible when the chemicals are dissipated by degradation in the environment.
recovery was observed because of death in the case of an exposure longer than 7 days. The
phytostatic concentration of paraquat was not determined because all phytostatic fronds
could not grow in the recovery period. The phytocidal concentration decreased with
exposure period from 80 ppb for a 7-day exposure to 20 ppb for 21- and 28-day exposures
(Fig. 4, Table 2) (Mohammad et al., 2010).
Atrazine Alachlor
Paraquat Cyclosulfamron
days days
7 14 21 28 1 2 3 4
days days
Fig. 4. Relative growth rate (RGR) of Lemma gibba fronds in recovery in fresh medium after
the exposure to herbicides.
7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
Atrazine 1600 1600 800 800 >3200 >3200 >3200 >3200
Alachlor >400 400 nda nd >400 >400 200 200
Paraquat nd nd nd nd 80 40 20 20
Cyclosulfamuron 100 50 nd nd >100 >100 10 10
Table 2. Phytostatic and phytocidal concentrations of atrazine, alachlor, paraquat and
cyclosulfamuron for Lemna gibba in different exposure periods. a not determined
572 Herbicides and Environment
Another study with different exposure periods, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days, showed that Scenedesmus
quadricauda could recover its reproduction capability even with exposure at the maximum
concentration in their test, 3.2 ppm, for 4 days, but the EC50 decreased from 0.89 to 0.22 ppm
with an increasing exposure period (Saenz et al., 2001). Those researchers also explained that
an extended lag phase was required for recovery, and that it was more extended for the
population exposed at 3.2 ppm. However, they did not check the lethal concentrations with a
longer exposure to paraquat. Similar results were also obtained in our study, as the RGR
varied from 72% to 13% in recovery from a concentration of 10 ppb with exposure periods
from 7 to 28 days. Therefore, growth was possible in recovery with exposure at 10 ppb, but the
recovery potential drastically decreased with a longer exposure. Phytocidal concentrations
were 80 and 20 ppb for exposure for 7 and 28 days, respectively. This shows remarkable
variation in the sensitivity between duckweed and algae to paraquat.
5.8 Conclusion
Recent studies demonstrated that a longer period of exposure caused more serious adverse
effects on Lemna sp. and the exposure period could affect on recovery. When the
relationship of RGRs between exposure and recovery periods was examined, the RGR in
recovery from the damage by atrazine was not affected much by the RGR in exposure. In
case of alachlor and paraquat, the RGR in recovery was dependent on the RGR in exposure.
For cyclosulfamuron, RGR decreased along with exposure period, therefore, the potential
for recovery was dependent on the exposure period (Mohammad et al., 2010). When
considering phytostatic and phytocidal scenario, the phytostatic and phytocidal
concentrations decreased with exposure period. In some cases, phytocidal concentration
became lower than the EC50 value when exposure was prolonged. Therefore, incorporation
of the both concentrations associated with the exposure period would be important for
ecotoxicological risk assessment of herbicides.
Herbicides in the environment rarely occur alone. In a large US monitoring program, more
than 50% of all stream samples contained 5 or more pesticides, and about 15% contained
more than 10 compounds (Gilliom et al., 1999). Therefore, herbicide toxicity in natural
ecosystems is not generally the result from exposure to a single toxicant, but rather exposure
to mixture of toxicants. Therefore, mixture toxicity has been a subject of ecotoxicological
interest for several decades.
A small number of studies have reported the potential threat to macrophytes exposed to
pesticide mixtures in aquatic model ecosystems (Fairchild et al., 1994; Lytle & Lytle, 2002,
2005; Wendt-Rasch et al., 2004). Recent laboratory studies with the standard OECD plant
species Lemna minor addressed the joint toxicity of pesticides by applying the two common
models of mixture toxicity: concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) (Belz et
al., 2008; Cedergreen et al., 2007a, b; Munkegaard et al., 2008). The concept of CA is based on
the assumption that any component of a mixture can be replaced by another without
altering the overall effect of the mixture, and applied for toxicants with similar molecular
target sites (Loewe & Muischnek, 1926). The concept of IA is based on the assumption that
all mixture components independently contribute to a given effect by different modes of
action (Bliss, 1939). However, how the joint toxicity of such combinations of pesticides
should be estimated is still a matter of debate in the case of considering effects of long term
exposure and recovery potential.
In this section, the results of our recent study are presented on the combined effects of the
mixtures of herbicides with dissimilar modes of action. Based on the results of our previous
studies (Mohammad et al., 2006, 2010), we selected three combinations: paraquar + atrazine,
paraquat + alachlor, and paraquat + cyclosulfamuron. Because the combinations of the
herbicides with different modes of action were used, the expected joint effects were
calculated based on the IA model from the individual effects, and the actual joint effects
were evaluated by comparing with the expected effects. Deviation from the prediction is
thus an indication of antagonism (weaker effects) or synergism (stronger effects). The
mixture effects were also evaluated on a basis of the effects of long term exposure and
recovery potential from the damage.
The EC50 of atrazine was found to be 89 ppb, and its phytotostatic concentrations were 1600
and 800 ppb for exposure periods of 14 and 28 days, respectively, and no phytocidal effects
were observed up to 3200 ppb for a 28-day exposure. Therefore, the concentration of
atrazine for mixture with paraquat was set at 100 ppb, which is near the EC50 value of
The EC50 of alachlor was found to be 31 ppb, and RGR slowly decreased during the
exposure at concentrations lower than EC50 level of 6.25 and 12.5 ppb, but rapidly
decreased at 25 and 50 ppb for 14 days of exposure. Therefore, the concentration of alachlor
was set at 10 ppb for mixture with paraquat.
The EC50 of cyclosulfamuron was found to be 0.91 ppb for a 7-day exposure, and the
phytostatic concentrations were 100 and 50 ppb, for a 7- and 14-day exposures, respectively,
and the phytocidal activity was 10 ppb when the exposure was longer than 21 days.
Considering the results of our study with cyclosulfamuron, the concentration of
cyclosulfamuron for mixture with paraquat was set at 0.15ppb.
The expected RGR in exposure to combined herbicides was calculated based on the RGR
values in exposure to each herbicide according to the equation (2) below.
The expected RGR in recovery from the damage by combined herbicides was calculated
based on the RGR values in recovery from the damage by each herbicide according to the
equation (3) below.
Although no growth was observed at the mixture of 10 ppb of paraquat and 100 ppb of
atrazine after 21-day exposure, there was no phytocidal effect in appearance. Phytostatic
effect was found at the mixture of 5 and 10 ppb of paraquat and 100 ppb of atrazine for 21-
day exposure, and at the mixture of 2.5 ppb of paraquat and 100 ppb of atrazine for 28-day
exposure. The phytostatic concentration of atrazine was 800 ppb for the same period of
exposure (Table 2), therefore, atrazine showed eight times stronger phytostatic effects by
adding paraquat at 10 ppb. On the other hand, paraquat did not show any phytostatic effect
at this concentration, but paraquat showed this type of character when mixed with atrazine.
This is an interesting phenomenon in this combination.
Atrazine is a common contaminant of surface waters, as a result of agricultural non point
surface and subsurface runoff, and is usually detected in levels from less than 0.5 ppb
(Albanis et al., 1995; Squillace & Thurman, 1992) up to 100 ppb (Thurman et al., 1992). The
toxic effects of a mixture of atrazine and metolachlor were examined in unialgal cultures of
Chlorella fusca var-fusca using a bioassay system. In concentrations lower than the EC50, the
combination resulted in reduced toxicity (antagonism) in comparison with the toxicity
caused by the sum of toxic actions of the same levels of concentration from single chemicals
(Kotrikla et al., 1999). Another study analyzed the toxicity of two mixtures (atrazine and the
insecticide chlorpyrifos; atrazine and the fungicide chlorothalonil) to the marine
7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
days days days
paraquat; z:2.5, {:5, :10, atrazine alone; :100 ppb
Fig. 5. Relative growth rate (RGR) of Lemna giba in exposure and in recovery in fresh
medium after the exposure to paraquat with and without atrazine. Expexted RGR in
exposure and in recovery were calculated as (paraquat exposure RGR) x (atrazine exposure
RGR)/100, and (paraquat recovery RGR) x (atrazine recovery RGR)/100, respectively.
576 Herbicides and Environment
RGR(%) RGR(%)
60 60 60
100 100 100
40 40 40
80 80 80
20 20 20
60 60 60
0 0 0
40 40 40
7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
20 20 20
days days days
0 0 0
Recovery 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
0 0 0
7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
days days days
from 36% to 17%, respectively, by adding alachlor. These decreases of RGR were also
comparable to the expected RGR. The results indicated that the effects of a mixture of
paraquat and alachlor could be predicted from the individual toxicity. Although the RGR
becomes 0% at the highest mixture concentration, no discoloration of frond was seen.
Higher RGR values were observed in recovery than those in exposure for all selected
mixture concentrations, even from complete inhibition at the highest mixture of 10 ppb of
paraquat and 10ppb of alachlor, but the recovery was slow compared with each
corresponding individual concentration of paraquat and alachlor. RGR was 47% at the
lowest mixture concentration of 2.5 ppb of paraquat and 10 ppb of alachlor for 7 days
exposure, while 84% and 74% RGR was observed in the individual corresponding
concentrations of paraquat and alachlor, respectively. Moreover, although there was not a
marked difference between the expected and actual RGRs in the exposure phase, in the
recovery phase, the actual RGR was lower than the expected RGR at all combinations of the
mixture. Therefore, the mixture of paraquat and alachlor showed stronger synergistic effects
on L. gibba in recovery than in exposure.
even chemicals present at very low concentrations, equivalent to 0.01, 0.005, and 0.0025 toxic
units, contributed to the overall toxicity.
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
0 0 0
7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
100 days 100 days 100 days
80 80 80
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
0 0 0
7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
days days days
6.6 Conclusion
When focusing on ecotoxicological studies and risk assessments of mixture effects of
herbicides on aquatic plants, synergism is the most important effect to protect against, since
it can not be predicted and results in an increase of toxicological effects, as it is the worst
interaction between components of mixtures. If one, two or more chemicals were present at
low levels in the same ecosystems, each of them would be poorly deleterious to non-target
species if considered separately, but their addition increase significantly the ecotoxicological
risk by the accumulation of low level risks. Therefore, increased toxicity due to the
synergistic nature of the herbicides could results in detrimental effects to primary producers
at concentrations lower than expected from the individual toxicity. The joint effects of the
herbicides to L. gibba presented in this section suggested that they often appeared stronger
than the expected ones, therefore, they could not be predicted from the standard toxicity test
using a single herbicide. In addition, the effects of long-term exposure to herbicides and
recovery potential of duckweed were also affected by their combination, indicating further
understanding of mechanisms how mixtures of herbicides affect non-target aquatic species
is necessary.
New Concept for Evaluating the Toxicity of Herbicides for Ecological Risk Assessment 579
7. Future perspective
Current scientific knowledge concerning the phytotoxicities of potential contaminants is
based largely on results from laboratory toxicity tests for a few freshwater green algal
species. The available results are used sometimes, with little scientific justification, as
surrogates for other types of aquatic plants and organisms. Our knowledge in regard to how
different organisms respond to herbicides is simply insufficient to be able to speculate about
cause and effect scenarios. In addition to the regulatory testing that needs to be developed,
there is a need for complimentary research that will expand our knowledge beyond the level
given by these standard regulatory tests. The ultimate goal of any phytotoxicity test should
be to provide results for a battery of relevant surrogate species. As a result, a composite
picture can be obtained to estimate the short- and long-term influence of contaminants on
the condition of an exposed plant community and ecosystem. With this in mind, there is a
need not only to increase use of the available phytotoxicity test methods but also to continue
to develop their ability to provide useful results.
Our results presented that the relative risk of a variety of scenarios of exposure and recovery
with an aquatic vascular plant Lemna sp. exposed to individual and mixtures of herbicides
are significant from both regulatory and research perspectives. To address actual
environmental situations, the application of this approach would be a good solution for a
better understanding of the ecological significance of the end points used in toxicity testing
and how they are interpreted and applied in ecological risk assessment.
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Part 6
Herbicide Resistance
1. Introduction
Herbicides are the most widely used group of pesticides worldwide. The widespread use of
herbicides has allowed tremendous gains in agricultural productivity worldwide. Since the
1950’s herbicides have progressively replaced mechanical weed control because herbicides
are more cost effective (Gianessi & Reigner, 2007). In 2009 over 95% of all the major
agronomic crops grown in the U. S. were treated with herbicides (USDA-NASS, 2009).
Transgenic herbicide-resistant crops were commercially introduced in the U. S. in 1996
when glyphosate-resistant (Roundup Ready®) soybean was released. Use of the very broad-
spectrum herbicide, glyphosate, provided outstanding weed control (Dill, 2005; Dill et al.
2008). The most recent data indicates that the percent of the total acres of each of the
following crops planted with glyphosate-resistant cultivars is soybeans 91%, canola 91%,
cotton 71%, and corn 68% (Brookes & Barfoot 2009). Herbicides are used on >90% of arable
farmland in the U.S. and herbicide-resistant crops has been used widely since the mid-
1990’s. Herbicide resistance in weeds was first discovered in 1968 (Ryan 1970) and there are
currently 347 confirmed weed biotypes worldwide (Heap 2010).
When discussing pest resistance, whether it is weeds, pathogens, or insects, it is important to
define the resistance. Some of the basic differences in the definitions of pest resistance depend
on the basic definitions. The most basic unit of biological classification is the species, defined as
a group of individual organisms displaying common characteristics and having the ability to
mate and produce fully viable progeny. A population is a group of organisms within a species
that co-occur in time and space (Radosevich et al. 1997) and share a distinct range of genetic
variation. A species is usually composed of several to many populations. A genotype is the
sum of the genetic coding or the genome of an individual. A biotype may not be fully
coincident with genotype, as an individual has many genes. Certain genes may be expressed
or unexpressed and not pertain to the phenotype associated with the biotype. A biotype is a
phenotype that consistently expresses or exhibits a specific trait or set of traits. Weed scientists
tend to refer to a biotype as a group of individuals with distinctive biochemical or
morphological traits (e.g. resistance to a specific herbicide mechanism of action; growth and
morphological traits). A phenotype refers to the physiological and morphological profile of the
expressed genes in an individual. A single genotype can produce different phenotypes in
response to environmental conditions present. This fundamental property of organisms is
known as phenotypic plasticity. The alteration of phenotype (morphological or biochemical)
without change in either the coding sequence of a gene or the upstream promoter region is
classified as epigenetic change (Rapp & Wendel 2005). There is some controversy over whether
586 Herbicides and Environment
epigenetic changes can be inherited. The enhanced expression of EPSP synthase gene in
glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth may be such a change.
The Weed Science Society of America’s (WSSA) (1998) published its approved definitions for
terms as follows: “Herbicide resistance (HR) is the inherited ability of a plant to survive and
reproduce following exposure to a dose of herbicide normally lethal to the wild type. In a
plant, resistance may be naturally occurring or induced by such techniques as genetic
engineering or selection of variants produced by tissue culture or mutagenesis.” In herbicide-
resistant crops, the resistance trait allows the use of a herbicide that would otherwise injure or
kill the crop. Herbicide tolerance: “Herbicide tolerance (HT) is the inherent ability of a species
to survive and reproduce after herbicide treatment. This implies that there was no selection or
genetic manipulation to make the plant tolerant; it is naturally tolerant.” In crops, herbicide-
tolerance allows the use of herbicides that control weeds but do not injure the crop.
Whereas there are many individual herbicide products, the Herbicide Resistance Action
Committee (HRAC) recognizes only 16 unique modes of action (Senseman et al. eds. 2007),
excluding those that are unclassified. The mode of action of an herbicide is the way the
chemical controls the weed, thus it characterizes the selection factor. From the beginning of
large-scale herbicide use, there were concerns about the potential for herbicide resistance
(Appleby 2005). Like bacteria, fungi, and arthropods, weed populations adapt to selection;
the most susceptible individuals are eliminated by exposure, while the less susceptible
reproduce and present a succeeding generation that is more difficult to control than the
former. The first case of herbicide resistance was to the triazine herbicide, simazine, in 1968
(Ryan 1970). Since then over 347 resistant weed biotypes have been reported; virtually all
major modes of action of herbicide have certain weeds that have developed resistance to
them (Heap 2010). During the 1970s and 80s different agronomic crops tended to use
different combinations of herbicides, because the crops tolerated different herbicide modes
of action, and generally more than one mode of action was needed in each crop to control
the several species of weeds that might infest them. Since glyphosate had such broad
activity against weeds, it was often used alone. Initially the argument was advanced that
glyphosate resistance was highly improbable (Bradshaw et al. 1997). Nevertheless, a
resistant biotype of rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum L.) was confirmed in Australia in 1996
(Heap 2010). There are now 18 reported instances of weed species that are resistant to
glyphosate; they are found on all agriculturally productive continents.
Agronomic weed management is increasingly difficult and costly due to the apparent
increase in the rate of development of weed resistance to herbicides and the lack of
development of new modes of herbicide action. No new class of herbicides has been
registered in the U.S. since mesotrione, an hydroxyphenyl pyruvate dioxygenase inhibitor in
1993. In contrast, the number of herbicide resistant weeds continues to increase, as have
those specifically resistant to glyphosate.
Herbicide resistance in weeds occurs via target site resistance, enhanced metabolism,
sequestration, reduced uptake, and over-production of the herbicide target site. Herbicide
resistance has been confirmed to ten specific herbicide mechanisms of action. The most
widespread resistance is to photosystem II-inhibitors, photosystem I inhibitors, acetolactate
synthase (ALS)-inhibitors, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors, protoporphyrinogen
oxidase (PPO or PROTOX) inhibitors, carotenoid synthesis inhibitors, EPSP synthase inhibitors
(e.g. glyphosate), mitotic inhibitors, and auxinic herbicides. Within each of these herbicide
mechanisms of action, there are multiple amino acid changes within the herbicide-binding
domain. For many herbicide mechanism of action, there are multiple mechanisms of resistance
possible. The specific mechanism can affect the level of cross-resistance observed. There are
many factors such as herbicide rate can affect the type of resistance mechanism that occurs in
the field. The presence of a fitness penalty associated with the resistance mechanism can also
determine some dynamics of the herbicide resistance phenomenon.
The rapid adoption of herbicide-resistant crops has lead to a high dependence on a small
range of herbicide mechanisms of action for weed management while suppressing the
introduction of novel herbicide mechanisms of action. This increases the impact of weed
resistance to one or two herbicide mechanisms of action can be economically devastating
because of the paucity of alternative herbicide choices. Weed resistance to glyphosate in
glyphosate-tolerant crops has become particularly problematic in areas of concentrated
glyphosate-tolerant crop production. To minimize the spread of herbicide-resistance in
weeds, growers will have to emphasize integrated weed management techniques of using
cultural weed control, mechanical weed control, and using more than one herbicide
mechanism of action to control targeted weed problems.
Of the weedy Amaranths, herbicide resistance has been reported in eleven species (Table 1).
The first reported incidence of herbicide resistance in an agronomic crop in North America
was in Amaranthus hybridus to the triazine herbicide atrazine in 1970 (Ryan 1970).
Amaranthus tuberculatus biotype has been shown to have multiple resistance across three
herbicide sites of action (ALS, PPO, PSII) (Patzoldt, et al., 2005).
Glyphosate- and ALS-resistant Amaranthus palmeri and rudis are of most concern and
potential to disrupt current weed management systems in soybean, maize, and cotton in the
United States.
2. PS II resistance
The first case of herbicide resistance in a row crop situation was A. hybridus to triazine
herbicides in 1970 (Ryan 1970). Currently, triazine-resistant Amaranthus infests greater than
500,000 ha in North America. Resistance to photosystem II inhibitors is via target site
resistance and enhanced metabolism. Target based resistance in the classical change in the
Qb protein. The Qb protein is the site where electron transfer from chlorophyll to an initial
electron acceptor, pheophytin, occurs in photosynthetic electron flow. Although many point
mutations have been documented in cyanobacteria conferring resistance to triazine
588 Herbicides and Environment
saturated CO2 reduction of the resistant biotype is not limited by electron transfer capacity
and therefore is not a direct consequence of those factors that confer triazine resistance.
3. ALS resistance
Acetolactate synthase (ALS) is the first enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the
synthesis of the branch-chain amino acids isoleucine, leucine, and valine. The branch-chain
amino acids comprise part of the amino acid pool essential to protein synthesis and other
plant functions. Inhibition of the ALS enzyme results in a cessation of growth followed by
purpling of younger foliage then older foliage, as essential proteins cannot be synthesized.
There are five chemical classes (sulfonylureas, imidazolinones, pyrimidinylthiobenzoates,
triazolopyrimidines, and sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinones) that are confirmed to inhibit
and ALS and these are used worldwide in numerous weed control situations in row crops
and non-cropping situations. ALS resistance in is widespread in eight Amaranthus species
(see Table 1). Of these, A. hybridus a A. rudis are the most widespread. There are documented
cases of eight point mutations to the ALS gene conferring resistance to ALS-inhibiting
herbicides. The Trp-574-Leu seems to be the most common and provides resistance to the
greatest range of ALS inhibiting herbicides.
ALS-resistance in A. rudis had become so widespread in the midwestern US that ALS-
inhibiting herbicides are not recommended (Syngenta press release). One of the reasons that
glyphosate-resistant crops were adopted in the mid-1990’s in the US so quickly and to such
a great extent was because of ALS-resistance in the Amaranthus spp.
4. PPO resistance
Amaranthus tuberculatus is only one of three species worldwide to develop resistant to PPO-
inhibiting herbicides. Evaluation of a PPO-inhibitor-resistant A. tuberculatus biotype revealed
that resistance was a (incompletely) dominant trait conferred by a single, nuclear gene. In
plants, chlorophyll synthesis occurs exclusively in the plastids, while heme synthesis occurs in
the plastids and mitochondria (Patzoldt et al. 2005). There are two nuclear genes to encode
590 Herbicides and Environment
PPO isozymes in the plastid and mitochondria. These are called PPX1 and PPX2 for the plsatid
and mitochondria, respectively. Protogen IX accumulates in sensitive plants treated with PPO
inhibitors. Protogen IX exported to the cytoplasm is converted to proto IX that in the presence
of light causes the formation of singlet oxygen that results in membrane damage and eventual
plant death. One gene from the resistant biotype, designated PPX2L, contained a codon
deletion (G210) (Patzoldt et al 2005). PPX2L is predicted to encode both plastid- and
mitochondria-targeted PPO isoforms, allowing a mutation in a single gene to confer resistance
to two herbicide target sites. Resistant biotypes of A. tuberculatus have robust resistant to most
PPO-inhibiting herbicides (lactofen, sulfentrazone, flumioxazin). Deletion of a codon rather
than substitution is a unique formation of target site resistance to herbicides. There have been
no studies to determine if there is a fitness costs to PPO resistance in weeds.
5. Glyphosate resistance
Glyphosate-resistance was first confirmed in Lolium rigidum in 1996 from Australia (Heap
2010). There are nineteen biotypes of weeds that have confirmed glyphosate-resistance
worldwide. The most widespread resistance in from Conyza canadensis, first cofirmed in
Delaware in 2001. It is estimated to infest more than three million hectares in the US alone. The
first reported case of glyphosate-resistance in an in-season row crop was in Amaranthus palmeri
in 2005. Currently, glyphosate-resistance has been confirmed in A. palmeri, A. rudis, and A.
tuberculatus. Culpepper et al (2006) showed that the mechanism of resistance differs from that
described in Conyza candadensis and Lolium spp. Glyphosate-resistance in a Amaranthus
palmeri is due to increased EPSPS expression (Gaines et al 2010). While increased expression
of EPSPS as a molecular glyphosate resistance mechanism has been reported to endow
relatively low level glyphosate resistance in lab studies, this is the first report in a field weed
population. It is likely that glyphosate selection pressure over several years in the Georgia
cotton field (3) either selected plants with previously existing EPSPS gene amplification, or
EPSPS gene amplification occurred during a period of less than seven years over which
glyphosate was repeatedly applied. If we examine glyphosate-resistant Amaranthus palmeri, we
see at least two mechanisms of resistance (reduced translocation and a target site change) and
perhaps biotypes with both types of resistance as well as individuals that are resistant to
glyphosate and ALS-inhibitors. Other collections of Palmer amaranth that seem to have very
low levels (<2 x) of glyphosate resistance that have been difficult to characterize may be a third
type of resistance. Before weed scientists can effectively manage glyphosate-resistant Palmer
amaranth as well as other glyphosate-resistant weed species, we will need to better
characterize at the genetic level whether individual plants are resistant via translocation
mechanism, target site, combinations of these, and whether they are resistant to other
herbicide mechanisms of action. Sammons et al. (2007) suggest that there are three primary
mechanisms which confer herbicide selectivity among plants: 1) differences in herbicide target
sites, 2) inactivation of an herbicide by chemical modification (i.e. metabolism), and 3)
exclusion mechanisms which either reduce herbicide uptake or sequester the herbicide away
from the target site. To clarify the exclusion mechanism, Ge et al. (2010) reports that
glyphosate-resistant Conyza canadensis actively transports glyphosate to the vacuoles of the cell
compared to the cytoplasm preventing it from getting to the target site.
Greenhouse data indicate that the glyphosate-resistant A. palmeri may have a fitness cost.
The GS biotype grew at an 11% faster rate than the GR biotype, and the GR biotype
assimilated carbon at 60.2% the rate that the GS biotype assimilated carbon. Measurements
Resistance of Weeds to Herbicides 591
7. HPPD-inhibitor resistance
Three classes of chemistry (triketones, isoxazoles, and callistemones) are bleaching
herbicides that inhibit 4-hydroxyphenyl pyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD), a key enzyme
required for the formation of carotenoids. The inhibition of carotenoid synthesis by the
inhibition of the HPPD enzyme leads to white foliage because the carotenoid pigments
protect chlorophyll pigment in plant tissues. Carotenoid synthesis can be inhibited by two
other herbicide mechanisms of action, the inhibition of phytoene desaturase (e.g.
norflurazon and fluridone) and the inhibition of deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXP)
by clomazone. Resistance has been confirmed for all three bleaching herbicide mechanisms
of action. Fluridone (phytoene desaturase inhibition) resistance is widespread in hydrilla in
Florida and clomazone-resistant barnyard grass is reported in rice production in Arkansas
and Louisiana. Resistance has been reported in a population of Amaranthus rudis in Illinois
(Ag News, 19 July 2010). The mechanism of resistance is not understood, but resistance
seems limited to foliar applications of HPPD-inhibiting herbicides while soil applications of
the same herbicides seem to still provide control.
592 Herbicides and Environment
8. Muliple resistance
In the United States, the only documented case of resistance to multiple herbicide
mechanisms of action has been in the Amaranthaceae. Cases of multiple resistant to ALS
and PSII as well as ALS and glyphosate. Describe the ALS/PSII. In Georgia, there are
biotypes resistant to ALS and glyphosate but little is known about specifics.
There are several populations of A. tuberculatus that have evolved multiple herbicide
resistances. An Illinois biotype has resistance to PSII, ALS, and PPO inhibitors while a
population from Missouri has evolved resistance to ALS, PPO, and EPSPS inhibitors
(Patzoldt et al. 2003 According to Mueller (2005), there are >150000 ha of PSII/PPO/ALS-
resistant common waterhemp in Illinois. In Georgia, populations of Amaranthus palmeri have
been documented to be resistant to ALS and EPSP inhibitors. There are populations of A.
palmeri that are reported to be resistant to mitotic inhbitors, ALS, and EPSP inhibitors.
9. Conclusion
In Europe, Alopecurus has been documented to a weed of serious agronomic potential to
have evolved widespread resistance to commonly used herbicides and to multiple
mechanisms of action in some cases (Delye 2005). In Australia, the niche is occupied by
Lolium where resistance is documented to several groups of herbicides (Neve et al. 2004). In
the United States, Amaranthus has long been one of the most common and troublsome
weeds in agronomic crops and has been of the first weeds to develop resistance to
herbicides in many situations. They were the first weeds to develop resistance to triazine
herbicides, ALS-resistance in A. tubercualtus was widespread in the mid-1990’s before the
introduction of glyphosate-resistant crops, and glyphosate-resistance has been found in
three species of Amaranthus and is growing rapidly. PPO-inhibiting herbicides have become
the standard recommendation for glyphosate-resistant Amaranthus spp. However, we now
see PPO-resistant A. tuberculatus. There are unconfirmed reports of resistance in A. palmeri
in the southeastern US. The first case of multiple herbicide resistance in the US was in
Amaranthus tuberculatus and palmeri.
In the past, herbicide resistance in Amaranthus caused growers to shift to another herbicide
mechanism of action. There has only been one new herbicide mechanism of action
introduced since 1990 so we are to a crisis point where growers may not have another
herbicide mechanism of action to go to when resistance to PSII, ALS, PPO, and EPSPS
inhibitors become more widespread in one of our most common and troublesome weed
species. Without the introduction of new herbicide mechanisms of action or better herbicide-
resistance management, a technology that has allowed tremendous increases in agricultural
productivity is at risk.
10. References
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1. Introduction
The review aims to emphasize the state of art of herbicide resistance mechanisms in
weeds, when ourdays realities confront us with crop productions in continuous expansion
in EU and worldwide. Regarding sustainable agriculture and plant biodiversity
maintenance as premise for successful development in the future, the virtual
environmental threat produced by a large diversity of herbicides in use appears as
entitled concern. This reality is exacerbated by another phenomenon: the development of
herbicide resistant weeds reported more and more often in last four decades. In this way,
even herbicides still represent the most important and effective tool in controlling weeds,
in many areas, their field value decreased. The alteration produced, often as punctiform
mutations, in weed genotypes in order to counteract the herbicide attacks, led to
development of resistant weed biotypes that may produce huge harmful environmental
effects, besides yield loss. One of the most important reasons of this phenomenon is
represented by administering the same herbicide for many years to the same culture in
the same cultivation field. The situation is aggravated when the herbicide has only one
site of action in herbicide genome (Sigematsu et al., 1989; Kremer et al., 1999; Owen et al.,
2005; Powels et al., 2010). This underlines the importance of obtaining a better
understanding of the mechanism that represents the basis of resistance, in order to
successful fighting against this phenomenon. It was elucidated by emphasizing the
biochemical processes and genetic mechanisms that occur in plant in order to develop
defending mechanisms. The genetic processes involved in weed genome react to
environmental stimuli, as the attack of active principle from herbicides. Usually, the
gene/genes that metabolize the active substance/substances from the herbicide are
naturally multiplied of several hundred times, compared to the genotype of a plant that is
not resistant. Now, gene amplification is one of the well known mechanisms of resistance
against herbicides (Vila-Aiub et al., 2003; Oroian, I., 2008; Ge et al., 2010).
These mechanisms once understood can be counteracted by suitable measures taken at
different levels. Some of the most important crop management strategies that could
contribute to reduce the appearance and/or decrease of the frequency of this phenomenon
consist in: using herbicides only when necessary, rotate crops and herbicides site of action,
using combined herbicide administration system, combine mechanical weed control with
chemical treatment (Paoletti et al., 1995; Berca M., 2007).
596 Herbicides and Environment
The wheat (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Poales, Fam. Poaceae; Triticum spp.) orginary from the Near
East is the main human food crop. According to FAO last updating (December 2008), the
greatest production was obtained in 2008 in EU and the same orientation was reported by
entire world (Fig. 1.a). The area harvested was bigger in 2008 compared to former year, but
lower compared to year 2000, and 2002 when the biggest area was wheat cultivated in EU,
while in 2008 was recorded the biggest area cultivated worldwide (Table 1).
Fig. 1. a. The wheat production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the last
Brief Approach of Herbicide Resistance in Context of Crops Development Worldwide 597
The barley (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Poales, Fam. Poaceae; Hordeum vulgare) was cultivated
from the second millennium b.Ch. in Mesopotamia. It is a cereal grain of major importance
as animal fodder. According to FAO (December 2008), the greatest production was obtained
in 2008 in EU and the same orientation was reported by entire world (Fig. 1.b). The area
harvested was bigger in 2008 compared to 2000, while in EU increased in 2004 compared to
2000, and the same tendency was recorded worldwide, since 2004 when the biggest value
was recorded (Table 1).
Fig. 1.b. The barley production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the last
598 Herbicides and Environment
The oats (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Poales, Fam. Poaceae; Avena sativa), similarly to barley, has
the most common use as livestock fodder. According to FAO last updating (December 2008),
the greatest production was obtained in 2008 in EU. In 2001 was obtained the biggest barley
production by entire world, while in 2008 was bigger compared to 2000, but still smaller
than in 2001 (Fig. 1.c). The area harvested was bigger in 2001 compared to 2000 and 2008
worldwide, while in EU increased in 2001 compared to 2000, but in 2008 decreased by
10.64% compared to 2000 and by 13.65% compared to 2001 (Table 1).
Fig. 1.c. The oats production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the last
Brief Approach of Herbicide Resistance in Context of Crops Development Worldwide 599
The maize (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Poales, Fam. Poaceae; Zea mays) is a known
since prehistoric times, but now is spread all over the world due to its large production
potential and ability to grow in diverse climates. According to FAO (December 2008), the
greatest production was obtained in 2004 in EU and in 2008 worldwide (Fig. 1.d). The area
harvested was 4.93% smaller in 2008 compared to 2000 in EU, while worldwide it increased
by 17.53% in 2008 compared to 2000 (Table 1).
Fig. 1.d. The maize production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the last
600 Herbicides and Environment
The soya bean (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Fabales, Fam. Fabaceae; Glycine max.) native to Asia, is
an annual species of legume, rich source of oil, carbohydrates and protein. It is also
considered one of the most versatile crops. According to FAO last updating (December
2008), the greatest production was obtained in 2001 in EU, and worldwide in 2008 (Fig. 1.e).
The smallest production (almost one half of that obtained in 2001) was obtained in 2008 in
EU. The area harvested was 52.89% smaller in 2008 compared to 2000 in EU, while
worldwide, it increased by 30.26% in 2008 compared to 2000 (Table 1).
Fig. 1. e. The soya bean production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the
last decade
Brief Approach of Herbicide Resistance in Context of Crops Development Worldwide 601
The sunflower (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Asterales, Fam. Asteraceae; Helianthus) is orginary
from Central America. It is of great importance in food industry. According to FAO
(December 2008), the greatest production was obtained in 2008 in EU and the same
orientation was reported by entire world (Fig. 1.b). The area harvested was bigger in 2008
compared to 2000 worldwide. It increased by 18.47%. In EU, the area cultivated increased by
1.31% in 2008 compared to 2000, but decreased by 11.87% compared to 2003, when the
biggest area was cultivated during the analyzed interval, 2000 – 2001, respectively (Table 1).
Fig. 1. f. The sunflower production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the last
602 Herbicides and Environment
The rapeseed (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Brassicales, Fam. Brassicaceae; Brassica napus) is a
valuable source of animal feed and vegetable oil for human consumption and biodiesel.
Certain varieties of oilseed rape are commonly named canola. According to FAO last
updating (December 2008), the greatest production was obtained in 2008 in EU and the same
orientation was reported by entire world (Fig. 1.a). The area harvested was 17,31% bigger in
2008 compared to 2000 worldwide, while in EU it increased by 48,01% in 2008 compared to
2000 (Table 1).
Fig. 1. g. The rapeseed production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the last
Brief Approach of Herbicide Resistance in Context of Crops Development Worldwide 603
Vineyard (Kingd. Plantae, Ord. Vitales, Fam. Vitaceae; Vitis vinifera). The wine producing is
known since millenniums b.Ch According to FAO (December 2008), the greatest production
was obtained in 2008 in EU (by 36.44% compared to production obtained in 2000) and the
same orientation was reported by entire world, by 34.74% bigger in 2008 compared to the
production obtained in 2000, respectively (Fig. 1.b). The area harvested was 9.34% bigger in
2008 compared to 2000 in EU, while it increased by 0,91% in 2008 compared to 2000,
worldwide (Table 1).
Fig. 1. h. The wheat production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the last
604 Herbicides and Environment
Fig. 1. i. The vegetables production in EU and in the world in three reference years of the
last decade
Issue/Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
1) European
Wheat 1) 26560780 26412836 26888507 24329061 26597861 26441014 24920478 24859885 26503083
2) 215472863 214597539 213806041 207658164 216894341 219736189 211815280 213894296 223564097
Maize 1) 9337537 9618975 9262990 9737571 10059931 8991942 8553137 8028447 8877660
2) 136999105 137485945 137293647 144673388 147472375 147441686 148607870 158606742 161016542
Union, 2) World
Barley 1) 14202011 14330156 14269355 14027708 13704760 13824772 13758706 13685865 14473752
2) 54520176 56173845 55272435 57730908 57535566 55342779 56361192 55430143 56774297
Oats 1) 3063167 3055184 3240881 3178923 2912364 2879314 2925499 2966607 2997924
2) 12682536 13124757 12452273 12141204 11696607 11269443 11641613 11583196 11333331
Soya beans 1) 501604 452795 354185 422878 386726 419319 487491 342772 236317
2) 74366760 76799819 78962290 83663393 91602610 92506171 95248048 90111139 96870395
Sunflower 1) 3693610 3484659 3473261 4245848 3716073 3599920 3922551 3270569 3742142
2) 21120631 17811931 19448548 23417226 21436622 23025310 23790326 21172596 25023511
Rapeseed 1) 4139854 4172497 4246639 4161306 4557222 4867009 5399346 6528779 6127566
Worldwide, the biggest production was obtained in 2008. The cultivated area decreased by
18% in 2008 compared to 2000, while worldwide it increased by 20% in 2008 compared to
2000 (Table 1).
Discrepancies are recorded in both production and cultivated areas in EU and worldwide.
The production (tonnes) of some cultures dramatically decreased in EU in 2008 compared to
previous years, but it considerably increased worldwide during the same time interval. The
same tendency is observed concerning the area cultivated (Ha).
The oats production increased in 2008 compared to 2000 in EU, while de production
decreased I worldwide during the same time interval. The maize production decreased in
2008 compared to 2004, even it is bigger compared to 2000. Worldwide, it is bigger in 2008
compared to 2000. The soy bean production dramatically decreased in 2008 compared to
2000 in EU, while it increased in 2008 compared to 2000 worldwide. The sunflower
production increased in 2008 compared to 2000, but it is smaller compared to production
obtained in 2004, when the biggest production of the analyzed time interval was recorded.
In the same culture, the production increased in 2008 compared to 2000 worldwide. The
vegetable production, including melons, decreased in 2008 compared to 2000 in EU, while it
increased during the same time interval (2000 – 2008) worldwide (Fig. 1).
Differences in tendencies concerning area cultivated with analyzed crops were also recorded
between EU and world during the time interval 2000 – 2008. Smaller area was cultivated
with oats, maize, soya beans and vegetables in 2008 compared to 2000 in EU, while bigger
field areas were cultivated with the same cultures in 2008 compared to 2000 worldwide
(Table 1).
SENCOR 70 WG (potato, tomato)
SELECT SUPER (potato, beans)
SURDONE (potato)
FOCUS ULTRA (tomato, beans)
Table 2. Herbicides in use and enzymatic system of weeds susceptible to develop resistance
– continued
Brief Approach of Herbicide Resistance in Context of Crops Development Worldwide 609
Fig. 2. The herbicide administration practices and/or intrinsic traits that contribute to
herbicide resistance
610 Herbicides and Environment
Two mechanisms are at the origin of the herbicide resistance. One is the so-called
”exclusionary resistance” and the other, ”the site action resistance” (Cummins et al., 2010).
The metabolic detoxification involves three enzyme systems (Hakala et al., 2006; Kurth et al.,
2009; McCourt et al., 2006) that catalyze the specific reactions that represent the basis of
herbicide resistance in weeds (table 3).
Biotype resistant to sulfonylurea herbicides ( e.g. Kochia scoparia L., Lactuca sativa)
Fig. 4. Mechanism of herbicide action (a) and resistance (b) in biotypes resistant to
sulfonylurea herbicides (e.g. Kochia scoparia L., Lactuca sativa)
612 Herbicides and Environment
Biotypes resistant to triazine (e.g. Chenopodium album L. and Solanum nigrum L.)
Fig. 5. Mechanism of herbicide action (a) and resistance (b) in biotypes resistant to triazine
herbicides (e.g. Chenopodium album L. and Solanum nigrum L.)
Site of action overproduction. The first consequence of this overproduction will be a
decreased intensity of the herbicide effect. An overproduction of the herbicide action site
being recorded, the active principle of the weed control product will be less effective and
finally it will not be able to inactivate the entire enzyme produced.
3.3 The main enzymatic systems involved in resistance mechanism against some
important herbicide groups
3.3.1 Photosystem I (PSI)
Photosystem I (plastocyanin: ferredoxin oxidoreductase) is characteristic for the
photosynthetic light reactions of algae, plants, and some bacteria, being part of photosynthetic
Brief Approach of Herbicide Resistance in Context of Crops Development Worldwide 613
Herbicide Herbicides
No herbicide activity
electron transport located in thylakoid membranes and an iron-sulfur type (Fe-S) reaction
centre (Fig. 7).
It is involved in electron flow in the chloroplast thylakoid membrane of plants and in
cyanobacteria, using light energy. It is excited best by light at about 700 nm, and is thus
sometimes called P700 (Stockel et al., 2004; Hakala et al., 2006; Sharon et al., 2009). It
contains eleven protein subunits, the cytochrome b6f complex, lipids, pigments (chlorophylls
and β-carotene and cofactors (early electron acceptors vitamin K1 phylloquinone in electron
transport chain, QK A and B, Ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase enzyme, FNR respectively,
Mg+ and Ca+).
e- e-
Ao (chlorophyll a monomer) Fe-S centres Ferridoxin (Fd)
Mechanism of resistance
• heme,
• bicarbonate,
• n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside detergent molecules,
• managanese centre (Guskov et al., 2009).
phenophytin D1 protein
Point mutation in psbA gene. In the psbA gene, which encodes for D1
protein of the PSII a mutation occurs, and serine at 264th position is replaced
by glycine. The herbicide molecule is then in incapacity to form a H bond
with glycine, and PQB molecule easily occupies the specific niches allowing
the normal electron transport in the mutant even in the presence of
herbicide. This is the resistant mechanism in most of the triazine resistant
weed species.
Resistance mechanisms
Fig. 10. The mechanisms involved in weed resistance against PSII inhibitors
618 Herbicides and Environment
+ HCO3-
+ Acetyl – CoA
Resistance mechanisms
Detoxification mechanism. In
resistant biotypes P450
Overproduction of ACCase.
monoxygenase is involved
Usually, in resistant biotypes
the ACCase levels are 2 or
even 3 times greater compared
to biotypes susceptible to
herbicide action.
Fig. 12. The mechanisms involved in weed resistance against ACCase inhibitors
Fig. 13. The mechanisms involved in weed resistance against ALS inhibitors
4. Conclusion
Even the concern of weed resistance against herbicides appeared a few decades ago, it still
remains a serious concern and a continuous challenge for both farmers and producing
To date, the most valuable information concerning the weed resistance against herbicides
came from weed genetics. This capacity of auto defence is the result of the plant ability to
auto generates gene variability. Studying the plant intrinsic molecular processes, valuable
answers were obtained.
Understanding herbicide mechanisms of action in context of permanent evolution of weed
resistance represents the main way of fighting against this phenomenon, and this approach
delivers the most valuable tool for research, development and practice.
Brief Approach of Herbicide Resistance in Context of Crops Development Worldwide 621
Mastering the state of art in the field will supply the appropriate basis to efficient fight
against new and more and more developed herbicide resistance mechanisms.
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1. Introduction
Herbicides are agrochemicals that control the growth of undesired weeds, bringing about a
significant overall increase in crop productivity. Herbicide resistance, the inherited ability of
a plant to survive and reproduce following exposure to a dose of herbicide normally lethal
to the wild type, is a weed physiological characteristic (Twonson, 1997). This trait has the
potential to cause not only large economic losses in agricultural production, forestry and
landscaping, but also deleterious effects on the environment and human health as a result of
rising herbicide application rates (Hayes & Wolf, 1997). On the other hand, crops of
agronomic relevance exhibiting chemical stress resistance are highly desirable and can be
obtained through genetic manipulation, based on the knowledge gathered on the
underlying mechanisms.
Emergence of multidrug resistance (MDR), that is, the simultaneous acquisition of resistance
to a wide range of structurally and functionally unrelated cytotoxic chemicals, is found in a
wide variety of organisms, from bacteria to mammals. The widespread use of herbicides has
led, since the early 1970s, to a growing number of resistant weed species and biotypes that
possess multiple resistance to various classes of herbicides (Hayes & Wolf, 1997). Indeed,
herbicide application is one of the most important selective forces acting on a weed
community in an agroecosystem (Owen & Zelaya, 2005).
To date, and particularly during the past two decades, numerous cases of herbicide resistant
weed species have been described, in at least 60 different countries (www.weedscience.org).
Table 1 shows the number of cases of single and multiple herbicide resistance development
in weed species registered in the last 30 years. Among them there are several weed strains
that have acquired simultaneous resistance to herbicides with different modes of action
(Table 1). For example, in 1982 in South Australia a strain of Lolium rigidum (rigid ryegrass),
a monocot weed that infests barley and wheat fields, was registered as having developed
resistance to multiple herbicides, exhibiting seven diverse modes of action (from the
624 Herbicides and Environment
following HRAC1/WSSA2 groups: ACCase inhibitors - A/1, ALS inhibitors - B/2, Triazoles,
ureas, isoxazolidiones - F3/11, Dinitroanilines and others - K1/3, Mitosis inhibitors - K2/23,
Chloroacetamides and others - K3/15, Thiocarbamates and others - N/8). Owing to its
capacity to rapidly acquire multiple herbicide resistance, L. rigidum bursts exert the highest
negative economic impact in Australian crops (Owen et al., 2007). Another case of multiple
herbicide resistance is Alopecurus myosuroides (blackgrass), a monocot weed that infests
winter wheat plantations. In 1996, multiple herbicide resistant biotypes of this weed were
found in Belgium, exhibiting simultaneous resistance to atrazine, chlorotoluron, clodinafop-
propargyl, fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, flupyrsulfuron-methyl-Na, pendimethalin, and
propaquizafop (from the following HRAC groups: ACCase inhibitors - A/1, ALS inhibitors
- B/2, Photosystem II inhibitors - C1/5, Ureas and amides - C2/7, and Dinitroanilines and
others - K1/3)(www.weedscience.org; Eelen et al., 1997).
bacteria and fungi. The minimal functional unit of all ABC transporters consists of four
domains: two hydrophobic transmembranar domains, each with six transmembrane α-
helical segments (TMS), plus two cytoplasmic, nucleotide-binding domains containing the
ATP-binding cassette. The four can be fused into a single polypeptide, as in the mammalian
P-glycoprotein. This typical ‘two times two’ domain organisation (Bolhuis et al., 1997)
probably arose from an internal gene duplication event. On the other hand, most bacterial
ABC transporters comprise only one TMS and one nucleotide-binding domain.
The S. cerevisiae genome encodes a total of 22 ABC proteins (Paumi et al., 2009). Among
these, 16 are about twice as long as the remainder, the former having 12 TMS (indicative of a
putative duplication of the half-size ABC transporters). The 22 identified yeast ABC
transporters belong to four families, recently re-designated as ABCB, ABCC, ABCD and
ABCG (formerly named MDR (Multi Drug Resistance), MRP (Multidrug Related Protein),
ALDP (AdrenoLeukoDystrophy protein) and PDR (Pleiotropic Drug Resistance)) (Paumi et
al., 2009). The ABCB family includes four members, three of which are half transporters that
dimerize to form full transporters localized to the mitochondrial inner membrane (Mdl1p,
Mdl2p and Atm1p) and Ste6p, the plasma membrane a-factor pheromone exporter. The
ABCC family includes five vacuolar membrane transporters, two of which, Ycf1p and
Bpt1p, are glutathione conjugate transporters involved in cytosolic detoxification from metal
ions, and Yor1, a plasma membrane multidrug transporter. The ABCD family is composed
of Pxa1p and Pxa2p that transport acyl-CoA across the peroxisomal membrane. Finally, the
PDR family in yeast comprises nine transporters (Pdr5p, Pdr10p, Pdr11p, Pdr12p, Pdr15p,
Pdr18p, Snq2p, Aus1, Adp1 and Yol075c), which can be seen as the cell’s primary line of
defence: PDR function not only decreases the cell’s sensitivity to many unrelated chemical
stresses, but also protects it against endogenous toxic metabolites (Paumi et al., 2009;
Jungwirth & Kuchler 2006). Interestingly, PDR genes are only found in plants and fungi.
In S. cerevisiae only one ABC transporter, Pdr5p, was described as a determinant of
resistance to herbicides (Teixeira & Sá-Correia, 2002). Transient activation (two fold) of
PDR5 transcription takes place during the adaptation period preceding cell division under
stress induced by the auxin-like herbicides 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxiacetic acid (MCPA) or
2,4-dichlorophenoxiacetic acid (2,4-D). PDR5 induction is mediated by both Pdr1p and
Pdr3p, two transcription factors controlling MDR in yeast and, as soon as adapted cells start
duplication under herbicide stress, mRNA levels are drastically reduced to basal values
(Teixeira & Sá-Correia, 2002). Differently from what has been seen for fungicides and drugs,
resistance to herbicides has not been extensively studied in S. cerevisiae. Thus, it is expectable
that many other of the yeast ABC multidrug transporters may also render the cell herbicide
The Arabidopsis genome was found to encode about 600 predicted membrane transporters, a
large number of which belong to the ABC superfamily. In fact, this superfamily alone
comprises 131 members, with 53 encoding full-size and the remainder half-size transporters.
Arabidopsis genes encoding full-size ABC transporters are significantly more numerous than
those reported in other eukaryotes such as yeast and humans, but the reasons for such
diversification in the plant kingdom are unknown. The great majority of plant ABC genes
remains uncharacterised, with those encoding full-size transporters being the best studied to
date. These can be subdivided into three main groups: the MDR or PGP (P-glycoproteins),
the MRP and the PDR gene families (Martinoia et al., 2002).
The MDR-PGP family is the largest, consisting of 22 Arabidopsis genes coding for full-size
ABC transporters. The first demonstration of an MDR-like mechanism in plants, able to
Resistance to Herbicides in the Model Organisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae
and Arabidopsis thaliana: the Involvement of Multidrug Resistance Transporters 629
another Arabidopsis PDR member, AtPDR9, a homologue of S. cerevisiae PDR5, has recently
been shown to encode a 2,4-D efflux facilitator localized in the plasma membrane; while
overexpression of AtPDR9 leads to 2,4-D resistance and hypoaccumulation, a loss-of-
function mutant for this gene displays increased sensitivity and hyperaccumulation of the
herbicide (Ito & Gray, 2006). Results from a more recent study suggest that AtPDR9 also
facilitates the efflux of the auxin precursor IBA from root cells (Strader & Bartel, 2008).
Although none of the 23 PDR genes identified in Oryza sativa has been functionally analysed
so far, expression of many of these genes is induced in response to diverse abiotic stresses
(Moons, 2008), suggesting that these transporters may also play a role in conferring
resistance to chemical stress agents in rice.
Fig. 1. Proposed model for the role of the so far described S. cerevisiae and A. thaliana ABC
efflux pumps (purple) and MFS-MDR transporters (green) involved in herbicide stress
resistance. The role of At5g13750 in 2,4-D stress resistance in plants, proposed based on the
results obtained through heterologous expression in yeast, remains to be clarified.
Mima et al. (2007) identified a human orthologue of the yeast MFS-MDR gene TPO1,
TETRAN. Although sequence homology was relatively low, the authors were able to show
that both TPO1 and TETRAN are capable of conferring NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug) resistance. There are also reports that plant pathogenic fungi utilise
MFS drug:H+ antiporters to export their own toxins, thus rendering themselves resistant,
while delivering toxins to the plant (Del Sorbo et al., 2000).
The data linking MFS transporters and MDR in higher eukaryotes are less numerous and
conclusive than those available for ABC transporters, and the role of the plant MFS is just
beginning to be unravelled. This could reflect increased functional redundancy among the
MFS transporter family, but also perhaps decreased interest in analysing their involvement
in MDR. It is consequently of utmost importance to further investigate the potential role of
MFS transporters in the MDR phenomenon in higher plants. Results stemming from the
combined study described below strongly strengthen the hypothesis that a subfamily of
plant MFS transporters may be involved in MDR. Furthermore, it is expected that genome-
wide expression analysis applied to the study of plant response to stress induced by
herbicides may bring additional clues to the functional analysis of MDR transporters in
plants. For example, the observed up-regulation of the putative MFS encoding ORF
At1g79410 in A. thaliana exposed to herbicidal concentrations of 2,4-D suggests that this
transporter may play a role in the adaptation to this stress (Raghavan et al., 2005).
herbicides in the world. The effects of 2,4-D in weeds include epinastic bending and growth
abnormalities, its toxicity depending mainly of the acid form (Twonson, 1997). Recent
genome-wide gene expression studies focused on the Arabidopsis thaliana response to
herbicidal concentrations of 2,4-D report the remodelling of its transcriptional repertoire at
the level of genes involved in the auxin response, ethylene signalling and ABA biosysthesis,
signalling and response (Raghavan et al., 2005; Raghavan et al., 2006). S. cerevisiae has been
intensively used as a model to investigate the mechanisms underlying herbicide resistance,
focusing on 2,4-D. In low pH environments, the highly lipophilic weak acid 2,4-D exists in
its undissociated lipophilic toxic form (RCOOH), which can readily cross the plasma
membrane by passive diffusion. In the neutral cytosol, the 2,4-D molecule dissociates
leading to internal acidification (Fernandes et al., 2003; Simões et al., 2003) and to
accumulation of the toxic counter-ion (RCOO-) that cannot easily cross the plasma
membrane lipid bilayer. Therefore, at low pH (e.g. acidic soils, the alimentary canal of
animals) the toxic potential of the herbicide increases dramatically (Cabral et al., 2003). In
acidified growth medium, suitable for fungal growth, yeast cells challenged with the
herbicide 2,4-D suffer a strong reduction in their cytosolic and vacuolar pH (Fernandes et
al., 2003; Simões et al., 2003), which is counteracted by the activation of the plasma and
vacuolar membrane H+-ATPases (Fernandes et al., 2003; Teixeira et al., 2005). Significantly,
auxins were also shown to induce the activity of the Arabidopsis plasma membrane H+-
ATPase, contributing to maintain the intracellular pH in plant roots (Shen et al., 2006).
Based on the participation of the MDR transporters Tpo1p and Pdr5p (belonging to the MFS
and ABC superfamily, respectively) in yeast resistance to 2,4-D, the active export of the 2,4-
D counter-ion catalysed by these plasma membrane transporters was postulated (Teixeira &
Sá-Correia, 2002). Interestingly, the Arabidopsis PDR5 homologue AtPDR9 was recently
shown to encode a 2,4-D plasma membrane efflux facilitator contributing to 2,4-D resistance
in this plant (Ito & Gray, 2006). The expression of the S. cerevisiae TPO1 gene was shown to
decrease the accumulation of the herbicide 2,4-D counter-ion in yeast cells, indicating that
this gene is also, directly or indirectly, involved in 2,4-D export (Cabrito et al., 2009a). Other
details on the yeast adaptive response to the mechanisms underlying 2,4-D toxic effects
were reviewed by Teixeira et al. (2007) and are summarized in Figure 2.
Since the TPO1 gene was previously found to confer resistance to 2,4-D in yeast (Teixeira &
Sá-Correia, 2002), to be transcriptionally activated in response to the herbicide (Teixeira &
Sá-Correia, 2002; Teixeira et al., 2006), and required to reduce the intracellular concentration
of the 2,4-D counter-ion (Cabrito et al., 2009a), ScTpo1p homologs encoding putative plasma
membrane MFS transporters from the plant model A. thaliana were analysed by Cabrito et al.
(2009) for a possible role in 2,4-D resistance. At5g13750 transcript levels were found to
increase in 2,4-D stressed plants. The functional heterologous expression of this plant ORF
in yeast was found to confer increased resistance to the herbicide in wild-type and Δtpo1
cells, through the reduction of the intracellular concentration of 2,4-D counter-ion.
Heterologous expression of At5g13750 in yeast also leads to increased resistance to Al3+ and
Tl3+. Hence, At5g13750 gene-encoded protein is the first plant putative MFS transporter to be
suggested as possibly involved in MDR (Cabrito et al., 2009a). These new insights
suggesting a role for higher eukaryotic MFS transporters in multidrug resistance may open
an entirely new field of research with promising repercussions not only in agriculture but
also in medicine and biotechnology.
Resistance to Herbicides in the Model Organisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae
and Arabidopsis thaliana: the Involvement of Multidrug Resistance Transporters 633
6. Acknowledgements
“Research carried out by the authors in this context is supported by FEDER and “Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (FCT) (Contracts PTDC/AGR-AAM/67858/2006,
PTDC/BIA-MIC/72577/2006 and PTDC/AGR-AAM/102967/2008 and PhD and post-
doctoral grants to TRC and ER, respectively).
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Part 7
Herbicides Applications:
Problems and Considerations
Qasem, Jamal R.
University of Jordan
1. Introduction
Methods of weed control are many and varied including prevention, mechanical, cultural,
physical, biological and chemical (Qasem, 1992), each may be used alone or all are usually
integrated for any successful weed control program (Qasem, 2003; Singh et al., 2006).
However, weed control is jointly used with other farm operations for efficient crop production.
Herbicides are chemicals inhibit or kill weeds, do not harm crops if properly handled and
selectively used. They are organic or inorganic (contain no carbon) chemicals (California
Weed Conference, 1985) and can be easily designated from botanical or micoherbicides
(Rice, 1983, Mo & He, 2005). Although the use of herbicides for weed control create public
concern and receives much criticisms nowadays at which most naturalists and
environments oppose their use and other pesticides, recommend alternative weed control
methods or natural eco-friendly chemicals, but synthetic herbicides remained widely used,
considered for weed control and intensively applied in developed and many developing
countries. Herbicides however, represent 44% of the world's pesticide markets while out of
which 57% is for the USA (Kiely et al., 2004). In developing countries, chemical weed control
is not widely practiced because of relatively cheap labor, high chemicals prices and lack of
technical extension and experience in herbicides application which leads in most cases to the
misuse of these chemicals and crop injury (Su, 2006), failure of selective herbicides and weed
control operation, soil and air pollution and limitation in crop rotation options. Different
factors are occasionally involved in herbicides failure under field conditions which most due
to human mistakes lead to improper application technique (Ross & Lembi, 1999). In
addition, lack of correct diagnosis of the weed problem, selection of incorrect herbicide and
prevalence of unsuitable weather conditions for chemical weed control are all reasons
behind failure of the herbicide in controlling existing weeds (Gwynne & Murray, 1985). In
this chapter, proper handling, precautions and some considerations in herbicides
application in the field are considered and discussed as factors contribute in the success of
chemical weed control; enable farmers to effectively control weeds in crop fields with low
cost and more economical, less hazardous and low environmental pollutions.
2. Important
The chapter deals with problems and considerations in herbicides applications mainly
facing farmers in the field. Factors affecting herbicides application and performance under
644 Herbicides and Environment
field conditions including herbicidal, plant and environmental factors are discussed.
Technical problems that lead to improper application and failure of the herbicide are
covered. Aspects related to sprayer calibration, herbicide labels, methods of application and
requirements, surfactants, chemical drift, formulations, selectivity, mixtures, development
of herbicide resistance, herbicides stability and effectiveness in the field, integration of
chemical control with other methods of weed control are all dealt with. The chapter also
covered the interaction between weeds and crop plants and the responses of both to
herbicides and environmental conditions. Impact of the interaction between the three
components on the success of chemical weed control operation, crop production and clean
environment was discussed. Measures aimed to reduce crop injuries, herbicide persistence,
development of weed tolerance/resistance, weed races and crop relatives, and shift in weed
population are suggested. Therefore the chapter addressed the proper handling and
application of herbicides as an effective weed control technology and their proper
application in the field.
3. Information
3.1 Considerations
3.1.1 Weed factors Weed identification
Diagnosis of the weed species found in the field is the first step toward any successful weed
control program. Generally, weeds are narrow- or broad-leaved, annuals, biennials or
perennials. Biennial weeds are few in number, most are prolific seed producers and many
are ruderals (Grime, 1986); annuals reproduce from seeds, mostly short-lived terminate their
life cycles before crop mature and can be easily controlled by other weed control methods or
with contact herbicides (Qasem, 2003). Weeds, however, are different in their competitive
abilities that determine the extent of yield loss and other negative effects of weeds on crop
plants, the need for control and time required (Zimdahl, 1980). They are also widely
differing in their physiology, biology and biochemistry. Yield losses although are different
from one weed to another since differ in requirements and growth habits but competition is
greatly influenced by weed density (Ziomdahl, 1980). Therefore, considering the critical
density at which the weed must be controlled is important if to avoid any significant yield
loss (Qasem, 2009). Although weed growth in certain important cash crops, is not allowed at
any density eventhough for a short period. However, as a general rule weeds of similar
requirements and growth habit to crop plants are known to be more competitive and cause
greater yield loss and higher damage to crop plants than weeds of dissimilar requirements
or morphology (Ross & Lembi, 1999). Weed morphology and herbicide application
It is generally approved that narrow- leaved weeds intercept and retain less amount of
spray solution on their vegetative parts than broad-leaved weeds , growing points or shoot
apexes in many species of these are encased (e.g. cereals) by coleoptiles and thus protected
against spray solution or herbicide droplets. In contrast, shoot apexes of broad-leaved
weeds are directly exposed to herbicide solution; have horizontally extended leaves and
thus better exposed to herbicide and subsequently intercept and retain higher amounts of
spray solution.
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 645
Early weed (< 10 cm in height) control is always recommended. Weeds at early growth stage
are small, short, their competition effect not started yet or minimum and thus weed
management by herbicides is quite possible at the recommended or even lower rates of
herbicide application beside they require low volume of spray solution for thorough coverage
with contact herbicides. Annual weeds and to some extent biennials may be easily controlled
using contact herbicides since reproduce by seeds, while creeping perennials are generally
difficult to control by such chemicals since vegetatively reproduce from the below or
sometimes above ground organs, and thus need translocated herbicides while repeat
application may be mostly necessary. However, full coverage of the weed vegetative parts
with contact herbicide solution is essential since only plant parts that became in contact with
spray solution are affected while others are not, these may remain photosynthesizing, recover
from herbicide injuries, then weed resume growth and successfully complete its life cycle.
However, morphological differences between the two groups may not be always the base
since depend on ecology at which these weeds are growing (Grime, 1986; Holt, 2006). Broad-
leaved weeds may have hairy, leathery small leaves with a low number of stomata on the
upper surface or have some morphological modification under certain conditions (e.g. in
arid and semi-arid regions) which may challenge chemical control at normal rates. The
opposite is also true at which narrow-leaved weeds could be easily controlled at the
recommended or lower rates of herbicides when found in moist, fertile soils or humid
regions. Weeds under such conditions may lack or have a very thin waxy layer on leaf
surface, absence of hairs with a high number of stomata projected on the upper surface and
high physiological activity in general. It is well established that weeds are more susceptible
to herbicides at early than at late growth stages which may be largely due to morphological
and/or physiological sensitivity to herbicides.
Annual weed control should be carried out from after emergence to the full vegetative or
pre-flowering stage. Weed control at this period prevents seed production and competition
effect of tall growing weeds. However, this could be easily achieved using contact general
herbicides such as glufosinate- ammonium, paraquat, bromoxynil, oxyfluorfen and others.
Perennial weed control using herbicides must be timed at three main important and critical
growth stages of weeds, these are as follows:
1. Before establishment, at which weed seedlings can be easily controlled by a
nonselective contact herbicide, but sometimes repeat application may be necessary.
2. After establishment, at which weeds are treated with translocated herbicides at full
vegetative/pre-flowering growth stage, during which most of the reserved food in
regenerative organs is directed toward the above ground parts for flowering and thus
stored food left in the below-ground organs at this time is at low ebb. Although the
symplast translocation of herbicides from shoots to the below ground parts with
photosynthate materials is opposing the upward movement of stored food at this stage
which may be more rapid and occurs at a higher rates. Killing or harming the above
ground vegetative parts could result in a serious damage to weeds or even their death
because of deficient food in perennating organs.
3. At late growth stage, at which perennial weeds may be effectively controlled by
translocated herbicides late in the growing season and before plants loose their green
color. At this stage the herbicide easily translocates with carbohydrates to the below
ground parts and accumulates where carbohydrates are finally stored. Herbicide
movement from the above to the below ground parts normally occurs and possible re-
vegetation of treated weeds is slim.
646 Herbicides and Environment
Sometimes translocated herbicide may be followed with a contact herbicide after a while.
This complementary treatment may be effective in controlling difficult perennial weeds by
allowing transloacted herbicides reaching the below ground parts and then prevention of
any supply of photosynthate materials using foliage contact applied herbicide.
Chemical weed control however, is generally not recommended at late growth stages
because of the following:
1. Weed competition effects on crop plants and thus on yield is irreversible at late growth
2. Weed physiology (absorption, translocation and metabolism) is low, leaf surface may be
heavily covered by wax and hairs and thus herbicide treatment may not be effective in
most cases.
3. Weed morphology and anatomy is well differentiated and mostly do not facilitate
herbicide penetration through thick cuticle layer on leaf surface and hard tissues on
other foliage parts. Movement of the herbicide within plant tissues is becoming more
difficult due to deposition of cutin, wax, cellulose and other byproducts or secondary
metabolites in cell sap and on tissues themselves.
4. Weed vegetative mass may be thick enough, mostly not possible to fully cover with
spray solution and/or needs a high volume of spray solution, and therefore possible
recovery from herbicide treatment is high.
5. Spray retention is lower on mature than young plants since cuticle and thus waxy layer
on leaves in the latter are not complete.
6. In most cases weeds reached seeding stage or finished their life cycle, therefore, any
disturbance may help their seed dissemination, and herbicide application may not be
effective in preventing weed seed production or maturation.
7. Herbicide possible residue in crop materials (mainly straw and grains) at harvest is
high and the same is the run-off herbicide solution into the soil.
8. Cost of weed control may much exceeds the return yield value, considering that more
crop plants are destroyed or crushed by labors and spray machines.
Soil applied herbicides should be used at a certain time when weed seeds are readily
germinating and most sensitive to herbicides. At pre-germination stage, seeds may easily
absorb herbicide with soil water; imbibed seeds take up an amount of the herbicide solution
enough to kill the embryo. Therefore application of herbicides to control dormant weed
seeds or during drought conditions should be avoided since of low or no response of the
physiologically inactive weed seeds. It is suggested that these herbicides may be applied
after seed bed preparation and before sowing or planting and may be followed by irrigation
or rain that activate both the herbicide molecules (Friesen & Dew, 1966), and seed
absorption, imbibition and germination. It is usually recommended that soil applied
herbicides should be selected according to the type of weed to be treated, cultivated crop
and soil type, while most of these chemicals are susceptible to soil microorganisms.
However, when shallow-root annual weeds present in a perennial deep rooted crop it
becomes important to select a soil surface active, none-leachable herbicide and the opposite
is true for deep-rooted weeds in shallow-rooted perennial crops. The adsorptive relationship
between the herbicide and treated soil, the size, diversity and activity of soil microbes'
population, soil organic matter content, pH, and soil type are all factors determining the rate
of herbicide application and its degradation. While leachability of the herbicide through the
soil is determined by the adsorptive relationship between herbicide molecules and soil
colloids and the amount of water passing through the soil.
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 647
slow conversion process and the non-lethal level accumulated in their tissues. Therefore,
herbicide application is a skill that allows farmers take an advantage from morphological,
physiological or biochemical differences between weeds and crop plants in response to
herbicides and thus may be considered as an opportunistic operation should be
implemented on time and when conditions permit. Crop morphology
Crops are different from above ground morphology; some are narrow-leaved while others
are broad-leaved. The same as for weeds leaf arrangements on the stem and their display
are also different for different crop species, in addition to differences in morphology size
and heights. All affect herbicide spray retention on crops vegetative parts, herbicide
selectivity and safe use on these crops. Narrow- leaved crops with somehow vertically
arranged and less displayed leaves receive less volume of foliage-applied spray solution and
the opposite is true for broad-leaved crops. In addition, the deposited waxy layer on leaves
of different crop species or varieties is widely different which in turn affects the amount of
herbicide intercept and retained on leaves and subsequently their absorption rates. Crucifers
and onions are examples on crops of wax covered leaves and thus their wettabilty with
herbicide solution may not be possible without surfactants and the run-off into the soil
surface is quite high. Crop species are different in location of their growing points, amounts
of embryonic tissues, presence or absence of cambium, physiological and biochemical
activities, depth of their root systems, root distribution, surface area, capacity and efficiency
in taking up herbicides molecules from soil solution. All these factors could affect herbicide
sensitivity or tolerance of crop plants. However, differences were detected on families,
species and cultivars levels in response to herbicides and therefore any selective herbicide
on a specific crop cultivar may confer injury to other cultivars (Felix et al., 2007; Abit at al.,
2009; Kong et al., 2009; Jin et al., 2010). However, production of cuticular wax tends to be
reduced under warm humid conditions which may resulted in a higher retention of spray
solution on crop leaves and more injury under such conditions.
(translocated) herbicides are those absorbed by leaves, shoots or roots, transport from the
site of application to where toxic action take place. These are useful against established
perennials and unlike contact herbicides uniform coverage is less important. These
chemicals kill slowly (toxicity symptoms may take weeks and up to a year to be developed
for certain herbicides such as amitrole) while contact herbicides are rapidly acting.
Herbicides are also classified based on method of application to soil-applied absorbed by
roots of large plants mainly affect seed germination, germinated seeds or small seedlings
and thus used to eliminate weeds before emerge and can selectively eliminate germinating
weeds in established crops. These may or not be foliage active.
Foliage applied herbicides are contact or translocated and may or not be soil active. If
translocated, they move passively through the symplast system with photosythate
Considering time of application, herbicides are either preplanting applied at which crop
should resist herbicide treatment and herbicide must be short- lived; pre-emergence used
after crop is planted (vegetative parts) or sown (seeds) but before emergence and crop
tolerance is necessary; post-emergence applied after crop emerged, may be soil or foliage
applied but crop resistance is essential. If soil applied, they kill newly germinated seedlings
while foliage applied herbicides kill emerged weeds. Persistence of soil-applied herbicide
may be required since offer a long period of weed control and may be through out the
whole growing season or until harvest. However, herbicide carry-over problem should be
taken into account using such chemicals (Schnoor, 1992). Time of application
Time of herbicides application is important in determining the effectiveness and length of
weed control duration (Carter et al., 2007; James et al., 2007). Herbicides are applied at
preplanting in crops grown from seedlings such as of most vegetables; pre-sowing in case of
seed-sown grain field crops and some vegetables such as many cucurbits; and as post-
emergence. The first two groups are soil applied, control germinated seeds or weed
seedlings either by a contact or systemic action, prevent weed seed germination or seedlings
growth and thus prevent early weed competition and protect crops from planting or sowing
date until a good canopy is developed. This period in crop life cycle is most vulnerable to
weed competition and crop recovery may not be possible if weeds escape control during
this period. In all cases crop tolerance and herbicide selectivity are essential factors. Herbicide formulations
Herbicides formulations are many including water soluble (WS, S, SL) liquids require
wetting agents, water soluble powders (SP) need stirring or agitation in preparation, water
emulsions (E, EC) require some agitation and held together by an emulsifier, wettable
powders (W, WP) need continuous agitation and most used on soil, water dispersal liquids
(WDL, L, F), water dispersed granules (WDG, DF), granules (G) need water to leach them
down into the soil, and pellets usually used in spot treatments (Foy & Pritchard, 1996).
Herbicide formulation affect selectivity and thus crop growth. The most used herbicide
formulations are aqueous and granules. For each formulation there are certain equipments
to apply, these are sprayers or spreaders, respectively. However, both forms should be
uniformly applied with the second most commonly used in horticultural crops and is least
selective. It is well known that forms such as powders (dust), granules, ester forms are less
stable than others while water soluble forms are more stable than emulsions.
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 651
Fig. 3. Weed population shift to narrow-leaved weeds (Mainly bulbous barley, Hordeum
bulbosum L.) resulted from continuous application of broad-leaf killers in olive orchard.
652 Herbicides and Environment
treatments (e.g. Senecio vulgaris, Chenopodium album and Amaranthus retroflexus to traizines).
At present, the total number of resistant weeds may exceed 668 species of more than
346 biotypes (htpp://www.weedscience.org/summary/MOASummary.asp). However,
continuous application of the same herbicide or group of herbicide with the same
mechanism of action may leads to the following problems:
1. Imbalance natural weed population
2. Cause shift in weed population toward perennation.
3. Encourage dominance and existence of certain weed species
4. Promote development of weed tolerance followed by weed resistance
5. Lead to development of weed races or crop- relative weeds that become irresponsive to
agricultural practices employed and dominate cultivated fields.
However, these problems can be avoided by the following measures:
1. Rotation of chemical control method with other methods of weed control
2. Rotation of the herbicide with other herbicides of different mechanism of action.
3. Adoption of crop rotation system which is usually accompanied with herbicide rotation
and thus leads to brake down the build up of dominant weed population.
4. Alternate selective chemical control treatment with fallow years during which general
(nonselective) herbicides may be used to control all weed species in the field including
resistant species. Sprayers and calibration
The main and serious problem with herbicides application or uses is the people apply these
chemicals. Wrong application is commonly resulted from failure in sprayer calibration.
Sprayer calibration aims at uniform herbicide spray distribution and coverage of treated
weeds/surface that means the receipt of the same amount of spray solution per each unit area
of treated surface. Sprayer calibration is the first step to be carried out before herbicide
application. Herbicide application in the field should be properly carried out since failure of
uniform distribution of any herbicide may result ineffective weed control or crop injures and
thus herbicide residues (Badowski et al., 2008). Therefore, sprayer calibration is mainly
conducted to determine the volume of the carrier (mostly water) required to dissolve in the
amount of the herbicide calculated (based on recommended rate) and required for specific
area. In other words, it aimed to determine exactly the volume of water required to
hold/dissolve the amount of the formulated herbicide specified to cover a measured area
infested by weeds. It is also required to know how much of the herbicide is applied per treated
area (Kansas State University, 2010). Failure to calibrate the sprayer can injure crop, cause
pollution, and waste time and money. Therefore, calibration should be carried out regularly
and nozzles must be cleaned at each spray time and before herbicide application. Therefore,
several factors must be considered which influence this operation, these are as follows:
1. Solution/ tank pressure. It is well known that pressure inside sprayer tank may range
between 15 to 50 pounds per square inch (psi) and application rates can vary from less than
15 to more than 250 gallons per hectare. The higher the pressure imposed on spray solution
the more fine are the spray droplets and the higher is their liability to drift. The volume of
spray solution ejected from the nozzle is linearly correlated with the pressure imposed on
spray solution and the greater is the nozzle discharge. In addition, the higher pressure the
wider is the spray swath and the larger the area covered per unit time. Therefore, pressure
must be calibrated and adjusted to be the same as that used in calibration and must be kept
constant (labor carried sprayers) through out the whole time of herbicide application. Any
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 653
deviation from a constant pressure may result failure in obtaining uniform coverage of the
weeds vegetative parts or differences in coverage of the treated soil surface when pre-
emergence herbicides are used.
2. Sprayer ground speed. The volume of spray solution applied is affected by sprayer speed.
The higher the speed the larger is the area covered by herbicide solution and the lower is
the volume used pre unit time and vice versa. Doubling the ground speed (mph) of the
sprayer reduces the gallons of spray applied by one-half. Sprayer speed should be
determined through calibration directly in the field to be sprayed. However, this could be
affected by weed species, weed size, height, population thickness and soil structure and
topography. Small and short grown weeds may be easily controlled using small spray
volume. In contrast, large and tall growing weeds require more coverage by herbicide
solution, thus large volume of spray solution is applied at low sprayer speed. This however,
is in link with herbicide method of action whether is a contact or translocated herbicide.
Application of the former requires slow movement, low speed and full coverage of the
treated surface. However, both pressure and nozzle size are factors controlling the delivered
spray volume.
3. Sprayer boom height. Nozzle height has obvious effect on the area covered by herbicide
solution. The higher the boom height the wider is the spray swath and the larger is the area
covered with spray solution of different nozzles mounted on the sprayer boom. Changing
boom height from above the soil level during spray operation may easily result in a non-
uniform coverage leads to overlapping between spray swath of different nozzles fixed on
the boom and thus crop may be injured or killed since received a double dose of the
herbicide solution which could be easily observed in the field . When nozzles are placed at
low height from the soil level possible gaps left uncovered by the herbicide solution are
mostly resulted and thus weeds in these gaps may continue growing in regularly spaced
strips in the field (Fig. 4). In both situations lack of uniform coverage by the herbicide
solution could result in equally spaced strips of growing weeds or killed crop plants under
Fig. 4. Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) grown in strips after escaped from control by 2, 4-D
in wheat due to low boom height level.
654 Herbicides and Environment
low and high levels of sprayer boom height, respectively. Therefore, one of the objectives of
calibration is to exactly determine the optimum boom height that provides uniform
coverage (a single coverage treatment) of the sprayed surface or treated weeds with
herbicide solution.
4. Nozzle type and discharge of spray solution
Nozzle type determines the spray discharge, the uniformity of spray application and spray
pattern, the coverage of sprayed surface of a target plant and the drift rate. It is generally
agreed that the same type of nozzles must be used on the sprayer and these should be
carefully checked for correct number and against tip damage or orifice clogging. All should
be mounted and directed similarly on the sprayer boom. However, nozzle type is different
between different nozzles but generally two main types are commonly employed. These are
cone type and flat fan type nozzles. In the first, orifice is rounded gives a cone type spray
while the orifice opening in the second is straight flattened. Each type includes hollow or
solid spray patterns. Cone type is used to produce a coarse spray for aerial and other low
drift purposes and is more commonly used for woody shrub or tree control but its use in
field crops is limited or rare. Turbo flat-fan, venture flat fans and drift reduction pre-orifice
flat-fans are commonly employed in crop protection products. For herbicide application, the
flat fan type of a straight orifice opening is usually used since gives a flat spray swath in a
straight line (sheet of spray) which could thoroughly cover all weeds within the spray swath
limits. Each nozzle type could carry a number (mostly not found in knapsack sprayers or
other compressed manual operated sprayers) fixed on the nozzle tip that represents spray
angle and spray discharge. The higher the spray angle the larger the area covered and the
delivered spray volume. Nozzle discharge is measured as gallon per minute. The higher the
number the higher is the nozzle discharge. Spray angle and solution discharge are in link
with type of the herbicide used and the volume of spray solution and influenced by tank
pressure and nozzle size. It is advised that low spray solution volume is better used for
systemic herbicide application while high volume is more relevant to thorough coverage of
weed vegetation using contact herbicide solution. All thus depend on the nozzle type and
could be determined from the type of weeds found in the field. Annual weeds may require
contact herbicide, full coverage treatment, high volume of spray solution and subsequently
higher spray angle and solution discharge. The opposite is true for perennial weeds and
systemic herbicides at which may be absorbed and translocated through the whole plant
system once an amount of the spray solution is absorbed from any part of the plant. In
summary, nozzles are different in specifications, spray angle and discharge, orifice or tip type
and size, materials which are made from, all these determine with the density of the spray
liquid the spray volume applied, the type of the herbicide used, and the type of weeds to be
treated by each nozzle type.
4. Problems
Like any weed control method, chemical weed control has advantages and disadvantages.
Among problems encountered are the following:
1. Herbicides may cause shift in weed population (Owen et al., 2008) because of
continuous use of certain chemical, chemicals of the same mechanism of action or
family create selection pressure and development of weed races.
2. Imbalance weeds population mainly when selective herbicides are used. Broad-leaf killers
imbalance weed population toward dominance of narrow-leaved weeds and the opposite
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 655
is true for narrow-leaved killers and broad-leaved proportions. Therefore, both types of
herbicide groups should be occasionally complimented or alternated in the field.
3. Herbicide residues in plant materials. Herbicides are absorbed by crop plants as well as
by weeds. Certain herbicides are completely metabolized while others are not (Hatzios
& Penner, 1982; Pline et al., 2003). The second group mostly is not recommended on
food or feed plants. Examples are paraquat that not permitted on food crops, and
dinoseb-acetate, another contact herbicide used in alfalfa fields. Because toxicity is
extended on harvested alfalfa plants therefore is always advised that first harvest
should not be fed to the cattle but rather burned and people should stay away from the
smoke of burned plant materials. Residues of herbicides in plant materials are most
commonly found when herbicides were applied late in weed and crop growth.
4. Herbicide carry- over problem and limitation in crop rotation options. This problem
may be easily observed with some long persistent herbicides. Some examples are urea
and sufonyl-urea herbicides. Planting of non cereal crops in soil treated with these
chemicals may result in serious crop injuries. Cucurbits and some legumes are good
examples on sensitive crops to herbicides. Injury effect on the same crops may be also
observed after metribuzin and many other soil applied herbicides.
5. Herbicide leaching to ground water. Pollution of ground water is possible when
leachable herbicides are used (Smith et al., 1984; Vizantinopoulos & Lolos, 1994).
Leachability may be high with salt formulated herbicides used or in treated sandy soils
under heavy irrigation or rain.
6. Herbicide chemical drift and crop injuries. This is an important problem encountered
with certain herbicides and usually take place as spray-drift occurs when small droplets
of spray liquid are carried away from target plants by wind currents, vapour-drift
resulted from application of high volatile chemicals enhanced by high temperature or
wind currents, and the blow-off which is associated with light soils and resulted from
movement of tiny particles of soil treated by herbicide.
7. Herbicide persistence in environment. This may be in relation to half life of the
herbicide and its rate of degradation in the environment. Certain herbicides have long
half-life and persist in the environment for along period of time that limits agricultural
land uses. These however, may be traced in the soil, air, surrounding environment,
ground water and even agricultural products and may become a serious threat to public
health. Therefore, these chemicals should be avoided, highly restricted and only applied
in absence of other alternatives and when are extremely needed.
8. Herbicide storage and handling. Herbicides and pesticides in general should be
properly handled and safely stored since are toxic to humans and other living
organisms. Stores should be properly located, designed specifically and locked to
prevent contamination, pollution and protect chemicals from any degradation and loss
in activity before use. Loss in any form must be prevented. Therefore, temperature,
humidity, and aeration must be strictly controlled to prevent any loss in chemicals
activities. Chemicals however, should be stored in their original containers, kept away
and separately stored from other stored agricultural materials and preferably used
within a short period where possible.
Empty glass, metal, or plastic made containers should be thoroughly washed with
water that to be added to the spray solution in the spryer tank. Containers must be
punctured, destroyed and then deeply buried (deeper than 1m) in the soil or disposed
in a sanitary licensed area. Herbicides containers made from cartoon or paper bags
656 Herbicides and Environment
should not be burned in a residential area or where smoke of these may becomes in
contact with animals or cause air pollution and toxicity.
9. Herbicide and toxicity to mammals. It should be clearly declared that all pesticides are
toxic to humans and mammalians in general but toxicity is different between these
chemicals. Herbicides are the least toxic among all agricultural pesticides. This
however, may be determined by considering the LD50 or LC50. Among herbicides with
relatively low LD50 are paraquat, diaquat, dinoseb, diclofop-methyl and some others. It
should be known that toxicity may occurs through absorption, smoking, inhalation,
swallow through contaminated hands, food and drink. Certain highly toxic chemicals
should be avoided unless no alternatives are available.
10. Herbicide resistant weeds. This is a serious problem that could totally cause shift in
weed population from susceptible to resistant. The main cause of this is the high
selection pressure imposed by use of only a single herbicide or herbicides having the
same mode or mechanism of action for a relatively long period. Farmers should keep
watching changes occur in weed population in response to chemicals used and take
measures when observe scattered individuals of certain weed species start tolerating
the herbicide normal rate of application. This is the first sign on development of
herbicide resistance in that species.
11. Crop injury. This may be due to direct or indirect exposure of crop plants to herbicide
molecules. Herbicide treated crop may show signs of herbicide injuries that may or may
not recover from. This is mostly related to herbicide rate of application, form used,
surfactant added, time of application relative to crop physiological or morphological
stages or prevailing climatic conditions at spray time. Indirect injury may resulted from
spryer tank contamination through herbicide traces left unwashed and used to apply
insecticides or fungicides using the same sprayer (Fig. 5), drift of volatile herbicides
applied in the nearby fields, leached herbicides to ground water, running water used to
irrigate sensitive crops or from carry-over problem of certain previously applied
Fig. 5. Toxicity symptoms on Jute (Chorchorus olitorius L.) resulted from 2,4-D traces left in
the sprayer tank used for insecticide application. Plants showed abnormal growth
(malformed leaves, twisting and yellowing).
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 657
12. Herbicide application and technicality required. This is an important factor determines
the success or failure of weed control operation. Some of the problems detected
including herbicide application without sprayer calibration but rather addition of a
measured/unmeasured amount of the selected herbicide to the tank (unmarked) filled
by unmeasured volume of water, spray weeds thoroughly, heavily and deeply covered
by dew droplets which may dilute the spray solution, failure to thorough mixing of
herbicide solution, failure of continuous stirring or agitating spray solution
(suspensions) during spray time, failure to maintain a fixed pressure or a constant
ground speed during spraying (in case of knapsack or shoulders-hilled sprayers) this
resulted in uneven spray distribution, partial coverage of sprayed surface or low
volume of spray solution received per unit area, failure in maintaining straight forward
travel in manual operated sprayers with no overlapping or area left uncovered by the
spray solution.
13. Cost of chemical weed control and precautions required. In absence of any studies on
the economic use of herbicides compared with other methods of weed control, chemical
weed control may be thought by farmers as an expensive tool, needs a lot of
preparations and accuracy, unsafe to crop plants if not properly and carefully
considered, cause soil and environmental pollutions if not well designed and carefully
selected, and doesn’t give complete solution to all weeds present in the field and thus
other methods of weed control should be also incorporated.
14. Herbicides toxicity and public concern. With the present trend toward public concern
from synthetic chemicals and tendency in crop cultivation and food production through
an organic farming system, use of agrochemicals in general including herbicides
became much restricted. People world over preferred, chemical untreated and naturally
produced crops despite high prices and payments for this staff of organic food.
15. Human failure to properly apply the herbicide on time, conducting sprayer calibration,
after herbicide application operations and uniform distribution and application.
before start any weed control program. Weed population under critical density may
doesn't need immediate control.
9. Always look for differences between crop plants and weeds in growth, requirements,
development and responses, benefit from these to favor crop plants over weeds.
Therefore, field managements may be of high value for crop plants the same as the use
of herbicide.
10. Weed control aimed at keeping weed population below the level cause economic crop
injury. Eradication of weeds commonly found in the area may not be possible or
economically unfeasible. Therefore, weed control should be implemented when weed
density in the field is becoming critical. Sometimes it is strongly advised to use a spot
treatment rather than an overall spraying of the herbicide when weeds are found
growing in patches or forming scattered colonies in the field.
11. Chose registered herbicide recommended for use in the grown crop.
12. Obtain the herbicide from local chemical agent with full detailed information on its uses
and supplement of technical bulletin.
13. Be sure that the purchased herbicide is a new valid (not or nearly expired) product;
handle carefully its storage until being used.
14. Think always that both crop plants and weeds take up herbicide and the differences in
susceptibility between both may be marginal and easily affected by plant, herbicide and
environmental factors. These marginal differences determine herbicide selectivity.
15. Weeds grown under harsh environmental conditions (drought, high temperature,
salinity, highly disturbed habitats) have different morphological modifications and are
more difficult to control by herbicides compared with those grown under favorable
growth conditions.
16. Early weed control is always recommended and for each crop there is a critical period
of weed control at which weeds must be removed to avoid any significant yield loss.
Weeds competed with crop plants before or after this period cause no significant effect
on crop yield providing weeds are controlled during this period. This however, is
greatly influenced by crop species and cultivars, weed species and density, and
agricultural practices followed. At the critical period chemical weed control may not the
best method of weed control considering crop growth stage and status, crop physiology
and possible injury or weather conditions that may lead to more toxic herbicide even
though the recommended rate is used.
17. Determine the best time for herbicide application and chose conditions favored crops
over weeds. Consider environment, herbicide and plant factors before herbicide
application. Plant morphology, physiology, anatomy and biochemical activities are
important factors in determining the ultimate effect of herbicide on crop and weed
18. Be sure that there are certain periods in crop and weed growth cycle at which herbicide
by any is tolerated/resisted or these are more susceptible. Look always for the
differences in weed and crop plants tolerance to herbicides treatment.
19. Before preparing herbicide solution, carefully consult the technical bulletin provided by
the manufacturer with herbicide, read carefully all information in herbicide label and
consider all factors affect herbicide performance in the field and weed control
20. Sprayer inspection, preparation and calibration must be considered. Sprayer check out,
tank or nozzle leakage, pump working order, type of nozzles and fixation on spray
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 659
boom, nozzle clogging, nozzle spacing and direction, boom height, tank pressure,
ground speed of the sprayer and spray volume, all should be considered and optimized.
21. Conduct sprayer calibration directly in the field to be treated by the herbicide. Always
keep in mind that spray volume is affected by sprayer ground speed, pressure, boom
height and nozzle type, weed growth and population thickness.
22. Calibration of the sprayer mainly aims to determine the volume of water needed to
carry in the amount of herbicide required for weed control in a specific area. It is
conducted always at fixed pre-determined ground speed, pressure, boom height, same
nozzle type and at suitable climatic conditions.
23. Once the volume of water needed to dissolve or carry with the amount of herbicide
required per intended area for spray is determined start preparations for herbicide
application. Prepare the special dress/apron designed for spray operation.
24. Calculate the amount of herbicide required for that specific area based on the
recommended rate of herbicide application by the manufacturer, don’t exceed the
specified rate or go lower than that because in both cases wrong results may be
obtained. In the first the crop may be killed/injured while in the second failure of weed
control. In both cases the required amount of herbicide per unit area is not received on
the sprayed surface.
25. Herbicide selectivity is not an absolute value or character of a herbicide rather than
resulted from the interaction between plant, herbicide and environmental factors.
26. Herbicide mixtures must be compatible, beneficial and used mainly to widen the weed
control spectrum. However, these may be already available and prepared in advance by
the manufacturer or used as tank mixtures at spray time.
27. Weed population is either active or passive, each of which needs certain herbicides
determined based on their method of application. Passive weed populations is
controlled using soil applied herbicides while active weed population may be treated
by foliage or soil applied herbicides. Both weed populations must be considered in any
weed control program.
28. Before herbicide application, consider crop grown and tolerance, crop rotation
followed, herbicide cost, duration of weed control required and herbicide persistence in
the environment. Don't exceed or lower the recommended rate of the herbicide unless
based on experimental results obtained under local conditions and no residues or
pollution are left in the environment.
29. Avoid the use of growth regulator herbicides (such as phenoxy or benzoic herbicides)
during flowering time of field crops (e.g. tomato) or fruit trees (e.g. citrus). This may
result in flower abortion in most cases.
30. Chemical weed control may cause shift in weed population toward perennation
therefore this practice must be changed by time, rotated or integrated with other weed
control methods to maintain weed population balance.
31. Selective herbicides may imbalance weed population thus herbicide mixtures of broad-
leaf and narrow leaf killers are recommended or may be alternately applied.
32. Wettable-powder formulated herbicides may need continuous agitation of spray
solution through out the whole spray operation to prevent settling at tank bottom,
separation and precipitation. Liquid herbicides may need emulsifying agent when
dissolved in water especially for emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulated herbicides
33. Use surfactants when necessary especially wetting, spreading, sticking and drift control
660 Herbicides and Environment
34. Certain materials may act as surfactants by modifying leaf surface and increase
herbicide wettability to leaf surface or penetration through increasing compatibility
between herbicide and waxy leaf layer on leaf surface, these include ammonium sulfate,
urea, soap, washing or cleaning powders, liquid detergents and acidic plant extracts.
35. Different soil types require different rates of application from the same herbicide based
on their mechanical and structural analysis.
36. Herbicide susceptible weeds may become tolerant at certain period after emergence or
when reaching certain morphological stage since resulted from changes in weed
physiology and/ or biochemistry.
37. Herbicide rotation is essential to keep weed population under control; any deviation
from this system may result in weed population shift, development of weed races, crop-
relative weeds and herbicide resistance.
38. High volatile herbicides should not be applied during hot weather conditions, since
chemical drift in vapor form or crop injury is highly possible. Instead less or nonvolatile
forms are recommended.
39. Photosensitive herbicides as well as volatile soil applied herbicides need soil-
incorporation or light irrigation after application.
40. In preparing herbicide solution for field application, the amount of herbicide calculated
to treat a specific area and volume of water needed must be added consequently (as
water-herbicide-water) to the sprayer tank, thus herbicide is first dissolved in certain
amount of water then spray solution may be then completed by adding water up to the
final volume consumed in calibration. The herbicide-water mixture must then be
thoroughly mixed by hand shaking of knapsack sprayers or spray solution must be kept
agitated during spraying operation. The pressure, sprayer ground speed, boom height
and the same nozzle type used in calibration must all be set the same as were in
calibration. If all factors are kept the same then the herbicide solution must run-out by
finishing the sprayed area without any shortage or spray solution left in the sprayer
tank. In this case distribution of the herbicide solution is considered as uniform and
equally applied over the sprayed surface; otherwise some problems in weed control
may be resulted.
41. Consider that no herbicide gives 100% killing of all weeds, some weed species specified
on the label as sensitive to certain herbicide may be left uncontrolled and the opposite is
also true. Therefore, selective herbicides may show some overlapping up to certain
extents in their weed control spectrum of broad- and narrow-leaved weeds.
42. Soil applied herbicides are influenced by edaphic factors including; soil pH or soil
reaction, mechanical and structural analysis, leachability, microorganism population,
organic matter content and height of soil water table.
43. Activity of soil-applied herbicides is affected by seed dormancy, hardness of weed seed
coat, weed seed population and richness of seed bank, seed bank species composition
and microbe's population...
44. Nonselective herbicides may be selectively used if directed only toward weeds and
contact between these and crop plant is prevented. In this case the herbicide is not
selective but rather than selectively applied.
45. Consider that certain herbicides working on photosynthesis need high light intensity
associated with high temperature (De Vleeschauwer et al., 1992) for effective weed
control (e.g. paraquat, diuron, cycloxidim) while others exhibit photo degradations (e.g.
Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations 661
glyphosate) and need to be applied in cloudy or foggy days, early in the morning or late
in the evening.
46. Keep observing treated weed population, switch to other herbicide of different
mechanism of action and family or change weed control method once observed that
some plants of one or more weed species start tolerating the herbicide used.
47. Weed races or herbicide resistance or persistence and dominance of certain weed species
are results of selection pressure of the agricultural practices employed. To prevent
development of such conditions frequently change the existing agricultural practices.
48. Any herbicide traces left in the sprayer tank may cause toxicity to sensitive crops;
therefore it is always recommended that herbicides sprayers must not be used for
application of other pesticides even though were thoroughly washed or carefully cleaned.
49. Higher rate of application than that specified on herbicide label may cause changes in
method of herbicide action, instead of giving a systemic action, tanslocated herbicide
kills by contact action since high application rate kills phloem tissues and then no more
translocation to the below ground regenerative organs occurs and thus perennials are
quickly re-vegetate after treatment with translocated herbicides.
50. Chemical drift could be substantially reduced by selecting the nozzle type that deliver
large droplet size (more than 100 micron) but providing adequate coverage at the
intended application rate and sprayer pressure, avoidance of herbicide application where
wind current speed exceeding 10 miles per hour, and temperature is high, avoid
application of volatile herbicides and ester forms of phenoxy herbicides when air
temperature is high, avoid using of high vapor pressure herbicides, lower the nozzle
height to be closer to or above weed vegetation, incorporation of volatile soil applied
herbicides, smoking, timing of spray operation either early in the morning or late in the
evening since high relative humidity result in slow evaporation of droplets and decrease
drift, selection of nozzles work at low pressure (swirl chamber, flood jet), allow enough
time for herbicide absorption before rain occurs, and by adding drift control agents.
51. Failure in herbicide application may be resulted from loss of herbicide solution by
heavy rain or irrigation, high rainfall occurs after application and wash-off the herbicide
from leaf surface, failure of uniform coverage, herbicide precipitation (suspensions) in
sprayer tank during spraying, wrong time of herbicide application, wrong physiological
or morphological growth stage at which weeds or crop plants are treated and no or
wrong sprayer calibration.
52. Highly volatile herbicides should not be applied when air temperature is high,
temperature may increase loss of herbicide through volatiles, and at the same time may
activates other herbicides to become more toxic and cause crop injuries even though are
used at normal recommended rates of application.
53. There should be enough time allowed for foliage applied herbicide absorption after its
application. This period is different from one herbicide to another but generally six
hours are at least required for most herbicides to be absorbed through foliage parts and
thus farmers should ensure that no rain occurs during this period when apply
6. Conclusion
Herbicide application in the field is a skill needs full consideration of all plant, herbicide and
environmental factors if a successful weed control is the ultimate farmer aim. Failure in
662 Herbicides and Environment
weed control or crop injury is mainly due to human errors at which failure in or wrong
sprayer calibration is a common mistake. Weed identification, size of weed problem exist,
critical period of weed competition, weed density, selection of proper herbicide, rate and
time of herbicide application, herbicide persistence, development of herbicide resistant
weeds and environmental pollution are among factors to be considered and determine the
success or failure of weed control operation. However, chemical control is usually
integrated with other methods of weed control in any successful weed management
7. References
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Oregon State University. Corvallis.
1. Introduction
The widespread transition of grasslands and savannas to shrub-lands during the last 50-100
years has elicited significant debate concerning the causes of these changes and has given
rise to a number of investigations (Rollins et. al., 1997). Often the encroaching species
suppress the growth of palatable grasses and herbs, as they grow into impenetrable thickets
(Wiegand et al., 2006). This often results in reduced grazing capacities in livestock farms. As
a result, livestock farmers have regarded bush encroachment as a major problem and have
resorted to various control measures. The causes of bush encroachment is not clear but it
suffice to say that they are diverse and complex (Smit et al., 1999), consequently, it is
difficult to devise complete control measures for all encroaching species. On the bases of
some comprehensive reviews of the literature (Archer 1994, Van Auken 2000, Dube et al.,
2009), it can be concluded that the primary mechanism behind the increase in shrub cover
has been a dramatic shift in patterns of herbivory and fire frequency, although shifts in
climate and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have also been cited as possible factors.
According to Dube et al., (2009), the encroachment of rangelands by Acacia karroo bush, in
South Africa is known to greatly reduce rangeland productivity with immense economic
implications, especially in systems where grazers are preferred to browsers. Bush
encroachment is defined as the invasion and/or thickening of aggressive undesired woody
species resulting in an imbalance of the grass: bush ratio, a decrease in biodiversity, and a
decrease in carrying capacity, causing severe economic losses in both the commercial and
communal farming areas. The phenomenon of bush encroachment in savannas is seen to be
part of the process of desertification (Tainton, 1999). Acacia karroo is one of the main species
causing the encroachment problem in the Amathole Montane grassland, Bhisho Thronveld
and Eastern Cape Escapement Thicket vegetation.
666 Herbicides and Environment
Various control methods viz., cultural, mechanical, chemical and biological uses have been
tested and advanced to control the growth and spread of encroaching plants (Fatunbi et al.
2008). Burning, browsing with goats, cutting and application of herbicides are some of the
methods that are widely used to control encroaching species.
The use of herbicide containing bromacil (5-Bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil) for control of
A. karoo has been observed in a number of commercial holdings in South Africa. Bromacil
herbicide act by interfering with the photosynthetic pathway of the plant. It achieves a
gradual kill that could span over two years. The use of herbicides have however brought
about various environmental concerns (EXTONET, 1993; Rosner et al.,1999; Singh et al.,
2003). This has resulted in the need to investigate the effects of different types of herbicides
on components of the ecosystem (Dube et al. 2009).
A number of herbicides in South African markets are currently being used in controlling
encroaching species, of particular note are herbicides containing bromacil (5- Bromo-3-sec-
butyl-6-methyluracil) as the active ingredient (a.i), for example Bushwacker SC(Enviro
Weed Control Systems (Pty) Ltd), Bushwacker GG (Enviro Weed Control Systems (Pty)
Ltd), Rinkhals 400 PA (Dow AgroSciences LLC) e.t.c. These herbicides differ mainly in their
bromacil concentration, for instance Bushwacker SC contains 500 g bromacil per litre,
Bushwacker GG contains 200 g bromacil per kilogram and Rinkhals 400 PA contains 400 g
bromacil per kilogram. The different concentrations of bromacil determine the specific use
of the herbicide, coupled with the concentration of other reactive ingredients. Herbicides are
usually selective within certain application rates, environmental conditions, and methods of
application (Masters and Sherley, 2001).
Bromacil belongs to the uracil family of herbicides (Arteca, 1994). It can be used to
selectively control annual and perennial weeds, broad leaved and woody plants on cropland
and non-cropland areas (EXTOXNET, 1993; Meister, 1998; Zhu and Li, 2002). It is also
widely used for selective weed control in pineapple and citrus crops (EXTONET 1993).
Bromacil works by interfering with the photosynthetic pathway of plants (EXTOXNET,
1993). One herbicide that is gaining importance in bush control in South Africa is
Bushwacker SC. It has been reported to be an effective herbicide for general weed and bush
controls in agricultural and non-agricultural areas (Zhu and Li, 2002). This herbicide can be
sprayed on the plants or spread dry. It quickly dissolves in soil water and may stay in the
soil for several years (EXTOXNET, 1993). Its application is usually done just before the
active growth stage of plants thus, before the wet season stabilizes. Bromacil is readily
absorbed through the root system (Gangstad, 1989) and is a specific inhibitor of
photosynthesis. In the soil, there is little adsorption of bromacil to soil colloids therefore it
moves (leaches) through the soil and it can contaminate groundwater (EXTOXNET, 1993);
however, it is highly susceptible to microbial degradation (Arteca, 1995). When used as a
selective herbicide it can persist in the soil for one year, however if it is applied at high
concentrations it can persist for more than one year (Arteca, 1995).
There is the speculation that bromacil can destroy some grasses if it stays too long on the
upper horizon of the soil profile. Grasses are assumed to extract water from the top soil
layer (0 - 15 cm) due to their shallow rooting characteristics, while trees and bushes derive
their nutrients from the lower layers (Wiegand et al., 2006). The movement rate of bromacil
when applied is therefore important to its economic use and ecological suitability. There is
the perception that phytotoxicity could occur when animals ingest plants that may have
taken up bromacil from soil water. Furthermore, the relative effects of bromacil on soil
microbial activity and dynamics need to be investigated.
Impacts, Efficacy and Economics of Bushwacker Sc (Bromacil)
In Controlling Acacia Invasion in South Africa 667
This aim of this paper is to clear doubts about the effectiveness and safety of the use of
bromacil for the control of invasive species in South African rangelands. It also aim to
identify the economic implication of Bromacil use and determine the best application
method at the farmers’ level. To provide sufficient scientific discussion in this chapter, the
authors represents a substantial proportion their comprehensive review work (Dube et al.,
2009) and also report a field research.
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a). Bromacil (5-bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil). (b). Terbacil (3-tert-butyl-5-chloro-
6-methyluracil). (c). Isocil (5-bromo-3-isopropyl-6-methyluracil). Adapted from the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The family as a whole posses a broad toxicity to many plant species, however specific
compounds differ significantly in their toxicity to plants, solubility in water, persistence in
soil and other economically significant characteristics (Lakoski et al., 1993). Firstly
introduction of this family of herbicides was intended for general vegetation control, mainly
because the different compounds have broad spectrum activity over a wide range of plant
species and they also persist long in the soil, therefore, having long residual activity for
weed control in industrial areas.
668 Herbicides and Environment
The principal use of these herbicides are the selective control of many annual and perennial
weed species in certain crops and general weed control in non-crop areas, such as railroads,
highways, pipeline right-of-ways, lumber- yards, storage areas and industrial sites. The
uracils are formulated as both wettable powders and as water soluble preparations (Dube et
al,. 2009). All of the uracil herbicides in pure form are white, crystalline solids and are
temperature stable up to their melting point of 335° C. The uracils are characteristically low
in mammalian toxicity and are non-volatile. Their long persistence in soil, however, does
create problems in crop rotations. In South Africa, bromacil is traded as Bushwhacker and it
is applied as a spray, spread dry just before or during the period of active growth,
preferable when rain is expected for soil activation or aerial application of granules.
The mode-of-action refers to the manner in which an herbicide affects a plant at the tissue or
cellular level. Bromacil is a powerful mobile inhibitor of photosynthesis (Prostko, 2001). The
target plant must be undergoing active photosynthesis for the herbicide to be effective. It is
readily absorbed through the root system (Gangstad, 1989); the leaves and stems can also
absorb some bromacil. It is translocated upward via the xylem to foliage and interferes with
light-harvesting complexes (Prostko, 2001). It inhibits photosynthesis by blocking the photo-
system II reaction; thereby preventing the conversion of sunlight into chemical energy
(Prostko, 2001), thus it blocks the photosynthetic electron transport (Prostko, 2001). Bromacil
blocks electron transport from QA to QB in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes by binding
to the D-1 protein at the QB binding niche. The electrons that are blocked from passing
through photosystem II are transferred through a series of reactions to other reactive toxic
compounds. These compounds disrupt cell membranes and cause chloroplast swelling,
membrane leakage, and ultimately cellular destruction (Tu et al., 2001). Inhibition of
photosynthesis thus results in slow starvation of the target plant and eventual death.
Bromacil is readily absorbed through the plant root system (Bovey, 2001; Gangstad, 1989).
Little or no bromacil moves from the apex downward toward the base of a treated leaf via
the phloem. The early symptom of bromacil kill activities in a plant is leaf chlorosis
concentrated around the veins, this is often noticed at the lower leaves and it gradually
moves up the plant. The structure of the leaves’ chloroplasts is altered while further cell wall
development will cease. Chlorosis will then appear first between leaf veins and along the
margins which is later followed by necrosis of the tissue and eventual death of the plant
(Prostko, 2001).
The control of undesirable species in rangelands is a basic maintenance activity in livestock
production. This could be carried out using methods that range from cultural, biological,
chemical and a combination of these methods. The amount of drudgery involved in
administering these methods makes some of them practically undesirable. Bromacil has
many benefits in this case; it is used as an herbicide for general weed or bush control in non-
croplands; it is also particularly useful against perennial grasses (Meister, 1998). The current
use of bromacil in agriculture is necessary so as to sustain high productivity, reduce cost
and drudgery and give high profit margins. It is used on rail road rights of way and other
industrial, non-cropland areas.
Bromacil is one of the most commonly used herbicides to control weeds in citrus orchards. It
is used in citrus and pineapple fields for selective control of weeds (Turner, 2003). Bromacil
is also effective in the control of deep-rooted perennial broadleaf and grass weeds. Other
commonly used herbicides are glyphosate, diuron, diquat, simazine, linuron, terbuthylazine
and terbumeton (Gomez-Barreda et al., 1991).
Impacts, Efficacy and Economics of Bushwacker Sc (Bromacil)
In Controlling Acacia Invasion in South Africa 669
test with rainbow trout and bluegill sunfish resulted in an LC50 of 36 and 127 ppm of the ai.
This suggests that bromacil is slightly toxic to rainbow trout and non-toxic to the bluegill
sunfish. Consequently, bromacil is viewed to be slightly toxic to fishes and amphibians.
Determining the implication of this toxicity on the secondary component of the aquatic food
chain will constitute an interesting endeavor.
Bromacil is mainly degraded by micro-organisms in the soil and several forms of micro-
organisms are involved in the process such as the bacteria Psuedomans spp. Which can use
bromacil as a source of carbon (Chaudhry & Cortez, 1988). Bromacil has varying effects on
soil microbial populations depending on herbicide concentrations and the microbial species
present. Low residue levels can enhance populations while higher levels can cause
population declines (Tu et al., 2001).
Water bodies can be contaminated by direct overspray, or when herbicides drift, volatilize,
leach through soils to groundwater or are carried in surface or subsurface runoffs. Amounts
of leaching and runoff are largely dependent on total rainfall in the first few days after an
application (Tu et al., 2001). Most environmental fate and impact concerns linked to the use
of herbicides are related to offsite movement into aquatic ecosystems (Zhu & Li, 2002).
Bromacil rapidly moves through the soil, as a result it has the potential to be a ground water
contaminant (Gomez de Barreda Jr. et al., 1998). Bromacil may degrade in natural waters
through microbial degradation and photo-sensitized degradation. Bromacil is moderately
soluble in water (0.815 gl-1 at 25° C) (Gomez de Barreda Jr. et al., 1998; Zhu & Li, 2002).
Bromacil is one of the most commonly found herbicides in groundwater; it is usually
detected at higher concentrations than those of terbuthylazine and simazine (de Paz and
Rubio, 2006).
Bromacil in the atmosphere is mainly degraded by light, in a process known as photo-
oxidation. The hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radicals are the primary oxidizing species
in the photocatalytic oxidation process of bromacil (Singh et al., 2003). Oxygen has no
pronounced effect on the initiation of the photolytic process of bromacil, as compared to that
of metribuzin where oxygen has a pronounced effect and hydrogen peroxide has a lesser
effect (Muszkat et al., 1998). The photolytic process in bromacil is initiated by hydroxyl
radicals generated by hydrogen peroxide photolysis (Muszkat et al., 1998). In a study
carried out by Singh et al. (2003), the immediate photolytic products in the presence of
titanium dioxide were 5-hydroxy-3-secbutyl-6-methyl uracil and diisopropyl urea.
8 months depending upon the patterns of use and other environmental factors such as
temperature and availability of water (Fishel, 2005; Meister, 1998). Bromacil activity,
movement and persistence in the soil depend on the interaction of the bromacil molecule
with the soil’s colloids adsorption capacity (Paterson & Mackay, 1994). Soil organic carbon-
water partitioning coefficient (Koc) is the the ratio of the mass of a chemical that is adsorbed
in the soil per unit mass of organic carbon in the soil per the equilibrium chemical
concentration in solution. Koc value of less than 100 indicates that a pesticide is very mobile
in soils (Branham et al., 1995). Bromacil moves quite readily through the soil (EXTONET,
1993, Rosner et al., 1999); this is because bromacil adsorbs only slightly soil particles, with a
Koc value of 32 g/ml (de Paz & Rubio, 2006; EXTONET, 1993; Gomez de Barreda Jr. et al.,
1998). Bromacil is a good candidate for leaching and therefore, a groundwater contaminant
(Gomez de Barreda Jr. et al., 1998).
Due to its ability to move readily through the soil and its solubility in water, concerns on the
use of Bromacil arise as it is able to contaminate groundwater (EXTONET, 1993; Rosner et
al., 1999, Singh et al., 2003). Relatively Bromacil behaves differently on different types of
soils with different constituents. Thus Bromacil is more strongly adsorbed to by organic
matter colloids rather than clay particles; as a result it is more persistent and less mobile in
soils with high organic matter content (5% or more) (James & Lauren, 1995). Soils with
moderate to high organic matter content may retain bromacil residues for 1 to 2 years, thus,
a soil half-life of 3 to 7 months is more likely in soils with low organic matter content (less
than 5%) (EXTOXNET, 1993). A soil with high organic matter content will also bind
bromacil and prevent it from being available in soil solution, this obviously will affect it
effectiveness on plant. In a study carried out by de Paz and Rubio (2006), involving eight of
the most frequently applied herbicides in citrus orchards (glyphosate, diuron, diquat,
bromacil, simazine, linuron, terbuthylazine, and terbumeton), a ranking according to the
potential to leach was obtained. The leaching potential of the herbicides was as follows,
from highest to potential to least; terbumeton > bromacil > simazine > terbuthylazine >
diuronNlinuron > glyphosate > diquat.
On relative terms, bromacil is one of the polluters of groundwater that should be given
considerable attention (EXTONET 1993, Rosner et al., 1999; Singh et al., 2003). Other report
by Sanders et al., (1996) showed that bromacil was degraded within 4 to 6 months when it
was applied once compared to when it was applied twice in the same season; it was also
reported that Bromacil persisted in the top 75 mm of soil for nearly a year (Alavi et al., 2008).
Soil with no previous bromacil use had higher chemical residue levels in lower depths and
slower degradation rates than soils with a 10 year history of asparagus management and
associated bromacil use.
entering the ecosystem. Bromacil, a broad spectrum herbicide, is used to control undesirable
woody plants on noncropland so as to increase the carrying capacity of the veld. The active
ingredient (bromacil) is carried into the root zone by rain. It is readily absorbed through the
root system and is then translocated to foliage. The leaves then become yellow and abscise.
When new leaves are formed, they also turn yellow and abscise. This process continues until
the tree no longer has reserves to initiate re-growth and so it dies. Figure 2 and 3 show the
efforts of bromacil application on Acacia species in the Eastern Cape Province of South
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a). Stand of Acacia karoo (b). Dead stands of Acacia karoo form plots treated with
Box 1: Field Research on the Economics and Effects of bromacil Application Method
Fig. 4. (a). Absolute cost of Bromacil herbicide type and application method for the control
of Acacia Karoo bush. (b). Absolute cost of Bromacil herbicide application on different
densities of Acacia Karoo bush invasion. (c). A comparison aerial application cost with hand
Impacts, Efficacy and Economics of Bushwacker Sc (Bromacil)
In Controlling Acacia Invasion in South Africa 675
The cost of bromacil was affected by bush density between the density levels. Labour
was slightly higher at the high density. This could be due to large number of trees on
which each has to be treated with bromacil.
The total cost of bromacil applied as granules was higher than bromacil spray and use of
Penetrex and access. The time spent and labor was not different between application
methods (Figure 4a). This implies that the use of granules is more expensive than the use
of spray bromacil.
The time spent on bromacil application was determined by the bush density, the higher
the bush density the more the time spent (Figure 4b). The amount of herbicide used was
affected by the bush density. The higher density bush utilised more herbicide than the
low density bush (Figure 3c). This could be due to the difficulty in movement and large
number of trees and each had to get the bromacil. This implies that with hand
application the high density bush will require large number of labourers for a short time
or small number of labourers for a long time. In the case where labour is paid per hour
per person the expenses will be high as well as herbicide purchase expenses.
The result indicated that, on a per hectare basis, it was more expensive to hand apply
granules in the high density plots (R2700.ha-1) compared to either spraying liquid
(R675.ha-1) or aerial spraying (R600.ha-1). This could be due to the unease of movement
for the person applying the granules, while the spray application was faster. Under low
tree density aerial spraying, the cost of which does not change with density, was more
expensive compared to hand application of granules (R389.ha-1) compared to either
spraying liquid (R207.ha-1). This implies that in the low density bush, the hand
application is less expensive compared with the aerial application. The cost of water
used in the mixing was minimal and was not included in the calculations.
676 Herbicides and Environment
Bromacil treatments
Vegetation response to bromacil treatment One year Post-
Biomass production (kg/ha) 2083±89.7a 2163±89.7a
Decreaser 30.3±2.2a 24.3±2.2a
Increaser 1a 8.2±1.5a 3.8±1.5a
Increaser 1b 0.2±0.4a 0.7±0.4a
Ecological status (%) Increaser IIa 15.2±1.8 a 15.5±1.8a
Increaser IIb 8.2±1.8a 14.3±1.8b
Increaser IIc 15.8±2.0a 10.8±2.0a
Others 2.2±0.4a 1.0±0.4a
A. karroo 3221±896.9 a 2100±896.9a
Bush density (Plants.ha-1)
Others 1442±272.3 a 1375±272.3a
Herbaceous vegetation variables High Bush Density Low Bush Density
Biomass production.(kg-ha-1) 2604±89.7a 1641±89.7b
Decreaser 32.7±2.2a 22.0±2.2b
Increaser 1a 4.0±1.5a 8.0±1.5a
Increaser 1b 0.8±0.4a 0.0±0.4a
Ecological status % Increase IIa 18.5±1.8a 12.2±1.8b
Increaser IIb
14.7±1.8a 7.8±1.8b
Increaser IIc
Others 15.2±2.0a 11.5±2.0a
1.8±0.0a 1.3±0.0b
Bromacil application methods
Vegetation parameter
Granular Spray Control
Biomass production. (kg-ha-1) 2159±109.8ab 2345±109.8a 1864±109.8b
Decreaser 31.0±2.7a 32.8±2.7a 18.3±2.7b
Increaser 1a 4.8±1.8ab 3.3±1.8b 10.0±1.8a
Increaser 1b 0.5±0.5 a 0.8±0.5 a 0.0±0.5a
Ecological status (%) Increaser IIa 16.8±2.3 a 14.3±2.3 a 15.0±2.3a
Increaser IIb 5.8±2.2b 6.5±2.2b 21.5±2.2a
Increaser IIc 12.0±2.2a 14.8±2.2a 13.3±2.2a
Others 2.0±2.4a 1.3±2.4a 1.5±2.4a
Bush density (Plants.ha-1) A. karroo 1706±1098.1a 3288±1098.1a 2988±1098.1a
Others 101±333.5a 1881±333.5a 1325±333.5a
Means in the same row followed by same superscripts are not significantly different (P> 0.05).
Table 1. (a) Herbaceous and woody (species composition, biomass production and bush
density) vegetation status before and after bromacil treatment. (b). Effect of bush density on
herbaceous production and species composition (Mean±SE). (c). Effects of bromacil
application methods on herbaceous biomass production, species composition and bush
density (Mean ± SE).
678 Herbicides and Environment
8. Conclusion
Bromacil based herbicides are effectively used to control annual and perennial weeds. The
family possesses a broad toxicity to many plant species, however, the specific compounds
differ in their toxicity to plants, solubility in water and persistence in soil. The chemical is
absorbed through the root system and translocated upwards via the xylem vessels to the
leaves where it interferes with light harvesting complexes by blocking the photosystem II
reaction. These compounds disrupt cell membranes and cause chloroplast swelling and
cellular destruction. The early symptoms of bromacil kill activities in a plant is leaf chlorosis
concentrated around the veins, this is often noticed at the lower leaves and gradually moves
up the plant.
The current use of bromacil in agriculture is necessary so as to sustain high productivity,
reduce cost, reduce drudgery and give high profit margins. There are various ways of
applying bromacil; the most appropriate method is determined by the weed being treated, the
herbicide being applied, the skills of the applicator and the application site. The application
method determines the extent of contact with target plant and its movement within the soil.
The conventional methods of application include aerial spraying and direct application to the
soil. The performance of bromacil is influenced by soil characteristics, thus soils with low clay
or organic matter content are highly leachable, therefore require lower application rates. The
vegetation structure and composition are also very important factors to consider.
Bromacil is non-toxic to mammals, however, it is slightly toxic to fish and amphibians. The
effect of Bromacil on microbial populations depends on herbicide concentration and
microbial species present. Most environmental fate and impact concerns linked to the use of
herbicides are related to offsite movements into aquatic ecosystems. Bromacil is mainly
degraded by micro-organisms in the soil and in natural waters. The chemical is degraded
mainly by light in the atmosphere through photo-oxidation. Bromacil provides for sustained
weed control because of its persistence in the environment and its low degradability rates,
however, this has become the cause of environmental concern especially the ecological risks.
We therefore concluded that the use of bromacil in areas with important aquatic ecosystems
should be carefully undertaken and monitored.
Generally granules application by hand is higher than other application methods. Bush
density class had a significant effect on the cost of Bromacil application. The time and
herbicide cost constitute the main items where intervention to reduce cost may be targeted.
Under low tree density condition, the cost of aerial application was higher compared to
hand application of granules. Full economic implication of application methods will be
better assessed with; assessment of biophysical component viz., mortality rate of Acacia karoo
plant, rate and volume of grass biomass accumulation, grass species diversity, prevalence of
decreaser species and ecological benefits
In the current study bromacil herbicide did not show any effect on Acaccia karroo in short
term. It is clear from other research that bromacil achieves its total kill in a minimum of two
years under favourable conditions. The current use of bromacil in agriculture is necessary so
as to sustain high productivity. The vegetation structure and composition are also very
important factors to consider.
9. References
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1. Introduction
The necessity of increasing the productivity per cultivation area is a peremptory demand
since, on hand, the available surface is limited, even worse it has diminished due to the
degradation of the soil; and on the other hand, it is necessary to supply the food demand of
a steadily increasing population.
To supply this demand of the current world population, about six thousand million, it is
required to produce more and more. To do this is necessary to use massively chemicals,
known generically as agrochemicals (insecticides, fungicides, acaricides, nematocides and
herbicides). The use of these chemicals has allowed for significant reduction of the
agriculture plagues and consequently increased the productivity. Among the pesticides, the
herbicides deserve special attention since, due to the resistance developed by weeds, new
products have to be steadily introduced to market.
Plants and many microorganisms are able to synthesize from inorganic precursors all the
metabolites needed for their survival. In contrast, animals must obtain many compounds,
such as vitamins, essential fatty acids and certain amino acids, from their diet. This is
because they lack the full biosynthetic machinery, so there are metabolic pathways and their
component enzymes that are not found in animals. The branched-chain amino acids
(BCAAs) are synthesized by plants, algae, fungi, bacteria and archae, but no by animals.
Therefore, the enzymes involved in the BCAA biosynthetic pathway are potential targets for
the development of herbicides, fungicides, and antimicrobial compounds.
Pyrimidinylsalicylic acid (PSA) based compounds show potent herbicidal activity. This
activity has been identified as a result of the inhibition of acetohydroxyacid synthase,
AHAS. Unfortunately, this family of compounds has been poorly characterized from the
physical-chemical point of view. This lack of information has prevented the assessment of
their impact in the environment. The difficulty to obtain accurate experimental values arise
mainly from limitations of analytical techniques, cost, safety and time. For this reason, it is
very useful to be able to predict these properties. Such a prediction may be important
additionally for the design of novel herbicides since their properties could be predicted
prior to synthesis and consequently the design may, in this way, be guided by the results of
calculations. Once these properties are known the effect of these chemicals on the
environment could be evaluated in advance, reaching in this way the desired compromise
682 Herbicides and Environment
between productivity and environment protection. In this chapter, classical and quantum
chemical methods are applied to predict and calculate important properties of PSA based
4. Acetohydroxyacid synthase.
Acetohydroxyacid synthase, AHAS, the first common enzyme in the biosynthetic route to
the branched chain amino acids, valine, leucine and isoleucine, Figure 3, has been identified
as the target of action of several structurally different types of chemicals (sulfonylureas,
sulfonamides, imidazolinones and pyrimidylsalicylates) with high herbicidal activity. These
four classes of herbicides, all obtained by traditional screening methods, have the attributes
of low application rates, good crop selectivity, environmental safety and low mammalian
toxicity. These herbicides act inhibiting AHAS leading to the starvation of the plant for these
amino acids, it is this starvation that is thought to be the primary mechanism by which these
chemicals cause plant death (Singh & Shaner, 1995; Zohar et al., 2003; Pang et al., 2002, Pang
et al., 2003; McCourt et al., 2005; MCCourt et al., 2006; Duggleby & Pang, 2000; MCCourt &
Duggleby, 2006).
simply from a knowledge of the molecular structure. A major goal of a QSAR/QSPR study
is to find a mathematical relationship between a certain property and one or more
descriptive parameters, known as descriptors, related to the structure of the molecule. These
descriptors are numerical representations of structural features of molecules that attempt to
encode important information that causes structurally different compounds to have
different property values. These models so developed are important for the design of novel
compounds since properties can be predicted prior to synthesis, and in this way the design
of new chemicals, with specific properties, may be guided by the calculation results.
Quantum mechanical continuum solvation methods (Tomasi & Persico, 1994; Cramer, 2002;
Young, 2001) are based on the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) approach which
considers the solvent as a structureless and continuous dielectric medium, characterized
with a dielectric constant ε, with the solute placed in a suitable shaped hole within it. The
SCRF method is an adaptation of the Poisson method for ab initio calculations. There are
quite a number of variations on this method. One point of difference is the shape of the
solvent cavity. Various models use spherical cavities, spheres for each atom, or an isosurface
of electron density. The second difference is the description of the solute, which could be a
dipole, multipole expansion, or numerical integration over the charge density.
The quantum mechanical based methods have been developed to the point that they are
useful tools for predicting thermodynamic properties and phase behaviour of some
substances to an accuracy useful in engineering calculations (Sandler, 2003).
6.1.2 Methodology
Empirical evidences show that the acidic carboxyl group of these pyrimidylsalicylates is
indispensable for AHAS inhibition; moreover, it has been suggested the carboxylate group
is responsible for the binding of the inhibitor molecule to the enzyme (Nezu at al., 1998).
Enzymes are proteins which are actives under relative mild reactions conditions:
temperature below 1000C, atmospheric pressure and nearly neutral pH. Therefore, at these
conditions of pH the PSA compounds will be in their anionic form, since their pKa values go
from about 3.3 to 4.4 (Delgado, 2009).
686 Herbicides and Environment
Modeling was performed in order to set the anions in their lowest energy 3D conformations.
To achieve this goal, initial three-dimensional geometries of the chemical structures were
generated using Hyperchem 7.0 molecular modeling package. These 3D structures were
refined later using Ampac 5.0, a semiempirical molecular modeling program, using AM1
parameterization. To determine the lowest-energy conformations for each molecule,
geometry optimizations were carried out allowing one or more torsional angles to vary
systematically. The keyword CHARGE= -1 was always used in all cases. The Ampac output
files, containing the lowest–energy structures and the respective electron wave functions of
individual compounds, were loaded into the Codessa program to calculate the molecular
descriptors. This pool of descriptors was reduced by removing descriptors that could not be
calculated for every structure in the data set, and by eliminating one descriptor from those
pairs highly correlated. Afterwards, from this reduced pool of descriptors the best
multilinear correlation QSAR model was searched using the Sigmastat statistical package
6.1.3 Results
A total of 184 descriptors, 12 geometrical and 172 quantum chemical, were calculated for all
compounds. The best regression equation found involves only four descriptors, two
geometrical and two quantum chemical: SM, the molecular surface area; SXY, the normalized
shadow area of the molecule projected on the XY plane; HOMO, the energy of the highest
occupied molecular orbital; and FNSA, the fractional partial negatively charged surface
area. It is noteworthy that these descriptors individually correlate poorly with the property
(R2 = 0.22, 0.27, 0.11, 0.01 for SM, SXY, HOMO and FNSA, respectively), however they
collectively correlate pretty well with the property, R2 = 0.89. This is an interesting result
since, from the respective individual correlation coefficient, these descriptors are seemingly
not relevant for predicting inhibition. Nevertheless, the relevance of these descriptors it is
made evident only when the correlation with the collective is considered. This means that
the interaction of information among the descriptors add an important additional
predictive value which goes further from the simple sum of the information contained in the
individual descriptors. This finding is in agreement with the widely accepted idea that
inhibition is driven by several interactions (steric, electrostatic and hydrogen-bonding)
which occur simultaneously and synergically. The best regression equation found is the
including 5- and 6- substituted salicylic acids as well as 6- substituted thio analogs. In Table
4, the values of the molecular descriptors along with the experimental and calculated values
of pI50 for the validation set are shown. The statistics for the validation is as follows:
R2 = 0.84, s = 0.33, F= 59. These results confirm the prediction capability of the model.
Analysis of Variance
Regression 4 37.38 9.34 52 < 0.001
Residual 25 4.53 0.18
Total 29 41.91 1.44
Table 2. Analysis of variance of the best QSAR model
pI50 pI50
(exp) (calc)
5-substituted Pyrimidinylsalicilates
F 279.23 0.57 -5.35 0.47 6.27 5.86 -0.41
Cl 313.83 0.63 -4.92 0.53 5.35 5.67 0.32
Br 318.11 0.57 -4.93 0.54 4.50 4.25 -0.25
C2H5 310.27 0.56 -5.17 0.35 4.59 5.15 0.56
OCH3 300.19 0.55 -5.21 0.39 4.60 5.25 0.65
OC6H5 357.88 0.60 -5.40 0.42 3.58 3.32 -0.26
SCH3 338.00 0.61 -4.86 0.38 4.32 4.93 0.61
CN 301.27 0.56 -5.51 0.53 3.71 4.29 0.58
NH2 285.19 0.57 -5.17 0.42 6.09 5.98 -0.11
CCH 309.95 0.57 -5.28 0.50 4.70 4.45 -0.25
6-substituted Pyrimidinylsalicilates
H 268.10 0.57 -5.16 0.42 6.64 6.69 0.05
F 267.34 0.61 -5.24 0.46 7.30 7.23 -0.07
Cl 273.62 0.63 -5.18 0.50 7.62 7.21 -0.41
I 281.59 0.60 -5.21 0.40 7.66 6.83 -0.83
CH3 280.47 0.62 -5.13 0.38 6.89 7.51 0.62
C2H5 294.75 0.62 -5.12 0.37 6.57 6.81 0.24
OC3H7 309.91 0.60 -5.25 0.33 6.24 5.87 -0.37
OCH(CH3)2 322.80 0.62 -5.22 0.37 5.73 5.54 -0.19
SC2H5 316.95 0.62 -4.31 0.33 7.11 6.79 -0.32
SC3H7 324.40 0.60 -4.32 0.32 6.29 6.10 -0.19
NO2 292.87 0.63 -5.65 0.48 6.64 6.21 -0.43
CO2CH3 307.35 0.62 -5.56 0.41 5.68 5.89 0.21
NH2 280.47 0.62 -5.24 0.39 7.00 7.32 0.32
6-substituted Pyrimidinyl(thio)salicylates
F 301.31 0.70 -4.35 0.47 7.67 8.27 0.60
Cl 308.83 0.69 -4.32 0.49 7.49 7.65 0.16
I 294.59 0.62 -5.11 0.39 6.99 6.80 -0.19
OC2H5 341.24 0.65 -4.19 0.36 6.70 6.30 -0.40
OC6H5 364.64 0.70 -4.37 0.44 5.60 5.69 0.09
NO2 324.48 0.69 -4.71 0.51 6.69 6.63 -0.06
COCH3 326.72 0.68 -4.43 0.44 7.14 6.87 -0.27
Table 3. Molecular descriptors and values of experimental and calculated pI50 for the
training set.
Pyrimidinylsalicylic Based Herbicides: Modeling and Prediction 689
Y SM SXY HOMO FNSA(1) pI50 (exp) Diff.
5-substituted Pyrimidinylsalicilates
H 268.10 0.57 -5.16 0.42 6.64 6.69 0.05
I 321.03 0.55 -4.93 0.39 5.05 4.50 -0.55
OH 308.43 0.69 -4.87 0.48 7.20 7.29 0.09
6-substituted Pyrimidinylsalicylates
C3H7 310.23 0.61 -5.15 0.35 5.89 6.17 0.28
OC2H5 302.35 0.66 -5.22 0.33 7.05 7.37 0.32
OC4H9 328.96 0.64 -5.15 0.32 6.21 5.98 -0.23
CF3 289.31 0.68 -5.51 0.52 6.96 7.15 0.19
6-substituted Pyrimidinyl(thio)salicylates
Br 288.99 0.63 -5.08 0.40 7.40 7.23 -0.17
CH3 286.51 0.67 -4.98 0.41 7.53 8.05 0.52
OCH3 323.96 0.67 -4.20 0.39 7.05 7.18 0.13
SC2H5 345.36 0.65 -4.26 0.35 6.67 6.13 -0.54
CF3 326.52 0.69 -4.52 0.55 6.02 6.48 0.46
COC6H5 366.52 0.72 -4.46 0.45 5.19 5.75 0.56
Table 4. Molecular descriptors and values of experimental and calculated pI50 for the
validation set.
6.1.4 Discussion
From the explanations suggested in literature, it seems to be logical to think the first
requirement that the inhibitors must meet is the steric factor, since the chemicals must fit in
the active site channel. To this the chemical has to have the adequate size and the shape.
Consequently, the more relevant descriptors in the model are the molecular surface area and
the shadow area of the molecule projected on the XY plane. These descriptors encode the
size and the geometrical shape of the molecule, respectively. The normalized shadow
indices, introduced by Jurs as molecular shape descriptors (Stanton & Jurs, 1990), are
calculated as the ratio of the areas of three orthogonal projections to the maximum
dimensions along the respective axes, taking the X coordinate along the main axis of inertia
and so on.
The correlation coefficients for the above two descriptors have opposite sign, indicating size
and shape have antagonistic effects on inhibition. Thus, on one hand, the pI50 value
decreases as the surface area increases; on the other hand, the normalized shadow area in
the XY plane, SXY, increases the value of pI50. Therefore, both descriptors have inverse effect
on inhibition, disfavoring and favoring inhibition, respectively. This inverse effect is
presumably due to the inhibitors must accommodate in a size-limited cavity in the enzyme,
on one hand; and to enter into the enzyme the inhibitors should have the adequate
conformation to facilitate the entry and to favor the diverse intermolecular interaction with
amino acid side chains, on the other hand. The conformations which maximize the shadow
XY area are those in which the benzene ring and the pyrimidinyl ring are aligned in the
690 Herbicides and Environment
same plane in such a way the main moment of inertia lies in this plane. This conformation,
which is observed in the thio-derivates, facilitates the entry of the inhibitor into the active
site channel and set the ring atoms in a favorable position to make interactions with the
amino acids side chains. In the other two families instead the benzene and the pyrimidinyl
ring lies in planes almost orthogonals each other, adopting a nearly L-shaped structure
hindering the entry into the active site tunnel.
The correlation coefficient for the HOMO energy is positive indicating the property, pI50,
and this descriptor vary in symmetrical way, i.e., the higher the value of the Homo energy
the higher the value of pI50, which means a lower molar concentration for 50% inhibition of
the enzyme activity. Therefore, the HOMO energy is a key descriptor for an increased
inhibitory potency. The energy of the HOMO characterizes the susceptibility of the molecule
toward attack by electrophiles. Thus, it is expected this descriptor is involved in hydrogen
bonding interactions between partners with complementary properties, i.e. hydrogen
acceptors on the ligand and hydrogen donors on the receptor. It has been well established
that this type of interaction is one of the factors responsible for the binding of the inhibitor
to the enzyme. The carboxylate group is expected to be the key for the extent of these
interactions due to its ability to act as hydrogen acceptor because of the high electron
density on the oxygen atoms of this group. This could explain the empirical finding about
the carboxylate group is indispensable for AHAS inhibition because of its crucial role in the
binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme.
The fourth descriptor in relevance is the fractional partial negatively charged surface area,
FNSA(1), i.e. the ratio of the partial negatively charged surface area to the total molecular
surface area (Stanton & Jurs, 1990); encoding features related to polar interactions. Its
respective correlation coefficient is negative indicating this electrostatic factor disfavors the
inhibition. This effect is similar to that observed in the inhibition of AHAS by sulfonylurea
herbicides (Wang at al., 2005), wherein the chemicals need contributions from positively
charged groups to achieve enhanced inhibition, and only small areas of the active site
channel of AHAS have preference for negatively charged groups. This analog trend between
these two families of herbicides seems to suggest they share the same binding site in the
enzyme or partially overlapping sites. This finding has already been observed for
imidazolinones, as well. These results are in agreement with recently reported results
obtained by the integration of molecular docking, CoMFA, CoMSIA and DFT calculations
(He at al., 2007). Nevertheless, our model predicts pI50 with fewer descriptors and similar
statistics than those models reported in the just mentioned article. In QSAR modeling, the
Parsimony Principle (Occam´s Razor Principle) calls for using models and procedures that
contain all that is necessary for the modeling but nothing more, i.e. given a number of
models with nearly the same predictive error, that containing fewer parameters should be
preferred because simplicity is desirable in itself (Estrada et al., 2004).
pKa values of diversely substituted chemicals is, on one hand, to correlate the substituent
effect and the observed pKa value; and, on the other hand, to evaluate its effect on derived
physical-chemical properties. We have calculated the acid-dissociation constants for 39 PSA
derived herbicides by using density functional theory (DFT) methods at B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)
level of theory (Delgado, 2009).
pK a = D (2)
2.3 RT
where D is the free energy change involved in the step D, and may be calculated from the
free energy changes of the other cycle steps by the following relation: D = A+ C - B. In this
cycle, the BH+ species refers to the adduct formed from the reaction between the electron-
pair donor B species, Lewis base, and the electron-pair acceptor H+ species, Lewis acid.
differences in the values of the pKa’s have to be effect of the R-substituent group, since the
O-dimethoxypyrimidynil (ODMP) group keeps constant for all compounds, an estimation
of the reliability of the calculated figures can be reached quantifying the effect of the R-
substituents on the pKa values. From the mid-1930’s the primary means to assess the effect
of a substituent in the meta or para position of the benzene ring have been the Hammett σ
constants (Hammett, 1937). The σ constants were originally formulated from the logarithm
of the ratios of the acid-dissociation constants of substituted benzoic acids relative to the
acid-dissociation constant of benzoic acid itself. Since the definition of σ considers a
reference compound respect to it the effect of the substituent is measured, we hypothesize
that for a same substituent, the σ constant value should be the same for benzoic acids and
PSA acids, once we take the 6-H substituted PSA, (compound 1 in table 5) as reference
structure to isolate the effect of the R substituent group.
The results of this comparison are shown in Table 6. It is possible to observe that the
calculated σ values of this study for the selected substituents, not only, do exhibit the correct
qualitative trend, but also show quantitative accuracy, within the error reported by
Hammett. This finding validates the quality of the pKa’s values calculated in this study.
In Fig. 5, the pKa values are plotted as function of σ for benzoic acids and PSA compounds
with the same substituents. The figure shows a strong correlation between the pKa’s and the
Fig. 5. pKa vs the Hammett σ constants (open circles: benzoic acids; solid circles: PSA
σ constants for the two families of compounds. Both straight lines are shifted in an extent
that we identify as a consequence of the substituent effect of the ODMP group.
Additionally to the above checking procedure, we propose a second checking test in order
to discard the presence of potential systematic errors in the method. The reported
correlation equation of pKa as function of σ for benzoic acids is (Hollingsworth at al., 2002):
pK a = 4.20 − σ (3)
This equation allows us to predict the pKa’s of the compounds of this study if we consider
the ODMP group as a substituent of the respective benzoic acids, once the value of the
Hammett σ constant for this group is known. This value can be determined by taking the
logarithm of the ratios of the acid-dissociation constants of the R-substituted PSA
compounds to the respective R-substituted benzoic acids shown in Table 6, in analogy to the
694 Herbicides and Environment
original definition of Hammett for σ for benzoic acids. This procedure allows to isolate the
substituent effect of the ODMP group.
The results of these calculations are shown in Table 7; the resulting mean is 0.21. With this
value of σ for the ODMP group and the respective value for the other substituent, we are
able to predict the pKa´s for the family of compounds of this study using the empirical
equation (3) obtained for substituted benzoic acids. The predicted pKa’s coincide exactly
with those values calculated in this study using DFT methodology, Figure 6.
Substituent σODMP
6-H 0.189
5-F 0.169
5-Cl 0.228
5-CH3 0.270
5-CN 0.200
5-OCH3 0.288
5-NO2 0.089
5-OH 0.278
Table 7. Hammett σ constants for the O-dimethoxypyrimidinyl group (ODMP)
Fig. 6. Calculated pKa (this study) vs. predicted pKa (eqn. 3) for PSA compounds.
properties have not been reported previously for this family of herbicides, neither
experimentally nor theoretically.
6.3.1 Thermodynamics
Free energy of solvation ΔGS0 , in addition to its fundamental interest, may combined with
other thermodynamic data to predict a variety of equilibrium constants, being one of the
most important the partitioning of a solute between two immiscible phases. Therefore, ΔGS0
is a key property to estimate the fate of a chemical once it is released in the environment.
From an environmental point of view, three of the most important partition coefficients are
the Henry´s law constant (H), the octanol/air (KOA) and the octanol/water (KOW) partition
coefficients which can be calculated straightforwardly from the free energies of solvation in
water and octanol by means of the well known equations:
{ }
log KOW = ΔGs0 ( water ) − ΔGs0 ( oct ) / 2.303 RT (6)
6.3.3 Results
The calculated free energies of solvation in water and octanol, along with the respective
values of the Henry´s law constants, the octanol/air partition and the octanol/water
partition coefficients are shown in Table 8.
From this table it is possible to observe that all these compounds have low values of
gas/solvent partition coefficients, consequently they show low volatility and a clear
preference for the condensed phases. The preferred condensed phase, either water or
octanol, is determined by the value of KOW. The calculated values of log KOW range from –
0.50 to about 3.0, breaking down in the following way: two cases, compounds 35 and 39,
with negative values; three cases, compounds 24, 26 and 38, with values greater than 2; and
the remaining compounds having intermediate values between 0 and 2.
696 Herbicides and Environment
Table 8. Calculated free energy of solvation in water and octanol, Henry´s law constant,
octanol-air partition coefficient and octanol-water partition coefficient for R-substituted O-
pyrimidinylsalicylic acids.
Pyrimidinylsalicylic Based Herbicides: Modeling and Prediction 697
Those with negative values show preference for the aqueous phase. This behavior is
explained, in the case of compound 35, by the high polar nature of the sulfonyl group which
provides an highly hydrophilic character. Moreover, it is well known that sulfones are able
to stabilize negative charges on neighbor atoms, such as those of the carboxylic group. On
the other hand, in the compound 39, the hydroxyl group in meta position with respect to the
carboxylic group strengthens the acidity by inductive effect, favoring in consequence its
water solubility.
On the other hand, those compounds with values of log KOW > 2 will have preference for the
octanol phase. This behavior is explained in terms of the high hydrophobic character
provided by the OC6H5 and NO2 substituent groups present in compounds 24, 26 and 38.
This finding is in agreement with the empirical evidence of the surprisingly low solubility in
water of these compounds, therefore in the ambient they will be preferably found in the
lipids of aquatic and animal biota and potentially they could scale in the food chain.
6.3.4 Discussion
The validation of the calculated figures unfortunately can not be made in a direct way since
for this family of compounds there is no experimental data available to check the calculated
values. However, indirectly we can have an estimation of their reliability. For instance, a
recent paper reports the following model, based on the fragmental method, to predict the
log KOW of halogenated benzoic acids in terms of certain group and factor values (Qiao et al.,
11 2
log KOW = ∑ ni gi + ∑ l j f j + 1.117 (7)
i =1 j =1
where ni is the number of i-type groups, gi is the value of the group i, lj is the number of j-
type factors, f1 and f2 denote the factors for ortho and para substituents, respectively. The
model reproduces the experimental data of log KOW for halogenated benzoic acids with an
average absolute error of 0.22 log units. Since, the DMPS-compounds of our study can be
viewed as benzoic acids substituted in the ortho position with a O-dimethoxypyrimidynil
(ODMP) group, we hypothesize this model should be also valid to our compounds. If it is
so, we could apply the model to determine the group value for the ODMP group using our
calculated values of log KOW and the group and factor values reported by Qiao for the
analog R-substituted benzoic acids. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 9;
the resulting mean is –0.768. If this value for the ODMP group is correct, we should be able
to reproduce the experimental values of log KOW for R-substituted benzoic acids from the
calculated log KOW for the analog R-substituted PSA compound, since structurally benzoic
acids can be viewed as DMPS acids without the ODMP group; therefore the application of
eqn. (7) leads to the following equation:
log KOW = log KOW
− gODMP − f 2 − Δg (8)
where gODMP is the value for the ODMP group, f2 is the factor value for ortho substituents,
and Δg accounts for the difference in the group value of the benzene ring with two and three
substituents. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 10. The average absolute
error of log KOW is 0.26, quite comparable with the reported error (0.22) for the original data
set of halogenated benzoic acids. This result allows to confirm the quality of the values of
698 Herbicides and Environment
KOW calculated in this study, and also it validates the applicability of eqn. (7) for this family
of compounds.
Compound Exp. log KOW (Qiao et al., 2008) Calc. log KOW (eqn. 8)
Benzoic acid 1.87 2.06
o-chlorobenzoic acid 2.05 1.87
m-chlorobenzoic acid 2.68 2.19
o-fluorobenzoic acid 1.77 2.14
m-fluorobenzoic acid 2.15 2.09
Table 10. Experimental and calculated log KOW for benzoic acids.
The value of the Henry´s law constant is determined fundamentally by the free energy of
solvation in water according to eqn. (4). The reliability of the methodology used in this
article to calculate ΔGS0 in water was confirmed in an earlier article (Delgado, 2010), and
consequently the values of H derived from it.
Since the calculated values of KOW and H are supported by the above checking procedures,
then the calculated values of KOA should be also checked considering that these three
coefficients are related by the well known equation (Meylan & Howard, 2005):
KOA = RT (9)
Thus, the plot of KOA, calculated according to eqn. (5), vs (KOW / H) should give rise to a
straight line whose slope equals to RT. The plot, shown in Figure 7, confirm this fact and
therefore supports the calculated values of KOA. Moreover, the value of the slope
corresponds to the value of RT at 298 K, within the error of the methodology.
7. Concluding remarks.
Modern chemistry is oriented more and more towards the elucidation in detail of how the
macroscopic properties are determined by the microscopic properties of matter, this current
tendency is motivated by both academic and applied reasons. From academic point of view,
it allows to have a detailed picture of the intermolecular interactions that determine the
macro properties; and from an applied point of view, it allows systematize the search of a
compound with desired properties in base of its molecular structure, selecting, in this way,
the most promising compounds to be synthesized on a rational base. Quantum chemical
Pyrimidinylsalicylic Based Herbicides: Modeling and Prediction 699
8. Acknowledgement.
The author acknowledges financial support from Fondecyt under grant N0 1100064.
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Part 8
Despite the considerable contribution of synthetic herbicides to modern agriculture,
lingering concerns remain – and, in some cases, have grown – with respect to most
commonly used agents. In particular, concerns have included documented toxic effects on
human, animal and ecosystem health, as well as associated potential for bioaccumulation,
and growing evidence of acquired resistance (and cross-resistance) by target species with
consequent implications for both cost and sustainability (Horrigan et al., 2002; Powles et al.,
1996). As such, there is a continuing interest in the identification of novel herbicidal agents,
specifically toward discovery of compounds that may address these concerns (e.g. reduced
toxicity and/or potential for bioaccumulation, new molecular targets, high production
capacity and low-cost of production).
In particular, numerous studies have explored the potential of naturally occurring
secondary metabolites (i.e. “natural products”), particularly from plants and
microorganisms, as a source of such compounds. This approach has included both purified
and characterized metabolites, as well as mixtures (i.e. extracts or preparations), and “semi-
synthetic” compounds based on natural product leads. Accordingly, in recent years, several
good reviews have emerged on various topics related to bioactive natural products as a
source of potential herbicides (e.g. Duke et al., 2002; Copping & Duke, 2007; Dayan et al.,
2009; Lindell et al., 2009), and the reader would be directed to these resources for further
information outside the scope of the current chapter.
This chapter focuses specifically on the marine and freshwater microalgae as a source of
herbicidal compounds. As a group, the microalgae are recognized to produce a remarkable
diversity of biologically active metabolites (see Marine and Freshwater Microalgae: A Rich
Source of Bioactive Compounds, below). Furthermore, in addition to this recognized chemical
diversity, a growing body of knowledge supports the notion that many of these bioactive
metabolites from algae - as a aquatic photoautotrophs - may specifically have evolved in the
capacity of allelopathy providing a competitive advantage via interspecific, and particularly
negative (i.e. inhibition), effects on growth, survival and reproduction of photoautotrophic
competitor species (see Algal Allelopathy, below). Moreover, given the overlapping targets of
action between allelopathic metabolites and herbicides (e.g. inhibition of photosynthesis),
there is an emerging literature on the potential – including possible commercial potential -
of algal metabolites as herbicides (as discussed in the final two sections of the chapter,
706 Herbicides and Environment
Accordingly, the resulting diversity of toxic or otherwise bioactive metabolites has received
considerable attention (see, for example, reviews by Codd et al., 1999; van Dolah, 2000;
Gerwick et al., 2001; Cardozo et al., 2007; Tan, 2007; Berry et al., 2008) both as a leads to
compounds with potential biomedical (i.e. drug discovery) or other commercially relevant
(e.g. pesticides, herbicides) applications, as well as a growing relevance to public and
environmental health (i.e. as “toxins”). In terms of the former, several bioactive compounds
from microalgae, including both eukaryotic and prokaryotic representatives, are currently
being investigated as potential “drug leads.” Several metabolites from cyanobacteria (e.g.
cryptophycins, dolastatins, curacin A) have, for example, been investigated with respect to
anticancer activities (i.e. inhibition of cell-division; Trimurtulu et al., 1994; Verdier-Pinard et
al., 1998; Luesch et al., 2001). Dinoflagellate toxins (e.g. saxitoxins and brevetoxins) have
recognized applications as biomedical research tools (i.e. inhibitors and activators,
respectively, of voltage-gated sodium channels) and emerging applications as drugs (e.g.
brevenal as an antagonist of brochoconstriction and related pulmonary effects, such as those
found in cystic fibrosis; Potera, 2007). On the other hand, as toxic compounds (see Fig. 2),
and specifically in relation their role in “harmful algal blooms” (HABs), microalgal
compounds have been well documented (Codd et al., 1999; van Dolah, 2000) to pose threats
to human, animal and environmental health via contamination of drinking water,
bioaccumulation in fish, shellfish and other seafood, and various other routes (e.g.
recreational exposure).
Fig. 2. Toxins from marine and freshwater microalgae with established concerns for human,
animal and environmental health.
Interestingly, the role of these compounds in the life history of the algae remains largely
unknown. However, it has been frequently proposed (e.g. Berry et al., 2008) that bioactive
secondary metabolites of microalgae may be involved in the chemical ecology of these
organisms, particularly including a role in allelopathy (discussed further below) and
chemical defense (e.g. feeding deterrents, qualitative toxins) against potential micrograzers
in aquatic habitats. Indeed, with respect to the current discussion, the specifically suited role
of these compounds as allelochemicals (i.e. allelopathic inhibitors of competing
Marine and Freshwater Microalgae as a Potential Source of Novel Herbicides 709
3. Algal allelopathy
Given the likely intense competition for physical (e.g. space, light) and chemical (e.g. micro-
and macronutrient) resources in aquatic habitats, it is not surprising that a growing number
of studies have documented apparent allelopathy between photoautotrophic species – as
well as phyla and kingdoms - in these systems. In fact, several good reviews on the topic
(e.g. Irfanullah & Moss, 2005; Erhard, 2006; Graneli et al., 2008; Macias et al., 2007),
specifically emphasizing aquatic plants, macroalgae and microalgae, have appeared over the
past several years. Not only have these studies supported the possible role of these
compounds as inhibitors of sympatric autotrophs, but have, in some cases, even provided
convincing evidence that interplay of these interspecific inhibitors may support ecological
succession in these habitats. Moreover, given an overlap – and presumptive evolutionary
convergence or divergence – of targets shared by algae and true plants (e.g. oxygenic
photosynthesis), the repertoire of such allelochemicals provides an especially rich source of
compounds with activity directly relevant to possible development as herbicides and/or
identification of novel herbicide targets.
Although the term “allelopathy” was not coined (Molisch, 1937) until the 1930s, scientific
observation of apparent allelopathy in aquatic habitats dates back to the turn of the previous
century. In particular, studies by Apstein (1896) and Pütter (1908) that detailed an apparent
role of allelochemicals in determining community structure in these systems. A number of
studies subsequently followed including, perhaps most notably, the seminal studies by
Keating et al. (1977, 1978) which examined the role of extracellular metabolites from
cyanobacteria with respect to interannual succession patterns of algal blooms in a closed
aquatic system (i.e. Linsley Pond). These studies specifically demonstrated that filtrates
prepared from axenic (or unialgal) cultures of “dominant” bloom strains (from a particular
year) negatively affected (i.e. inhibited) growth of “predecessor” strains - but not
“successor” strains on which filtrates, instead, exerted a positive or neutral effect - indicating
an apparent role of extracellular metabolites in structuring the community from year to
year. Interestingly, even these early studies (e.g. Keating, 1977) - although focused on
ecological aspects – recognized the potential implications of these interactions as a means to
control populations of nuisance algae. The subsequent decades witnessed numerous studies
on the ecological role of allelopathy in both freshwater and marine habitats (see, for
example, review by Gross, 2003). However, the vast majority of these studies examined
extracts, filtrates or other crude preparations. With respect to the potential applications for
novel herbicides (and/or algicides), identification and subsequent chemical characterization
is an obvious necessity.
Indeed, numerous algal metabolites (Fig. 3) with algicidal activity, and accordingly
suggested roles in allelopathy, have been isolated and characterized. The reader is directed
to previous reviews of these compounds (Smith and Doan, 1999; Berry et al., 2008). The first
such compound, cyanobacterin, was reported by Mason et al. (1982). The compound was
isolated from cellular extracts of Scytonema hofmanni (UTEX 1581), specifically based on
inhibition of cyanobacteria, and chemically characterized as a chlorinated aromatic γ-lactone
(see Fig. 3). Extracts of S. hofmanni were shown to inhibit (presumably due to cyanobacterin)
a wide range of microorganisms, particularly including a diversity of cyanobacteria and
710 Herbicides and Environment
green algae, as well as rhodophytes, and was suggested, as such, to play a role in
allelopathy of the species (Mason et al., 1982). Subsequently, species of the cyanobacterial
genus, Nostoc, were found (Gromov et al., 1991; Vepritskii et al., 1991) to produce antialgal
metabolites, termed cyanobacterin LU-1 and LU-2, which were, likewise, shown to inhibit a
variety of cyanobacteria and other microalgae. Although the structures of LU-1 and LU-2
(not completely characterized) were generally considered to be unrelated to those isolated
from S. hofmanni, it was found that both cyanobacterins from S. hofmanni and Nostoc (i.e. LU-
1 and LU-2) seemed to act via inhibition of photosystem II (PSII), a target of several
commercial herbicides (discussed further below).
Based on this, several screening studies (Flores & Wolk, 1986; Shlegel et al., 1998; Volk, 2005;
Gantar et al., 2008) followed, using algicidal assays to identify metabolites with potential
allelopathic roles. The presumably high importance of such compounds is underscored by the
fact that up to 40% of cyanobacterial isolates evaluated in these screening studies were found
to produce algicidal metabolites (Volk et al., 2005). Of particular note, it was found by Flores
and Wolk (1986) and Schlegel et al. (1998), who screened sixty-five and approximately 200
strains of cyanobacteria, respectively, that algicidal metabolites were primarily restricted to
heterocystous, nitrogen-fixing filamentous taxa (of Sections IV and V of the standard
classification scheme of Rippka et al., 1979). In fact, this was somewhat confirmed by
subsequent screening by Volk et al. (2005) who, likewise, found that the majority of algicide
producers belong to these, or closely akin filamentous groups (e.g. Oscillatoria, Arthrospira,
Phormidium from Section III). Moreover, it was found in this latter study that members of these
same groups were, in fact, the more susceptible (versus unicellular cyanobacterial or green
algal representative) to the apparent algicidal metabolites, suggesting a role in the allelopathy
toward most related (and perhaps ecologically similar) photoautotrophic competitors. This is
further supported by recent screening studies (Gantar et al., 2008) that used co-cultivation of
sympatric isolates cyanobacteria and chlorophytes (specifically from the Florida Everglades),
and found apparent allelopathic activity among all ecologically co-occurring cyanobacterial,
and 4 of 6 green algal, strains examined the study.
Within Section IV and V cyanobacteria, two groups – the genus, Nostoc, and several
members of the family Stigonemataceae – are particularly notable producers of apparent
allelochemicals. Perhaps the most frequently identified producer of algicidal metabolites is
the cyanobacterial genus, Nostoc. In addition to being consistently represented, among
algicide producers in screening studies (Flores & Wolk, 1986; Shlegel et al., 1998; Volk, 2005),
several apparently allelopathic metabolites (see Fig. 3) have been characterized from the
genus, including alkaloids (e.g. nostocarboline), phenolics (e.g. 4.’-dihydroxybiphenyl) and
peptides (e.g. nostocyclamide). Although perhaps not as chemically diverse, members of the
family of branched filamentous cyanobacteria, Stigonemataceae, particularly including the
genera Hapalosiphon and Fischerella, have been, likewise, widely cited as producers of
allelopathic compounds (e.g. Doan et al., 2000 and 2001; Leflaive and Ten-Hage, 2006;
Gantar et al., 2008; Graneli et al., 2008; Leão et al., 2009).
In addition to an apparent phylogenetic conservation, there is some evidence to support
chemical conservation within the algicidal chemistry of microalgae. In particular, a number
of metabolites belonging to the indole class of alkaloids have been found to possess anti-
algal activity, and consequently associated with allelopathic interactions. Perhaps the most
frequently cited allelochemicals from cyanobacteria are the hapalindoles and related
alkaloids (e.g. 12-epi-hapalindole E isonitrile, Fig. 3), including ambiguines,
welwitindolinones and fischerindoles, that have been isolated from both marine and
Marine and Freshwater Microalgae as a Potential Source of Novel Herbicides 711
respectively (Doan et al., 2000; Becher et al., 2005; Blom et al., 2006; Volk, 2005).
Interestingly an indole metabolite, harmane (or 1-methyl norharmane) - chemically related
to one of these apparent algal allelochemicals (i.e. norharmane) - was also identified
separately (Kodani et al., 2002) from cultures of a non-algal bacterium, Pseudomonas, isolated
from a eutrophic freshwater system, specifically based on apparent algicidal activity (i.e.
against several cyanboacterial species). Furthermore, in some case (e.g. calothrixin), there is
also shared biological activity (e.g. inhibition of RNA synthesis) with other cyanobacterial
indole alkaloids (e.g. hapalindoles, see above). The possibility of an indole
“pharmacophore” is particularly intriguing, in the context of possible herbicides, since the
same heterocyle is found among naturally occurring auxins, including the major - and most
potent – congener, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and synthetic auxins (e.g. 2,4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, or “2,4-D”) which mimic these plant growth regulators (see
section 4.2 Herbicidal Target-Based Approach, below), and consequently represent an
important and widely used class of commercial herbicides.
In fact, algicidal metabolites from cyanobacteria and other microalgae encompass a fairly
diverse array of secondary metabolites. In addition to the previously discussed indole
alkaloids, algicidal metabolites so far identified (see Fig. 3) include various other alkaloids
(e.g. the aminoacylpolyketide fischerellins; nostocine A), phenolics (e.g. 4,4’-
dihydroxybiphenyl), hydroxamate chelators (e.g. schizokinen) and fatty acids (e.g. 2,5-
dimethyldodecanoic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids), as well as peptides (e.g.
nostocyclamide). The latter is perhaps of particular interest. This group of metabolites is, as
discussed above, a particularly characteristic class of secondary metabolites from
cyanobacteria (and, to a lesser extent, other microalgae). Moreover, this class of compounds
presents a number of compelling attributes toward the development of commercially viable
candidate compounds (e.g. modification via semi-synthesis, heterologous expression; see
Commercial Potential of Herbicides from Microalgae, below). Moreover, the biosynthetic genes
(NRPSs), associated with this class of metabolites, appear to be especially widespread in the
Section IV/V cyanobacteria that (as noted above) are most frequent producers of algicidal
metabolites. Specifically, it was found (Christiansen et al., 2001) using sequence-specific
primers that nearly all (97% and 100%, respectively) of the cyanobacteria in these two
sections were positive for NRPS genes (compared to only 52%, 80% and 64%, respectively,
for Sections I, II and III).
In a very recent study, Leão et al. (2010) used bioassay-guided fractionation, specifically
based on inhibition of the green alga, Chlorella vulgaris, to isolate a series of cyclic peptides,
the portoamides (Fig. 4) as apparent allelopathic agents from of the blue-green alga,
Oscillatoria. In addition to C. vulgaris, as well as other chlorophyte species, these metabolites
differentially inhibited cyanobacteria, including Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, but not
several other cyanobacterial species (e.g. Microcystis, Aphanizomenon and Anabaena), nor
other microalgae (e.g. the diatom, Cyclotella menenghiniana) tested. Interestingly, allelopathic
activity was found to specifically peak during the early stages of exponential growth of the
cyanobacterial culture, suggesting an ecological role (i.e. to “open” a niche for colonization),
and consequently providing, in this case, an opportunity to purify a sufficient quantity of
the otherwise low concentration metabolite for chemical characterization (Leão et al., 2010).
Even more interesting, the investigators documented an apparent synergism of these
metabolites. Specific mixtures of the most abundant congeners, portoamides A and B, in the
ratios of 2:1 and 1:2.6 inhibited C. vulgaris at 30 ppm, but not in other ratios (e.g. 4.4:1) tested
(Leão et al., 2010). This finding is particularly stunning given the rather minimal difference
Marine and Freshwater Microalgae as a Potential Source of Novel Herbicides 713
between the structure of the two (differing only in the presence of a methoxy group), and is
further underscored by the apparent lack of activity associated with other chemically related
congeners (e.g. metabolites specifically lacking an esterified N-acetyl-N-methyl tyrosine
found in portoamides A and B).
some cases, allelopathy has been associated with known HAB-associated toxins. For
dinoflagellate, haptophytes and diatom HAB species, in particular, studies have suggested a
possible role of various polyethers – characteristic metabolites of these groups – including
brevetoxins (Kubanek and Hicks, 2005), okadaic acid (Sugg and Van Dolah, 1999),
prymnesin (Graneli and Johansson, 2003), gymnomidine (cf. Legrand et al., 2003) and
cooliatoxin (cf. Legrand et al., 2003). However, in several cases, it has been suggested that
these metabolites, although algicidal, likely are not solely responsible for allelopathic
activity, and that other extracellular metabolites (which remain to be characterized) may
play a larger role (e.g. Sugg and Van Dolah, 1999; Kubanek and Hicks, 2005). Indeed,
although apparent allelopathy has been demonstrated for a wide range of HAB species,
specifically using culture-based experiments and/or extracellular preparations (e.g. culture
filtrates), the allelochemicals responsible largely remain, in most cases, to be characterized.
Spanning eukaryotic and prokaryotic microalgae, one particularly interesting class of
compounds that has been suggested to play a role in allelopathy are fatty acids - and
specifically a polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) – either in free acid form, or as part of
acylated sugars (i.e. glycolipids). A thorough review of these metabolites, and their possible
role in allelopathy, has been previously presented by Ikawa (2004). Indeed, a growing
number of studies have generally pointed to the biological activity of fatty acids. However,
it is becoming generally clear that desaturation – as well as other modifications (e.g.
oxidations, aldehydes) – may be particularly important to the observed toxicity or other
bioactivity, and accordingly their possible role in allelopathy. Table 1 illustrates this trend,
specifically based on several prior studies, in which algicidal activity has been consistently
associated with relative desaturation of fatty acids isolated from microalgae. As an example
of the importance of PUFAs in allelopathy, Arzul et al. (1993, 1995) investigated the
apparent inhibition of the marine diatom, Chaetoceros gracile, by blooms of the dinoflagellate,
Gyrodinium, and identified a high concentration of octadecapentaenoic aid (OPA, C18:5n3)
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n3) in the fatty acid profiles of Gymnodinium. These
studies identified further found that these metabolites specifically inhibited the growth of C.
gracile. Similarly, Uchida et al. (1988) identified relatively large amounts of DHA, along with
eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n3), and small amounts of C18:2 and C18:3 fatty acids, from
Peridinium bipes, and characterized their inhibition of cyanobacteria.
Chemically related to fatty acids are a family of mono- and diacylglycerides in which acyl
groups are esterified to the 2’ and/or 3’ position of glycerol (typically with either a mono- or
disaccharide, and particularly galactose, at the 1’ position). As for free fatty acids, a variety
of biological activities (e.g. inhibition of DNA polymerase, antimicrobial activity) have been
described for these compounds (e.g. Kurihara et al., 1996; Ohta et al., 1998; Hanashima et al.,
2000; Eitsuka et al., 2004; Mizushina et al., 2005; Cantillo-Ciau et al., 2010). Of particular note
are the sulfated galactosyl (i.e. sulfoquinovosyl) substituted mono- and diacylglycerides
which are found alongside non-sulfated glycolipids in the thylakoid membranes of
prokaryotic and eukaryotic photoautotrophs (including higher plants). In fact, it has been
proposed that, in addition to other possible mechanisms (e.g. acting as secondary
messengers for biochemical pathways, phospholipases), the importance of both free fatty
acids and acylglycerides in cellular membranes - and the consequent disruption and
destabilization of these membranes by non-endogenous variants - may be responsible for
the widespread biological activity of these compounds (Ikawa, 2004). Given the obvious
and unique importance of subcellular plastids in photosynthetic organisms, including algae
Marine and Freshwater Microalgae as a Potential Source of Novel Herbicides 715
Green Algae
Phormidium Chlamydomona Haematococcu
Pandorina Ankistrodesmus
tenue s s
Myristic >100 >100 >100 >100 >100
Acid (14:0)
Palmitic >100 >100 >100 >100 >100
Acid (C16:0)
Palmitoleic 2.5 12.5 50 50 50
Acid (C16:1)
Stearic Acid n.d. >100 >100 >100 >100
Oleic Acid 1 50 100 100 100
(C18:1 cis-9)
Cis-Vaccenic 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Acid (C18:1
Linoleic 0.5 50 12.5 25 25
Acid (C18:2)
Linolenic 0.5 50 <12.5 12.5 50
Acid (C18:3)
Table 1. Algicidal activity of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids against cyanobacteria and
green algae (Chlorophyta). Data are taken from McCracken et al. (1980) and Yamada et al.
(1993) for chlorophyte and cyanobacteria data, respectively. Given are the minimum
concentration (mg/L) that inhibits algal culture growth >50%. “n.d.” indicates evaluation
not done. Apparent increase in algicidal activity, associated with desaturation, highlighted
in bold text.
Finally, allelopathy is not, by any means, limited to microalgae, and similar interspecific,
chemically mediated interactions have been, likewise, suggested in marine and freshwater
macroalgae. For example, several studies (Friedlander et al., 1996; Jin & Dong, 2003; Nan et
al., 2004; Jin et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007; Nan et al., 2008) have documented the apparent
allelopathy of the macroalgal chlorophye, Ulva, toward various microalgae and other
macroalgae. Friedlander et al. (1996) identified apparently lipophilic metabolites from
culture media of Ulva lactuca that inhibited the growth of the red alga, Gracilaria conferta, and
suggested that these exometabolites may play a role in the observed growth inhibition of the
latter species when grown together, under otherwise controlled conditions, in culture.
Based on these studies, and citing a documented reciprocal relationship between growth of
micro- and macroalgae, Nan et al. (2004) evaluated allelopathy of U. pertusa against eight
species of microalgae, including dinoflagellates, haptophytes, diatoms and microalgal
chlorophytes. These studies found that all eight species were inhibited in co-cultivation with
the macroalga. However, only one of the species (i.e. the haptophyte, Chroomonas placoidea)
was inhibited by culture filtrates. This was taken, by the authors, citing several related
examples, to be due to instability of released metabolites (Nan et al., 2004). This observation
716 Herbicides and Environment
was confirmed by several subsequent studies (Jin et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007) which
additionally showed that continuous release of allelochemicals by Ulva, either by semi-
continuous addition of filtrate, or presence of fresh algal material or dried powdered
biomass, was sufficient to inhibit growth of microalgae. Such effects, moreover, are not
limited to Ulva, and similar studies (e.g. Kim et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2007;
An et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2009) have, likewise, shown inhibition of microalgae by other
green algae (e.g. Enteromorpha), as well as coralline red algae (e.g. Lithophyllum, Corallina,
Porphyra, Gracilaria) and brown algae (e.g. Sargassum, Undaria, Laminaria).
By-and-large, algicidal metabolites from macroalgae remain to be well characterized,
however, several studies suggest a role of PUFAs, and associated metabolites (e.g.
acylglycerides), as discussed above for microalgae. Work by Alamsjah et al. (2005, 2007)
screened a collection of thirty-seven macroalgae, including representatives of the
Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta, and specifically found extracts of the genus,
Ulva, to be the most potently algicidal against the HAB organism, Heterosigma akashiwo. The
investigators subsequently identified (Alamsjah et al., 2005, 2007) a series of PUFAs –
particularly including unsaturated C16 and C18 acids - from several species of Ulva (U.
fasciata, U. pertusa, U. arasakii, U. conglobota) with algicidal activity toward a range of
microalgal representatives. Based on the relatively higher production of these by the most
algicidal species (U. fasciata and U. pertusa) it was argued that they likely play a role in
observed allelopathy. Fatty acids, including PUFAs, have similarly been identified as
apparent allelopathic agents of other macroalgae, including brown algae (e.g. inhibition of
various microalgae by Cladosiphon, Kakisawa et al., 1988), red algae (e.g. Neodilsea, Chondrus
and Ptilota; Macias et al., 2007) and Charophytes (e.g. inhibition of the cyanobacterium,
Microcystis aeruginosa, by Chara vulgaris, Zhang et al., 2009).
PUFAs, moreover, are not the only class of bioactive metabolites from macroalgae, and
various bioactive metabolites, including alkaloids (e.g. Gross et al., 2006; Arunkumar et al.,
2010; Güven et al., 2010), phenolics (e.g. Hassan and Ghareib, 2009) and terpenoids (e.g.
Fenical & Paul, 1984; Paul & Fenical, 1984; Lane et al., 2007; Arunkumar et al., 2010), have
been characterized. Although the potential of these compounds as herbicides remains to
well-studied, based on the apparent importance of allelopathy among photoautotrophs in
aquatic habitats, the chemical diversity of the macroalgae, like the microalgae, represents a
wealth of secondary metabolites to be explored to this end.
Ozturk et al., 1999) to inhibit growth in several monocot (e.g. maize, onion) and dicot (e.g.
sunflower) species. Gleason and Case (1986) showed that cyanobacterin from Scytonema
hofmanni equally inhibited crop plant species, including maize (Zea mays) and peas (Pisum
sativum), as well as wild plant species, including dock (Rumex crispus), wild buckwheat
(Polygonium convolvulus) and wild oats (Avena fatua). Moreover, several studies (McElhiney
et al., 2001; Pflugmacher et al., 2007; Saqrane et al., 2008) investigated the possible impacts of
microcystin on crop plants by evaluating phytotoxicity in a range of species including
potato (Solanum tuberosum), mustard (Synapis alba), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), maize (Z. mays),
lentils (Lens esculentum), peas (P. sativum) wheat (Triticum durum) and spinach (Spinacia
oleracea). In particular, microcystin-LR inhibited both epicotyl and root length, in addition to
seed germination in maize (Saqrane et al., 2008).
Here we propose - and briefly present preliminary data on - the novel use of the model
angiosperm, Arabidopsis thaliana, as the basis of a biological assay for investigation of
herbicides from microalgae (and potentially other sources). A. thaliana (“thale cress”), a
member of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), has been well studied – dating back to the
work of George Rédei in the 1950s. However it took nearly four decades before it would be
widely accepted as a model organism in plant biology. Specific advantages of the model
include small size and ease of cultivation (e.g. ability to grow on agar plates), a small (ca. 120
Mb) and now completely sequence genome, and prolific seed production and rapid life
cycle (ca. 6 weeks from seed germination to mature seed), as well as a large collection of
described genetic mutants and various features that make it amenable to transgenic
manipulations. An early, seminal review of the species as a model organism was presented
by Meinke et al. (1998), following its acceptance by the Security Council of Model Genetic
Organisms in 1998 (Fink, 1998). The Arabidopisis Information Resource (TAIR;
www.arabidopisis.org) currently maintains a database, specifically relevant the genetic and
molecular biology of Arabidopsis.
Owing, in particular, to various practical advantages (e.g. small size, laboratory cultivation,
rapid germination and growth), A. thaliana represents an ideal candidate for investigation of
herbicides generally, and specifically as a means to rapidly assess herbicidal compounds
including, as relevant to the current topic, those from microalgae. Moreover, as a model
organism, and particularly one with well described genetic background, as well as general
amenability to various molecular biological methodologies, herbicidal activity can, in
principle, be readily investigated via, for example, comparison to available genetic mutants,
genetic manipulation, etc toward the goal of target identification. As such, we have
developed a phytotoxicity assay based on A. thaliana, and specifically applied this to the
screening of metabolites from a collection of freshwater cyanobacteria.
As illustrated in Fig. 5, extracts of cyanobacterial culture biomass were assayed in agar
plates seeded with A. thaliana, and grown in a standard light- and temperature-controlled
environmental chamber. Biomass (ca. 100 mg) from eleven strains of freshwater
cyanobacteria, specifically isolated from the Florida Everglades (see Berry et al., 2007;
Gantar et al., 2008), was sequentially extracted in non-polar (chloroform) and polar (30%
ethanol) solvents. Prior to seeding, small “treatment wells” were made into the agar
medium (i.e Murashige-Skoog medium with 0.8% agar) in the approximate center of each
“sector” of a standard square Petri dish, specifically using an autoclave-sterilized Pasteur
pipet, and low vacuum (see Fig. 5). Each well was filled with aliquots (20 µL) of prepared
extracts. Subsequently, seeds of the wild-type Columbia ecotype of A. thaliana (Col-0),
obtained from commercial sources (e.g. Lehle Seeds, Round Rock, TX, U.S.A.), were seeded
Marine and Freshwater Microalgae as a Potential Source of Novel Herbicides 719
into assay plates, as per standard techniques. Briefly, an appropriate amount of seeds (ca. 50
per milligram, or approximately 8 mg per assay plate) were weighed into microcentrifuge
tubes, and sterilized (for 5 minutes) with 30% bleach, followed by repeated (3-4 times)
rinsing with nanopure water, and subsequent centrifugation. Rinsed, sterilized seeds were
re-suspended into 0.1% agar, and seeded into appropriate sectors of the test plate (ca. 10-15
seeds). Seeded plates were kept for approximately two weeks (to germinate and grow) in a
environmental growth chamber (Therm Scientific Precision Model 818) at 28° C with a 14:10
light/dark cycle.
As seen in Fig. 5, the assay specifically demonstrated apparent inhibition of A. thaliana
seedling growth by a polar (30% ethanol) extract of the isolate, Microcystis 95-13. Although
germination was not apparently inhibited, the growth of hypocotyls was clearly reduced in
seedlings exposed to the extract (Fig. 5). None of the other polar or non-polar extracts
evaluated showed any apparent inhibition of seed germination or seedling growth in the
two-week test period. Likewise, no effect of solvent (neither 30% ethanol or chloroform) was
detected relative to untreated (i.e. “no solvent”) controls. As referenced above, Microcystis
is, as a genus, recognized to produce the potently toxic microcystins that have been
associated with human and other animal intoxication events, as well as phytotoxicity. These
results support the latter, but the recognized toxicity of the microcystins – if they are, in fact,
responsible for phytoxicity against A. thaliana – would, as further discussed below, likely
preclude their application as herbicides. We are currently investigating the phytotoxic
metabolites identified here, but these results suggest the assay presented here may represent
an effective means to rapidly screen – and subsequently characterize targets of - microalgal
metabolites with respect to herbicidal activity.
of lipids and amino acids, and specifically “branched” and aromatic amino acids, e.g.
inhibitors of acetolactate synthase (ALS) and enolpyruvulshikimate 3-phosphate synthase
(ESPS), respectively; (2) inhibition of oxygenic photosynthesis, including photosystems I and
II (PSI/II), as well as biosynthesis of associated pigments, e.g. protoporphoryrinogen
oxidase (PPO), a key enzyme in the synthesis of chloropyll; (3) synthetic “mimics” of plant
growth regulators, e.g. auxins, cytokinins; and (4) inhibitors of microtubules or other
components of cell-division.
By far, the most well investigated target of phytotoxic metabolites from microalgae has been
inhibition of oxygenic photosynthesis, and associated molecular/biochemical targets. A
good review of photosynthesis inhibitors from microalgae has been previously presented by
Smith & Doan (1999). Recent studies by Gantar et al. (2008), for example, used pulse
amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorescence to show that lipophilic extracts of the
cyanobacterial strain, Fischerella 52-1 (isolated from the Florida Everglades), specifically
inhibited photosystem II (PSII), in addition to apparent degeneration of thylakoids. This
finding is particularly notable as the strain was found to produce hapalindoles (Gantar et al.,
2008; Walton et al., in press) previously associated with allelopathy (see Algal Allelopathy
above). Within the same genus, the fischerellins A and B (Fig. 3) were shown (Srivastava et
al., 1998) to potently inhibit PSII, specifically acting at multiple sites of PSII, distinct from
that of the photosynthesis-inhbiting herbicide, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea
(DCMU). Likewise, cyanobacterin, originally isolated from the cyanobacterial species,
Scytonema hofmanni, inhibited PSII at a site distinct from – and with a potency nearly five
times - that of DCMU, and specifically at the oxidizing site of quinone-B electron acceptor
(Gleason & Paulson, 1984; Gleason & Case, 1986; Gleason et al., 1986). On the other hand,
the peptide, nostocyclamide (Fig. 3), from the genus, Nostoc, seems to inhibit PSII by
uncoupling electron transport (Jüttner et al., 1997 cf. Smith & Doan, 1999).
A second important class of herbicides are those that mimic plant growth regulators
(“hormones”) including auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins. Both macroalgae and
microalgae – and particularly cyanbacteria and chlorophytes – have been found to produce
extracellular compounds that act as all three of these, including metabolites chemically
identical (e.g. the auxin, indole-3-acetic acid) to the plant hormones (see review by
Tsavkelova et al., 2006). The realization that microalgae may produce metabolites with plant
growth regulator activity extends back to Zulpa de Caire et al. (1979) who demonstrated
that culture medium of the cyanobacterium, Nostoc, exhibited auxin-like activity. Zaccaro et
al. (1996) subsequently showed that extracellular products from Scytonema hofmanni
stimulated growth of Lilium alexandrae in a manner similar to the synthetic auxin, 1-
napthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and implied that metabolites might represent a non-toxic
alternative to this agent. Sergeeva et al. (2002) screened thirty-four strains of cyanobacteria,
and not only identified auxin-like activity in 21 of the 34 strains, but confirmed (using GC-
MS, and analytical standards) the presence of the main auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), in
two species of Nostoc. Interestingly, a higher amount of auxin-like activity was found for
symbiotic (83%), versus free-living (38%), species of cyanobacteria. Similarly, isopentanyl
adenine cytokinins, including zeatin, and specifically cis isomers, as well as aromatic
cytokinins, including benzyladenine (chemically similar to the synthetic cytokinin,) have
been previously isolated from several species of macroalgae (Stirk et al., 1999; Stirk et al.,
2002; Stirk et al., 2003). More recently, Hussain et al. (2010) identified both IAA and zeatin-
like cytokinins in a variety of cyanobacterial species. Cyanobacteria have been similarly
Marine and Freshwater Microalgae as a Potential Source of Novel Herbicides 721
were evaluated with respect to cortical microtubules of roots. Interestingly, although both
toxins are recognized inhibitors of type 1/2A serine/threonine protein phosphatases, they
exerted markedly different effects. Okadaic acid affects both cell elongation and radial
expansion (at higher concentrations), as well as microtubule disorganization, whereas
microcystin-LR only minimally inhibited elongation. Although inherent toxicity of both
metabolites may obviously limit the potential of these compounds themselves, as
commercial herbicides, the differential activity of these metabolites suggests an otherwise
uncharacterized difference in their effects (via protein phosphatase inhibition) on cell
division, and supports a need to further investigate their specific targets, particularly in
relation to phytotoxic effects such as those observed.
A final important target of commercial herbicides is the inhibition of biosynthetics pathways
of primary metabolites, including lipids and amino acids. Among important examples of
these are the amino acid biosynthesis inhibitors (see review by Kishore and Shah, 1988),
including specific inhibitors of acetolactate synthase (ALS, e.g. sulfonylureas) and
enopyruvylskikimate 3-phosphate synthase (ESPS, e.g. glyphosate), key steps in the
synthesis of branched chain, and aromatic, amino acids, respectively. In particular, the ALS
pathway is one that exists only in plants (and not animals) making it a particularly good
target for herbicides. Similarly, inhibitors of the enzyme acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase
(ACCase) act via inhibition of a key step in lipid biosynthesis, and show selective activity,
specifically between monocots and dicots.
To date, there are no known (to the author’s knowledge) metabolites from microalgae that
have been found to target either amino acid or lipid biosynthesis. That said, the unique
diversity of both lipid and amino acids in the secondary metabolites of microalgae makes
them seemingly rife with opportunities to explore possible effects of these as, for example,
potential inhibitors of their respective primary metabolic pathways. In particular, the
cyanobacteria are recognized to produce and utilize a wide range of “unusual amino acids”
including D-isomers, β-hydroxy, N-methylated or otherwise modified version of essential
amino acids, as well as completely unique representatives (see, for example, review by
Gerwick et al., 2001). Also along these lines, it is worth noting that several studies (e.g.
Powell et al., 1991; Forlani et al., 2008) have shown an apparently widespread tolerance of
cyanobacteria to the ESPS inhibitor, glyphosate, specifically, it seems, via insensitivity of this
enzyme in these microalgae. Interestingly, although such a possible role of these small
molecules with respect to amino acid metabolism remains to be investigated, at least two
study have shown inhibition, by algal (or related) metabolites, of enzymes involved in
catabolism of amino acids. Specifically, the lichen-derived toxin, usnic acid, was found to
inhibit hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD), similar to several commercial
herbicides (e.g. triketones), leading to blockage of plastoquinone synthesis, and consequent
“bleaching” of plant cells (Duke et al., 2002). Likewise, norharmane (isolated from Nostoc
and several other cyanobacteria; Volk, 2008) has been shown to inhibit the equivalent
enzyme – indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase – involved in the catabolism of the amino acid,
tryptophan. In general, the paucity of studies represents an open area for research.
Fig. 8. Comparison of polybrominated diphenyl ethers from microalgae, and the diphenyl
ether herbicide, oxyfluorfen).
characteristics germane to effective and safe herbicides. As one example, Christiansen et al.
(2003) demonstrated, using targeted mutation of one module (mcyJ, an O-methyltransferase)
of the NRPS/PKS gene responsible for microcystin biosynthesis chemical modification
specifically resulting in a novel variant with modified activity. Heterologous expression, on
the other hand, enables the potential for large-scale production of these metabolites in
suitable hosts (e.g. E. coli) which can be readily cultured with high yields on a large-scale
(e.g. biofermentation). Such an approach has, in fact, been demonstrated for a very limited
number of algal or other microbial metabolites. In one example, the biosynthetic NRPS gene
cluster for the algal metabolite, patellamide A, naturally produced by an endosymbiotic
algae (from didemnid ascidians), was heterologously expressed in E. coli (Schmidt et al.,
2005), and proposed (Long et al., 2005) as a means of sustainable production of the bioactive
Other compelling feature of these algal metabolites as herbicides include a presumptive
“biodegradability” of many of these natural products, as well as water solubility of many
(e.g. peptides) which might minimize concerns of bioaccumulation, and associated
environmental concerns. Although these are not universally true of algal metabolites, both
water solubility and lability have been described in at least some of the allelopathic
metabolites from algae (e.g. apparent algicides from the macroalga, Ulva, as discussed
In addition to potential application as herbicides, particularly with regards to, for example,
crop pests (i.e. weeds), microalgal metabolites hold an equally important potential as
algicides and related “antifouling” agents. As pointed-out by Duke et al. (2002) aquaculture
represents “one of the fastest growing areas of agriculture in the world,” and although not
traditionally grouped with herbicides, the diversity algicides represent a “niche market.”
Presence of algae in aquaculture facilities is associated with a number of concerns related to
both health (e.g. toxic contaminants) and quality (e.g. “off-flavors” associated with the
cyanobacterial metabolite, 2-methylisoborneol, MIB) that are consequently responsible for
substantial economic losses. Currently there are rather limited approved agents for control
of noxious algae in aquaculture, and as such, discovery of natural products, as potentially
“environmentally safe” algicides, from microalgae (or other sources) holds tremendous –
albeit largely untapped – promise.
Although a number of microalgal metabolites have been shown to have either directly, or
potentially, herbicidal or algicidal activity, there is an obvious need for further study. In
many cases, compounds, studied with respect to herbicidal or algicidal activity, have
recognized potential for human or animal toxicity which would presumably limit their
direct use as herbicides. This is perhaps particularly true for a number of so-called “HAB
toxins” which despite demonstrated allelopathic, and even herbicidal, activity have well
documented human toxicity, as well as impacts on wildlife and domestic animals. That said,
although such toxicity would likely preclude any direct commercial application of these
compounds, their continued investigation would provide a means of identify possible novel
targets for development of (less toxic) herbicides based on their MOAs. Furthermore, aside
from continued identification of metabolites with herbicidal activity, evaluation of taxa
specific (e.g. monocots versus dicots, crop plant versus weed” species) differences in
activity, as well as further elucidation of MOAs, will be required for potential of these
compounds to be realized in any commercially relevant sense.
Finally, despite the obvious potential of the microalgal secondary metabolites with respect
to discovery and development of herbicides, there remains a relatively limited commercial
726 Herbicides and Environment
exploration of this resource. In fact, to the author’s knowledge, in only one case - specifically
based on the work of Gleason et al. (1986, 1990) with respect to the algicidal and phototoxic
activity of cyanobacterin – has a patent (United States Patent 4626271) been submitted for
explicit use of the compound (specifically in conjunction with a surfactant) as a green plant
herbicide. It is, of course, the hope that continued exploration of this chemical diversity will
lead to future realization of its tremendous potential.
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1. Introduction
During the process of manufacturing sugar, various by-products are generated. Some, such
as bagasse and vinasse, which are generated in large quantities, have the potential for use as
fertilizers or soil conditioners and thus for reducing the environmental impact of sugar
processing. Others, because they are produced in smaller quantities, are mixed with other
materials and taken to the field or marketed as raw material for other processes, as is done
with fusel oil.
In alcohol distilleries, fusel oil is a by-product produced during alcohol fermentation and is
taken from the rectifying columns. Average production ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 liters per 100
liters of alcohol produced. Although there is no mention of its role in agriculture or
distilleries, it has commercial value and is usually marketed according to the amount of
isoamyl alcohol present.
Generally, the use of fusel oil is restricted to perfume industries, where it can be employed
as a fixative in cosmetics manufacturing, and for preparing artificial flavors or flavoring.
A study from Azania (2003) suggested the possible use of this byproduct as a plant
desiccant. When applied directly into the soil of pots planted with sugarcane, the plants
wilted, progressively dried out and later died.
It is worth noting that up to this time, this work was unique, given the lack of studies using
this approach.
economic advantages. However, this other distillation process is performed not by the
distilleries, but by the companies that buy the product to market it. Besides the compounds
listed above, Nascimento et al. (2003) report that sec-butanol, esters, alkanes and terpenes
may also be present. Once separated and purified, these substances are useful in the
preparation of artificial flavors or flavoring. Souza & Llistó (1978) reported that fusel oil may
also contain hexyl, heptyl and octyl alcohols in small quantities.
However, the main constituent of fusel oil is isoamyl alcohol (Vauclair et al. 1997; Kuçuk &
Ceylan, 1998; Pérez et al. 2001; Ceccato-Antonini & Silva, 2002; Azania, 2003, Nascimento et al.
2003), which comes from the decomposition of iso-leucine, an amino acid derived from the
hydrolysis of proteins in yeast (Codistil, 1978). According to Nascimento et al. (2003), isoamyl
alcohol has been investigated by chemical industries as a reagent in organic synthesis or as a
solvent in the extraction of pharmacological compounds such as esters. According to Rasovsky
(1973), fusel oil mostly consists of methanol, superior alcohols in the series of greases, isobutyl
and propyl alcohols and 8-10% ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it is believed that the composition of
fusel oil is dependent on the raw material used, the fermentation conductions and the process
of distillation and decanting of the oil (Rasovsky, 1973).
In Brazil, the raw material used is sugarcane. In other countries, other types of raw materials
also produce fusel oil as a byproduct. Accordingly, Brinker (2000) noted that alcohol
distilled from potatoes has a greater amount of fusel oil, which is almost pure isoamyl
alcohol, whereas alcohol produced from grain has more fusel oil than alcohol distilled from
grapes. Grain fusel oil consists mainly of isoamyl alcohol, whereas the grapes have more
butyl alcohol and other volatile fatty acids.
Table 1 describes the main components of fusel oil according to analysis using gas
chromatography. Analyses performed in two different years showed higher percentages of
isoamyl alcohol, followed by ethanol and butanol as principal products.
The most widely used system is the "settle-wash," in which crude oil is washed
countercurrently with water, leaving the alcohol that was carried and deposited
spontaneously, having then been extracted. When the fusel oil is not taken from the column,
it is taken away by either flegmass or its own alcohol, which inevitably causes a fall in
temperature at the base of the column (Codistil, 1978).
By presenting a difference in the type of raw materials and processes used, the quantity of
fusel oil produced varies greatly between producing units. In Brazilian literature, two
references state that 2.5 L of fusel oil are produced for every 1000 L of ethanol produced
(Nascimento et al. 2003) or between 0.1 to 0.5 L per 100 liters of alcohol (Codistil, 1978).
To understand the technological differences between countries, see Turkey as an example,
where 5 liters of alcohol are produced for every 1,000 liters of alcohol distillation, and
approximately 30 million gallons of fusel oil are produced per year (Kuçuk & Ceylan, 1998)
from beets.
4.2 Effects of fusel oil application in Sida rhombifolia and Brachiaria decumbens
The study was conducted under laboratory conditions by Azania et al. (2003) to evaluate the
germination of Sida rhombifolia and Brachiaria decumbens after applications of vinasse,
flegmass and fusel oil. These by-products at concentrations of 12.5, 25.0, 50.0 and 100.0%
(v/v) and controls (water with pH and osmolality adjusted depending on the
characterization of the by-products and their dilutions) were applied directly to 100 seeds in
plastic boxes using paper as a substrate.
The seeds of Sida rhombifolia that were treated with fusel oil did not germinate and had
reduced viability, especially with higher applications. Brachiaria decumbens seeds that were
treated with a higher concentration of flegmass had reduced viability and germination
speed index. In the presence of fusel oil, Brachiaria decumbens seeds did not germinate and
were completely unviable.
In a similar work, Azania et al. (2004) evaluated the effects of fusel oil, compared to flegmass
and vinasse, on the growth of plants (Sida rhombifolia and Brachiaria decumbens) grown
simultaneously in the greenhouse. Concentrations of 12.5, 25.0, 50.0 and 100.0% (v/v) of
each by-product and the control (water) were applied (at a rate equivalent to 150 m3 ha-1) in
pots (22 L) containing 100 seeds of each weed. Fusel oil inhibited the emergence of Sida
rhombifolia and Brachiaria decumbens. Vinasse and flegmass reduced the emergence and
development of B. decumbens and S. rhombifolia.
Herbicidal Potentiality of Fusel Oil 739
For application, the developmental stage of the culture was considered, which was an
average of 28 cm in height measured from the first visible ligule to the ground. Moreover,
the plants were in full vegetative development and not subjected to any kind of stress.
The fusel oil alone did not promote drying of sugarcane. In treatments with a mixture of
glyphosate and fusel oil, the injuries were not as severe initially but were enough to dry out
the main tiller until 60 DAT. Another important factor was the sprouting of suckers, which
may mean that the results were not satisfactory from an agronomic point of view, as the
expected result would be that the whole plant suffered stress resulting in the desiccation
process. Overall, the soil chemical properties did not suffer alterations with the application
of glyphosate, fusel oil or a mixture of the two.
4.7 Eradication of sugarcane with application of fusel oil spray and soil treatment and
evaluation of subsequently-planted sunflowers
The eradication of sugarcane ratoon was also studied by Azania et al. (2010a) to test
different concentrations of fusel oil which were pulverized and applied to the soil, as well as
the development of subsequently-planted sunflowers.
The rationale for performing this work was that in the reform of a sugarcane plantation, the
use of fusel oil could be another option for producers, which consequently would have
economic and environmental benefits because there would be less application of desiccant
herbicides. However, the use of fusel oil should be studied further because the residue only
highlights its desiccant potential.
The planting of sugarcane, which is costly and consumes considerable amounts of
herbicides that may even harm the environment, could benefit from the use of this
Herbicidal Potentiality of Fusel Oil 741
byproduct. From this standpoint, Pérez et al. (2001) thought that the low commercial value
of fusel oil coupled with high production volume of crops are factors that should encourage
proposals to develop technology to use fusel oil. Consequently, the choice of desiccant
herbicides for of sugarcane reform is essential for the selection of both the sugarcane and the
species that can be cultivated after eradication of the ratoon.
The cultivation of legumes (Bolonhezi, 2007), sunflowers and peanuts (Ramos et al., 2009) is
common after ratoon eradication and before new sugarcane planting. However, Pires et al.
(2003) stated that it is essential that there be no herbicide residues that are selective for these
plants in the soil to ensure the development of new plants.
Sunflowers are cultivated to obtain green mass to be incorporated into the soil to improve
the physical and chemical properties. In the case of fusel oil, it is interesting to identify
portions that enable the development of sunflowers or other crops after eradication of
sugarcane ratoons.
Therefore, to highlight the use of fusel oil, the objective was to test the hypothesis that fusel
oil applied by spraying or directly into the soil promotes the eradication of the ratoon
without harming the development of successive sunflower plantings.
The authors found that fusel oil applied by spraying the sugarcane did not eradicate the
ratoon. However, applying fusel oil directly to the soil was effective in eradication of
ratoons, and it did not alter the chemical attributes of the soil that are essential for plant
development (except phosphorus values, which were less than those of the control due to
the 0.1 m3 ha-1 of fusel oil). It also did not jeopardize sunflower development afterward. The
failure of fusel oil to alter the majority of soil chemical properties, which was found in the
work of Azania (2003 and 2007) and corroborated by the results of this research, is a positive
signal to continue this type of research. One should not forget that agro-industrial residues
such as fusel oil are generally chemically unbalanced and should be applied in the
environment with caution.
herbicide. The treatments were applied with a pressurized backpack sprayer at a volume
corresponding to 250 L ha-1 in post-crop emergence (30 cm) and weeds (up to 20 cm).
The herbicides diuron + hexazinone, metribuzin and amicarbazone isolates were effective in
controlling all species, but full dosage and 70% of the dose plus fusel oil only showed
satisfactory control in species of I. quamoclit and E. heterophylla.
4.10 Influence of fusel oil on the development of peanut crops planted in rotation with
Azania et al. (2009) evaluated the influence of by-products (vinasse, flegmass and fusel oil)
that had previously been applied to sugarcane on the chemical attributes of the soil and the
development of peanut crops (Arachis hypogaea) in a greenhouse.
The experiment was set up in 22 L pots with treatments of a combination of the three by-
products at four concentrations (12.50, 25.00, 50.00 and 100.00% v/v), as well as a control
that was irrigated with water and fertilized. Forty days after treatment, the pots that the
sugarcane was taken from were planted with seeds of the peanut cultivar Tatu vermelho at
10 seeds per vase, and two plants were maintained per pot after thinning (20 days after
planting – DAP).
Fusel oil at 50.0 and 100.0% reduced the soil pH and increased the levels of toxic aluminum.
The vinasse increased the pH, freeing up more nutrients. The initial development and
subsequent peanut production were influenced by the fusel oil at the two highest
concentrations (50.0 and 100.0%), where there was little plant development.
4. Conclusion
The residuals and/or by-products generated by different industrial processes most often
have no practical application, and when stored, they may contaminate the environment.
Research dedicated to exploring possible uses for these materials is of great importance. In
this way, research so far shows that the fusel oil applied in combination with herbicides or
herbicide alone has potential, and it only needs to be further explored scientifically to adjust
doses and expand application technology.
Herbicidal Potentiality of Fusel Oil 743
Fig 1. A) Weed community before the application of treatments; B) lack of control of Cyperus
sp. and Commelina benghalensis (1.50 + 43.75, 1.00 + 62.50, 1.50 + 18.75, 1.00 + 37.5, 1.00 + 12.5
L ha-1 glyphosate and fusel oil, respectively); C) Commelina benghalensis with yellow leaves
and D) total control of weeds (1.50 + 43.75, 1.00 + 62.50, 1.50 + 18.75, 1.00 + 37.5, 1.00 + 12.5 L
ha-1 glyphosate and fusel oil, respectively). Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, (Azania, 2007).
744 Herbicides and Environment
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