KT For Accounts
KT For Accounts
KT For Accounts
1 Timesheets Review
2 Invoicing:
Record the hours from timesheets into Invoice Tracker
login to Quickbooks
go to Customers tab and select "create invoice"
select "Customer : Job " for the relevant consultant
3 Recording Payments Login to online banking for Chase & Bank of Ann Arbor
Check for receipts and record them into accounts as per process
All payroll state account details, UIDs and PWs are given in next sheet(s)
Vendor Accounts /
5 Bills are to be entered into the system for each vendor
Bills can be paid thru paybills window either by direct deposit or
physical check . Direct deposit can be processed as its done for
employee payroll
Bills also can be paid from bank account by wire/ACH and can be
recorded into accounts
Adding Customers,
Whenever new customer or vendor is started, the same can be
6 Vendors, employees and
set-up in respective lists
for setting up a customer SLA, PO, Contact details are needed
Saras has accounts with Chase & Bank of Ann Arbar. We need to
login to respective portals and download monthly statements
This is year end task done in consultation with CPA and previous reports submitte
AmerInfovets Inc -SLICS
plained in detail
login to Quickbooks
go to "+ New" on left panel
select "invoice" under Customer
plained in detail
Webzion payroll is self maintained
Payroll is to be processed bi-weekly with 2 week lag
plained in detail
plained in detail
bills can be paid thru pay bills window and a check can be
deposited/mailed to the vendor
Bills also can be paid from bank account by wire/ACH and can be
recorded into accounts
Employment Agreement
Offer letter - signed
e-mail offer copy
H1b/E3/GC/US Citizen - copy
Visa copy
LCA copy
SSN copy
Driver's license
Passport copy
Everification copy
I 94
New Employee Data form
Authorization for Direct Deposit
Cancelled check copy
plained already
all and any report can be generated thru 'Reports' tab in quickbooks.