LESSON PLAN.4 of 10th Maths

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Class: X (August & September ) Subject:

Name of the teacher:L. SRI LAKSHMI
School: St.Ann’s Girls’ High School

Name of Topic Numbe Timeline for teaching Any specific

the r of From To information
chapter require
d (15)
4.1 introduction 2

4.2 Quadratic equations 5 Real life situations


4.3 Solution of a quadratic 5

equation by Factorization

4.4 Nature of Roots 3

Prior Concept / Skills:
1. Basic information about Constant, Variable, terms, coefficients
2. Difference between algebraic expression and an equation
3. Different types of polynomials according to their degrees
4. Areas of geometrical shapes like square, rectangle, Triangle.
5. Science concepts of concave and convex lens, projectile, Laws of Motion. etc.,
6. Algebraic Identities.

Learning outcomes Number of Periods

Students are able to: 1

1. Differentiate between an expression and an equation

2. Represent the real life situations mathematically 3

3. solve the equations in different methods and compare the results 5

4. Factorize the quadratic equations 4

6. Explain the benefits of evaluating discriminant of a quadratic equation before attempting to solve it. 2
Induction/Introduction(Generating interest, informing students about the outcomes and expectations for the
 Introduce the concept of by taking situations like width of space for spectators, dimensions of metal sheet
for a box..
 applications of quadratic equations

Experience and Reflection(Task/question that helps students explore the concept and connect with their life)

 Recall the types of polynomials

 Find the value of equation at given value to variable
 Check whether the given values are solution to the given quadratic equation or not
 Find the solutions of quadratic equations in different methods
(i) Factorization method
(ii) Formula method
 Explicit the nature of solution of quadratic equations using Discriminant.

 Represent all concepts

through Flow chart.

Explicit Teaching/Teacher Group Work Notes

Modelling (We Do) Independent

(I Do) Work
(You Do)
4.1 Introduction: (2)
Introduce the concept of Recall the general Tell some Lab Activity: Collect and
quadratic polynomial by

form of quadratic more display some applications of
considering the situations
like polynomial is a x 2 +bx +c situational quadratic
(i) Constructing the Kho- examples and Equations. Represent the
Kho court with track convert them situation into quadratic
around it
(ii) Making open box with into quadratic equations
given metal sheet polynomials.

The standard form of quadratic
EQUATION: (5) equation is a x 2 +bx +c=0
He/she can
Explained the general
form of quadratic equation and able to write
its standard form. examples,
Any equation of the form P(x)
=0, where P(x) is a polynomial
2 x + x +39=0

of degree 2 is a quadratic
4 x−2 x +5=0
equation. Carpet area for a
I. When we write the terms prayer hall
1−x +25=0

of P(x) in descending
order of their degrees, Check whether the Solve
given equations are

then it is called the problems 1
standard form of quadratic or not in
and 2 of
quadratic equation. Example.1 and 2 with
the help of teacher. Exercise.4.1
II. Explain some applications
of quadratic equations
III. Explain how to convert
real life situations into
quadratic equations given
in introduction

FACTORIZATION: (5) method of
Recall the zeros of a quadratic factorization
polynomial, how to factorize a of quadratic
Understands that the zeros of
quadratic polynomial. Also, polynomial
the quadratic polynomial
recall that a quadratic here also to
P ( x )=a x + bx+ c and the roots
polynomial has at most two zero find factors of

the quadratic equation

values. given
P ( x )=a x + bx+ c=0are
In the same way we can quadratic

the same.
generalize that a real number α equation.
is a solution of the quadratic
P ( x )=a x + bx+ c=0 then P(α)=0
Solve problems 4 and 5

Explain that there are different

 Activity: Consider one real
of Exercise.4.2 life situation and convert into
methods of finding roots of a
quadratic equation. Let us take Solve the quadratic equation and

2 methods like problems 1 to find the roots in the 2

1. Factorization method 3 of Exercise methods.

2. Formula method Write the two roots of the
Explain how to find quadratic equation
roots of a quadratic

equation by
Example.3,4, 5 and 6
Explain the problem 6
of Exercise 5.2

(ii) Formula method:

Find the roots of

P ( x )=a x + bx+ c=0 as

Explain examples 7 to 9 of text

books in which real life
The roots of quadratic
situations are also considered.
equation a x 2 +bx +c=0 are


He/she can
write the
(3) The nature of roots : three possible

Recalling that zeros are cases of

those points where values of  Solve the problem 3 of discriminant

polynomial becomes zero or we Exercise 4.3 with and

can say that the curve of discussing others understands

quadratic polynomial cuts the X- the nature of

axis. roots and also

 The graph of a quadratic can draw the

equation a x 2 +bx +c=0 is a curves for

parabola each case.

∆=b −4 ac is called

Discriminant of the Solve the
quadratic equation. problems 1
 The nature of roots of to2 of
quadratic equation Exercise.4.3
depends on its
 Explain the solution of the
problems 4 and 5 of
Exercise 4.3
Check For Understanding Questions
1. Factual:
 Check whether the following equations quadratic or not? (i) x 2−4 x−4=0 ( ii ) 4 x=3 x 2 ( iii )( 2 x+ 1 )( 3 x +1 )=b (x−1)
 Write the general form and the condition fora x 2 +bx +c=0 .
 Match the following (i) b 2−4 ac=0 (a) Real and distinct roots
(ii) b 2−4 ac> 0 (b) Real and equal roots
(iii) b 2−4 ac< 0 (c) Imaginary roots (not real)
 Find the discriminant of the equation 2 x 2−4 x +3=0and hence find the nature of roots.
 Find the roots of 2 x 2−3 x +5=0
2. Open Ended / Critical Thinking:
 Write ant three applications of quadratic equations in real life?
 The area of rectangular park is 144m2, the length of the park is one
more than twice in breadth. We need to find the length and breadth of
the park. Write the quadratic equation for this.
 Factorize √ 2 x 2 +7 x +5 √ 2=0
 A train travels 360km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5km/h
more, it would have taken I hour less for the same journey. Find the
speed of the train.
 Find the value of k in the equation kx(x – 2) + 6 = 0, so that it has two
equal roots.
 Write the quadratic equation from the graph

Student Practice Questions & Activities (Exercises from workbook / textbooks/ blackboard)
 Which of the following equations is not a quadratic equation?
(i) (ii) x −2 x=(−2)(3−x)(iii) 3−x= y 2+ 4 (iv) x + y =0
2 2
(x +1) =2(2 x −3)

Check whether 1 and are roots of the equations 4 x 2−3 x +1=0



Find the roots of x− =2 using formula method.


 The sum of areas of two squares is 468m2. The difference of their perimeters is 24m, find the sides of the
two squares.
 Write the roots of the following curve
Assessment (Think of what children SAY, DO and MAKE while learning that can form the evidence of learning
to be used for assessment).
 Project Work: Take any real life situation and convert it into quadratic equation and then find its roots in
three different methods and compare the results.
 Graph note books
 Quiz conducted on whole chapter.
 Exercises in Student’s notebook.



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