4.heater Treater

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Crude Oil Treating Systems

Heater Treater

Production Equipment Course

Heater Treater
 Removing water from crude oil often requires additional processing
beyond gravitational separation.
 The common method for separating this ‘water-in-oil’ emulsion is to
heat the stream.
 Crude oil treating equipment is designed to break emulsions by
coalescing the water droplets and then using gravity separation to
separate the oil and water.
In addition, the water droplets must have sufficient time to contact
each other and coalesce.
 Increasing the temperature of the two immiscible liquids deactivates
the emulsifying agent, allowing the dispersed water droplets to collide.
 As the droplets collide they grow in size and begin to settle.
 An emulsion is a stable mixture of oil and water that does not
separate by gravity alone.

 A stable or “tight” emulsion occurs when the water droplets will not
settle out of the oil phase due to their small size and surface tension.
Stable emulsions always require some form of treatment.
Types of Emulsions:
1. Normal emulsions( oil is the continuous or external phase and water is
the dispersed or internal phase).
2. Reverse emulsions( Oil dispersed in water). Where there are high water
cuts, such as when a water-drive field has almost “watered out,” it
is possible to form reverse emulsions with water as the continuous
phase and oil droplets as the internal phase.
3. Complex emulsions( Water-Oil-Water).Complex or “mixed” emulsions
have been reported in low-gravity, viscous crude oil. These mixed
emulsions contain a water external phase and have an internal water
phase mixed in the oil dispersed phase.

The vast majority of oil treating systems deal with normal emulsions.
The stability of an emulsion depends on :

4. Interfacial tension. When no emulsifier is present, the interfacial

tension between oil and water is high. When interfacial tension is
high , water particles coalesce easily upon contact.
When emulsifying agents are present, they decrease the interfacial
tension and obstruct the coalescence of water particles.

5. The presence and concentration of emulsifying agents.

Forming Emulsions
 Two mutually immiscible liquids ( oil and water ).
 Emulsifying agent (asphaltenes, paraffin's or any solid particles.
 Sufficient agitation to disperse the discontinuous phase into the
continuous phase (flowing upward through the tubing and through the
surface choke).
 The difficulty of separating the emulsified water from the oil depends
on the stability of the emulsion.
The stability of an emulsion depends on :

1. The difference in density between water and oil. The Greater the
density difference, the more quickly water droplets will settle from
the oil phase.
2. The size of the dispersed water particles. It depends on the degree of
agitation(decreases with increasing agitation). The larger the particle,
the faster it will settle out of the oil phase.
3. Viscosity. It is a double case.
a. As the viscosity increases, more agitation is required to shear water
particles down to a smaller average size in the oil phase. Therefore
the water particles size will increase with increasing viscosity.
b. As the viscosity increases, the rate at which water particles move
through the oil phase will decrease resulting in less coalescence
and increased difficulty in treating.
Functions of Emulsifying Agents:
1. It decreases the interfacial tension of the water droplet, thus causing
smaller droplets to form.
2. If forms a viscous coating on the droplets that keeps them from
coalescing into larger droplets when they collide.
3. The emulsifiers may be polar molecules, which align themselves in
such a manner as to cause electrical charges on the surface of the
 An emulsifying agents that has a surface active behavior normally
found in crude oil such as paraffin, organic acids, metallic salts,
colloidal silts and clay, and asphaltenes.
Treating Equipment's
1. Vertical Heater-Treaters
1. Vertical Heater-Treaters
 The most commonly used single-well treater is the vertical heater-
 The vertical heater-treater consists of four major sections: gas
separation, free-water knockout, heating and water-wash, and
coalescing-settling sections.
 Incoming fluid enters the top of the treater into a gas separation
section, where gas separates from the liquid and leaves through the gas
 Care must be exercised to size this section so that it has adequate
dimensions to separate the gas from the inlet flow.
1. Vertical Heater-Treaters
 The liquids flow through a down-comer to the base of the treater ,
which serves as a free-water knockout section.
 If the total well stream is to be treated, this section should be sized
for 3 to 5 minutes’ retention time to allow the free water to settle
 This will minimize the amount of fuel gas needed to heat the liquid
stream rising through the heating section.
 The end of the down-comer should be slightly below the oil–water
interface so as to “water-wash” the oil being treated.
 This will assist in the coalescence of water droplets in the oil.
1. Vertical Heater-Treaters
 The oil and emulsion rise through the heating and water-wash section , where the
fluid is heated.
 A fire tube is commonly used to heat the emulsion in the heating and water-wash
 After the oil and emulsion are heated, the heated oil and emulsion enter the
coalescing section, where sufficient retention time is provided to allow the small
water droplets in the oil continuous phase to coalesce and settle to the bottom.
 Baffles are sometimes installed in the coalescing section to treat difficult
 The baffles cause the oil and emulsion to follow a back-and-forth path up
through the treater.
 Treated oil flows out the oil outlet, at the top of the coalescing section where a
valve controls the flow.
 Separated water flows out through the water leg, where a control valve controls
the flow to the water treating system
2. Horizontal Heater-Treaters
 The horizontal heater-treater consists of three major sections: front
(heating and water-wash), oil surge chamber, and coalescing sections.
 Incoming fluids enter the front (heating and water-wash) section
through the fluid inlet and down over the deflector where gas is
flashed and removed.
 Heavier materials (water and solids) flow to the bottom while lighter
materials (gas and oil) flow to the top.
 Free gas breaks out and passes through the gas equalizer loop to the gas
 The oil, emulsion, and free water pass around the deflector hood to the
spreader located slightly below the oil–water interface, where the liquid
is “water-washed” and the free water is separated.
2. Horizontal Heater-Treaters
2. Horizontal Heater-Treaters
 The oil and emulsion are heated as they rise past the fire tubes and are
skimmed into the oil surge chamber.
 As free water separates from the incoming fluids in the front section, the
water level rises. If the water is not removed, it will continue to rise until
it displaces all emulsion and begins to spill over the weir into the surge
 On the other hand, if the water level becomes too low, the front section
will not be able to water-wash the incoming oil and emulsion, which
would reduce the efficiency of the treater.
 Therefore, it is important to accurately control the oil–water interface in
the front section.
 The oil–water interface is controlled by an interface level controller,
which operates a dump valve for the free water.
3. Electrostatic Heater-Treaters
 Some horizontal heater-treaters add an electrostatic grid in the coalescing
 The flow path in an electrostatic heater-treater is basically the same as in a
horizontal heater-treater, except that an electrostatic grid is included in the
coalescing-settling section, which helps to promote coalescence of the water
 The electrostatic section contains two or more electrodes, one grounded to
the vessel and the other suspended by insulators.
An electrical system supplies an electric potential to the suspended electrode.
The usual applied voltage ranges from 10,000 to 35,000 V.
3. Electrostatic Heater-Treaters
3. Electrostatic Heater-Treaters
 The use of an electric field is most effective whenever the fluid viscosity is
less than 50 cp at separating temperature, the specific gravity difference
between the oil and water is greater than 0.001, and the electrical
conductivity of the oil phase does not exceed 10− 6 mho/cm.
 Oil and small water droplets enter the coalescing section and travel up into
the electrostatic grid section, where the water droplets become “electrified”
or “ionized” and are forced to collide.
 The electrodes have electrical charges that reverse many times a second;
thus, the water droplets are placed in a rapid back-and-forth motion. The
greater the motion of the droplets, the more likely the water droplets are to
collide with each other, rupture the skin of the emulsifying agent, coalesce,
and settle out of the emulsion.
Because of the forced collisions, electrostatic heater-treaters typically
operate at lower temperatures and use less fuel than horizontal heater-
3. Electrostatic Heater-Treaters
 Field experience tends to indicate that electrostatic treaters are efficient
at reducing water content in the crude to the 0.1 to 0.5 percent level.
This makes these treaters particularly attractive.
Other Equipment's
1. Free-Water Knockouts
 Most well streams contain water droplets of varying size.
 If they collect together and settle to the bottom of a sample within 3 to 10
minutes, they are called free water.
 This is an arbitrary definition, but it is generally used in designing
equipment to remove water that will settle out rapidly.
 A free-water knockout (FWKO) is a pressure vessel used to remove free
water from crude oil streams
1. Free-Water Knockouts
2.Gunbarrel Tanks (wash tank)
 The gunbarrel tank, sometimes called a wash tank, is the oldest equipment
used for multiwell onshore oil treating in a conventional gathering station
or tank battery.
 Gunbarrel tanks are very common in heavy crude applications and for low
flow rate onshore applications for all crude gravities.
 The gunbarrel tank is a vertical flow treater in an atmospheric tank.
 Figure shows a “gunbarrel” tank with an internal gas boot. Typically,
gunbarrels have an internal gas separating chamber or “gas boot”
extending 6 to 12 ft (2–4 m) above the top of the tank, where gas is
separated and vented, and a down-comer extending 2 to 5 ft (0.6–1.5 m)
from the bottom of the tank.
2.Gunbarrel Tanks (wash tank)
2.Gunbarrel Tanks (wash tank)
 The emulsion passage through the water helps collect the entrained water
and converts the emulsion into distinct oil and water layers.
 Oil accumulates at the top and flows out through the spillover line into the
oil settling tank. Water flows from the bottom of the tank, up through the
water leg, and into a surge or clarifier tank.
 The settling time in the vessel for the total fluid stream is usually 12 to 24
 Most gunbarrels are unheated, though it is possible to provide heat by
heating the incoming stream external to the tank, installing heating coils
in the tank, or circulating the water to an external or “jug” heater in a
closed loop.
 It is preferable to heat the inlet so that more gas is liberated in the boot,
although this means that fuel will be used in heating any free water in the
Treater Equipment Design
1. Determine the total heat load:
For Oil
 The weight of oil is :
Wo = ϒo x 8.34 x x qo lb/hr
 The heat load for Qo = Wo cpo ∆t BTU/hr
∆t temperature difference F
Cpo Specific heat BTU/lb/F
For Emulsified Water: Use the same previous equations for water.

Total heating load Q = Qo + Qw BTU/ hr

then use safety factor 20 %
then approximate the number to the nearest 10000.
2. Lengths of the Sections
 Heat transfer rate to the water path = 10000 BTU/hr.ft2
 Heat transfer area = ft2
 Then assume the diameter of the heater and calculate the area
 A = d2 ft2
2.1Settling Section
 Capacity of the settling section C (settling rate)= oil rate + emulsion rate
 Settling time = 2.5 hr
 Settling volume V = Settling Rate x 2.5 hr
 Length of settling section = ft
2.2Free Water Section
 Free water capacity = ft3
 Retention time = 5 min

 Volume of oil and emulsified water ( 1 min ) =

 Total Volume of free water section = Free water capacity + Volume of oil
and emulsified water.

 Length of free water section =

 If it is lower than 1 ft , approximate to 1 ft.
 2.3 The length of hay section = 2 ft.
 2.4 The distance from the bottom of the fire tubes = 1 ft
2.5 Heating section
 Time = 1 hr
 Volume of heating section = ft3
 Length of heating section = ft
2.6 Separation section
 Retention time = 1 min
 Volume of separation section = ft3
 For safety we double the volume of separation section
 Length of separation section = ft

 The total length of the heater equals the summation of all the preceding
sections’ lengths
 Standard lengths of the heater are 20 , 24 , 28 ft
General Considerations
 The major factors controlling the sizing of
emulsion treating equipment are
 Heat input required,
 Gravity separation considerations,
 Settling equations,
 Retention time equations,
 Water droplet size.
1. Heat Input Required
 The heat input and thus the fuel required for treating depend on the
temperature rise, amount of water in the oil, and flow rate.
 Heating water requires about twice as much energy as it does to heat oil.
For this reason, it is beneficial to separate any free water from the
emulsion to be treated with either a free-water knockout located upstream
of the treater or an inlet free-water knockout system in the treater itself.
1. Heat Input Required
 Assuming that the free water has been separated from the emulsion, the
water remaining is less than 10% of the oil, and the treater is insulated to
minimize heat losses, the required heat input can be determined from:
1. Heat Input Required
1. Heat Input Required
2. Gravity Separation Considerations

 Most oil-treating equipment relies on gravity to separate water droplets

from the oil continuous phase, because water droplets are heavier than the
volume of oil they displace.
 However, gravity is resisted by a drag force caused by the droplets’
downward movement through the oil. When the two forces are equal, a
constant velocity is reached, which can be computed from Stokes’ law as
3. Settling Equations
 The specific gravity difference between the dispersed water droplets and
the oil should result in the water “sinking” to the bottom of the treatment
 Since the oil continuous phase is flowing vertically upward in both
vertical and horizontal treaters previously described, the downward
velocity of the water droplet must be sufficient to overcome the velocity
of the oil traveling upward through the treater. By setting the oil velocity
equal to the water settling velocity, the following general sizing equations
may be derived:
 For Horizontal Vessel

 If the treater has a spreader and a collector, then the spreader/collector

short-circuiting factor is 1.
 If the treater lacks the spreader, collector, or both, then “F” should be
some value greater than 1.
3. Settling Equations
 Vertical Vessels:
3. Settling Equations
 Note that the height of the coalescing section for a vertical treater does
not enter into the settling equation. The cross-sectional area of flow for
the upward velocity of the oil is a function of the diameter of the vessel
alone. This is a limiting factor in the capacity of vertical treaters.

 In a horizontal vessel, the cross-sectional area for flow for the upward
velocity of the oil is a function of the diameter times the length of the
coalescing section.
4. Horizontal Flow Treaters
 In horizontal flow settling, the water droplets settle perpendicular to the
oil flow. By setting the oil retention time equal to the water settling time,
the following equation may be used:

 The effective length is normally 75% of the separation length available.

 The effective width is approximately 80% of the actual channel width.
 Also note that these equations assume an F of approximately 1.8.
5. Retention Time Equations
 The oil must be held at temperature for a specific period of time to enable
de-emulsifying the water-in-oil emulsion.
 This information is best determined in the laboratory but, in the absence
of such data, 20 to 30 minutes is a good starting point.
 The retention time in the coalescing-settling section of a treater is the
volume of the coalescing-settling section divided by the oil flow rate.
 The volume of the coalescing-settling section is a function of the square
of the vessel diameter and the length of the flow path of the coalescing
5. Retention Time Equations
 Horizontal Vessels:

 Vertical Vessels:
6. Water Droplet Size
 It would be extremely rare to have laboratory data of the droplet size
distribution for a given emulsion as it enters the coalescing section of the
 Qualitatively, we would expect the minimum droplet size that must be
removed for a given water cut to
(1) increase with retention time in the coalescing section,
(2) increase with temperature, which tends to excite the system, leading to
more collisions of small droplets, and
(3) increase with oil viscosity, which tends to inhibit the formation of small
droplets from shearing that occurs in the system.
6. Water Droplet Size
 Assuming that the minimum required size of droplets that must be settled
is a function only of oil viscosity, equations have been developed
correlating this droplet size and oil viscosity
 The calculated droplet sizes were correlated with oil viscosity, and the
following equations resulted:
6. Water Droplet Size
 Over a range of water cuts were used to back-calculate an imputed
droplet size as a function of water cut, resulting in the following
General Design Procedure
1. Choose a treating temperature.
2. Determine the heat input required.
3. Determine oil viscosity at treating temperature. In the absence of
laboratory data, Chapter 3 provides correlations that can be used to
estimate crude viscosity given its gravity and temperature.
4. Select a type of treater, and size the treater using the appropriate design
procedure below.
5. Choose the design minimum droplet size that must be separated from
experimental data, analogy to other treaters in service.
6. Repeat the above procedure for different treating temperatures.
Design Procedure for Vertical Heater-Treaters

1. Calculate the minimum treater diameter using Eqs.

2. For various diameters greater than the minimum, calculate the height
required in the coalescing-settling section using Eqs.

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