ADE MK3K Practicals

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Aim:- Construction of half wave rectifier for observing input-output waveforms

II. Apparatus: -
S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity
1 Transformer Input: 230V AC, 1
output: 12V AC, 500
2 Diode 1N4007 1
3 Resistor 10KΩ 1
4 Bread Board 1
5 Digital Ammeter (0-200)μA/(0- 1
6 Digital Voltmeter (0-20)V DC 1
7 Connecting Wires As Required

III. Theory:
One of the very important applications of diode is in DC power supply as a
rectifier to convert AC into DC. DC Power supply is the important element of any
electronic equipment. This is because it provides power to energize all electronic circuits
like oscillators, amplifiers and so on. In electronic equipment, D.C. power supply is must.
For example, we can’t think of television, computer, radio, telephone, mobile as well as
measuring instruments like CRO, multi-meter etc. without DC power supply. The
reliability and performance of the electronic system proper design of power supply is
necessary. The first block of DC power supply is rectifier. Rectifier may be defined as an
electronic device used to convert ac voltage or current into unidirectional voltage or
current. Essentially rectifier needs unidirectional device. Diode has unidirectional
property hence suitable for rectifier. Rectifier broadly divided into two categories: Half
wave rectifier and full wave rectifier. In this experiment, you will construct half wave

Working principle of half wave rectifier:

In half wave rectifier only half cycle of applied AC voltage is used. Another half
cycle of AC voltage (negative cycle) is not used. Only one diode is used which conducts
during positive cycle. The circuit diagram of half wave rectifier without capacitor is
shown in the following figure. During positive half cycle of the input voltage anode of
the diode is positive compared with the cathode. Diode is in forward bias and current
passes through the diode and positive cycle develops across the load resistance RL.
During negative half cycle of input voltage, anode is negative with respected to cathode
and diode is in reverse bias. No current passes through the diode hence output voltage is

1. While doing the experiment do not exceed the ratings of the diode. This may lead to
damage the diode.
2. Connect voltmeter and Ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as
per the circuit diagram.

VI. Procedure:

i) Make Connections are as per the circuit diagram.

ii) Observe the input waveform on CRO
iii) Observe the output waveform on CRO
iv) Draw input and output waveforms on graph paper
v) Measure AC input voltage Vrms
vi) Measure DC output voltage VDC
vii) Measure DC current IDC
viii) Measure AC output voltage Vr
ix) Measure Ripple factor = 𝑉𝐷𝐶

VII. Calculations:
VIII. Result:
i) Input Waveform at secondary of transformer:

ii) Output waveform:

IX. Conclusion:

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