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I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko


Izumi Okura
Professor, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan

Masao Kuwahara
Professor, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Hirokazu Akahane
Professor, Chiba Institute of Technology, Chiba, Japan

Fumihiko Nakamura
Associate Professor, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan

Keywords: Transportation, traffic flow, highway capacity, level of service, public

passenger, planning, demand, prediction, geometric design, intersection, traffic

management, congestion, safety

1. Introduction
2. Traffic Flow Fundamentals
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2.1 Traffic Flow Characteristics and Theory

2.1.1 Time-Space Diagram
2.1.2 Flow-Density-Speed Relationship
2.1.3 Queuing Theory

2.1.4 Kinematic-Wave Theory

2.1.5 Car-Following Theory

2.1.6 Traffic Simulation

2.2 Traffic Capacity
2.2.1 Simple Section

2.2.2 Merging, Diverging, Weaving Sections

2.2.3 Intersections

2.3 Sensing Technology and Surveillance

2.3.1 Sensors
2.3.2 Surveillance
3. Transportation Planning
3.1 Data Collection
3.1.1 OD Surveys and PT Surveys
3.1.2 Advanced Survey Methods
3.2 Demand Prediction
3.2.1 Four-step Prediction Approach
3.2.2 Discrete Choice Analysis
3.3 Transportation Management
3.3.1 District-wide Management
3.3.2 Public Transportation Management
3.3.3 Comprehensive Traffic Management
4. Geometric Design of Highways

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

4.1 Classification of Highways

4.2 Cross-section of Highway
4.3 Alignment of Highway and Sight Distance
4.3.1 Horizontal Alignment
4.3.2. Vertical Alignment
4.3.3. Sight Distance
4.3.4. Three Dimensional Alignment
4.4. Intersections and Interchanges
4.4.1. At-Grade Intersections
4.4.2. Interchanges
5. Traffic Management
5.1. Aims of Traffic Management
5.2. Classification of Measures of Traffic Management
5.3 Measures that Influence Places and Times of Generation of Traffic Demand

5.4 Measures that Influence Transport Mode Choices

5.5. Smoothing of Traffic Flows

6. Safety

6.1. Necessity of Systematic Approaches
6.2. Fundamentals of Accident Analysis in Each Step
6.2.1. Identification of Sites to Be Treated
6.2.2. Diagnosis: Problems, Causes and Possible Solutions
6.2.3. Selection of Measures to be Applied
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Biographical Sketches


As transportation problems become increasingly complex structurally, a balanced mix

of transportation modes is essential. Appropriate countermeasures are needed not only at
the stage of traffic planning but also in traffic management. Therefore, transportation

engineering should cover a wide spectrum of areas including railways, aviation, water
transportation, pipelines, etc., besides highway traffic engineering.

It can be said in plain terms that the subject of transportation engineering is concerned
with appropriate knowledge and technology aimed at the best usage of transportation
facilities and systems. Usually in the actual field of road traffic for example, it is
considerably difficult to find and apply the best set of measures, since there are complex
evaluation viewpoints of various users for the design of the transportation systems.

This chapter provides an overview of the fundamentals of planning, design, control, and
management aspects of surface transportation, and among various fields, road
transportation is mainly explained considering both the complicated structure of
revealed problems and many combinations of countermeasures to alleviate the problems.
In each part, some selected typical and essential features are described in some detail
among many relevant items in each field.

1. Introduction

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

According to the U.S. Institute of Traffic Engineering, established in 1930, traffic

engineering :" is the field which handles the highway planning, geometric designs,
traffic operation and management, highway networks, terminals, land use of
neighboring sites and the relations with other means of traffic, in order to achieve the
safe, efficient and convenient movement of the human-beings and the goods." Thus, the
definition focused mainly on the vehicular traffic. This organization changed its
name to "Institute of Transportation Engineering (ITE)" in 1978 and has been
attempting to reform and widen the range of subjects to tackle. There seems to exist
some of the following changes of the situation in the background: the transportation
problems become structurally more and more complex and therefore a balanced mix of
transportation modes is essential.

Furthermore appropriate countermeasures are needed not only at the stage of traffic

planning but also in traffic management. Accordingly transportation engineering should

cover a wide spectrum of areas including railways, aviation, water transportation,

pipelines, etc., besides highway traffic engineering. In other words, an integrated system

of transportation facilities is necessary for the solution of the transportation problems,
and an efficient system of updating knowledge and experience is essential.
It can be said in plain terms that the subject of transportation engineering is concerned
with appropriate knowledge and technology aimed at the best usage of transportation
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facilities and systems. In the context of highway traffic engineering, "the best" usage
implies not only ensuring safe, smooth and comfortable conditions for all road users
including vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians, but also providing the benefits which the
roads naturally bring to the roadside inhabitants and land use with the minimum

negative influences such as pollution due to the existence of roads.


Usually in the actual field of the road traffic, it is considerably difficult to find and apply
the best set of measures, since there are complex evaluation viewpoints of various users
for the design of the transportation systems and the mutually exclusive evaluation items

to be achieved. Even under such conditions, the knowledge of what kind of measures
can respectively have the definite effects must be prepared systematically, concerning

the aspects of efficiency, safety, amenity and environmental preservation, from the
standpoints of the transportation engineers.

Transportation engineering, as mentioned above, covers a very wide set of areas and
thus an appropriate understanding of each field should be requisite. However sufficient
description of all the fields may not be possible in this chapter due to space limitation.
Therefore, the main descriptions are focused on the road transportation as a
representative of surface transportation.

The reasons for taking up road transportation especially among various fields, are as
follows: firstly, there are specific characteristics such as different structures of the
problems which are associated with different backgrounds, for example, locations to be
discussed, problems to be solved and measures are greatly different by the combination
of transportation facilities, systems, and regulations applied. Secondly, more
complicated counters are needed than in other fields and more considerations for

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

various aspects seem to be necessary, since correspondent subjects for problems are
many and the viewpoints for the transportation system evaluation are also different
respectively for the problems to be treated.

Among various problems, traffic jams, traffic accidents and traffic pollution are the
three most serious problems to be tackled in the fields of road traffic and the continuous
execution of countermeasures for relieving problems is required urgently. In this chapter,
the prevailing knowledge concerning these issues in transportation engineering is to be
introduced and some new recent challenges and movements are summarized.

This chapter is composed of the following five parts considering the major fields
applied in transportation engineering. In each part, limited typical and essential features
are selected for explanation in some detail among many relevant items in each field.

The first is the fundamental field which deepens our understanding and recognition of

traffic phenomena or various characteristics in transportation engineering. It is

important to know various features of the components of the road transportation and the

characteristics concerning a traffic flow such as vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles,
pedestrians, because this kind of information becomes the basis in all sides of
transportation engineering. These include characteristics of traffic flows, traffic flow
models, traffic capacity -the basic information in the operation, and the fundamental
mechanisms of the generation of traffic jams, etc.
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The second is the field of transportation planning. In this field, the following are
explained: the framework of the plan, the procedures of traffic planning, traffic demand
prediction techniques, the planning of the public transportation system, and

investigations for traffic planning, etc. In recent years, these have been the subjects of
intense research.

The third is the field of road design, which examines the relationships between the
structures /facilities, and the road safety, the traffic smoothness and the environmental

aspects. Knowledge gained through every research activity and experiment of

transportation engineering is utilized for the improvement of road and transportation

facility effectively, and the construction criterion of the road facilities.

The fourth is the practical field that is concerned with traffic management and operation
of highway facilities. It includes traffic signalization, traffic regulations (one-way
operation, parking regulation, etc.), location of roadway space (lanes, intersection
channelizations, etc.), improvements of bus operations (bus-lanes, bus location systems)
and so on. The following components are applied in these systems: Traffic signs and
variable-message signs, road lighting, comprehensive traffic control systems integrating
these elements efficiently, etc. This is the actual field of transportation engineering, so
to speak.

The fifth part is the field of highway safety. Procedures of highway safety programs are
introduced and the fundamentals in each step are explained for the efficient execution of
the accident preventive measures.

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

2. Traffic Flow Fundamentals

2.1 Traffic Flow Characteristics and Theory

2.1.1 Time-Space Diagram

The time-space diagram has been well used by traffic engineers to analyze vehicle
motions. The vertical and horizontal axes respectively show space (distance) and time.
A vehicle motion can be therefore drawn as a trajectory on this two-dimensional
diagram. The slope of a trajectory with reference to the time axis indicates the speed
of the concerned vehicle, the horizontal distance between two adjacent trajectories
shows the headway of the vehicles and the vertical interval of the trajectories gives the
spacing. Since the inverse of headway is flow and the inverse of spacing is density,
dynamic change of flow, density, and speed can be explained from the time-space


2.1.2 Flow-Density-Speed Relationship

Flow is defined as the number of vehicles passing at a certain location per unit time.
Density is defined as the number of vehicles at a certain time per unit distance. Speed
(space mean speed) is defined as flow divided by density. These three are key
variables to analyze traffic flow in traffic engineering. Since a universal relationship
among the three variables, flow = (space mean) speed × density, is maintained, one is
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determined from the other two variables.

Empirical observations show that speed decreases as density increases. In particular,


Greenshields reported a linear relationship between speed and density. If the linear
relationship is combined with the above universal relationship, relationships between

any two of the three variables can be obtained. For instance, from Greenshields’
model, flow becomes a quadratic function of density and also quadratic function of
speed. There have been quite a few empirical observations that reported slightly

different relationships, although the general tendencies among the three variables are the

2.1.3 Queuing Theory

Queuing theory is another useful tool to evaluate mainly vehicle delay. Conventionally,
we draw the cumulative number of vehicles passing a certain location. The cumulative
figure shows time-dependent vehicle passing time at the particular location. In order
to evaluate delay on a section from location A to B, the cumulative curves at locations A
and B are useful. Then, the area between two cumulative curves shows total delay on
the section for a specified time period. If FIFO (First In First Out) discipline is
assumed for all the vehicles passing the section, individual vehicle delay can be
evaluated as the horizontal time period between two curves. Note that, under FIFO, a
vehicle passing location A earlier than another one is assumed to also pass location B

The analysis using the cumulative figures is called as the deterministic queuing theory,

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

since stochastic fluctuations of vehicle passing times are not explicitly considered. For
traffic phenomena with a huge queue, stochastic effect on the delay may not dominant
and therefore the deterministic theory is sufficient. And also, since the deterministic
analysis is basically based upon only vehicle input and output from the study section but
independent of vehicle motions on the section, the deterministic theory seems robust to
evaluate delay. However, most of the deterministic queuing theories employ point
queues that have no physical lengths. Thus, you cannot evaluate queue backing up
phenomena from the point queue analysis. Recent studies however combine the
deterministic queuing theory with the kinematic wave theory to evaluate queue backing

On the other hand, for phenomena not always with a queue such as traffic at an
undersaturated intersection where a queue forms during red but vanishes by the end of
green, stochastic effect on delay my not be negligible. Especially, the stochastic

effects become dominant for near saturated condition. In stochastic queuing theory,

one has to define stochastic passing time distribution. For example, at an intersection,

traffic engineers have frequently used Poisson arrivals and uniform departures to

evaluate queuing delay stochastically.
2.1.4 Kinematic-Wave Theory
The kinematic-wave theory was developed in 1950s mainly by physicists. They
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applied the theory of wave motion to traffic flow. The theory explains motions of
forward and backward wave along one-dimensional flow stream. A collision of
forward and backward waves is known as a shock that can be physically seen as a
boundary of different traffic conditions. For instance, the tail of a queue is one kind of

shock because upstream of the tail is free flow condition and its downstream is
congested flow condition. From the theory, in particular, hence we can explain the

motion of forward and backward queue propagation.

The theory was constructed based upon the flow conservation principle on a highway

section and the flow-density-speed relationship. Assuming that flow is explained by

density, the wave is defined as the partial derivative of flow with respect to density: a

slope of the flow-density relationship. Then, we can obtain an important property that
flow rate does not change on the trajectory of the wave, which is called the
characteristic curve. This means, for example, when a queue starts growing on a
highway section, a contour line of the same flow rate at the downstream end of the
section can be found along the backward wave trajectory.

The kinematic-wave theory was recently combined with the deterministic queuing
theory. This extended theory explains shock-wave propagation from cumulative
curves and flow-density relationship mentioned above.

2.1.5 Car-Following Theory

The car-following theory explains the longitudinal motion of an individual vehicle

responding to the motion of its leader. The theory was originally developed also in

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

1950s and has been modified in various ways. The simplest form of the car-following
model assumes that the vehicle acceleration with time lag is proportional to the relative
speed with respect to its leader. The constant coefficient of the linear car-following
model is called the sensitivity. The sensitivity is however sometimes assumed as a
function of its speed and the spacing from the leader.

The linear car-following model and its family were well analyzed because of its simple
form and the mathematical elegance. Local as well as asymptotic instabilities of
change in spacing and derivation of the flow-density-speed relationship are examples of
the analysis. However, since the ability to describe real vehicle motion is limited,
several more complex models have been reported.

2.1.6 Traffic Simulation

Traffic simulation is a tool, which reproduces complex real traffic phenomena by

combining relatively simple traffic models and user behavioral models. Due to the

sophisticated computer technology, various traffic simulation models have been

developed since the late 1970s. Traffic simulation models cover wide range in terms
of the size of study area. Generally speaking, a model focusing on small areas such as
a few intersections employs a detailed flow model which reproduces not only
longitudinal but lateral vehicle motions such as lane changing, overtaking, etc. On the
other hand, models considering thousands of links and nodes have been also developed
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but based upon simpler vehicle models.

Although traffic simulation is a useful tool to describe complex phenomena of a specific

situation, it would be difficult to extract general consequences of cause and effect

relationship. Also, since simulation models are usually combinations of many simple
models, most users tend to have difficulty to understand the abilities and applicability of

simulation models.

2.2 Traffic Capacity


2.2.1 Simple Section


Traffic capacity of a simple straight pipe section is classified into three categories. The
basic capacity is traffic capacity under ideal conditions such as sufficient lane width and
lateral clearance, good alignment, passenger cars only, and no speed limit. While the
basic capacity of a multi-lane highway is defined as the number of passenger cars being
able to pass per unit time for one lane, one for a two-lane highway is defined for two
lanes together, since traffic capacity on one direction is influenced by traffic in the
opposite direction.

The possible capacity is capacity modified based upon actual traffic condition and
geometric design. The design capacity is furthermore modified taking the level of
service into consideration.

2.2.2 Merging, Diverging, Weaving Sections

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

Traffic capacities at merging, diverging, and weaving sections are more difficult to
explain than one for a simple section because of the complicated geometric design as
well as flow streams. For merging and diverging capacities, at least two flow streams
must be considered. And since weaving is merging followed by diverging, four
different streams must be considered. Moreover, their geometric designs are more
complicated depending upon angle of merging and diverging, types of weaving, etc.
Thus, an internationally well accepted method to estimate such capacities from traffic
condition and the geometric design has not been developed, although historical
experimental results have been summarized in capacity manuals.

2.2.3 Intersections

Intersections are classified into two: unsignalized and signalized intersections. For
unsignalized intersections, the capacity must be estimated based upon the traffic

regulation such as stop and yield control. Experimental results have been summarized

in manuals. For signalized intersections, the signal control must be considered. In

general, for both types, the capacity analysis for a simple section is modified based upon

intersection control mentioned above.
2.3 Sensing Technology and Surveillance
2.3.1 Sensors
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Conventional traffic detectors have mainly two types: an ultrasonic detector and an
inductive loop detector. An ultrasonic detector is installed above a road surface and
measures a round trip travel time of ultrasonic signal between the detector and an object

underneath, while a loop detector is installed under the pavement and measures
inductive impedance. These sensors can measure flow and time occupancy. If the

sensors are installed as a pair, vehicle speed can be also measured. Recently, an
ultrasonic detector, which identifies vehicle type based upon measured vehicle height,
has been developed.

An image sensor detects vehicles from their monitored images. Images obtained from

video cameras are processed to automatically estimate flow, speed, and vehicle types.
Some types of sensors can find out a queue length.

Beacon has two types: infrared and microwave beacons. Similar to the conventional
detectors, both beacons measure flow and occupancy. But, an infrared beacon has not
only sensing but also communication functions. If a vehicle carries on-board
equipment, an infrared beacon can communicate with the vehicle. It receives the
randomized vehicle ID, the previous beacon ID, and travel time from the previous
beacon passed, while it transmits traffic information to the vehicle. Because of the
communication, the infrared beacon identifies individual vehicle and hence a trip route
of the vehicle is observed.
2.3.2 Surveillance

Traffic surveillance is composed of various functions. Road maintenance and road

surface monitoring have been carried out from sensors as well as highway patrols.

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

Weather monitoring utilizing various sensors such as rain, fog, snow, and wind gauges
is another important function.

To understand current traffic condition, sensing data are analyzed so as to estimate

real-time traffic flow, density, and speed at key highway sites. Also, these data have
been used to detect incidents such as traffic accidents and vehicle malfunctions.

The Dedicated Short Range Communication system developed recently can identify
individual vehicles traveling on highways. The communication with vehicles through
infrared beacons and automatic toll transaction systems through ETC (Electronic Toll
Collection) are already realized technology of DSRC. Data obtained by these recent
tools reveal routes, origin-destinations, intersection-turning movements, which would
be utilized for traffic surveillance as well as for transportation planning.



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American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official. (1990). A Policy on Geometric

Design of Highway and Streets. AASHTO, Washington D.C. [This describes the fundamentals of
geometric design in detail.]
Baker J.S. and Fricke L.B. (1986), The Traffic-Accident Investigation Manual, Northwestern University
Traffic Institute, Illinois. [This provides information on various aspects concerning the accident

investigation process.]

Box P.C. and Oppenlander J.C. (1976), Manual of Traffic Engineering, Institute of Transportation
Engineers, Washington, D.C. [This describes the various fundamentals of traffic engineering.]
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). (1981), Highway Safety Engineering Studies, Procedural
Guide, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-TS-81-220, Washington, D.C. [This describes the
procedures of inspecting the procedures to be solved in detail.]
Gazis D.C., Herman R., Rothery R.W. (1961). Non-linear Follow-the-leader Models of Traffic Flow,
Operations Res. 9, pp545-567. [This is one of representative papers on the car-following theory. You
may refer to several papers by the same authors.]
Homburger W.S. (2000). Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, 15th Edition, Institute of Transportation
Studies, University of California. [This is a standard textbook on traffic engineering explaining
fundamental concepts and terminologies on traffic flow theory and surveillance.]
Japan Society of Traffic Engineers (JSTE). (1988). The Planning and Design of At-Grade Intersections.
JSTE. Tokyo. [This describes the technical knowledge of design, traffic operation and accident preventive
measures at the intersections comprehensively.]
Japan Society of Traffic Engineers. (1994). Manual on Traffic Signal Control, Japan Society of Traffic
Engineers, [in Japanese]. [Manual in which basic theories and experiences of traffic signal control in

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko

Japan and other countries are collectively described.]

Japan Society of Traffic Engineers (JSTE). (2001). Traffic Engineering Handbook 2001 (CD-ROM
Version), Maruzen, [in Japanese]. Tokyo. [Handbook in which knowledge and experiences of traffic
engineering, transport planning and related disciplines in Japan and other countries are collectively
Lighthill M.J. and Whitham G.B. (1955). On kinematic waves; I: Flood movement in long rivers; II: A theory
of traffic flow on long crowded roads, Proceedings Royal Society, London, A229, pp.281-345. [These two
papers, which are the first published papers on the kinematic wave theory, explain wave motions of traffic flow.
Although they appeared almost the same time, their studies were independent.]
Meyer M.D. and Miller E.J. (1984). Urban Transportation Planning, McGraw-Hill. [This introduces a
decision-oriented approach in urban transportation planning as well as its basic framework and new
Newell G.F. (1982). Applications of Queueing Theory, Second edition, Chapman and Hall. [This
introduces not only deterministic but also stochastic queuing theory. It covers from the basic theory to

fairly advanced one.]

Newell G.F. (1993). A simplified theory of kinematic waves in highway traffic; Part II: General theory,
Transportation Research, Vol. 27B, No. 4, pp. 289-304. [This fairly recent paper beautifully connects the

kinematic wave theory with the deterministic queueing theory especially cumulative curves.]
OECD (1976). Hazardous Road Locations: Identification and Countermeasures. [This can be referred
about the key information for the diagnosis process.]
Ogden K.W. (1996). Safer Roads: A Guide to Road Safety Engineering, Ovebury Technical, Aldershot,
England. [Typical and fundamental issues can be referred in textbook basis.]
Ortuzar J.D. and Willumsen L.G. (1995). Modeling Transport, Second Edition, Wiley. [This introduces
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modeling methodologies and applications in transportation planning.]

Richard B. (1990). Transport in Cities, Architecture Design and Technology Press. [This describes the
state of the art in urban transportation systems and planning policies.]

Richards P.I. (1956). Shock waves on the highway, Operations Research, 4, pp.42-51.

Biographical Sketches

Izumi Okura is Professor of Traffic Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, Yokohama
National University, Japan, from 1986. He received Dr.Eng., M.Eng. and B.E. from The University of

Tokyo. His main research interests lie in traffic engineering and traffic system engineering. He has been
engaged in researches relating to road traffic flow theory, traffic management, road traffic safety, road
traffic surveillance and control systems, traffic flow phenomena and urban environmental problems. He is

also a member of several scientific societies and has been appointed a member of various committees on
traffic operations/control, transportation planning and urban environmental issues.

Masao Kuwahara is Professor of Traffic Engineering at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of
Tokyo. After he obtained Ph.D from University of California, Berkeley in 1985, he started teaching
and researching in Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo and moved to the current
institute as Associate Professor in 1987. His research interests include traffic control, highway capacity,
network analysis, traffic simulation and ITS related research. He is currently working on traffic signal
control for an oversaturated network, travel time provision, dynamic network assignment, and parameter
tuning of traffic simulation models. He has been appointed a member of various committees of
ministries, local governments, and public corporations on transportation planning and traffic management.
He has served as a board member of ITS World Congress, an International Advisory Committee member

Hirokazu Akahane received a Bachelor of Engineering, a Master of Engineering and a Doctor of

Engineering from The University of Tokyo. He has been working at Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan,
since 1987 after belonging to the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, as a research
associate, from 1986. Presently he is a Professor of Traffic Engineering at Department of Civil

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. I - Transportation Engineering - Izumi Okura, Masao Kuwahara, Hirokazu Akahane, Fumihiko


Fumihiko Nakamura received a Bachelor of Engineering, a Master of Engineering and a Doctor of

Engineering from The University of Tokyo. He has been working at Yokohama National University, Japan
since 1995, after belonging to the Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, as a
research associate, from 1989. Presently he is an Associate Professor of Urban Transportation Planning at
Department of Civil Engineering.

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©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

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