East San Gabriel Valley ROP/ TC
East San Gabriel Valley ROP/ TC
East San Gabriel Valley ROP/ TC
1501 W. Del Norte St * West Covina * 626-472-5195 Ethel Fimbres, Adult Carer Training Supervisor
Mission Statement
The East San Gabriel Valley ROP /TC provides all students with the
well-educated citizens, responsible, productive employers and
employees, and to be successful in obtaining high wage, high demand, continuous employment.
East San Gabriel Valley ROP Is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools and Colleges and is classied with the U.S. Department of Education and California State Department of Education as post-secondary Institution of higher education.
Dual Accreditation
About Us...
Three Divisions
High School -
Serving 7,500 students in 7 school districts
Post Secondary -
Oering Certicate & Associate Degree programs Serving 942 students in 2010-2011
Alternative Education-
Serving over 225 students annually
Justice / Forensics
Childhood Education
E.M.T. Energy
Efcient Construction (Construction Trades) Arts/ Silkscreening Assistant Ofce User Specialist
Graphic Medical
Articulation Agreements
ESGVROP/TC has articulation agreements with the
following Post Secondary institutions:
Mount San Antonio Community College ITT Technical Institute Pacic Oaks College Rio Hondo College Westwood College of Technology
Business Management
Criminal Justice
Early Childhood Education
Energy Ecient Construction
Health Science
Visual Communications
General Education (minimum of 15 ROP credits) + Core Course Credits 60 Total Credits
No Student Loans
Childcare Services
Student Services
Military Veteran Support Student Council & Leadership Opportunities Academic Advising for Student Retention Volunteer Income T Assistance site ax The Bob Margett Foundation
Global Best Award for North America, for partnerships that focus on "Skills Development for the Workforce"Awarded by the International Partnership Network US Secretary of Education "Secretary's Award": Outstanding Technical Program California Department of Education model program in assessment, training & job placement 1st Vocational program in California to be certied for excellence by the California State Department of Education California Chancellor's Oce of Community Colleges model site for 2+ 2+ 2 secondary/postsecondary articulation & transferable credit 1990 California Department of Education Outstanding Vocational Technical Program California Model ]TPA US Department of Education National Demonstration Sites in School-to-Work Transition, Tech- Prep, & Integration of Academic & Vocational Learning
Security 89%
Thank You
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