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Analyse Examine in detail to show meaning, and identify elements and the relationship
between them.

Assess Make an informed judgement.

Calculate work out from given facts, figures or information.

Comment Give an informed opinion.

Compare Identify/comment on similarities and/or differences.

Consider Review and respond to given information.

Contrast Identify/comment on differences.

Define Give a precise meaning.

Describe State the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features.

Develop Take forward to a more advanced stage or build upon given information.

Discuss Write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way.

Evaluate Judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount or value of something.

Explain Set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things clear / say
why and/or how and support with relevant evidence.

Give Produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory.

Identify Name/select/recognize.

Justify Support a case with evidence/argument.

Outline Set out the main points.

Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information.

Sketch Make a simple freehand drawing showing the key features, taking care over

State Express in clear terms.

Suggest Apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of
valid responses to make proposals/put forward considerations.

Summarise Choose and present the main points, without detail.

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