HSC Biology 2017-2018 First Lesson
HSC Biology 2017-2018 First Lesson
HSC Biology 2017-2018 First Lesson
Syllabus: printed version to be in the folder, however all the dot points to be
included in the booklets and we need to reflect what we have learnt for most of the
dot points we cover in the lesson. This is where the text book comes handy as the
workbook does not cover everything.
Booklet: each unit will have a booklet (hopefully), it is to make us work efficiently
and try to tackle as much questions as possible (treat these as your notes exercise
book. You need to have them on you daily. Keep them safely, you loose it you will
have to print it yourself.
Text book: You need one, as the booklet does not cover everything as in detail as
the textbook
Folder: Will have all your hand outs, pictures (copy of your own notes as well)
Notes: you are to create your own notes (written or typed, to be inspected every
Assessment schedule
Will try to have this printed and provided to you to be placed in your folder or paste on
the inside cover of the folder
As soon as you fail a task or assessment, you would be issued with one. This includes
quiz (which you were notified a week in advance) as well.
Any behaviour issue would be reported to the parents at first and if this continues would
be raised with administration to be dealt with.
We will allocate ourselves 2 past year papers and every time we are on a dot point we will
search for and see if we have a question in the exam that relates to this dot point.
If found we will print this and paste it next to the dot point.