Acronis Cloud Tech Associate Advanced Backup 2024 Handout
Acronis Cloud Tech Associate Advanced Backup 2024 Handout
Acronis Cloud Tech Associate Advanced Backup 2024 Handout
#CyberFit Academy
Learning Objectives
#CyberFit Academy
After passing this course you will get the full knowledge of technical aspects of the
Advanced Backup Pack.
I will walk you through the new features and give you and examples like core backup
versus advanced backup pack, what they mean and how they are utilized as well
as plan, create and perform backup and recovery and other operations.
The course modules are as it follows. First, we will go through some real‐life scenario
with a Case Study analysis. Then I will do some High‐level Overview. Next, we will get
familiar how‐to Configure Backup, CDP Backup and how to Protect different
Workloads. After that we will delve in to Browsing Backups & Plans and at the end –
how to Perform Recovery.
Acronis Education
Comprehensive Training for Every Scenario
Acronis Academy
Cyber Protect Cloud
Case Study
#CyberFit Academy
Meet Ben
(Customer of Diamatix)
City agency
#CyberFit Academy
This city agency is a customer of one of our service providers “Diamtix”. There were
19 virtual servers with a hyper_v environment and 3 physical servers. There was no
backup on the workstations and backups weekly was about 1.3TB.
Case Study
Key Challenges
Limitations due to lack of server
backup automation
Required assistance with
Limited cybersecurity protection
with existing solution
Sensitive constituent and
personnel data as city agency
Manually running custom
backup scripts
#CyberFit Academy
Current solution had limitations due to lack of backup automation and required
assistance with monitoring. With the existing solution they had limited cybersecurity
protection and this is important as they has personnel data and constituent data
since a city agency. They also had to manually run custom backup scripts.
Case Study
Key Requirements
Automate schedule-based
Deploy agentless recovery
Implement cybersecurity
#CyberFit Academy
So, the city agency had three main requirements: To Automate a schedule‐based
backup. Deploy an agentless recovery solution for the hyper‐v environment and
Implement better cybersecurity protection.
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
Optimized budget converting
depreciating CAPEX to fixed
monthly OPEX
Implementation: three days
(included demo session)
Active protection along with
backup benefit
Fully automated backup regimen
Offloaded support / reporting and
other services to partner
Looking now at endpoint
advanced protection
#CyberFit Academy
Cyber Protect Cloud
High-level Overview
Acronis Academy
At this time, let’s talk discuss a high level overview of the backup components.
Integrated Platform
An integrated solution of cyber security, backup, disaster recovery,
management and automation built specifically for SPs
Acronis Academy
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud with Advanced Packs
Acronis Academy
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is a platform for MSPs that provides best‐in‐breed
backup combined with integrated security and management. , is surrounded by
various advance packs, which are designed to optimize operations for every
workload. These allow MSPs to expand their range of offerings and rapidly launch
services to meet client demands. Backup is a key component of this ecosystem.
Integrated Platform
An integrated solution of cyber security, backup, disaster recovery,
management and automation built specifically for SPs
Acronis Academy
When we say “Backup”, there are two types of options which you can select from.
First “Base Backup” option. This is the standard backup function which you can use
“ File, image, app backup”, “Backup to cloud, and “Backup to local”. The other option
is “Advanced Backup”, which you can use for:
MSFT SQL Server and Exchange, Oracle DB, SP HANA, MySQL/MariaDB backups, and
Off‐host data processing, Data Protection Map, One Click Recovery, Backup to Azure,
Continuous Data Protection which we call CDP.
Cyber Protect Cloud
Configuring Backup
#CyberFit Academy
Now It's time to roll up our sleeves and dive into the configuring backups.
Protection Plan – Backup
Backup settings
#CyberFit Academy
When you set up a backup in protection plan, this is the one of the
menus you can use. This is how it looks in service console.
Configuring Backups
Select the machine or group to be backed up
Plan and decide:
#CyberFit Academy
What to back up
Selection available depends on machine/group selected:
Select and decide:
• Entire machine: All non-removable disks will be backed up with option of enabling
Application backup
• Disks/volumes: 1 or more disks and volumes can be selected
• Files/folders: 1 or more files and folders can be selected
• System state: Windows Vista and later only, backs up system state data
• ESXi configuration: Backs up the vSphere Hypervisor configuration
• Exchange/SQL databases: 1 or more Exchange/SQL database can be selected
#CyberFit Academy
So, in order to help with completing this little Q and A session, here is more thorough
analysis on what exactly to back up.
If you choose to back up the Entire machine then All non‐removable disks will be
backed up with option of enabling Application backup.
But if you need only Disks to be backed up then you can choose 1 or more disks and
Only Files/folders ‐ 1 or more files and folders can be selected.
Now, if you choose to back up your System, please note that only Windows Vista and
later backs up system state data.
ESXi configuration ‐ Backs up the vSphere Hypervisor configuration.
Exchange/SQL databases ‐ 1 or more Exchange/SQL database can be selected.
What to back up
Application backup selection is available when Entire machine is selected for
What to back up
#CyberFit Academy
When Entire machine is selected for What to be backed up, Application backup
selection is available.
Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Active Directory and
Oracle Database can be enabled for application‐aware backup where Advanced
Backup Pack is needed for Oracle, SQL and Exchange cluster.
Machine has to meet requirements for application‐aware backup.
If any requirements are not met, an error message with the missing requirement will
be shown to assist.
What to back up
Besides selecting items to be backed up directly
Items can also be selected using policy rules:
#CyberFit Academy
Select a Backup Scheme:
#CyberFit Academy
Next ‐ Let’s take a look on the available options for scheduling your backup.
Always incremental ‐ single‐file is one of the options here. You can go with ‐ Always
full, Weekly full, Daily incremental, Monthly full, Weekly differential, Daily
incremental or GFS. And if none of these works for your needs than you can always
go for the Custom schedule.
Select a Backup Scheme:
#CyberFit Academy
#CyberFit Academy
Of course, you have some other option totally for your convenience. You can select
Run the plan within a date range or If the machine is turned off ‐ run missed tasks at
the machine startup. Also, Prevent the sleep or hibernation mode during backup or
even ‐ Wake up from the sleep or hibernation mode to start a scheduled backup.
Start conditions:
#CyberFit Academy
In order to give you even more freedom of choice You can set start conditions.
When The backup location’s host is available, or Users logged off, or Fits the time
Next in line would be Save battery power followed by Do not start when on metered
connection then Do not start when connected to the following Wi‐Fi networks Check
device IP address. You can make multiple selection here. Then all selected conditions
have to be met simultaneously before backup starts
How long to keep
Select a Cleanup rule:
#CyberFit Academy
Next to discuss is that You can select a Cleanup rule ‐ how long to keep backup?
By backup age, which is default, you can specify how long in terms of days, weeks
and months to keep backups.
By number of backups, you can choose the maximum number of copies to keep.
By total size of backup, here you can decide the maximum total size of backups to
keep, not available with Always incremental (single‐file) backup scheme or when
backing up to cloud storage.
Important to know ‐ When you choose keeping backup indefinitely, it means you
do not delete backups.
How long to keep
Select when to start the cleanup:
#CyberFit Academy
How long to keep
#CyberFit Academy
For cleanup by backup age which is default rule, backups are grouped into monthly,
weekly, daily and hourly sets.
Each set includes the first backup created after the start of its respective period:
monthly after a month begins, weekly on a specified day (default Monday), daily after
a day begins, and hourly after an hour starts.
How long to keep
#CyberFit Academy
For a duration of 6 months, 4 weeks, and 7 days, this means retaining the first backup
made each month for the past 6 months (including the current month), the first
backup of every week on Monday for the past 4 weeks (including the current week),
and the first backup of each day for the past 7 days (including today).
If a unified rule is applied to all backup sets, retention will be determined monthly.
For instance, choosing to keep backups for 7 months implies preserving all backups
made in the last 7 months, including the current month.
Up to 4 replications are available (including source, a total of 5 locations)
#CyberFit Academy
First, replication.
Up to 4 replications are available (including source, a total of 5 locations)
Backups can be replicated from Local folder, Network folder, or Secure Zone to Local
folder, Network folder, or Cloud.
If earlier backups were not replicated, the Agent will attempt to replicate all
missing backups since the last successful replication.
If replication fails halfway, the next replication will attempt to continue from
where it was stopped previously to reduce time required.
Backup Scanning
• Windows OS:
• Only Entire machine or disks/volumes backups scanned
• NTFS file system with GPT or MBR partitioning volumes
• Acronis Cloud Backups only
• After backup scanning plan created, placed in queue for execution
• May take time for scan to start/complete depending on queue; will
show Not scanned status until scanning complete
• Status of backup once completed: No malware | Malware detected
#CyberFit Academy
The important thing to emphasize here is ‐ backup scanning is available only for
Acronis Cloud. Hybrid or third party clouds are not supported.
Why? Because the backup scanning is performed by a specific Agent that is running
into our Datacenter. In order for this to work in third party clouds, this specific Agent
should also be installed and configured, and this would make Backup Gateway/Cyber
Infrastructure installation more painful.
This feature scans cloud strage for malware and prevent from restoring infected files.
Section Summary
1 Backup Configuration: Select the target for backup (entire
machine, disks, files/folders, or ESXi configuration), choose
the backup location (Cloud or Local), and set the backup
schedule and retention rules.
#CyberFit Academy
In this section, we delve into setting up a backup in the Acronis Cyber Protect
Backup's protection plan. Initially, you're tasked with choosing what to back up—
ranging from the entire machine to specific files or configurations, and deciding on
the backup's destination, whether it be on the cloud or locally stored. Scheduling how
often backups occur and establishing how long they are retained are crucial steps in
planning. Advanced options also include enabling replication to safeguard your data
across various locations and turning on encryption for added security. Finally,
understanding the cleanup rules ensures your backup storage remains optimized
without sacrificing data availability. Through these steps, Acronis Cyber Protect
Backup provides a comprehensive solution for securing your data across various
Cyber Protect Cloud
CDP Backup
(Advanced Backup Pack)
#CyberFit Academy
In this section we will go through CDP Backup, which is Continuous Data Protection in
Advanced Backup Pack.
Continuous Data Protection (Advanced Backup)
CDP settings
#CyberFit Academy
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) is in the advanced backup pack as shown in the
Continuous Data Protection (Advanced Backup)
CDP backs up files only, can be used with disk-level or file-level archives
• Supported OS:
• Windows 7/8/10 32/64-bit
• Windows Server 2008R2/2012/2016/2019 32/64-bit
• Supported file system: NTFS only, local folders only
• Not compatible with application aware backup
• Supported backup destinations:
• Local folder, Network folder, Cloud storage, Location defined by the script
• Select files of specific applications or in specific folders, e.g., D:\Data\* to be continuously backed up
• Goal of CDP is to save data between backups and have close to a zero recovery point objective
#CyberFit Academy
Continuous Data Protection requires some backup prior. If no backup prior, it will
perform a full backup.
Important note here is that it Works with Windows 7 and higher and Server 2008R2
and higher.
Keep in mind that local folders has to be only and NTFS format.
CDP is NOT compatible with application aware backup. This is for files like word,
adobe PDF, Excel, Autocad etc….Things like MySQL, SQL, Quickbooks data or where
table level writes are not compatible with. Backup destination you will notice says
local folder but keep in mind if your hard drive crashes and cannot be fixed and you
recover from another backup, your CDP might not be available also. You will see
other options like network folder and cloud storage as well as location defined by a
If you decide to select specific folders and want all in that folder to be backed up,
ensure you put that wildcard asterisk at the end. Again the goal is to save data
between backups.
Continuous Data Protection (Advanced Backup)
Select files of
applications to be
backed up
Add more
applications by
specifying the path
to the application
#CyberFit Academy
Continuous Data Protection (Advanced Backup)
#CyberFit Academy
From that menu you can Specify files and folders with files to be
continuously backed up
Continuous Data Protection (Advanced Backup)
CDP recovery
#CyberFit Academy
Continuous Data Protection (Advanced Backup)
#CyberFit Academy
Please keep in mind that If file was changed multiple times during backup, after
backup it will be backed up entirely only once. During regular backup CDP is paused,
they can not work together at the same time. So let me explain how Disk volume
recovery works. First ‐ User initiates disk recovery from CDP backup. Then System
recovers disk from the last regular backup and only after the System recovers files
from CDP backup.
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) - How it works
1 2 3
CDP is running: Regular backup
1. Program saves file process:
CDP started after plan (automatically or by user’s 1. CDP paused
application to machine, request)
2. Regular backup
but pauses immediately 2. Driver tracks and notifies completes
if no archive agent about changed file
3. CDP resumed
3. Agent reads entire file and
4. New CDP backup created
checks what changed
5. Previous CDP backup
4. Agent saves changes into
#CyberFit Academy
Cyber Protect Cloud
Protecting different Workloads
#CyberFit Academy
In this section, we will cover the following modules.
#CyberFit Academy
Protecting Physical Machines
Windows, Linux and Mac physical machines¹ can be backed up using:
#CyberFit Academy
Windows, Linux and Mac physical machines can be backed up using Entire machine
backups, Disk volumes backup and Files folders backup.
Protecting Physical Machines
i Additionally, bare metal recovery can be used when original machine is
non-operational, e.g., hardware or OS failure:
#CyberFit Academy
Additionally, bare metal recovery can be used when original machine is non‐
operational, for example hardware or OS failure.
It requires bootable media for booting up hardware to be used for recovery.
Disk‐level backups containing OS can then be selected for system recovery.
For recovery to dissimilar hardware for Windows or Linux systems, Universal Restore
can be used after bare metal recovery.
Cyber Protect Cloud
Protecting Applications
#CyberFit Academy
Protecting Applications SQL
#CyberFit Academy
Protecting Applications SQL
• Target Exchange server and machine performing the recovery (with Agents
installed) must belong to the same AD forest and requires either membership
in Exchange Organization Administrators role group (Exchange 2007) or
Server Management role group (Exchange 2010 and above)
• For Microsoft SQL, recovery can be performed to original or new SQL server of
the same or higher version for user databases and same version for system
• Requires membership in Backup Operators or Administrators group on the
machine and sysadmin role in target SQL instance
#CyberFit Academy
Protecting Applications SQL
• Backup all database servers (Microsoft SQL based) with SQL application-
aware backup
• Backup all unique front-end and application servers with normal disk-level
• Backups of all servers should be performed using the same schedule
• For recovery:
• Database servers can be recovered using recovery methods for Microsoft
• Other servers can be recovered using disk-level or bare-metal recovery
• SharePoint content such as sites, libraries and documents can be
recovered using Acronis SharePoint Explorer
#CyberFit Academy
You can protect Microsoft SharePoint farm using the following steps.
Backup all database servers with SQL application‐aware backup.
Backup all unique front‐end and application servers with normal disk‐level backup.
Backups of all servers should be performed using the same schedule.
For recovery, Database servers can be recovered using recovery methods for
Microsoft SQL.
Other servers can be recovered using disk‐level or bare‐metal recovery.
SharePoint content such as sites, libraries and documents can be recovered using
Acronis SharePoint Explorer.
Protecting Applications VMware
#CyberFit Academy
For agentless backup of Vmware, you need Agent for VMware is installed
for the vSphere Hypervisor host with VMs to be backed up.
VMs have to meet the requirements for application-consistent quiescing.
Protecting Applications Hyper-V
• Agent for Hyper-V is installed for the Hyper-V host with VMs to be backed up
• Hyper-V Integration Services must be up-to-date and running in the VM
• In order to avoid VM going into "saved" state during backup, make sure that the
Integration services -> Backup (Volume checkpoint) option is enabled in VM settings
in Hyper-V Manager
• There must be network connection from Agent for Hyper-V to guest VM network,
since application data is read over WMI which requires network connection to guest
• No Windows dynamic disks present in the guest OS.
• UAC has to be disabled on Windows-based VMs, if not, a built-in domain
administrator credentials have to be specified when enabling application backup
#CyberFit Academy
Cyber Protect Cloud
Protecting VMs & Virtual Hosts
#CyberFit Academy
At this time let me explain more about how to Protect VMs & Virtual Hosts.
Protecting VMs and Virtualization Hosts VMware
• VMs can be backed up and recovered with Agent for VMware (agentless backup)
• ESXi configuration can also be backed up which allows recovery to bare metal
• Backup of ESXi configuration includes:
• Bootloader and boot bank partitions of the host
• Host state (configuration of virtual networking and storage, SSL keys, server network
settings and local user information)
• Extensions and patches installed or staged on the host
• Log files
• Requires SSH to be enabled in the Security Profile of the ESXi host configuration
#CyberFit Academy
Protecting VMs and Virtualization Hosts Hyper-V
For Hyper-V:
• VMs can be backed up and recovered with Agent for Hyper-V (agentless
• Requires Hyper-V Integration Services to be installed and updated on
the VMs
• Hyper-V VSS writers must be working (check using vssadmin list
• Entire Hyper-V server can be backed up with Agent for Windows via disk-
level backup
#CyberFit Academy
Protecting VMs and Virtualization Hosts Hyper-V
For all other supported virtualization platforms, EC2
#CyberFit Academy
For all the other supported virtualization platforms, Windows Azure and
Amazon EC2 cloud instances.
VMs can be backed up from inside guest OS similar to how physical
machines can be backed up.
Protecting VMs and Virtualization Hosts Hyper-V
Recovery is similar to physical machines except EC2
#CyberFit Academy
Section Summary
Acronis supports different Applications native by Agent or
1 by Script
#CyberFit Academy
Let's briefly recap the key points we've discussed sofar. Acronis supports a wide range
of applications either natively through agents or via scripting, offering flexibility in
how backups are managed. You have the option to perform backups of applications
on their own or within the context of an Application Aware Backup. This is
particularly useful in virtualized environments like VMware and Hyper‐V, where you
can conduct agent‐less backups, including Application Aware ones. The advantage of
using Application Aware Backups is significant—it can greatly reduce your Recovery
Time Objective (RTO), ensuring that your systems are back up and running quickly
after any data loss incident. This functionality underscores Acronis's commitment to
providing robust and efficient data protection solutions tailored to meet diverse
Cyber Protect Cloud
Protecting Productivity Suites
#CyberFit Academy
Well come back. In the next few slides let me explain more about protect Productivity
Protecting M365 Microsoft
#CyberFit Academy
In this segment, we're focusing on how to safeguard your Microsoft 365 data effectively.
There are two main approaches to back up Microsoft 365 with Acronis, tailored to meet
different organizational needs and preferences.
Firstly, using the Local Agent method, you start by installing the Agent for M365 on a
Windows machine. This approach enables the backup of Microsoft 365 Exchange Online
mailboxes directly to local, network, or cloud storage, offering a range of storage options to
fit your security and accessibility requirements.
Alternatively, the Cloud‐to‐Cloud, or C2C, also known as the Cloud Agent backup, simplifies
the process even further. With no need for agent installation, you can easily add Microsoft
365 for Business directly through the 'Add' button in the cloud console. This method not only
supports the backup of Exchange Online mailboxes but also extends to OneDrive for Business,
SharePoint Online sites, Teams, and OneNote, providing a comprehensive backup solution for
your Microsoft 365 suite. To set this up, you'll need the credentials for the Global
Administrator role, but only during the initial setup.
Both methods ensure your Microsoft 365 data is protected against loss or corruption,
allowing you to restore critical information swiftly, ensuring business continuity. The choice
between Local Agent and Cloud‐to‐Cloud backup solutions allows for flexibility in how you
manage and secure your backups, based on your specific infrastructure and business
Protecting M365 Microsoft
Backup Locations Cloud Storage, local folder, network folder Cloud Storage only
Automatic Protection of new Office Yes, by applying a backup plan to the All users, All
365 users, groups, sites groups or All sites groups
#CyberFit Academy
Here you can see the differences when protecting Microsoft 365 if using the local
agent or using the cloud‐2‐cloud backup. Many more items can be backed up by
utilizing the cloud‐2‐cloud backup but depending on your needs, this slide and the
next provide guidance to what is the better option for you.
Protecting M365 Microsoft
#CyberFit Academy
So for example if you want to protect more than one M365 organization or recover to
another organization, then you will need to do cloud‐2‐cloud backup.
Protecting M365 Microsoft
To recover:
#CyberFit Academy
When protecting Microsoft 365 with Acronis, granular recovery options empower you
to restore exactly what you need with ease. Quickly recover mailboxes or individual
mailbox items back to M365, or choose to download them as files or even send via
email. For OneDrive, not only can you restore content to its original location, but you
also maintain sharing permissions, or opt to download files directly. SharePoint
Online recovery is just as flexible, allowing for restoration of entire sites, document
libraries, or single documents, with the option to download as needed. Plus, with the
ability to preview, browse, and search your backed‐up data, accessing and recovering
your critical information is both fast and efficient, ensuring your data is always within
Microsoft 365: Licensing for blocked seats
External user
Acronis will not license blocked seats that
have unprotected workloads (OneDrive
and mailboxes) Public folder #1 (mailbox backup)
With backups
License blocked seats only for protected M365 seat #1 (mailbox + OneDrive backup) MS Team #1 (backed up)
personal (non-shared) workloads:
OneDrive and mailboxes M365 seat #2 (OneDrive backup)
#CyberFit Academy
Prior we introduced new advanced licensing for Microsoft 365 which simplified
licensing – we charged only for seats which data is protected: both seat OneDrive and
mailbox and shared data like SharePoint Online site or teams to which seat has access.
It was revealed that customers can have seats which have access to shared resources
like sites, but at the same time they are blocked – unable to log into Microsoft 365.
We call these seats “blocked” seats. Usually, blocked seats are also unlicensed in
Microsoft 365, thus customers do not pay for them and have to pay for them to
partners and eventually Acronis because such seats have access to protected sites.
Microsoft 365 OneNote Backup and
C22.10: protection of Microsoft 365
OneNote notebooks enables recovery of
notebook files to original (or new)
location. Previously (June 2022): could
only download backups.
How To:
• Enable Microsoft 365 OneNote backup
as part of Microsoft 365 OneDrive and
Microsoft SharePoint Online backup
• Recover Microsoft 365 OneNote
notebook files back to their original or
new location
#CyberFit Academy
We now have protection for OneNote with the ability to download from a backup.
And it is now possible to recover OneNote back to Microsoft 365 without
downloading them first. OneNote can be recovered to the original or non‐original
place in the same way as other types of Microsoft 365 data.
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud:
Recover Microsoft 365 mailbox data to PST
#CyberFit Academy
We also have the ability to recover Microsoft 365 mailbox data to a PST file even if
the Microsoft 365 service is unavailable. This will minimize the chance of clients not
having their in‐mail data available.
Protecting Google Workspace Google
#CyberFit Academy
Unlimited storage for Google Workspace
Value for partners and customers
Google Workspace
• Improve sales and delivery of Google Workspace
Charges per seat only
backup service by aligning Acronis licensing
with Google licensing.
• Improve sales and reduce billing issues related to
Google Workspace backup issues by Team Drive
Google seat
removing variable fees components. (Shared Drive)
• If user’s mailbox or Google Drive is protected, it will be
licensed (charged by Acronis).
• Team Drive will not be charged.
• Storage occupied by backups which belongs to
workloads that are not protected will not be charged
Licensing GDrive
#CyberFit Academy
You can use unlimited storage for Google Workspace. This new feature improves sales
and delivery of Google Workspace backup service by aligning Acronis licensing
with Google licensing. It also reduces billing issues related to Google Workspace
backup issues by removing variable fees components. Please be noted that if user’s
mailbox or Google Drive is protected, it will be licensed, in brief, charged by Acronis.
Team Drive will not be charged. Storage occupied by backups which belongs to
workloads that are not protected will not be charged for. It’s available as a part of
standard product in Per workload model.
Group management for Microsoft 365/Google Workspace
Value for partners and customers
• Saves time and effort with streamlined protection
management for multiple Microsoft 365 and Google
Workspace workloads, eliminating the need to configure
protection for each individual workload. This is especially
useful in scenarios where customers have 100+ seats.
• Create a static group of workloads.
• Create a dynamic group of workloads based on
various criteria, including membership in specific
Azure AD groups.
• Apply/revoke plan to the group.
• Available in standard product.
• Licensing models supported: Per gigabyte, Per
#CyberFit Academy
Backup frequency for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace
#CyberFit Academy
We improved backup frequency for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. What’s the
value for partners and customers?
It enables reduction in RPO for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace backups by
increasing frequency from 24 hours to 4 hours. In the protection plan, you can
configure a backup frequency for supported Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace
workloads. It’s available in Advanced Backup Pack regardless of both per gigabyte and
per workload model.
Section Summary
Flexible Backup Options: Choose between Local Agent and
1 Cloud-to-Cloud (C2C) backups for Microsoft 365, catering to
various organizational needs and ensuring comprehensive
coverage for Exchange Online, OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams,
and OneNote.
In this chapter we've covered the essentials of protecting productivity suites like
Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. First, we've seen how Acronis provides flexible
backup solutions, allowing you to select between Local Agent and Cloud‐to‐Cloud
backups based on your specific requirements, ensuring a comprehensive protection
for your entire Microsoft 365 suite.
Next, we highlighted the granular recovery capabilities that Acronis offers, making it
possible to restore not just mailboxes and OneDrive content but also SharePoint
Online sites and, most recently, OneNote content directly back to Microsoft 365. This
precision ensures you can quickly recover exactly what you need, when you need it.
Finally, we introduced the new advanced licensing for Microsoft 365, simplifying how
charges are applied for protected seats, and discussed significant enhancements such
as unlimited storage for Google Workspace backups, group management for
Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, and improved backup frequency. These
updates are designed to streamline the backup and recovery process, reduce
operational burdens, and provide more value to our partners and customers.
Cyber Protect Cloud
Browsing Backups & Plans
#CyberFit Academy
Browsing backups & plans is the next subject for us to discus. Let’s go.
Browsing Backups > Backup Storage Tab
#CyberFit Academy
If you go to “Backup Storage” menu, you can see the list of Backup storage locations.
Browsing Backups > Backup Storage Tab
#CyberFit Academy
When adding a location, machine to browse from can be specified in order to ensure
that a specific machine is used to access the location.
Backups can be then selected for recovery, Run as VM, or manually deleted from a
Browsing Backups > Plans tab
Selected Plan
Available actions
Types of Plans
#CyberFit Academy
If you go to “Protection Plans” menu, you can see a list of plans. There are also
different types of plans.
Select a specific plan, and you will see the available actions menus at the right side.
Browsing Backups > Plans tab
#CyberFit Academy
Plans are easy to find, browsed and managed once you go to the Plans tab. All plans
of a specific type will be show in each section.
Cloud applications backup type ‐ Shows Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace
Backup Plans.
Section Summary
Cloud backups can be browsed with the console
On the Cloud Storage, you can browse the single backup
#CyberFit Academy
In the 'Browsing Backups & Plans' chapter, we've delved into essential aspects of
managing your backups within the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud. We highlighted the
ability to easily navigate cloud backups via the console, allowing for quick access and
inspection of your stored data. We discussed the flexibility to manage your backups,
including deleting unnecessary files and initiating recoveries directly from the backup
file for efficiency. Additionally, we covered how to enhance your data protection
strategy by adding more backup locations, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored
approach to safeguarding your data. These features demonstrate Acronis's
commitment to delivering a user‐friendly and robust platform for your data
management needs.
Cyber Protect Cloud
Performing Recovery
#CyberFit Academy
For better understanding of which, we will need to go trough this chapters. First we
will se how to Use the Web Interface. Then I will explain what Options we have to
perform Recovery. Then we’ll look in to the Bootable Media & Universal Restore,
Acronis Instant Restore ,Acronis Instant Restore (Run as VM) How To as well as VM
Replication. And the end I will explain more about Other Recovery Methods.
Configuring Recovery
1 What to recover: Entire machine, disks/volumes,
Location of backup: Local folder, network folder or
VMs or individual files/folders, databases or cloud?
application items
3 4
Recovery method: Using web interface, bootable
Recovery point: Available backups to recover from?
media or other methods
5 6
Where to recover: Original location, custom Recovery options: Validation, Error handling, File
location, on-premises or in cloud? exclusions, etc.?
#CyberFit Academy
Recovery Methods
#CyberFit Academy
The web interface offers a straightforward path for restoring both entire
systems and selected data, ideal for quick and targeted recoveries.
Bootable media is your solution for bare metal recovery, enabling system
restoration even when the OS fails to boot, ensuring minimal operational
For more specific needs, file and folder recovery methods are readily
Additionally, we highlight specialized recovery options:
Cyber Protect Cloud
Using the Web Interface
#CyberFit Academy
Using Web Interface > Devices Tab
#CyberFit Academy
Open the service console, go to All Devices tab, then Select a workload, Recovery
Then, select Backup location, recovery point to recover from and type of
Using Web Interface > Backup Storage Tab
#CyberFit Academy
If you go to Backup Storage, select a location first, then select Recovery menu.
After that select backup, Show backups to view available recovery points for recovery.
Using Web Interface
#CyberFit Academy
Let`s walk you through the process of performing a recovery using the web interface,
focusing on selecting the appropriate backup and the type of data you wish to recover.
Start by accessing the web interface and navigating to either the 'Devices' or 'Backup
Storage' tab, depending on where your backup is located. If you're using the 'Devices'
tab, you'll find your backed‐up machines, devices, or data listed under built‐in or
custom groups. This is where you select the source you intend to recover from.
Alternatively, under the 'Backup Storage' tab, you'll select the specific location of your
backup. Once you've located your backup, browse through the available recovery
points to find the one you need.
Next, you'll decide on the type of data recovery required. For a comprehensive disk‐
level recovery, suitable for both physical machines and VMs, select 'Entire machine'. If
you're looking to recover more specific data, like files/folders, SQL/Exchange
databases, Microsoft 365 data, or Google Workspace data, you'll opt for file‐level
For an even quicker recovery process, take advantage of the 'Instant Restore' feature
if it's available for your backup. This option allows you to rapidly get your system or
data back online with minimal downtime.
Disk-Level Recovery
#CyberFit Academy
For Disk level recovery, go to All Devices, Select a workload, then Recovery menu.
Choose Target machine to recover to, Disk or Volume mapping, and Recovery options.
File-Level Recovery
#CyberFit Academy
File-Level Recovery
#CyberFit Academy
Creating the Recovery Task
#CyberFit Academy
Recovering as Virtual Machine
In Backup Console, disk-level backups (Entire
machine, Disks/volumes) of physical machines can
be recovered to:
• Physical machine (original)
• Virtual machine (convert to VM)
• Agent will automatically map the disks from the backup
to the target machine. Alternatively, click DISK
MAPPING to manually map the disk(s) for recovery
• Recovery of OS requires a reboot and machine will
come online automatically
If recovering to Virtual machine (convert to VM):
• VMware vSphere Hypervisor or Hyper-V can be selected as the target
machine and Datastore for vSphere Hypervisor or Path for Hyper-V can be
configured as well as VM SETTINGS such as Memory, Virtual processors and
Network adapters
#CyberFit Academy
Recovering as Virtual Machine
The following settings are available when
configuring recovery to virtual machine:
#CyberFit Academy
The following settings are available when configuring recovery to virtual machine.
To change to a different VM, click TARGET MACHINE and select VMware vSphere
Hypervisor, Hyper‐V or Virtuozzo, requires respective Agent.
Datastore and Path settings can be configured as well as VM SETTINGS.
VM will be stopped during recovery and has to be manually started after recovery.
Alternatively, use Recovery options, then VM power management to automatically
start the VM.
Startup Recovery Manager (SRM)
Bootable Component Resides On Hard Drive
• Bootable rescue utility without separate bootable media
• Failure occurs:
• Reboot machine and wait for prompt
• Press F11 for Startup Recovery Manager to appear then press F11 again
• Program starts and perform recovery
• GRUB boot loader installed: select Startup Recovery from boot menu instead of F11 during reboot
• Non-encrypted volume: need 100MB+ free space. Recovery requiring restart additional 100MB
• System volume with BitLocker-Encrypted
• At least one non-encrypted volume on same machine and that volume needs 500MB+ free space.
Recovery requiring restart additional 500MB
• Unless you use GRUB boot loader and installed on Master Boot Record (MBR)
• SRM activation overwrites MBR with own code before starting SRM. Otherwise: reconfigure boot
loader manually after activation.
#CyberFit Academy
Startup Recovery Manager is for Bootable rescue utility without separate bootable
If Failure occurs, Reboot machine and wait for prompt, and Press F11 for Startup
Recovery Manager to appear then press F11 again, and Program starts and perform
If GRUB boot loader installed, select Startup Recovery from boot menu instead of F11
during reboot.
Non‐encrypted volume needs 100MB+ free space.
System volume with BitLocker‐Encrypted, At least one non‐encrypted volume on
same machine and that volume needs 500MB+ free space.
Unless you use GRUB boot loader and installed on MBR, SRM activation overwrites
MBR with own code before starting SRM. Otherwise: reconfigure boot loader
manually after activation.
Startup Recovery Manager is typically used along with a full backup in the “Secure
Zone” on the same disk drive. It should only be used if you are replicating the
backups to another location. This way if the drive fails, the Secure Zone is on the
same hard drive, they would not have a backup at all.
Startup Recovery Manager (SRM)
• Windows or Linux
• Select machine in service console
(click “Details” and activate SRM)
• Click Details
• Enable Startup Recovery Manager
• Software activates SRM
#CyberFit Academy
You will see that for Windows or Linux you would select the machine and click details.
There is a toggle button to turn on the startup recovery manager.
Startup Recovery Manager (SRM)
#CyberFit Academy
If the machine does NOT have an agent, you would boot the machine from bootable
media and then look for Tools, and activate the startup recovery manager.
Cyber Protect Cloud
Universal Restore & Bootable
#CyberFit Academy
Now it’s time to go through the Universal restore & bootable media.
Acronis Bootable Media
Bootable media a.k.a. Rescue Media is used for booting up the hardware
of a physical or virtual machine used for bare metal recovery
Can be downloaded as ISO from Requires installation of Bootable Create using Rescue Media
Cyber Protection service Media Builder from Acronis Builder that’s included with
console, used for recovering Cyber Protect installer Agent for Mac, used for
Windows and Linux machines (
recovering macOS machines
#CyberFit Academy
Bootable media is used for booting up the hardware of a physical or virtual machine
used for bare metal recovery.
First, Linux‐based media can be downloaded as ISO from Cyber Protection service
console, and is used for recovering Windows and Linux machines.
Third, Mac‐based media is created by using Rescue Media Builder that’s included with
Agent for Mac, used for recovering macOS machines.
Universal Restore
#CyberFit Academy
Universal Restore is Acronis proprietary technology that enables bare metal recovery
of Windows or Linux‐based systems to dissimilar hardware, P2P, P2V, P2C, migrations,
hardware independent deployment of supported OS.
Universal Restore in Windows Windows
#CyberFit Academy
When you use Universal Restore in Windows, The following locations will be scanned
recursively when using Automatic driver search for suitable drivers.
One is Windows default driver folder in the recovered OS, the other is Removable
media, network folders or other folders.
Drivers have to be provided as .inf files, extract them from .exe, .cab or .zip using a
3rd party app if they are downloaded as such.
Universal Restore in Windows Windows
• Used when Automatic driver search cannot locate suitable drivers in any
of the locations that were specified
• If a specific mass storage controller such as RAID or fiber channel
adapter is required
• Be careful with specifying Mass storage drivers to install anyway as
mistakes will render the recovered OS inoperable and you will have to
redo the bare metal recovery
If Universal Restore cannot find a compatible driver in the specified
locations, it will display a prompt about the problem device; choose either to
Ignore or Retry after adding drivers to specified locations to be searched
#CyberFit Academy
Mass storage drivers to install anyway. It’s used when Automatic driver search
cannot locate suitable drivers in any of the locations that were specified. If a
specific mass storage controller such as RAID or fiber channel adapter is required.
Be careful with specifying Mass storage drivers to install anyway as mistakes will
render the recovered OS inoperable and you will have to redo the bare metal
Universal Restore in Linux Linux
#CyberFit Academy
Universal Restore can be used for Linux OS with kernel version 2.6.8 or above.
When working in Linux, Universal Restore updates the initial RAM disk, which is initrd
Adding modules for new hardware to initrd,
Searching for necessary modules in /lib/modules.
If required modules cannot be found, records the module’s name into the log.
Original initrd is not modified and a copy is saved to the same directory with the
same filename followed by _acronis_backup.img and can be reverted to if necessary.
Universal Restore may modify the configuration of the GRUB loader to ensure system
bootability but will never modify the Linux kernel.
Using Bootable Media
• Download Boot Media as ISO
• Use Boot Media Builder
• Install via local Agent for Windows
#CyberFit Academy
Download Boot Media as ISO, or Use Boot Media Builder which you can Install via
local Agent for Windows
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
From here, let’s take a look at how to create a bootable media. You first launch
Bootable media builder.
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
In this screen, select the bootable media type to create, either Linux‐like or Windows‐
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
Next, select the components to place on the bootable media. You can select Cyber
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
And the menu of “Use the following script”. And in this example, selecting “Recovery
from the cloud storage”.
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
This is the process that I have described so far. Let’s take a quick second look at it.
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
Going forward, select the media output, and select the bootable media type to create.
This time, select “Create Windows RE based media”.
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
Then Select the menu of “Manage this machine locally” to start bootable agent.
Using Bootable Media
Configure recovery
#CyberFit Academy
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
Once you done Click “Select Data” menu to select what to recover.
Using Bootable Media
Browse for
#CyberFit Academy
Apply Universal Restore
#CyberFit Academy
If you want to apply universal restore function, here are the steps.
1. Click Apply Universal Restore under Actions section of the Bootable Media
2. If recovered disk has several OS, click Select… and choose the OS to apply
Universal Restore to
Using Bootable Media
#CyberFit Academy
Section Summary
#CyberFit Academy
In this section, we've delved into the essentials of recovery boot media within the
Acronis framework. Let's summarize the key takeaways:
Firstly, Acronis provides a default boot media, readily available as an ISO file that can
be downloaded directly from the console. This default boot media is built on CentOS,
a Linux‐based operating system, ensuring compatibility and reliability for recovery
For those with specific requirements or preferences, Acronis introduces the
Bootmedia Builder. This tool, which needs to be installed separately from the Agent
installer, offers the flexibility to customize your boot media. It goes a step further by
allowing the creation of pre‐configured boot media based on Windows PE, catering to
environments that rely on Windows ecosystems.
Through these options, Acronis empowers users with the tools to efficiently manage
system recoveries, providing both standard and customizable solutions to meet
diverse recovery needs.
Cyber Protect Cloud
Acronis Instant Restore
#CyberFit Academy
And now let me take you to another unique feature called Instant Restore.
Acronis Instant Restore
#CyberFit Academy
Acronis instant restore will create a temporary virtual machine and virtual disks get
emulated from a backup and those backups are linked to a temporary Virtual
When converted, they can be deleted or finalized like a regular virtual machine.
This is great for testing of backups where one is running a backup to ensure the guest
OS is functioning, a quick disaster recovery method to bring a copy of a failed
machine online very quickly as well as extracting application data using native tools.
Acronis Instant Restore
• Requires Agent for VMware or Agent for Hyper-V and corresponding host
• Agent for VMware/Hyper-V must be able to access the backup file:
• Backups stored on SFTP and Secure Zone are not supported
• Backups must contain entire machine or all volumes required for O/S to start
• Backups of physical and virtual machines except for Virtuozzo containers
• Backups that contain Linux LVM must be created by Agent for VMware or
Hyper-V and the same type of Agent must be used for Run as VM
#CyberFit Academy
Acronis instant restore requires the agent of either VMWare or Hyper‐V and the
corresponding host and the agent must be able to access the backup file.
If the backups are stored in SFTP or a Secure Zone, they are not supported.
They must contain the entire machines or all volumes required for OS to start.
If a backup contains Linux LVM, it must be created by the agent for VMWare or
Hyper‐V and the same type of agent must be used for “Run as VM”.
Cyber Protect Cloud
How To use Acronis Instant Restore (Run as VM)
#CyberFit Academy
And after this quick review, let me tell you more about How to use Acronis Instant
Restore, Run as VM
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
#CyberFit Academy
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
#CyberFit Academy
Then, Select machine from appropriate Devices built‐in/custom group, click Recovery,
then select Backup location and recovery point to Run as VM.
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
#CyberFit Academy
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
Configure Run as VM
#CyberFit Academy
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
Finalize temporary VM
Temporary VM
#CyberFit Academy
If you want to finalize it, select Run as VM machine in device menu, and use Finalize
function shown at the right side of console.
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
#CyberFit Academy
In this quick guide, we're exploring Acronis's Instant Restore feature, specifically the
'Run as VM' option, which allows for rapid system recovery. Here's how to use it:
Select Your Backup: Navigate to either the 'Devices' or 'Backup Storage' tab to choose
your backup source.
Choose the Host: Decide whether to run the temporary VM on VMware vSphere
Hypervisor or Microsoft Hyper‐V.
Configure Settings: Set up the 'Run as VM' options, including storage, VM settings,
and power state.
Operationalize the VM: Once the VM is up, it's visible in the service console. Keep in
mind, if the connection drops, the VM becomes unusable.
Final Steps: You can either finalize the VM, making it a regular, backup‐able VM, or
delete it if it's no longer needed.
'Run as VM' offers a streamlined path to get systems back online swiftly, ensuring
business continuity with minimal downtime.
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
#CyberFit Academy
Instant Restore (Run as VM)
#CyberFit Academy
Section Summary
#CyberFit Academy
Instant Restore is a unique feature and enables you to recover a complete system
within seconds.
Only VMware and Hyper‐V is supported. Backup can be even in the cloud.
Advanced Automation
What`s Next
Acronis Academy
Review the Materials
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Feel free to come back to watch sections of this video as often as needed. Please be
sure to download any PDF’s attached to this course for reference material and to
assist with the exam.
Take your test
20 MCQ Quiz
60 Min Working
70% Passing
2 Attempts,
Open Book
Acronis Academy
There will be 20 questions for the exam and all the answers are within any PDF's
attached in the course.
You will have one hour, need a 70% passing grade and remember two attempts and
open book (the PDF’s are searchable so Control “F” is your best friend).
Thank you for watching!
Acronis Academy
And with that I like to thank you for attending the Cloud Tech Associate Advanced
Backup course and hope this helped and wish you great success with Acronis Cyber
Protect Cloud.