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Examinations for the Regular Students of June, 2024 Examinations who have failed in a
single paper in Semester -VI and not having any backlogs in previous semesters and which
paper leads to the completion of the award of degree, will be held in the month of
September – 2024. All such interested candidates must pay their prescribed examination fee of
Rs 1000/- (incl. memo charges) at their respective colleges on or before 23.09.2024. This is
1. Date of the Instant Examination Time table will be on 30.09.2024.
2. The candidates should pay the Examination Fee of Rs.1000/- per paper for Instant
Examination at their respective colleges.
3. The last date or payment of fee is 23.09.2024 and no application will be entertained
after the due date at any cost.
4. Fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. Therefore,
all candidates should confirm their eligibility by consulting with the Principals of their
respective colleges.
5. All the Principals are requested to register the student enrolment through Online
Examination Application Forms (EAF) only, and submit two copies of the EAF’s to
Examination Branch by 26.09.2024.