Chemical Bonds

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. ·ar H. However, it_sho~d be pointed out that the comprising a molecule requires less energy than that
t,cul . p is an approximation and is most accurate needed to keep the atoms apart. -The breakage of the
a}Illi>st equal amounts of the acid
equat1on . and base are ·
borrds-·that join atoms consumes energy. If a large
w~en . The pK values·of s_eve~ ~uffers that are rou- amount of energy is required to break the bond, the
~ : used in cellular1stud1es are hsted in Table 3-8. bond·is called a strong·bond. If ~mall amounts of ~n-
tUlY • • -. ,·· . . . ergy are required, the bond is a weak bond. Four ~aJor
~~LION~ ·, . ' _-, : _ '. _1.. types of-chemical• bonds may be-identified: covalent
bonds, ionic bonds, .hydrogen bonds, and hy~ o-
'A molecule is a stable union of t~o or more atoms: The l)hobic bonds. The energies-of these bonds are given
ronnation of the bonds that .exist··between the atoms in·Table 3-9. Covalent.bonds .are the bonds formed by
•& • 1, ; , • ' 'I'" ,I
.' >. .


. Acetic acid 4.7

Ammonium chloride 9.3
Carbonic acid · - 1 6.4 10.3
Citric acid 3.1 4.7 5.4
Diethanolamine 8.9
Ethanolamine 9.5
Filmaric acid 3.0 4.5
Glycine 2.3 9.6
Glycylglycine 3.1 8.1
Histidine 1.8 6.0 9.2
·Maleic acid. 2.0 6.3
Phosphoric acid 2.1 7.2 12.3
Pyrophosphoric acid 0.9 2.0 6.7 9.4 .
Triethanolamine 7.8
Tris-(hydroxymethyl) amino methane 8.0
Verona! (sodium diethylbarbiturate) 8.0
Versene (ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid) 2.0 2.7 6.2 10.3 ·


~Tp,~of Bond- KlloJoules/Mole
, rl d(llocalorles/Mole
Covalent bonds .
Single bonds O-H 462 l l 0,6 ..
H-H 436 i o4.2
C-H 415 .. ', 99.3.
N-H 391 '. - 93.4
85.0 ,.,
C-0 356 ,
c-c 347 I 83.1
S-H 344 ., .:., - 82.3
69.7 :

C-N 292 '

Double bonds
s-s 426
' - 101.9 173
C=N 619 '
C=C 602 I 144
P=O 623 149
Ionic bonds NaCl 408 97.5
424 101.3
304 72.7 -
NaI 8-42
Hydrogen bonds 33-175
Hydrophobic bonds 33 8
(van der Waals attractions)
the sharing of one or more electron pairs by the atoms also be formed between two nitrogen atoms and be-
comprising the molecule. These are generally_ the tween nitrogen..and oxygen (see also Chapters 4 and
str_ongest bonds formed between atoms. Whereas 7). Hydrophobic bonds are associations of molecules
ionic bonds formed between oppositely charged atoms or parts of molecules that have nonpolar groups ....They
have a high energy level in crystals (such as in crystal- are not chemical bonds in the usual sense. The attrac.
line NaCl, KC!, etc.; see Table 3-9), the ionic bonds tion of water molecule~ for one another is far greater
that are formed in aqueous solution (the usual case for than their attraction to hydrophobic groups and this
cells) have much lower energy levels and are consider- causes the hydrophobic groups to aggregate and have
ably weaker than covalent bonds. As we have already minimum contact with the surrounding water. The as-
seen, very weak bonds called hydrogen bonds occur sociatio~ of the hydrophobic--- groups is stabilized by
when hydrogen is shared by two electronegative at- van der Waals interactions, which a re weak attrac-
oms. Hydrogen bonds most commonly occur between tions between all uncharged a toms or molecules that
the oxygen atoms of water molecules, but they can are in close proximity.
5Ptvll'lo v - •··· -


1 to the types of bonds discussed above, oxy-
ln a d nitrogen can form a special kind of covalent
assoc1a , called a coQrdination
gen a_nti·on . bond, with certain
.1 ii nt and trivalent meta1ions such as Caz..,, e0 2+,
d Fe2+, Mg2+, Mn 2+, Ni 2+, and Zn2+. ln this type
0f bon
Gu ' d, all of the shared
. electrons that form
. the bond
donated by the mtrogen or oxygen atom. No elec-
::ns are donated by the metal. The energy of such
bonds is about 251 kJ or 60 kcal per mole. Molecules
that contain nitro~en or oxygen atoms :apable of do-
ating electron pairs to metals or metal ions are called
~gands. If two or more electron pair donating atoms
are present in the same molecule, the molecule is
called achelate or chelating agent. The metal bound
by the chelating agent is said to be sequestered. Water .
may also coordinate metal ions, as in the hydrated
forms of Mg, Ca, and Al salts. Figure 3-7 shows the
chemical structure of cyanocobalamin (vitamin Bii) in
which the cobalt ion forms coordination bonds (de-
picted as arrows) with several atoms. The oxygen-
transporting protein hemoglobin (discussed in Chap-
ter 4) is a prime example of an iron chelate. Some
enzymes are activated by chelation of a metal (e.g.,
I see the cofactors of Table 9-3).
Qi..OH l"aii-• S-7 2-
H B,d •
~TI"Oe. .ie.
~ J D S 21·
JOhn \\lie\ & S-:)-




Vitamin 8 11

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