Chemical Bonds
Chemical Bonds
Chemical Bonds
. ·ar H. However, it_sho~d be pointed out that the comprising a molecule requires less energy than that
t,cul . p is an approximation and is most accurate needed to keep the atoms apart. -The breakage of the
a}Illi>st equal amounts of the acid
equat1on . and base are ·
borrds-·that join atoms consumes energy. If a large
w~en . The pK values·of s_eve~ ~uffers that are rou- amount of energy is required to break the bond, the
~ : used in cellular1stud1es are hsted in Table 3-8. bond·is called a strong·bond. If ~mall amounts of ~n-
tUlY • • -. ,·· . . . ergy are required, the bond is a weak bond. Four ~aJor
~~LION~ ·, . ' _-, : _ '. _1.. types of-chemical• bonds may be-identified: covalent
bonds, ionic bonds, .hydrogen bonds, and hy~ o-
'A molecule is a stable union of t~o or more atoms: The l)hobic bonds. The energies-of these bonds are given
ronnation of the bonds that .exist··between the atoms in·Table 3-9. Covalent.bonds .are the bonds formed by
•& • 1, ; , • ' 'I'" ,I
.' >. .
Vitamin 8 11