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Erakhmetova Araylim
Them :Key concepts and trends in global education
1) Goodwin, A. L. (2020). Globalization, global mindsets and teacher education. Action
in Teacher Education, 42(1), 6-18.
2) Opok, S., & Seda Akpinar, D. B. (2022, March 9). Global education trends and
research to follow in 2022. Brookings.
3) Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Global trends in education. Encyclopædia
4) Debétaz, E. (n.d.). The top 5 Trends in Education to watch in 2023
5) Review of the Decade: Ten Trends in Global Education. (n.d.). Center for Global
Development | Ideas to Action

Analyze : The article "Globalization and Education: An Introduction" by Alison L. Goodwin

explores the impact of globalization on education. The author argues that globalization has
led to a homogenized and standardized curriculum that fails to meet the needs of diverse
learners. The article suggests that as our classrooms become more heterogeneous, the
curriculum needs to be equally diverse.

The article begins by discussing the directional flow of ideas and authoritative stature
dominated by English-speaking scholars from the Global North and Australia. The author
argues that this dominance has resulted in a narrower set of priorities, skills, subjects, and
goals . This new form of imperialism has led to a homogenized and standardized curriculum
that fails to meet the needs of diverse learners.

That globalization and the directional flow of ideas are also a function of wealth. Educational
developments in underdeveloped countries have been influenced by events, policies, and
ideologies emanating from more powerful, industrialized countries. This has led to a
regulating effect of "policy borrowing", where education in the context of globalization has
become more synchronous around a narrower set of priorities, skills, subjects, and goals.

The emphasis on tests and competition, and the implicit public shaming that accompanies
globally available PISA results, has an impact on learners and the kind of educational
opportunities they are afforded. As our classrooms become more and more heterogeneous,
a direct result of the global migration and displacement of peoples described earlier, the
curriculum we provide needs to be equally diverse, versus more homogenized and

The topic argues that the curriculum fails to meet the needs of students who are poor,
second language learners, newcomers, and minoritized. Instead, the curriculum emphasizes
discrete facts, proficiency in the dominant language, and "drilling and killing" in an effort to
raise test scores. The poor schools "isolated by race, class and language through minority-
majority enrollment," the curriculum fails to meet their needs.
In the second article analyze that global education is a constantly evolving field, with new
trends and challenges emerging all the time. Here are some key concepts and trends in
global education :

- COVID-19: The pandemic has had a significant impact on global education, with many
students and teachers struggling with distance learning and maintaining physical and
emotional health[1]. However, it has also led to promising innovations and increased
attention on the field of global education[1].

- Whole Child Approach: Mission statements from around the world are starting to promote a
"whole child" approach to education that encourages the learning of a breadth of skills,
better aligning the education sector with needs from the business sector[1].

- National Education Systems : One of the most significant phenomena of the 20th century
was the dramatic expansion and extension of public (i.e., government-sponsored) education
systems around the world[2]. The subjects taught in schools broadened from the basics of
mathematics and language to include sciences and the arts[2].

- Technology : Technology has played a major role in society over the past two decades
and has transformed the education sector[4]. Some of the tech trends in teaching and
learning include gamification, blockchain, and AI[4].

- Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) : SEL is a process through which children and adults
understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy
for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions[5].

- Experiential Learning: Experiential learning, also known as project-based learning (PBL), is

a teaching method that involves students in hands-on experiences and reflection[5].

- Universal Secondary Education: Universal secondary education is becoming the new

universal primary education[6]. However, progress on universal primary education has

- Private Schools : Private schools continued to grow, but there are concerns about equity
and quality[6].

- Education and Social Cohesion: Education can promote social cohesion by providing
opportunities for people from different backgrounds to interact and learn together[2].

- Education and Social Conflict: Education can also contribute to social conflict if it reinforces
existing inequalities or promotes extremist ideologies[2].

- Strengthening Education Systems: There is a growing recognition of the need to strengthen

education systems to ensure that they are effective and sustainable[6].

In conclusion, global education is a complex and multifaceted field that is constantly

evolving. Key concepts and trends include the impact of COVID-19, the whole child
approach, national education systems, technology, social-emotional learning, experiential
learning, universal secondary education, private schools, education and social cohesion,
education and social conflict, and strengthening education systems.

[1] https://www.brookings.edu/articles/global-education-trends-and-research-to-follow-in-
[2] https://www.britannica.com/topic/education/Global-trends-in-education
[3] https://www.oecd.org/education/trends-shaping-education-22187049.htm
[4] https://hospitalityinsights.ehl.edu/education-trends
[5] https://atomisystems.com/elearning/10-popular-trends-in-education/
[6] https://www.cgdev.org/blog/review-decade-ten-trends-global-education

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