The Importance of Educational Resources

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This chapter contains the problem and its setting. It includes the Background of

the study, the statement of the problem, related literature and definition of terms.


Education is the means by which we get the abilities, know-how, information, and

understanding necessary to recognize, comprehend, and respect the responsibilities

that we have to our communities, families, and country. Therefore, the quantity and

multiplicity of the value of education in life are enormous. The value of education in life

is that it fosters in everyone a healthy view on the world and our society. Education aids

in the exploration and acquisition of new concepts. (Edu, 2021)

Education's multifaceted importance is acknowledged by all parties involved in it,

including governments, organizations, and the students themselves. A significant

development stimulus for families of all economic levels is high-quality education,

especially postsecondary education. The relevance of education has also increased

with the incorporation of multidimensional aims, and people have developed a

consciousness of society and the environment that was lacking in earlier generations.

The World Bank blog post "Education is Fundamental to Development and Growth"

succinctly captures the idea that education, through a variety of means, has the power

to change people's lives. (Leverage, 2021)

Resources serve as a source of learning experiences for our students and

facilitate student-teacher interaction during the teaching and learning process. They

satisfy various learning demands while also assisting students in learning and gaining

experience. When used properly, they aid students in building their own knowledge and

varied learning strategies, such as general skills, values, and attitudes, setting the

groundwork for the process of lifelong learning.

For many young people in the Philippines, poverty is the largest obstacle. Many

students struggle to complete their education because they lack the means necessary

to attend school and get a good education. On top of that, the government is not

prioritizing strengthening our public school system, so the quality of education in the

Philippines is still declining. Many times, there are more than 70 students in a single

classroom, and some students may even be required to share a set of textbooks with at

least four of their peers. (Asia Society, 2022)

Schools and principals have few resources available to them to promote raising

student accomplishment in many districts because there are few resources available for

discretionary use in supporting increased learning. Resources available to schools and

administrators for addressing essential issues specific to the school, such as

achievement, promotion rates, graduation rates, and school atmosphere, are severely

constrained after accounting for salaries, buildings maintenance, technological

demands, and transportation.

Learning is a difficult process that rigorously assesses students' both physical

and mental drive. Curriculum, teaching materials, and teachers' expertise all play critical
roles in a child's education. It shows that the condition of school resources has an

important impact on student performance and teacher effectiveness.

Research Objectives
This study aimed to determine the importance of educational resources as

instruments to improve students’ academic performance.

Significantly, this study sought answers the following questions:

1. What is the importance of educational resources as instruments to improves

the students’ performance.

2. How the educational resources affect the performance of the students.

3. Determine the different approach in teaching using the educational resources.


Based on the research objectives the hypothesis developed as followed.

H1: There is an importance educational resources to improve the students’ performance.

H2: There is a significant educational resource that affect the performance of the


H3: There is a different approach in teaching using educational resources.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher considered in

strengthening the importance of the present study. It also presents the synthesis of the

art to fully understand the research for better comprehension of the study.

Educational resources as instruments

The most pressing issue of our day is sustainable development. The current

global economy generates a lot of riches, but it also causes a lot of social exclusion,

inequality, and environmental degradation. Every person must acquire the sustainable

development knowledge, global citizenship values, and 21st century skills necessary to

address our shared challenges and to promote a future of just, inclusive, and resilient

societies in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United

Nations. An essential catalyst for this transition is education. It is the cornerstone for

bringing out the best in each of us and in our communities, and it is the secret to

discovering how to live and work together for a better world.

The Open Education initiative at Creative Commons promotes the use of open

licenses and open access regulations to maximize the advantages of open education in

order to serve the CC goal (content, practices and policy). To make knowledge

accessible to everyone, we collaborate closely with governmental agencies, educational

institutions, and NGOs.

Teaching, learning, and research materials that are in the public domain or that

have been published under an open license that allows for their unrestricted use and re-

use by others are known as open educational resources (OER). (Creative Common,


By favorably affecting students' learning results, effective educational resources

both education and learning. The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) outlines the learning

objectives that the country of New Zealand values in the form of ideals, essential skills,
and goals for success. These results collectively support the goal of 'Confident,

engaged, actively involved, lifelong learners' youth in a world marked by fast changes in

technology and society.

There are three levels at which the curriculum is created and interpreted: the

national curriculum, the school curriculum, and the instruction plan. Teachers, students,

and whanau collaborate at the school and classroom levels. to develop a regional

curriculum that supports the academic growth of all students and caters to their

requirements. (Ipurangi, 2018)

In many situations involving higher education, textbooks are essential. Some

professors are experimenting with replacing commercial textbooks with open

educational resources (OER) as their main course content due to growing textbook

costs and overall rising higher education expenditures. This article summarizes the

findings of 16 research that looked at two different topics: (1) the impact of open

educational resources on student learning outcomes in higher education settings, or (2)

college students' and instructors' opinions of OER. Results from numerous studies show

that when OER are used, students typically receive the same learning results and also

save a sizable amount of money. Studies conducted in a number of contexts show that

OER are generally well-received by both students and faculty. (Hilton III, 2016)

The study of resources for medical students pursuing a degree are expanding at

an exponential rate. Students are increasingly utilizing e-learning resources like

commercially available question banks to augment their learning in addition to more

traditional learning resources like lectures and textbooks. When developing and

implementing medical curricula, medical educators could benefit greatly from having a
deeper understanding of the tools that students feel are beneficial. Student preferences

for learning materials have not been explored in detail.

The most common method for learning new content, notwithstanding the move

toward e-learning, is still attending in-person lectures. Question banks are being used

more frequently, which could cause problems with how poorly they correspond with

medical school curricula. With the benefits of practicing exam techniques, being time-

effective, and being available on multiple platforms, their popularity is sure to grow. It is

necessary to evaluate the question banks already in place in order to ensure proper

integration into the curricula and equal access for all students. (Winter, Burgess,


It is the key tool for any nation's effective national growth, social mobilization,

political survival, and intellectual advancement. Investment in education is a

requirement for fostering national and economic development. Schools and other

educational institutions are primarily created and run to accomplish stated goals and

purposes. Without putting in place certain procedures to ensure the success of such

institutions, it is impossible to meet the goals and objectives of an educational

institution. In the educational system, one of the essential prerequisites for

implementing the educational goals and objectives is the supply of enough resources,

their maximum use, and effective management in order to prevent waste and enhance

the quality of the teaching-learning process. In order to better understand the

relationship between school administration and educational resources, the article looked

at their classification, importance to the educational system, and problems related to

their accessibility and use. In order to ensure effective and efficient management of the
resources available in the school system, solutions for overcoming the highlighted

obstacles were offered. (Usman, 2016)

Currently available MOOC and SPOC platforms do not give teachers detailed

analytics that show how well students respond to educational resources and activities.

The Precise Effectiveness Strategy is proposed, and its use is demonstrated (PES).

PES is a general methodology for developing exact metrics that enable computation of

students' effectiveness when interacting with educational materials and activities in

MOOCs and SPOCs, taking into consideration the unique features of the learning

situation. In a case study, PES was used to determine how well students performed

while they watched video lectures and completed parametric exercises in four SPOCs

that were made available on the Khan Academy platform. The measurements defined in

accordance with PES are combined to present various visualizations both inside and

between courses. It demonstrates how these visualizations can assist teachers in case

study, enabling the quick comparison of the four SPOCs divided into films and exercises

as well as the complete comparison of a large number of students at a look.

Additionally, the measures can assist teachers in understanding the connection

between efficacy and various behavioral tendencies. The case study's PES results

showed that several behavioral patterns, such as recommendation listener or video

avoider, had a moderately unfavorable association with the efficacy metrics suggested.

(Merino, Veliente, 2015)

The traditional approach to creating course materials relies on the perception and

expertise of the professors, but students should also be considered. The concept put

out in this book encourages the development, categorization, and arrangement of

learning resources for teachers and students within the same subject area in a timeless

manner. A proactive approach to teamwork process monitoring enables collaborative

resource production. A semantic search engine, built on ontologies, is a feature of a

knowledge management system that enables users to categorize, search, organize,

relate, and adapt the generated resources. Answering questions about the sorts of

resources developed during teamwork (with academic, social, and service focus) is

possible with the first iteration of an action research. (Echaluce, Blanco, 2015)


There are various parallels and variations between foreign and domestic

literature and studies about how authors' studies interpret educational resources for

raising students' performance. The results of this study show that educational resources

have a significant impact on student performance and that different approaches use

different resources.
Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the Continuous

Significance of the Study

This study brings importance to the following:

School administrators. This study helps them to understand how educational

resources contribute to the students’ academic performances. Also, this research can

be their guide or basis in creating programs that promotes motivation to individual

students about their performance.

Teachers. This study helps them to understand how educational resources

contribute to the students’ academic performances. Also, this research can categorize

the different approach in teaching using the resources in school.

Students. This study helps them to understand how educational resources

contribute to the students’ academic performances and to encourage them to improved

their performance by using the different resources.

Parents. This study helps them to understand how educational resources

contribute to the students’ academic performances. This study serves as their basis on

how the students’ capability works within the school by using the resources. This study

also helps to support their child in contribution for the education resources.
Researcher. This study helps them to understand how educational resources

contribute to the students’ academic performances. This study contributes to elaborate

the different perspective in implementing the use of resources in school.

Future Researchers. This study serves as their guide or references for their

future research about improving students’ performance by implementing different kinds

of school resources.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted at Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges-Marbel Inc,

located at Purok Waling-Waling Arellano Street, Koronadal City. The research was only

focus on the importance of educational resources as an instrument to improve the

performance of the students. To evaluate the importance of educational resources,

survey questionnaire was given to the teachers, faculty, staff and the students of

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges-Marbel Inc.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding, terms used are hereby defined operationally

about the problem of the study.

Educational Resources. This refers in a learning environment to help and assist with

people's development and learning. They're designed to reinforce learning and, in some

cases, allow people to put their knowledge to the test.

Open Educational Resources. It refers to a learning, teaching and research materials

in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that

have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-

purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others.

Academic Performance. It refers to the extent to which a student, teacher, or

institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either

by continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average



This chapter concentrates on the discussion of the research methods and

procedures adhered to by the researcher in order to answer systematically the specific

questions posed for investigation. Specifically, research design, research locale,

respondents of the study, research instruments, data gathering procedures, and

statistical treatment of the data used for the accurate data analysis and interpretation

were explained in this chapter.

Research Design

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges- Marbel

Incorporated, located at Purok Waling-waling Barangay Zone II, Arellano Street,

Koronadal City, Province of South Cotabato, 9506, Philippines. The school was created

in the year 2008 and known to be the “Home of the Best”. The school offer different

courses like Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Science, Bachelor of

Secondary Education major in English, Science, Filipino, Physical Education and

Mathematics, Bachelor of Science Business Administration Major in Human Resource

Management, Bachelor of Library Information Science, Bachelor of Science Customs

Administration, Bachelor of Science Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in

Social Work, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and English, Bachelor of Science in

Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System and lastly,

Associate in Computer Technology.

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