Essential Enemies 3 The Haunted Forest (OSE) - i66AhK

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FOREST Written by Johnstone Metzger
Illustrated by Nathan Jones
Requires Old-School Essentials

Alchemical Greenery 2
The Brambelf 6
Cryptid Birdmen 9
Flower Goblins 11
Forest Dwarves 14
Grumblesticks 24
Hearthflowers 31
The Highway Haunter 32
The Murdered 35
The Ogentroll 37
Plant Ghosts 39
The Skoftroll 42

Even before King Geddorah’s armies had
breached the walls around Ardoussarlis, Encounters
they had already begun to pollute the Roll 1d6 to determine what a specific
land with noxious alchemies. Their siege encounter with alchemical greenery
engines bombarded the city day and actually consists of:
night with acidic fluids and explosive
powders, and before the end they even 1d6 Alchemical Greenery
turned to methods abominated by the
1 Alchemical plant mutant.
gods: cursed refuse, experimental drugs,
and volatile mutagens. But these were 2-3 Bubblehorn flower.
as nothing compared to the alchemical
4-5 Caustic vines.
pollution unleashed upon the earth
when the city’s arcane workshops were 6 Poison root.
looted and burned.
The Sakhab Wastes are grey and
rocky, mostly devoid of life. By contrast, Alchemical Plant Mutant
the city at the heart of this wasteland Mutations can make plants into unique
is bursting with greenery. They have hybrids or evolutionary dead ends.
not remained there, either. Some have
spread much further afield, taking their AC 9 [10], HD 1 (4hp), Att See below,
magic to forests far and wide. But not THAC0 19 [+0], MV 30’ (10’), SV D14
all of these plants are waiting, passively, W15 P16 B 17 S18 (NH), ML 12,
to be eaten. Some have been changed, AL Chaotic, XP 10, NA 1d8, TT None.
growing more and more like animals—
▶▶ Variable attack: Roll 1d6 to
malevolent, carnivorous, and deadly.
determine attack type (see page 5 for
The most dangerous is the bubblehorn
alchemical and colour tables):
flower and its caustic vines. Though not
a flesh-eater, this plant is nonetheless a
1d6 Plant Mutant Attacks
murderous threat to animal life. Even
worse, it is a plant that, by it’s very 1 Covered in 1 type of
nature, samples the alchemical detritus alchemical that affects
of the earth and produces yet more of whoever touches it.
these dangerous substances. As if they
2 Grapple attack, as caustic
were not already pollution enough.
Ecology 3 Poison spit, as poison roots.
The bubblehorn starts with poison roots.
4 Spits 1 type of alchemical up
Is it a small man or a large mandrake
to 40’. Requires attack roll
root? It is certainly mobile enough,
to affect target, becomes a
running and sneaking about in search
bubble on a miss.
of suitable soil. Once a place is found, it
buries itself and sprouts a set of caustic 5 Thorny vines (1d8 damage)
vines and then, eventually, a bubblehorn attack with a +4 bonus.
flower. If this flower or its vines are
6 When touched, erupts in a
killed, the roots become active again, to
cloud of spores (roll 1d20 for
seek out a new place to grow. For this
colour) and 1d6 alchemical
very reason, it is a weed nigh impossible
bubbles, all of the same type.
to get rid of.
Caustic Vines
AC 8 [11], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × grapple
(1d6), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 90’ (30’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12,
AL Neutral, XP 10, NA 1d6 (2d4),
TT None.

▶▶ Caustic: Secretes a substances that

is either acidic, alkaline, or magically
caustic, thus grapple attacks cause
damage. For 1d6 turns after being
killed, touch still causes 1 damage.
▶▶ Grapple: After a successful attack,
wraps around the victim and attacks
automatically hit each round until
Bubblehorn Flower cut away.
AC 6 [13], HD 3 (13hp), Att None (spits
1 bubble per round), THAC0 17 [+2],
MV 40’ (10’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
(3), ML 12, AL Neutral, XP 35,
NA 1 (1d4+1), TT U.

▶▶ Bubbles: When encountered,

surrounded by 1d4 alchemical
bubbles. When you are close enough
to touch, save vs. breath weapon or
one envelops your head. Roll for its
properties on the table to the right.
A bubble is removed from the head
by a successful save vs. paralysis
and destroyed by a single attack roll
against AC 9 [10].
▶▶ Roots and vines: Has 1d6 caustic Poison Roots
vines and produces a poison root
when it dies. AC 9 [10], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × spit
(1d4), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 150’ (50’),
▶▶ Smell: Collection of strong chemical SV D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (M1),
smells (burning, ozone, vineger, etc). ML 6, AL Neutral, XP 10, NA 1 (1d6),
▶▶ Alchemical glands: 1d4 sacs of inert, TT None.
colourless liquid can be retrived with
▶▶ Burrowing: Can bury itself in soft
a sharp knife. Acts as an alchemical
soil, to later grow some caustic vines
multiplier, producing an additional
and a bubblehorn flower.
1d4 doses or uses of any alchemical
substance, drug, or poison it is ▶▶ Poison Spit: If you are hit by a poison
mixed with (no effect on magic spit attack, save vs. poison or -2 to
potions). Worth 1d6 × 100gp each. attack rolls for 1d6 rounds.
Alchemical Bubbles
Roll 1d12 to determine the properties
of an alchemical bubble when it
envelops someone’s head (the first 6
are chemicals, the last 6 are drugs):

1d12 Alchemical Effects

1 Alchemical Dye: Solid matter
is changed to a different
colour for 1d6 days (roll 1d20
on the colour table).
2 Choking Gas: 1d6 suffocation
damage every round (save vs. 1d20 Alchemical Dye Colour
breath weapon for half).
1 Black, charcoal, or grey.
3 Glue Vapour: 1d6 suffocation
2 Cerulean blue or cyan.
damage every round, save vs.
paralysis to get free. 3 Cream, pearl, or white.
4 Necrotizing Vapour: Causes 4 Emerald or forest green.
skin to rot, 1d6 damage to the
5 Indigo or electric blue.
living every round.
6 Lavender, mauve, or violet.
5 Rust Gas: Reduces AC
value of metal armour by 1 7 Pink, salmon, or tan.
permanently and destroys 1
8 Purple or maroon.
metal possession.
9 Scarlet or crimson.
6 Vesiccant: 1d8 damage
every round (save vs. breath 10 Tangerine.
weapon for half).
11 Turquoise or aqua.
7 Bliss: -2 to all attack rolls and
12 Yellow.
immune to fear for 1d6 hours.
13 Brown or olive.
8 Hallucinogenic: -2 on all
attack rolls and saving throws 14 Copper, bronze, or brass.
you make but saves against
15 Chrome or silver.
spells you cast also get -2.
16 Gold.
9 Hyper Stimulant: +2 to attack
rolls and take 1 damage each 17 Iridescent colour (roll again
time you attack, for 1 hour. on this table with 1d12).
10 Paralytic: Save vs. paralysis or 18 Metallic colour (roll again on
be immobilized for 1 turn. this table with 1d12).
11 Poison Gas: 1d8 damage 19 Mottled colours (roll again on
(save vs. death for half). this table twice with 1d12).
12 Thought Inhibitor: Intelligence 20 Shifting colours (roll again on
counts as 2 for 1d6 turns. this table twice with 1d12).

While the blood of dead gods allows The Brambelf, they call it, or sometimes
the flower goblins to practice their own the Goblinthorn Queen, after the ancient
brand of alchemical horticulture, there fairy tale of the same name. How they
are other sources of magical power in would tremble in terror if they but knew
the forest. Some goblins have created a the truth! How they would shiver in fear!
form of pnigomancy—or that is what For there are not one, but many.
humans would call it, if they knew of To become a Brambelf, a flower
its existence. As its stand, the twisted, goblin grows barbed horns, new limbs,
thorny creatures these pnogomancers and many eyes that seem to pierce any
become are still thought to be a single, obstacle. Their skin grows thorny and
terrifying beast that roams the woods. bark-rough. They learn not only to
pluck the flowers of evil from the realm
of nightmares, but also their choking,
Brambelf barbed stems. And so they summon
tangles of thorny vines to their persons,
AC 4 [15], HD 5 (22hp), Att 2 × claws and with such minions murder the men
(1d6), 1 x bite (1d10), THAC0 15 [+4], and dwarves who come to their forest
MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 with axes in their hands and empty
S14 (5), ML 7, AL Chaotic, XP 175, promises on their lips. For the Brambelf
NA 1 + 1d4 tangles of vines, TT None. has ceased to listen.
▶▶ Cloud: Surrounded by an uncanny
cloud of dust, fog, and smoke that
◆◆ Leaves of bushes slightly torn, as if
obscures the entire sky and extends
some ragged bundle of thorns had
50’ to 100’ away from the Brambelf
swept quickly past.
in all directions.
◆◆ Nigh imperceptible tendrils of fog,
▶▶ Dry: Double damage from desiccation, creeping like vines through the trees.
fungal infections, and lightning. ◆◆ The smell of gardens, grass, and roses;
tinged with a faint, acrid bitterness
▶▶ Hard: Half damage from blunt
that lingers on the palate.
trauma and piercing weapons.
◆◆ The heavy, open-mouthed panting
▶▶ Many eyes: Darkvision and detect and squalling of the Brambelf itself.
invisible up to 60’. Cannot be blinded.
▶▶ Nightmare: Destroyed by direct
sunlight, though the otherworldly
Tangle of Thorny Vines
cloud normally prevents this. AC 8 [11], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × constrict
▶▶ Solitary: Prefers to attend to their (1d4), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 60’ (20’),
business alone, without the direct SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12,
help of allies. AL Chaotic, XP 10, NA 1D4, TT None.

▶▶ Surprise: On a 1-4, but distance is at ▶▶ Constriction: Grapples the target

least [1d6 + 4] × 10’ during the day. after a successful attack (reducing
The Brambelf is never surprised. their movement by 10’) and
subsequent attacks automatically hit.
▶▶ Tangles of thorny vines: Instead of
Save vs. paralysis to break free.
attacking, may summon a tangle of
thorny vines within 40’, if it has fewer ▶▶ Vulnerabilities: Double damage from
than 5 in its control already. acid and other caustic substances.

Rarely have the people of the hills looked

to the forest as a place to venture. They Birdmen
come and go—one population driving
out those who came before—but none AC 8 [11], HD 2+1 (10hp), Att 1 × club
of them have ever been enthusiastic (1d8) or bite (1d6), THAC0 17 [+2],
foresters. Eking a life out of the rocky soil MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13
is hardscrabble enough as it is, without S14 (4), ML See below, AL Chaotic,
tempting fate. XP 25, NA 1d6 (2d8), TT C.
But there were those who came
from further afield and thought to push Birdman Leader
the borders of this country outward. A wandering group of 5 or more
They made a go of penetrating these birdmen is also accompanied by a
foreboding woods in order to drive them leader, and a lair has 1d4 leaders.
back. They found evidence that others
had done this too, long before them— AC 8 [11], HD 4+4 (22hp), Att 2 × club
half-buried statues, filled-in wells, and (1d8+2) or bite (1d6+1), THAC0 15 [+4],
blackened stone foundations. But they MV 120’ (40’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12
did not heed the warnings. (8), ML See below, AL Chaotic, XP 125,
Those who returned were changed, NA 1 (1d4), TT O.
bearing hideous scars and mutant limbs.
▶▶ Surprise: On a 1-3 in the forest, due
They carried the old warnings back and
to stealth and ambush tactics.
were predictably shunned by decent folk.
But many did not come back at all. Their ▶▶ Morale: When attacking those with
humanity was lost, replaced by the curse food, Morale is 9. Otherwise, Morale
of some ancient avian god or demon. is 6 (or 7 with a leader). Test morale
They devoured their own livestock and again whenever birdmen witness
abandoned their homes, to live in the a threat display or any kind of
woods like animals. frightening phenomenon.

The Written Word ▶▶ Mutants: If subjected to magic, there

is a 1 in 6 chance that a birdman will
While these mutants have become
mutate and gain 1d8 hit points.
dangerous killers, they have not retained
their once-human intellect. They are ▶▶ Stealth: In a forest, birdmen can
easily manipulated by threat displays, hide in shadows and move silently
scents, and territorial markings. They are as a 3rd level thief.
drawn toward food, preferring to attack
vulnerable-looking intruders. Birdman Outcast
But some part of them remembers Some have mutated so much that even
a reverence for the written word. They other birdmen shun them.
are fascinated by all texts they find—
almanacs, journals, and spellbooks AC 8 [11], HD 3+1 (14hp), Att 1 × club
alike—and keep them in small covered (1d8+2) or bite (1d6+1), THAC0 16 [+3],
shrines where they are safe from the MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13
elements. S14 (4), ML 7, AL Chaotic, XP 50, NA 1.
A birdman outcast has all the powers
▶▶ A birdman lair has 1d6 × 10gp worth of other birdmen, and a 3 in 6 chance
of books and a 2 in 6 chance of a of suffering from a contagious disease,
random magical scroll. like mummy rot.

Long ago, the goblin peoples were rent surreptitiously for what they need to
asunder and scattered to the winds by a make war, looking far and wide for allies
terrible civil war. Their ancient kingdom, that will help them in the future. But the
now long forgotten and buried beneath most important thing they want to know
the ground, was split into opposing right now is how best to conquer and
groups. The flower goblins were a small destroy their neighbours, so they will
faction even back then, and while they no longer need to trade or stay hidden
have remained relatively obscure, they in the forest.
have also survived, deep within the
forest. Forest Gardens
This part of the forest grew up around The gardens of the flower goblins
the bodies of dead gods. While they are a wonder to behold, though few
might still be worshipped on occasion, outsiders do. Fed by the strange,
in dark corners of the globe, most of otherwordly energies of the area, plants
their divine power has been leeching out assume bizarre forms and develop odd
into the trees and vegetation here. When characteristics. Alchemist gardeners
the goblins arrived, they were no fools— have been able to utilize many of them,
they realized the importance of this even cultivating new forms of life.
power. They saw what it did to the plants While such creations have always been
here. They also saw no reason to fight it, used to defend their communities from
deciding to harness it instead. They have monsters and outsiders, in recent years
grown accustomed to the forest’s strange they have begun creating weapons of
properties, and learned to master them. war. They hope, one day, to be strong
Now, the flower goblins grow strong. enough to march out of the forest and
They trade with outsiders, they war with become the masters of the other races.
their neighbours, and they cast covetous
eyes upon the lands beyond the woods. ▶▶ Every flower goblin lair contains
Their lands are rich in plants of all types, a garden with enough plants to
but sorely lacking in metals and the function as 1d6 random potions,
bounties of the sea. Flower goblins trade if you can identify them.

Flower Goblins
AC 9 [10], HD ½ (2hp), Att 1 × bite
(1d4), THAC0 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 5
(7 with leader), AL Neutral, XP 5,
NA 2d8 (4d10), TT D.

▶▶ Leader: A group of 12+ includes

a flower goblin leader plus their
entourage (see page XX).
▶▶ Stealth: When in the forest can
hear noise, hide in shadows, move
silently, pick pockets and remove
traps as a 3rd level thief.
Alchemist Gardeners
AC 7 [12], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × pitchfork
(1d8), THAC0 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1),
ML 4 (7 with leader), AL Neutral,
XP 10, NA 1d6 (2d6), TT U.

▶▶ Cowards: Though often tougher

than most flower goblins, gardeners
prefer not to fight if they can help it.
They have developed many weapons
for their fighters to use in war, and
prefer to leave that job to them. If no
escape is possible, gardeners would
rather bargain for their lives with
whatever they have than fight to the
Beast Flowers
Created by feeding sunflowers a potent
▶▶ Stealth: See main entry. brew of dead souls until they become
possessed by composite ghost-minds,
▶▶ Stink bomb: A group of 3+ have a
beast flowers can only be controlled by
stink bomb that covers everyone in a
their rider.
20’ radius with a noxious scent. Save
vs. breath weapon or suffer -2 to AC 5 [14], HD 5+1 (23hp), Att [1 x
attack rolls for 1d6 hours. bite (1d10), 1 x leaf (1d8)] or 1 cloud,
▶▶ Smoke bomb: A group of 6+ have THAC0 14 [+5], MV 180’ (60’),
a smoke bomb that creates a 40’ SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 10,
by 40’ cloud of yellowish smoke AL Chaotic, XP 225, NA 1d4, TT None.
that is 20’ high. Flower goblins can
▶▶ Stalk rider: Controlled by 1 flower
move through it normally, others
goblin fighter. If the stalk rider is
inside this cloud move in a random
killed, beast flower attacks random
characters and does not distinguish
between friend and foe.
▶▶ Attack pattern: If targets in melee
range, 50% chance of pollen cloud,
otherwise attacks with both bite and
a razor-sharp leaf.
▶▶ Pollen cloud: Up to 3 times per day,
produce 20’ by 20’ cloud instead
of attacking. Anyone breathing the
pollen must save vs. breath weapon
or choke for 1d3 rounds, unable to
do anythings else.
▶▶ Undead: Counts as an undead
creature and can be turned the same
as a mummy.
Flower Goblin Fighters War Summoners
Some flower goblins have mastered
AC 7 [12], HD 1+1 (5hp), Att 1 × club the art of calling forth spirits of forest
(1d6), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), monsters and being possessed by
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), them, becoming a fearsome berserker
ML 6 (7 with leader), AL Neutral, in battle. This requires the proper mask
XP 15, NA 2d4 (2d10), TT Q. and costume.
▶▶ Leader: Groups of 12+ are led by a AC 5 [14], HD 3 (13hp), Att By spirit
leader (plus their entourage). type (see below), THAC0 17 [+2],
▶▶ Flower club: +2 damage to faeries MV 150’ (50’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
and spellcasters. S16 (1), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 35,
NA 1d4 (2d6), TT None.
▶▶ Stealth: See main entry.
Roll 1d6 for each war summoner to
determine what mask they wear, and
thus what spirit possesses them, what
special ability they have, and how they

1d6 Spirit
1 Ironworm: Can burrow into
the ground. Att 1 × spit acid
(20’ range, 1d10).
2-4 Owlbear: +2 damage after
charge. Att 2 × claw (1d8).
5-6 Vampire bat: Can fly short
distances. Att 1 × bite (1d12,
and save vs. paralysis or
latches on; subsequent
attacks automatically hit).
Flower Goblin Leader
AC 5 [14], HD 3+3 (17hp), Att 2 × club
(1d6), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7,
AL Neutral, XP 50, NA 1, TT V.

▶▶ Entourage: Always accompanied by

an additional 1d6 fighters.
▶▶ Morale: Other flower goblins (except
war summoners) have a Morale of 7
when accompanied by a leader.
▶▶ Flower club: +4 damage to faeries
and spellcasters.
▶▶ Stealth: See main entry.

While the wealthiest of all the dwarves masked when they engage in destructive
are those who mine precious metals and forestry practices: controlled burning,
gemstones, not all of them like living cutting down trees, or pulling up weeds,
underground. Some prefer to take the for example. But different clans all have
heavily-forested hills and mountains as different stories explaining why.
their homes. And while wood is nowhere Some clans hide their faces so the
near as precious as diamonds and gold, spirits will not take vengeance on them
one can still live as a dwarf without the later, when the masks are off. Since masks
insatiable lust for riches. Indeed, many are never meant to hide one’s identity
forest dwarves reject the extractive from other forest dwarves, this might
nature of mining—the iron blade is the seem like a contradiction, but then, that
only metal they worship, and chunks of is so often the case when it comes to the
solid amber catch the light as well as any spirit world. Others say it is, instead, a
glittering gemstone. Or so many of they sign of respect—a mask made of wood
will tell you. explains the necessity of harvesting, and
But even as they boast about their tells the trees that they do not give their
sylvan idylls, they are just as mortal as lives in vain. But stories of mischievous
any of us. They still want things that spirits being frightened off by masks
cannot be had in their woods. Yes, there are also quite popular among the forest
are clans of forest dwarves who shun dwarves, and so is tradition. No doubt
the outsiders, but there are many more some wear masks because they were
who actively seek commerce with their taught to do so and refuse to question it.
neighbours and access to the trade Despite the strength of those
routes of the wider world. traditions, the etiquette of masks is ever
changing, from one generation to the
Masks next. Yet always it remains complex. A
Forest dwarves wear masks for all of war mask at a wedding may offend one
their most momentous occasions. clan, but not another. Or one war mask
Rarely does an individual own fewer may be acceptable, while another is not.
than two, though no one is expected to Outsiders are recommended to stay out
have a different mask for every occasion. of such affairs, or risk offending their
They are especially diligent about being hosts with their ignorance.

Forest Dwarves ▶▶ Leader: A group of 12+ includes one

leader of level 1d4+2. This leader
AC 6 [13], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × axe (1d8), may have magic items: 10% chance
THAC0 19 [+0], MV 90’ (30’), SV D8 W9 per level. If so, roll 1d6 for category:
P10 B13 S12 (D1), ML 7 (9 with leader),
AL Lawful, XP 10, NA 1d8 (4d8), TT D. 1d6 Leader Magic Items
▶▶ Short cuts: May travel through 1 Armour & Sword.
woodlands at full speed, even in
2 Armour & Weapon.
armour. Always win initiative when
fighting in familiar forests. 3 Miscellaneous.
▶▶ Stealthy: In a forest, can hear noise, 4 Ring.
hide in shadows, and remove traps
5-6 Weapon.
as a thief with same number of HD.

Forest Defenders
Forest dwarf society is based around
clans that consist of influential families,
vocational guilds, and defensive military
societies. Some examples:
◆◆ Blackloam: Named for the rich, dark,
volcanic soil of their lands, this clan is
well respected among forest dwarves.
Their druids act as peace-makers and
oracles, mediating with the sylvan
spirit realms. They are known to be
vehemently opposed to alien plant
forms, like alchemical greenery and
plant ghosts. But this is only half true,
for they wish to study ghosts and
spirits before destroying them. Giantslayers
◆◆ Brightforge: One of the more insular Iron-clad warriors who fight giants,
clans, they live in forested cliffs along trolls, and evil fey creatures.
the coast. They are highly militant,
constantly fighting trolls and flower AC 2 [17], HD 4 (18hp), Att 2 × battleaxe
goblins, though their electromancers (1d8), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 60’ (20’),
are more famous. They prefer to SV D6 W7 P8 B10 S10 (D4), ML 10,
conduct trade with distant dwarf AL Lawful, XP 75, NA 1d4 (2d4),
communities whom they know little TT T (B).
of, harbouring many suspicions about
▶▶ Slaying giants: Secret techniques
their neighbouring forest dwarves.
for fighting huge monsters are
◆◆ Quartzhammer: The most passed down through generations
mercantile of forest dwarf clans, they of giantslayers. Their attacks inflict
are sometimes accused of being out 1d12 damage against creatures
of touch with the forest, because larger than human size.
they herd so many sheep and goats
▶▶ Short cuts: See main entry.
in mountain pastures. They have
engaged in trade with flower goblins ▶▶ Stealthy: Only when not wearing
in the past, but have also allied with their heavy armour. See main entry.
humans and elves to fight the trolls
▶▶ Magic items: Same chance of magic
and dark fey creatures that plague
items as forest dwarf leaders.
their lands.
▶▶ Leaders: For every 4 giantslayers, 1 is
◆◆ Thornleaf: This clan is known for
a champion with 5 HD, and a group
their distinctive tree-like appearance.
of 9+ also includes one captain with
Many have bark-like skin or leaf-like
6 HD.
hair. They are secretly very interested
in mutants like the alchemical ▶▶ Squires: 1 in 6 chance accompanied
greenery and the cryptid birdmen, as by 1d8 forest dwarves who act as
they wish to harness such power to squires and receive training in
become even more like the trees they return. This may indicate the group
so revere. is far from home or on a quest.
Hog Riders War Hogs
Horse-mounted cavalries have a long This breed of swine was specifically
history of failure in the kinds of hills bred by forest dwarves to carry them
and mountains the forest dwarves into battle.
inhabit. They have taken to riding their
own breed of boars that are both long AC 5 [14], HD 3 (13hp), Att 1 × tusk
in tusk and long of life, compared to (2d6), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 150’ (50’),
their still-wild cousins. SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 9,
AL Neutral, XP 35, NA 0 (0), TT None.
AC 4 [15], HD 2+2 (11hp), Att 1 × spear
(1d6), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’), ▶▶ Charge: Requires a run of 40’ with or
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (D2), ML 8, without a jump. Rider’s spear inflicts
AL Lawful, XP 25, NA 1d8 (3d6), TT S. double damage. War hog can also
make a tusk attack, with a -2 penalty.
▶▶ Short cuts: See main entry.
▶▶ Leap: Can jump 10’ straight up, or
▶▶ Stealthy: See main entry. 5’ high and up or 20’ across, as part
of movement.
▶▶ Outriders: Usually encountered near
forest dwarf settlement, embassies, ▶▶ Domesticated: Not encountered in
and armies. They are not wanderers. the wild.

Trade Delegations much valued by dwarven miners,

The brightly-coloured tents of the forest some of whom spend most of
dwarves are a common sight in human their lives underground. Forest
settlements. They give themselves a dwarves have little interest, but the
fancy name, but a delegation from the Quartzhammers trade with everyone.
Quartzhammer mountains exists to
◆◆ Pipe Weed: Every dwarf likes a good
buy and sell goods. When the market
smoke! Or so they say. Smokable
opens and you go to see what the
weeds are rare at high elevations, so
dwarves are, who will you meet and
they stock up in human lands.
what do they want?
◆◆ Potted Plants: The longer a plant
◆◆ Fabrics: Any kind of cloth other
must travel to get to the dwarven
than wool (which they have plenty
forests, the more attractive it is.
of), especially in bright colours.
Introducing exotic plants into their
◆◆ Lights: Oil lamps, glowing insects, alpine citadels can bring just as much
and magical sources of light are joy as gold and jewels.

1d20 Names Archetypes and Personalities

1 Akon Avna Big, wide brute. Always drunk or always sober.
2 Belozh Bessil Clan matriarch. Guards always have ML 10.
3 Bozko Chara Desperate gambler.
4 Busik Damizina Exceptional mathematician.
5 Chifgen Dunga Expert mountaineer.
6 Dursin Ghemenha Forger and counterfeiter.
7 Ebro Iskel Hoping for "adventure" (travel and riches, mostly).
8 Eghimor Isolt Indentured company representative.
9 Gudvik Khazga Looking to hire mercenaries to fight flower goblins.
10 Hardan Kinuzet Master haggler. You feel good about paying more.
11 Intom Lisset Nepotistic appointment. Maybe competent, or not.
12 Jeraj Naum Scheming planner.
13 Kagim Piria Secret wizard (magic-user of level 1d6).
14 Kasilo Reminet Snake oil salesman.
15 Kerik Reya Spiteful but charismatic (+1d6 additional guards).
16 Komnej Samni Stubbornly honest trader.
17 Kruun Tersa Trusted clan elder with a personal stake.
18 Ramald Varvini Venal and hedonistic.
19 Urst Verru Worshipper of the old gods.
20 Viliu Yasta Young apprentice trader.
Quartzhammer Merchants
Not only do they deal with outsiders the
most, the Quartzhammers also have the
most mines of all forest dwarf clans.
AC 7 [12], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × club
(1d6), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 90’ (30’),
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (D1),
ML 6 (7 with leader), AL Lawful, XP 10,
NA 1d4 (2d6), TT G.

▶▶ Short cuts: See main entry.

▶▶ Leader: A group of 4+ merchants
includes one leader of level 1d3+1.
▶▶ Guards: A small delegation is
accompanied by 1d6+1 guards and
1 mining horse. A large delegation
(wilderness encounter) is
You can either use the treasure type
accompanied by 3d8 guards and
tables listed to determine what a trade
1 mining horse for every 2 dwarves.
deegation possesses, or assume they are
All delegations have as many carts as
transporting carts full of wares for sale.
they need for their wares.
A small group should have 1d6 × 100gp
▶▶ Secrets: 1 in 6 chance a delegation worth of one type of goods, while a large
has a secret (or 2 in 6 for a large group should have 1d6 × 1,000gp worth
group). Roll 1d10: of 2 types of goods. Roll 1d12 for each
type of good and expand upon their
1d10 Secrets contents as needed:
1 Addicted to something that only
1d12 Merchant Goods
humans can supply.
1 Cheese and mushrooms.
2 Feuding with a noble house.
2 Dried herbs and medicines.
3 Knows of secret caves and mines.
3 Foreign books and tomes.
4 Knows of secret passes through
the mountains. 4 Forged metal tools.
5 Involved in a criminal gang war. 5 Fruits and flowers.
6 Planning to commit a crime. 6 Gems and stones.
7 Selling goods to a secret cult. 7 Hardwood lumber.
8 Smuggling valuable goods that 8 Metal and ore.
are illegal or heavily taxed.
9 Smoked and salted meats.
9 Spying on behalf of a foreign
10 Toys and pottery.
government or noble house.
11 Weapons and armour.
10 Working with monsters to
eliminate a mutual enemy. 12 Woolen fabric.
Merchant Guards Gossip & Rumours
Quartzhammer merchants hire dwarves When you carouse with a group of
from all over, as long as they are loyal. guards on their break, you can hear all
sorts of wild tales about the lands they
AC 5 [14], HD 2+2 (11hp), Att 1 × spear have travelled through and the people
(1d6), THAC0 16 [+2], MV 60’ (20’), they have seen there. Roll 1d8:
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (D2), ML 9, AL
Lawful, XP 25, NA 1d6+1 (3d8), TT T. 1d8 Rumours
▶▶ Spear trip: A human-sized or smaller 1 Blackloam druids have called an
victim of 2+ spear attacks in the all-clan meeting, but the trade
same round must save vs. paralysis delegations are loath to pack up
or be tripped and fall prone. and return home early. Sales are
too important!
▶▶ Prone: Dwarven guards get +2 on
attack rolls against prone targets. 2 The Grumblehut was spotted
near the oldest oak tree. Now the
▶▶ Short cuts: See main entry.
clan elders want to send some
▶▶ Stealthy: See main entry. raiders out with a new magic
item they recently acquired.
3 In the western forest, merchants
get attacked by bird creatures.
Mining Horses Hire extra guards for that trip.
Forest dwarves use the same horses 4 Not long ago, one of our
as dwarven miners do: a shaggy, outposts was captured by flower
compact breed that is stoic and goblins, something they could
reliable. Because they spend so much never have accomplished on
time underground, they dislike the their own. They must have some
sun, so traders keep them hooded new allies.
while at rest.
5 One of the trolls from the
AC 7 [12], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × gore sagas is back, but clan leaders
(1d6) or 1 × hoof (1d4), THAC0 18 [+1], are too afraid of her to go to
MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 war. Somebody should do
S16 (2), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 20, something.
NA 0 (0), TT None.
6 Some adventurers went missing
down by the gorge, apparently
▶▶ Charge: Requires a run of 30’. Rider’s
looking for magical flowers.
spear inflicts double damage. Horse
can also make a hoof attack, with a 7 Thornleaf hills are full of mutant
-1 penalty. plants, but the clan refuse to
accept any help dealing with it.
▶▶ Domesticated: Not encountered in
That’s why the problem will be
the wild.
spreading soon.
▶▶ Beast of burden: Carry up to 4,000
8 The woods are full of
coins unencumbered, and up to
necromancers lately. They bring
8,000 coins at half speed.
weird masks, and leave with
▶▶ Hate the sun: -1 to hit in full daylight. even weirder creatures in tow.
A dark, fey creature of the wooded
mountains, Grumblesticks has become Grumblesticks
an evil legend among the dwarves. With the head and teats of a sow
They claim she stalks them in the night, and the body of a stunted dwarf, she
kidnapping dwarven children for her stomps through the trees in her heavy
supper. Even worse, if she does not iron boots, swinging a bloody club as
devour them immediately, she claims she goes.
their body parts for alchemical witchery
and forces them into cannibalism. AC 5 [14], HD 6+6* (33hp), Att 1 × club
Humans have heard little and less (1d12, multiple targets) or 1 × stomp
about the legend of Grumblesticks, (3d6), THAC0 13 [+6], MV 150’ (50’),
for the dwarves are reticent to speak SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 9,
of her. Halflings know her all too well, AL Chaotic, XP 650, NA 1, TT None.
however, as she stalks their shires in the
▶▶ Charge: If Grumblesticks charges an
night whenever dwarves are in short
enemy, they must save vs. paralysis
supply. Such is their caution that when
or be knocked prone.
halflings who have more smarts than
scruples travel through the mountain ▶▶ Iron boots: Grumblesticks can
woods with their valuables, they will buy automatically resist being moved,
a dwarven slave to take with them, just picked up, or knocked prone.
in case they encounter her. They know
▶▶ Spiked club: May attack up to
Grumblesticks would rather eat a dwarf,
3 adjacent enemies at the same
and will be distracted long enough for
time. One attack roll counts against
the halflings to escape. Some halflings
all targets.
who travel without any valuables prefer
just to buy pieces of dwarves instead of ▶▶ Knock out: A dwarf reduced to
an entire living specimen. 0hp by Grumblesticks is knocked
unconscious but not killed. They
Accomplices awaken later, caged inside the
Whenever they hear the high-pitched Grumblehut, with 1 hit point.
cries of wild boar echoing through the
▶▶ Stomp: May stomp on a prone target
woods, dwarves think of Grumblesticks,
(+2 to hit) instead of attacking with
snuffling about in the darkness, looking
for children to kidnap. And whenever
they see a trail of slime, they think of her ▶▶ Stealth: In the woods, may hide in
house, the Grumblehut. shadows and move silently as a
She lives in a small thatched hut. 6th level thief.
Unlike the homes of many more famous
▶▶ Surprise: 4 in 6 chance in the woods.
witches, it does not have legs to move
around on. Instead, the Grumblehut ▶▶ Damage immunity: Unharmed by
slithers along like a slug, leaving a trail of non-magical weapons unless they
slime in its wake. are made of silver.
But even worse than her hut is the
▶▶ Silver vulnerability: Double damage
awful squealing beast that follows her at
from silver weapons.
night, the Grumblewyrm. Summoned
from the darkness of the outer planes, it ▶▶ Grumblewyrm: When encountered at
is made out of fear and it can never die— night, there is a 4 in 6 chance she is
unless, perhaps, Grumblesticks dies first. accompanied by the Grumblewyrm.

1d8 Grumblesticks Scenarios

1 A dwarven king offers a great reward to anyone who can find his son,
the prince, who is missing. The prime suspect is Grumblesticks, but the
dwarves round up any outsiders and question them suspiciously.
2 The PCs are arrested and put in a jail cell with Grumblesticks, who has
been accused of attacking dwarven children. She offers to make a deal with
them to escape, but as soon as she is free she attacks the dwarves again.
3 The PCs arrive at a dwarven village, but the inhabitants are already
suspicious of them. Children have just gone missing, and the adults are
not sure whether to blame Grumblesticks or some other outsider.
4 The PCs encounter a dwarven search party looking for some of their clan’s
children who went missing. Now they, too, are lost and they fear that
Grumblesticks is stalking them. They plead with the PCs for aid.
5 The PCs encounter the Grumblehut, with several kidnapped children
inside, calling for help. Soon after, a troop of dwarves show up and think
the PCs are in league with Grumblesticks.
6 The PCs witness Grumblesticks kidnap some dwarven children in the
woods. She finds them easy pickings, while the adults are away fighting.
7 Two dwarven clans go to war. Grumblesticks has tricked them both into
thinking the other is responsible for their missing children.
8 When the PCs stay the night at a dwarven village or stronghold, it is
attacked by a rival clan. In the ensuing chaos, they catch a glimpse of
Grumblesticks stealing children.

Grumblesticks keeps most of her

belongings in the Grumblehut. These
possessions include:
◆◆ 1d4 random magical potions. None
of them are potions of healing (re-roll
that result), and Grumblesticks has
mostly forgotten that she has them.
◆◆ 1d6 small cages made of bronze.
They are enchanted so they cannot
be moved or otherwise affected by
dwarves (the most common prisoners
inside them, who thus cannot escape
unless Grumblesticks allows it). If the
bars are broken open (by those who
are not dwarves) they heat up, causing
The Grumblehut 1d6 damage to the inhabitant before
A small thatched hut with the body of they can be rescued.
a giant slug propelling it through the
◆◆ 3d6+6 different clubs. None of them
are magical but most of them have
AC 3 [16], HD 12* (54hp), Att 1 × crush spikes. There is always a grisly weapon
(1d10), THAC0 10 [+9], MV 30’ (10’), at hand inside the Grumblehut.
SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12), ML 12, AL ◆◆ A collection of alchemical powders
Chaotic, XP 1,900, NA 1, TT F. and potions, which are mostly useless
to others, unless they have been
▶▶ Damage immunity: Unharmed by
trained by Grumblesticks. Dumping
non-magical weapons.
them out and mixing them together
▶▶ Living house: Attacking the house has a 50/50 chance of producing an
from inside it does not require an explosion that causes 1d12 damage to
attack roll. the Grumblehut and everyone inside
it (save vs. spells for half).
▶▶ Hostile interior: Can attack those
inside it, by shaking and shuddering, ◆◆ Numerous shrunken heads, mostly
or lashing out with walls, floors, and belonging to dwarves. Grumblesticks
furniture, causing 1d8 damage every either hated these enemies enough to
round (save vs. breath weapon for keep their heads, or just finds them
half) to a single target. comically amusing.
▶▶ Interplanar travel: Knows where ◆◆ Several rare butterfly specimens,
it can cross over into the Land of pinned to black velvet in wooden
Faerie, and may take intruders there. boxes with glass lids. These are worth
100gp to another lepidopterist.
▶▶ Salt vulnerability: Cannot cross a line
of salt thicker than a person’s hand. ◆◆ A small collection of bones, mostly
those of dwarves, that she plans to
▶▶ Trail of slime: Can be tracked by the
make soup from later.
slime it leaves in its wake, which
lasts for up to a few days before ◆◆ Treasure type F, as noted in the stat
breaking down. block.

The Wyrm even remotely human, or independent in

And yet another minion follows its thinking. It is but a temporary piece
Grumblesticks as she stalks the forest of a larger, deeply malevolent whole.
for prey. It is a nightmare creature made This does not bother Grumblesticks
from the fear that she inspires—a fear at all. What are nightmares to her? She is
that she has learned to summon to this a creature of the fey wilds, always clothed
world in solid form. All the exaggerated in the stuff of dreams. Nightmares cannot
imaginings of her foes, all the ridiculous truly touch her heart, and she can easily
expectations they have of her, become tame them and use them to further her
flesh and blood when she calls upon the own ends—especially those nightmares
Grumblewyrm. And this foul centipig she herself has inspired
is more than eager to alight upon the
material plane and massacre the dwarves Impressions
at her behest. ◆◆ A horrible squealing that sets one’s
As unlucky as you are to come across teeth on edge. It gets louder the more
that foul, porcine witch by day (or her damage the Grumblewyrm suffers.
mobile slug of a home), you must still ◆◆ A sound like many snakes slithering
count yourself less ill-fated than those through dried leaves, but louder and
who meet her in the dark. For like all more ominous.
nightmares, the wyrm she calls from ◆◆ The stink of rancid pork, dried sweat,
the outer darkness is not a creature of and fresh blood.
the light. Imagine, then, the terror of
dwarven children, upon seeing the sun
dip low on the horizon, knowing soon The Grumblewyrm
the way is paved for the Grumblewyrm A gigantic centipede, as thick as a
to return. person, but made out of pig. Rancid
For it always does. No matter how saliva drips from its jaws, spattering its
many times you kill the Grumblewyrm, serpentine body.
it always comes back. Grumblesticks
can bring it back from the realm of AC 7 [12], HD 6* (27hp), Att 2 × gore
nightmares the very next night, just as (1d10 + infection), THAC0 14 [+5],
she does every night. For even if the MV 150’ (50’), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10
Grumblewyrm is not killed by some (12), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 500, NA 1,
brave adventurers, it cannot stand the TT None.
touch of sunlight and must perish at the
▶▶ Infection: When gored, target must
light of dawn. Even sunlight created by
save vs. poison or be infected by
magic will destroy it instantly, leaving
rancid saliva and unable to heal for
not a trace behind save for the injured,
1d6 days. Each subsequent gore
dead, and dying.
attack followed by a failed save adds
But what does death mean to the
1d6 days to this duration.
Grumblewyrm? Next to nothing, for it
is not alive. Can it even perceive its own ▶▶ Nightmare: Destroyed by sunlight.
destruction? It is merely just a scrap of
▶▶ Damage immunity: Can only be
nightmare, after all, sent to the material
harmed by magical attacks.
plane to perform its purpose, then
whither away like water evaporating. It is ▶▶ Resistances: Immune to cold and
made of the fears of dwarves, and though frost, disease, poison, and mental
it has something like intelligence, it is not effects (charm, hold, sleep, etc).

A natural border between kingdoms and ▶▶ Hearthflowers are worth 1d6 × 100gp
empires, the forest is also home to fell each when sold to anyone who
beasts and hostile, inhuman creatures. knows what they are.
Even as civilized folk push it back along
the edges, building towns and villages ▶▶ Each hearthflower can be used in
along its rivers, they still call it haunted. place of 1,000gp when creating
Tales abound of ghosts and witches, scrolls or potions. The required
and the worship of foul man-eating creation time is cut in half if any
monsters. Even demons walk beneath hearthflowers are used.
the treetops in the night, they say.
But there are treasures lurking in its
depths as well—gold and jewels buried Serpent-Headed Monkey
in tangled roots, or the ruins of a wizard’s A giant purple monkey with seven
tower, still full of sorcerous wonders. eyeless snakes instead of a head.
There are even treasures untouched by
the hands of men, merely growing wild! AC 5 [14], HD 7* (31hp), Att 1 × grab
The hearthflower is one such treasure. (steal or grapple), 1 × bite (1d6 and
For centuries there have been tales of poison), THAC0 13 [+6], MV 150’ (50’),
the hearthflower, so called because the SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7), ML 10,
King of Hell has stacks of them in his AL Chaotic, XP 850, NA 1 (1d8),
fireplace in lieu of flames. Or perhaps TT None (2d4 hearthflowers in a lair).
it is the Witch-Lord of the Abyss who
▶▶ Grab: If a grab attack hits, the
does that, or the Ghost Queen of the
serpent-headed monkey either steals
Shadowlands. You know how stories
a piece of equipment or grapples,
change and multiply. Some would say
meaning subsequent bite attacks
these flowers are easy to find, as they
automatically hit. Save vs. paralysis
glow with a soft, golden light. But no.
to get free.
They are exceedingly rare.
How many foolhardy explorers have ▶▶ Poisonous bite: If a bite attack hits,
lost their way between these trees? How target must save vs. death or take
many callous freebooters fell to savage 1 damage each round for the next
urges beneath these leaves? Too many to 2d6 rounds. Each bite causes
count! And all for the lust of riches. But damage separately.
if these treasures merely lay upon the
▶▶ Kidnapping: May drag a grappled
ground unguarded, who would ever go
target with them into the woods
missing in these woods? There is more to
if a morale test is failed. After
fear in this haunted forest than the odd
2d4 rounds of running, another
wolf or bear.
1d6 serpent-headed monkeys are
For the hearthflowers only grow in
encountered. Pursuers and the one
the deepest depths of the forest, where
kidnapped become lost unless they
they can put down vast roots. And while
already know the terrain.
they might look like some kind of flower,
they are more like fruit, relying on ▶▶ Eyeless: Navigates by sensing
serpents to spread their seeds. But not life energy and using psychic
only snakes that crawl upon the ground. echolocation. Not fooled by
The places where they grow are also invisibility. Cannot be blinded or
claimed by the serpent-headed monkey, deafened. Immune to illusions,
a viciously territorial beast. light-based magic, and lightning.
Enough people have met the mysterious escaping—or to push them into hazards,
masked highwayman, and been robbed which is how he usually ontains a body.
by him, that word has gotten out. While For there are limits to his powers.
there are some too ashamed to tell their He cannot leave the forest, and must
tale—and others who cannot, having wait until the statuette he seeks comes
been robbed of their very lives!—a few through, in the hands or luggage of
have earned back what they lost and a traveller. So far his search has been
more in free drinks from recounting fruitless, and whatever wealth he steals,
their experience to eager ears. he just throws away in disgust. Peasants
The scenario follows a predictable have gone out during the day and found
pattern. The road through the forest these discarded valuables. But some are
is blocked, and even though it grows too afraid to enter the woods, for they
dark, the carriage must halt. Then a know people who have gone missing,
figure approaches. He never speaks, only only to be found dead weeks or months
brandishes a golden idol, pointing at it, later by some adventurers who claim to
then at his victim. Those who refuse to have slain the Highway Haunter himself.
hand over their gold are cut down by And yet, always he returns.
his mighty sword. Those who flee are
held back by rays of light that emanate
from a glowing stone upon this villain’s The Highway Haunter
forehead. A swordsman dressed in the gold
The Highway Haunter was once a and purple of a long-forgotten cult,
thief who got lucky, or so he thought. Old brandishing a golden statuette.
clues, chanced upon while robbing an
alchemist’s library, led him to an ancient AC 7 [12], HD 6 (27hp), Att 1 × sword
shrine and a matched pair of golden (2d6) and tractor beam, THAC0 14 [+5],
statuettes—the idols of some forgotten MV 120’ (40’), SV D9 W10 P12 B14 S12
deities. But then he was betrayed by his (C5), ML 6, AL Chaotic, XP 275, NA 1,
partner, who made off with one of the TT Nil except for the golden statuette.
idols and left him dying in a ditch in the
▶▶ Golden statuette: Worth 1,000gp.
forest. What neither of them accounted
for was the arcane connection these idols ▶▶ Possessed: If killed, becomes an
have to the gods they depict. And how insubstantial ghost that can touch
much those gods want their idols back. nothing but the golden statuette.
Clothes and sword all disappear,
The Haunting leaving only the dead body of the
Now he is a ghost who cannot rest, possessed behind.
compelled to hunt down the missing idol
▶▶ Quest: Morale is 10 if a golden
that his former partner fenced for a tidy
statuette is actually located.
sum an age ago. Luckily, the Highway
Haunter has help in the form of divine ▶▶ Resistances: Immune to disease,
powers. He can possess a corpse and piercing weapons, and poisons. Half
use its body. And while he cannot make damage from slashing weapons.
it talk, the gods clothe this body in the
▶▶ Tractor Beam: One enemy must save
raiments of their priests and put a sword
vs. paralysis or be pulled 40’ closer
in its hand. They have even opened up
or into an existing hazard.
his third eye, from which he can project
a tractor beam to prevent his foes from ▶▶ Undead: Can be turned as a spectre.

There is no shortage of banditry in the

haunted forest, but some villains leave a The Murdered
trail of wreckage behind them. A coven of A body lanky and furred, with a horned
necromancers once made their hideout and painted mask.
among the ancient trees, perpetrating
a string of horrible murders before AC 5 [14], HD 2, Att 2 × claws (1d6)
their eventual downfall. They abducted or 1 × headbutt (1d10 + prone),
people from surrounding villages and MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13
sacrificed them, presumably in exchange S14 (4), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 20,
for magical power. But now the detritus NA 1d6, TT None.
of their vile deeds is scattered all across
▶▶ Boiling blood: If cut in close combat,
the woods.
attacker must save vs. paralysis or
The souls of those they murdered
be blinded for 1 round by a gout of
have returned in the form of animalistic
boiling blood.
humanoids. Each bears a suffocating,
horned mask. This was the instrument ▶▶ Headbutt: Victim must save vs.
of their death, which the necromancers paralysis or be knocked prone and
removed before abandoning the corpses. be stunned for 1 round.
While the body rots away, the mask
▶▶ Surprise attacks: +6 to hit and +2
retains the ghost and uses it to power the
damage against surprised, prone, or
shaggy body that grows out of the mask
blinded foes.
to create this monstrous beast.
The last vestige of humanity left in ▶▶ Undead: Immune to disease,
these things is their tendency to decorate mind-related spells, and poison.
their masks. The rest of their habits are May be turned as a zombie.
beastly and belligerent. Originally, they
▶▶ Resistances: Immune to cold and
were used as guardians by their makers,
frost attacks. Half damage from
to keep their secrets hidden. Now
mundane weapons (except silver).
abandoned to their fate, these creations
must find their own purpose. Some still ▶▶ Vulnerabilities: Double damage from
lurk around the grounds once charged silver weapons.
to them, while others run wild through
▶▶ Leader: A group of 5+ Murdered
the trees. While they would never attack
includes one leader with 4 HD.
the ones who killed them—the magic
prevents it—any other humans are fair ▶▶ Masks: If killed, the body quickly rots
game for their bloodthirsty claws. For away, becoming little more than a
once they have risen from the grave, the tangled mess of hair, but the mask
Murdered becomes the murderer! remains, able to be used again.

Masks of Murder reveal these properties, but without such

Sacrificing a bound human while they information, a mask might very well
wear a mask is how the Murdered make its way into just about anyone’s
are created. Once separated from the curio collection, where they remain
creature, masks can be used again. They vulnerable to being stolen by enterprising
can also remain dormant, still full of wizards and necromancers, who may (if
ghosts, waiting to become one of the theft does not prove successful) agree to
Murdered again. Detect Magic will pay up to 1d6 × 100gp for each mask.

Rickard returned to the village of Exford troll that came blundering forth toward
at dusk, a flurry of screaming, tears, and them. Its belly was stretched and bloated
flailing limbs. He could not describe beyond belief but still it feasted on the
what he had seen, so Mordon rounded flesh of the slain.
up some lads and ventured out. They Again they thought of storybooks
took pitchforks and a lantern, but only and tall tales, for they recognized this
needed the latter. For what they found creature right away. It was the Ogentroll,
could not be killed with iron. a man-eating monster so gluttonous it
The river crept slowly between the gorges until it pukes. A thing of myth
trees, glistening a sickly reddish orange. and legend, now as real as the sun in the
Human shapes writhed inside of it, sky above them. As they stood, agape,
wailing and gnashing their teeth like they heard the infernal belch thundering
parodies of storybook spectres. The men up from its crimson gullet—and then the
all recognized people they knew—from rivers came. A cascade of sickening gore
the village of Kruzvale, right next door. streamed toward them, just as haunted
At first light, they set out to see their by the ghosts of this village as the last
neighbours, but of course they were too river of vomit they had found the night
late. They found the village completely before.
deserted, save for the ratty, long-haired
Bad Climber
Because the Ogentroll is good at getting
Ogentroll its claws into wood, and climbing over
houses to ambush people, it thinks it is
AC 4 [15], HD 6+6* (33hp), Att 2 × fists good at climbing anything. It is not. It
(2d6), THAC0 13 [+6], MV 150’ (50’), cannot negotiate ladders, ropes, or vines.
SV D9 W10 P12 B14 S12 (C6), ML 6, Even low stone walls will keep it busy
AL Chaotic, XP 650, NA 1, TT B. for hours, and it can find a way to fall
out of any kind of tree. It never learns,
▶▶ Rage: Always hostile to humans.
either, it just smells that sweet flesh and
After losing half hp, gains a third fist
its stomach forces it ever onward.
attack if Morale test succeeds.
▶▶ Regeneration: 3 rounds after being
damaged, start regaining 4hp per Haunted River of Vomit
round. Severed limbs reattach. A 40’ long, 5’ wide, river of bloody
vomit, with ghosts inside of it.
▶▶ Return from death: If killed (0hp),
will regenerate and fight again in AC 9 [10], HD 4* (18hp), Att None,
2d6 rounds. THAC0 16 [+3], MV 30’ (10’), SV D10
▶▶ Fire and acid: Cannot regenerate W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 12, AL
damage from these sources. The Chaotic, XP 125, NA 1, TT None.
only way to permanently kill the
▶▶ Harmful: Touch causes 1d4 damage
per round (no attack roll needed).
▶▶ Surprise: On a 1-4 at night.
▶▶ Undead: Immune to all damage
▶▶ Vomit: Instead of attacking, may except alkalides, desiccation,
produce a river of haunted vomit up lightning, and magic. Immune to
to twice per day. Always does this mind-affecting or mind-reading
first if enemies are surprised. spells. Can be turned as a wraith.

When the magic of the shadow world that grow here replace their flesh and
spills out into the lands of the living, the take up their arms to fight again.
souls of the dead do not rest easy. And A slain man’s sword, or a mauled
when the chaotic magic of mutation is maiden’s shield, both left lying in the
soon after let loose upon that very same weeds to rust. But now they find their way
ground, life can grow, like a shadow, in into flowering hands of bark and green.
the shape of those who pass on. Thus it is Like ghosts, they continue a quest to
with the plant ghosts. find some worthy treasure. But how can
What is to becomes of those creeping a plant know what gold and gemstones
vines—the wooden trunks, the leafy are? How can its mindless stalks achieve
boughs—now infused with arcane what human hands cannot?
power? Drunk on the blood of ghosts, The plant ghosts do not know what
they mock all the ways of the living. it means to loot a dungeon for treasure,
But which ghosts are their inspiration? not really. But they do know how to
The people who die here came for fight, and fight they do. Each time they
treasure, for “adventure.” As their ghosts cut someone down, another one of them
gnash and wail at the injustice of being rises. How long will it be before the forest
murdered in this awful forest, the plants is full of such abominations?

Battleseeker ▶▶ Dangerous: Driven by the ghostly

remnants of some martial
AC 5 [14], HD 4 (18hp), Att 1 × weapon, adventurer, a battleseeker plant
THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), ghost initiates combat as soon as
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 12, it senses other moving creatures
AL Chaotic, XP 75, NA 1 (1d4+1), TT U. within charging range. Each round,
roll 1d8 to determine its actions:
▶▶ Possessed plant: Double damage
from desiccation effects, fire and
1d8 Battleseeker Combat Actions
heat, and lightning.
1 Attacks the creature that
▶▶ Partly undead: Half damage and
looks the least human.
effect from disease and poisons.
Immune to emotions and mind 2 Attacks the largest creature,
control. Can be turned as a wraith. dead or alive.
▶▶ Armed: Roll 1d8 to determine a 3 Attacks the nearest creature,
battleseeker’s weapons: dead or alive.
4 Attacks the least well-armed
1d8 Weapons Damage
creature still moving.
1 Axe (or halberd). 1d6
5 Attacks the most armoured
2 Morning star. 1d6 creature still moving.
3-5 Sword and shield. 1d8 6-7 Continues attacking its last
target, or waves its weapon
6 Two-handed spear. 1d8
7 Two-handed sword. 1d10
8 Turns and flees from the
8 Warhammer. 1d6 scene of battle entirely.
Deceiver Plant Destroyed Plant Ghost
Looks just like a battleseeker, but now When a plant ghost is killed (0hp) but
that its ghost is nearly faded, the plant not burned or otherwise destroyed, it
parts of its body are ready to pollenate. can still grow again, and even retain
some reflexive memories of its former
AC 9 [10], HD ½ (2 hp), Att 1 × ram ghost.
(1 damage), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 90’
(30’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), AC 9 [10], HD ½ (2 hp), Att 1 × grab
ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 5, NA 1 (1d4+1), (1 damage), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 0’ (0’),
TT None. SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 12,
AL Chaotic, XP 5, NA 1, TT None.
▶▶ Pollen cloud: Produces a choking
cloud of pollen that covers a 30’ ▶▶ Grasping vine: Attacks those who
radius around it if a living creature touch it or walk past it by grabbing
larger than a cat moves within and squeezing.
20’. Each round for 1 turn, any
▶▶ Plant: No mind or consciousness.
living creature within the cloud
who breathes must save vs. breath
weapon or suffer 1d4 damage.
▶▶ Death: If a deceiver plant is killed Murdercreeper
(0hp) before it can produce a cloud The ghost of some deadly assassin—or
of pollen from creatures coming too just a mad killer—pushes this woody
close, it exudes one as it dies, but figure made of vines to attack the living.
the radius is only 20’.
AC 7 [12], HD 5 (23hp), Att 1 × dagger
▶▶ Armed: Can only attack by ramming (1d6+1), THAC0 13 [+4], MV 150’ (50’),
into enemies (and exuding pollen), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 12,
but is still armed. Roll 1d8 to AL Chaotic, XP 275, NA 1 (1d4+1),
determine each deceiver plant’s TT None.
weapon, which has definitely seen
better days and is now almost ▶▶ Possessed plant: Double damage
certainly useless: from desiccation effects, fire and
heat, and lightning.
1d8 Weapons
▶▶ Partly undead: Half damage and
1 Axe handle. effect from disease and poisons.
Immune to emotions and mind
2 Bent or broken pole arm.
control. Can be turned as a wraith.
3-4 Chipped warhammer.
▶▶ Surprise: On a 1-4, due to stealth.
5 Length of chain. Possessed by the ghost of an
6-8 Rusty sword.
▶▶ Single target: Is always hostile and
▶▶ Alternate appearance: A group of initiates combat as soon as possible.
3+ deceiver plants will include one When encountered by a group,
that resembles a murdercreeper or a attacks one random target until they
spelldropper (equal chance of each), die or multiple foes fight back. Then
but acts no different from the other flees to safety in order to return
deceiver plants. immediately and attack again.
Spelldropper 1d20 Spell Effects
Like a tree drops fruit, this arcane
7 Confusion, as 4th level Magic
mass of vegetation tosses spells at its
User spell.
enemies. But the spells that wizards
know so well are not the only magics 8 Darkness, as reverse of Light,
that leak out into this world through it. 1st level spell. Casts 2 spell
effects next round.
AC 7 [12], HD 2 (9hp), Att None (casts
1 spell per round), THAC0 18 [+1], 9 Droplets of blood, oil, rotten
MV 90’ (30’), SV D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 juice, or sap fall from the
(M2), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 20, sky within a 100’ radius.
NA 1 (1d4+1), TT None. The spelldropper ignores all
damage from the next attack.
▶▶ Possessed plant: Double damage
10 Fire Ball or Lightning Bolt, as
from desiccation effects, fire and
3rd level Magic User spells.
heat, and lightning.
Equal chance of either.
▶▶ Partly undead: Half damage and
11 Hold Person, as 2nd level
effect from disease and poisons.
Cleric spell, or Hold Monster,
Immune to emotions and mind
as 5th level Magic User spell,
control. Can be turned as a wraith.
depending on target.
▶▶ Spells: Is always hostile. When
12 Insect Plague, as 5th level
encountered, immediately begins
Cleric spell.
casting spells at random living
targets. Each round, roll 1d20 to 13 Light, as 1st level spell, cast
determine what the effect is: on the target’s eyes.
14 Magic Missile, as 1st level
1d20 Spell Effects
Magic User spell, but cast
1 Acid spray, 30’ long and 5’ as if 6th level (three missiles
wide. Those it touches suffer against random targets).
1d12 damage.
15 Ray of frost, one target within
2 Blight, as reverse of Bless, 2nd 90’ suffers 2d4 cold damage
level Cleric spell. (save vs. spells for half).
3 Cause Disease, as reverse of 16 Silence 15’ Radius, as 2nd
Cure Disease, 3rd level Cleric level Cleric spell. Will always
spell. target a spellcaster, if any are
4 Cause Fear, as reverse of
Remove Fear, 1st level Cleric 17 Wall of Fire or Wall of Ice, as
spell. 4th level Magic User spells
Equal chance of either.
5 Causes 2d6 targets to save vs.
paralysis or immediately fall 18 Web, as 2nd level Magic User
prone and suffer 1 point of spell.
19-20 Two spell effects at once,
6 Cloud of pollen, as deceiver instead of only one. Roll again
plant. twice, ignoring this result.

A certain someone has returned to her refresh their own personal reservoirs of
favourite part of the haunted forest. But, magical power. They can take decades
lo and behold, strangers moved in while to complete a single trip, leaving their
she was gone! This will not do, no no no. fstomping grounds open for others to
There’s nothing for it but to burn their use in the meantime. But the skoftrolls
farms and feast upon their guts. are not the kind of creatures to tolerate
Though the skoftrolls live in forests all such squatters when they return.
over, they also make regular pilgrimages
to the icy glaciers of the far north, where Tactics
they drink from an arcane fountain, to To get rid of farmers in her territory, the
skoftroll attacks them at night, when she
can see and they cannot. Her birds act as
Skoftroll scouts for her, but to most other animals,
she is just a tree, and no cause for alarm.
AC 3 [16], HD 8** (36hp), Att 2 × claws Once she has slain the settlers in their
(1d8) and 1 spell, THAC0 12 [+7], sleep, she sets their farms ablaze. When
MV 120’ (40’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 the forest needs to be cleansed so new
(8), ML 7, AL Chaotic, XP 1,750, growth can occur, fire does the job. So
NA 1 + swarm of birds, TT D. too will it cleanse the forest here. Farm
animals are either let loose or devoured
▶▶ Regeneration: 2 rounds after being
along with the humans. The skoftroll is
damaged, starts regaining 4hp per
greedy for the meat of internal organs,
round. Severed limbs reattach.
but eats little else.
▶▶ Return from death: If killed (0hp), If she is being hunted by adventurers,
will regenerate and continue to fight she stalks them at night preferring to
again in 1d8 rounds. ambush them one by one, scurrying
back into the trees if others are alerted.
▶▶ Fire and Acid: Cannot regenerate
Her birds try to swarm an intruder right
damage from these sources and may
before she strikes, hindering attempts to
be killed permanently by them.
defend or counterattack.
▶▶ Cold: Immune to cold, frost-based
effects, and piercing weapons.
▶▶ Dry: Double damage from
Swarm of Birds
Two red-eyed birds per hit point, they
desiccation effects and drowning.
count as a single monster.
▶▶ Nocturnal: Cannot move during the
day, takes the form of a normal tree. AC 6 [13], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 x pecking
Can only fight if attacked. Guarded (1d6), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 240’ (80’)
by a swarm of birds. flying, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2),
ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 15, NA 1 swarm
▶▶ Stealth: In a forest, has all the (2 birds per hp), TT None.
abilities of a 4th level thief.
▶▶ Confusion: The target of a pecking
▶▶ Spells: May cast each of the
attack must save vs. paralysis or take
following once per: Dispel Magic,
-2 to attack rolls and saving throws
Growth of Animals, Growth of Plants,
next round.
Knock, Locate Object, Purify Food and
Water, Snake Charm, and Sticks to ▶▶ Surprise: On a 1-4. They are just
Snakes. birds, after all.
Index of monsters in this volume, by Hit Dice:

½ HD 4 HD
Deceiver plant, 40. Battleseeker, 39.
Destroyed plant ghost, 40. Birdman leader, 9.
Flower goblins, 11. Giantslayers, 16.
Haunted river of vomit, 37.

1 HD
Alchemical plant mutant, 2. 5 HD
Alchemist gardeners, 12. Beastflowers, 12.
Caustic vines, 4. Brambelf, 6.
Flower goblin fighters, 13. Murdercreeper, 40.
Forest dwarves, 14.
Poison roots, 4.
Quartzhammer merchants, 19. 6 HD
Swarm of birds, 42. Grumblesticks, 24.
Tangle of thorny vines, 6. The Grumblewyrm, 29.
The Highway Haunter, 32.
The Ogentroll, 37.
2 HD
Birdmen, 9.
Hog riders, 17. 7 HD
Merchant guards, 21. Serpent-headed monkey, 31.
Mining horses, 21.
The Murdered, 35.
Spelldropper, 41. 8 HD
The Skoftroll, 42.

3 HD
Birdman outcast, 9. 12 HD
Bubblehorn flower, 4. The Grumblehut, 27.
Flower goblin leader, 13.
War hogs, 17.
War summoners, 13.

Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome.

The trademark and Old-School Essentials logo are used with
permission of Necrotic Gnome, under license.
In the depths of the haunted forest, more
than just ghosts await you. Dwarves and
goblins compete with trolls and mutants
for control of the woodlands.

A Chthonstone Games monster manual.

Written by Johnstone Metzger.
Illustrated by Nathan Jones.
Requires Old-School Essentials to play.

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